{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Prompt -- Copyright : (C) 2007 Andrea Rossato -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Spencer Janssen -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A module for writing graphical prompts for XMonad -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Prompt ( -- * Usage -- $usage mkXPrompt , mkXPromptWithReturn , amberXPConfig , defaultXPConfig , greenXPConfig , XPType (..) , XPPosition (..) , XPConfig (..) , XPrompt (..) , XP , defaultXPKeymap , quit , killBefore, killAfter, startOfLine, endOfLine , pasteString, moveCursor , setInput, getInput , moveWord, killWord, deleteString , moveHistory, setSuccess, setDone , Direction1D(..) , ComplFunction -- * X Utilities -- $xutils , mkUnmanagedWindow , fillDrawable -- * Other Utilities -- $utils , mkComplFunFromList , mkComplFunFromList' -- * @nextCompletion@ implementations , getNextOfLastWord , getNextCompletion -- * List utilities , getLastWord , skipLastWord , splitInSubListsAt , breakAtSpace , uniqSort , decodeInput , encodeOutput , historyCompletion , historyCompletionP -- * History filters , deleteAllDuplicates , deleteConsecutive , HistoryMatches , initMatches , historyUpMatching , historyDownMatching ) where import Prelude hiding (catch) import XMonad hiding (config, cleanMask) import qualified XMonad as X (numberlockMask) import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W import XMonad.Util.Font import XMonad.Util.Types import XMonad.Util.XSelection (getSelection) import XMonad.Util.XUtils (fi) import Control.Arrow ((&&&),first) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Data.Char import Data.Bits import Data.Maybe import Data.List import Data.IORef import Data.Set (fromList, toList) import System.Directory import System.IO import System.Posix.Files import Control.Exception.Extensible hiding (handle) import qualified Data.Map as M -- $usage -- For usage examples see "XMonad.Prompt.Shell", -- "XMonad.Prompt.XMonad" or "XMonad.Prompt.Ssh" -- -- TODO: -- -- * scrolling the completions that don't fit in the window (?) type XP = StateT XPState IO data XPState = XPS { dpy :: Display , rootw :: !Window , win :: !Window , screen :: !Rectangle , complWin :: Maybe Window , complWinDim :: Maybe ComplWindowDim , completionFunction :: String -> IO [String] , showComplWin :: Bool , gcon :: !GC , fontS :: !XMonadFont , xptype :: !XPType , commandHistory :: W.Stack String , offset :: !Int , config :: XPConfig , successful :: Bool , numlockMask :: KeyMask , done :: Bool } data XPConfig = XPC { font :: String -- ^ Font , bgColor :: String -- ^ Background color , fgColor :: String -- ^ Font color , fgHLight :: String -- ^ Font color of a highlighted completion entry , bgHLight :: String -- ^ Background color of a highlighted completion entry , borderColor :: String -- ^ Border color , promptBorderWidth :: !Dimension -- ^ Border width , position :: XPPosition -- ^ Position: 'Top' or 'Bottom' , height :: !Dimension -- ^ Window height , historySize :: !Int -- ^ The number of history entries to be saved , historyFilter :: [String] -> [String] -- ^ a filter to determine which -- history entries to remember , promptKeymap :: M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (XP ()) -- ^ Mapping from key combinations to actions , completionKey :: KeySym -- ^ Key that should trigger completion , defaultText :: String -- ^ The text by default in the prompt line , autoComplete :: Maybe Int -- ^ Just x: if only one completion remains, auto-select it, , showCompletionOnTab :: Bool -- ^ Only show list of completions when Tab was pressed -- and delay by x microseconds , searchPredicate :: String -> String -> Bool -- ^ Given the typed string and a possible -- completion, is the completion valid? } data XPType = forall p . XPrompt p => XPT p instance Show XPType where show (XPT p) = showXPrompt p instance XPrompt XPType where showXPrompt = show nextCompletion (XPT t) = nextCompletion t commandToComplete (XPT t) = commandToComplete t completionToCommand (XPT t) = completionToCommand t -- | The class prompt types must be an instance of. In order to -- create a prompt you need to create a data type, without parameters, -- and make it an instance of this class, by implementing a simple -- method, 'showXPrompt', which will be used to print the string to be -- displayed in the command line window. -- -- This is an example of a XPrompt instance definition: -- -- > instance XPrompt Shell where -- > showXPrompt Shell = "Run: " class XPrompt t where -- | This method is used to print the string to be -- displayed in the command line window. showXPrompt :: t -> String -- | This method is used to generate the next completion to be -- printed in the command line when tab is pressed, given the -- string presently in the command line and the list of -- completion. nextCompletion :: t -> String -> [String] -> String nextCompletion = getNextOfLastWord -- | This method is used to generate the string to be passed to -- the completion function. commandToComplete :: t -> String -> String commandToComplete _ = getLastWord -- | This method is used to process each completion in order to -- generate the string that will be compared with the command -- presently displayed in the command line. If the prompt is using -- 'getNextOfLastWord' for implementing 'nextCompletion' (the -- default implementation), this method is also used to generate, -- from the returned completion, the string that will form the -- next command line when tab is pressed. completionToCommand :: t -> String -> String completionToCommand _ c = c data XPPosition = Top | Bottom deriving (Show,Read) amberXPConfig, defaultXPConfig, greenXPConfig :: XPConfig defaultXPConfig = XPC { font = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" , bgColor = "grey22" , fgColor = "grey80" , fgHLight = "black" , bgHLight = "grey" , borderColor = "white" , promptBorderWidth = 1 , promptKeymap = defaultXPKeymap , completionKey = xK_Tab , position = Bottom , height = 18 , historySize = 256 , historyFilter = id , defaultText = [] , autoComplete = Nothing , showCompletionOnTab = False , searchPredicate = isPrefixOf } greenXPConfig = defaultXPConfig { fgColor = "green", bgColor = "black" } amberXPConfig = defaultXPConfig { fgColor = "#ca8f2d", bgColor = "black", fgHLight = "#eaaf4c" } type ComplFunction = String -> IO [String] initState :: XPrompt p => Display -> Window -> Window -> Rectangle -> ComplFunction -> GC -> XMonadFont -> p -> [String] -> XPConfig -> KeyMask -> XPState initState d rw w s compl gc fonts pt h c nm = XPS { dpy = d , rootw = rw , win = w , screen = s , complWin = Nothing , complWinDim = Nothing , completionFunction = compl , showComplWin = not (showCompletionOnTab c) , gcon = gc , fontS = fonts , xptype = XPT pt , commandHistory = W.Stack { W.focus = defaultText c , W.up = [] , W.down = h } , offset = length (defaultText c) , config = c , successful = False , done = False , numlockMask = nm } -- this would be much easier with functional references command :: XPState -> String command = W.focus . commandHistory setCommand :: String -> XPState -> XPState setCommand xs s = s { commandHistory = (commandHistory s) { W.focus = xs }} -- | Sets the input string to the given value. setInput :: String -> XP () setInput = modify . setCommand -- | Returns the current input string. Intented for use in custom keymaps -- where the 'get' or similar can't be used to retrieve it. getInput :: XP String getInput = gets command -- | Same as 'mkXPrompt', except that the action function can have -- type @String -> X a@, for any @a@, and the final action returned -- by 'mkXPromptWithReturn' will have type @X (Maybe a)@. @Nothing@ -- is yielded if the user cancels the prompt (by e.g. hitting Esc or -- Ctrl-G). For an example of use, see the 'XMonad.Prompt.Input' -- module. mkXPromptWithReturn :: XPrompt p => p -> XPConfig -> ComplFunction -> (String -> X a) -> X (Maybe a) mkXPromptWithReturn t conf compl action = do XConf { display = d, theRoot = rw } <- ask s <- gets $ screenRect . W.screenDetail . W.current . windowset hist <- io readHistory w <- io $ createWin d rw conf s io $ selectInput d w $ exposureMask .|. keyPressMask gc <- io $ createGC d w io $ setGraphicsExposures d gc False fs <- initXMF (font conf) numlock <- gets $ X.numberlockMask let hs = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup (showXPrompt t) hist st = initState d rw w s compl gc fs (XPT t) hs conf numlock st' <- io $ execStateT runXP st releaseXMF fs io $ freeGC d gc if successful st' then do io $ writeHistory $ M.insertWith (\xs ys -> take (historySize conf) . historyFilter conf $ xs ++ ys) (showXPrompt t) (historyFilter conf [command st']) hist -- we need to apply historyFilter before as well, since -- otherwise the filter would not be applied if -- there is no history Just <$> action (command st') else return Nothing -- | Creates a prompt given: -- -- * a prompt type, instance of the 'XPrompt' class. -- -- * a prompt configuration ('defaultXPConfig' can be used as a -- starting point) -- -- * a completion function ('mkComplFunFromList' can be used to -- create a completions function given a list of possible completions) -- -- * an action to be run: the action must take a string and return 'XMonad.X' () mkXPrompt :: XPrompt p => p -> XPConfig -> ComplFunction -> (String -> X ()) -> X () mkXPrompt t conf compl action = mkXPromptWithReturn t conf compl action >> return () runXP :: XP () runXP = do (d,w) <- gets (dpy &&& win) status <- io $ grabKeyboard d w True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync currentTime when (status == grabSuccess) $ do updateWindows eventLoop handle io $ ungrabKeyboard d currentTime io $ destroyWindow d w destroyComplWin io $ sync d False type KeyStroke = (KeySym, String) eventLoop :: (KeyStroke -> Event -> XP ()) -> XP () eventLoop action = do d <- gets dpy (keysym,string,event) <- io $ allocaXEvent $ \e -> do maskEvent d (exposureMask .|. keyPressMask) e ev <- getEvent e (ks,s) <- if ev_event_type ev == keyPress then lookupString $ asKeyEvent e else return (Nothing, "") return (ks,s,ev) action (fromMaybe xK_VoidSymbol keysym,string) event gets done >>= flip unless (eventLoop handle) -- | Removes numlock and capslock from a keymask. -- Duplicate of cleanMask from core, but in the -- XP monad instead of X. cleanMask :: KeyMask -> XP KeyMask cleanMask msk = do numlock <- gets numlockMask let highMasks = 1 `shiftL` 12 - 1 return (complement (numlock .|. lockMask) .&. msk .&. highMasks) -- Main event handler handle :: KeyStroke -> Event -> XP () handle ks@(sym,_) e@(KeyEvent {ev_event_type = t, ev_state = m}) = do complKey <- gets $ completionKey . config c <- getCompletions when (length c > 1) $ modify (\s -> s { showComplWin = True }) if complKey == sym then completionHandle c ks e else when (t == keyPress) $ keyPressHandle m ks handle _ (ExposeEvent {ev_window = w}) = do st <- get when (win st == w) updateWindows handle _ _ = return () -- completion event handler completionHandle :: [String] -> KeyStroke -> Event -> XP () completionHandle c ks@(sym,_) (KeyEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_state = m }) = do complKey <- gets $ completionKey . config case () of () | t == keyPress && sym == complKey -> do st <- get let updateState l = let new_command = nextCompletion (xptype st) (command st) l in modify $ \s -> setCommand new_command $ s { offset = length new_command } updateWins l = redrawWindows l >> eventLoop (completionHandle l) case c of [] -> updateWindows >> eventLoop handle [x] -> updateState [x] >> getCompletions >>= updateWins l -> updateState l >> updateWins l | t == keyRelease && sym == complKey -> eventLoop (completionHandle c) | otherwise -> keyPressHandle m ks -- some other key, handle it normally -- some other event: go back to main loop completionHandle _ k e = handle k e tryAutoComplete :: XP Bool tryAutoComplete = do ac <- gets (autoComplete . config) case ac of Just d -> do cs <- getCompletions case cs of [c] -> runCompleted c d >> return True _ -> return False Nothing -> return False where runCompleted cmd delay = do st <- get let new_command = nextCompletion (xptype st) (command st) [cmd] modify $ setCommand "autocompleting..." updateWindows io $ threadDelay delay modify $ setCommand new_command return True -- KeyPresses defaultXPKeymap :: M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (XP ()) defaultXPKeymap = M.fromList $ map (first $ (,) controlMask) -- control + [ (xK_u, killBefore) , (xK_k, killAfter) , (xK_a, startOfLine) , (xK_e, endOfLine) , (xK_y, pasteString) , (xK_Right, moveWord Next) , (xK_Left, moveWord Prev) , (xK_Delete, killWord Next) , (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) , (xK_w, killWord Prev) , (xK_g, quit) , (xK_bracketleft, quit) ] ++ map (first $ (,) 0) [ (xK_Return, setSuccess True >> setDone True) , (xK_KP_Enter, setSuccess True >> setDone True) , (xK_BackSpace, deleteString Prev) , (xK_Delete, deleteString Next) , (xK_Left, moveCursor Prev) , (xK_Right, moveCursor Next) , (xK_Home, startOfLine) , (xK_End, endOfLine) , (xK_Down, moveHistory W.focusUp') , (xK_Up, moveHistory W.focusDown') , (xK_Escape, quit) ] keyPressHandle :: KeyMask -> KeyStroke -> XP () keyPressHandle m (ks,str) = do km <- gets (promptKeymap . config) mask <- cleanMask m case M.lookup (mask,ks) km of Just action -> action >> updateWindows Nothing -> case str of "" -> eventLoop handle _ -> when (mask .&. controlMask == 0) $ do insertString (decodeInput str) updateWindows completed <- tryAutoComplete when completed $ setSuccess True >> setDone True setSuccess :: Bool -> XP () setSuccess b = modify $ \s -> s { successful = b } setDone :: Bool -> XP () setDone b = modify $ \s -> s { done = b } -- KeyPress and State -- | Quit. quit :: XP () quit = flushString >> setSuccess False >> setDone True -- | Kill the portion of the command before the cursor killBefore :: XP () killBefore = modify $ \s -> setCommand (drop (offset s) (command s)) $ s { offset = 0 } -- | Kill the portion of the command including and after the cursor killAfter :: XP () killAfter = modify $ \s -> setCommand (take (offset s) (command s)) s -- | Kill the next\/previous word killWord :: Direction1D -> XP () killWord d = do o <- gets offset c <- gets command let (f,ss) = splitAt o c delNextWord w = case w of ' ':x -> x word -> snd . break isSpace $ word delPrevWord = reverse . delNextWord . reverse (ncom,noff) = case d of Next -> (f ++ delNextWord ss, o) Prev -> (delPrevWord f ++ ss, length $ delPrevWord f) -- laziness!! modify $ \s -> setCommand ncom $ s { offset = noff} -- | Put the cursor at the end of line endOfLine :: XP () endOfLine = modify $ \s -> s { offset = length (command s)} -- | Put the cursor at the start of line startOfLine :: XP () startOfLine = modify $ \s -> s { offset = 0 } -- | Flush the command string and reset the offset flushString :: XP () flushString = modify $ \s -> setCommand "" $ s { offset = 0} -- | Insert a character at the cursor position insertString :: String -> XP () insertString str = modify $ \s -> setCommand (c (command s) (offset s)) $ s { offset = o (offset s)} where o oo = oo + length str c oc oo | oo >= length oc = oc ++ str | otherwise = f ++ str ++ ss where (f,ss) = splitAt oo oc -- | Insert the current X selection string at the cursor position. pasteString :: XP () pasteString = join $ io $ liftM insertString getSelection -- | Remove a character at the cursor position deleteString :: Direction1D -> XP () deleteString d = modify $ \s -> setCommand (c (command s) (offset s)) $ s { offset = o (offset s)} where o oo = if d == Prev then max 0 (oo - 1) else oo c oc oo | oo >= length oc && d == Prev = take (oo - 1) oc | oo < length oc && d == Prev = take (oo - 1) f ++ ss | oo < length oc && d == Next = f ++ tail ss | otherwise = oc where (f,ss) = splitAt oo oc -- | move the cursor one position moveCursor :: Direction1D -> XP () moveCursor d = modify $ \s -> s { offset = o (offset s) (command s)} where o oo c = if d == Prev then max 0 (oo - 1) else min (length c) (oo + 1) -- | move the cursor one word moveWord :: Direction1D -> XP () moveWord d = do c <- gets command o <- gets offset let (f,ss) = splitAt o c lenToS = length . fst . break isSpace ln p s = case p s of ' ':x -> 1 + lenToS x x -> lenToS x newoff = case d of Prev -> o - ln reverse f Next -> o + ln id ss modify $ \s -> s { offset = newoff } moveHistory :: (W.Stack String -> W.Stack String) -> XP () moveHistory f = modify $ \s -> let ch = f $ commandHistory s in s { commandHistory = ch , offset = length $ W.focus ch } -- X Stuff updateWindows :: XP () updateWindows = do d <- gets dpy drawWin c <- getCompletions case c of [] -> destroyComplWin >> return () l -> redrawComplWin l io $ sync d False redrawWindows :: [String] -> XP () redrawWindows c = do d <- gets dpy drawWin case c of [] -> return () l -> redrawComplWin l io $ sync d False createWin :: Display -> Window -> XPConfig -> Rectangle -> IO Window createWin d rw c s = do let (x,y) = case position c of Top -> (0,0) Bottom -> (0, rect_height s - height c) w <- mkUnmanagedWindow d (defaultScreenOfDisplay d) rw (rect_x s + x) (rect_y s + fi y) (rect_width s) (height c) mapWindow d w return w drawWin :: XP () drawWin = do st <- get let (c,(d,(w,gc))) = (config &&& dpy &&& win &&& gcon) st scr = defaultScreenOfDisplay d wh = widthOfScreen scr ht = height c bw = promptBorderWidth c Just bgcolor <- io $ initColor d (bgColor c) Just border <- io $ initColor d (borderColor c) p <- io $ createPixmap d w wh ht (defaultDepthOfScreen scr) io $ fillDrawable d p gc border bgcolor (fi bw) wh ht printPrompt p io $ copyArea d p w gc 0 0 wh ht 0 0 io $ freePixmap d p printPrompt :: Drawable -> XP () printPrompt drw = do st <- get let (gc,(c,(d,fs))) = (gcon &&& config &&& dpy &&& fontS) st (prt,(com,off)) = (show . xptype &&& command &&& offset) st str = prt ++ com -- break the string in 3 parts: till the cursor, the cursor and the rest (f,p,ss) = if off >= length com then (str, " ","") -- add a space: it will be our cursor ;-) else let (a,b) = (splitAt off com) in (prt ++ a, [head b], tail b) ht = height c fsl <- io $ textWidthXMF (dpy st) fs f psl <- io $ textWidthXMF (dpy st) fs p (asc,desc) <- io $ textExtentsXMF fs str let y = fi $ ((ht - fi (asc + desc)) `div` 2) + fi asc x = (asc + desc) `div` 2 let draw = printStringXMF d drw fs gc -- print the first part draw (fgColor c) (bgColor c) x y f -- reverse the colors and print the "cursor" ;-) draw (bgColor c) (fgColor c) (x + fromIntegral fsl) y p -- reverse the colors and print the rest of the string draw (fgColor c) (bgColor c) (x + fromIntegral (fsl + psl)) y ss -- Completions getCompletions :: XP [String] getCompletions = do s <- get io $ completionFunction s (commandToComplete (xptype s) (command s)) `catch` \(SomeException _) -> return [] setComplWin :: Window -> ComplWindowDim -> XP () setComplWin w wi = modify (\s -> s { complWin = Just w, complWinDim = Just wi }) destroyComplWin :: XP () destroyComplWin = do d <- gets dpy cw <- gets complWin case cw of Just w -> do io $ destroyWindow d w modify (\s -> s { complWin = Nothing, complWinDim = Nothing }) Nothing -> return () type ComplWindowDim = (Position,Position,Dimension,Dimension,Columns,Rows) type Rows = [Position] type Columns = [Position] createComplWin :: ComplWindowDim -> XP Window createComplWin wi@(x,y,wh,ht,_,_) = do st <- get let d = dpy st scr = defaultScreenOfDisplay d w <- io $ mkUnmanagedWindow d scr (rootw st) x y wh ht io $ mapWindow d w setComplWin w wi return w getComplWinDim :: [String] -> XP ComplWindowDim getComplWinDim compl = do st <- get let (c,(scr,fs)) = (config &&& screen &&& fontS) st wh = rect_width scr ht = height c tws <- mapM (textWidthXMF (dpy st) fs) compl let max_compl_len = fromIntegral ((fi ht `div` 2) + maximum tws) columns = max 1 $ wh `div` fi max_compl_len rem_height = rect_height scr - ht (rows,r) = length compl `divMod` fi columns needed_rows = max 1 (rows + if r == 0 then 0 else 1) actual_max_number_of_rows = rem_height `div` ht actual_rows = min actual_max_number_of_rows (fi needed_rows) actual_height = actual_rows * ht (x,y) = case position c of Top -> (0,ht) Bottom -> (0, (0 + rem_height - actual_height)) (asc,desc) <- io $ textExtentsXMF fs $ head compl let yp = fi $ (ht + fi (asc - desc)) `div` 2 xp = (asc + desc) `div` 2 yy = map fi . take (fi actual_rows) $ [yp,(yp + ht)..] xx = take (fi columns) [xp,(xp + max_compl_len)..] return (rect_x scr + x, rect_y scr + fi y, wh, actual_height, xx, yy) drawComplWin :: Window -> [String] -> XP () drawComplWin w compl = do st <- get let c = config st d = dpy st scr = defaultScreenOfDisplay d bw = promptBorderWidth c gc = gcon st Just bgcolor <- io $ initColor d (bgColor c) Just border <- io $ initColor d (borderColor c) (_,_,wh,ht,xx,yy) <- getComplWinDim compl p <- io $ createPixmap d w wh ht (defaultDepthOfScreen scr) io $ fillDrawable d p gc border bgcolor (fi bw) wh ht let ac = splitInSubListsAt (length yy) (take (length xx * length yy) compl) printComplList d p gc (fgColor c) (bgColor c) xx yy ac io $ copyArea d p w gc 0 0 wh ht 0 0 io $ freePixmap d p redrawComplWin :: [String] -> XP () redrawComplWin compl = do st <- get nwi <- getComplWinDim compl let recreate = do destroyComplWin w <- createComplWin nwi drawComplWin w compl if compl /= [] && showComplWin st then case complWin st of Just w -> case complWinDim st of Just wi -> if nwi == wi -- complWinDim did not change then drawComplWin w compl -- so update else recreate Nothing -> recreate Nothing -> recreate else destroyComplWin printComplList :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> String -> String -> [Position] -> [Position] -> [[String]] -> XP () printComplList d drw gc fc bc xs ys sss = zipWithM_ (\x ss -> zipWithM_ (\y s -> do st <- get let (f,b) = if completionToCommand (xptype st) s == commandToComplete (xptype st) (command st) then (fgHLight $ config st,bgHLight $ config st) else (fc,bc) printStringXMF d drw (fontS st) gc f b x y s) ys ss) xs sss -- History type History = M.Map String [String] emptyHistory :: History emptyHistory = M.empty getHistoryFile :: IO FilePath getHistoryFile = fmap (++ "/history") $ getAppUserDataDirectory "xmonad" readHistory :: IO History readHistory = readHist `catch` \(SomeException _) -> return emptyHistory where readHist = do path <- getHistoryFile xs <- bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose hGetLine readIO xs writeHistory :: History -> IO () writeHistory hist = do path <- getHistoryFile writeFile path (show hist) `catch` \(SomeException _) -> hPutStrLn stderr "error in writing" setFileMode path mode where mode = ownerReadMode .|. ownerWriteMode -- $xutils -- | Fills a 'Drawable' with a rectangle and a border fillDrawable :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Pixel -> Pixel -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () fillDrawable d drw gc border bgcolor bw wh ht = do -- we start with the border setForeground d gc border fillRectangle d drw gc 0 0 wh ht -- here foreground means the background of the text setForeground d gc bgcolor fillRectangle d drw gc (fi bw) (fi bw) (wh - (bw * 2)) (ht - (bw * 2)) -- | Creates a window with the attribute override_redirect set to True. -- Windows Managers should not touch this kind of windows. mkUnmanagedWindow :: Display -> Screen -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO Window mkUnmanagedWindow d s rw x y w h = do let visual = defaultVisualOfScreen s attrmask = cWOverrideRedirect allocaSetWindowAttributes $ \attributes -> do set_override_redirect attributes True createWindow d rw x y w h 0 (defaultDepthOfScreen s) inputOutput visual attrmask attributes -- $utils -- | This function takes a list of possible completions and returns a -- completions function to be used with 'mkXPrompt' mkComplFunFromList :: [String] -> String -> IO [String] mkComplFunFromList _ [] = return [] mkComplFunFromList l s = return $ filter (\x -> take (length s) x == s) l -- | This function takes a list of possible completions and returns a -- completions function to be used with 'mkXPrompt'. If the string is -- null it will return all completions. mkComplFunFromList' :: [String] -> String -> IO [String] mkComplFunFromList' l [] = return l mkComplFunFromList' l s = return $ filter (\x -> take (length s) x == s) l -- | Given the prompt type, the command line and the completion list, -- return the next completion in the list for the last word of the -- command line. This is the default 'nextCompletion' implementation. getNextOfLastWord :: XPrompt t => t -> String -> [String] -> String getNextOfLastWord t c l = skipLastWord c ++ completionToCommand t (l !! ni) where ni = case commandToComplete t c `elemIndex` map (completionToCommand t) l of Just i -> if i >= length l - 1 then 0 else i + 1 Nothing -> 0 -- | An alternative 'nextCompletion' implementation: given a command -- and a completion list, get the next completion in the list matching -- the whole command line. getNextCompletion :: String -> [String] -> String getNextCompletion c l = l !! idx where idx = case c `elemIndex` l of Just i -> if i >= length l - 1 then 0 else i + 1 Nothing -> 0 -- | Given a maximum length, splits a list into sublists splitInSubListsAt :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] splitInSubListsAt _ [] = [] splitInSubListsAt i x = f : splitInSubListsAt i rest where (f,rest) = splitAt i x -- | Gets the last word of a string or the whole string if formed by -- only one word getLastWord :: String -> String getLastWord = reverse . fst . breakAtSpace . reverse -- | Skips the last word of the string, if the string is composed by -- more then one word. Otherwise returns the string. skipLastWord :: String -> String skipLastWord = reverse . snd . breakAtSpace . reverse breakAtSpace :: String -> (String, String) breakAtSpace s | " \\" `isPrefixOf` s2 = (s1 ++ " " ++ s1', s2') | otherwise = (s1, s2) where (s1, s2 ) = break isSpace s (s1',s2') = breakAtSpace $ tail s2 -- | 'historyCompletion' provides a canned completion function much like -- 'getShellCompl'; you pass it to mkXPrompt, and it will make completions work -- from the query history stored in ~\/.xmonad\/history. historyCompletion :: ComplFunction historyCompletion = historyCompletionP (const True) -- | Like 'historyCompletion' but only uses history data from Prompts whose -- name satisfies the given predicate. historyCompletionP :: (String -> Bool) -> ComplFunction historyCompletionP p x = fmap (toComplList . M.filterWithKey (const . p)) readHistory where toComplList = deleteConsecutive . filter (isInfixOf x) . M.fold (++) [] -- | Sort a list and remove duplicates. Like 'deleteAllDuplicates', but trades off -- laziness and stability for efficiency. uniqSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] uniqSort = toList . fromList -- | Functions to be used with the 'historyFilter' setting. -- 'deleteAllDuplicates' will remove all duplicate entries. -- 'deleteConsecutive' will only remove duplicate elements -- immediately next to each other. deleteAllDuplicates, deleteConsecutive :: [String] -> [String] deleteAllDuplicates = nub deleteConsecutive = map head . group newtype HistoryMatches = HistoryMatches (IORef ([String],Maybe (W.Stack String))) -- | Initializes a new HistoryMatches structure to be passed -- to historyUpMatching initMatches :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => m HistoryMatches initMatches = HistoryMatches <$> liftIO (newIORef ([],Nothing)) historyNextMatching :: HistoryMatches -> (W.Stack String -> W.Stack String) -> XP () historyNextMatching hm@(HistoryMatches ref) next = do (completed,completions) <- io $ readIORef ref input <- getInput if input `elem` completed then case completions of Just cs -> do let cmd = W.focus cs modify $ setCommand cmd modify $ \s -> s { offset = length cmd } io $ writeIORef ref (cmd:completed,Just $ next cs) Nothing -> return () else do -- the user typed something new, recompute completions io . writeIORef ref . ((,) [input]) . filterMatching input =<< gets commandHistory historyNextMatching hm next where filterMatching :: String -> W.Stack String -> Maybe (W.Stack String) filterMatching prefix = W.filter (prefix `isPrefixOf`) . next -- | Retrieve the next history element that starts with -- the current input. Pass it the result of initMatches -- when creating the prompt. Example: -- -- > .. -- > ((modMask,xK_p), shellPrompt . myPrompt =<< initMatches) -- > .. -- > myPrompt ref = defaultPrompt -- > { promptKeymap = M.union [((0,xK_Up), historyUpMatching ref) -- > ,((0,xK_Down), historyDownMatching ref)] -- > (promptKeymap defaultPrompt) -- > , .. } -- historyUpMatching, historyDownMatching :: HistoryMatches -> XP () historyUpMatching hm = historyNextMatching hm W.focusUp' historyDownMatching hm = historyNextMatching hm W.focusDown'