path: root/messages
diff options
authorMark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net>2010-07-23 16:39:08 -0700
committerMark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net>2010-07-23 16:39:08 -0700
commit652d17485d8306309aa7f60b9086420bc125e9e8 (patch)
tree1b5eda1df5f90ce6eacab94659b0d75094560ec8 /messages
parent27dfc16018fad74e935d4e6d093d0a969308137c (diff)
Updated Finnish translation from Joni Toyryla.
Fixed a technical glitch in the Asturian translation.
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 1573 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/messages/ast/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po b/messages/ast/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po
index 77f8abb2..94cefce9 100644
--- a/messages/ast/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po
+++ b/messages/ast/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po
@@ -9567,7 +9567,7 @@ msgid ""
"## captured on %(when)s\n"
msgstr ""
"# -*- python -*-\n"
-"# -*- codificaci�n: %(charset)s -*-\n"
+"# -*- coding: %(charset)s -*-\n"
"## valores de configuraci�n de la llista de corr�u \"%(listname)s\"\n"
"## -*- python -*-\n"
"## capturaos el %(when)s\n"
diff --git a/messages/fi/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po b/messages/fi/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po
index 246e28ad..30749a0f 100644
--- a/messages/fi/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po
+++ b/messages/fi/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
# Mailman suomennos
-# Copyright (C) 2002 MTT
-# Pekka Haavisto <pekka.haavisto@mtt.fi>, 2002
-# Editoitu 4.12.2002 ER msgfmt 12.12.2002 ph
# Mailman suomennoksen jatkokehitys 6.2010 -
# Stonelake Software Oy
# Joni T�yryl� <joni.toyryla@stonelake.fi>
# www.stonelake.fi
+# Copyright (C) 2002 MTT
+# Pekka Haavisto <pekka.haavisto@mtt.fi>, 2002
+# Editoitu 4.12.2002 ER msgfmt 12.12.2002 ph
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 2.15\n"
@@ -323,7 +325,6 @@ msgstr ""
" Napsauta listan nime� siirty�ksesi postituslistan "
-# ## habazi: (private comment) t�h�n p��sin t�n��n 24.3.2003
#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:269
msgid "right "
msgstr "oikea "
@@ -354,9 +355,8 @@ msgid "the mailing list overview page"
msgstr "postituslistan esittelysivu"
#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:280
-#, fuzzy
msgid "<p>(Send questions and comments to "
-msgstr "<p>L�het� kysymykset ja kommentit osoitteeseen "
+msgstr "<p>(L�het� kysymykset ja kommentit osoitteeseen "
#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:290 Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:139 cron/mailpasswds:216
msgid "List"
@@ -1511,8 +1511,7 @@ msgid ""
" been discarded, and both list administrators have been\n"
" alerted."
msgstr ""
-" Olemme pahoillamme mutta teit� ei ole kutsuttu "
-"postituslistalle. \n"
+" Sinua ei ole kutsuttu postituslistalle. \n"
" Kutsunne on poistettu ja tapahtuneesta on l�hetetty \n"
" viesti yll�pitoon."
@@ -2490,6 +2489,9 @@ msgid ""
" options for this mailing list subscription has been\n"
" changed."
msgstr ""
+"Listan yll�pit�j� ei voi muuttaa\n"
+" t�m�n k�ytt�j�n asetuksia toisissa postituslistoissa.\n"
+" Kuitenkin asetukset t�ss� postituslistassa ovat muutettu."
#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:679
msgid ""
@@ -3016,6 +3018,8 @@ msgid ""
"and both list administrators have been alerted."
msgstr ""
+"Sinua ei kutsuttu t�lle postituslistalle. Kutsusi on poistettu ja "
+"molemmille listan yll�pit�jille on l�hetetty ilmoitus."
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:78
msgid "Bad approval password given. Held message is still being held."
@@ -3631,6 +3635,12 @@ msgid ""
" See everyone who is on this mailing list. The password is the\n"
" list's admin or moderator password.\n"
msgstr ""
+" who\n"
+" N�et postituslistan ei-piiloitetut k�ytt�j�t.\n"
+" who password\n"
+" N�et kaikki postituslistan k�ytt�j�t. Listan yll�pit�j�n tai "
+"moderaattorin salasana on sy�tett�v�.\n"
# #######
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_who.py:35
@@ -4237,6 +4247,21 @@ msgid ""
" score, above which they are automatically disabled, but not\n"
" removed from the mailing list."
msgstr ""
+"Jokaiseen tilaajaan liitet��n kimmoke (bounce) arvo, desimaaliluku. Kun "
+" saa kimmokeviestin listan j�senelta, j�senen kimmokearvoa "
+" Kovat kimmokkeet (fataalit virheet) lis��v�t arvoa yhdell� ja "
+" lis��v�t arvoa 0.5. P�iv�ss� tehd��n kuitenkin enint��n yksi "
+" yhdelle k�ytt�j�lle.\n"
+" T�m� muuttuja m��ritt�� yl�rajan k�ytt�j�n kimmokearvolle. Kun "
+" ylitet��n k�ytt�j� automaattisesti estet��n (disable) mutta "
+"k�ytt�j�� ei\n"
+" poisteta postituslistalta."
#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:102
msgid ""
@@ -5563,6 +5588,8 @@ msgid ""
"Maximum number of members to show on one page of the\n"
" Membership List."
msgstr ""
+"K�ytt�j�listalla n�ytett�vien k�ytt�jien maksimim��r� \n"
+" yhdell� sivulla."
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:368
msgid "Host name this list prefers for email."
@@ -6068,6 +6095,19 @@ msgid ""
" page.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Kun <a href=\"?VARHELP=nondigest/personalize\">personalization</a> on "
+"aktiivinen (enabled) t�lle postituslistalle, voit k�ytt�� "
+"lis�muuttujiaheaders ja footers- teksteiss�\n"
+"<ul><li><b>user_address</b> - K�ytt�j�n osoite,\n"
+" kirjoitettuna pienaakkosin.\n"
+" <li><b>user_delivered_to</b> - Osoite jolla k�ytt�j� on liittynyt "
+"listalle, \n"
+" kirjoitettuna normaalisti.\n"
+" <li><b>user_password</b> - K�ytt�j�n salasana.\n"
+" <li><b>user_name</b> - K�ytt�j�n kokonimi.\n"
+" <li><b>user_optionsurl</b> - K�ytt�j�n yll�pitosivun osoite\n"
#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:129
msgid "Header added to mail sent to regular list members"
@@ -6138,6 +6178,11 @@ msgid ""
" siblings."
msgstr ""
+"Postituslistan osoite tulee kirjoittaa kokonaisena\n"
+" esim. mailman@example.com. �l� m��rit� t�t� "
+"osoitetta toisen postituslistan estetyksi osoitteeksi tai "
+"postituslistojen k�ytt�j�t\n"
+" eiv�t saa viestej�."
#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:163
msgid ""
@@ -6145,6 +6190,9 @@ msgid ""
" included in the regular (non-digest) delivery if those\n"
" list addresses don't appear in a To: or Cc: header."
msgstr ""
+"Muut postituslistat t�ll� palvelimella joiden k�ytt�j�t ovat \n"
+" lis�tty tavalliseen postitukseen (non-digest) mik�li\n"
+" postituslistan osoite ei esiinny To: tai Cc: kentiss�."
#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:166
msgid ""
@@ -6152,6 +6200,8 @@ msgid ""
" format (e.g. mailman@example.com). Note also that the site\n"
" administrator may prohibit cross domain siblings."
msgstr ""
+"Postituslistan osoite tulee kirjoittaa kokonaisena\n"
+" esim. mailman@example.com."
#: Mailman/Gui/Passwords.py:27
msgid "Passwords"
@@ -6759,6 +6809,11 @@ msgid ""
" the list's owner address by %%(listowner)s and replaces the\n"
" internally crafted default message."
msgstr ""
+"Teksti joka lis�t��n hyl�tyn viestin ilmoitukseen \n"
+" kun listalle kuulumaton k�ytt�j� on postittanut listalle.\n"
+" T�m� viesti voi sis�lt�� listan omistajan osoitteen %%"
+" T�m� viesti korvaa oletusviestin."
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:325
msgid ""
@@ -6854,7 +6909,7 @@ msgid ""
" recipient address."
msgstr ""
"Vaihtoehtoiset nimet ovat hyv�ksyttyj�, kun\n"
-" equire_explicit_destination' on p��ll�. T�m� valinta tekee\n"
+" 'Require_explicit_destination' on p��ll�. T�m� valinta tekee\n"
" tavallisten ilmaisujen listan, yksi riville, jolta "
" kaikkien viestin vastaanottajien osoitteet. Tarkistus tehd��n\n"
@@ -6927,6 +6982,28 @@ msgid ""
" you can effectively sort out messages with dangerous file\n"
" types or file name extensions."
msgstr ""
+"Jokainen otsikkosuodatin s��nt� koostuu kahdesta osasta, ensimm�iseksi\n"
+" listasta regular experssion s��nt�j�, yksi s��nt� rivill� sek� "
+" toiminnosta joka suoritetaan. Mik�li yksikin s��nt� t�sm�� "
+" viesti hyl�t��n, laitetaan pitoon tai poistetaan riippuen "
+"toiminnosta \n"
+" jonka m��rittelet. K�yt� <em>Defer</em> ottaaksesi "
+"suodattimen \n"
+" v�liaikaisesti pois k�yt�st�.\n"
+" Sinulla voi olla enemm�n kuin yksi suodatuss��nt� "
+" Jokainen s��nt� k�yd��n l�pi mutta kuitenkin niin ett� etsint� "
+" ensimm�iseen osumaan.\n"
+" Ota huomioon ett� otsikkotiedot ker�t��n kaikista "
+"liitetiedostoista \n"
+" (paitsi administrivia). T�ll� tavalla voit tehokkaasti "
+"suodattaa tiedostot \n"
+" tiedostotyypin tai tiedostop��tteen perusteella."
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:408
msgid "Legacy anti-spam filters"
@@ -7511,7 +7588,7 @@ msgid ""
" list of members is not available to non-members."
msgstr ""
"T�m� on %(also)s yksityinen lista, joka tarkoittaa, ett�\n"
-" listan j�senet eiv�t ole tarjolla ei-j�senille."
+" listan j�sentiedot eiv�t ole tarjolla ei-j�senille."
#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:206
msgid ""
@@ -7519,7 +7596,7 @@ msgid ""
" list of members is available only to the list administrator."
msgstr ""
"T�m� on %(also)s piilotettu, joka tarkoittaa, ett�\n"
-" listan j�senet ovat tarjolla vain listan yll�pit�j�lle."
+" listan j�sentiedot ovat tarjolla vain listan yll�pit�j�lle."
#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:209
msgid ""
@@ -7527,7 +7604,7 @@ msgid ""
" list of members list is available to everyone."
msgstr ""
"T�m� on %(also)s julkinen lista, joka tarkoittaa, ett�\n"
-" listan j�senet ovat kaikkien saatavilla."
+" listan j�sentiedot ovat kaikkien saatavilla."
#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:212
msgid ""
@@ -7561,9 +7638,10 @@ msgid ""
" email address:\n"
" <p><center> "
msgstr ""
-"Irtisanoaksesi %(realname)s, ota salasanan muistuttaja,\n"
-" tai vaihda liittymisasetuksissasi %(either)s ja sy�t� liittymis-\n"
-" s�hk�postiosoite:\n"
+"Irtisanoaksesi itsesi postituslistalta %(realname)s, ottaaksesi salasanan "
+" tai vaihtaaksesi liittymisasetuksiasi %(either)s sy�t� "
" <p><center> "
#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:258
@@ -7636,7 +7714,7 @@ msgstr " <p>Sy�t� "
#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:304
msgid " and password to visit the subscribers list: <p><center> "
-msgstr " ja salasana menn�ksesi liittyj�n listalla: <p><center> "
+msgstr " ja salasana siirty�ksesi listalle: <p><center> "
#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:309
msgid "Password: "
@@ -7648,7 +7726,7 @@ msgstr "Vieraile liittyj�n listalla"
#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:347
msgid "Once a month, your password will be emailed to you as a reminder."
-msgstr "Kerran kussa, salasananmuistuttaja l�hett�� sinulle salasanasi"
+msgstr "Kerran kuussa, salasananmuistuttaja l�hett�� sinulle salasanasi"
#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:393
msgid "The current archive"
@@ -7668,11 +7746,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: Mailman/Handlers/Emergency.py:29
msgid "Emergency hold on all list traffic is in effect"
-msgstr "H�t�pys�ytys kaikilla listoilla on tehokas"
+msgstr "H�t�pys�ytys on voimassa kaikilla listoilla"
#: Mailman/Handlers/Emergency.py:30 Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:58
msgid "Your message was deemed inappropriate by the moderator."
-msgstr "Listan p��k�ytt�j� piti viesti�si sopimamttomana."
+msgstr "Listan p��k�ytt�j� piti viesti�si sopimattomana."
#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:53
msgid "Sender is explicitly forbidden"
@@ -7688,7 +7766,7 @@ msgstr "L�het� yll�pidett�v�lle listalle"
#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:61
msgid "Post by non-member to a members-only list"
-msgstr "L�hetyst� ei-j�senilt� vain j�senille tarkoitetulle listalle"
+msgstr "L�hetyst� ei-j�senelt� vain j�senille tarkoitetulle listalle"
#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:62
msgid "Non-members are not allowed to post messages to this list."
@@ -8214,7 +8292,7 @@ msgid ""
"- Ignored:"
msgstr ""
-"- Sivuutettu:"
+"- Ohitettu:"
#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:170
msgid ""
@@ -8368,6 +8446,48 @@ msgid ""
"You must supply at least one of -r and -d options. At most one of the\n"
"files can be `-'.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Lis�� k�ytt�ji� postituslistalle komentorivilt�.\n"
+" add_members [options] listname\n"
+" --regular-members-file=file\n"
+" -r file\n"
+" Tiedosto joka sis�lt�� lis�tt�vien k�ytt�jien osoitteet, yksi per "
+" Osoitteista tehd��n tavallisia (non-digest) postituslistan j�seni�.\n"
+" Mik�li tiedosto on `-', osoitteet luetaan stdin:ist�. Huomaa ett�\n"
+" -n/--non-digest-members-file ovat vanhentuneita synonyymeja.\n"
+" t�lle valinnalle.\n"
+" --digest-members-file=file\n"
+" -d file\n"
+" Sama kuin yll� mutta k�ytt�jist� tehd��n digest- k�ytt�ji�.\n"
+" --welcome-msg=<y|n>\n"
+" -w <y|n>\n"
+" Valitse l�hetet��nk� k�ytt�jille tervetulo viesti,\n"
+" t�m� asetus korvaa postituslistan asetuksen `send_welcome_msg'\n"
+" --admin-notify=<y|n>\n"
+" -a <y|n>\n"
+" Valitse l�hetet��nk� yll�pit�j�lle ilmoitus onnistuneessa/"
+"ep�onnistuneessa tapauksessa, t�m� asetus korvaa postituslistan "
+" `admin_notify_mchanges'.\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" Tulosta ohje ja poistu.\n"
+" listname\n"
+" Postituslistan nimi johon k�ytt�j�t lis�t��n. Postituslistan\n"
+" tulee olla olemassa.\n"
+"Ainakin yksi -r sek� -d vaihtoehto on sy�tett�v�. Maksimissaan yksi "
+"tiedostoista voi olla '-'.\n"
#: bin/add_members:137
msgid "Already a member: %(member)s"
@@ -8461,6 +8581,49 @@ msgid ""
"<mbox> is optional. If it is missing, it is calculated.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Uudista listan arkisto (Rebuild a list's archive).\n"
+"K�yt� t�t� komentoa uudistaaksesi postituslistan arkistot. T�m� voi olla "
+"hy�dyllist� kun\n"
+"arkiston viestej� on muokattu tai poistettu.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] <listname> [<mbox>]\n"
+"Where options are:\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+" -q / --quiet\n"
+" Make the archiver output less verbose.\n"
+" --wipe\n"
+" First wipe out the original archive before regenerating. You "
+" want to specify this argument unless you're generating the archive "
+" chunks.\n"
+" -s N\n"
+" --start=N\n"
+" Start indexing at article N, where article 0 is the first in the "
+" Defaults to 0.\n"
+" -e M\n"
+" --end=M\n"
+" End indexing at article M. This script is not very efficient with\n"
+" respect to memory management, and for large archives, it may not be\n"
+" possible to index the mbox entirely. For that reason, you can "
+" the start and end article numbers.\n"
+"Where <mbox> is the path to a list's complete mbox archive. Usually this "
+"be some path in the archives/private directory. For example:\n"
+"%% bin/arch mylist archives/private/mylist.mbox/mylist.mbox\n"
+"<mbox> is optional. If it is missing, it is calculated.\n"
#: bin/arch:125
msgid "listname is required"
@@ -8498,6 +8661,23 @@ msgid ""
"You will need to run `bin/check_perms -f' after running this script.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Korjaa MM2.1b4 arkistot.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] file ...\n"
+"Where options are:\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+"Only use this to `fix' some archive database files that may have gotten\n"
+"written in Mailman 2.1b4 with some bogus data. Use like this from your\n"
+"$PREFIX directory\n"
+"%% %(PROGRAM)s `grep -l _mlist archives/private/*/database/*-article`\n"
+"(note the backquotes are required)\n"
+"You will need to run `bin/check_perms -f' after running this script.\n"
#: bin/change_pw:20
msgid ""
@@ -8554,6 +8734,57 @@ msgid ""
" --help / -h\n"
" Print this help message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Vaihda listan salasana.\n"
+"Mailman 2.1 versiossa postituslistan salasanat olivat kryptattu.\n"
+"Some Python installations didn't have the crypt module available, so they'd\n"
+"fall back to md5. Then suddenly the Python installation might grow a crypt\n"
+"module and all list passwords would be broken.\n"
+"In Mailman 2.1, all list and site passwords are stored in SHA1 hexdigest\n"
+"form. This breaks list passwords for all existing pre-Mailman 2.1 lists, "
+"since those passwords aren't stored anywhere in plain text, they cannot be\n"
+"retrieved and updated.\n"
+"Thus, this script generates new passwords for a list, and optionally sends "
+"to all the owners of the list.\n"
+"Usage: change_pw [options]\n"
+" --all / -a\n"
+" Change the password for all lists.\n"
+" --domain=domain\n"
+" -d domain\n"
+" Change the password for all lists in the virtual domain `domain'. "
+" is okay to give multiple -d options.\n"
+" --listname=listname\n"
+" -l listname\n"
+" Change the password only for the named list. It is okay to give\n"
+" multiple -l options.\n"
+" --password=newpassword\n"
+" -p newpassword\n"
+" Use the supplied plain text password `newpassword' as the new "
+" for any lists that are being changed (as specified by the -a, -d, "
+" -l options). If not given, lists will be assigned a randomly\n"
+" generated new password.\n"
+" --quiet / -q\n"
+" Don't notify list owners of the new password. You'll have to have\n"
+" some other way of letting the list owners know the new password\n"
+" (presumably out-of-band).\n"
+" --help / -h\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
#: bin/change_pw:144
msgid "Bad arguments: %(strargs)s"
@@ -8586,6 +8817,17 @@ msgid ""
" %(adminurl)s\n"
msgstr ""
+"Sivuston yll�pit�j� osoitteessa %(hostname)s on muuttanut postituslistasi %"
+"(listname)s salasanan.\n"
+"Salasana on nyt\n"
+" %(notifypassword)s\n"
+"Jatkossa sinun tulee k�ytt�� t�t� salasanaa. Voit halutessasi kirjautua "
+"postituslistalle ja \n"
+"vaihtaa salasanan. Yll�pitosivun osoite on \n"
+" %(adminurl)s\n"
#: bin/check_db:19
msgid ""
@@ -8622,6 +8864,39 @@ msgid ""
" --help / -h\n"
" Print this text and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Tarkista postituslistan asetustiedostot (config database file for "
+"All of the following files are checked:\n"
+" config.pck\n"
+" config.pck.last\n"
+" config.db\n"
+" config.db.last\n"
+" config.safety\n"
+"It's okay if any of these are missing. config.pck and config.pck.last are\n"
+"pickled versions of the config database file for 2.1a3 and beyond. config."
+"and config.db.last are used in all earlier versions, and these are Python\n"
+"marshals. config.safety is a pickle written by 2.1a3 and beyond when the\n"
+"primary config.pck file could not be read.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [listname [listname ...]]\n"
+" --all / -a\n"
+" Check the databases for all lists. Otherwise only the lists named "
+" the command line are checked.\n"
+" --verbose / -v\n"
+" Verbose output. The state of every tested file is printed.\n"
+" Otherwise only corrupt files are displayed.\n"
+" --help / -h\n"
+" Print this text and exit.\n"
#: bin/check_db:119
msgid "No list named:"
@@ -8645,6 +8920,13 @@ msgid ""
"permissions or group ownership. With -f (and run as root), fix all the\n"
"permission problems found. With -v be verbose.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Tarkista k�ytt�oikeudet Mailman asennukseen.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [-f] [-v] [-h]\n"
+"With no arguments, just check and report all the files that have bogus\n"
+"permissions or group ownership. With -f (and run as root), fix all the\n"
+"permission problems found. With -v be verbose.\n"
#: bin/check_perms:110
msgid " checking gid and mode for %(path)s"
@@ -8696,6 +8978,12 @@ msgid ""
" If you're on a shared multiuser system, you should consult the\n"
" installation manual on how to fix this."
msgstr ""
+"Varoitus: Yksityinen arkistohakemistossa on v��r� suoritusoikeus (o+x).\n"
+" On mahdollista ett� k�ytt�j�t p��sev�t lukemaan yksityist� "
+" Mik�li j�rjestelm�ss� on useita k�ytt�ji�, sinun tulisi selvitt�� "
+"ja \n"
+" korjata t�m�."
#: bin/check_perms:240
msgid "mbox file must be at least 0660:"
@@ -8719,7 +9007,7 @@ msgstr "%(path)s pit�� olla set-gid"
#: bin/check_perms:292
msgid "checking set-gid for %(wrapper)s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tarkistetaan set-gid %(wrapper)s:ille"
#: bin/check_perms:296
msgid "%(wrapper)s must be set-gid"
@@ -8793,6 +9081,36 @@ msgid ""
" -h / --help\n"
" Print this message and exit\n"
msgstr ""
+"Tyhjenn� .mbox arkisto.\n"
+"The archiver looks for Unix-From lines separating messages in an mbox "
+"file. For compatibility, it specifically looks for lines that start with\n"
+"\"From \" -- i.e. the letters capital-F, lowercase-r, o, m, space, ignoring\n"
+"everything else on the line.\n"
+"Normally, any lines that start \"From \" in the body of a message should be\n"
+"escaped such that a > character is actually the first on a line. It is\n"
+"possible though that body lines are not actually escaped. This script\n"
+"attempts to fix these by doing a stricter test of the Unix-From lines. Any\n"
+"lines that start \"From \" but do not pass this stricter test are escaped "
+"with a\n"
+"> character.\n"
+"Usage: cleanarch [options] < inputfile > outputfile\n"
+" -s n\n"
+" --status=n\n"
+" Print a # character every n lines processed\n"
+" -q / --quiet\n"
+" Don't print changed line information to standard error.\n"
+" -n / --dry-run\n"
+" Don't actually output anything.\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this message and exit\n"
#: bin/cleanarch:83
msgid "Unix-From line changed: %(lineno)d"
@@ -8863,6 +9181,60 @@ msgid ""
" (`to new address') is the new address of the user.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Kloonaa j�sen.\n"
+"Cloning a member address means that a new member will be added who has all "
+"same options and passwords as the original member address. Note that this\n"
+"operation is fairly trusting of the user who runs it -- it does no\n"
+"verification to the new address, it does not send out a welcome message, "
+"The existing member's subscription is usually not modified in any way. If "
+"want to remove the old address, use the -r flag. If you also want to "
+"any list admin addresses, use the -a flag.\n"
+" clone_member [options] fromoldaddr tonewaddr\n"
+" --listname=listname\n"
+" -l listname\n"
+" Check and modify only the named mailing lists. If -l is not given,\n"
+" then all mailing lists are scanned from the address. Multiple -l\n"
+" options can be supplied.\n"
+" --remove\n"
+" -r\n"
+" Remove the old address from the mailing list after it's been "
+" --admin\n"
+" -a\n"
+" Scan the list admin addresses for the old address, and clone or "
+" them too.\n"
+" --quiet\n"
+" -q\n"
+" Do the modifications quietly.\n"
+" --nomodify\n"
+" -n\n"
+" Print what would be done, but don't actually do it. Inhibits the\n"
+" --quiet flag.\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+" fromoldaddr (`from old address') is the old address of the user. "
+" (`to new address') is the new address of the user.\n"
#: bin/clone_member:94
msgid "processing mailing list:"
@@ -8870,7 +9242,7 @@ msgstr "ty�stet��n postituslistaa:"
#: bin/clone_member:101
msgid " scanning list owners:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " skannattaan listan omistajia:"
#: bin/clone_member:119
msgid " new list owners:"
@@ -8961,6 +9333,56 @@ msgid ""
"The options -o and -i are mutually exclusive.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Konfiguroi postituslista tekstitiedoston avulla\n"
+"Usage: config_list [options] listname\n"
+" --inputfile filename\n"
+" -i filename\n"
+" Configure the list by assigning each module-global variable in the\n"
+" file to an attribute on the list object, then saving the list. The\n"
+" named file is loaded with execfile() and must be legal Python code.\n"
+" Any variable that isn't already an attribute of the list object is\n"
+" ignored (a warning message is printed). See also the -c option.\n"
+" A special variable named `mlist' is put into the globals during the\n"
+" execfile, which is bound to the actual MailList object. This lets "
+" do all manner of bizarre thing to the list object, but BEWARE! "
+" this can severely (and possibly irreparably) damage your mailing "
+" --outputfile filename\n"
+" -o filename\n"
+" Instead of configuring the list, print out a list's configuration\n"
+" variables in a format suitable for input using this script. In "
+" way, you can easily capture the configuration settings for a\n"
+" particular list and imprint those settings on another list. "
+" is the file to output the settings to. If filename is `-', "
+" out is used.\n"
+" --checkonly\n"
+" -c\n"
+" With this option, the modified list is not actually changed. Only\n"
+" useful with -i.\n"
+" --verbose\n"
+" -v\n"
+" Print the name of each attribute as it is being changed. Only "
+" with -i.\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+"The options -o and -i are mutually exclusive.\n"
#: bin/config_list:117
msgid ""
@@ -8970,7 +9392,7 @@ msgid ""
"## captured on %(when)s\n"
msgstr ""
"# -*- python -*-\n"
-"# -*- merkist�koodaus: %(charset)s -*-\n"
+"# -*- coding: %(charset)s -*-\n"
"## Postituslistan \"%(listname)s\" konfigurointiasetukset -*- python -*-\n"
"## haettu %(when)s\n"
@@ -9022,6 +9444,11 @@ msgid ""
"% bin/withlist -l -r convert <mylist>\n"
msgstr ""
+"Muuta listan interpolaatio merkkijonot %-jonoista $-jonoiksi.\n"
+"T�m� scripti on tarkoitettu suoritettavaksi bin/withlist scriptin kautta.\n"
+"Esim. % bin/withlist -l -r convert <minun lista>\n"
#: bin/convert.py:38 bin/fix_url.py:85
msgid "Saving list"
@@ -9045,6 +9472,17 @@ msgid ""
" --quiet / -q\n"
" Don't print status messages.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Hylk�� pidossa olevat viestit.\n"
+" discard [options] file ...\n"
+" --help / -h\n"
+" Tulosta ohje ja poistu.\n"
+" --quiet / -q\n"
+" Don't print status messages.\n"
#: bin/discard:94
msgid "Ignoring non-held message: %(f)s"
@@ -9094,6 +9532,39 @@ msgid ""
"-- or if the file ends in neither suffix -- use the -p or -m flags.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Tallenna (dump) Mailman `database' tiedoston sis�lt�.\n"
+"K�ytt�: %(PROGRAM)s [options] filename\n"
+" --marshal/-m\n"
+" Assume the file contains a Python marshal, overridding any "
+" guessing.\n"
+" --pickle/-p\n"
+" Assume the file contains a Python pickle, overridding any automatic\n"
+" guessing.\n"
+" --noprint/-n\n"
+" Don't attempt to pretty print the object. This is useful if "
+" some problem with the object and you just want to get an unpickled\n"
+" representation. Useful with `python -i bin/dumpdb <file>'. In "
+" case, the root of the tree will be left in a global called \"msg\".\n"
+" --help/-h\n"
+" Print this help message and exit\n"
+"If the filename ends with `.db', then it is assumed that the file contains "
+"Python marshal. If the file ends with `.pck' then it is assumed to contain "
+"Python pickle. In either case, if you want to override the default "
+"-- or if the file ends in neither suffix -- use the -p or -m flags.\n"
#: bin/dumpdb:105
msgid "No filename given."
@@ -9109,19 +9580,19 @@ msgstr "M��rit� joko -p tai -m."
#: bin/dumpdb:133
msgid "[----- start %(typename)s file -----]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[----- aloitus %(typename)s tiedosto -----]"
#: bin/dumpdb:139
msgid "[----- end %(typename)s file -----]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[----- lopetus %(typename)s tiedosto -----]"
#: bin/dumpdb:142
msgid "<----- start object %(cnt)s ----->"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<----- aloita kohde %(cnt)s ----->"
#: bin/export.py:20
msgid "Export an XML representation of a mailing list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vie (export) postituslista XML muodossa."
#: bin/export.py:319
msgid ""
@@ -9129,6 +9600,9 @@ msgid ""
"Export the configuration and members of a mailing list in XML format."
msgstr ""
+"%%prog [options]\n"
+"Vie (export) postituslistan konfiguraatio sek� j�senet XML muodossa."
#: bin/export.py:325
msgid ""
@@ -9136,6 +9610,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+"Tulosta XML tiedostoon FILENAME. Mik�li ei annettu tai FILENAME on "
+"'-'tulostetaan stdout:iin."
#: bin/export.py:329
msgid ""
@@ -9143,6 +9619,9 @@ msgid ""
"output. Use -P to get a list of supported schemes, which are\n"
msgstr ""
+"M��rit� RFC 2307 muotoinen salasanojen k�sittelytapa (hashing scheme).\n"
+"K�yt� -P valitsinta saadaksesi postituslistan hyv�ksym�t k�sittelytavat.\n"
+"K�sittelytavat ovat merkkikoosta riippumattomia."
#: bin/export.py:334
msgid ""
@@ -9150,6 +9629,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+"Listaa hyv�ksytyt salasanojen k�sittelytavat (hashing schemes) ja lopeta. "
+"K�sittelytapojen nimet ovat merkkikoosta riippumattomia."
#: bin/export.py:339
msgid ""
@@ -9157,10 +9638,13 @@ msgid ""
"included in the XML output. Multiple -l flags may be given."
msgstr ""
+"Lista joka lis�t��n tulostukseen. Mik�li listaa ei ole annettu, "
+"kaikkipostituslistat liitet��n XML tulosteeseen. Useita -l valitsimia "
+"voidaan antaa."
#: bin/export.py:345
msgid "Unexpected arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tunnistamattomia m��reit�"
#: bin/export.py:351
msgid "Invalid password scheme"
@@ -9209,6 +9693,46 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+"Etsi kaikki postituslistat joille osoite on liittynyt.\n"
+" find_member [options] regex [regex [...]]\n"
+" --listname=listname\n"
+" -l listname\n"
+" Include only the named list in the search.\n"
+" --exclude=listname\n"
+" -x listname\n"
+" Exclude the named list from the search.\n"
+" --owners\n"
+" -w\n"
+" Search list owners as well as members.\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+" regex\n"
+" A Python regular expression to match against.\n"
+"The interaction between -l and -x is as follows. If any -l option is given\n"
+"then only the named list will be included in the search. If any -x option "
+"given but no -l option is given, then all lists will be search except those\n"
+"specifically excluded.\n"
+"Regular expression syntax is Perl5-like, using the Python re module. "
+"specifications are at:\n"
+"Address matches are case-insensitive, but case-preserved addresses are\n"
#: bin/find_member:159
msgid "Search regular expression required"
@@ -9251,6 +9775,28 @@ msgid ""
"If run standalone, it prints this help text and exits.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Resetoidaan postituslistan web_page_url arvo.\n"
+"T�m� scripti on tarkoitettu ajettavaksi bin/withlist scriptin kautta, eli\n"
+"% bin/withlist -l -r fix_url listname [options]\n"
+" -u urlhost\n"
+" --urlhost=urlhost\n"
+" Look up urlhost in the virtual host table and set the web_page_url "
+" host_name attributes of the list to the values found. This\n"
+" essentially moves the list from one virtual domain to another.\n"
+" Without this option, the default web_page_url and host_name values "
+" used.\n"
+" -v / --verbose\n"
+" Print what the script is doing.\n"
+"If run standalone, it prints this help text and exits.\n"
#: bin/fix_url.py:80
msgid "Setting web_page_url to: %(web_page_url)s"
@@ -9279,6 +9825,20 @@ msgid ""
" -h/--help\n"
" Print this message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Luo Mailmanin aliakset uudestaan\n"
+"Lopullinen tulostus riippuu `MTA' muuttujan arvosta mm_cfg tiedostossa.\n"
+"Usage: genaliases [options]\n"
+" -q/--quiet\n"
+" Some MTA output can include more verbose help text. Use this to "
+" down the verbosity.\n"
+" -h/--help\n"
+" Print this message and exit.\n"
#: bin/genaliases:84
msgid "genaliases can't do anything useful with mm_cfg.MTA = %(mta)s."
@@ -9310,6 +9870,29 @@ msgid ""
"filename is the name of the plaintext message file to inject. If omitted,\n"
"standard input is used.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Lis�� viesti tiedostosta Mailmanin sis��ntulevaan jonoon (incoming queue).\n"
+"K�ytt�: inject [options] [filename]\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this text and exit.\n"
+" -l listname\n"
+" --listname=listname\n"
+" The name of the list to inject this message to. Required.\n"
+" -q queuename\n"
+" --queue=queuename\n"
+" The name of the queue to inject the message to. The queuename must "
+" one of the directories inside the qfiles directory. If omitted, "
+" incoming queue is used.\n"
+"filename is the name of the plaintext message file to inject. If omitted,\n"
+"standard input is used.\n"
#: bin/inject:84
msgid "Bad queue directory: %(qdir)s"
@@ -9343,6 +9926,27 @@ msgid ""
"`listname' is the name of the mailing list to print the owners of. You can\n"
"have more than one named list on the command line.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Listaa kaikki postituslistan omistajat.\n"
+"K�ytt�: %(program)s [options] listname ...\n"
+" --all-vhost=vhost\n"
+" -v=vhost\n"
+" List the owners of all the mailing lists for the given virtual "
+" --all\n"
+" -a\n"
+" List the owners of all the mailing lists on this system.\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+"`listname' is the name of the mailing list to print the owners of. You can\n"
+"have more than one named list on the command line.\n"
#: bin/list_admins:97
msgid "List: %(listname)s, \tOwners: %(owners)s"
@@ -9372,6 +9976,27 @@ msgid ""
" Print this text and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Listaa kaikki postituslistat.\n"
+"K�ytt�: %(program)s [options]\n"
+" -a / --advertised\n"
+" List only those mailing lists that are publically advertised\n"
+" --virtual-host-overview=domain\n"
+" -V domain\n"
+" List only those mailing lists that are homed to the given virtual\n"
+" domain. This only works if the VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW variable is\n"
+" set.\n"
+" -b / --bare\n"
+" Displays only the list name, with no description.\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this text and exit.\n"
#: bin/list_lists:105
msgid "No matching mailing lists found"
@@ -9439,6 +10064,61 @@ msgid ""
"first, followed by digest members, but no indication is given as to address\n"
msgstr ""
+"Listaa kaikki postituslistan k�ytt�j�t.\n"
+"K�ytt�: %(PROGRAM)s [options] listname\n"
+" --output file\n"
+" -o file\n"
+" Write output to specified file instead of standard out.\n"
+" --regular / -r\n"
+" Print just the regular (non-digest) members.\n"
+" --digest[=kind] / -d [kind]\n"
+" Print just the digest members. Optional argument can be \"mime\" "
+" \"plain\" which prints just the digest members receiving that kind "
+" digest.\n"
+" --nomail[=why] / -n [why]\n"
+" Print the members that have delivery disabled. Optional argument "
+" be \"byadmin\", \"byuser\", \"bybounce\", or \"unknown\" which "
+"prints just the\n"
+" users who have delivery disabled for that reason. It can also be\n"
+" \"enabled\" which prints just those member for whom delivery is\n"
+" enabled.\n"
+" --fullnames / -f\n"
+" Include the full names in the output.\n"
+" --preserve / -p\n"
+" Output member addresses case preserved the way they were added to "
+" list. Otherwise, addresses are printed in all lowercase.\n"
+" --invalid / -i\n"
+" Print only the addresses in the membership list that are invalid.\n"
+" Ignores -r, -d, -n.\n"
+" --unicode / -u\n"
+" Print addresses which are stored as Unicode objects instead of "
+" string objects. Ignores -r, -d, -n.\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+" listname is the name of the mailing list to use.\n"
+"Note that if neither -r or -d is supplied, both regular members are printed\n"
+"first, followed by digest members, but no indication is given as to address\n"
#: bin/list_members:191
msgid "Bad --nomail option: %(why)s"
@@ -9477,6 +10157,28 @@ msgid ""
" all the lists will be displayed.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Listaa postituslistan omistajat tai postituslistat.\n"
+"K�ytt�: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [listname ...]\n"
+" -w / --with-listnames\n"
+" Group the owners by list names and include the list names in the\n"
+" output. Otherwise, the owners will be sorted and uniquified based "
+" the email address.\n"
+" -m / --moderators\n"
+" Include the list moderators in the output.\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+" listname\n"
+" Print the owners of the specified lists. More than one can appear\n"
+" after the options. If there are no listnames provided, the owners "
+" all the lists will be displayed.\n"
#: bin/mailmanctl:20
msgid ""
@@ -9572,6 +10274,97 @@ msgid ""
" next time a message is written to them\n"
msgstr ""
+"Ensisijainen aloitus ja lopetus scripti Mailman qrunner palvelimelle "
+"T�m� scripti aloittaa, lopettaa ja uudelleenaloittaa (restart) Mailman "
+"jonojen k�sittelij�t (queue runners), siten ett� my�s muutamat "
+"pidempiaikaiset qrunnerit toimivat jatkossa. It\n"
+"does this by forking and exec'ing the qrunners and waiting on their pids.\n"
+"When it detects a subprocess has exited, it may restart it.\n"
+"The qrunners respond to SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGHUP. SIGINT and SIGTERM "
+"cause the qrunners to exit cleanly, but the master will only restart "
+"that have exited due to a SIGINT. SIGHUP causes the master and the "
+"to close their log files, and reopen then upon the next printed message.\n"
+"The master also responds to SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGHUP, which it simply\n"
+"passes on to the qrunners (note that the master will close and reopen its "
+"log files on receipt of a SIGHUP). The master also leaves its own process "
+"in the file data/master-qrunner.pid but you normally don't need to use this\n"
+"pid directly. The `start', `stop', `restart', and `reopen' commands handle\n"
+"everything for you.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [ start | stop | restart | reopen ]\n"
+" -n/--no-restart\n"
+" Don't restart the qrunners when they exit because of an error or a\n"
+" SIGINT. They are never restarted if they exit in response to a\n"
+" SIGTERM. Use this only for debugging. Only useful if the `start'\n"
+" command is given.\n"
+" -u/--run-as-user\n"
+" Normally, this script will refuse to run if the user id and group "
+" are not set to the `mailman' user and group (as defined when you\n"
+" configured Mailman). If run as root, this script will change to "
+" user and group before the check is made.\n"
+" This can be inconvenient for testing and debugging purposes, so the -"
+" flag means that the step that sets and checks the uid/gid is "
+" and the program is run as the current user and group. This flag is\n"
+" not recommended for normal production environments.\n"
+" Note though, that if you run with -u and are not in the mailman "
+" you may have permission problems, such as begin unable to delete a\n"
+" list's archives through the web. Tough luck!\n"
+" -s/--stale-lock-cleanup\n"
+" If mailmanctl finds an existing master lock, it will normally exit\n"
+" with an error message. With this option, mailmanctl will perform "
+" extra level of checking. If a process matching the host/pid "
+" in the lock file is running, mailmanctl will still exit, but if no\n"
+" matching process is found, mailmanctl will remove the apparently "
+" lock and make another attempt to claim the master lock.\n"
+" -q/--quiet\n"
+" Don't print status messages. Error messages are still printed to\n"
+" standard error.\n"
+" -h/--help\n"
+" Print this message and exit.\n"
+" start - Start the master daemon and all qrunners. Prints a message "
+" exits if the master daemon is already running.\n"
+" stop - Stops the master daemon and all qrunners. After stopping, no\n"
+" more messages will be processed.\n"
+" restart - Restarts the qrunners, but not the master process. Use this\n"
+" whenever you upgrade or update Mailman so that the qrunners "
+" use the newly installed code.\n"
+" reopen - This will close all log files, causing them to be re-opened "
+" next time a message is written to them\n"
#: bin/mailmanctl:152
msgid "PID unreadable in: %(pidfile)s"
@@ -9604,6 +10397,9 @@ msgid ""
"a stale master qrunner lock. Try re-running mailmanctl with the -s flag.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Is�nt� qrunnerin lukkoa ei saatu k�sitelt�v�ksi sill� n�ytt�� silt� ett� "
+"qrunner onjatkuvasti lukittuna. Yrit� uudelleen ajaa mailmanctl k�ytt�m�ll� "
+"-s valitsinta.\n"
#: bin/mailmanctl:232
msgid ""
@@ -9619,6 +10415,15 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+"Is�nt� qrunner lukkoa ei saatu sill� jokin toinen prosessi toisessa "
+"palvelimessa on varannut sen. Emme voi testata lukkoa t�ss� tapauksessa, "
+"joudut tekem��n t�m�n k�sin. Tai, jos tied�t ett� lukko on jatkuva (stale), "
+"uudelleen aja mailmanctl k�ytt�m�ll� -s valitsinta.\n"
+"Lukko tiedosto: %(LOCKFILE)s\n"
+"Lukko palvelin: %(status)s\n"
#: bin/mailmanctl:279 cron/mailpasswds:119
msgid "Site list is missing: %(sitelistname)s"
@@ -9680,6 +10485,26 @@ msgid ""
"If password is not given on the command line, it will be prompted for.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Aseta sivuston salasana, salasana kysyt��n terminaalissa.\n"
+"Sivuston salasanaa voidaan k�ytt�� miltei kaikissa paikoissa miss�\n"
+"listan yll�pit�j�n salasana toimii, jota voidaan k�ytt�� miltei\n"
+"kaikissa paikoissa joissa listan k�ytt�j�n salasana toimii.\n"
+"K�ytt�: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [password]\n"
+" -c/--listcreator\n"
+" Set the list creator password instead of the site password. The "
+" creator is authorized to create and remove lists, but does not have\n"
+" the total power of the site administrator.\n"
+" -h/--help\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+"If password is not given on the command line, it will be prompted for.\n"
#: bin/mmsitepass:73
msgid "site"
@@ -9740,6 +10565,30 @@ msgid ""
" --version\n"
" Display version information and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Luo binaarinen viestiluettelo tekstipohjaisten k��nn�sten selityksist�.\n"
+"This program converts a textual Uniforum-style message catalog (.po file) "
+"a binary GNU catalog (.mo file). This is essentially the same function as "
+"GNU msgfmt program, however, it is a simpler implementation.\n"
+"Usage: msgfmt.py [OPTIONS] filename.po\n"
+" -o file\n"
+" --output-file=file\n"
+" Specify the output file to write to. If omitted, output will go to "
+" file named filename.mo (based off the input file name).\n"
+" -h\n"
+" --help\n"
+" Print this message and exit.\n"
+" -V\n"
+" --version\n"
+" Display version information and exit.\n"
#: bin/msgfmt.py:49
msgid "Add a non-fuzzy translation to the dictionary."
@@ -9835,6 +10684,89 @@ msgid ""
"Note that listnames are forced to lowercase.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Luo uusi, tyhj� postituslista.\n"
+"K�ytt�: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [listname [listadmin-addr [admin-password]]]\n"
+" -l language\n"
+" --language=language\n"
+" Make the list's preferred language `language', which must be a two\n"
+" letter language code.\n"
+" -u urlhost\n"
+" --urlhost=urlhost\n"
+" Gives the list's web interface host name.\n"
+" -e emailhost\n"
+" --emailhost=emailhost\n"
+" Gives the list's email domain name.\n"
+" -q/--quiet\n"
+" Normally the administrator is notified by email (after a prompt) "
+" their list has been created. This option suppresses the prompt and\n"
+" notification.\n"
+" -h/--help\n"
+" Print this help text and exit.\n"
+"You can specify as many of the arguments as you want on the command line:\n"
+"you will be prompted for the missing ones.\n"
+"Every Mailman list has two parameters which define the default host name "
+"outgoing email, and the default URL for all web interfaces. When you\n"
+"configured Mailman, certain defaults were calculated, but if you are "
+"multiple virtual Mailman sites, then the defaults may not be appropriate "
+"the list you are creating.\n"
+"You also specify the domain to create your new list in by typing the "
+"like so:\n"
+" newlist --urlhost=www.mydom.ain mylist\n"
+"where `www.mydom.ain' should be the base hostname for the URL to this "
+"hosts's lists. E.g. with this setting people will view the general list\n"
+"overviews at http://www.mydom.ain/mailman/listinfo. Also, www.mydom.ain\n"
+"should be a key in the VIRTUAL_HOSTS mapping in mm_cfg.py/Defaults.py if\n"
+"the email hostname to be automatically determined.\n"
+"If you want the email hostname to be different from the one looked up by "
+"VIRTUAL_HOSTS or if urlhost is not registered in VIRTUAL_HOSTS, you can "
+"`emailhost' like so:\n"
+" newlist --urlhost=www.mydom.ain --emailhost=mydom.ain mylist\n"
+"where `mydom.ain' is the mail domain name. If you don't specify emailhost "
+"urlhost is not in the virtual host list, then mm_cfg.DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST "
+"be used for the email interface.\n"
+"For backward compatibility, you can also specify the domain to create your\n"
+"new list in by spelling the listname like so:\n"
+" mylist@www.mydom.ain\n"
+"where www.mydom.ain is used for `urlhost' but it will also be used for\n"
+"`emailhost' if it is not found in the virtual host table. Note that\n"
+"'--urlhost' and '--emailhost' have precedence to this notation.\n"
+"If you spell the list name as just `mylist', then the email hostname will "
+"taken from DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST and the url will be taken from DEFAULT_URL "
+"defined in your Defaults.py file or overridden by settings in mm_cfg.py).\n"
+"Note that listnames are forced to lowercase.\n"
#: bin/newlist:150
msgid "Unknown language: %(lang)s"
@@ -9861,6 +10793,7 @@ msgid "Hit enter to notify %(listname)s owner..."
msgstr "Paina enteri� ilmoittaaksesi listan %(listname)s omistajalle..."
#: bin/qrunner:20
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Run one or more qrunners, once or repeatedly.\n"
@@ -9926,6 +10859,69 @@ msgid ""
"Note also that this script should be started up from mailmanctl as a normal\n"
"operation. It is only useful for debugging if it is run separately.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Run one or more qrunners, once or repeatedly.\n"
+"Each named runner class is run in round-robin fashion. In other words, the\n"
+"first named runner is run to consume all the files currently in its\n"
+"directory. When that qrunner is done, the next one is run to consume all "
+"files in /its/ directory, and so on. The number of total iterations can be\n"
+"given on the command line.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
+" -r runner[:slice:range]\n"
+" --runner=runner[:slice:range]\n"
+" Run the named qrunner, which must be one of the strings returned by\n"
+" the -l option. Optional slice:range if given, is used to assign\n"
+" multiple qrunner processes to a queue. range is the total number "
+" qrunners for this queue while slice is the number of this qrunner "
+" [0..range).\n"
+" If using the slice:range form, you better make sure that each "
+" for the queue is given the same range value. If slice:runner is "
+" given, then 1:1 is used.\n"
+" Multiple -r options may be given, in which case each qrunner will "
+" once in round-robin fashion. The special runner `All' is shorthand\n"
+" for a qrunner for each listed by the -l option.\n"
+" --once\n"
+" -o\n"
+" Run each named qrunner exactly once through its main loop. "
+" each qrunner runs indefinitely, until the process receives a "
+" or SIGINT.\n"
+" -l/--list\n"
+" Shows the available qrunner names and exit.\n"
+" -v/--verbose\n"
+" Spit out more debugging information to the logs/qrunner log file.\n"
+" -s/--subproc\n"
+" This should only be used when running qrunner as a subprocess of "
+" mailmanctl startup script. It changes some of the exit-on-error\n"
+" behavior to work better with that framework.\n"
+" -h/--help\n"
+" Print this message and exit.\n"
+"runner is required unless -l or -h is given, and it must be one of the "
+"displayed by the -l switch.\n"
+"Note also that this script should be started up from mailmanctl as a normal\n"
+"operation. It is only useful for debugging if it is run separately.\n"
#: bin/qrunner:178
msgid "%(name)s runs the %(runnername)s qrunner"
@@ -9940,6 +10936,7 @@ msgid "No runner name given."
msgstr "Ajajan (runner) nime� ei annettu."
#: bin/rb-archfix:21
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Reduce disk space usage for Pipermail archives.\n"
@@ -9970,6 +10967,34 @@ msgid ""
"This script is provided for convenience purposes only. It isn't supported.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Reduce disk space usage for Pipermail archives.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] file ...\n"
+"Where options are:\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+"Only use this to 'fix' archive -article database files that have been "
+"with Mailman 2.1.3 or earlier and have html_body attributes in them. These\n"
+"attributes can cause huge amounts of memory bloat and impact performance "
+"high activity lists, particularly those where large text postings are made "
+"%% ls -1 archives/private/*/database/*-article | xargs %(PROGRAM)s\n"
+"You should run `bin/check_perms -f' after running this script.\n"
+"You will probably want to delete the -article.bak files created by this "
+"when you are satisfied with the results.\n"
+"This script is provided for convenience purposes only. It isn't supported.\n"
#: bin/remove_members:20
msgid ""
@@ -10015,6 +11040,47 @@ msgid ""
" addr1 ... are additional addresses to remove.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Poista postituslistan j�seni�.\n"
+" remove_members [options] [listname] [addr1 ...]\n"
+" --file=file\n"
+" -f file\n"
+" Remove member addresses found in the given file. If file is\n"
+" `-', read stdin.\n"
+" --all\n"
+" -a\n"
+" Remove all members of the mailing list.\n"
+" (mutually exclusive with --fromall)\n"
+" --fromall\n"
+" Removes the given addresses from all the lists on this system\n"
+" regardless of virtual domains if you have any. This option cannot "
+" used -a/--all. Also, you should not specify a listname when using\n"
+" this option.\n"
+" --nouserack\n"
+" -n\n"
+" Don't send the user acknowledgements. If not specified, the list\n"
+" default value is used.\n"
+" --noadminack\n"
+" -N\n"
+" Don't send the admin acknowledgements. If not specified, the list\n"
+" default value is used.\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
+" listname is the name of the mailing list to use.\n"
+" addr1 ... are additional addresses to remove.\n"
#: bin/remove_members:156
msgid "Could not open file for reading: %(filename)s."
@@ -10051,6 +11117,22 @@ msgid ""
" -v / --verbose\n"
" Print what the script is doing.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Resetoi postituslistan k�ytt�jien salasanat.\n"
+"This script resets all the passwords of a mailing list's members. It can "
+"be used to reset the lists of all members of all mailing lists, but it is "
+"responsibility to let the users know that their passwords have been "
+"This script is intended to be run as a bin/withlist script, i.e.\n"
+"% bin/withlist -l -r reset_pw listname [options]\n"
+" -v / --verbose\n"
+" Print what the script is doing.\n"
#: bin/reset_pw.py:77
msgid "Changing passwords for list: %(listname)s"
@@ -10081,6 +11163,24 @@ msgid ""
" Print this help message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Poista postitulista sek� kaikki listan osat - ole varovainen!\n"
+"This removes (almost) all traces of a mailing list. By default, the lists\n"
+"archives are not removed, which is very handy for retiring old lists.\n"
+" rmlist [-a] [-h] listname\n"
+" --archives\n"
+" -a\n"
+" Remove the list's archives too, or if the list has already been\n"
+" deleted, remove any residual archives.\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" Print this help message and exit.\n"
#: bin/rmlist:72 bin/rmlist:75
msgid "Removing %(msg)s"
@@ -10135,6 +11235,19 @@ msgid ""
"Example: show_qfiles qfiles/shunt/*.pck\n"
msgstr ""
+"N�yt� yhden tai useamman Mailman jonon tiedostot.\n"
+"K�ytt�: show_qfiles [options] qfile ...\n"
+" -q / --quiet\n"
+" Don't print `helpful' message delimiters.\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this text and exit.\n"
+"Example: show_qfiles qfiles/shunt/*.pck\n"
#: bin/sync_members:19
msgid ""
@@ -10204,6 +11317,71 @@ msgid ""
" listname\n"
" Required. This specifies the list to synchronize.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Synkronoi postituslistan k�ytt�j�t tiedostosta.\n"
+"This script is useful if you have a Mailman mailing list and a sendmail\n"
+":include: style list of addresses (also as is used in Majordomo). For "
+"address in the file that does not appear in the mailing list, the address "
+"added. For every address in the mailing list that does not appear in the\n"
+"file, the address is removed. Other options control what happens when an\n"
+"address is added or removed.\n"
+"K�ytt�: %(PROGRAM)s [options] -f file listname\n"
+"Where `options' are:\n"
+" --no-change\n"
+" -n\n"
+" Don't actually make the changes. Instead, print out what would be\n"
+" done to the list.\n"
+" --welcome-msg[=<yes|no>]\n"
+" -w[=<yes|no>]\n"
+" Sets whether or not to send the newly added members a welcome\n"
+" message, overriding whatever the list's `send_welcome_msg' setting\n"
+" is. With -w=yes or -w, the welcome message is sent. With -w=no, "
+" message is sent.\n"
+" --goodbye-msg[=<yes|no>]\n"
+" -g[=<yes|no>]\n"
+" Sets whether or not to send the goodbye message to removed members,\n"
+" overriding whatever the list's `send_goodbye_msg' setting is. With\n"
+" -g=yes or -g, the goodbye message is sent. With -g=no, no message "
+" sent.\n"
+" --digest[=<yes|no>]\n"
+" -d[=<yes|no>]\n"
+" Selects whether to make newly added members receive messages in\n"
+" digests. With -d=yes or -d, they become digest members. With -"
+" (or if no -d option given) they are added as regular members.\n"
+" --notifyadmin[=<yes|no>]\n"
+" -a[=<yes|no>]\n"
+" Specifies whether the admin should be notified for each "
+" or unsubscription. If you're adding a lot of addresses, you\n"
+" definitely want to turn this off! With -a=yes or -a, the admin is\n"
+" notified. With -a=no, the admin is not notified. With no -a "
+" the default for the list is used.\n"
+" --file <filename | ->\n"
+" -f <filename | ->\n"
+" This option is required. It specifies the flat file to synchronize\n"
+" against. Email addresses must appear one per line. If filename is\n"
+" `-' then stdin is used.\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" Print this message.\n"
+" listname\n"
+" Required. This specifies the list to synchronize.\n"
#: bin/sync_members:115
msgid "Bad choice: %(yesno)s"
@@ -10272,6 +11450,17 @@ msgid ""
"Where <lang> is your country code (e.g. 'it' for Italy) and -q is\n"
"to ask for a brief summary.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Tarkistaa annettu Mailman kielenk��nn�ksen. Varmistaa ett� muttujat sek�\n"
+"tagit k��nn�ksess� ovat samat kuin alkuper�isess�.\n"
+"cd $MAILMAN_DIR\n"
+"%(program)s [-q] <lang>\n"
+"Where <lang> is your country code (e.g. 'it' for Italy) and -q is\n"
+"to ask for a brief summary.\n"
#: bin/transcheck:58
msgid "check a translation comparing with the original string"
@@ -10303,6 +11492,13 @@ msgid ""
" 4 end\n"
" "
msgstr ""
+"Tilataulu tilakoneen k�sittelij�lle:\n"
+" 0 idle\n"
+" 1 filename-or-comment\n"
+" 2 msgid\n"
+" 3 msgstr\n"
+" 4 end\n"
+" "
#: bin/transcheck:280
msgid ""
@@ -10332,12 +11528,27 @@ msgid ""
"shunted to begin with. For example, running unshunt on qfiles/out/\n"
"will result in losing all the messages in that queue.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Siirr� viesti virhejonosta (shunt queue) normaaliin jonoon.\n"
+"K�ytt�: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [directory]\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print help and exit.\n"
+"Optional `directory' specifies a directory to dequeue from other than\n"
+"qfiles/shunt. *** Warning *** Do not unshunt messages that weren't\n"
+"shunted to begin with. For example, running unshunt on qfiles/out/\n"
+"will result in losing all the messages in that queue.\n"
#: bin/unshunt:85
msgid ""
"Cannot unshunt message %(filebase)s, skipping:\n"
msgstr ""
+"Viesti� ei voitu poistaa (unshunt) %(filebase)s, ohitetaan:\n"
#: bin/update:20
msgid ""
@@ -10386,6 +11597,7 @@ msgstr "VAROITUS: listaa %(listname)s ei voitu lukita"
#: bin/update:215
msgid "Resetting %(n)s BYBOUNCEs disabled addrs with no bounce info"
msgstr ""
+"Resetoidaan %(n)s BYBOUNCE:a estetty osoite ilman kimmoke (bounce) tietoa"
#: bin/update:221
msgid "Updating the held requests database."
@@ -10413,6 +11625,17 @@ msgid ""
"You can integrate that into the archives if you want by using the 'arch'\n"
msgstr ""
+"%(listname)s :lla on sek� julkinen ett� yksityinen mbox arkisto. \n"
+"Koska t�t� listaa k�ytet��n t�ll� hetkell� yksityiseen arkistointiin, "
+" yksityisen mbox arkiston -- %(o_pri_mbox_file)s -- aktiiviseksi arkistoksi, "
+"ja nimen�n\n"
+" %(o_pub_mbox_file)s\n"
+"uudestaan nimelle\n"
+" %(o_pub_mbox_file)s.preb6\n"
+"Voit liitt�� t�m�n arkistoon halutessasi k�ytt�m�ll� 'arch' scripti�.\n"
#: bin/update:270
msgid ""
@@ -10426,6 +11649,14 @@ msgid ""
"You can integrate that into the archives if you want by using the 'arch'\n"
msgstr ""
+"%s on sek� julkinen ett� yksityinen mbox arkisto. Koska t�m� lista \n"
+"t�ll� hetkell� k�ytt�� julkiasta arkistoa, asennan julkisen mbox tiedoston\n"
+"(%s) aktiiviseksi, ja nime�n\n"
+" %s\n"
+" uudelleen nimelle\n"
+" %s.preb6\n"
+"Voit liitt�� t�m�n arkistoon halutessasi k�ytt�m�ll� 'arch' scripti�.\n"
#: bin/update:287
msgid "- updating old private mbox file"
@@ -10438,6 +11669,10 @@ msgid ""
" to\n"
" %(newname)s"
msgstr ""
+" tuntematon tiedosto tiell�, siirret��n\n"
+" %(o_pri_mbox_file)s\n"
+" tiedostoksi\n"
+" %(newname)s"
#: bin/update:309
msgid "- updating old public mbox file"
@@ -10457,7 +11692,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: bin/update:353
msgid "- This list looks like it might have <= b4 list templates around"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "- T�m� lista n�ytt�� silt� ett� se voi sis�lt�� <= b4 taittopohjia"
#: bin/update:361
msgid "- moved %(o_tmpl)s to %(n_tmpl)s"
@@ -10578,6 +11813,25 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+" Olet p�ivitt�m�ss� olemassa olevaa Mailman asennusta mutta en pysty "
+" mit� versiota olet aikaisemmin k�ytt�nyt.\n"
+" If you are upgrading from Mailman 1.0b9 or earlier you will need to\n"
+" manually update your mailing lists. For each mailing list you need to\n"
+" copy the file templates/options.html lists/<listname>/options.html.\n"
+" However, if you have edited this file via the Web interface, you will "
+" to merge your changes into this file, otherwise you will lose your\n"
+" changes.\n"
#: bin/update:793
msgid "No updates are necessary."
@@ -10613,6 +11867,15 @@ msgid ""
"re-run \"make update\" manually. See the INSTALL and UPGRADE files for "
msgstr ""
+"Joidenkin postituslistojen lukkoja ei saatu. T�m� tarkoittaa ett�\n"
+"joko Mailman oli aktiivinen kun p�ivitit sen tai lukkohakemistossa\n"
+"%(lockdir)s oli pysyvi� lukkoja.\n"
+"Sinun tulee hiljent�� Mailman sek� poistaa mahdolliset lukkotiedostot.\n"
+"T�m�n j�lkeen uudelleen suorita \"make update\" manuaalisesti. Lis�tietoja\n"
+"INSTALL sek� UPGRADE tiedostoissa.\n"
#: bin/version:19
msgid "Print the Mailman version.\n"
@@ -10623,6 +11886,7 @@ msgid "Using Mailman version:"
msgstr "K�ytet��n Mailman versiota:"
#: bin/withlist:20
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"General framework for interacting with a mailing list object.\n"
@@ -10738,6 +12002,119 @@ msgid ""
"and run this from the command line:\n"
" %% bin/withlist -l -r changepw mylist somebody@somewhere.org foobar\n"
msgstr ""
+"General framework for interacting with a mailing list object.\n"
+"There are two ways to use this script: interactively or programmatically.\n"
+"Using it interactively allows you to play with, examine and modify a "
+"object from Python's interactive interpreter. When running interactively, "
+"MailList object called `m' will be available in the global namespace. It "
+"loads the class MailList into the global namespace.\n"
+"Programmatically, you can write a function to operate on a MailList object,\n"
+"and this script will take care of the housekeeping (see below for "
+"In that case, the general usage syntax is:\n"
+"%% bin/withlist [options] listname [args ...]\n"
+" -l / --lock\n"
+" Lock the list when opening. Normally the list is opened unlocked\n"
+" (e.g. for read-only operations). You can always lock the file "
+" the fact by typing `m.Lock()'\n"
+" Note that if you use this option, you should explicitly call m.Save"
+" before exiting, since the interpreter's clean up procedure will not\n"
+" automatically save changes to the MailList object (but it will "
+" the list).\n"
+" -i / --interactive\n"
+" Leaves you at an interactive prompt after all other processing is\n"
+" complete. This is the default unless the -r option is given.\n"
+" --run [module.]callable\n"
+" -r [module.]callable\n"
+" This can be used to run a script with the opened MailList object.\n"
+" This works by attempting to import `module' (which must be in the\n"
+" directory containing withlist, or already be accessible on your\n"
+" sys.path), and then calling `callable' from the module. callable "
+" be a class or function; it is called with the MailList object as "
+" first argument. If additional args are given on the command line,\n"
+" they are passed as subsequent positional args to the callable.\n"
+" Note that `module.' is optional; if it is omitted then a module "
+" the name `callable' will be imported.\n"
+" The global variable `r' will be set to the results of this call.\n"
+" --all / -a\n"
+" This option only works with the -r option. Use this if you want to\n"
+" execute the script on all mailing lists. When you use -a you "
+" not include a listname argument on the command line. The variable "
+" will be a list of all the results.\n"
+" --quiet / -q\n"
+" Suppress all status messages.\n"
+" --help / -h\n"
+" Print this message and exit\n"
+"Here's an example of how to use the -r option. Say you have a file in the\n"
+"Mailman installation directory called `listaddr.py', with the following\n"
+"two functions:\n"
+"def listaddr(mlist):\n"
+" print mlist.GetListEmail()\n"
+"def requestaddr(mlist):\n"
+" print mlist.GetRequestEmail()\n"
+"Now, from the command line you can print the list's posting address by "
+"the following from the command line:\n"
+"%% bin/withlist -r listaddr mylist\n"
+"Loading list: mylist (unlocked)\n"
+"Importing listaddr ...\n"
+"Running listaddr.listaddr() ...\n"
+"And you can print the list's request address by running:\n"
+"%% bin/withlist -r listaddr.requestaddr mylist\n"
+"Loading list: mylist (unlocked)\n"
+"Importing listaddr ...\n"
+"Running listaddr.requestaddr() ...\n"
+"As another example, say you wanted to change the password for a particular\n"
+"user on a particular list. You could put the following function in a file\n"
+"called `changepw.py':\n"
+"from Mailman.Errors import NotAMemberError\n"
+"def changepw(mlist, addr, newpasswd):\n"
+" try:\n"
+" mlist.setMemberPassword(addr, newpasswd)\n"
+" mlist.Save()\n"
+" except NotAMemberError:\n"
+" print 'No address matched:', addr\n"
+"and run this from the command line:\n"
+" %% bin/withlist -l -r changepw mylist somebody@somewhere.org foobar\n"
#: bin/withlist:164
msgid ""
@@ -10749,6 +12126,12 @@ msgid ""
" "
msgstr ""
+"Avaa lukittu lista, mutta �l� v�litt�m�sti tallenna (Save()) sit�.\n"
+" T�t� ei suoriteta mik�li tulkki keskeytet��n signaalilla, tai mik�li os."
+"exit() kustutaan.\n"
+" T�m� suoritettaan kuitenkin virheen tapahtuessa.\n"
+" "
#: bin/withlist:175
msgid "Unlocking (but not saving) list: %(listname)s"
@@ -10809,6 +12192,17 @@ msgid ""
"all lists are bumped.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Lis�� digest- m��r�� ja palauta digest- numero yhteen.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [listname ...]\n"
+" --help/-h\n"
+" Print this message and exit.\n"
+"The lists named on the command line are bumped. If no list names are "
+"all lists are bumped.\n"
#: cron/checkdbs:19
msgid ""
@@ -10821,6 +12215,15 @@ msgid ""
" -h/--help\n"
" Print this message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Tarkista odottavat admin viestit ja postita listan omistajille mik�li "
+"K�ytt�: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
+" -h/--help\n"
+" Print this message and exit.\n"
#: cron/checkdbs:107
msgid ""
@@ -10856,6 +12259,9 @@ msgid ""
"Subject: %(subject)s\n"
"Cause: %(reason)s"
msgstr ""
+"L�hett�j�: %(sender)s, p�iv�m��r�: %(date)s\n"
+"Aihe: %(subject)s\n"
+"Syy: %(reason)s"
#: cron/cull_bad_shunt:20
msgid ""
@@ -10877,6 +12283,23 @@ msgid ""
" -h / --help\n"
" Print this message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
+"V�henn� bad ja shunt- jonoja, suositellaan ajettavaksi kerran p�iv�ss�.\n"
+"This script goes through the 'bad' and 'shunt' queue directories and,\n"
+"if mm_cfg.BAD_SHUNT_STALE_AFTER is > 0, it removes all files more than\n"
+"that many seconds old.\n"
+"If mm_cfg.BAD_SHUNT_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY is a writable directory, the old\n"
+"files are moved there. Otherwise they are deleted.\n"
+"Only regular files immediately subordinate to the 'bad' and 'shunt'\n"
+"directories are processed. Anything else is skipped.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this message and exit.\n"
#: cron/disabled:20
msgid ""
@@ -10927,10 +12350,56 @@ msgid ""
" --listname=listname\n"
" Process only the given list, otherwise do all lists.\n"
msgstr ""
+"K�y l�pi estetyt k�ytt�j�t, suositellaan ajettavaksi p�ivitt�in.\n"
+"This script cruises through every mailing list looking for members whose\n"
+"delivery is disabled. If they have been disabled due to bounces, they will\n"
+"receive another notification, or they may be removed if they've received "
+"maximum number of notifications.\n"
+"Use the --byadmin, --byuser, and --unknown flags to also send notifications "
+"members whose accounts have been disabled for those reasons. Use --all to\n"
+"send the notification to all disabled members.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this message and exit.\n"
+" -o / --byadmin\n"
+" Also send notifications to any member disabled by the list\n"
+" owner/administrator.\n"
+" -m / --byuser\n"
+" Also send notifications to any member disabled by themselves.\n"
+" -u / --unknown\n"
+" Also send notifications to any member disabled for unknown reasons\n"
+" (usually a legacy disabled address).\n"
+" -b / --notbybounce\n"
+" Don't send notifications to members disabled because of bounces "
+" default is to notify bounce disabled members).\n"
+" -a / --all\n"
+" Send notifications to all disabled members.\n"
+" -f / --force\n"
+" Send notifications to disabled members even if they're not due a "
+" notification yet.\n"
+" -l listname\n"
+" --listname=listname\n"
+" Process only the given list, otherwise do all lists.\n"
#: cron/disabled:145
msgid "[disabled by periodic sweep and cull, no message available]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[estetty ajastuksessa, ei viesti�]"
#: cron/gate_news:19
msgid ""
@@ -10945,6 +12414,16 @@ msgid ""
" Print this text and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Kysyt��n NNTP palvelimelta viestej� siirrett�v�ksi postituslistoille.\n"
+"K�ytt�: gate_news [options]\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" Print this text and exit.\n"
#: cron/mailpasswds:19
msgid ""
@@ -10972,6 +12451,29 @@ msgid ""
" -h/--help\n"
" Print this message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
+"L�het� salasanat kaikkien postituslistojen kaikille k�ytt�jille.\n"
+"This program scans all mailing lists and collects users and their "
+"grouped by the list's host_name if mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW is true. "
+"one email message is sent to each unique user (per-virtual host) containing\n"
+"the list passwords and options url for the user. The password reminder "
+"from the mm_cfg.MAILMAN_SITE_LIST, which must exist.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
+" -l listname\n"
+" --listname=listname\n"
+" Send password reminders for the named list only. If omitted,\n"
+" reminders are sent for all lists. Multiple -l/--listname options "
+" allowed.\n"
+" -h/--help\n"
+" Print this message and exit.\n"
#: cron/mailpasswds:216
msgid "Password // URL"
@@ -11006,6 +12508,28 @@ msgid ""
" this, all archivable lists are processed.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Luo pakattu (gzip) Pipermail arkisto.\n"
+"This script should be run nightly from cron. When run from the command "
+"the following usage is understood:\n"
+"Usage: %(program)s [-v] [-h] [listnames]\n"
+" --verbose\n"
+" -v\n"
+" print each file as it's being gzip'd\n"
+" --help\n"
+" -h\n"
+" print this message and exit\n"
+" listnames\n"
+" Optionally, only compress the .txt files for the named lists. "
+"Without \n"
+" this, all archivable lists are processed.\n"
#: cron/senddigests:20
msgid ""
@@ -11023,6 +12547,23 @@ msgid ""
" lists are sent out.\n"
msgstr ""
+"L�het� yhteenvetoviesti (digest) listoille joissa odottavia viestej� ja "
+"asetus digest_send_periodic asetettu.\n"
+"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
+" -h / --help\n"
+" Print this message and exit.\n"
+" -l listname\n"
+" --listname=listname\n"
+" Send the digest for the given list only, otherwise the digests for "
+" lists are sent out.\n"
+#~ msgid "<p>Send questions and comments to "
+#~ msgstr "<p>L�het� kysymykset ja kommentit osoitteeseen "
#~ msgid ""
#~ " looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...\n"