path: root/NEWS
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+Mailman - The GNU Mailing List Management System
+Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+Here is a history of user visible changes to Mailman.
+2.1 final (30-Dec-2002)
+ Last minute bug fixes and language updates.
+2.1 rc 1 (24-Dec-2002)
+ Bug fixes and language updates. Also,
+ - Lithuanian support has been added.
+ - bin/remove_members grew --nouserack and --noadminack switches
+ - configure now honors --srcdir
+2.1 beta 6 (09-Dec-2002)
+ Lots and lots of bug fixes, and translation updates. Also,
+ - ARCHIVER_OBSCURES_EMAILADDRS is now set to true by default.
+ - QRUNNER_SAVE_BAD_MESSAGES is now set to true by default.
+ - Bounce messages which were recognized, but in which no member
+ addresses were found are no longer forwarded to the list
+ administrator.
+ - bin/arch grew a --wipe option which first removes the entire old
+ archive before regenerating the new one.
+ - bin/mailmanctl -u now prints a warning that permission problems
+ could appear, such as when trying to delete a list through the
+ web that has some archives in it.
+ - bin/remove_members grew --nouserack/-n and -noadminack/-N options.
+ - A new script bin/list_owners has been added for printing out
+ list owners and moderators.
+ - Dates in the web version of archived messages are now relative
+ to the local timezone, and include the timezone names, when
+ available.
+2.1 beta 5 (19-Nov-2002)
+ As is typical for a late beta release, this one includes the usual
+ bug fixes, tweaks, and massive new features (just kidding).
+ IMPORTANT: If you are using Pipermail, and you have any archives
+ that were created or added to in 2.1b4, you will need to run
+ bin/b4b5-archfix, followed by bin/check_perms to fix some serious
+ performance problems. From you install directory, run
+ "bin/b4b5-archfix --help" for details.
+ - The personalization options have been tweaked to provide more
+ control over mail header and decoration personalizations. In
+ 2.1b4, when personalization was enabled, the To and Cc headers
+ were always overwritten. But that's usually not appropriate for
+ anything but announce lists, so now these headers aren't changed
+ unless "Full personalization" is enabled.
+ - You now need to go to the General category to enable emergency
+ moderation.
+ - The order of the hold modules in the GLOBAL_PIPELINE has
+ changed, again. Now Moderate comes before Hold.
+ - Estonian language support has been added.
+ - All posted messages should now get decorated with headers and
+ footers in a MIME-safe way. Previously, some MIME type messages
+ didn't get decorated at all.
+ - bin/arch grew a -q/--quiet option
+ - bin/list_lists grew a -b/--bare option
+2.1 beta 4 (26-Oct-2002)
+ The usual assortment of bug fixes and language updates, some u/i
+ tweaks, as well as the following:
+ - Configuring / building / installing
+ o Tightened up some configure checks; it will now bark loudly
+ if you don't have the Python distutils package available
+ (some Linux distros only include distutils in their "devel"
+ packages).
+ o Mailman's username/group security assertions are now done by
+ symbolic name instead of numeric id. This provides a level
+ of indirection that makes it much easier to move or package
+ Mailman. --with-mail-gid and --with-cgi-gid are retained,
+ but they control the group names used instead.
+ - Command line scripts
+ o A new script, bin/transcheck that language teams can use to
+ check their .po files.
+ o bin/list_members grew a --fullnames/-f option to print the
+ full names along with the addresses.
+ o cron/senddigests grew --help/-h and --listname/-l options.
+ o bin/fix_url.py grew some command line options to support moving
+ a list to a specific virtual domain.
+ - Pipermail / archiving
+ o Reworked the directory layout for archive attachments to be
+ less susceptible to inode overload. Attachments are now
+ placed in
+ archives/private/<listname>/attachments/<YYYYMMDD>/<msgidhash>
+ o Internationalization support in the archiver has been improved.
+ - Internationalization
+ o New languages: Swedish.
+ - Mail handling
+ o Content filtering now has a pass_mime_type variable, which
+ is a whitelist of MIME types to allow in postings. See the
+ details of the variable in the Content Filtering category
+ for more information.
+ o If a member has enabled their DontReceiveDuplicates option,
+ we'll also strip their addresses from the Cc headers in the
+ copy of the message sent to the list. This helps keep the
+ Cc lines from growing astronomically.
+ o Bounce messages are now forwarded to the list administrators
+ both if they are unrecognized, and if no list member's
+ address could be extracted.
+ o Content filtering now has a filter_action variable which
+ controls what happens when a message matches the content
+ filter rules. The default is still to discard the message.
+ o When searching for an Approve/Approved header, the first
+ non-whitespace line of the body of the message is also
+ checked, if the body has a MIME type of text/plain.
+ o If a list is personalized, and the list's posting address is
+ not included in a Reply-To header, the posting address is
+ copied into a Cc header, otherwise there was no (easy) way a
+ recipient could reply back to the list.
+ o Added a MS Exchange bounce recognizer.
+ o New configuration variable news_moderation which allows the
+ mail->news gateway to properly post to moderated newsgroups.
+ o Messages sent to a list's owners now comes from the site
+ list to prevent mail loops when list owners or moderators
+ having bouncing addresses.
+ - Miscellaneous
+ o mailanctl prevents runaway restarts by imposing a maximum
+ restart value (defaulting to 10) for restarting the
+ qrunners. If you hit this limit, do "mailmanctl stop"
+ followed by "mailmanctl start".
+ o The Membership Management page's search feature now includes
+ searching on members real names.
+ o The start of a manual for list administrators is given in
+ Python HOWTO format (LaTeX). It's in doc/mailman-admin.tex
+ but it still needs lots of fleshing out.
+ o More protections against creating a list with an invalid name.
+2.1 beta 3 (09-Aug-2002)
+ The usual assortment of bug fixes and language updates.
+ - New languages: Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil)
+ - New configure script options: --with-mailhost, --with-urlhost,
+ --without-permcheck. See ./configure --help for details.
+ - The encoding of Subject: prefixes is controlled by a new list
+ option encode_ascii_prefixes. This is useful for languages with
+ character sets other than us-ascii. See the Languages admin
+ page for details.
+ - A new list option news_prefix_subject_too controls whether
+ postings gated from mail to news should have the subject prefix
+ added to their Subject: header.
+ - The algorithm for upgrading the moderation controls for a
+ Mailman 2.0.x list has changed. The change should be
+ transparent, but you'll want to double check the moderation
+ controls after upgrading from MM2.0.x. This should have no
+ effect for upgrades from a previous MM2.1 beta.
+ See the UPGRADING file for details.
+ - On the Mass Subscribe admin page, a text box has been added so
+ that the admin can add a custom message to be prepended to the
+ welcome/invite notification.
+ - On the admindb page, a link is included to more easily reload
+ the page.
+ - The Sendmail.py delivery module is sabotaged so that it can't be
+ used naively. You need to read the comments in the file and
+ edit the code to use this unsafe module.
+ - When a member sends a `help' command to the request address,
+ the url to their options page is included in the response.
+ - Autoresponses, -request command responses, and posting hold
+ notifications are inhibited for any message that has a
+ Precedence: {bulk|list|junk} header. This is to avoid mail
+ loops between email 'bots. If the original message has an
+ X-Ack: yes header, the response is sent.
+ Responses are also limited to a maximum number per day, as
+ defined in the site variable MAX_AUTORESPONSES_PER_DAY. This is
+ another guard against 'bot loops, and it defaults to 10.
+ - When a Reply-To: header is munged to include both the original
+ and the list address, the list address is always added last.
+ - The cron/mailpasswds script has grown a -l/--listname option.
+ - The cron/disabled script has grown options to send out
+ notifications for reasons other than bounce-disabled. It has
+ also grown a -f/--force option. See cron/disabled --help for
+ details.
+ - The bin/dumpdb script has grown a -n/--noprint option.
+ - An experimental new mechanism for processing incoming messages
+ has been added. If you can configure your MTA to do qmail-style
+ Maildir delivery, Mailman now has a MaildirRunner qrunner. This
+ may turn out to be much more efficient and scalable, but for
+ MM2.1, it will not be officially supported. See Defaults.py.in
+ and Mailman/Queue/MaildirRunner.py for details.
+2.1 beta 2 (05-May-2002)
+ Lots of bug fixing, and the following new features and changes:
+ - A "de-mime" content filter feature has been added. This
+ oft-requested feature allows you to specify MIME types that
+ Mailman should strip off of any messages before they're posted
+ to the list. You can also optionally convert text/html to
+ text/plain (by default, through lynx if it's available).
+ - Changes to the way the RFC 2919 and 2369 headers (i.e. the
+ List-*: headers) are added:
+ o List-Id: is always added
+ o List-Post:, List-Help:, List-Subscribe:,
+ List-Unsubscribe:, and List-Archive: are only added to
+ posting messages.
+ o X-List-Administrivia: is only added to messages Mailman
+ creates and sends out of its own accord.
+ Also, if the site administrator allows it, list owners can
+ suppress the addition of all the List-*: headers. List owners
+ can also separately suppress the List-Post: header for
+ announce-only lists.
+ - A new framework for email commands has been added. This allows
+ you to easily add, delete, or change the email commands that
+ Mailman understands, on a per-site, per-list, or even per-user
+ basis.
+ - Users can now change their digest delivery type from MIME to
+ plain text globally, for all lists they are subscribed to.
+ - No language select pulldowns are shown if the list only supports
+ one language.
+ - More mylist-admin eradication.
+ - Several performance improvements in the bounce qrunner, one of
+ which is to make it run only once per minute instead of once per
+ second.
+ - Korean language support as been added.
+ - Gatewaying from news -> mail uses its connections to the nntpd
+ more efficiently.
+ - In bin/add_members, -n/--non-digest-members-file command line
+ switch is deprecated in favor of -r/--regular-members-file.
+ - bin/sync_members grew a -g/--goodbye-msg switch.
+2.1 beta 1 (16-Mar-2002)
+ In addition to the usual bug fixes, performance improvements, and
+ GUI changes, here are the highlights:
+ - MIME and other message handling
+ o More robustness against badly MIME encapsulated messages: if
+ a MessageParseError is raised during the initial parse, the
+ message can either be discarded or saved in qfiles/bad,
+ depending on the value of the new configuration variable
+ o There is a new per-user option that can be used to avoid
+ receipt of extra copies, when a member of the list is also
+ explicitly CC'd.
+ o Always add an RFC 2822 Date: header if missing, since not
+ all MTAs insert one automatically.
+ o The Sender: and Errors-To: headers are no longer added to
+ outgoing messages.
+ o Headers and footers are always added by concatenation, if
+ the message is not MIME and if the list's charset is a
+ superset of us-ascii.
+ - List administration
+ o An `invitation' feature has been added. This is selectable
+ as a radio button on the mass subscribe page. When
+ selected, users are invited to join instead of immediately
+ joined, i.e. they get a confirmation message.
+ o You can now enable and disable list owner notifications for
+ disabled-due-to-bouncing and removal-due-to-bouncing
+ actions. The site config variables
+ behavior.
+ o List owners can now decide whether they receive unrecognized
+ bounce messages or not (i.e. messages that the bounce
+ processor doesn't recognize). Site admins can set the
+ default value for this flag with the config variable
+ o The admindb summary page gives the option of clearing the
+ moderation flag of members who are on quarantined.
+ o The action to take when a moderated member posts to a list
+ is now configurable. The message can either be held,
+ rejected (bounced), or discarded. If the message is
+ rejected, a rejection notice string can be given.
+ o In the General admin page, you can now set the default value
+ for five per-user flags: concealing the user's email
+ address, acknowledging posts sent by the user, copy
+ suppression, not-me-too selection, and the default digest
+ type. Site admins can set the default bit field with the
+ o A new "Emergency brake" feature for turning on moderation of
+ all list postings. This is useful for when flamewars break
+ out, and the list needs a cooling off period. Messages
+ containing an Approved: header with the list owner password
+ are still allowed through, as are messages approved through
+ the admindb interface.
+ o When a moderated message is approved for the list, add an
+ X-Mailman-Approved-At: header which contains the timestamp
+ of the approval action (changed from X-Moderated: with a
+ different format).
+ o Lists can now be converted to using a less error prone
+ mechanism for variable substitution syntax in headers and
+ footers. Instead of %(var)s strings, you'd use $var
+ strings. You must use "bin/withlist -r convert" to enable
+ this.
+ o When moderating held messages, the header text box and the
+ message excerpt text box are now both read-only.
+ o You can't delete the site list through the web.
+ o When creating new lists through the web, you have the option
+ of setting the "default member moderation" flag.
+ - Security and privacy
+ o New feature: banned subscription addresses. Privacy
+ options/subscription rules now have an additional list box
+ which can contain addresses or regular expressions.
+ Subscription requests from any matching address are
+ automatically rejected.
+ o Membership tests which compare message headers against list
+ rosters are now more robust. They now check, by default
+ these header in order: From:, unixfrom, Reply-To:, Sender:.
+ If any match, then the membership test succeeds.
+ o ALLOW_SITE_ADMIN_COOKIES is a new configuration variable
+ which says whether to allow AuthSiteAdmin cookies or not.
+ Normally, when a list administrator logs into a list with
+ the site password, they are issued a cookie that only allows
+ them to do administration for this one list. By setting
+ ALLOW_SITE_ADMIN_COOKIES to 1, the user only needs to
+ authenticate to one list with the site password, and they
+ can administer any mailing list.
+ I'm not sure this feature is wise, so the default value for
+ o Marc MERLIN's new recipes for secure Linuxes have been
+ updated.
+ o DEFAULT_PRIVATE_ROSTER now defaults to 1.
+ o Passwords are no longer included in the confirmation pages.
+ - Internationalization
+ o With the approval of Tamito KAJIYAMA, the Japanese codecs
+ for Python are now included automatically, so you don't need
+ to download and install these separate. It is installed in
+ a Mailman-specific place so it won't affect your larger
+ Python installation.
+ o The configure script will produce a warning if the Chinese
+ codes are not installed. This is not a fatal error.
+ o Russian templates and catalogs have been added.
+ o Finnish templates and catalogs have been added.
+ - Scripts and utilities
+ o New program bin/unshunt to safely move shunted messages back
+ into the appropriate processing queue.
+ o New program bin/inject for sending a plaintext message into
+ the incoming queue from the command line.
+ o New cron script cron/disabled for periodically culling the
+ disabled membership.
+ o bin/list_members has grown some new command line switches
+ for filtering on different criteria (digest mode, disable
+ mode, etc.)
+ o bin/remove_members has grown the --fromall switch.
+ o You can now do a bin/rmlist -a to remove an archive even
+ after the list has been deleted.
+ o bin/update removes the $prefix/Mailman/pythonlib directory.
+ o bin/withlist grows a --all/-a flag so the --run/-r option
+ can be applied to all the mailing lists. Also, interactive
+ mode is now the default if -r isn't used. You don't need to
+ run this script as "python -i bin/withlist" anymore.
+ o There is a new script contrib/majordomo2mailman.pl which
+ should ease the transition from Majordomo to Mailman.
+ - MTA integration
+ o Postfix integration has been made much more robust, but now
+ you have to set POSTFIX_ALIAS_CMD and POSTFIX_MAP_CMD to
+ point to the postalias and postmap commands respectively.
+ o VERP-ish delivery has been made much more efficient by
+ eliminating extra disk copies of messages for each recipient
+ of a VERP delivery. It has also been made more robust in
+ the face of failures during chunk delivery. This required a
+ rewrite of SMTPDirect.py and one casualty of that rewrite
+ was the experimental threaded delivery. It is no longer
+ supported (but /might/ be resurrected if there's enough
+ demand -- or a contributed patch :).
+ o A new site config variable SMTP_MAX_SESSIONS_PER_CONNECTION
+ specifies how many consecutive SMTP sessions will be
+ conducted down the same socket connection. Some MTAs have a
+ limit on this.
+ o Support for VERP-ing confirmation messages. These are less
+ error prone since the Subject: header doesn't need to be
+ retained, and they allow a more user friendly (and i18n'd)
+ and VERP_CONFIRMATIONS control this feature (only supported
+ for invitation confirmations currently, but will be expanded
+ to the other confirmations).
+ o Several new list-centric addresses have been added:
+ -subscribe and -unsubscribe are synonyms for -join and
+ -leave, respectively. Also -confirm has been added to
+ support VERP'd confirmations.
+ - Archiver
+ o There's now a default page for the Pipermail archive link
+ for when no messages have yet been posted to the list.
+ o Just the mere presence of an X-No-Archive: is enough to
+ inhibit archiving for this message; the value of the header
+ is now ignored.
+ - Configuring, building, installing
+ o Mailman now has a new favicon, donated by Terry Oda. Not
+ all web pages are linked to the favicon yet though.
+ o The add-on email package is now distributed and installed
+ automatically, so you don't need to do this. It is
+ installed in a Mailman-specific place so it won't affect
+ your larger Python installation.
+ o The default value of VERP_REGEXP has changed.
+ o New site configuration variables BADQUEUE_DIR and
+ QRUNNER_SAVE_BAD_MESSAGES which describe where to save
+ messages which are not properly MIME encoded.
+ o configure should be more POSIX-ly conformant.
+ o The Mailman/pythonlib directory has been removed, but a new
+ $prefix/pythonlib directory has been added.
+ o Regression tests are now installed.
+ o The second argument to add_virtual() calls in mm_cfg.py are
+ now optional.
+ o DEFAULT_FIRST_STRIP_REPLY_TO now defaults to 0.
+ o Site administrators can edit the Mailman/Site.py file to
+ customize some filesystem layout policies.
+2.1 alpha 4 (31-Dec-2001)
+ - The administrative requests database page (admindb) has been
+ redesigned for better usability when there are lots of held
+ postings. Changes include:
+ o A summary page which groups held messages by sender email
+ address. On this page you can dispose of all the sender's
+ messages in one action. You can also view the details of
+ all the sender's messages, or the details of a single
+ message. You can also add the sender to one of the list's
+ sender filters.
+ o A details page where you can view all messages, just those
+ for a particular sender, or just a single held message.
+ This details page is laid out the same as the old admindb
+ page.
+ o The instructions have been shorted on the summary and
+ details page, with links to more detailed explanations.
+ - Bounce processing
+ o Mailman now keeps track of the reason a member's delivery
+ has been disabled: explicitly by the administrator,
+ explicitly by the user, by the system due to excessive
+ bounces, or for (legacy) unknown reasons.
+ o A new bounce processing algorithm has been implemented (we
+ might actually understand this one ;). When an address
+ starts bouncing, the member gets a "bounce score". Hard
+ (fatal) bounces score 1.0, while soft (transient) bounces
+ score 0.5.
+ List administrators can specify a bounce threshold above
+ which a member gets disabled. They can also specify a time
+ interval after which, if no bounces are received from the
+ member, the member's bounce score is considered stale and is
+ thrown away.
+ o A new cron script, cron/disabled, periodically sends
+ notifications to members who are bounce disabled. After a
+ certain number of warnings the member is deleted from the
+ list. List administrators can control both the number of
+ notifications and the amount of time between notifications.
+ Notifications include a confirmation cookie that the member
+ can use to re-enable their subscription, via email or web.
+ o New configuration variables to support the bounce processing
+ - Privacy and security
+ o Sender filters can now be regular expressions. If a line
+ starts with ^ it is taken as a (raw string) regular
+ expression, otherwise it is a literal email address.
+ o Fixes in 2.0.8 ported forward: prevent cross-site scripting
+ exploits.
+ - Mail delivery
+ o Aliases have all been changed so that there's more
+ consistency between the alias a message gets delivered to,
+ and the script & queue runner that handles the message.
+ I've also renamed the mail wrapper script to `mailman' from
+ `wrapper' to avoid collisions with other MLM's. You /will/
+ need to regenerate your alias files with bin/genaliases, and
+ you may need to update your smrsh (Sendmail) configs.a
+ Bounces always go to listname-bounces now, since
+ administration has been separated from bounce processing.
+ listname-admin is obsolete.
+ o VERP support! This greatly improves the accuracy of bounce
+ detection. Configuration variables which control this feature
+ latter two must be tuned to your MTA.
+ o A new alias mailman-loop@dom.ain is added which directs all
+ output to the file $prefix/data/owner-bounces.mbox. This is
+ used when sending messages to the site list owners, as the
+ final fallback for bouncing messages.
+ o New configuration variable POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS
+ which should be set if you are using the Postfix MTA and
+ want Mailman to play nice with Postfix-style virtual
+ domains.
+ - Miscellaneous
+ o Better interoperability with Python 2.2.
+ o MailList objects now record the date (in seconds since
+ epoch) that they were created. This is in a hidden
+ attribute `created_at'.
+ o bin/qrunner grows a -s/--subproc switch which is usually
+ used only when it's started from mailmanctl.
+ o bin/newlist grows a -l/--language option so that the list's
+ preferred language can be set from the command line.
+ o cron changes: admin reminders go out at 8am local time instead
+ of 10pm local time.
+ - Pipermail archiver
+ o MIME attachments are scrubbed out into separate files which
+ can be viewed by following a link in the original article.
+ Article contains an indication of the size of the
+ attachment, its type, and other useful information.
+ o New script bin/cleanarch which can be used to `clean' an
+ .mbox archive file by fixing unescaped embedded Unix From_
+ lines.
+ o New configuration variable ARCHIVE_SCRUBBER in
+ Defaults.py.in which names the module that Pipermail should
+ use to scrub articles of MIME attachments.
+ o New configuration variable ARCHIVE_HTML_SANITIZER which
+ describes how the scrubber should handle text/html
+ attachments.
+ o PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL has change its semantics. It is now an
+ absolute url, with the hostname and listname parts
+ interpolated into it on a per-list basis.
+ o Pipermail should now provide the proper character set in the
+ Content-Type: header for archived articles.
+ - Internationalization
+ o Czech translations by Dan Ohnesorg.
+ o The Hungarian charset has be fixed to be iso-8859-2.
+ o The member options login page now has a language selection
+ widget.
+ - Building, configuration
+ o email-0.96 package is required (see the misc directory).
+ o New recipes for integrating Mailman and Sendmail,
+ contributed by David Champion.
+2.1 alpha 3 (22-Oct-2001)
+ - Realname support
+ o Mailman now tracks a member's Real Name in addition to their
+ email address.
+ o List members can now supply their Real Names when
+ subscribing via the web. Their Real Names are parsed from
+ any thru-email subscriptions.
+ o Members can change their Real Names on their options page,
+ and admins can change members' Real Names on the membership
+ pages. Mass subscribing accepts "email@dom.ain (Real Name)"
+ and "Real Name <email@dom.ain>" entries, for both
+ in-text-box and file-upload mass subscriptions.
+ - Filtering and Privacy
+ o Reply-To: munging has been enhanced to allow a wider range
+ of list policies. You can now pre-strip any Reply-To:
+ headers before adding list-specific ones (i.e. you can
+ override or extend existing Reply-To: headers). If
+ stripping, the old headers are no longer saved on
+ X-Reply-To:
+ o New sender moderation rules. The old `posters',
+ `member_only_posting', `moderated' and `forbidden_posters'
+ options have been removed in favor of a new moderation
+ scheme. Each member has a personal moderation bit, and
+ non-member postings can be automatically accepted, held for
+ approval, rejected (bounced) or discarded.
+ o When membership rosters are private, responses to
+ subscription (and other) requests are made more generic so
+ that these processes can't be covertly mined for hidden
+ addresses. If a subscription request comes in for a user
+ who is already subscribed, the user is notified of potential
+ membership mining.
+ o When a held message is approved via the admindb page, an
+ X-Moderated: header is added to the message.
+ o List admins can now set an unsubscribe policy which requires
+ them to approve of member unsubscriptions.
+ - Web U/I
+ o All web confirmations now require a two-click procedure,
+ where the first click gives them a page that allows them to
+ confirm or cancel their subscription. It is bad form for an
+ email click (HTTP GET) to have side effects.
+ o Lots of improvements for clarity.
+ o The Privacy category has grown three subcategories.
+ o The General options page as a number of subsection headers.
+ o The Passwords and Languages categories are now on separate
+ admin pages.
+ o The admin subcategories are now formated as two columns in
+ the top and bottom legends.
+ o When creating a list through the web, you can now specify
+ the initial list of supported languages.
+ o The U/I for unsubscribing a member on the admin's membership
+ page should be more intuitive now.
+ o There is now a separate configuration option for whether the
+ goodbye_msg is sent when a member is unsubscribed.
+ - Performance
+ o misc/mailman is a Unix init script, appropriate for
+ /etc/init.d, and containing chkconfig hooks for systems that
+ support it.
+ o bin/mailmanctl has been rewritten; the `restart' command
+ actually works now. It now also accepts -s, -q, and -u
+ options.
+ o bin/qrunner has been rewritten too; it can serve the role of
+ the old cron/qrunner script for those who want classic
+ cron-invoked mail delivery.
+ o Internally, messages are now stored in the qfiles directory
+ primarily as pickles. List configuration databases are now
+ stored as pickles too (i.e. config.pck). bin/dumpdb knows
+ how to display both pickles and marshals.
+ - Mail delivery
+ o If a user's message is held for approval, they are sent a
+ notification message containing a confirmation cookie. They
+ can use this confirmation cookie to cancel their own
+ postings (if they haven't already been approved).
+ o When held messages are forwarded to an explicit address
+ using the admindb page, it is done so in a message/rfc822
+ encapsulation.
+ o When a message is first held for approval, the notification
+ sent to the list admin is a 3-part multipart/mixed. The
+ first part holds the notification message, the second part
+ hold the original message, and the third part hold a cookie
+ confirmation message, to which the admin can respond to
+ approve or discard the message via email.
+ o In the mail->news gateway, you can define mail headers that
+ must be modified or deleted before the message can be posted
+ to the nntp server.
+ o The list admin can send an immediate urgent message to the
+ entire list membership, bypassing digest delivery. This is
+ done by adding an Urgent: header with the list password.
+ Urgent messages with an invalid password are rejected.
+ o Lists can now optionally personalize email messages, if the
+ site admin allows it. Personalized messages mean that the
+ To: header includes the recipient's address instead of the
+ list's address, and header and footer messages can contain
+ user-specific information. Note that only regular
+ deliveries can currently be personalized.
+ o Message that come from Usenet but that have broken MIME
+ boundaries are ignored.
+ o If the site administrator agrees, list owners have the
+ ability to disable RFC 2369 List-* headers.
+ o There is now an API for an external process to post a
+ message to a list. This posting process can also specify an
+ explicit list of recipients, in effect turning the mailing
+ list into a "virtual list" with a fluid membership. See
+ Mailman/Post.py for details.
+ - Building/testing/configuration
+ o mimelib is no longer required, but you must install the
+ email package (see the tarball in the misc directory).
+ o An (as yet) incomplete test suite has been added. Don't try
+ running it in a production environment!
+ o Better virtual host support by adding a mapping from the
+ host name given in cgi's HTTP_HOST/SERVER_NAME variable to
+ the email host used in list addresses. (E.g. www.python.org
+ maps to @python.org).
+ o Specifying urls to external public archivers is more
+ flexible.
+ o The filters/ subdirectory has been removed.
+ o There is now a `site list' which is a mailing list that must
+ be created first, and from which all password reminders
+ appear to come from. It is recommended that this list be
+ called "mailman@your.site".
+ o bin/move_list is no longer necessary (see the FAQ for
+ detailed instructions on renaming a list).
+ o A new script bin/fix_url.py can be used with bin/withlist to
+ change a list's web_page_url configuration variable (since
+ it is no longer modifiable through the web).
+ - Internationalization
+ o Support for German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, and
+ Norwegian have been added.
+ - Miscellaneous
+ o Lots of new bounce detectors. Bounce detectors can now
+ discard temporary bounce messages by returning a special
+ Stop value.
+ o bin/withlist now sports a -q/--quiet flag.
+ o bin/add_members has a new -a/--admin-notify flag which can
+ be used to inhibit list owner notification for each
+ subscription.
+ - Membership Adaptors
+ o Internally, mailing list memberships are accessed through a
+ MemberAdaptor interface. This would allow for integrating
+ membership databases with external sources (e.g. Zope or
+ LDAP), although the only MemberAdaptor currently implemented
+ is a "classic" adaptor which stores the membership
+ information on the MailList object.
+ o There's a new pipeline handler module called FileRecips.py
+ which could be used to get all regular delivery mailing list
+ recipients from a Sendmail-style :include: file (see List
+ Extensibility bullet below).
+ This work was sponsored by Control.com
+ - List Extensibility
+ o A framework has been added which can be used to specialize
+ and extend specific mailing lists. If there is a file
+ called lists/<yourlist>/extend.py, it is execfile()'d after
+ the MailList object is instantiated. The file should
+ contain a function extend() which will be called with the
+ MailList instance. This function can do all sorts of deep
+ things, like modify the handler pipeline just for this list,
+ or even strip out particular admin GUI elements (see below).
+ o All the admin page GUI elements are now separate
+ components. This provides greater flexibility for list
+ customization. Also, each GUI element will be given an
+ opportunity to handle admin CGI form data.
+ This work was sponsored by Control.com
+ - Topic Filters
+ o A new feature has been added called "Topic Filters". A list
+ administrator can create topics, which are essentially
+ regular expression matches against Subject: and Keyword:
+ headers (including such pseudo-headers if they appear in the
+ first few lines of the body of a message).
+ List members can then `subscribe' to various topics, which
+ allows them to filter out any messages that don't match a
+ topic, or to filter out any message that does match a
+ topic. This can be useful for high volume lists where not
+ everyone will be interested in every message.
+ This work was sponsored by Control.com
+2.1 alpha 2 (11-Jul-2001)
+ - Building
+ o mimelib 0.4 is now required. Get it from
+ http://mimelib.sf.net. If you've installed an earlier
+ version of mimelib, you must upgrade.
+ o /usr/local/mailman is now the default installation
+ directory. Use configure's --prefix switch to change it
+ back to the default (/home/mailman) or any other
+ installation directory of your choice.
+ - Security
+ o Better definition of authentication domains. The following
+ roles have been defined: user, list-admin, list-moderator,
+ creator, site-admin.
+ o There is now a separate role of "list moderator", which has
+ access to the pending requests (admindb) page, but not the
+ list configuration pages.
+ o Subscription confirmations can now be performed via email or
+ via URL. When a subscription is received, a unique (sha)
+ confirm URL is generated in the confirmation message.
+ Simply visiting this URL completes the subscription process.
+ o In a similar manner, removal requests (via web or email
+ command) no longer require the password. If the correct
+ password is given, the removal is performed immediately. If
+ no password is given, then a confirmation message is
+ generated.
+ - Internationalization
+ o More I18N patches. The basic infrastructure should now be
+ working correctly. Spanish templates and catalogs are
+ included, and English, French, Hungarian, and Big5 templates
+ are included.
+ o Cascading specializations and internationalization of
+ templates. Templates are now search for in the following
+ order: list-specific location, domain-specific location,
+ site-wide location, global defaults. Each search location
+ is further qualified by the language being displayed. This
+ means that you only need to change the templates that are
+ different from the global defaults.
+ Templates renamed: admlogin.txt => admlogin.html
+ Templates added: private.html
+ - Web UI
+ o Redesigned the user options page. It now sits behind an
+ authentication so user options cannot be viewed without the
+ proper password. The other advantage is that the user's
+ password need not be entered on the options page to
+ unsubscribe or change option values. The login screen also
+ provides for password mail-back, and unsubscription w/
+ confirmation.
+ Other new features accessible from the user options page
+ include: ability to change email address (with confirmation)
+ both per-list and globally for all list on virtual domain;
+ global membership password changing; global mail delivery
+ disable/enable; ability to suppress password reminders both
+ per-list and globally; logout button.
+ [Note: the handle_opts cgi has gone away]
+ o Color schemes for non-template based web pages can be defined
+ via mm_cfg.
+ o Redesign of the membership management page. The page is now
+ split into three subcategories (Membership List, Mass
+ Subscription, and Mass Removal). The Membership List
+ subcategory now supports searching for member addresses by
+ regular expression, and if necessary, it groups member
+ addresses first alphabetically, and then by chunks.
+ Mass Subscription and Mass Removal now support file upload,
+ with one address per line.
+ o Hyperlinks from the logos in the footers have been removed.
+ The sponsors got too much "unsubscribe me!" spam from
+ desperate user of Mailman at other sites.
+ o New buttons on the digest admin page to send a digest
+ immediately (if it's non-empty), to start a new digest
+ volume with the next digest, and to select the interval with
+ which to automatically start a new digest volume (yearly,
+ monthly, quarterly, weekly, daily).
+ DEFAULT_DIGEST_VOLUME_FREQUENCY is a new configuration
+ variable, initially set to give a new digest volume monthly.
+ o Through-the-web list creation and removal, using a separate
+ site-wide authentication role called the "list creator and
+ destroyer" or simply "list creator". If the configuration
+ variable OWNERS_CAN_DELETE_THEIR_OWN_LISTS is set to 1 (by
+ default, it's 0), then list admins can delete their own
+ lists.
+ This feature requires an adaptor for the particular MTA
+ you're using. An adaptor for Postfix is included, as is a
+ dumb adaptor that just emails mailman@yoursite with the
+ necessary Sendmail style /etc/alias file changes. Some MTAs
+ like Exim can be configured to automatically recognize new
+ lists. The adaptor is selected via the MTA option in
+ mm_cfg.py
+ - Email UI
+ o In email commands, "join" is a synonym for
+ "subscribe". "remove" and "leave" are synonyms for
+ "unsubscribe". New robot addresses are support to make
+ subscribing and unsubscribing much easier:
+ mylist-join@mysite
+ mylist-leave@mysite
+ o Confirmation messages have a shortened Subject: header,
+ containing just the word "confirm" and the confirmation
+ cookie. This should help for MUAs that like to wrap long
+ Subject: lines, messing up confirmation.
+ o Mailman now recognizes an Urgent: header, which, if it
+ contains the list moderator or list administrator password,
+ forces the message to be delivered immediately to all
+ members (i.e. both regular and digest members). The message
+ is also placed in the digest. If the password is incorrect,
+ the message will be bounced back to the sender.
+ - Performance
+ o Refinements to the new qrunner subsystem which preserves
+ FIFO order of messages.
+ o The qrunner is no longer started from cron. It is started
+ by a Un*x init-style script called bin/mailmanctl (see
+ below). cron/qrunner has been removed.
+ - Command line scripts
+ o bin/mailmanctl script added, which is used to start, stop,
+ and restart the qrunner daemon.
+ o bin/qrunner script added which allows a single sub-qrunner
+ to run once through its processing loop.
+ o bin/change_pw script added (eases mass changing of list
+ passwords).
+ o bin/update grows a -f switch to force an update.
+ o bin/newlang renamed to bin/addlang; bin/rmlang removed.
+ o bin/mmsitepass has grown a -c option to set the list
+ creator's password. The site-wide `create' web page is
+ linked to from the admin overview page.
+ o bin/newlist's -o option is removed. This script also grows
+ a way of spelling the creation of a list in a specific
+ virtual domain.
+ o The `auto' script has been removed.
+ o bin/dumpdb has grown -m/--marshal and -p/--pickle options.
+ o bin/list_admins can be used to print the owners of a mailing list.
+ o bin/genaliases regenerates from scratch the aliases and
+ aliases.db file for the Postfix MTA.
+ - Archiver
+ o New archiver date clobbering option, which allows dates to
+ only be clobber if they are outrageously out-of-date
+ (default setting is 15 days on either side of received
+ timestamp). New configuration variables:
+ The archived copy of messages grows an X-List-Received-Date:
+ header indicating the time the message was received by
+ Mailman.
+ o PRIVATE_ARCHIVE_URL configuration variable is removed (this
+ can be calculated on the fly, and removing it actually makes
+ site configuration easier).
+ - Miscellaneous
+ o Several new README's have been added.
+ o Most syslog entries for the qrunner have been redirected to
+ logs/error.
+ o On SIGHUP, qrunner will re-open all its log files and
+ restart all child processes. See "bin/mailmanctl restart".
+ - Patches and bug fixes
+ o SF patches and bug fixes applied: 420396, 424389, 227694,
+ 426002, 401372 (partial), 401452.
+ o Fixes in 2.0.5 ported forward:
+ Fix a lock stagnation problem that can result when the
+ user hits the `stop' button on their browser during a
+ write operation that can take a long time (e.g. hitting
+ the membership management admin page).
+ o Fixes in 2.0.4 ported forward:
+ Python 2.1 compatibility release. There were a few
+ questionable constructs and uses of deprecated modules
+ that caused annoying warnings when used with Python 2.1.
+ This release quiets those warnings.
+ o Fixes in 2.0.3 ported forward:
+ Bug fix release. There was a small typo in 2.0.2 in
+ ListAdmin.py for approving an already subscribed member
+ (thanks Thomas!). Also, an update to the OpenWall
+ security workaround (contrib/securelinux_fix.py) was
+ included. Thanks to Marc Merlin.
+2.1 alpha 1 (04-Mar-2001)
+ - Python 2.0 or newer required. Also required is `mimelib' a new
+ library for handling MIME documents. This will be bundled in
+ future releases, but for now, you must download and install it
+ (using Python's distutils) from
+ http://barry.wooz.org/software/Code/mimelib-0.2.tar.gz
+ You need mimelib 0.2 or better.
+ - Redesigned qrunner subsystem. Now there are multiple message
+ queues, and considerable flexibility in file formats for
+ integration with external systems. The current crop of queues
+ include:
+ archive -- for posting messages to an archiver
+ commands -- for incoming email commands and bounces
+ in -- for list-destined incoming email
+ news -- for messages outgoing to a nntp server
+ out -- for messages outgoing to a smtp server
+ shunt -- for messages that trigger unexpected exceptions in Mailman
+ virgin -- for messages that are generated by Mailman
+ cron/qrunner is now a long running script that forks off
+ sub-runners for each of the above queues. qrunner still plays
+ nice with cron, but it is expected to be started by init at some
+ point in the future. Some support exists for parallel
+ processing of messages in the queues.
+ - Support for internationalization support merged in. Original
+ work done by Juan Carlos Rey Anaya and Victoriano Giralt. I've
+ tested about 90% of the web side, 50% of the email, and 50% of
+ the command line / cron scripts.
+ New scripts: bin/newlang, bin/rmlang
+ - New delivery script `auto' for automatic integration with the
+ Postfix MTA.
+ - A bunch of new bounce detectors.
+ Changes ported from Mailman 2.0.2 and 2.0.1:
+ - A fix for a potential privacy exploit where a clever list
+ administrator could gain access to user passwords. This doesn't
+ allow them to do much more harm to the user then they normally
+ could, but they still shouldn't have access to the passwords.
+ - In the admindb page, don't complain when approving a
+ subscription of someone who's already on the list (SF bug
+ #222409 - Thomas Wouters).
+ Also, quote for HTML the Subject: text printed for held
+ messages, otherwise messages with e.g. "Subject: </table>" could
+ royally screw page formatting.
+ - Docstring fix bin/newlist to remove mention of "immediate"
+ argument (Thomas Wouters).
+ - Fix for bin/update when PREFIX != VAR_PREFIX (SF bug #229794 --
+ Thomas Wouters).
+ - Bug fix release, namely fixes a buglet in bin/withlist affecting
+ the -l and -r flags; also a problem that can cause qrunner to
+ stop processing mail after disk-full events (SourceForge bug
+ 127199).
+2.0 final (21-Nov-2000)
+ No changes from rc3.
+2.0 release candidate 3 (16-Nov-2000)
+ - By popular demand, Reply-To: munging policy is now to always
+ override any Reply-To: header in the original message, if
+ reply_goes_to_list is set to "This list" or "Explicit Address"
+ - bin/newlist given -q/--quiet flag instead of the <immediate>
+ positional argument
+ - Hopefully last fix to DEFAULT_URL not ending in a slash
+ sensitivity
+ - 2.0rc2 buglets fixed:
+ o newlist argument parsing
+ o updating with unlocked lists
+ o HyperArch.py traceback when there's no
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: header
+ - SourceForge bugs fixed:
+ 122358 (qmail-to-mailman.py listname case folding)
+ - SourceForge patches applied:
+ 102373 (qmail-to-mailman.py listname case folding)
+2.0 release candidate 2 (10-Nov-2000)
+ - Documentation updates: start at admin/www/index.html
+ - bin/withlist accepts additional command line arguments when used
+ with the --run flag; bin/mmsitepass and bin/newlist accept
+ -h/--help flags
+ - bin/newlist has a -o/--output flag to append /etc/aliases
+ suggestions to a specified file
+ - SourceForge bugs fixed:
+ 116615 (README.BSD update), 117015 (duplicate messages on
+ moderated posts), 117548 (exception in HyperArch.py), 117682
+ (typos), 121185 (vsnprintf signature), 121591 and 122017
+ (bogus link after web unsubscribe), 121811 (`subscribe' in
+ Subject: doesn't get archived)
+ - SourceForge patches applied:
+ 101812 (securelinux_fix.py contrib), 102097 (fix for bug
+ 117548), 102211 (additional args for withlist), 102268 (case
+ insensitive Content-Transfer-Encoding:)
+2.0 release candidate 1 (23-Oct-2000)
+ - Bug fixes and security patches.
+ - Better html rendition of articles in non us-ascii charsets
+ (Jeremy Hylton). See VERBATIM_ENCODING variable in
+ Defaults.py.in for customization.
+2.0 beta 6 (22-Sep-2000)
+ - Building
+ o Tested with Python 1.5.2, Python 1.6, and Python 2.0 beta 1.
+ Conducted on RH Linux 6.1 only, but should work
+ cross-platform.
+ o Configure now accepts --with-username, --with-groupname,
+ --with-var-prefix flags. See `configure --help' or the
+ INSTALL file for details.
+ o Setting the CFLAGS environment variable before invoking
+ configure now works.
+ o The icons are now copied into $prefix/icons at install time.
+ Patch by David Champion.
+ - Standards
+ o Compliance with RFC 2369 (List-*: headers). Patch by
+ Darrell Fuhriman. List-ID: header is kept for historical
+ reasons.
+ o Fixes by Jeremy Hylton to Pipermail in support of non-ASCII
+ charsets, based on the Content-Type: and encoded-words in
+ the original message. Mail headers are now decoded as per
+ RFC 2047.
+ o Many more bounce formats are detected: Microsoft's SMTPSVC,
+ Compuserve, GroupWise, SMTP32, and the more generic
+ SimpleMatch (which catches lots of similar but slightly
+ different formats).
+ - Defaults
+ o Email addresses can now be obscured in Pipermail archives by
+ setting mm_cfg.ARCHIVER_OBSCURES_EMAILADDRS to 1 (obscuring
+ is turned off by default). Patch provided by Chris Snell.
+ o The default NNTP host can now be set by editing
+ mm_cfg.DEFAULT_NNTP_HOST. Patch by David Champion.
+ o The default archiving mode (public/private) can now be set
+ by editing mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ARCHIVE. Patch by Ted Cabeen.
+ - Web UI
+ o The variable details pages in the administrators interface
+ is now `live', i.e. there's a submit button on the details
+ page.
+ o A link to the administrative interface is placed in the
+ footer of the general user pages (authentication still
+ required, of course!)
+ o The user options change results page has a link back to the
+ user's main page.
+ o In the admindb page (for dealing with held postings), the
+ default forward address is now listname-owner instead of
+ listname-admin. This avoids bounce detection on the
+ forwarded message.
+ - Miscellaneous
+ o Fixed config.db corruption problem when disk-full errors are
+ encountered.
+ o Command line scripts accept list names case-insensitively.
+ o bin/remove_members takes a -a flag to remove all members of
+ a list in one fell swoop.
+ o List admin passwords must be non-empty.
+ o Mailman generated passwords are slightly more mnemonic, and
+ shouldn't have confusing character selections (i.e. `i'
+ only, but no `1' or `l').
+ o Crossposting to two gated mailing lists should be fixed.
+ o Many other bug fixes and minor web UI improvements.
+2.0 beta 5 (01-Aug-2000)
+ - Bug fix release. This includes a fix for a small security hole
+ which could be exploited to gain mailman group access by a local
+ user (not a mail or web user).
+ - As part of the fix for the "cookie reauthorization" bug, only
+ session cookies are used now. This means that administrative
+ and private archive cookies expire only when the browser session
+ is quit, however an explicit "Logout" button has been added.
+2.0 beta 4 (06-Jul-2000)
+ - Bug fix release.
+2.0 beta 3 (29-Jun-2000)
+ - Delivery mechanism (qrunner) refined to support immediate
+ queuing, queuing directly from MTA, and queuing on any error
+ along the delivery pipeline. This means 1) that huge lists
+ can't time out the MTA's program delivery channel; 2) it is much
+ harder to completely lose messages; 3) eventually, qrunner will
+ be elaborated to meter delivery to the MTA so as not to swamp
+ it. The tradeoff is in more disk I/O since every message coming
+ into the system (and most that are generated by the system) live
+ on disk for some part of their journey through Mailman.
+ For now, see the Default.py variables QRUNNER_PROCESS_LIFETIME
+ and QRUNNER_MAX_MESSAGES for primitive resource management.
+ The API to the pipeline handler modules has changed. See
+ Mailman/Handlers/HandlerAPI.py for details.
+ - Revamped admindb web page: held messages are split into headers
+ and bodies so they are easier to vette; admins can now also
+ preserve a held message (for spam evidence gathering) or forward
+ the message to a specified email address; disposition of held
+ messages can be deferred; held messages have a more context
+ meaningful default rejection message.
+ - Change to the semantics for `acceptable_aliases' list
+ configuration variable, based on suggestions by Harald Meland.
+ - New mm_cfg.py variables NNTP_USERNAME and NNTP_PASSWORD can be
+ set on a site-wide basis if connection to your nntpd requires
+ authentication.
+ - The list attribute `num_spawns' has been removed. The mm_cfg.py
+ variables MAX_SPAWNS, and DEFAULT_NUM_SPAWNS removed too.
+ - LIST_LOCK_LIFETIME cranked to 5 hours and LIST_LOCK_TIMEOUT
+ shortened to 10 seconds. QRUNNER_LOCK_LIFETIME cranked up to 10
+ hours. This should decrease the changes for bogus and harmful
+ lock breaking.
+ - Resent-to: is now one of the headers checked for explicit
+ destinations.
+ - Tons more bounce formats are recognized. The API to the bounce
+ modules has changed.
+ - A rewritten LockFile module which should fix most (hopefully all)
+ bugs in the locking machinery. Many improvements suggested by
+ Thomas Wouters and Harald Meland.
+ - Experimental support (disabled by default) for delivering SMTP
+ chunks to the MTA via multiple threads. Your Python executable
+ must have been compiled with thread support enabled, and you
+ must set MAX_DELIVERY_THREADS in mm_cfg.py. Note that this may
+ not improve your overall system performance.
+ - Some changes and additions to scripts: bin/find_member now
+ supports a -w/--owner flag to match regexps against mailing list
+ owners; bin/find_member now supports multiple regexps;
+ cron/gate_news command line option changes; new script
+ bin/dumbdb for debugging purposes; bin/clone_member can now also
+ remove the old address and change change the list owner
+ addresses.
+ - The News/Mail gateway admin page has a button that lets you do
+ an explicit catchup of the newsgroup.
+ - The CVS repository has been moved out to SourceForge. For more
+ information, see the project summary at
+ http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=103
+ - Lots 'o bug fixes and some performance improvements.
+2.0 beta 2 (07-Apr-2000)
+ - Rewritten gate_news cron script which should be more efficient
+ and avoid race and locking problems. Each list now maintains
+ its own watermark, and when you use the admin CGI script to turn
+ on gating from Usenet->mail, an automatic mass catch up is done
+ to avoid flooding the mailing list. cron/gate_news's command
+ line interface has also changed. See its docstring for
+ details.
+ - A new cron script called qrunner has been added to retry message
+ deliveries that fail because of temporary smtpd problems.
+ - New command line script called bin/list_lists which does exactly
+ that: lists all the mailing lists on the system (much like the
+ listinfo CGI does).
+ - bin/withlist is now directly executable, however if you want to
+ use python -i, you must still explicitly invoke it.
+ bin/withlist also now cleans up after itself by unlocking any
+ locked lists. It does NOT save any dirty lists though - you
+ must do this explicitly.
+ - $prefix permissions (and all subdirs) must now be 02775.
+ bin/check_perms has been updated to fix all the subdir
+ permissions.
+ - "make update" (a.k.a. bin/update) is run automatically when you
+ do a "make install"
+ - The CGI driver script now puts information about the Python
+ environment into the logs/error file (but not the diagnostic web
+ page).
+ - Bug fixes and some performance improvements
+2.0 beta 1 (19-Mar-2000)
+ - Python 1.5.2 (or newer) is now required.
+ - A new bundled auto-responder has been added. You can now
+ configure an autoresponse text for each list's primary
+ addresses:
+ listname@yourhost.com -- the general posting address
+ listname-request@... -- the automated "request bot" address
+ listname-admin@... -- the human administrator address
+ - The standard UI now includes three logos at the bottom of the
+ page: Dragon's Mailman logo, the Python Powered logo, and the
+ GNU logo. All point to their respective home pages.
+ - It is now possible to set the Reply-To: field on lists to an
+ arbitrary address. NOTE: Reply-To: munging is generally
+ considered harmful! However for some read-only lists, it is
+ useful to direct replies to a parallel discussion list.
+ - There is a new message delivery architecture which uses a
+ pipeline processor for incoming and internally generated
+ messages. Mailman no longer contains a bundled bulk-mailer;
+ instead message delivery is handled completely by the MTA. Most
+ MTAs give a high enough priority to connections from the
+ localhost that mail will not be lost because of system load, but
+ this is not guaranteed (or handled) by Mailman currently. Be
+ careful also if your smtpd is on a different host than the
+ Mailman host. In practice, mail lossage has not be observed.
+ For this reason cron/run_queue is no longer needed (see the
+ UPGRADING file for details).
+ Also, you can choose whether you want direct smtp delivery, or
+ delivery via the command line to a sendmail-compatible daemon.
+ You can also easily add your own delivery module. See
+ Mailman/Defaults.py for details.
+ - A similar pipeline architecture for the parsing of bounce
+ messages has been added. Most common bounce formats are now
+ handled, including Qmail, Postfix, and DSN. It is now much
+ easier to add new bounce detectors.
+ - The approval pending architecture has also been revamped.
+ Subscription requests and message posts waiting for admin
+ approval are no longer kept in the config.db file, but in a
+ separate requests.db file instead.
+ - Finally made consistent the use of Sender:/From:/From_ in the
+ matching of headers for such things as member-post-only. Now,
+ if USE_ENVELOPE_SENDER is true, Sender: will always be chosen
+ over From:, however the default has been changed to
+ USE_ENVELOPE_SENDER false so that From: is always chosen over
+ Sender:. In both cases, if no header is found, From_ (i.e. the
+ envelope sender is used). Note that the variable is now
+ misnamed! Most people want From: matching anyway and any are
+ easily spoofable.
+ - New scripts bin/move_list, bin/config_list
+ - cron/upvolumes_yearly, cron/upvolumes_monthly, cron/archive,
+ cron/run_queue all removed. Edit your crontab if you used these
+ scripts. Other scripts removed: contact_transport, deliver,
+ dumb_deliver.
+ - Several web UI improvements, especially in the admin page.
+ - Remove X-pmrqc: headers to prevent return reciepts for Pegasus
+ mail users.
+ - Security patch when using external archivers.
+ - Honor "X-Archive: No" header by not putting this message in the
+ archive.
+ - Changes to the log file format.
+ - The usual bug fixes.
+1.1 (05-Nov-1999)
+ - All GIFs removed. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/gif.html
+ for the reason why.
+ - Improvements to the Pipermail archiver which make things faster.
+ Primary change is that the .txt files are not gzipped on every
+ posted message. Instead, use the new cron script `nightly_gzip'
+ to gzip the .txt file in batches (this means that the .txt file
+ will lag behind the on-line archives a little).
+ - From the C drivers programs, Python is invoked with the -S
+ option. This tells Python to avoid importing the site module,
+ which can improve start up time of the Python process
+ considerably. Note that the command line script invocation has
+ not been changed.
+ - New configuration variables PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER and
+ PRIVATE_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER which can contain a shell command
+ string for os.popen(). This can be used to invoke an external
+ archiver instead of the bundled Pipermail archiver. See
+ Defaults.py for details.
+ - new script `bin/find_member' which can be used to search for a
+ member by regular expression.
+ - More child processes are reaped, which should eliminate most
+ occurrences of zombie processes.
+ - A few small miscellaneous bug fixes (including PR#99, PR#107)
+ and improvements to the file locking algorithms.
+1.0 (30-Jul-1999)
+ - Configure script now allows $PREFIX (by default /home/mailman)
+ to be permissions 02755. Also, configure now tests for
+ vsnprintf()
+ - Workaround, taken from GNU screen, for systems missing
+ vsnprintf()
+ - Return-Receipt-To: and Disposition-Notification-To: headers are
+ always removed from posted messages (they can be used to troll
+ for list membership).
+ - Workaround for MSIE4.01 (and possibly other versions) bug in the
+ handling of cookies.
+ - A small collection of other bug fixes.
+1.0rc3 (10-Jul-1999)
+ - new script bin/check_perms which checks (and optionally fixes)
+ the permissions and group ownerships of the files in your
+ Mailman installation.
+ - Removed a bottleneck in the archiving code that was causing
+ performance problems on highly loaded servers.
+ - The code that saves a list's state and configuration database
+ has been made more robust.
+ - Additional exception handlers have been added in several places
+ to alleviate problems with Mailman bombing out when it really
+ would be better to print/log a helpful message.
+ - The "password" mail command will now mail back the sender's
+ subscription password when given with no arguments.
+ - The embarrassing subject-prefixing bug present in rc2 has been
+ fixed.
+ - A small (but nice :) collection of other squashed bugs.
+1.0rc2 (14-Jun-1999)
+ - A security flaw in the CGI cookie mechanisms was discovered --
+ the Mailman-issued cookies were easily spoofable, implying that
+ e.g. admin access to all Mailman lists via the web interface
+ could be compromised. This flaw has now been fixed.
+ - Handling of SMTP errors has been improved.
+ - Both "Mass Subscription" via web admin interface and
+ bin/add_members have been greatly sped up.
+ - autoconf check for syslog has been revamped, and is now verified
+ to work on SCO OpenServer 5. If syslog can't be found, the C
+ wrappers will compile, but without any syslog calls.
+ - Various other bug fixes.
+1.0rc1 (04-May-1999)
+ - There is a new Mailman logo, contributed by The Dragon De
+ Monsyne. Please read the INSTALL file for information about
+ installing the logo in a place your Web server can find it.
+ - USE_ENVELOPE_SENDER is now set to 0 by default. Turning this on
+ caused problems for too many users; lists restricted to
+ member-only posts were not matching the addresses correctly.
+ - A revamped bin/withlist to be a little more useful.
+ - A revamped cron/mailpasswds which groups users by virtual hosts.
+ - The usual assortment of bug fixes.
+1.0b11 (03-Apr-1999)
+ - Bug fixes and improvements for case preservation of subscribed
+ addresses. The DATA_FILE_VERSION has been bumped to 14.
+ - New script bin/withlist, useful for interactive debugging.
+1.0b10 (26-Mar-1999)
+ - New script bin/sync_members which can be used to synchronize a
+ list's membership against a flat (e.g. sendmail :include: style)
+ file.
+ - bin/add_members and bin/remove_members now accept addresses on
+ the command line with `-' as the value for the -d and -n
+ options.
+ - Added variable USE_ENVELOPE_SENDER to Defaults.py for site-wide
+ configuration of address matching scheme. With this variable
+ set to true, the envelope sender (e.g. Unix "From_" header) is
+ used to match addresses, otherwise the From: header is used.
+ Envelope sender matching seems not to work on many systems.
+ This variable is currently defaulted to 1, but may change to 0
+ for the final release.
+ - Reorganization of the membership management admin page. Also
+ member addresses are linked to their options page. Only the
+ `General' category has the admin password change form.
+ - Major reorganization of email command handling and responses.
+ `notmetoo' is the preferred email command instead of `norcv',
+ although the latter is still accepted as an argument. If more
+ than 5 errors are found in the message, command processing is
+ halted.
+ - User options page now shows the user their case-preserved
+ subscribed address as well.
+ - The usual assortment of bug fixes.
+1.0b9 (01-Mar-1999)
+ - New bin scripts: clone_member, list_members, add_members (a
+ consolidation of convertlist and populate_new_list which have
+ been removed).
+ - Two new readmes have been added: README.LINUX and README.QMAIL
+ - New configure option --with-cgi-ext which can be used if your
+ Web server requires extensions on CGI scripts. The extension
+ must include a dot (e.g. --with-cgi-ext=".cgi").
+ - Many bug fixes, including the setgid problem that was causing
+ mail to be lost on some versions of Linux.
+1.0b8 (14-Jan-1999)
+ - Bug fixes and workarounds for certain Linuxes.
+ - Illegal addresses are no longer allowed to be subscribed, from
+ any interface.
+1.0b7 (31-Dec-1998)
+ - Many, many bug fixes. Some performance improvements for large
+ lists. Some improvements in the Web interfaces. Some security
+ improvements. Improved compatibility with Python 1.5.
+ - bin/convert_list and bin/populate_new_list have been replaced
+ by bin/add_members.
+ - Admins can now get notification on subscriptions and
+ unsubscriptions. Posts are now logged.
+ - The username portion of email addresses are now case-preserved
+ for delivery purposes. All other address comparisions are
+ case-insensitive.
+ - New default SMTP_MAX_RCPTS that limits the number of "RCPT TO"
+ SMTP commands that can be given for a single message. Most
+ MTAs have some hard limit.
+ - "Precedence: bulk" header and "List-id:" header are now added
+ to all outgoing messages. The latter is not added if the
+ message already has a "List-id:" header. See RFC 2046 and
+ draft-chandhok-listid-02 for details.
+ - The standard (as of Python 1.5.2) smtplib.py is now used.
+ - The install process now compiles all the .py files in the
+ installation.
+ - Versions of the Mailman papers given at IPC7 and LISA-98 are
+ now included.
+1.0b6 (07-Nov-1998)
+ - Archiving is (finally) back in.
+ - Administrivia filter added.
+ - Mail queue mechanism revamped with better concurrency control.
+ - For recipients that have estmp MTAs, set delivery notification
+ status so that only delivery failure notices are sent out,
+ inhibiting 4 hour and N day warning notices.
+ - Now expire old unconfirmed subscription requests, rather than
+ keeping them forever.
+ - Added proposed standard List-Id: header, and our own
+ X-MailmanVersion header.
+ - Prevent havoc from attempts to subscribe a list to itself. (!)
+ - Refine mail command processing to prevent loops.
+ - Pending subscription DB redone with better locking and cleaner
+ interface.
+ - posters functionality expanded.
+ - Subscription policy more flexible, sensible, and
+ site-configurable.
+ - Various and sundry bug fixes.
+1.0b5 (27-Jul-1998)
+ - New file locking that should be portable and work w/ NFS.
+ - Better use of packages.
+ - Better error logging and reporting.
+ - Less startup overhead.
+ - Various and sundry bug fixes.
+1.0b4 (03-Jun-1998)
+ - A configure script for easy installation (Barry Warsaw)
+ - The ability to install Mailman to locations other than
+ /home/mailman (Barry Warsaw)
+ - Use cookies on the admin pages (also hides admin pages from
+ others) (Scott Cotton)
+ - Subscription requests send a request for confirmation, which may
+ be done by simply replying to the message (Scott Cotton)
+ - Facilities for gating mail to a newsgroup, and for gating a
+ newsgroup to a mailing list (John Viega)
+ - Contact the SMTP port instead of calling sendmail (primarily for
+ portability) (John Viega)
+ - Changed all links on web pages to relative links where appropriate.
+ (John Viega)
+ - Use MD5 if crypt is not available (John Viega)
+ - Lots of fixing up of bounce handling (Ken Manheimer)
+ - General UI polishing (Ken Manheimer)
+ - mm_html: Make it prominent when the user's delivery is disabled
+ on his option page. (Ken Manheimer)
+ - mallist:DeleteMember() Delete the option setings if any. (Ken
+ Manheimer)
+1.0b3 (03-May-1998)
+ - mm_message:Deliverer.DeliverToList() added missing newline
+ between the headers and message body. Without it, any sequence
+ of initial body lines that _looked_ like headers ("Sir: Please
+ excuse my impertinence, but") got treated like headers.
+ - Fixed typo which broke subscription acknowledgement message
+ (thanks to janne sinkonen for pointing this out promptly after
+ release). (Anyone who applied my intermediate patch will
+ probably see this one trigger patch'es reversed-patch
+ detector...)
+ - Fixed cgi-wrapper.c so it doesn't segfault when invoked with
+ improper uid or gid, and generally wrappers are cleaned up a
+ bit.
+ - Prevented delivery-failure notices for misdirected subscribe-
+ confirmation requests from bouncing back to the -request addr,
+ and then being treated as failing requests.
+ Implemented two measures. Set the reply-to for the
+ confirmation- request to the -request addr, and the sender to be
+ the list admin. This way, bounces go to list admin instead of
+ to -request addr. (Using the errors-to header wasn't
+ sufficient. Thanks, barry, for pointing out the use of sender
+ here.) Second, ignore any mailcommands coming from postmaster
+ or non-login system type accounts (mailer-daemon, daemon,
+ postoffice, etc.)
+ - Reenabled admin setting of web_page_url - crucial for having
+ lists use alternate names of a host that occupies multiple
+ addresses.
+ - Fixed and refined admin-options help mechanism. Top-level visit
+ to general-category (where the "general" isn't in the URL) was
+ broken. New help presentation shows the same row that shows on
+ the actual options page.
+ - cron/crontab.in crontab template had wrong name for senddigests.
+ - Default digest format setting, as distributed, is now non-MIME,
+ on urging of reasoned voices asserting that there are still
+ enough bad MIME implementations in the world to be a nuisance to
+ too many users if MIME is the default. Sigh.
+ - MIME digests now preserve the structure of MIME postings,
+ keeping attachments as attachments, etc. They also are more
+ structured in general.
+ - Added README instructions explaining how to determine the right
+ UID and GID settings for the wrapper executables, and improved
+ some of the explanations about exploratory interaction
+ w/mailman.
+ - Removed the constraint that subscribers have their domain
+ included in a static list in the code. We might want to
+ eventually reincorporate the check for the sake of a warning
+ message, to give a heads up to the subscriber, but try delivery
+ anyway...
+ - Added missing titles to error docs.
+ - Improved several help details, including particularly explaining
+ better how real_name setting is used.
+ - Strengthened admonition against setting reply_goes_to_list.
+ - Added X-BeenThere header to postings for the sake of prevention
+ of external mail loops.
+ - Improved handling of bounced messages to better recognize
+ members address, and prevent duplicate attempts to react (which
+ could cause superfluous notices to administrator).
+ - Added __delitem__ method to mm_message.OutgoingMessage, to fix
+ the intermediate patch posted just before this one.
+ - Using keyword substitution format for more message text (ie,
+ "substituting %(such)s into text" % {'such': "something"}) to
+ make the substitutions less fragile and, presumably, easier to
+ debug.
+ - Removed hardwired (and failure-prone) /tmp file logging from
+ answer.majordomo_mail, and generally spiffed up following janne
+ sinkkonen's lead.
+1.0b2 (13-Apr-1998)
+1.0b1 (09-Apr-1998)
+ Web pages much more polished
+ - Better organized, text more finely crafted
+ - Easier, more refined layout
+ - List info and admin interface overviews, enumerate all public lists
+ (via, e.g., http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo - sans the
+ specific list)
+ - Admin interface broken into sections, with help elaboration for
+ complicated configuration options
+ Mailing List Archives
+ - Integrated with a newer, *much* improved, external pipermail - to be
+ found at http://starship.skyport.net/crew/amk/maintained/pipermail.html
+ - Private archives protected with mailing list members passwords,
+ cookie-fied.
+ Spam prevention
+ - New spam prevention measures catch most if not all spam without
+ operator intervention or general constraints on who can post to
+ list:
+ require_explicit_destination option imposes hold of any postings
+ that do not have the list name in any of the to or cc header
+ destination addresses. This catches the vast majority of random
+ spam.
+ Other options (forbidden_posters, bounce_matching_headers) provide
+ for filtering of known transgressors.
+ - Option obscure_addresses (default on) causes mailing list subscriber
+ lists on the web to be slightly mangled so they're not directly
+ recognizable as email address by web spiders, which might be
+ seeking targets for spammers.
+ Site configuration arrangement organized - in mailman/mailman/modules:
+ - When installing, create a mailman/modules/mm_cfg.py (if there's not
+ one already there), using mm_cfg.py.dist as a template.
+ mm_default.py contains the distributed defaults, including
+ descriptions of the values. mm_cfg.py does a 'from mm_defaults.py
+ import *' to get the distributed defaults. Include settings in
+ mm_cfg.py for any values in mm_defaults.py that need to be
+ customized for your site, after the 'from .. import *'.
+ See mm_cfg.py.dist for more details.
+ Logging
+ - Major operations (subscription, admin approval, bounce,
+ digestification, cgi script failure tracebacks) logged in files
+ using a reliable mechanism
+ - Wrapper executables log authentication complaints via syslog
+ Wrappers
+ - All cgi-script wrapper executables combined in a single source,
+ easier to configure. (Mail and aliases wrappers separate.)
+ List structure version migration
+ - Provision for automatic update of list structures when moving to a
+ new version of the system. See modules/versions.py.
+ Code cleaning
+ - Many more module docstrings, __version__ settings, more function
+ docstrings.
+ - Most unqualified exception catches have been replaced with more
+ finely targeted catches, to avoid concealing bugs.
+ - Lotsa long lines wrapped (pet peeve:).
+ Random details (not complete, sorry):
+ - make archival frequency a list option
+ - Option for daily digest dispatch, in addition to size threshhold
+ - make sure users only get one periodic password notifcation message for
+ all the lists they're on (repaired 1.0b1.1 varying-case mistake)
+ - Fix rmlist sans-argument bug causing deletion of all lists!
+ - doubled generated random passwords to four letters
+ - Cleaned lots and lots of notices
+ - Lots and lots of html page cleanup, including table-of-contents, etc
+ - Admin options sections - don't do the "if so" if the ensuing list
+ is empty
+ - Prevent list subject-prefix cascade
+ - Sources under CVS
+ - Various spam filters - implicit-destination, header-field
+ - Adjusted permissions for group access
+ - Prevent redundant subscription from redundant vetted requests
+ - Instituted centralize, robustish logging
+ - Wrapper sources use syslog for logging (john viega)
+ - Sorting of users done on presentation, not in list.
+ - Edit options - give an error for non-existent users, not an options page.
+ - Bounce handling - offer 'disable' option, instead of remove, and
+ never remove without notifying admin
+ - Moved subscribers off of listinfo (and made private lists visible
+ modulo authentication)
+ - Parameterize default digest headers and footers and create some
+ - Put titles on cgi result pages that do not get titles (all?)
+ - Option for immediate admin notifcation via email of pending
+ requests, as well as periodic
+ - Admin options web-page help
+ - Enabled grouped and cascading lists despite implicit-name constraint
+ - Changed subscribers list so it has its own script (roster)
+ - Welcome pages: http://www.python.org/mailman/{admin,listinfo}/
+0.95 (25-Jan-1997)
+ - Fixed a bug in sending out digests added when adding disable mime option.
+ - Added an option to not notify about bounced posts.
+ - Added hook for pre-posting filters. These could be used to
+ auto-strip signatures. I'm using the feature to auto-strip footers
+ that are auto-generated by mail received from another mailing list.
+0.94 (22-Jan-1997)
+ - Made admin password work ubiquitously in place of a user password.
+ - Added an interface for getting / setting user options.
+ - Added user option to disable mime digests (digested people only)
+ - Added user option to not receive your own posts (nondigested people only)
+ - Added user option to ack posts
+ - Added user option to disable list delivery to their box.
+ - Added web interface to user options
+ - Config number of sendmail spawns on a per-list basis
+ - Fixed extra space at beginning of each message in digests...
+ - Handled comma separated emails in bounce messages...
+ - Added a FindUser() function to MailList. Used it where appropriate.
+ - Added mail interface to setting list options.
+ - Added name links to the templates options page
+ - Added an option so people can hide their names from the subscription list.
+ - Added an answer_majordomo_mail script for people switching...
+0.93 (18/20-Jan-1997)
+ - When delivering to list, don't call sendmail directly. Write to a file,
+ and then run the new deliver script, which forks and exits in the parent
+ immediately to avoid hanging when delivering mail for large lists, so that
+ large lists don't spend a lot of time locked.
+ - GetSender() no longer assumes that you don't have an owner-xxx address.
+ - Fixed unsubscribing via mail.
+ - Made subscribe via mail generate a password if you don't supply one.
+ - Added an option to clobber the date in the archives to the date the list
+ resent the post, so that the archive doesn't get mail from people sending
+ bad dates clumped up at the beginning or end.
+ - Added automatic error message processing as an option. Currently
+ logging to /tmp/bounce.log
+ - Changed archive to take a list as an argument, (the old way was broken)
+ - Remove (ignore) spaces in email addresses
+ - Allow user passwords to be case insensitive.
+ - Removed the cleanup script since it was now redundant.
+ - Fixed archives if there were no archives.
+ - Added a Lock() call to Load() and Create(). This fixes the
+ problem of loading then locking.
+ - Removed all occurances of Lock() except for the ones in mailing
+ list since creating a list
+ now implicitly locks it.
+ - Quote single periods in message text.
+ - Made bounce system handle digest users fairly.
+0.92 (13/16-Jan-1997)
+ - Added Lock and Unlock methods to list to ensure each operation is atomic
+ - Added a cmd that rms all files of a mailing list (but not the aliases)
+ - Fixed subscribing an unknown user@localhost (confirm this)
+ - Changed the sender to list-admin@... to ensure we avoid mail loops.
+ - check to make sure there are msgs to archive before calling pipermail.
+ - started using this w/ real mailing lists.
+ - Added a cron script that scours the maillog for User/Host unknown errs
+ - Sort membership lists
+ - Always display digest_is_default option
+ - Don't slam the TO list unless you're sending a digest.
+ - When making digest summaries, if missing sender name, use their email.
+ - Hacked in some protection against crappy dates in pipermail.py
+ - Made it so archive/digest volumes can go up monthly for large large lists.
+ - Number digest messages
+ - Add headers/footers to each message in digest for braindead mailers
+ - I removed some forgotten debug statements that caused server errors
+ when a CGI script sent mail.
+ - Removed loose_matches flag, since everything used it.
+ - Fixed a problem in pipermail if there was no From line.
+ - In upvolume_ scripts, remove INDEX files as we leave a volume.
+ - Threw a couple of scripts in bin for generating archives from majordomo's
+ digest-archives. I wouldn't recommend them for the layman, though, they
+ were meant to do a job quickly, not to be usable.
+0.91 (23-Dec-1996)
+ - broke code into mixins for managability
+ - tag parsing instead of lots of gsubs
+ - tweaked pipermail (see comments on pipermail header)
+ - templates are now on a per-list basis as intended.
+ - request over web that your password be emailed to you.
+ - option so that web subscriptions require email confirmation.
+ - wrote a first pass at an admin interface to configurable variables.
+ - made digests mime-compliant.
+ - added a FakeFile class that simulates enough of a file object on a
+ string of text to fool rfc822.Message in non-seek mode.
+ - changed OutgoingMessage not to require its args in constructor.
+ - added an admin request DB interface.
+ - clearly separated the internal name from the real name.
+ - replaced lots of ugly, redundant code w/ nice code.
+ (added Get...Email() interfaces, GetScriptURL, etc...)
+ - Wrote a lot of pretty html formatting functions / classes.
+ - Fleshed out the newlist command a lot. It now mails the new list
+ admin, and auto-updates the aliases file.
+ - Made multiple owners acceptable.
+ - Non-advertised lists, closed lists, max header length, max msg length
+ - Allowed editing templates from list admin pages.
+ - You can get to your info page from the web even if the list is closed.
+Local Variables:
+mode: indented-text
+indent-tabs-mode: nil