Title: Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager Other-links:
Mailman is free software, distributed under the GNU General Public License. Mailman is written in the Python programming language, with a little bit of C code for security.
The name of this software is spelled Mailman with a capital leading M and a lowercase second m. It is incorrect to spell it "MailMan" (i.e. you should not use StudlyCaps).
See the Security page for important security related information, including critical patches and contact information for reporting suspected security vulnerabilities.
Version 2.1.6b3, (released on 11-Feb-2005) is the current released version of Mailman, in production at many sites.
Mailman's lead developer is Barry Warsaw who can be contacted barry at python dot org.
Thanks go to Control.com for their sponsorship of new Mailman 2.1 features such as the topic filters, external membership sources, and "virtual" mailing lists. Also, a huge thanks goes out to my employer Zope Corporation for their support, as well as the list of contributors, bug hunters, big idea people, and others who have helped immensely with Mailman's development.