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Mailman is written in the <a href="http://www.python.org/">Python</a> programming language, with a little bit of C code for security. <p>The name of this software is spelled <em>Mailman</em> with a capital leading <em>M</em> and a lowercase second <em>m</em>. It is incorrect to spell it "MailMan" (i.e. you should not use StudlyCaps). <p>See the <a href="security.html">Security page</a> for important security related information, including critical patches and contact information for reporting suspected security vulnerabilities. <h3>Current Version</h3> The current stable GNU Mailman version is <!-VERSION--->2.1.8<!-VERSION--->, released on <!-DATE--->15-Apr-2006<!-DATE--->. <h3>Acknowledgements</h3> <p>Mailman's lead developer is <a href="http://barry.warsaw.us">Barry Warsaw</a> who can be contacted <a href="mailto:%62%61%72%72%79%40%70%79%74%68%6F%6E%2E%6F%72%67" >barry at python dot org</a>. <p>Much thanks go to Mark Sapiro who was most active on incorporating lots of bug fixes and patches for the 2.1.7-8 releases as a cvs committer. Tokio Kikuchi served as the release manager for the 2.1.6-8 releases. <p>Thanks go to <a href="http://www.control.com/">Control.com</a> for their sponsorship of new Mailman 2.1 features such as the topic filters, external membership sources, and "virtual" mailing lists. Also, thanks goes out to <a href="http://www.zope.com">Zope Corporation</a>, as well as the <a href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/mailman/mailman/ACKNOWLEDGMENTS?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup" >list of contributors</a>, bug hunters, big idea people, and others who have helped immensely with Mailman's development. </td><!-- end of body cell --> </tr><!-- end of sidebar/body row --> </table><!-- end of page table --> </body></html>