#!/bin/bash # Simple sitemap.xml generator for Mailman # URL where your lists sit SITEURL=http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail # path to your mailman archives/private MAILMANPATH=/path/to/htdocs/archives/private # lists we want to process LISTS="debian-non-standard iodine-users sheepdog sheepdog-users stgt wpkg-announce wpkg-users" # path to the sitemap.xml.gz file (gzipped) XMLSITEMAP=/path/to/htdocs/cgi-bin/sitemap.xml.gz # No need to change anything below set -u # find html files with their dates URLS="" for LIST in $LISTS; do URLS="$URLS"$'\n'$(find $MAILMANPATH/$LIST/ -type f -name \*html | xargs ls --time-style=long-iso -l | awk '{print $6"T"$7":00+00:00 "$8}' | grep -v attachments) done # if the article is crawled once a month, it should be enough MONTHLYLIST=$(echo "$URLS" | egrep -v '(author.html|date.html|index.html|subject.html|thread.html)') # indexes should be crawled daily. We'll set them to monthly later on, if they are old DAILYLIST=$(echo "$URLS" | egrep '(author.html|date.html|index.html|subject.html|thread.html)') #' # print the header OUTPUT='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">' # process all URLs IFS=" " CURDATE=$(date +%Y-%B) process_all() { for URL in $URLS; do FREQUENCY=$1 DATE=${URL%% *} FILENAME=${URL#* } if [ $FREQUENCY == daily ] ; then # if not current month, update monthly anyway echo $FILENAME | grep -q $CURDATE if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then FREQ=daily PRIO=1.0 else FREQ=monthly PRIO=0.3 fi elif [ $FREQUENCY == monthly ] ; then FREQ=monthly PRIO=0.2 fi echo " <url> <loc>$FILENAME</loc> <lastmod>$DATE</lastmod> <changefreq>$FREQ</changefreq> <priority>$PRIO</priority> </url>" done } # process the URLs # daily URLS="$DAILYLIST" OUTPUT="$OUTPUT $(process_all daily)" # monthly URLS="$MONTHLYLIST" OUTPUT="$OUTPUT $(process_all monthly)" # close the </urlset> OUTPUT="$OUTPUT </urlset>" echo "$OUTPUT" | sed -e "s#$MAILMANPATH#$SITEURL#g" | gzip -9 -c >$XMLSITEMAP.tmp mv $XMLSITEMAP.tmp $XMLSITEMAP