#! @PYTHON@ # For a given listname, this script generates sitemap.xml.gz files # under archives/private/<listname>/ # # Copyright (C) 1998-2018 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # graciously hacked from bin/sync_members # """Build Sitemap files for an archive Usage: %(program)s [options] listname Where `options' are: --help -h Print this message. listname Required. This specifies the list to generate sitemaps for. """ import os import sys import paths # Import this /after/ paths so that the sys.path is properly hacked import email.Utils from Mailman import MailList from Mailman import Errors from Mailman import Utils from Mailman.UserDesc import UserDesc from Mailman import mm_cfg from Mailman.i18n import _ import getopt import re import time from stat import * from datetime import datetime, timedelta import gzip # sitemap priorities in age-in-weeks/priority/changefreq tuples priorities = ([1, 1.0, "daily"], [4, 1.0, "weekly"], [30, 1.0, "monthly"], [52, 0.9, "never"], [100, 0.8, "never"], [200, 0.7, "never"], [300, 0.6, "never"], [400, 0.5, "never"]) program = sys.argv[0] def usage(code, msg=''): if code: fd = sys.stderr else: fd = sys.stdout print >> fd, _(__doc__) if msg: print >> fd, msg sys.exit(code) def main(): listname = None # TBD: can't use getopt with this command line syntax, which is broken and # should be changed to be getopt compatible. i = 1 while i < len(sys.argv): opt = sys.argv[i] if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage(0) else: try: listname = sys.argv[i].lower() i += 1 except IndexError: usage(1, _('No listname given')) break if listname is None: usage(1, _('Must have a listname')) # get the locked list object try: mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=0) except Errors.MMListError, e: print _('No such list: %(listname)s') sys.exit(1) rootdir = mlist.archive_dir() rooturl = mlist.GetBaseArchiveURL() reArcPath = re.compile(r'^\d+') reArcFile = re.compile(r'\d+\.html') sitemaps = [] now = datetime.now() for folder in os.listdir(rootdir): path = os.path.join(rootdir,folder) if not os.path.isdir(path) or not reArcPath.search(folder): continue dirtime = os.path.getmtime(path) os.umask(0022) sitemap = os.path.join(rootdir,folder,"sitemap.xml.gz") f = gzip.open(sitemap, 'wb') f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') f.write('<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">\n') for file in os.listdir(path): if not reArcFile.search(file): continue # get timestamp of file st = os.stat(os.path.join(rootdir,folder,file)) mtime = st[ST_MTIME] #modification time ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime) for weeks, priority, changefreq in priorities: if ts > now - timedelta(weeks = weeks): break f.write(' <url>\n <loc>' + os.path.join(rooturl,folder,file) + '</loc>\n') f.write(' <lastmod>' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",time.gmtime(mtime)) + '</lastmod>\n') f.write(' <changefreq>' + changefreq + '</changefreq>\n') f.write(' <priority>' + str(priority) + '</priority>\n') f.write(' </url>\n') f.write('</urlset>\n') f.close() sitemaps.append((os.path.join(rooturl,folder,"sitemap.xml.gz"))) # write out the sitemapindex file sitemapindex = os.path.join(rootdir,"sitemap.xml.gz") f = gzip.open(sitemapindex, 'wb') f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') f.write('<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">\n') for sitemap in sitemaps: f.write(' <sitemap>\n <loc>' + sitemap + '</loc>\n') f.write(' <lastmod>' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", now.timetuple()) + '</lastmod>\n') f.write(' </sitemap>\n') f.write('</sitemapindex>\n') f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()