path: root/src/gcc.h
blob: 62c78e733970f98a517e9c7959b1e0c011c7ffac (plain) (tree)

#ifndef MPD_GCC_H
#define MPD_GCC_H

/* this allows us to take advantage of special gcc features while still
 * allowing other compilers to compile:
 * example taken from: http://rlove.org/log/2005102601

/* disabled (0) until I fix all the warnings :) */
#if (0 && __GNUC__ >= 3)
#  define mpd_const		__attribute__ ((const))
#  define mpd_deprecated	__attribute__ ((deprecated))
#  define mpd_malloc		__attribute__ ((malloc))
#  define mpd_must_check	__attribute__ ((warn_unused_result))
#  define mpd_noreturn		__attribute__ ((noreturn))
#  define mpd_packed		__attribute__ ((packed))
/* these are very useful for type checking */
#  define mpd_printf		__attribute__ ((format(printf,1,2)))
#  define mpd_fprintf		__attribute__ ((format(printf,2,3)))
#  define mpd_fprintf_		__attribute__ ((format(printf,3,4)))
#  define mpd_pure		__attribute__ ((pure))
#  define mpd_scanf		__attribute__ ((format(scanf,1,2)))
#  define mpd_unused		__attribute__ ((unused))
#  define mpd_used		__attribute__ ((used))
/* #  define inline	inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) */
#  define mpd_noinline		__attribute__ ((noinline))
#  define likely(x)		__builtin_expect (!!(x), 1)
#  define unlikely(x)		__builtin_expect (!!(x), 0)
#  define mpd_const
#  define mpd_deprecated
#  define mpd_malloc
#  define mpd_must_check
#  define mpd_noreturn
#  define mpd_packed
#  define mpd_printf
#  define mpd_fprintf
#  define mpd_fprintf_
#  define mpd_pure
#  define mpd_scanf
#  define mpd_unused
#  define mpd_used
/* #  define inline */
#  define mpd_noinline
#  define likely(x)	(x)
#  define unlikely(x)	(x)

#endif /* MPD_GCC_H */