/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "InputStream.hxx" #include "InputRegistry.hxx" #include "InputPlugin.hxx" #include "input/RewindInputPlugin.hxx" extern "C" { #include "uri.h" } #include <glib.h> #include <assert.h> static inline GQuark input_quark(void) { return g_quark_from_static_string("input"); } struct input_stream * input_stream_open(const char *url, Mutex &mutex, Cond &cond, GError **error_r) { GError *error = NULL; assert(error_r == NULL || *error_r == NULL); input_plugins_for_each_enabled(plugin) { struct input_stream *is; is = plugin->open(url, mutex, cond, &error); if (is != NULL) { assert(is->plugin.close != NULL); assert(is->plugin.read != NULL); assert(is->plugin.eof != NULL); assert(!is->seekable || is->plugin.seek != NULL); is = input_rewind_open(is); return is; } else if (error != NULL) { g_propagate_error(error_r, error); return NULL; } } g_set_error(error_r, input_quark(), 0, "Unrecognized URI"); return NULL; } bool input_stream_check(struct input_stream *is, GError **error_r) { assert(is != NULL); return is->plugin.check == NULL || is->plugin.check(is, error_r); } void input_stream_update(struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); if (is->plugin.update != NULL) is->plugin.update(is); } void input_stream_wait_ready(struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); while (true) { input_stream_update(is); if (is->ready) break; is->cond.wait(is->mutex); } } void input_stream_lock_wait_ready(struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); const ScopeLock protect(is->mutex); input_stream_wait_ready(is); } const char * input_stream_get_mime_type(const struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); assert(is->ready); return is->mime.empty() ? nullptr : is->mime.c_str(); } void input_stream_override_mime_type(struct input_stream *is, const char *mime) { assert(is != NULL); assert(is->ready); is->mime = mime; } goffset input_stream_get_size(const struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); assert(is->ready); return is->size; } goffset input_stream_get_offset(const struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); assert(is->ready); return is->offset; } bool input_stream_is_seekable(const struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); assert(is->ready); return is->seekable; } bool input_stream_cheap_seeking(const struct input_stream *is) { return is->seekable && !uri_has_scheme(is->uri.c_str()); } bool input_stream_seek(struct input_stream *is, goffset offset, int whence, GError **error_r) { assert(is != NULL); if (is->plugin.seek == NULL) return false; return is->plugin.seek(is, offset, whence, error_r); } bool input_stream_lock_seek(struct input_stream *is, goffset offset, int whence, GError **error_r) { assert(is != NULL); if (is->plugin.seek == NULL) return false; const ScopeLock protect(is->mutex); return input_stream_seek(is, offset, whence, error_r); } struct tag * input_stream_tag(struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); return is->plugin.tag != NULL ? is->plugin.tag(is) : NULL; } struct tag * input_stream_lock_tag(struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); if (is->plugin.tag == NULL) return nullptr; const ScopeLock protect(is->mutex); return input_stream_tag(is); } bool input_stream_available(struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); return is->plugin.available != NULL ? is->plugin.available(is) : true; } size_t input_stream_read(struct input_stream *is, void *ptr, size_t size, GError **error_r) { assert(ptr != NULL); assert(size > 0); return is->plugin.read(is, ptr, size, error_r); } size_t input_stream_lock_read(struct input_stream *is, void *ptr, size_t size, GError **error_r) { assert(ptr != NULL); assert(size > 0); const ScopeLock protect(is->mutex); return input_stream_read(is, ptr, size, error_r); } void input_stream_close(struct input_stream *is) { is->plugin.close(is); } bool input_stream_eof(struct input_stream *is) { return is->plugin.eof(is); } bool input_stream_lock_eof(struct input_stream *is) { assert(is != NULL); const ScopeLock protect(is->mutex); return input_stream_eof(is); }