/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2013 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "PlaylistRegistry.hxx" #include "PlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/ExtM3uPlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/M3uPlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/XspfPlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/LastFMPlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/DespotifyPlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/SoundCloudPlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/PlsPlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/AsxPlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/RssPlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/CuePlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "playlist/EmbeddedCuePlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "input_stream.h" extern "C" { #include "uri.h" } #include "string_util.h" #include "conf.h" #include "mpd_error.h" #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> const struct playlist_plugin *const playlist_plugins[] = { &extm3u_playlist_plugin, &m3u_playlist_plugin, &xspf_playlist_plugin, &pls_playlist_plugin, &asx_playlist_plugin, &rss_playlist_plugin, #ifdef ENABLE_DESPOTIFY &despotify_playlist_plugin, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LASTFM &lastfm_playlist_plugin, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SOUNDCLOUD &soundcloud_playlist_plugin, #endif &cue_playlist_plugin, &embcue_playlist_plugin, NULL }; /** which plugins have been initialized successfully? */ static bool playlist_plugins_enabled[G_N_ELEMENTS(playlist_plugins)]; #define playlist_plugins_for_each_enabled(plugin) \ playlist_plugins_for_each(plugin) \ if (playlist_plugins_enabled[playlist_plugin_iterator - playlist_plugins]) /** * Find the "playlist" configuration block for the specified plugin. * * @param plugin_name the name of the playlist plugin * @return the configuration block, or NULL if none was configured */ static const struct config_param * playlist_plugin_config(const char *plugin_name) { const struct config_param *param = NULL; assert(plugin_name != NULL); while ((param = config_get_next_param(CONF_PLAYLIST_PLUGIN, param)) != NULL) { const char *name = config_get_block_string(param, "name", NULL); if (name == NULL) MPD_ERROR("playlist configuration without 'plugin' name in line %d", param->line); if (strcmp(name, plugin_name) == 0) return param; } return NULL; } void playlist_list_global_init(void) { for (unsigned i = 0; playlist_plugins[i] != NULL; ++i) { const struct playlist_plugin *plugin = playlist_plugins[i]; const struct config_param *param = playlist_plugin_config(plugin->name); if (!config_get_block_bool(param, "enabled", true)) /* the plugin is disabled in mpd.conf */ continue; playlist_plugins_enabled[i] = playlist_plugin_init(playlist_plugins[i], param); } } void playlist_list_global_finish(void) { playlist_plugins_for_each_enabled(plugin) playlist_plugin_finish(plugin); } static struct playlist_provider * playlist_list_open_uri_scheme(const char *uri, Mutex &mutex, Cond &cond, bool *tried) { char *scheme; struct playlist_provider *playlist = NULL; assert(uri != NULL); scheme = g_uri_parse_scheme(uri); if (scheme == NULL) return NULL; for (unsigned i = 0; playlist_plugins[i] != NULL; ++i) { const struct playlist_plugin *plugin = playlist_plugins[i]; assert(!tried[i]); if (playlist_plugins_enabled[i] && plugin->open_uri != NULL && plugin->schemes != NULL && string_array_contains(plugin->schemes, scheme)) { playlist = playlist_plugin_open_uri(plugin, uri, mutex, cond); if (playlist != NULL) break; tried[i] = true; } } g_free(scheme); return playlist; } static struct playlist_provider * playlist_list_open_uri_suffix(const char *uri, Mutex &mutex, Cond &cond, const bool *tried) { const char *suffix; struct playlist_provider *playlist = NULL; assert(uri != NULL); suffix = uri_get_suffix(uri); if (suffix == NULL) return NULL; for (unsigned i = 0; playlist_plugins[i] != NULL; ++i) { const struct playlist_plugin *plugin = playlist_plugins[i]; if (playlist_plugins_enabled[i] && !tried[i] && plugin->open_uri != NULL && plugin->suffixes != NULL && string_array_contains(plugin->suffixes, suffix)) { playlist = playlist_plugin_open_uri(plugin, uri, mutex, cond); if (playlist != NULL) break; } } return playlist; } struct playlist_provider * playlist_list_open_uri(const char *uri, Mutex &mutex, Cond &cond) { struct playlist_provider *playlist; /** this array tracks which plugins have already been tried by playlist_list_open_uri_scheme() */ bool tried[G_N_ELEMENTS(playlist_plugins) - 1]; assert(uri != NULL); memset(tried, false, sizeof(tried)); playlist = playlist_list_open_uri_scheme(uri, mutex, cond, tried); if (playlist == NULL) playlist = playlist_list_open_uri_suffix(uri, mutex, cond, tried); return playlist; } static struct playlist_provider * playlist_list_open_stream_mime2(struct input_stream *is, const char *mime) { struct playlist_provider *playlist; assert(is != NULL); assert(mime != NULL); playlist_plugins_for_each_enabled(plugin) { if (plugin->open_stream != NULL && plugin->mime_types != NULL && string_array_contains(plugin->mime_types, mime)) { /* rewind the stream, so each plugin gets a fresh start */ input_stream_seek(is, 0, SEEK_SET, NULL); playlist = playlist_plugin_open_stream(plugin, is); if (playlist != NULL) return playlist; } } return NULL; } static struct playlist_provider * playlist_list_open_stream_mime(struct input_stream *is, const char *full_mime) { assert(full_mime != NULL); const char *semicolon = strchr(full_mime, ';'); if (semicolon == NULL) return playlist_list_open_stream_mime2(is, full_mime); if (semicolon == full_mime) return NULL; /* probe only the portion before the semicolon*/ char *mime = g_strndup(full_mime, semicolon - full_mime); struct playlist_provider *playlist = playlist_list_open_stream_mime2(is, mime); g_free(mime); return playlist; } static struct playlist_provider * playlist_list_open_stream_suffix(struct input_stream *is, const char *suffix) { struct playlist_provider *playlist; assert(is != NULL); assert(suffix != NULL); playlist_plugins_for_each_enabled(plugin) { if (plugin->open_stream != NULL && plugin->suffixes != NULL && string_array_contains(plugin->suffixes, suffix)) { /* rewind the stream, so each plugin gets a fresh start */ input_stream_seek(is, 0, SEEK_SET, NULL); playlist = playlist_plugin_open_stream(plugin, is); if (playlist != NULL) return playlist; } } return NULL; } struct playlist_provider * playlist_list_open_stream(struct input_stream *is, const char *uri) { const char *suffix; struct playlist_provider *playlist; input_stream_lock_wait_ready(is); const char *const mime = input_stream_get_mime_type(is); if (mime != NULL) { playlist = playlist_list_open_stream_mime(is, mime); if (playlist != NULL) return playlist; } suffix = uri != NULL ? uri_get_suffix(uri) : NULL; if (suffix != NULL) { playlist = playlist_list_open_stream_suffix(is, suffix); if (playlist != NULL) return playlist; } return NULL; } bool playlist_suffix_supported(const char *suffix) { assert(suffix != NULL); playlist_plugins_for_each_enabled(plugin) { if (plugin->suffixes != NULL && string_array_contains(plugin->suffixes, suffix)) return true; } return false; } struct playlist_provider * playlist_list_open_path(const char *path_fs, Mutex &mutex, Cond &cond, struct input_stream **is_r) { GError *error = NULL; const char *suffix; struct input_stream *is; struct playlist_provider *playlist; assert(path_fs != NULL); suffix = uri_get_suffix(path_fs); if (suffix == NULL || !playlist_suffix_supported(suffix)) return NULL; is = input_stream_open(path_fs, mutex, cond, &error); if (is == NULL) { if (error != NULL) { g_warning("%s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } return NULL; } input_stream_lock_wait_ready(is); playlist = playlist_list_open_stream_suffix(is, suffix); if (playlist != NULL) *is_r = is; else input_stream_close(is); return playlist; }