/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2015 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Discovery.hxx" #include "Domain.hxx" #include "ContentDirectoryService.hxx" #include "system/Clock.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include <upnp/upnptools.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> // The service type string we are looking for. static constexpr char ContentDirectorySType[] = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1"; // We don't include a version in comparisons, as we are satisfied with // version 1 gcc_pure static bool isCDService(const char *st) { constexpr size_t sz = sizeof(ContentDirectorySType) - 3; return memcmp(ContentDirectorySType, st, sz) == 0; } // The type of device we're asking for in search static constexpr char MediaServerDType[] = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1"; gcc_pure static bool isMSDevice(const char *st) { constexpr size_t sz = sizeof(MediaServerDType) - 3; return memcmp(MediaServerDType, st, sz) == 0; } static void AnnounceFoundUPnP(UPnPDiscoveryListener &listener, const UPnPDevice &device) { for (const auto &service : device.services) if (isCDService(service.serviceType.c_str())) listener.FoundUPnP(ContentDirectoryService(device, service)); } static void AnnounceLostUPnP(UPnPDiscoveryListener &listener, const UPnPDevice &device) { for (const auto &service : device.services) if (isCDService(service.serviceType.c_str())) listener.LostUPnP(ContentDirectoryService(device, service)); } inline void UPnPDeviceDirectory::LockAdd(ContentDirectoryDescriptor &&d) { const ScopeLock protect(mutex); for (auto &i : directories) { if (i.id == d.id) { i = std::move(d); return; } } directories.emplace_back(std::move(d)); if (listener != nullptr) AnnounceFoundUPnP(*listener, directories.back().device); } inline void UPnPDeviceDirectory::LockRemove(const std::string &id) { const ScopeLock protect(mutex); for (auto i = directories.begin(), end = directories.end(); i != end; ++i) { if (i->id == id) { if (listener != nullptr) AnnounceLostUPnP(*listener, i->device); directories.erase(i); break; } } } inline void UPnPDeviceDirectory::discoExplorer() { for (;;) { DiscoveredTask *tsk = 0; if (!discoveredQueue.take(tsk)) { discoveredQueue.workerExit(); return; } // Device signals its existence and well-being. Perform the // UPnP "description" phase by downloading and decoding the // description document. char *buf; // LINE_SIZE is defined by libupnp's upnp.h... char contentType[LINE_SIZE]; int code = UpnpDownloadUrlItem(tsk->url.c_str(), &buf, contentType); if (code != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) { continue; } // Update or insert the device ContentDirectoryDescriptor d(std::move(tsk->deviceId), MonotonicClockS(), tsk->expires); { Error error2; bool success = d.Parse(tsk->url, buf, error2); free(buf); if (!success) { delete tsk; LogError(error2); continue; } } LockAdd(std::move(d)); delete tsk; } } void * UPnPDeviceDirectory::discoExplorer(void *ctx) { UPnPDeviceDirectory &directory = *(UPnPDeviceDirectory *)ctx; directory.discoExplorer(); return (void*)1; } inline int UPnPDeviceDirectory::OnAlive(Upnp_Discovery *disco) { if (isMSDevice(disco->DeviceType) || isCDService(disco->ServiceType)) { DiscoveredTask *tp = new DiscoveredTask(disco); if (discoveredQueue.put(tp)) return UPNP_E_FINISH; } return UPNP_E_SUCCESS; } inline int UPnPDeviceDirectory::OnByeBye(Upnp_Discovery *disco) { if (isMSDevice(disco->DeviceType) || isCDService(disco->ServiceType)) { // Device signals it is going off. LockRemove(disco->DeviceId); } return UPNP_E_SUCCESS; } // This gets called for all libupnp asynchronous events, in a libupnp // thread context. // Example: ContentDirectories appearing and disappearing from the network // We queue a task for our worker thread(s) int UPnPDeviceDirectory::Invoke(Upnp_EventType et, void *evp) { switch (et) { case UPNP_DISCOVERY_SEARCH_RESULT: case UPNP_DISCOVERY_ADVERTISEMENT_ALIVE: { Upnp_Discovery *disco = (Upnp_Discovery *)evp; return OnAlive(disco); } case UPNP_DISCOVERY_ADVERTISEMENT_BYEBYE: { Upnp_Discovery *disco = (Upnp_Discovery *)evp; return OnByeBye(disco); } default: // Ignore other events for now break; } return UPNP_E_SUCCESS; } bool UPnPDeviceDirectory::expireDevices(Error &error) { const ScopeLock protect(mutex); const unsigned now = MonotonicClockS(); bool didsomething = false; for (auto it = directories.begin(); it != directories.end();) { if (now > it->expires) { it = directories.erase(it); didsomething = true; } else { it++; } } if (didsomething) return search(error); return true; } UPnPDeviceDirectory::UPnPDeviceDirectory(UpnpClient_Handle _handle, UPnPDiscoveryListener *_listener) :handle(_handle), listener(_listener), discoveredQueue("DiscoveredQueue"), m_searchTimeout(2), m_lastSearch(0) { } UPnPDeviceDirectory::~UPnPDeviceDirectory() { /* this destructor exists here just so it won't get inlined */ } bool UPnPDeviceDirectory::Start(Error &error) { if (!discoveredQueue.start(1, discoExplorer, this)) { error.Set(upnp_domain, "Discover work queue start failed"); return false; } return search(error); } bool UPnPDeviceDirectory::search(Error &error) { const unsigned now = MonotonicClockS(); if (now - m_lastSearch < 10) return true; m_lastSearch = now; // We search both for device and service just in case. int code = UpnpSearchAsync(handle, m_searchTimeout, ContentDirectorySType, GetUpnpCookie()); if (code != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) { error.Format(upnp_domain, code, "UpnpSearchAsync() failed: %s", UpnpGetErrorMessage(code)); return false; } code = UpnpSearchAsync(handle, m_searchTimeout, MediaServerDType, GetUpnpCookie()); if (code != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) { error.Format(upnp_domain, code, "UpnpSearchAsync() failed: %s", UpnpGetErrorMessage(code)); return false; } return true; } bool UPnPDeviceDirectory::getDirServices(std::vector<ContentDirectoryService> &out, Error &error) { // Has locking, do it before our own lock if (!expireDevices(error)) return false; const ScopeLock protect(mutex); for (auto dit = directories.begin(); dit != directories.end(); dit++) { for (const auto &service : dit->device.services) { if (isCDService(service.serviceType.c_str())) { out.emplace_back(dit->device, service); } } } return true; } bool UPnPDeviceDirectory::getServer(const char *friendlyName, ContentDirectoryService &server, Error &error) { // Has locking, do it before our own lock if (!expireDevices(error)) return false; const ScopeLock protect(mutex); for (const auto &i : directories) { const auto &device = i.device; if (device.friendlyName != friendlyName) continue; for (const auto &service : device.services) { if (isCDService(service.serviceType.c_str())) { server = ContentDirectoryService(device, service); return true; } } } error.Set(upnp_domain, "Server not found"); return false; }