/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2015 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "PulseOutputPlugin.hxx" #include "lib/pulse/Domain.hxx" #include "lib/pulse/Error.hxx" #include "lib/pulse/LogError.hxx" #include "../OutputAPI.hxx" #include "../Wrapper.hxx" #include "mixer/MixerList.hxx" #include "mixer/plugins/PulseMixerPlugin.hxx" #include "util/Error.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include <pulse/thread-mainloop.h> #include <pulse/context.h> #include <pulse/stream.h> #include <pulse/introspect.h> #include <pulse/subscribe.h> #include <pulse/version.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MPD_PULSE_NAME "Music Player Daemon" class PulseOutput { friend struct AudioOutputWrapper<PulseOutput>; AudioOutput base; const char *name; const char *server; const char *sink; PulseMixer *mixer; struct pa_threaded_mainloop *mainloop; struct pa_context *context; struct pa_stream *stream; size_t writable; PulseOutput() :base(pulse_output_plugin), mixer(nullptr), mainloop(nullptr), stream(nullptr) {} public: void SetMixer(PulseMixer &_mixer); void ClearMixer(gcc_unused PulseMixer &old_mixer) { assert(mixer == &old_mixer); mixer = nullptr; } bool SetVolume(const pa_cvolume &volume, Error &error); void Lock() { pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop); } void Unlock() { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); } void OnContextStateChanged(pa_context_state_t new_state); void OnServerLayoutChanged(pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint32_t idx); void OnStreamSuspended(pa_stream *_stream); void OnStreamStateChanged(pa_stream *_stream, pa_stream_state_t new_state); void OnStreamWrite(size_t nbytes); void OnStreamSuccess() { Signal(); } gcc_const static bool TestDefaultDevice(); bool Configure(const ConfigBlock &block, Error &error); static PulseOutput *Create(const ConfigBlock &block, Error &error); bool Enable(Error &error); void Disable(); bool Open(AudioFormat &audio_format, Error &error); void Close(); unsigned Delay(); size_t Play(const void *chunk, size_t size, Error &error); void Cancel(); bool Pause(); private: /** * Attempt to connect asynchronously to the PulseAudio server. * * @return true on success, false on error */ bool Connect(Error &error); /** * Create, set up and connect a context. * * Caller must lock the main loop. * * @return true on success, false on error */ bool SetupContext(Error &error); /** * Frees and clears the context. * * Caller must lock the main loop. */ void DeleteContext(); void Signal() { pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(mainloop, 0); } /** * Check if the context is (already) connected, and waits if * not. If the context has been disconnected, retry to * connect. * * Caller must lock the main loop. * * @return true on success, false on error */ bool WaitConnection(Error &error); /** * Create, set up and connect a context. * * Caller must lock the main loop. * * @return true on success, false on error */ bool SetupStream(const pa_sample_spec &ss, Error &error); /** * Frees and clears the stream. */ void DeleteStream(); /** * Check if the stream is (already) connected, and waits if * not. The mainloop must be locked before calling this * function. * * @return true on success, false on error */ bool WaitStream(Error &error); /** * Sets cork mode on the stream. */ bool StreamPause(bool pause, Error &error); }; void pulse_output_lock(PulseOutput &po) { po.Lock(); } void pulse_output_unlock(PulseOutput &po) { po.Unlock(); } inline void PulseOutput::SetMixer(PulseMixer &_mixer) { assert(mixer == nullptr); mixer = &_mixer; if (mainloop == nullptr) return; pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop); if (context != nullptr && pa_context_get_state(context) == PA_CONTEXT_READY) { pulse_mixer_on_connect(_mixer, context); if (stream != nullptr && pa_stream_get_state(stream) == PA_STREAM_READY) pulse_mixer_on_change(_mixer, context, stream); } pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); } void pulse_output_set_mixer(PulseOutput &po, PulseMixer &pm) { po.SetMixer(pm); } void pulse_output_clear_mixer(PulseOutput &po, PulseMixer &pm) { po.ClearMixer(pm); } inline bool PulseOutput::SetVolume(const pa_cvolume &volume, Error &error) { if (context == nullptr || stream == nullptr || pa_stream_get_state(stream) != PA_STREAM_READY) { error.Set(pulse_domain, "disconnected"); return false; } pa_operation *o = pa_context_set_sink_input_volume(context, pa_stream_get_index(stream), &volume, nullptr, nullptr); if (o == nullptr) { SetPulseError(error, context, "failed to set PulseAudio volume"); return false; } pa_operation_unref(o); return true; } bool pulse_output_set_volume(PulseOutput &po, const pa_cvolume *volume, Error &error) { return po.SetVolume(*volume, error); } /** * \brief waits for a pulseaudio operation to finish, frees it and * unlocks the mainloop * \param operation the operation to wait for * \return true if operation has finished normally (DONE state), * false otherwise */ static bool pulse_wait_for_operation(struct pa_threaded_mainloop *mainloop, struct pa_operation *operation) { assert(mainloop != nullptr); assert(operation != nullptr); pa_operation_state_t state; while ((state = pa_operation_get_state(operation)) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop); pa_operation_unref(operation); return state == PA_OPERATION_DONE; } /** * Callback function for stream operation. It just sends a signal to * the caller thread, to wake pulse_wait_for_operation() up. */ static void pulse_output_stream_success_cb(gcc_unused pa_stream *s, gcc_unused int success, void *userdata) { PulseOutput &po = *(PulseOutput *)userdata; po.OnStreamSuccess(); } inline void PulseOutput::OnContextStateChanged(pa_context_state_t new_state) { switch (new_state) { case PA_CONTEXT_READY: if (mixer != nullptr) pulse_mixer_on_connect(*mixer, context); Signal(); break; case PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED: case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED: if (mixer != nullptr) pulse_mixer_on_disconnect(*mixer); /* the caller thread might be waiting for these states */ Signal(); break; case PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED: case PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING: case PA_CONTEXT_AUTHORIZING: case PA_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME: break; } } static void pulse_output_context_state_cb(struct pa_context *context, void *userdata) { PulseOutput &po = *(PulseOutput *)userdata; po.OnContextStateChanged(pa_context_get_state(context)); } inline void PulseOutput::OnServerLayoutChanged(pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint32_t idx) { pa_subscription_event_type_t facility = pa_subscription_event_type_t(t & PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_FACILITY_MASK); pa_subscription_event_type_t type = pa_subscription_event_type_t(t & PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_TYPE_MASK); if (mixer != nullptr && facility == PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SINK_INPUT && stream != nullptr && pa_stream_get_state(stream) == PA_STREAM_READY && idx == pa_stream_get_index(stream) && (type == PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_NEW || type == PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CHANGE)) pulse_mixer_on_change(*mixer, context, stream); } static void pulse_output_subscribe_cb(gcc_unused pa_context *context, pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint32_t idx, void *userdata) { PulseOutput &po = *(PulseOutput *)userdata; po.OnServerLayoutChanged(t, idx); } inline bool PulseOutput::Connect(Error &error) { assert(context != nullptr); if (pa_context_connect(context, server, (pa_context_flags_t)0, nullptr) < 0) { SetPulseError(error, context, "pa_context_connect() has failed"); return false; } return true; } void PulseOutput::DeleteStream() { assert(stream != nullptr); pa_stream_set_suspended_callback(stream, nullptr, nullptr); pa_stream_set_state_callback(stream, nullptr, nullptr); pa_stream_set_write_callback(stream, nullptr, nullptr); pa_stream_disconnect(stream); pa_stream_unref(stream); stream = nullptr; } void PulseOutput::DeleteContext() { assert(context != nullptr); pa_context_set_state_callback(context, nullptr, nullptr); pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(context, nullptr, nullptr); pa_context_disconnect(context); pa_context_unref(context); context = nullptr; } bool PulseOutput::SetupContext(Error &error) { assert(mainloop != nullptr); context = pa_context_new(pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(mainloop), MPD_PULSE_NAME); if (context == nullptr) { error.Set(pulse_domain, "pa_context_new() has failed"); return false; } pa_context_set_state_callback(context, pulse_output_context_state_cb, this); pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(context, pulse_output_subscribe_cb, this); if (!Connect(error)) { DeleteContext(); return false; } return true; } inline bool PulseOutput::Configure(const ConfigBlock &block, Error &error) { if (!base.Configure(block, error)) return false; name = block.GetBlockValue("name", "mpd_pulse"); server = block.GetBlockValue("server"); sink = block.GetBlockValue("sink"); return true; } PulseOutput * PulseOutput::Create(const ConfigBlock &block, Error &error) { setenv("PULSE_PROP_media.role", "music", true); setenv("PULSE_PROP_application.icon_name", "mpd", true); auto *po = new PulseOutput(); if (!po->Configure(block, error)) { delete po; return nullptr; } return po; } inline bool PulseOutput::Enable(Error &error) { assert(mainloop == nullptr); /* create the libpulse mainloop and start the thread */ mainloop = pa_threaded_mainloop_new(); if (mainloop == nullptr) { error.Set(pulse_domain, "pa_threaded_mainloop_new() has failed"); return false; } pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop); if (pa_threaded_mainloop_start(mainloop) < 0) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); pa_threaded_mainloop_free(mainloop); mainloop = nullptr; error.Set(pulse_domain, "pa_threaded_mainloop_start() has failed"); return false; } /* create the libpulse context and connect it */ if (!SetupContext(error)) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); pa_threaded_mainloop_stop(mainloop); pa_threaded_mainloop_free(mainloop); mainloop = nullptr; return false; } pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return true; } inline void PulseOutput::Disable() { assert(mainloop != nullptr); pa_threaded_mainloop_stop(mainloop); if (context != nullptr) DeleteContext(); pa_threaded_mainloop_free(mainloop); mainloop = nullptr; } bool PulseOutput::WaitConnection(Error &error) { assert(mainloop != nullptr); pa_context_state_t state; if (context == nullptr && !SetupContext(error)) return false; while (true) { state = pa_context_get_state(context); switch (state) { case PA_CONTEXT_READY: /* nothing to do */ return true; case PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED: case PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED: case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED: /* failure */ SetPulseError(error, context, "failed to connect"); DeleteContext(); return false; case PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING: case PA_CONTEXT_AUTHORIZING: case PA_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME: /* wait some more */ pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop); break; } } } inline void PulseOutput::OnStreamSuspended(gcc_unused pa_stream *_stream) { assert(_stream == stream || stream == nullptr); assert(mainloop != nullptr); /* wake up the main loop to break out of the loop in pulse_output_play() */ Signal(); } static void pulse_output_stream_suspended_cb(pa_stream *stream, void *userdata) { PulseOutput &po = *(PulseOutput *)userdata; po.OnStreamSuspended(stream); } inline void PulseOutput::OnStreamStateChanged(pa_stream *_stream, pa_stream_state_t new_state) { assert(_stream == stream || stream == nullptr); assert(mainloop != nullptr); assert(context != nullptr); switch (new_state) { case PA_STREAM_READY: if (mixer != nullptr) pulse_mixer_on_change(*mixer, context, _stream); Signal(); break; case PA_STREAM_FAILED: case PA_STREAM_TERMINATED: if (mixer != nullptr) pulse_mixer_on_disconnect(*mixer); Signal(); break; case PA_STREAM_UNCONNECTED: case PA_STREAM_CREATING: break; } } static void pulse_output_stream_state_cb(pa_stream *stream, void *userdata) { PulseOutput &po = *(PulseOutput *)userdata; return po.OnStreamStateChanged(stream, pa_stream_get_state(stream)); } inline void PulseOutput::OnStreamWrite(size_t nbytes) { assert(mainloop != nullptr); writable = nbytes; Signal(); } static void pulse_output_stream_write_cb(gcc_unused pa_stream *stream, size_t nbytes, void *userdata) { PulseOutput &po = *(PulseOutput *)userdata; return po.OnStreamWrite(nbytes); } inline bool PulseOutput::SetupStream(const pa_sample_spec &ss, Error &error) { assert(context != nullptr); /* WAVE-EX is been adopted as the speaker map for most media files */ pa_channel_map chan_map; pa_channel_map_init_auto(&chan_map, ss.channels, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_WAVEEX); stream = pa_stream_new(context, name, &ss, &chan_map); if (stream == nullptr) { SetPulseError(error, context, "pa_stream_new() has failed"); return false; } pa_stream_set_suspended_callback(stream, pulse_output_stream_suspended_cb, this); pa_stream_set_state_callback(stream, pulse_output_stream_state_cb, this); pa_stream_set_write_callback(stream, pulse_output_stream_write_cb, this); return true; } inline bool PulseOutput::Open(AudioFormat &audio_format, Error &error) { assert(mainloop != nullptr); pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop); if (context != nullptr) { switch (pa_context_get_state(context)) { case PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED: case PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED: case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED: /* the connection was closed meanwhile; delete it, and pulse_output_wait_connection() will reopen it */ DeleteContext(); break; case PA_CONTEXT_READY: case PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING: case PA_CONTEXT_AUTHORIZING: case PA_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME: break; } } if (!WaitConnection(error)) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return false; } /* MPD doesn't support the other pulseaudio sample formats, so we just force MPD to send us everything as 16 bit */ audio_format.format = SampleFormat::S16; pa_sample_spec ss; ss.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16NE; ss.rate = audio_format.sample_rate; ss.channels = audio_format.channels; /* create a stream .. */ if (!SetupStream(ss, error)) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return false; } /* .. and connect it (asynchronously) */ if (pa_stream_connect_playback(stream, sink, nullptr, pa_stream_flags_t(0), nullptr, nullptr) < 0) { DeleteStream(); SetPulseError(error, context, "pa_stream_connect_playback() has failed"); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return false; } pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return true; } inline void PulseOutput::Close() { assert(mainloop != nullptr); pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop); if (pa_stream_get_state(stream) == PA_STREAM_READY) { pa_operation *o = pa_stream_drain(stream, pulse_output_stream_success_cb, this); if (o == nullptr) { LogPulseError(context, "pa_stream_drain() has failed"); } else pulse_wait_for_operation(mainloop, o); } DeleteStream(); if (context != nullptr && pa_context_get_state(context) != PA_CONTEXT_READY) DeleteContext(); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); } bool PulseOutput::WaitStream(Error &error) { while (true) { switch (pa_stream_get_state(stream)) { case PA_STREAM_READY: return true; case PA_STREAM_FAILED: case PA_STREAM_TERMINATED: case PA_STREAM_UNCONNECTED: SetPulseError(error, context, "failed to connect the stream"); return false; case PA_STREAM_CREATING: pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop); break; } } } bool PulseOutput::StreamPause(bool pause, Error &error) { assert(mainloop != nullptr); assert(context != nullptr); assert(stream != nullptr); pa_operation *o = pa_stream_cork(stream, pause, pulse_output_stream_success_cb, this); if (o == nullptr) { SetPulseError(error, context, "pa_stream_cork() has failed"); return false; } if (!pulse_wait_for_operation(mainloop, o)) { SetPulseError(error, context, "pa_stream_cork() has failed"); return false; } return true; } inline unsigned PulseOutput::Delay() { pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop); unsigned result = 0; if (base.pause && pa_stream_is_corked(stream) && pa_stream_get_state(stream) == PA_STREAM_READY) /* idle while paused */ result = 1000; pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return result; } inline size_t PulseOutput::Play(const void *chunk, size_t size, Error &error) { assert(mainloop != nullptr); assert(stream != nullptr); pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop); /* check if the stream is (already) connected */ if (!WaitStream(error)) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return 0; } assert(context != nullptr); /* unpause if previously paused */ if (pa_stream_is_corked(stream) && !StreamPause(false, error)) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return 0; } /* wait until the server allows us to write */ while (writable == 0) { if (pa_stream_is_suspended(stream)) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); error.Set(pulse_domain, "suspended"); return 0; } pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop); if (pa_stream_get_state(stream) != PA_STREAM_READY) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); error.Set(pulse_domain, "disconnected"); return 0; } } /* now write */ if (size > writable) /* don't send more than possible */ size = writable; writable -= size; int result = pa_stream_write(stream, chunk, size, nullptr, 0, PA_SEEK_RELATIVE); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); if (result < 0) { SetPulseError(error, context, "pa_stream_write() failed"); return 0; } return size; } inline void PulseOutput::Cancel() { assert(mainloop != nullptr); assert(stream != nullptr); pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop); if (pa_stream_get_state(stream) != PA_STREAM_READY) { /* no need to flush when the stream isn't connected yet */ pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return; } assert(context != nullptr); pa_operation *o = pa_stream_flush(stream, pulse_output_stream_success_cb, this); if (o == nullptr) { LogPulseError(context, "pa_stream_flush() has failed"); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return; } pulse_wait_for_operation(mainloop, o); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); } inline bool PulseOutput::Pause() { assert(mainloop != nullptr); assert(stream != nullptr); pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop); /* check if the stream is (already/still) connected */ Error error; if (!WaitStream(error)) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); LogError(error); return false; } assert(context != nullptr); /* cork the stream */ if (!pa_stream_is_corked(stream) && !StreamPause(true, error)) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); LogError(error); return false; } pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop); return true; } inline bool PulseOutput::TestDefaultDevice() { const ConfigBlock empty; PulseOutput *po = PulseOutput::Create(empty, IgnoreError()); if (po == nullptr) return false; bool success = po->WaitConnection(IgnoreError()); delete po; return success; } static bool pulse_output_test_default_device(void) { return PulseOutput::TestDefaultDevice(); } typedef AudioOutputWrapper<PulseOutput> Wrapper; const struct AudioOutputPlugin pulse_output_plugin = { "pulse", pulse_output_test_default_device, &Wrapper::Init, &Wrapper::Finish, &Wrapper::Enable, &Wrapper::Disable, &Wrapper::Open, &Wrapper::Close, &Wrapper::Delay, nullptr, &Wrapper::Play, nullptr, &Wrapper::Cancel, &Wrapper::Pause, &pulse_mixer_plugin, };