/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2013 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "SoundCloudPlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "PlaylistPlugin.hxx" #include "conf.h" #include "input_stream.h" #include "song.h" #include "tag.h" #include <glib.h> #include <yajl/yajl_parse.h> #include <string.h> struct soundcloud_playlist { struct playlist_provider base; GSList *songs; }; static struct { char *apikey; } soundcloud_config; static bool soundcloud_init(const struct config_param *param) { soundcloud_config.apikey = config_dup_block_string(param, "apikey", NULL); if (soundcloud_config.apikey == NULL) { g_debug("disabling the soundcloud playlist plugin " "because API key is not set"); return false; } return true; } static void soundcloud_finish(void) { g_free(soundcloud_config.apikey); } /** * Construct a full soundcloud resolver URL from the given fragment. * @param uri uri of a soundcloud page (or just the path) * @return Constructed URL. Must be freed with g_free. */ static char * soundcloud_resolve(const char* uri) { char *u, *ru; if (g_str_has_prefix(uri, "http://")) { u = g_strdup(uri); } else if (g_str_has_prefix(uri, "soundcloud.com")) { u = g_strconcat("http://", uri, NULL); } else { /* assume it's just a path on soundcloud.com */ u = g_strconcat("http://soundcloud.com/", uri, NULL); } ru = g_strconcat("http://api.soundcloud.com/resolve.json?url=", u, "&client_id=", soundcloud_config.apikey, NULL); g_free(u); return ru; } /* YAJL parser for track data from both /tracks/ and /playlists/ JSON */ enum key { Duration, Title, Stream_URL, Other, }; const char* key_str[] = { "duration", "title", "stream_url", NULL, }; struct parse_data { int key; char* stream_url; long duration; char* title; int got_url; /* nesting level of last stream_url */ GSList* songs; }; static int handle_integer(void *ctx, long #ifndef HAVE_YAJL1 long #endif intval) { struct parse_data *data = (struct parse_data *) ctx; switch (data->key) { case Duration: data->duration = intval; break; default: break; } return 1; } static int handle_string(void *ctx, const unsigned char* stringval, #ifdef HAVE_YAJL1 unsigned int #else size_t #endif stringlen) { struct parse_data *data = (struct parse_data *) ctx; const char *s = (const char *) stringval; switch (data->key) { case Title: if (data->title != NULL) g_free(data->title); data->title = g_strndup(s, stringlen); break; case Stream_URL: if (data->stream_url != NULL) g_free(data->stream_url); data->stream_url = g_strndup(s, stringlen); data->got_url = 1; break; default: break; } return 1; } static int handle_mapkey(void *ctx, const unsigned char* stringval, #ifdef HAVE_YAJL1 unsigned int #else size_t #endif stringlen) { struct parse_data *data = (struct parse_data *) ctx; int i; data->key = Other; for (i = 0; i < Other; ++i) { if (strncmp((const char *)stringval, key_str[i], stringlen) == 0) { data->key = i; break; } } return 1; } static int handle_start_map(void *ctx) { struct parse_data *data = (struct parse_data *) ctx; if (data->got_url > 0) data->got_url++; return 1; } static int handle_end_map(void *ctx) { struct parse_data *data = (struct parse_data *) ctx; if (data->got_url > 1) { data->got_url--; return 1; } if (data->got_url == 0) return 1; /* got_url == 1, track finished, make it into a song */ data->got_url = 0; struct song *s; struct tag *t; char *u; u = g_strconcat(data->stream_url, "?client_id=", soundcloud_config.apikey, NULL); s = song_remote_new(u); g_free(u); t = tag_new(); t->time = data->duration / 1000; if (data->title != NULL) tag_add_item(t, TAG_NAME, data->title); s->tag = t; data->songs = g_slist_prepend(data->songs, s); return 1; } static yajl_callbacks parse_callbacks = { NULL, NULL, handle_integer, NULL, NULL, handle_string, handle_start_map, handle_mapkey, handle_end_map, NULL, NULL, }; /** * Read JSON data and parse it using the given YAJL parser. * @param url URL of the JSON data. * @param hand YAJL parser handle. * @return -1 on error, 0 on success. */ static int soundcloud_parse_json(const char *url, yajl_handle hand, Mutex &mutex, Cond &cond) { struct input_stream *input_stream; GError *error = NULL; char buffer[4096]; unsigned char *ubuffer = (unsigned char *)buffer; size_t nbytes; input_stream = input_stream_open(url, mutex, cond, &error); if (input_stream == NULL) { if (error != NULL) { g_warning("%s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } return -1; } mutex.lock(); input_stream_wait_ready(input_stream); yajl_status stat; int done = 0; while (!done) { nbytes = input_stream_read(input_stream, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &error); if (nbytes == 0) { if (error != NULL) { g_warning("%s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } if (input_stream_eof(input_stream)) { done = true; } else { mutex.unlock(); input_stream_close(input_stream); return -1; } } if (done) { #ifdef HAVE_YAJL1 stat = yajl_parse_complete(hand); #else stat = yajl_complete_parse(hand); #endif } else stat = yajl_parse(hand, ubuffer, nbytes); if (stat != yajl_status_ok #ifdef HAVE_YAJL1 && stat != yajl_status_insufficient_data #endif ) { unsigned char *str = yajl_get_error(hand, 1, ubuffer, nbytes); g_warning("%s", str); yajl_free_error(hand, str); break; } } mutex.unlock(); input_stream_close(input_stream); return 0; } /** * Parse a soundcloud:// URL and create a playlist. * @param uri A soundcloud URL. Accepted forms: * soundcloud://track/<track-id> * soundcloud://playlist/<playlist-id> * soundcloud://url/<url or path of soundcloud page> */ static struct playlist_provider * soundcloud_open_uri(const char *uri, Mutex &mutex, Cond &cond) { struct soundcloud_playlist *playlist = NULL; char *s, *p; char *scheme, *arg, *rest; s = g_strdup(uri); scheme = s; for (p = s; *p; p++) { if (*p == ':' && *(p+1) == '/' && *(p+2) == '/') { *p = 0; p += 3; break; } } arg = p; for (; *p; p++) { if (*p == '/') { *p = 0; p++; break; } } rest = p; if (strcmp(scheme, "soundcloud") != 0) { g_warning("incompatible scheme for soundcloud plugin: %s", scheme); g_free(s); return NULL; } char *u = NULL; if (strcmp(arg, "track") == 0) { u = g_strconcat("http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/", rest, ".json?client_id=", soundcloud_config.apikey, NULL); } else if (strcmp(arg, "playlist") == 0) { u = g_strconcat("http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/", rest, ".json?client_id=", soundcloud_config.apikey, NULL); } else if (strcmp(arg, "url") == 0) { /* Translate to soundcloud resolver call. libcurl will automatically follow the redirect to the right resource. */ u = soundcloud_resolve(rest); } g_free(s); if (u == NULL) { g_warning("unknown soundcloud URI"); return NULL; } yajl_handle hand; struct parse_data data; data.got_url = 0; data.songs = NULL; data.title = NULL; data.stream_url = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_YAJL1 hand = yajl_alloc(&parse_callbacks, NULL, NULL, (void *) &data); #else hand = yajl_alloc(&parse_callbacks, NULL, (void *) &data); #endif int ret = soundcloud_parse_json(u, hand, mutex, cond); g_free(u); yajl_free(hand); if (data.title != NULL) g_free(data.title); if (data.stream_url != NULL) g_free(data.stream_url); if (ret == -1) return NULL; playlist = g_new(struct soundcloud_playlist, 1); playlist_provider_init(&playlist->base, &soundcloud_playlist_plugin); playlist->songs = g_slist_reverse(data.songs); return &playlist->base; } static void soundcloud_close(struct playlist_provider *_playlist) { struct soundcloud_playlist *playlist = (struct soundcloud_playlist *)_playlist; g_free(playlist); } static struct song * soundcloud_read(struct playlist_provider *_playlist) { struct soundcloud_playlist *playlist = (struct soundcloud_playlist *)_playlist; if (playlist->songs == NULL) return NULL; struct song* s; s = (struct song *)playlist->songs->data; playlist->songs = g_slist_remove(playlist->songs, s); return s; } static const char *const soundcloud_schemes[] = { "soundcloud", NULL }; const struct playlist_plugin soundcloud_playlist_plugin = { "soundcloud", soundcloud_init, soundcloud_finish, soundcloud_open_uri, nullptr, soundcloud_close, soundcloud_read, soundcloud_schemes, nullptr, nullptr, };