/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD) * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu) * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "song.h" #include "ls.h" #include "directory.h" #include "tables.h" #include "utils.h" #include "tag.h" #include "log.h" #define SONG_KEY "key: " #define SONG_FILE "file: " #define SONG_ARTIST "Artist: " #define SONG_ALBUM "Album: " #define SONG_TRACK "Track: " #define SONG_TITLE "Title: " #define SONG_TIME "Time: " #define SONG_MTIME "mtime: " #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> Song * newSong(char * utf8file) { Song * song = malloc(sizeof(Song)); song->utf8file = strdup(utf8file); #ifdef HAVE_OGG if((song->mtime = isOgg(utf8file))) { song->tag = oggTagDup(utf8file); return song; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_FLAC if((song->mtime = isFlac(utf8file))) { song->tag = flacTagDup(utf8file); return song; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_MAD if((song->mtime = isMp3(utf8file))) { song->tag = mp3TagDup(utf8file); return song; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOFILE if((song->mtime = isWave(utf8file))) { song->tag = audiofileTagDup(utf8file); return song; } #endif return song; } void freeSong(Song * song) { free(song->utf8file); if(song->tag) freeMpdTag(song->tag); free(song); } SongList * newSongList() { return makeList((ListFreeDataFunc *)freeSong); } Song * addSongToList(SongList * list, char * key, char * utf8file) { Song * song; if(isMusic(utf8file)) { song = newSong(utf8file); } else { return NULL; } insertInList(list,key,(void *)song); return song; } void freeSongList(SongList * list) { freeList(list); } int printSongInfo(FILE * fp, Song * song) { myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",SONG_FILE,song->utf8file); if(song->tag) printMpdTag(fp,song->tag); return 0; } int printSongInfoFromList(FILE * fp, SongList * list) { ListNode * tempNode = list->firstNode; while(tempNode!=NULL) { printSongInfo(fp,(Song *)tempNode->data); tempNode = tempNode->nextNode; } return 0; } void writeSongInfoFromList(FILE * fp, SongList * list) { ListNode * tempNode = list->firstNode; myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",SONG_BEGIN); while(tempNode!=NULL) { myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",SONG_KEY,tempNode->key); printSongInfo(fp,(Song *)tempNode->data); myfprintf(fp,"%s%li\n",SONG_MTIME,(long)((Song *)tempNode->data)->mtime); tempNode = tempNode->nextNode; } myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",SONG_END); } void readSongInfoIntoList(FILE * fp, SongList * list) { char buffer[MAXPATHLEN+1024]; int bufferSize = MAXPATHLEN+1024; Song * song = NULL; char * key = NULL; while(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp) && 0!=strcmp(SONG_END,buffer)) { if(0==strncmp(SONG_KEY,buffer,strlen(SONG_KEY))) { if(song) { insertInList(list,key,(void *)song); addSongToTables(song); free(key); } key = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_KEY)])); song = malloc(sizeof(Song)); song->tag = NULL; song->utf8file = NULL; } else if(0==strncmp(SONG_FILE,buffer,strlen(SONG_FILE))) { if(!song || song->utf8file) { ERROR("Problems reading song info\n"); exit(-1); } song->utf8file = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_FILE)])); } else if(0==strncmp(SONG_ARTIST,buffer,strlen(SONG_ARTIST))) { if(!song->tag) song->tag = newMpdTag(); song->tag->artist = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_ARTIST)])); } else if(0==strncmp(SONG_ALBUM,buffer,strlen(SONG_ALBUM))) { if(!song->tag) song->tag = newMpdTag(); song->tag->album = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_ALBUM)])); } else if(0==strncmp(SONG_TRACK,buffer,strlen(SONG_TRACK))) { if(!song->tag) song->tag = newMpdTag(); song->tag->track = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_TRACK)])); } else if(0==strncmp(SONG_TITLE,buffer,strlen(SONG_TITLE))) { if(!song->tag) song->tag = newMpdTag(); song->tag->title = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_TITLE)])); } else if(0==strncmp(SONG_TIME,buffer,strlen(SONG_TIME))) { if(!song->tag) song->tag = newMpdTag(); song->tag->time = atoi(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_TIME)])); } else if(0==strncmp(SONG_MTIME,buffer,strlen(SONG_MTIME))) { song->mtime = atoi(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_TITLE)])); } else { ERROR("songinfo: unknown line in db: %s\n",buffer); exit(-1); } } if(song) { insertInList(list,key,(void *)song); addSongToTables(song); free(key); } } int updateSongInfo(Song * song) { if(song->tag) freeMpdTag(song->tag); #ifdef HAVE_MAD if((song->mtime = isMp3(song->utf8file))) { song->tag = mp3TagDup(song->utf8file); return 0; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_OGG if((song->mtime = isOgg(song->utf8file))) { song->tag = oggTagDup(song->utf8file); return 0; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_FLAC if((song->mtime = isFlac(song->utf8file))) { song->tag = flacTagDup(song->utf8file); return 0; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOFILE if((song->mtime = isWave(song->utf8file))) { song->tag = audiofileTagDup(song->utf8file); return 0; } #endif return -1; } Song * songDup(Song * song) { Song * ret = malloc(sizeof(Song)); ret->utf8file = strdup(song->utf8file); ret->mtime = song->mtime; ret->tag = mpdTagDup(song->tag); return ret; }