/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD) * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "tag.h" #include "path.h" #include "myfprintf.h" #include "mp3_decode.h" #include "audiofile_decode.h" #include "mp4_decode.h" #include "aac_decode.h" #include "utils.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "log.h" #include "inputStream.h" #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef HAVE_OGG #include <vorbis/vorbisfile.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_FLAC #include <FLAC/file_decoder.h> #include <FLAC/metadata.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_ID3TAG #ifdef USE_MPD_ID3TAG #include "libid3tag/id3tag.h" #else #include <id3tag.h> #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_FAAD #include "mp4ff/mp4ff.h" #endif void printMpdTag(FILE * fp, MpdTag * tag) { if(tag->artist) myfprintf(fp,"Artist: %s\n",tag->artist); if(tag->album) myfprintf(fp,"Album: %s\n",tag->album); if(tag->track) myfprintf(fp,"Track: %s\n",tag->track); if(tag->title) myfprintf(fp,"Title: %s\n",tag->title); if(tag->time>=0) myfprintf(fp,"Time: %i\n",tag->time); } #define fixUtf8(str) { \ if(str && !validUtf8String(str)) { \ char * temp; \ DEBUG("not valid utf8 in tag: %s\n",str); \ temp = latin1StrToUtf8Dup(str); \ free(str); \ str = temp; \ } \ } void validateUtf8Tag(MpdTag * tag) { fixUtf8(tag->artist); fixUtf8(tag->album); fixUtf8(tag->track); fixUtf8(tag->title); } #ifdef HAVE_ID3TAG char * getID3Info(struct id3_tag * tag, char * id) { struct id3_frame const * frame; id3_ucs4_t const * ucs4; id3_utf8_t * utf8; union id3_field const * field; unsigned int nstrings; frame = id3_tag_findframe(tag, id, 0); if(!frame) return NULL; field = &frame->fields[1]; nstrings = id3_field_getnstrings(field); if(nstrings<1) return NULL; ucs4 = id3_field_getstrings(field,0); assert(ucs4); utf8 = id3_ucs4_utf8duplicate(ucs4); if(!utf8) return NULL; return utf8; } #endif MpdTag * id3Dup(char * utf8filename) { MpdTag * ret = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_ID3TAG struct id3_file * file; struct id3_tag * tag; char * str; file = id3_file_open(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8filename)), ID3_FILE_MODE_READONLY); if(!file) { return NULL; } tag = id3_file_tag(file); if(!tag) { id3_file_close(file); return NULL; } str = getID3Info(tag,ID3_FRAME_ARTIST); if(str) { if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); stripReturnChar(str); ret->artist = str; } str = getID3Info(tag,ID3_FRAME_TITLE); if(str) { if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); stripReturnChar(str); ret->title = str; } str = getID3Info(tag,ID3_FRAME_ALBUM); if(str) { if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); stripReturnChar(str); ret->album = str; } str = getID3Info(tag,ID3_FRAME_TRACK); if(str) { if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); stripReturnChar(str); ret->track = str; } id3_file_close(file); #endif return ret; } #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOFILE MpdTag * audiofileTagDup(char * utf8file) { MpdTag * ret = NULL; int time = getAudiofileTotalTime(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file))); if (time>=0) { if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); ret->time = time; } if(ret) validateUtf8Tag(ret); return ret; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_MAD MpdTag * mp3TagDup(char * utf8file) { MpdTag * ret = NULL; int time; ret = id3Dup(utf8file); time = getMp3TotalTime(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file))); if(time>=0) { if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); ret->time = time; } if(ret) validateUtf8Tag(ret); return ret; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_FAAD MpdTag * aacTagDup(char * utf8file) { MpdTag * ret = NULL; int time; time = getAacTotalTime(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file))); if(time>=0) { if((ret = id3Dup(utf8file))==NULL) ret = newMpdTag(); ret->time = time; } if(ret) validateUtf8Tag(ret); return ret; } MpdTag * mp4DataDup(char * utf8file, int * mp4MetadataFound) { MpdTag * ret = NULL; InputStream inStream; mp4ff_t * mp4fh; mp4ff_callback_t * cb; int32_t track; int32_t time; int32_t scale; *mp4MetadataFound = 0; if(openInputStreamFromFile(&inStream,rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file))) < 0) { return NULL; } cb = malloc(sizeof(mp4ff_callback_t)); cb->read = mp4_inputStreamReadCallback; cb->seek = mp4_inputStreamSeekCallback; cb->user_data = &inStream; mp4fh = mp4ff_open_read(cb); if(!mp4fh) { free(cb); closeInputStream(&inStream); return NULL; } track = mp4_getAACTrack(mp4fh); if(track < 0) { mp4ff_close(mp4fh); closeInputStream(&inStream); free(cb); return NULL; } ret = newMpdTag(); time = mp4ff_get_track_duration_use_offsets(mp4fh,track); scale = mp4ff_time_scale(mp4fh,track); if(scale < 0) { mp4ff_close(mp4fh); closeInputStream(&inStream); free(cb); freeMpdTag(ret); return NULL; } ret->time = ((float)time)/scale+0.5; if(!mp4ff_meta_get_artist(mp4fh,&ret->artist)) { *mp4MetadataFound = 1; } if(!mp4ff_meta_get_album(mp4fh,&ret->album)) { *mp4MetadataFound = 1; } if(!mp4ff_meta_get_title(mp4fh,&ret->title)) { *mp4MetadataFound = 1; } if(!mp4ff_meta_get_track(mp4fh,&ret->track)) { *mp4MetadataFound = 1; } mp4ff_close(mp4fh); closeInputStream(&inStream); free(cb); return ret; } MpdTag * mp4TagDup(char * utf8file) { MpdTag * ret = NULL; int mp4MetadataFound = 0; ret = mp4DataDup(utf8file,&mp4MetadataFound); if(!mp4MetadataFound) { MpdTag * temp = id3Dup(utf8file); if(temp) { temp->time = ret->time; freeMpdTag(ret); ret = temp; } } if(ret) validateUtf8Tag(ret); return ret; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_OGG MpdTag * oggTagDup(char * utf8file) { MpdTag * ret = NULL; FILE * fp; OggVorbis_File vf; char ** comments; char * temp; char * s1; char * s2; while(!(fp = fopen(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file)),"r")) && errno==EINTR); if(!fp) return NULL; if(ov_open(fp,&vf,NULL,0)<0) { while(fclose(fp) && errno==EINTR); return NULL; } ret = newMpdTag(); ret->time = (int)(ov_time_total(&vf,-1)+0.5); comments = ov_comment(&vf,-1)->user_comments; while(*comments) { temp = strdup(*comments); ++comments; if(!(s1 = strtok(temp,"="))) continue; s2 = strtok(NULL,""); if(!s1 || !s2); else if(0==strcasecmp(s1,"artist")) { if(!ret->artist) { stripReturnChar(s2); ret->artist = strdup(s2); } } else if(0==strcasecmp(s1,"title")) { if(!ret->title) { stripReturnChar(s2); ret->title = strdup(s2); } } else if(0==strcasecmp(s1,"album")) { if(!ret->album) { stripReturnChar(s2); ret->album = strdup(s2); } } else if(0==strcasecmp(s1,"tracknumber")) { if(!ret->track) { stripReturnChar(s2); ret->track = strdup(s2); } } free(temp); } ov_clear(&vf); if(ret) validateUtf8Tag(ret); return ret; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_FLAC MpdTag * flacMetadataDup(char * utf8file, int * vorbisCommentFound) { MpdTag * ret = NULL; FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * it; FLAC__StreamMetadata * block = NULL; int offset; int len, pos; *vorbisCommentFound = 0; it = FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_new(); if(!FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init(it,rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file)),1,0)) { FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete(it); return ret; } do { block = FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block(it); if(!block) break; if(block->type == FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT) { char * dup; offset = FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_find_entry_from(block,0,"artist"); if(offset>=0) { *vorbisCommentFound = 1; if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); pos = strlen("artist="); len = block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].length-pos; if(len>0) { dup = malloc(len+1); memcpy(dup,&(block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].entry[pos]),len); dup[len] = '\0'; stripReturnChar(dup); ret->artist = dup; } } offset = FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_find_entry_from(block,0,"album"); if(offset>=0) { *vorbisCommentFound = 1; if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); pos = strlen("album="); len = block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].length-pos; if(len>0) { dup = malloc(len+1); memcpy(dup,&(block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].entry[pos]),len); dup[len] = '\0'; stripReturnChar(dup); ret->album = dup; } } offset = FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_find_entry_from(block,0,"title"); if(offset>=0) { *vorbisCommentFound = 1; if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); pos = strlen("title="); len = block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].length-pos; if(len>0) { dup = malloc(len+1); memcpy(dup,&(block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].entry[pos]),len); dup[len] = '\0'; stripReturnChar(dup); ret->title = dup; } } offset = FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_find_entry_from(block,0,"tracknumber"); if(offset>=0) { *vorbisCommentFound = 1; if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); pos = strlen("tracknumber="); len = block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].length-pos; if(len>0) { dup = malloc(len+1); memcpy(dup,&(block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].entry[pos]),len); dup[len] = '\0'; stripReturnChar(dup); ret->track = dup; } } } else if(block->type == FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO) { if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag(); ret->time = ((float)block->data.stream_info. total_samples) / block->data.stream_info.sample_rate + 0.5; } FLAC__metadata_object_delete(block); } while(FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_next(it)); FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete(it); return ret; } MpdTag * flacTagDup(char * utf8file) { MpdTag * ret = NULL; int foundVorbisComment = 0; ret = flacMetadataDup(utf8file,&foundVorbisComment); if(!ret) return NULL; if(!foundVorbisComment) { MpdTag * temp = id3Dup(utf8file); if(temp) { temp->time = ret->time; freeMpdTag(ret); ret = temp; } } if(ret) validateUtf8Tag(ret); return ret; } #endif MpdTag * newMpdTag() { MpdTag * ret = malloc(sizeof(MpdTag)); ret->album = NULL; ret->artist = NULL; ret->title = NULL; ret->track = NULL; ret->time = -1; return ret; } void freeMpdTag(MpdTag * tag) { if(tag->artist) free(tag->artist); if(tag->album) free(tag->album); if(tag->title) free(tag->title); if(tag->track) free(tag->track); free(tag); } MpdTag * mpdTagDup(MpdTag * tag) { MpdTag * ret = NULL; if(tag) { ret = newMpdTag(); ret->artist = strdup(tag->artist); ret->album = strdup(tag->album); ret->title = strdup(tag->title); ret->track = strdup(tag->track); ret->time = tag->time; } return ret; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: */