/* * Unit tests for playlist_check_translate_song(). */ #include "config.h" #include "PlaylistSong.hxx" #include "DetachedSong.hxx" #include "tag/TagBuilder.hxx" #include "tag/Tag.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "fs/AllocatedPath.hxx" #include "ls.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include "DatabaseSong.hxx" #include "Mapper.hxx" #include <cppunit/TestFixture.h> #include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h> #include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h> #include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> void Log(const Domain &domain, gcc_unused LogLevel level, const char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s] %s\n", domain.GetName(), msg); } bool uri_supported_scheme(const char *uri) { return memcmp(uri, "http://", 7) == 0; } const char *const music_directory = "/music"; const char * map_to_relative_path(const char *path_utf8) { size_t length = strlen(music_directory); if (memcmp(path_utf8, music_directory, length) == 0 && path_utf8[length] == '/') path_utf8 += length + 1; return path_utf8; } static void BuildTag(gcc_unused TagBuilder &tag) { } template<typename... Args> static void BuildTag(TagBuilder &tag, TagType type, const char *value, Args&&... args) { tag.AddItem(type, value); BuildTag(tag, std::forward<Args>(args)...); } template<typename... Args> static Tag MakeTag(Args&&... args) { TagBuilder tag; BuildTag(tag, std::forward<Args>(args)...); return tag.Commit(); } static Tag MakeTag1a() { return MakeTag(TAG_ARTIST, "artist_a1", TAG_TITLE, "title_a1", TAG_ALBUM, "album_a1"); } static Tag MakeTag1b() { return MakeTag(TAG_ARTIST, "artist_b1", TAG_TITLE, "title_b1", TAG_COMMENT, "comment_b1"); } static Tag MakeTag1c() { return MakeTag(TAG_ARTIST, "artist_b1", TAG_TITLE, "title_b1", TAG_COMMENT, "comment_b1", TAG_ALBUM, "album_a1"); } static Tag MakeTag2a() { return MakeTag(TAG_ARTIST, "artist_a2", TAG_TITLE, "title_a2", TAG_ALBUM, "album_a2"); } static Tag MakeTag2b() { return MakeTag(TAG_ARTIST, "artist_b2", TAG_TITLE, "title_b2", TAG_COMMENT, "comment_b2"); } static Tag MakeTag2c() { return MakeTag(TAG_ARTIST, "artist_b2", TAG_TITLE, "title_b2", TAG_COMMENT, "comment_b2", TAG_ALBUM, "album_a2"); } static const char *uri1 = "/foo/bar.ogg"; static const char *uri2 = "foo/bar.ogg"; DetachedSong * DatabaseDetachSong(const char *uri, gcc_unused Error &error) { if (strcmp(uri, uri2) == 0) return new DetachedSong(uri, MakeTag2a()); return nullptr; } bool DetachedSong::Update() { if (strcmp(GetURI(), uri1) == 0) { SetTag(MakeTag1a()); return true; } return false; } static std::string ToString(const Tag &tag) { char buffer[64]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", tag.time); std::string result = buffer; for (unsigned i = 0, n = tag.num_items; i != n; ++i) { const TagItem &item = *tag.items[i]; result.push_back('|'); result.append(tag_item_names[item.type]); result.push_back('='); result.append(item.value); } return result; } static std::string ToString(const DetachedSong &song) { std::string result = song.GetURI(); result.push_back('|'); char buffer[64]; if (song.GetLastModified() > 0) { sprintf(buffer, "%lu", (unsigned long)song.GetLastModified()); result.append(buffer); } result.push_back('|'); if (song.GetStartMS() > 0) { sprintf(buffer, "%u", song.GetStartMS()); result.append(buffer); } result.push_back('-'); if (song.GetEndMS() > 0) { sprintf(buffer, "%u", song.GetEndMS()); result.append(buffer); } result.push_back('|'); result.append(ToString(song.GetTag())); return result; } class TranslateSongTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture { CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(TranslateSongTest); CPPUNIT_TEST(TestAbsoluteURI); CPPUNIT_TEST(TestInsecure); CPPUNIT_TEST(TestSecure); CPPUNIT_TEST(TestInDatabase); CPPUNIT_TEST(TestRelative); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); void TestAbsoluteURI() { DetachedSong song1("http://example.com/foo.ogg"); auto se = ToString(song1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(playlist_check_translate_song(song1, "/ignored", false)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(se, ToString(song1)); } void TestInsecure() { /* illegal because secure=false */ DetachedSong song1 (uri1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!playlist_check_translate_song(song1, nullptr, false)); } void TestSecure() { DetachedSong song1(uri1, MakeTag1b()); auto s1 = ToString(song1); auto se = ToString(DetachedSong(uri1, MakeTag1c())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(playlist_check_translate_song(song1, "/ignored", true)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(se, ToString(song1)); } void TestInDatabase() { DetachedSong song1("doesntexist"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!playlist_check_translate_song(song1, nullptr, false)); DetachedSong song2(uri2, MakeTag2b()); auto s1 = ToString(song2); auto se = ToString(DetachedSong(uri2, MakeTag2c())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(playlist_check_translate_song(song2, nullptr, false)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(se, ToString(song2)); DetachedSong song3("/music/foo/bar.ogg", MakeTag2b()); s1 = ToString(song3); se = ToString(DetachedSong(uri2, MakeTag2c())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(playlist_check_translate_song(song3, nullptr, false)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(se, ToString(song3)); } void TestRelative() { /* map to music_directory */ DetachedSong song1("bar.ogg", MakeTag2b()); auto s1 = ToString(song1); auto se = ToString(DetachedSong(uri2, MakeTag2c())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(playlist_check_translate_song(song1, "/music/foo", false)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(se, ToString(song1)); /* illegal because secure=false */ DetachedSong song2("bar.ogg", MakeTag2b()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!playlist_check_translate_song(song1, "/foo", false)); /* legal because secure=true */ DetachedSong song3("bar.ogg", MakeTag1b()); s1 = ToString(song3); se = ToString(DetachedSong(uri1, MakeTag1c())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(playlist_check_translate_song(song3, "/foo", true)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(se, ToString(song3)); /* relative to http:// */ DetachedSong song4("bar.ogg", MakeTag2a()); s1 = ToString(song4); se = ToString(DetachedSong("http://example.com/foo/bar.ogg", MakeTag2a())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(playlist_check_translate_song(song4, "http://example.com/foo", false)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(se, ToString(song4)); } }; CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(TranslateSongTest); int main(gcc_unused int argc, gcc_unused char **argv) { CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner; auto ®istry = CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry(); runner.addTest(registry.makeTest()); return runner.run() ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }