path: root/src
diff options
authorMark Engel <mark.c.engel@gmail.com>2011-01-21 18:11:31 +0100
committerMark Engel <mark.c.engel@gmail.com>2011-01-21 18:11:31 +0100
commitdda92dc140c951b7511937e5927e783f47b347cf (patch)
tree65a671365dd5d8f84b45c4773e762ccd76bac1f9 /src
parent8c8e209fc347623464e1ddc6051abaf84cb77912 (diff)
using indent for javascript from
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 117 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/src/nodejs/no1.js b/src/nodejs/no1.js
index 66c16c5..e9e57ad 100644
--- a/src/nodejs/no1.js
+++ b/src/nodejs/no1.js
@@ -4,16 +4,15 @@ var xmlGenerator = require('./xmlGenerator.js');
// load config
var config = require('./config.json');
- function (val,index, array){
+process.argv.forEach(function (val,index, array){
- path = array[index+1];
- if( path[0] != '/'){
- path = __dirname + '/' + path;
- }
- config = require(path);
+ path = array[index+1];
+ if( path[0] != '/'){
+ path = __dirname + '/' + path;
- });
+ config = require(path);
+ }
+ });
var connectionString = config['connectionString'];
//set up logger
@@ -27,12 +26,12 @@ log.info("server starting...");
function createWayBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top) {
return "SELECT id,tstamp,version,changeset_id, nodes, user_id, hstore_to_array(tags) as tags FROM ways WHERE (tags @> hstore('" + key + "','" + value + "') AND linestring && st_setsrid(st_makebox2d(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(" +
- left + "," + bottom + "),4326), st_setsrid(st_makepoint(" + right + "," + top + "),4326)),4326));";
+ left + "," + bottom + "),4326), st_setsrid(st_makepoint(" + right + "," + top + "),4326)),4326));";
function createNodeBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top) {
return "SELECT id, user_id,tstamp,version,changeset_id, hstore_to_array(tags) as tags, X(geom) as lat, Y(geom) as lon FROM nodes WHERE (tags @> hstore('" + key + "','" + value + "') AND geom && st_setsrid(st_makebox2d(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(" +
- left + "," + bottom + "),4326), st_setsrid(st_makepoint(" + right + "," + top + "),4326)),4326));";
+ left + "," + bottom + "),4326), st_setsrid(st_makepoint(" + right + "," + top + "),4326)),4326));";
function createNodesForWayQuery(nodes) {
@@ -47,39 +46,39 @@ function nodeWorldHandler(req, res, key, value) {
function nodeBboxHandler(req, res, key, value, left, bottom, right, top) {
db_connect(res, function(client) {
- log.info(createNodeBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top));
- var success = false;
- var query = client.query(createNodeBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top));
- query.on('error', function(err) {
- log.error(err);
- res.writeHead(404,{});
- res.end('\n');
+ log.info(createNodeBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top));
+ var success = false;
+ var query = client.query(createNodeBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top));
+ query.on('error', function(err) {
+ log.error(err);
+ res.writeHead(404,{});
+ res.end('\n');
+ });
+ query.on('end', function() {
+ //console.log("end event\n");
+ if(success) {
+ res.write("</xml>");
+ res.end();
+ }
+ else {
+ //empty response
+ res.writeHead(404,{});
+ res.end();
+ //perhaps write 404? is error also raised?
+ }
+ });
+ query.on('row', function(row) {
+ if(!success) {
+ success = true;
+ res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
+ res.write("<xml>");
+ }
+ res.write(xmlGenerator.createNode(row));
+ });
- query.on('end', function() {
- //console.log("end event\n");
- if(success) {
- res.write("</xml>");
- res.end();
- }
- else {
- //empty response
- res.writeHead(404,{});
- res.end();
- //perhaps write 404? is error also raised?
- }
- });
- query.on('row', function(row) {
- if(!success) {
- success = true;
- res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
- res.write("<xml>");
- }
- res.write(xmlGenerator.createNode(row));
- });
function wayWorldHandler(req, res, key, value) {
@@ -93,71 +92,71 @@ function connectionError(err, res) {
function db_connect(res, callback) {
pg.connect(connectionString, function(err, client) {
- if(err) {
- log.error('message');
- res.writeHead(404,{});
- res.end();
- } else {
- log.info("db connection was successfull");
- callback(client);
- }
- });
+ if(err) {
+ log.error('message');
+ res.writeHead(404,{});
+ res.end();
+ } else {
+ log.info("db connection was successfull");
+ callback(client);
+ }
+ });
function wayBboxHandler(req, res, key, value, left, bottom, right, top) {
db_connect(res, function(client) {
- var count = 0;
- var success = false;
- //console.log(createWayBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top));
- var query = client.query(createWayBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top));
- query.on('error', function(err) {
- log.error(err);
- res.writeHead(404,{});
- res.end();
- });
- query.on('end', function() {
- if(success) {
- if(count == 0) {
- res.write("</xml>");
- res.end();
- }
- //res.write("</xml>");
- //res.end(); //problem!!!
- }
- else {
- res.writeHead(404,{});
- res.end();
- //perhaps write 404?
- }
- });
- query.on('row', function(row) {
- if(!success) {
- success = true;
- res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
- res.write("<xml>");
- }
- //console.log(row);
- if(row.nodes != '{}') {
- count++;
- var subquery = client.query(createNodesForWayQuery(row.nodes));
- subquery.on('error',function(err) {});
- subquery.on('end', function() {
- count--;
- if(count==0)
- res.write("</xml>");
- res.end();
- });
- subquery.on('row', function(row) {
- res.write(xmlGenerator.createNode(row));
- });
- //console.log(createNodesForWayQuery(row.nodes));
- }
- res.write(xmlGenerator.createWay(row));
- });
+ var count = 0;
+ var success = false;
+ //console.log(createWayBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top));
+ var query = client.query(createWayBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top));
+ query.on('error', function(err) {
+ log.error(err);
+ res.writeHead(404,{});
+ res.end();
+ });
+ query.on('end', function() {
+ if(success) {
+ if(count == 0) {
+ res.write("</xml>");
+ res.end();
+ }
+ //res.write("</xml>");
+ //res.end(); //problem!!!
+ }
+ else {
+ res.writeHead(404,{});
+ res.end();
+ //perhaps write 404?
+ }
+ });
+ query.on('row', function(row) {
+ if(!success) {
+ success = true;
+ res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
+ res.write("<xml>");
+ }
+ //console.log(row);
+ if(row.nodes != '{}') {
+ count++;
+ var subquery = client.query(createNodesForWayQuery(row.nodes));
+ subquery.on('error',function(err) {});
+ subquery.on('end', function() {
+ count--;
+ if(count==0)
+ res.write("</xml>");
+ res.end();
+ });
+ subquery.on('row', function(row) {
+ res.write(xmlGenerator.createNode(row));
+ });
+ //console.log(createNodesForWayQuery(row.nodes));
+ }
+ res.write(xmlGenerator.createWay(row));
+ });
@@ -171,16 +170,16 @@ function relationBboxHandler(req, res, key, value, left, bottom, right, top) {
myRoutes = clutch.route404([
- //['GET /api/(\\w+)(\\[bbox=(\\d,\\d,\\d,\\d)\\])*\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$', helloSomeone],
- ['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$',nodeWorldHandler],
- //['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+)\\]$',nodeBboxHandler],
- ['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)\\]$',nodeBboxHandler],
- //['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+\\.\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+)\\]$',nodeBboxHandler],
- ['GET /api/way\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$',wayWorldHandler],
- ['GET /api/way\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)\\]$',wayBboxHandler],
- ['GET /api/relation\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$',relationWorldHandler],
- //['GET /api/relation\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\](\\[bbox=(\\d),(\\d),(\\d),(\\d)\\])$',relationBboxHandler],
+ //['GET /api/(\\w+)(\\[bbox=(\\d,\\d,\\d,\\d)\\])*\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$', helloSomeone],
+ ['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$',nodeWorldHandler],
+ //['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+)\\]$',nodeBboxHandler],
+ ['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)\\]$',nodeBboxHandler],
+ //['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+\\.\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+)\\]$',nodeBboxHandler],
+ ['GET /api/way\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$',wayWorldHandler],
+ ['GET /api/way\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)\\]$',wayBboxHandler],
+ ['GET /api/relation\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$',relationWorldHandler],
+ //['GET /api/relation\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\](\\[bbox=(\\d),(\\d),(\\d),(\\d)\\])$',relationBboxHandler],
+ ]);
var http = require('http');
diff --git a/src/nodejs/xmlGenerator.js b/src/nodejs/xmlGenerator.js
index b2cf2cb..e982e18 100644
--- a/src/nodejs/xmlGenerator.js
+++ b/src/nodejs/xmlGenerator.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ var builder = require('xmlbuilder');
//set up logger
var log4js = require('log4js')(); //note the need to call the function
//log4js.addAppender(log4js.fileAppender('osm-xapi.log'), 'cheese');
var log = log4js.getLogger('xmlGenerator');
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ exports.createWay = function (row) {
for(var x=0;x<temp.length;x=x+2)
- .att('v',escape(temp[x+1]));
+ .att('v',escape(temp[x+1]));
var temp = row.nodes.replace("{","").replace("}","").split(",");
for(var x=0;x<temp.length;x++) {
- .att('ref',temp[x]);
+ .att('ref',temp[x]);
return builder.toString({pretty:'true'});
@@ -67,5 +67,5 @@ function toISO8601(date) {
'+01:00' //FIX ME
- ].join('');
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ ].join('');