path: root/Game/Code/Menu
diff options
authortobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2008-08-30 18:12:06 +0000
committertobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2008-08-30 18:12:06 +0000
commit5f11f9f3e328f6818a42f0a3405404612399c64e (patch)
tree66f4cfcde3c1d4b0564ba47aceeb2d04082a7dfb /Game/Code/Menu
parentd4ec88adaa7a93d1970c116ae3d621ff05683681 (diff)
Removed outdated 1.1 branch contents
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.1@1331 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Menu')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 3807 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UDisplay.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UDisplay.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index c8a0aaf2..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UDisplay.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-unit UDisplay;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ELSE}
- LCLType,
- {$ENDIF}
- ucommon,
- SDL,
- UMenu,
- OpenGL12,
- SysUtils;
- TDisplay = class
- ActualScreen : PMenu;
- NextScreen : PMenu;
- //fade-to-black-hack
- BlackScreen: Boolean;
- //popup hack
- NextScreenWithCheck: Pmenu;
- CheckOK : Boolean;
- h_DC : HDC;
- h_RC : HGLRC;
- Fade : Real;
- doFade : Boolean;
- canFade : Boolean;
- myFade : integer;
- lastTime : Cardinal;
- pTexData : Pointer;
- pTex : array[1..2] of glUInt;
- FPSCounter : Cardinal;
- LastFPS : Cardinal;
- NextFPSSwap : Cardinal;
- OSD_LastError : String;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure PrintScreen;
- procedure ScreenShot;
- procedure DrawDebugInformation;
- function Draw: Boolean;
- end;
- Display: TDisplay;
- ulazjpeg,
- {$ELSE}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF win32}
- lclintf,
- {$ENDIF}
- graphics,
- TextGL,
-// ULog,
- UMain,
- UTexture,
- UIni,
- UGraphic,
- UTime,
- UCommandLine;
-constructor TDisplay.Create;
- i: integer;
- inherited Create;
- //popup hack
- CheckOK := False;
- NextScreen := NIL;
- NextScreenWithCheck := NIL;
- BlackScreen := False;
- // fade mod
- myfade:=0;
- if Ini.ScreenFade=1 then
- doFade:=True
- else
- doFade:=False;
- canFade:=True;
- // generate texture for fading between screens
- GetMem(pTexData, 512*512*4);
- if pTexData <> NIL then
- for i:= 1 to 2 do
- begin
- glGenTextures(1, @pTex[i] );
- if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
- canFade := False;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pTex[i]);
- if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
- canFade := False;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 512, 512, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pTexData);
- if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
- canFade := False;
- if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
- canFade := False;
- if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
- canFade := False;
- end
- else
- begin
- canFade:=False;
- end;
- FreeMem(pTexData);
- // end
- //Set LastError for OSD to No Error
- OSD_LastError := 'No Errors';
-destructor TDisplay.Destroy;
- if canFade then
- glDeleteTextures(1,@pTex);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TDisplay.Draw: Boolean;
- S: integer;
- Col: Real;
- myFade2: Real;
- currentTime: Cardinal;
- glError: glEnum;
- glErrorStr: String;
- Result := True;
- Col := 1;
- {if (ParamStr(1) = '-black') or (ParamStr(1) = '-fsblack') then
- Col := 0; }
- glClearColor(Col, Col, Col , 0);
- for S := 1 to Screens do begin
- ScreenAct := S;
-// if Screens = 1 then ScreenX := 0;
-// if (Screens = 2) and (S = 1) then ScreenX := -1;
-// if (Screens = 2) and (S = 2) then ScreenX := 1;
- ScreenX := 0;
- if S = 2 then TimeSkip := 0 else;
- glViewPort((S-1) * ScreenW div Screens, 0, ScreenW div Screens, ScreenH);
- //popup hack
- // check was successful... move on
- if CheckOK then
- if assigned (NextScreenWithCheck)then
- begin
- NextScreen:=NextScreenWithCheck;
- NextScreenWithCheck := NIL;
- CheckOk:=False;
- end
- else
- BlackScreen:=True; // end of game - fade to black before exit
- //end popup hack
-// ActualScreen.SetAnimationProgress(1);
- if (not assigned (NextScreen)) and (not BlackScreen) then begin
- ActualScreen.Draw;
- //popup mod
- if ScreenPopupError <> NIL then if ScreenPopupError.Visible then ScreenPopupError.Draw else
- if ScreenPopupCheck <> NIL then if ScreenPopupCheck.Visible then ScreenPopupCheck.Draw;
- //popup end
- // fade mod
- myfade:=0;
- if (Ini.ScreenFade=1) and canFade then
- doFade:=True
- else if Ini.ScreenFade=0 then
- doFade:=False;
- // end
- end
- else
- begin
- // check if we had an initialization error (canfade=false, dofade=true)
- if doFade and not canFade then begin
- doFade:=False; //disable fading
-// ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup('Error initializing\nfade texture\n\nfading\ndisabled'); //show error message
- end;
- if doFade and canFade then
- begin
- // fade mod
- //Create Fading texture if we're just starting
- if myfade = 0 then
- begin
- glViewPort(0, 0, 512, 512);
- ActualScreen.Draw;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pTex[S]);
- glCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 0, 0, 512, 512, 0);
- glError:=glGetError;
- if glError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
- begin
- canFade := False;
- case glError of
- else glErrorStr:='unknown error';
- end;
-// ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup('Error copying\nfade texture\n('+glErrorStr+')\nfading\ndisabled'); //show error message
- end;
- glViewPort((S-1) * ScreenW div Screens, 0, ScreenW div Screens, ScreenH);
- // blackscreen-hack
- if not BlackScreen then
- NextScreen.onShow;
- lastTime:=GetTickCount;
- if (S=2) or (Screens = 1) then
- myfade:=myfade+1;
- end; // end texture creation in first fading step
- //do some time-based fading
- currentTime:=GetTickCount;
- if (currentTime > lastTime+30) and (S=1) then
- begin
- myfade:=myfade+4;
- lastTime:=currentTime;
- end;
-// LastFade := Fade; // whatever
-// Fade := Fade -0.999; // start fading out
-// ActualScreen.ShowFinish := false; // no purpose?
-// ActualScreen.SetAnimationProgress(Fade-1); // nop?
- // blackscreen-hack
- if not BlackScreen then
- NextScreen.Draw // draw next screen
- else if ScreenAct=1 then begin
- glClearColor(0, 0, 0 , 0);
- end;
- // and draw old screen over it... slowly fading out
- myfade2:=(myfade*myfade)/10000;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pTex[S]);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, (1000-myfade*myfade)/1000); // strange calculation - alpha gets negative... but looks good this way
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0+myfade2,0+myfade2);glVertex2f(0, 600);
- glTexCoord2f(0+myfade2,1-myfade2);glVertex2f(0, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(1-myfade2,1-myfade2);glVertex2f(800, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(1-myfade2,0+myfade2);glVertex2f(800, 600);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end
- else
- // blackscreen hack
- if not BlackScreen then
- NextScreen.OnShow;
- if ((myfade > 40) or (not doFade) or (not canFade)) And (S = 1) then begin // fade out complete...
- myFade:=0;
- ActualScreen.onHide;
- ActualScreen.ShowFinish:=False;
- ActualScreen:=NextScreen;
- NextScreen := nil;
- if not blackscreen then
- begin
- ActualScreen.onShowFinish;
- ActualScreen.ShowFinish := true;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result:=False;
- Break;
- end;
- // end of fade mod
- end;
- end; // if
- //Draw OSD only on first Screen if Debug Mode is enabled
- if ((Ini.Debug = 1) OR (Params.Debug)) AND (S=1) then
- DrawDebugInformation;
- end; // for
-// SwapBuffers(h_DC);
-{function TDisplay.Fade(FadeIn : Boolean; Steps : UInt8): UInt8;
- Self.FadeIn := FadeIn;
- FadeStep := (SizeOf(FadeStep) * $FF) div Steps;
- ActualStep := $FF;
- Result := $FF div FadeStep;
-procedure TDisplay.PrintScreen;
- Bitmap: TBitmap;
- Jpeg: TJpegImage;
- X, Y: integer;
- Num: integer;
- FileName: string;
- for Num := 1 to 9999 do begin
- FileName := IntToStr(Num);
- while Length(FileName) < 4 do FileName := '0' + FileName;
- FileName := ScreenshotsPath + 'screenshot' + FileName + '.jpg';
- if not FileExists(FileName) then break
- end;
- glReadPixels(0, 0, ScreenW, ScreenH, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @PrintScreenData[0]);
- Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- Bitmap.Width := ScreenW;
- Bitmap.Height := ScreenH;
- for Y := 0 to ScreenH-1 do
- for X := 0 to ScreenW-1 do
- Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[X, Y] := PrintScreenData[(ScreenH-1-Y) * ScreenW + X] and $00FFFFFF;
- Jpeg := TJpegImage.Create;
- Jpeg.Assign(Bitmap);
- Bitmap.Free;
- Jpeg.CompressionQuality := 95;//90;
- Jpeg.SaveToFile(FileName);
- Jpeg.Free;
-procedure TDisplay.ScreenShot;
- var F : file;
- pPicData:Pointer;
- FileName: String;
- Num: Integer;
- Exit; // something broken in here... quick fix... disabled it
- //bilddatei Suchen
- for Num := 1 to 9999 do begin
- FileName := IntToStr(Num);
- while Length(FileName) < 4 do FileName := '0' + FileName;
- FileName := ScreenshotsPath + FileName + '.BMP';
- if not FileExists(FileName) then break
- end;
- //Speicher f�r die Speicherung der Header-Informationen vorbereiten
- ZeroMemory(@FileHeader, SizeOf(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
- ZeroMemory(@FileInfo , SizeOf(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- //Initialisieren der Daten des Headers
- FileHeader.bfType := 19778; //$4D42 = 'BM'
- //Schreiben der Bitmap-Informationen
- FileInfo.biSize := SizeOf(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- FileInfo.biWidth := ScreenW;
- FileInfo.biHeight := ScreenH;
- FileInfo.biPlanes := 1;
- FileInfo.biBitCount := 32;
- FileInfo.biSizeImage := FileInfo.biWidth*FileInfo.biHeight*(FileInfo.biBitCount div 8);
- //Gr��enangabe auch in den Header �bernehmen
- FileHeader.bfSize := FileHeader.bfOffBits + FileInfo.biSizeImage;
- //Speicher f�r die Bilddaten reservieren
- GetMem(pPicData, FileInfo.biSizeImage);
- try
- //Bilddaten von OpenGL anfordern (siehe oben)
- glReadPixels(0, 0, ScreenW, ScreenH, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pPicData);
- //Und den ganzen M�ll in die Datei schieben ;-)
- //Moderne Leute nehmen daf�r auch Streams ...
- AssignFile(f, Filename);
- Rewrite( f,1 );
- try
- BlockWrite(F, FileHeader, SizeOf(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
- BlockWrite(F, FileInfo, SizeOf(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- BlockWrite(F, pPicData^, FileInfo.biSizeImage );
- finally
- CloseFile(f);
- end;
- finally
- //Und den angeforderten Speicher wieder freigeben ...
- FreeMem(pPicData, FileInfo.biSizeImage);
- end;
-// DrawDebugInformation - Procedure draw FPS and some other Informations on Screen
-procedure TDisplay.DrawDebugInformation;
-var Ticks: Cardinal;
- //Some White Background for information
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.5);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glVertex2f(690, 44);
- glVertex2f(690, 0);
- glVertex2f(800, 0);
- glVertex2f(800, 44);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- //Set Font Specs
- SetFontStyle(0);
- SetFontSize(7);
- SetFontItalic(False);
- glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1);
- //Calculate FPS
- Ticks := GetTickCount;
- if (Ticks >= NextFPSSwap) then
- begin
- LastFPS := FPSCounter * 4;
- FPSCounter := 0;
- NextFPSSwap := Ticks + 250;
- end;
- Inc(FPSCounter);
- //Draw Text
- //FPS
- SetFontPos(695, 0);
- glPrint (PChar('FPS: ' + InttoStr(LastFPS)));
- //RSpeed
- SetFontPos(695, 13);
- glPrint (PChar('RSpeed: ' + InttoStr(Round(1000 * TimeMid))));
- //LastError
- SetFontPos(695, 26);
- glColor4f(1, 0, 0, 1);
- glPrint (PChar(OSD_LastError));
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UDrawTexture.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UDrawTexture.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index de20bd4b..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UDrawTexture.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-unit UDrawTexture;
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses UTexture;
-procedure DrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
-procedure DrawQuad(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
-procedure DrawTexture(Texture: TTexture);
-uses OpenGL12;
-procedure DrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
- glColor3f(ColR, ColG, ColB);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex2f(x1, y1);
- glVertex2f(x2, y2);
- glEnd;
-procedure DrawQuad(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
- glColor3f(ColR, ColG, ColB);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glVertex2f(x, y);
- glVertex2f(x, y+h);
- glVertex2f(x+w, y+h);
- glVertex2f(x+w, y);
- glEnd;
-procedure DrawTexture(Texture: TTexture);
- x1, x2, x3, x4: real;
- y1, y2, y3, y4: real;
- xt1, xt2, xt3, xt4: real;
- yt1, yt2, yt3, yt4: real;
- with Texture do begin
- // rysuje paski gracza
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, Alpha);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glDepthRange(0, 10);
- glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
-// glDepthFunc(GL_GEQUAL);
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
-// glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ZERO);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
- x1 := x;
- x2 := x;
- x3 := x+w*scaleW;
- x4 := x+w*scaleW;
- y1 := y;
- y2 := y+h*scaleH;
- y3 := y+h*scaleH;
- y4 := y;
- if Rot <> 0 then begin
- xt1 := x1 - (x + w/2);
- xt2 := x2 - (x + w/2);
- xt3 := x3 - (x + w/2);
- xt4 := x4 - (x + w/2);
- yt1 := y1 - (y + h/2);
- yt2 := y2 - (y + h/2);
- yt3 := y3 - (y + h/2);
- yt4 := y4 - (y + h/2);
- x1 := (x + w/2) + xt1 * cos(Rot) - yt1 * sin(Rot);
- x2 := (x + w/2) + xt2 * cos(Rot) - yt2 * sin(Rot);
- x3 := (x + w/2) + xt3 * cos(Rot) - yt3 * sin(Rot);
- x4 := (x + w/2) + xt4 * cos(Rot) - yt4 * sin(Rot);
- y1 := (y + h/2) + yt1 * cos(Rot) + xt1 * sin(Rot);
- y2 := (y + h/2) + yt2 * cos(Rot) + xt2 * sin(Rot);
- y3 := (y + h/2) + yt3 * cos(Rot) + xt3 * sin(Rot);
- y4 := (y + h/2) + yt4 * cos(Rot) + xt4 * sin(Rot);
- end;
-{ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex3f(x1, y1, z);
- glTexCoord2f(0, TexH); glVertex3f(x2, y2, z);
- glTexCoord2f(TexW, TexH); glVertex3f(x3, y3, z);
- glTexCoord2f(TexW, 0); glVertex3f(x4, y4, z);
- glEnd;}
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX1*TexW, TexY1*TexH); glVertex3f(x1, y1, z);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX1*TexW, TexY2*TexH); glVertex3f(x2, y2, z);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX2*TexW, TexY2*TexH); glVertex3f(x3, y3, z);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX2*TexW, TexY1*TexH); glVertex3f(x4, y4, z);
- glEnd;
- end;
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenu.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UMenu.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 339402a2..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenu.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
-unit UMenu;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses OpenGL12, SysUtils, UTexture, UMenuStatic, UMenuText, UMenuButton, UMenuSelect, UMenuSelectSlide,
- UMenuInteract, UThemes, UMenuButtonCollection, Math, UMusic;
-{ Int16 = SmallInt;}
- PMenu = ^TMenu;
- TMenu = class
- protected
- ButtonPos: Integer;
- Interactions: array of TInteract;
- SelInteraction: integer;
- Button: array of TButton;
- Selects: array of TSelect;
- SelectsS: array of TSelectSlide;
- ButtonCollection: Array of TButtonCollection;
- BackImg: TTexture;
- BackW: integer;
- BackH: integer;
- public
- Text: array of TText;
- Static: array of TStatic;
- mX: integer; // mouse X
- mY: integer; // mouse Y
- Fade: integer; // fade type
- ShowFinish: boolean; // true if there is no fade
- destructor Destroy; override;
- constructor Create; overload; virtual;
- //constructor Create(Back: string); overload; virtual; // Back is a JPG resource name for background
- //constructor Create(Back: string; W, H: integer); overload; virtual; // W and H are the number of overlaps
- // interaction
- procedure AddInteraction(Typ, Num: integer);
- procedure SetInteraction(Num: integer);
- property Interaction: integer read SelInteraction write SetInteraction;
- //Procedure Load BG, Texts, Statics and Button Collections from ThemeBasic
- procedure LoadFromTheme(const ThemeBasic: TThemeBasic);
- procedure PrepareButtonCollections(const Collections: AThemeButtonCollection);
- procedure AddButtonCollection(const ThemeCollection: TThemeButtonCollection; Const Num: Byte);
- // background
- procedure AddBackground(Name: string);
- // static
- function AddStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: string): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; TexX1, TexY1, TexX2, TexY2: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing: Real): integer; overload;
- // text
- function AddText(ThemeText: TThemeText): integer; overload;
- function AddText(X, Y: real; Tekst: string): integer; overload;
- function AddText(X, Y: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Tekst: string): integer; overload;
- function AddText(X, Y, W: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Align: integer; Tekst: string): integer; overload;
- // button
- Procedure SetButtonLength(Length: Cardinal); //Function that Set Length of Button Array in one Step instead of register new Memory for every Button
- function AddButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton): integer; overload;
- function AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: String): integer; overload;
- function AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean): integer; overload;
- function AddButton(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing, DeSelectReflectionSpacing: Real): integer; overload;
- procedure ClearButtons;
- procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure AddButtonText(CustomButton: TButton; AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string); overload;
- // select
- function AddSelect(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer; overload;
- function AddSelect(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
- Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer; overload;
- procedure AddSelectOption(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure AddSelectOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure UpdateSelectOptions(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
- // select slide
- function AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer; overload;
- function AddSelectSlide(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, SBGW, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
- Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer; overload;
- procedure AddSelectSlideOption(AddText: string); overload;
- procedure AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure UpdateSelectSlideOptions(ThemeSelectSlide: TThemeSelectSlide; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
-// function AddWidget(X, Y : UInt16; WidgetSrc : PSDL_Surface): Int16;
-// procedure ClearWidgets(MinNumber : Int16);
- procedure FadeTo(Screen: PMenu); overload;
- procedure FadeTo(Screen: PMenu; aSound: TAudioPlaybackStream); overload;
- //popup hack
- procedure CheckFadeTo(Screen: PMenu; msg: String);
- function DrawBG: boolean; virtual;
- function DrawFG: boolean; virtual;
- function Draw: boolean; virtual;
- function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown : Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
- function ParseMouse(Typ: integer; X: integer; Y: integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function InRegion(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X, Y: real): Boolean;
- function InStaticRegion(StaticNr: integer; X, Y: integer): Boolean;
- procedure onShow; virtual;
- procedure onShowFinish; virtual;
- procedure onHide; virtual;
- procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); virtual;
- function IsSelectable(Int: Cardinal): Boolean;
- procedure InteractNext; virtual;
- procedure InteractCustom(CustomSwitch: integer); virtual;
- procedure InteractPrev; virtual;
- procedure InteractInc; virtual;
- procedure InteractDec; virtual;
- procedure AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real);
- end;
- pmMove = 1;
- pmClick = 2;
- pmUnClick = 3;
- iButton = 0; // interaction type
- iSelect = 1;
- iText = 2;
- iSelectS = 3;
- iBCollectionChild = 5;
-// fBlack = 0; // fade type
-// fWhite = 1;
-uses UCommon,
- UMain,
- UDrawTexture,
- UGraphic,
- UDisplay,
- UCovers,
- USkins;
-destructor TMenu.Destroy;
- inherited;
-constructor TMenu.Create;
- Fade := 0;//fWhite;
- SetLength(Static, 0);
- SetLength(Button, 0);
- BackImg.TexNum := -1;
- //Set ButtonPos to Autoset Length
- ButtonPos := -1;
-constructor TMenu.Create(Back: String);
- inherited Create;
- if Back <> '' then begin
-// BackImg := Texture.LoadTexture(true, PChar(Back), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
- BackImg := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Back), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0); // new theme system
- BackImg.W := 800;//640;
- BackImg.H := 600;//480;
- BackW := 1;
- BackH := 1;
- end else
- BackImg.TexNum := -1;
- //Set ButtonPos to Autoset Length
- ButtonPos := -1;
-constructor TMenu.Create(Back: string; W, H: integer);
- Create(Back);
- BackImg.W := BackImg.W / W;
- BackImg.H := BackImg.H / H;
- BackW := W;
- BackH := H;
-end; }
-procedure TMenu.AddInteraction(Typ, Num: integer);
- IntNum: integer;
- IntNum := Length(Interactions);
- SetLength(Interactions, IntNum+1);
- Interactions[IntNum].Typ := Typ;
- Interactions[IntNum].Num := Num;
- Interaction := 0;
-procedure TMenu.SetInteraction(Num: integer);
- OldNum, OldTyp: integer;
- NewNum, NewTyp: integer;
- // set inactive
- OldNum := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- OldTyp := Interactions[Interaction].Typ;
- NewNum := Interactions[Num].Num;
- NewTyp := Interactions[Num].Typ;
- case OldTyp of
- iButton: Button[OldNum].Selected := False;
- iSelect: Selects[OldNum].Selected := False;
- iText: Text[OldNum].Selected := False;
- iSelectS: SelectsS[OldNum].Selected := False;
- //Button Collection Mod
- iBCollectionChild:
- begin
- Button[OldNum].Selected := False;
- //Deselect Collection if Next Button is Not from Collection
- if (NewTyp <> iButton) Or (Button[NewNum].Parent <> Button[OldNum].Parent) then
- ButtonCollection[Button[OldNum].Parent-1].Selected := False;
- end;
- end;
- // set active
- SelInteraction := Num;
- case NewTyp of
- iButton: Button[NewNum].Selected := True;
- iSelect: Selects[NewNum].Selected := True;
- iText: Text[NewNum].Selected := True;
- iSelectS: SelectsS[NewNum].Selected := True;
- //Button Collection Mod
- iBCollectionChild:
- begin
- Button[NewNum].Selected := True;
- ButtonCollection[Button[NewNum].Parent-1].Selected := True;
- end;
- end;
-//LoadFromTheme - Load BG, Texts, Statics and
-//Button Collections from ThemeBasic
-procedure TMenu.LoadFromTheme(const ThemeBasic: TThemeBasic);
- I: Integer;
- //Add Button Collections (Set Button CollectionsLength)
- //Button Collections are Created when the first ChildButton is Created
- PrepareButtonCollections(ThemeBasic.ButtonCollection);
- //Add Background
- AddBackground(ThemeBasic.Background.Tex);
- //Add Statics and Texts
- for I := 0 to High(ThemeBasic.Static) do
- AddStatic(ThemeBasic.Static[I]);
- for I := 0 to High(ThemeBasic.Text) do
- AddText(ThemeBasic.Text[I]);
-procedure TMenu.AddBackground(Name: string);
- lFileName : string;
- if Name <> '' then
- begin
- lFileName := Skin.GetTextureFileName(Name);
- lFileName := AdaptFilePaths( lFileName );
- if fileexists( lFileName ) then
- begin
- BackImg := Texture.GetTexture( lFileName , 'Plain');
- BackImg.W := 800;
- BackImg.H := 600;
- BackW := 1;
- BackH := 1;
- end;
- end;
-//Add Button Collections (Set Button CollectionsLength)
-procedure TMenu.PrepareButtonCollections(const Collections: AThemeButtonCollection);
- I: Integer;
- SetLength(ButtonCollection, Length(Collections));
- For I := 0 to High(ButtonCollection) do
- AddButtonCollection(Collections[I], I);
-//Create a Button Collection;
-procedure TMenu.AddButtonCollection(const ThemeCollection: TThemeButtonCollection; Const Num: Byte);
- BT, BTLen: Integer;
- TempR, TempG, TempB, TempR2, TempG2, TempB2: Cardinal;
- if (Num > High(ButtonCollection)) then
- exit;
-// colorize hack
-if ThemeCollection.Style.Typ='Colorized' then
- TempR:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.ColR);
- TempG:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.ColG);
- TempB:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.ColB);
- TempR2:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.DColR);
- TempG2:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.DColG);
- TempB2:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.DColB);
- // give encoded color to loadtexture
- ButtonCollection[Num] := TButtonCollection.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB)),
- Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2)));
-// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2))); // use cache texture
- ButtonCollection[Num] := TButtonCollection.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex), ThemeCollection.Style.Typ, true)); // use cache texture
- //Set Parent menu
- ButtonCollection[Num].ScreenButton := @Self.Button;
- //Set Attributes
- ButtonCollection[Num].FirstChild := ThemeCollection.FirstChild;
- ButtonCollection[Num].CountChilds := ThemeCollection.ChildCount;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Parent := Num + 1;
- //Set Style
- ButtonCollection[Num].X := ThemeCollection.Style.X;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Y := ThemeCollection.Style.Y;
- ButtonCollection[Num].W := ThemeCollection.Style.W;
- ButtonCollection[Num].H := ThemeCollection.Style.H;
- if ThemeCollection.Style.Typ <> 'Colorized' then begin
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColR := ThemeCollection.Style.ColR;
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColG := ThemeCollection.Style.ColG;
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColB := ThemeCollection.Style.ColB;
- ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColR := ThemeCollection.Style.DColR;
- ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColG := ThemeCollection.Style.DColG;
- ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColB := ThemeCollection.Style.DColB;
- end;
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectInt := ThemeCollection.Style.Int;
- ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectInt := ThemeCollection.Style.DInt;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
- ButtonCollection[Num].SetSelect(false);
- ButtonCollection[Num].Reflection := ThemeCollection.Style.Reflection;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Reflectionspacing := ThemeCollection.Style.ReflectionSpacing;
- ButtonCollection[Num].DeSelectReflectionspacing := ThemeCollection.Style.DeSelectReflectionSpacing;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Z := ThemeCollection.Style.Z;
- //Some Things from ButtonFading
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectH := ThemeCollection.Style.SelectH;
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectW := ThemeCollection.Style.SelectW;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Fade := ThemeCollection.Style.Fade;
- ButtonCollection[Num].FadeText := ThemeCollection.Style.FadeText;
- if ThemeCollection.Style.Typ='Colorized' then
- ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTex := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB))
- else
- ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTex := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTex), ThemeCollection.Style.Typ, true);
- ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTexPos := ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTexPos;
- BTLen := Length(ThemeCollection.Style.Text);
- for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do begin
- AddButtonText(ButtonCollection[Num], ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].X, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Y,
- ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColR, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColG, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColB,
- ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Font, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Size, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Align,
- ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Text);
- end;
-function TMenu.AddStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic): integer;
- Result := AddStatic(ThemeStatic.X, ThemeStatic.Y, ThemeStatic.W, ThemeStatic.H, ThemeStatic.Z,
- ThemeStatic.ColR, ThemeStatic.ColG, ThemeStatic.ColB,
- ThemeStatic.TexX1, ThemeStatic.TexY1, ThemeStatic.TexX2, ThemeStatic.TexY2,
- {<0.5.1: Skin.SkinPath + ThemeStatic.Tex, 0.5.1:} Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeStatic.Tex),
- 'JPG', ThemeStatic.Typ, $FFFFFF, ThemeStatic.Reflection, ThemeStatic.Reflectionspacing);
- //'Font Black');
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: string): integer;
- Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Name, 'JPG', 'Plain');
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer;
- StatNum: integer;
- Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Format, Typ, $FFFFFF);
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer;
- StatNum: integer;
- Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Format, Typ, $FFFFFF);
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer;
- StatNum: integer;
- // adds static
- StatNum := Length(Static);
- SetLength(Static, StatNum + 1);
-// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), $FF00FF)); // $FFFFFF
-// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.SkinReg, PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), $FF00FF)); // new skin system
- Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), $FF00FF)); // new skin
- // configures static
- Static[StatNum].Texture.X := X;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.Y := Y;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.W := W;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.H := H;
- Static[StatNum].Visible := true;
- Result := StatNum;
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer;
- StatNum: integer;
- Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, 0, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Format, Typ, Color);
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer;
- Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z, ColR, ColG, ColB, 0, 0, 1, 1, Name, Format, Typ, Color, False, 0);
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; TexX1, TexY1, TexX2, TexY2: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing: Real): integer;
- StatNum: integer;
- TempR, TempG, TempB: Cardinal;
- TempCol: Cardinal;
- // adds static
- StatNum := Length(Static);
- SetLength(Static, StatNum + 1);
-// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), Color));
-// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.SkinReg, PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), Color)); // new skin system
-// colorize hack
-if Typ='Colorized' then
- TempR:=floor(255*ColR);
- TempG:=floor(255*ColG);
- TempB:=floor(255*ColB);
- // give encoded color to loadtexture
- Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB)));
- Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), Color)); // new skin
-// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ));
- // configures static
- Static[StatNum].Texture.X := X;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.Y := Y;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.W := W;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.H := H;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.Z := Z;
- if Typ <> 'Colorized' then begin
- Static[StatNum].Texture.ColR := ColR;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.ColG := ColG;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.ColB := ColB;
- end;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.TexX1 := TexX1;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.TexY1 := TexY1;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.TexX2 := TexX2;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.TexY2 := TexY2;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.Alpha := 1;
- Static[StatNum].Visible := true;
- //ReflectionMod
- Static[StatNum].Reflection := Reflection;
- Static[StatNum].ReflectionSpacing := ReflectionSpacing;
- Result := StatNum;
-function TMenu.AddText(ThemeText: TThemeText): integer;
- Result := AddText(ThemeText.X, ThemeText.Y, ThemeText.W, ThemeText.Font, ThemeText.Size,
- ThemeText.ColR, ThemeText.ColG, ThemeText.ColB, ThemeText.Align, ThemeText.Text);
-function TMenu.AddText(X, Y: real; Tekst: string): integer;
- TextNum: integer;
- // adds text
- TextNum := Length(Text);
- SetLength(Text, TextNum + 1);
- Text[TextNum] := TText.Create(X, Y, Tekst);
- Result := TextNum;
-function TMenu.AddText(X, Y: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Tekst: string): integer;
- Result := AddText(X, Y, 0, Style, Size, ColR, ColG, ColB, 0, Tekst);
-function TMenu.AddText(X, Y, W: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Align: integer; Tekst: string): integer;
- TextNum: integer;
- // adds text
- TextNum := Length(Text);
- SetLength(Text, TextNum + 1);
- Text[TextNum] := TText.Create(X, Y, W, Style, Size, ColR, ColG, ColB, Align, Tekst);
- Result := TextNum;
-//Function that Set Length of Button Array in one Step instead of register new Memory for every Button
-Procedure TMenu.SetButtonLength(Length: Cardinal);
- if (ButtonPos = -1) AND (Length > 0) then
- begin
- //Set Length of Button
- SetLength(Button, Length);
- //Set ButtonPos to start with 0
- ButtonPos := 0;
- end;
-// Method to add a button in our TMenu. It returns the assigned ButtonNumber
-function TMenu.AddButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton): integer;
- BT: integer;
- BTLen: integer;
- temp: integer;
- TempR, TempG, TempB, TempR2, TempG2, TempB2: Cardinal;
-{ Result := AddButton(ThemeButton.X, ThemeButton.Y, ThemeButton.W, ThemeButton.H,
- ThemeButton.ColR, ThemeButton.ColG, ThemeButton.ColB, ThemeButton.Int,
- ThemeButton.DColR, ThemeButton.DColG, ThemeButton.DColB, ThemeButton.DInt,
- ThemeButton.Tex, 'JPG', 'Font Black');}
- Result := AddButton(ThemeButton.X, ThemeButton.Y, ThemeButton.W, ThemeButton.H,
- ThemeButton.ColR, ThemeButton.ColG, ThemeButton.ColB, ThemeButton.Int,
- ThemeButton.DColR, ThemeButton.DColG, ThemeButton.DColB, ThemeButton.DInt,
- Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.Tex), 'JPG', ThemeButton.Typ, ThemeButton.Reflection, ThemeButton.Reflectionspacing, ThemeButton.DeSelectReflectionspacing);
- Button[Result].Z := ThemeButton.Z;
- //Button Visibility
- Button[Result].Visible := ThemeButton.Visible;
- //Some Things from ButtonFading
- Button[Result].SelectH := ThemeButton.SelectH;
- Button[Result].SelectW := ThemeButton.SelectW;
- Button[Result].Fade := ThemeButton.Fade;
- Button[Result].FadeText := ThemeButton.FadeText;
- if ThemeButton.Typ='Colorized' then begin
- TempR:=floor(255*ThemeButton.ColR);
- TempG:=floor(255*ThemeButton.ColG);
- TempB:=floor(255*ThemeButton.ColB);
- Button[Result].FadeTex := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.FadeTex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB));
- end
- else
- Button[Result].FadeTex := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.FadeTex), ThemeButton.Typ, true);
- Button[Result].FadeTexPos := ThemeButton.FadeTexPos;
- BTLen := Length(ThemeButton.Text);
- for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do begin
- AddButtonText(ThemeButton.Text[BT].X, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Y,
- ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColR, ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColG, ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColB,
- ThemeButton.Text[BT].Font, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Size, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Align,
- ThemeButton.Text[BT].Text);
- end;
- //BAutton Collection Mod
- if (ThemeButton.Parent <> 0) then
- begin
- //If Collection Exists then Change Interaction to Child Button
- if (@ButtonCollection[ThemeButton.Parent-1] <> nil) then
- begin
- Interactions[High(Interactions)].Typ := iBCollectionChild;
- Button[Result].Visible := False;
- for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do
- Button[Result].Text[BT].Alpha := 0;
- Button[Result].Parent := ThemeButton.Parent;
- if (ButtonCollection[ThemeButton.Parent-1].Fade) then
- Button[Result].Texture.Alpha := 0;
- end;
- end;
-function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: String): integer;
- Result := AddButton(X, Y, W, H, Name, 'JPG', 'Plain', False);
-function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean): integer;
- Result := AddButton(X, Y, W, H, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, Name, 'JPG', 'Plain', Reflection, 15, 15);
-function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing, DeSelectReflectionSpacing: Real): integer;
-var TempR, TempG, TempB, TempR2, TempG2, TempB2: Cardinal;
- // adds button
- //SetLength is used once to reduce Memory usement
- if (ButtonPos <> -1) then
- begin
- Result := ButtonPos;
- Inc(ButtonPos)
- end
- else //Old Method -> Reserve new Memory for every Button
- begin
- Result := Length(Button);
- SetLength(Button, Result + 1);
- end;
-// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ));
- // check here for cache
-// Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, false); // preloads textures and creates cahce mipmap when needed
-// if Covers.CoverExists(Name) then
-// colorize hack
-if Typ='Colorized' then
- TempR:=floor(255*ColR);
- TempG:=floor(255*ColG);
- TempB:=floor(255*ColB);
- TempR2:=floor(255*DColR);
- TempG2:=floor(255*DColG);
- TempB2:=floor(255*DColB);
- // give encoded color to loadtexture
- Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB)),
- Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2)));
-// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2))); // use cache texture
- Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, true)); // use cache texture
-// else
-// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, false)); // don't use cache texture}
- // configures button
- Button[Result].X := X;
- Button[Result].Y := Y;
- Button[Result].W := W;
- Button[Result].H := H;
- if Typ <> 'Colorized' then begin
- Button[Result].SelectColR := ColR;
- Button[Result].SelectColG := ColG;
- Button[Result].SelectColB := ColB;
- Button[Result].DeselectColR := DColR;
- Button[Result].DeselectColG := DColG;
- Button[Result].DeselectColB := DColB;
- end;
- Button[Result].SelectInt := Int;
- Button[Result].DeselectInt := DInt;
- Button[Result].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
- Button[Result].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
- Button[Result].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
- Button[Result].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
- Button[Result].SetSelect(false);
- Button[Result].Reflection := Reflection;
- Button[Result].Reflectionspacing := ReflectionSpacing;
- Button[Result].DeSelectReflectionspacing := DeSelectReflectionSpacing;
- //Button Collection Mod
- Button[Result].Parent := 0;
- // adds interaction
- AddInteraction(iButton, Result);
- Interaction := 0;
-procedure TMenu.ClearButtons;
- Setlength(Button, 0);
-// Method to draw our TMenu and all his child buttons
-function TMenu.DrawBG: boolean;
- PetX: integer;
- PetY: integer;
- BackImg.ColR := 1;
- BackImg.ColG := 1;
- BackImg.ColB := 1;
- BackImg.TexX1 := 0;
- BackImg.TexY1 := 0;
- BackImg.TexX2 := 1;
- BackImg.TexY2 := 1;
- if (BackImg.TexNum <> -1) then begin
- // does anyone know what these loops were for?
-{ // draw texture with overlapping
- for PetY := 1 to BackH do
- for PetX := 1 to BackW do begin
- BackImg.X := (PetX-1)/BackW * 800; //640
- BackImg.Y := (PetY-1)/BackH * 600; //480
- DrawTexture(BackImg);
- end; // for PetX}
- {BackImg.X:=BackW;
- BackImg.Y:=BackW; }
- BackImg.X := 0;
- BackImg.Y := 0;
- BackImg.Z := 0; // todo: eddie: to the opengl experts: please check this! On the mac z is not initialized???
- BackImg.W := 800;
- BackImg.H := 600;
- DrawTexture(BackImg);
- end; // if
-function TMenu.DrawFG: boolean;
- J: Integer;
- // We don't forget about newly implemented static for nice skin ...
- for J := 0 to Length(Static) - 1 do
- Static[J].Draw;
- // ... and slightly implemented menutext unit
- for J := 0 to Length(Text) - 1 do
- Text[J].Draw;
- // Draw all ButtonCollections
- For J := 0 to High(ButtonCollection) do
- ButtonCollection[J].Draw;
- // Second, we draw all of our buttons
- for J := 0 to Length(Button) - 1 do
- Button[J].Draw;
- // Third, we draw all of our selects
- for J := 0 to Length(Selects) - 1 do
- Selects[J].Draw(1);
- for J := 0 to Length(SelectsS) - 1 do
- SelectsS[J].Draw;
- // Third, we draw all our widgets
-// for J := 0 to Length(WidgetsSrc) - 1 do
-// SDL_BlitSurface(WidgetsSrc[J], nil, ParentBackBuf, WidgetsRect[J]);
- Result := True;
-function TMenu.Draw: boolean;
- DrawBG;
- DrawFG;
- Result := True;
-{function TMenu.GetNextScreen(): PMenu;
- Result := NextScreen;
-{function TMenu.AddWidget(X, Y : UInt16; WidgetSrc : PSDL_Surface): Int16;
- WidgetNum : Int16;
- If (Assigned(WidgetSrc)) Then
- begin
- WidgetNum := Length(WidgetsSrc);
- SetLength(WidgetsSrc, WidgetNum + 1);
- SetLength(WidgetsRect, WidgetNum + 1);
- WidgetsSrc[WidgetNum] := WidgetSrc;
- WidgetsRect[WidgetNum] := new(PSDL_Rect);
- WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.x := X;
- WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.y := Y;
- WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.w := WidgetSrc^.w;
- WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.h := WidgetSrc^.h;
- Result := WidgetNum;
- end
- else
- Result := -1;
-{procedure TMenu.ClearWidgets(MinNumber : Int16);
- J : Int16;
- For J := MinNumber to (Length(WidgetsSrc) - 1) do
- begin
- SDL_FreeSurface(WidgetsSrc[J]);
- dispose(WidgetsRect[J]);
- end;
- SetLength(WidgetsSrc, MinNumber);
- SetLength(WidgetsRect, MinNumber);
-function TMenu.IsSelectable(Int: Cardinal): Boolean;
- Result := True;
- Case Interactions[Int].Typ of
- //Button
- iButton: Result := Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Visible and Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Selectable;
- //Select
- iSelect: Result := True;
- //Select Slide
- iSelectS: Result := SelectsS[Interactions[Int].Num].Visible;
- //ButtonCollection Child
- iBCollectionChild:
- Result := (ButtonCollection[Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Parent - 1].FirstChild - 1 = Int) AND ((Interactions[Interaction].Typ <> iBCollectionChild) OR (Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent <> Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Parent));
- end;
-procedure TMenu.InteractNext;
- Int: Integer;
- Int := Interaction;
- // change interaction as long as it's needed
- repeat
- Int := (Int + 1) Mod Length(Interactions);
- //If no Interaction is Selectable Simply Select Next
- if (Int = Interaction) then
- begin
- Int := (Int + 1) Mod Length(Interactions);
- Break;
- end;
- Until IsSelectable(Int);
- //Set Interaction
- Interaction := Int;
-procedure TMenu.InteractPrev;
- Int: Integer;
- Int := Interaction;
- // change interaction as long as it's needed
- repeat
- Int := Int - 1;
- if Int = -1 then Int := High(Interactions);
- //If no Interaction is Selectable Simply Select Next
- if (Int = Interaction) then
- begin
- Int := SelInteraction - 1;
- if Int = -1 then Int := High(Interactions);
- Break;
- end;
- Until IsSelectable(Int);
- //Set Interaction
- Interaction := Int
-procedure TMenu.InteractCustom(CustomSwitch: integer);
- Num: integer;
- Typ: integer;
- Again: boolean;
- //Code Commented atm, because it needs to be Rewritten
- //it doesn't work with Button Collections
- {then begin
- CustomSwitch:= CustomSwitch*(-1);
- Again := true;
- // change interaction as long as it's needed
- while (Again = true) do begin
- Num := SelInteraction - CustomSwitch;
- if Num = -1 then Num := High(Interactions);
- Interaction := Num;
- Again := false; // reset, default to accept changing interaction
- // checking newly interacted element
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Typ := Interactions[Interaction].Typ;
- case Typ of
- iButton:
- begin
- if Button[Num].Selectable = false then Again := True;
- end;
- end; // case
- end; // while
- end
- else if num>0 then begin
- Again := true;
- // change interaction as long as it's needed
- while (Again = true) do begin
- Num := (Interaction + CustomSwitch) Mod Length(Interactions);
- Interaction := Num;
- Again := false; // reset, default to accept changing interaction
- // checking newly interacted element
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Typ := Interactions[Interaction].Typ;
- case Typ of
- iButton:
- begin
- if Button[Num].Selectable = false then Again := True;
- end;
- end; // case
- end; // while
- end }
-procedure TMenu.FadeTo(Screen: PMenu);
- Display.Fade := 0;
- Display.NextScreen := Screen;
-procedure TMenu.FadeTo(Screen: PMenu; aSound: TAudioPlaybackStream);
- FadeTo( Screen );
- AudioPlayback.PlaySound( aSound );
-//popup hack
-procedure TMenu.CheckFadeTo(Screen: PMenu; msg: String);
- Display.Fade := 0;
- Display.NextScreenWithCheck := Screen;
- Display.CheckOK:=False;
- ScreenPopupCheck.ShowPopup(msg);
-procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string);
- AddButtonText(AddX, AddY, 1, 1, 1, AddText);
-procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; AddText: string);
- Il: integer;
- with Button[High(Button)] do begin
- Il := Length(Text);
- SetLength(Text, Il+1);
- Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText);
- Text[Il].ColR := ColR;
- Text[Il].ColG := ColG;
- Text[Il].ColB := ColB;
- Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5;
- end;
-procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string);
- Il: integer;
- with Button[High(Button)] do begin
- Il := Length(Text);
- SetLength(Text, Il+1);
- Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText);
- Text[Il].ColR := ColR;
- Text[Il].ColG := ColG;
- Text[Il].ColB := ColB;
- Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5;
- Text[Il].Style := Font;
- Text[Il].Size := Size;
- Text[Il].Align := Align;
- end;
-procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(CustomButton: TButton; AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string);
- Il: integer;
- with CustomButton do begin
- Il := Length(Text);
- SetLength(Text, Il+1);
- Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText);
- Text[Il].ColR := ColR;
- Text[Il].ColG := ColG;
- Text[Il].ColB := ColB;
- Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5;
- Text[Il].Style := Font;
- Text[Il].Size := Size;
- Text[Il].Align := Align;
- end;
-function TMenu.AddSelect(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer;
- SO: integer;
- Result := AddSelect(ThemeSelect.X, ThemeSelect.Y, ThemeSelect.W, ThemeSelect.H, ThemeSelect.SkipX,
- ThemeSelect.ColR, ThemeSelect.ColG, ThemeSelect.ColB, ThemeSelect.Int,
- ThemeSelect.DColR, ThemeSelect.DColG, ThemeSelect.DColB, ThemeSelect.DInt,
- ThemeSelect.TColR, ThemeSelect.TColG, ThemeSelect.TColB, ThemeSelect.TInt,
- ThemeSelect.TDColR, ThemeSelect.TDColG, ThemeSelect.TDColB, ThemeSelect.TDInt,
- ThemeSelect.SBGColR, ThemeSelect.SBGColG, ThemeSelect.SBGColB, ThemeSelect.SBGInt,
- ThemeSelect.SBGDColR, ThemeSelect.SBGDColG, ThemeSelect.SBGDColB, ThemeSelect.SBGDInt,
- ThemeSelect.STColR, ThemeSelect.STColG, ThemeSelect.STColB, ThemeSelect.STInt,
- ThemeSelect.STDColR, ThemeSelect.STDColG, ThemeSelect.STDColB, ThemeSelect.STDInt,
- Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelect.Tex), 'Font Black',
- Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelect.TexSBG), 'Font Black',
- ThemeSelect.Text, Data);
- for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
- AddSelectOption(ThemeSelect.X + ThemeSelect.W + ThemeSelect.SkipX + SO * 100 + 20, ThemeSelect.Y + 20, Values[SO]);
-function TMenu.AddSelect(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
- Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer;
- S: integer;
- S := Length(Selects);
- SetLength(Selects, S + 1);
- Selects[S] := TSelect.Create;
- Selects[S].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ);
- Selects[S].X := X;
- Selects[S].Y := Y;
- Selects[S].W := W;
- Selects[S].H := H;
- Selects[S].ColR := ColR;
- Selects[S].ColG := ColG;
- Selects[S].ColB := ColB;
- Selects[S].Int := Int;
- Selects[S].DColR := DColR;
- Selects[S].DColG := DColG;
- Selects[S].DColB := DColB;
- Selects[S].DInt := DInt;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG := Texture.GetTexture(SBGName, SBGTyp);
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.X := X + W + SkipX;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.Y := Y;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.W := 450;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.H := H;
- Selects[S].SBGColR := SBGColR;
- Selects[S].SBGColG := SBGColG;
- Selects[S].SBGColB := SBGColB;
- Selects[S].SBGInt := SBGInt;
- Selects[S].SBGDColR := SBGDColR;
- Selects[S].SBGDColG := SBGDColG;
- Selects[S].SBGDColB := SBGDColB;
- Selects[S].SBGDInt := SBGDInt;
- Selects[S].Text.X := X + 20;
- Selects[S].Text.Y := Y + 20;
- Selects[S].Text.Text := Caption;
- Selects[S].Text.Size := 10;
- Selects[S].Text.Visible := true;
- Selects[S].TColR := TColR;
- Selects[S].TColG := TColG;
- Selects[S].TColB := TColB;
- Selects[S].TInt := TInt;
- Selects[S].TDColR := TDColR;
- Selects[S].TDColG := TDColG;
- Selects[S].TDColB := TDColB;
- Selects[S].TDInt := TDInt;
- Selects[S].STColR := STColR;
- Selects[S].STColG := STColG;
- Selects[S].STColB := STColB;
- Selects[S].STInt := STInt;
- Selects[S].STDColR := STDColR;
- Selects[S].STDColG := STDColG;
- Selects[S].STDColB := STDColB;
- Selects[S].STDInt := STDInt;
- // new
- Selects[S].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
- Selects[S].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
- Selects[S].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
- Selects[S].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexX1 := 0;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexY1 := 0;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexX2 := 1;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexY2 := 1;
- // Sets Data to copy the value of selectops to global value;
- Selects[S].PData := @Data;
- // Sets default value of selectopt from Data;
- Selects[S].SelectedOption := Data;
- // Disables default selection
- Selects[S].SetSelect(false);
- // adds interaction
- AddInteraction(iSelect, S);
-procedure TMenu.AddSelectOption(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string);
- AddSelectOption (High(Selects), AddX, AddY, AddText);
-procedure TMenu.AddSelectOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string);
- SO: integer;
- SO := Length(Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt);
- SetLength(Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt, SO + 1);
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO] := TText.Create;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].X := AddX;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Y := AddY;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Text := AddText;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Size := 10;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColR := Selects[SelectNo].STDColR;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColG := Selects[SelectNo].STDColG;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColB := Selects[SelectNo].STDColB;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Int := Selects[SelectNo].STDInt;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Visible := true;
- if SO = Selects[SelectNo].PData^ then Selects[SelectNo].SelectedOption := SO;
-procedure TMenu.UpdateSelectOptions(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
- SO: integer;
- SetLength(Selects[SelectNum].TextOpt, 0);
- for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
- AddSelectOption(SelectNum, ThemeSelect.X + ThemeSelect.W + ThemeSelect.SkipX + SO * 100 + 20, ThemeSelect.Y + 20, Values[SO]);
-function TMenu.AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer;
- SO: integer;
- Result := AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS.X, ThemeSelectS.Y, ThemeSelectS.W, ThemeSelectS.H, ThemeSelectS.SkipX, ThemeSelectS.SBGW,
- ThemeSelectS.ColR, ThemeSelectS.ColG, ThemeSelectS.ColB, ThemeSelectS.Int,
- ThemeSelectS.DColR, ThemeSelectS.DColG, ThemeSelectS.DColB, ThemeSelectS.DInt,
- ThemeSelectS.TColR, ThemeSelectS.TColG, ThemeSelectS.TColB, ThemeSelectS.TInt,
- ThemeSelectS.TDColR, ThemeSelectS.TDColG, ThemeSelectS.TDColB, ThemeSelectS.TDInt,
- ThemeSelectS.SBGColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGColB, ThemeSelectS.SBGInt,
- ThemeSelectS.SBGDColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColB, ThemeSelectS.SBGDInt,
- ThemeSelectS.STColR, ThemeSelectS.STColG, ThemeSelectS.STColB, ThemeSelectS.STInt,
- ThemeSelectS.STDColR, ThemeSelectS.STDColG, ThemeSelectS.STDColB, ThemeSelectS.STDInt,
- Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelectS.Tex), 'Font Black',
- Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelectS.TexSBG), 'Font Black',
- ThemeSelectS.Text, Data);
- for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
- AddSelectSlideOption(Values[SO]);
- SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].Text.Size := ThemeSelectS.TextSize;
- SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].Texture.Z := ThemeSelectS.Z;
- SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].TextureSBG.Z := ThemeSelectS.Z;
- //Generate Lines
- SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].GenLines;
- SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].SelectedOption := SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].SelectOptInt; // refresh
-function TMenu.AddSelectSlide(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, SBGW, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
- Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer;
- S: integer;
- I: integer;
- S := Length(SelectsS);
- SetLength(SelectsS, S + 1);
- SelectsS[S] := TSelectSlide.Create;
- SelectsS[S].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ);
- SelectsS[S].X := X;
- SelectsS[S].Y := Y;
- SelectsS[S].W := W;
- SelectsS[S].H := H;
- SelectsS[S].ColR := ColR;
- SelectsS[S].ColG := ColG;
- SelectsS[S].ColB := ColB;
- SelectsS[S].Int := Int;
- SelectsS[S].DColR := DColR;
- SelectsS[S].DColG := DColG;
- SelectsS[S].DColB := DColB;
- SelectsS[S].DInt := DInt;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG := Texture.GetTexture(SBGName, SBGTyp);
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.X := X + W + SkipX;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.Y := Y;
- //SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.W := 450;
- SelectsS[S].SBGW := SBGW;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.H := H;
- SelectsS[S].SBGColR := SBGColR;
- SelectsS[S].SBGColG := SBGColG;
- SelectsS[S].SBGColB := SBGColB;
- SelectsS[S].SBGInt := SBGInt;
- SelectsS[S].SBGDColR := SBGDColR;
- SelectsS[S].SBGDColG := SBGDColG;
- SelectsS[S].SBGDColB := SBGDColB;
- SelectsS[S].SBGDInt := SBGDInt;
- SelectsS[S].Text.X := X + 20;
- SelectsS[S].Text.Y := Y + (SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.H / 2) - 15;
- SelectsS[S].Text.Text := Caption;
- SelectsS[S].Text.Size := 10;
- SelectsS[S].Text.Visible := true;
- SelectsS[S].TColR := TColR;
- SelectsS[S].TColG := TColG;
- SelectsS[S].TColB := TColB;
- SelectsS[S].TInt := TInt;
- SelectsS[S].TDColR := TDColR;
- SelectsS[S].TDColG := TDColG;
- SelectsS[S].TDColB := TDColB;
- SelectsS[S].TDInt := TDInt;
- SelectsS[S].STColR := STColR;
- SelectsS[S].STColG := STColG;
- SelectsS[S].STColB := STColB;
- SelectsS[S].STInt := STInt;
- SelectsS[S].STDColR := STDColR;
- SelectsS[S].STDColG := STDColG;
- SelectsS[S].STDColB := STDColB;
- SelectsS[S].STDInt := STDInt;
- // new
- SelectsS[S].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
- SelectsS[S].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
- SelectsS[S].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
- SelectsS[S].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexX1 := 0;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexY1 := 0;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexX2 := 1;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexY2 := 1;
- // Sets Data to copy the value of selectops to global value;
- SelectsS[S].PData := @Data;
- // Configures Select options
- {//SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Text := IntToStr(I+1);
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Size := 10;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Align := 1;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColR := SelectsS[S].STDColR;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColG := SelectsS[S].STDColG;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColB := SelectsS[S].STDColB;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Int := SelectsS[S].STDInt;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Visible := true; }
- // Sets default value of selectopt from Data;
- SelectsS[S].SelectedOption := Data;
- // Disables default selection
- SelectsS[S].SetSelect(false);
- {// Configures 3 select options
- for I := 0 to 2 do begin
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].X := SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.X + 20 + (50 + 20) + (150 - 20) * I;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Y := SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.Y + 20;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Text := IntToStr(I+1);
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Size := 10;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Align := 1;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColR := SelectsS[S].STDColR;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColG := SelectsS[S].STDColG;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColB := SelectsS[S].STDColB;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Int := SelectsS[S].STDInt;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Visible := true;
- end;}
- // adds interaction
- AddInteraction(iSelectS, S);
- Result := S;
-procedure TMenu.AddSelectSlideOption(AddText: string);
- AddSelectSlideOption(High(SelectsS), AddText);
-procedure TMenu.AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddText: string);
- SO: integer;
- SO := Length(SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT);
- SetLength(SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT, SO + 1);
- SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT[SO] := AddText;
- //SelectsS[S].SelectedOption := SelectsS[S].SelectOptInt; // refresh
- //if SO = Selects[S].PData^ then Selects[S].SelectedOption := SO;
-procedure TMenu.UpdateSelectSlideOptions(ThemeSelectSlide: TThemeSelectSlide; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
- SO: integer;
- SetLength(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT, 0);
- for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
- AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNum, Values[SO]);
- SelectsS[SelectNum].GenLines;
-// SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectOptInt; // refresh
-// SelectS[SelectNum].SetSelectOpt(Data);
-// SelectS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := 0;//Data;
-// Log.LogError(IntToStr(High(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT)));
-// if 0 <= High(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT) then
- SelectsS[SelectNum].PData := @Data;
- SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := Data;
-function TMenu.InRegion(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X, Y: real): Boolean;
- Result := false;
- X1 := X1 * RenderW/640;
- X2 := X2 * RenderW/640;
- Y1 := Y1 * RenderH/480;
- Y2 := Y2 * RenderH/480;
- if (X >= X1) and (X <= X2) and (Y >= Y1) and (Y <= Y2) then
- Result := true;
-function TMenu.InStaticRegion(StaticNr: integer; X, Y: integer): Boolean;
- Result := InRegion(Static[StaticNr].Texture.X,
- Static[StaticNr].Texture.Y,
- Static[StaticNr].Texture.X + Static[StaticNr].Texture.W - 1,
- Static[StaticNr].Texture.Y + Static[StaticNr].Texture.H - 1,
- X, Y);
-procedure TMenu.InteractInc;
- Num: integer;
- Value: integer;
- case Interactions[Interaction].Typ of
- iSelect: begin
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Value := Selects[Num].SelectedOption;
- Value := (Value + 1) Mod (Length(Selects[Num].TextOpt));
- Selects[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
- end;
- iSelectS: begin
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Value := SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption;
-// Value := (Value + 1) Mod (Length(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT));
- // limit
- Value := Value + 1;
- if Value <= High(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT) then
- SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
- end;
- //Button Collection Mod
- iBCollectionChild:
- begin
- //Select Next Button in Collection
- For Num := 1 to High(Button) do
- begin
- Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button);
- if Value = 0 then
- begin
- InteractNext;
- Break;
- end;
- if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then
- begin
- Interaction := Value;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //interact Next if there is Nothing to Change
- else InteractNext;
- end;
-procedure TMenu.InteractDec;
- Num: integer;
- Value: integer;
- case Interactions[Interaction].Typ of
- iSelect: begin
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Value := Selects[Num].SelectedOption;
- Value := Value - 1;
- if Value = -1 then
- Value := High(Selects[Num].TextOpt);
- Selects[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
- end;
- iSelectS: begin
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Value := SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption;
- Value := Value - 1;
-// if Value = -1 then
-// Value := High(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT);
- if Value >= 0 then
- SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
- end;
- //Button Collection Mod
- iBCollectionChild:
- begin
- //Select Prev Button in Collection
- For Num := High(Button) downto 1 do
- begin
- Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button);
- if Value = High(Button) then
- begin
- InteractPrev;
- Break;
- end;
- if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then
- begin
- Interaction := Value;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //interact Prev if there is Nothing to Change
- else
- begin
- InteractPrev;
- //If ButtonCollection with more than 1 Entry then Select Last Entry
- if (Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent <> 0) AND (ButtonCollection[Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent-1].CountChilds > 1) then
- begin
- //Select Last Child
- For Num := High(Button) downto 1 do
- begin
- Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button);
- if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then
- begin
- Interaction := Value;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TMenu.AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real);
- AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
- AddStatic(X+2, Y+2, W-4, H-4, 1, 1, 1, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
-procedure TMenu.onShow;
-// nothing
-// beep;
-procedure TMenu.onShowFinish;
-// nothing
-// beep;
-procedure TMenu.onHide;
-// nothing
-// beep;
-function TMenu.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
-// nothing
-// Beep;
- Result := true;
-procedure TMenu.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
-// nothing
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuButton.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuButton.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 93b987b7..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuButton.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-unit UMenuButton;
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses TextGL, UTexture, OpenGL12, UMenuText;
- CButton = class of TButton;
- TButton = class
- protected
- SelectBool: Boolean;
- FadeProgress: Real;
- FadeLastTick: Cardinal;
- DeSelectW: Real;
- DeSelectH: Real;
- PosX: Real;
- PosY: Real;
- constructor Create(); overload;
- public
- Text: Array of TText;
- Texture: TTexture; // Button Screen position and size
- Texture2: TTexture; // second texture only used for fading full resolution covers
- //colorized hack
- Colorized: Boolean;
- DeSelectTexture: TTexture; // texture for colorized hack
- FadeTex: TTexture; //Texture for beautiful fading
- FadeTexPos: byte; //Pos of the FadeTexture (0: Top, 1: Left, 2: Bottom, 3: Right)
-// Texture2Blend: real; // blending factor for second texture (0=invisible, 1=visible)
- // now uses alpha
- DeselectType: integer; // not used yet
- Visible: boolean;
- //Reflection Mod
- Reflection: boolean;
- Reflectionspacing: Real;
- DeSelectReflectionspacing: Real;
- //Fade Mod
- Fade: Boolean;
- FadeText: Boolean;
- Selectable: boolean;
- //No of the Parent Collection, 0 if in no Collection
- Parent: Byte;
- SelectColR: real;
- SelectColG: real;
- SelectColB: real;
- SelectInt: real;
- SelectTInt: real;
- //Fade Mod
- SelectW: real;
- SelectH: real;
- DeselectColR: real;
- DeselectColG: real;
- DeselectColB: real;
- DeselectInt: real;
- DeselectTInt: real;
- procedure SetY(Value: real);
- procedure SetX(Value: real);
- procedure SetW(Value: real);
- procedure SetH(Value: real);
- procedure SetSelect(Value: Boolean); virtual;
- property X: real read PosX write SetX;
- property Y: real read PosY write SetY;
- property Z: real read Texture.z write Texture.z;
- property W: real read DeSelectW write SetW;
- property H: real read DeSelectH write SetH;
- property Selected: Boolean read SelectBool write SetSelect;
- procedure Draw; virtual;
- constructor Create(Textura: TTexture); overload;
- constructor Create(Textura, DSTexture: TTexture); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
-uses SysUtils,
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ELSE}
- lclintf,
- {$ENDIF}
- UDrawTexture;
-procedure TButton.SetX(Value: real);
- dx: real;
- T: integer; // text}
- {dY := Value - Texture.y;
- Texture.X := Value;
- for T := 0 to High(Text) do
- Text[T].X := Text[T].X + dY;}
- PosX := Value;
- if (FadeTex.TexNum = -1) then
- Texture.X := Value;
-procedure TButton.SetY(Value: real);
- dY: real;
- T: integer; // text}
- {dY := Value - PosY;
- for T := 0 to High(Text) do
- Text[T].Y := Text[T].Y + dY;}
- PosY := Value;
- if (FadeTex.TexNum = -1) then
- Texture.y := Value;
-procedure TButton.SetW(Value: real);
- if SelectW = DeSelectW then
- SelectW := Value;
- DeSelectW := Value;
- if Not Fade then
- begin
- if SelectBool then
- Texture.W := SelectW
- else
- Texture.W := DeSelectW;
- end;
-procedure TButton.SetH(Value: real);
- if SelectH = DeSelectH then
- SelectH := Value;
- DeSelectH := Value;
- if Not Fade then
- begin
- if SelectBool then
- Texture.H := SelectH
- else
- Texture.H := DeSelectH;
- end;
-procedure TButton.SetSelect(Value : Boolean);
- T: integer;
- SelectBool := Value;
- if (Value) then begin
- Texture.ColR := SelectColR;
- Texture.ColG := SelectColG;
- Texture.ColB := SelectColB;
- Texture.Int := SelectInt;
- Texture2.ColR := SelectColR;
- Texture2.ColG := SelectColG;
- Texture2.ColB := SelectColB;
- Texture2.Int := SelectInt;
- for T := 0 to High(Text) do
- Text[T].Int := SelectTInt;
- //Fade Mod
- if Fade then
- begin
- if (FadeProgress <= 0) then
- FadeProgress := 0.125;
- end
- else
- begin
- Texture.W := SelectW;
- Texture.H := SelectH;
- end;
- end else begin
- Texture.ColR := DeselectColR;
- Texture.ColG := DeselectColG;
- Texture.ColB := DeselectColB;
- Texture.Int := DeselectInt;
- Texture2.ColR := DeselectColR;
- Texture2.ColG := DeselectColG;
- Texture2.ColB := DeselectColB;
- Texture2.Int := DeselectInt;
- for T := 0 to High(Text) do
- Text[T].Int := DeselectTInt;
- //Fade Mod
- if Fade then
- begin
- if (FadeProgress >= 1) then
- FadeProgress := 0.875;
- end
- else
- begin
- Texture.W := DeSelectW;
- Texture.H := DeSelectH;
- end;
- end;
-constructor TButton.Create();
- inherited Create;
- // We initialize all to 0, nil or false
- Visible := true;
- SelectBool := false;
- DeselectType := 0;
- Selectable := true;
- //Reflection Mod
- Reflection := true;
- //colorized hack
- Colorized:=False;
- // Default
-// SelectInt := 1;
-// DeselectInt := 0.5;
-{ SelectColR := 0.5;
- SelectColG := 0.75;
- SelectColB := 0;
- SelectInt := 1;
- SelectTInt := 1;
- DeselectColR := 1;
- DeselectColG := 1;
- DeselectColB := 1;
- DeselectInt := 0.5;
- DeselectTInt := 1;}
- SelectColR := 1;
- SelectColG := 1;
- SelectColB := 1;
- SelectInt := 1;
- SelectTInt := 1;
- DeselectColR := 1;
- DeselectColG := 1;
- DeselectColB := 1;
- DeselectInt := 0.5;
- DeselectTInt := 1;
- FadeTex.TexNum := -1;
- FadeProgress := 0;
- Fade := False;
- FadeText := False;
- SelectW := DeSelectW;
- SelectH := DeSelectH;
- PosX := 0;
- PosY := 0;
- Parent := 0;
-// ***** Public methods ****** //
-procedure TButton.Draw;
- T: integer;
- Tick: Cardinal;
- Spacing: Real;
- if Visible then begin
- //Fade Mod
- T:=0;
- if Fade then
- begin
- if (FadeProgress < 1) and (FadeProgress > 0) then
- begin
- Tick := GetTickCount div 16;
- if (Tick <> FadeLastTick) then
- begin
- FadeLastTick := Tick;
- if SelectBool then
- FadeProgress := FadeProgress + 0.125
- else
- FadeProgress := FadeProgress - 0.125;
- if (FadeText) then
- begin
- For T := 0 to high(Text) do
- begin
- Text[T].MoveX := (SelectW - DeSelectW) * FadeProgress;
- Text[T].MoveY := (SelectH - DeSelectH) * FadeProgress;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //Method without Fade Texture
- if (FadeTex.TexNum = -1) then
- begin
- Texture.W := DeSelectW + (SelectW - DeSelectW) * FadeProgress;
- Texture.H := DeSelectH + (SelectH - DeSelectH) * FadeProgress;
- DeselectTexture.W := Texture.W;
- DeselectTexture.H := Texture.H;
- end
- else //method with Fade Texture
- begin
- Texture.W := DeSelectW;
- Texture.H := DeSelectH;
- DeselectTexture.W := Texture.W;
- DeselectTexture.H := Texture.H;
- FadeTex.ColR := Texture.ColR;
- FadeTex.ColG := Texture.ColG;
- FadeTex.ColB := Texture.ColB;
- FadeTex.Int := Texture.Int;
- FadeTex.Z := Texture.Z;
- FadeTex.Alpha := Texture.Alpha;
- FadeTex.TexX1 := 0;
- FadeTex.TexX2 := 1;
- FadeTex.TexY1 := 0;
- FadeTex.TexY2 := 1;
- Case FadeTexPos of
- 0: //FadeTex on Top
- begin
- //Standard Texture
- Texture.X := PosX;
- Texture.Y := PosY + (SelectH - DeSelectH) * FadeProgress;
- DeselectTexture.X := Texture.X;
- DeselectTexture.Y := Texture.Y;
- //Fade Tex
- FadeTex.X := PosX;
- FadeTex.Y := PosY;
- FadeTex.W := Texture.W;
- FadeTex.H := (SelectH - DeSelectH) * FadeProgress;
- FadeTex.ScaleW := Texture.ScaleW;
- //Some Hack that Fixes a little Space between both Textures
- FadeTex.TexY2 := 0.9;
- end;
- 1: //FadeTex on Left
- begin
- //Standard Texture
- Texture.X := PosX + (SelectW - DeSelectW) * FadeProgress;
- Texture.Y := PosY;
- DeselectTexture.X := Texture.X;
- DeselectTexture.Y := Texture.Y;
- //Fade Tex
- FadeTex.X := PosX;
- FadeTex.Y := PosY;
- FadeTex.H := Texture.H;
- FadeTex.W := (SelectW - DeSelectW) * FadeProgress;
- FadeTex.ScaleH := Texture.ScaleH;
- //Some Hack that Fixes a little Space between both Textures
- FadeTex.TexX2 := 0.9;
- end;
- 2: //FadeTex on Bottom
- begin
- //Standard Texture
- Texture.X := PosX;
- Texture.Y := PosY;
- DeselectTexture.X := Texture.X;
- DeselectTexture.Y := Texture.Y;
- //Fade Tex
- FadeTex.X := PosX;
- FadeTex.Y := PosY + (SelectH - DeSelectH) * FadeProgress;;
- FadeTex.W := Texture.W;
- FadeTex.H := (SelectH - DeSelectH) * FadeProgress;
- FadeTex.ScaleW := Texture.ScaleW;
- //Some Hack that Fixes a little Space between both Textures
- FadeTex.TexY1 := 0.1;
- end;
- 3: //FadeTex on Right
- begin
- //Standard Texture
- Texture.X := PosX;
- Texture.Y := PosY;
- DeselectTexture.X := Texture.X;
- DeselectTexture.Y := Texture.Y;
- //Fade Tex
- FadeTex.X := PosX + (SelectW - DeSelectW) * FadeProgress;
- FadeTex.Y := PosY;
- FadeTex.H := Texture.H;
- FadeTex.W := (SelectW - DeSelectW) * FadeProgress;
- FadeTex.ScaleH := Texture.ScaleH;
- //Some Hack that Fixes a little Space between both Textures
- FadeTex.TexX1 := 0.1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else if (FadeText) then
- begin
- Text[T].MoveX := (SelectW - DeSelectW);
- Text[T].MoveY := (SelectH - DeSelectH);
- end;
- if SelectBool or (FadeProgress > 0) or not Colorized then
- DrawTexture(Texture)
- else
- DrawTexture(DeselectTexture);
- //Draw FadeTex
- if (FadeTex.TexNum <> -1) then
- DrawTexture(FadeTex);
- if Texture2.Alpha > 0 then begin
- Texture2.ScaleW := Texture.ScaleW;
- Texture2.ScaleH := Texture.ScaleH;
- Texture2.X := Texture.X;
- Texture2.Y := Texture.Y;
- Texture2.W := Texture.W;
- Texture2.H := Texture.H;
- Texture2.ColR := Texture.ColR;
- Texture2.ColG := Texture.ColG;
- Texture2.ColB := Texture.ColB;
- Texture2.Int := Texture.Int;
- Texture2.Z := Texture.Z;
- DrawTexture(Texture2);
- end;
- //Reflection Mod
- if (Reflection) then // Draw Reflections
- begin
- if (FadeProgress <> 0) AND (FadeProgress <> 1) then
- begin
- Spacing := DeSelectReflectionspacing - (DeSelectReflectionspacing - Reflectionspacing) * FadeProgress;
- end
- else if SelectBool then
- Spacing := Reflectionspacing
- else
- Spacing := DeSelectReflectionspacing;
- if SelectBool or not Colorized then
- with Texture do
- begin
- //Bind Tex and GL Attributes
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glDepthRange(0, 10);
- glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
- //Draw
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);//Top Left
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, Alpha-0.3);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX1*TexW, TexY2*TexH);
- glVertex3f(x, y+h*scaleH+ Spacing, z);
- //Bottom Left
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX1*TexW, TexY1+TexH*0.5);
- glVertex3f(x, y+h*scaleH + h*scaleH/2 + Spacing, z);
- //Bottom Right
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX2*TexW, TexY1+TexH*0.5);
- glVertex3f(x+w*scaleW, y+h*scaleH + h*scaleH/2 + Spacing, z);
- //Top Right
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, Alpha-0.3);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX2*TexW, TexY2*TexH);
- glVertex3f(x+w*scaleW, y+h*scaleH + Spacing, z);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- end else
- with DeselectTexture do
- begin
- //Bind Tex and GL Attributes
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glDepthRange(0, 10);
- glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
- //Draw
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);//Top Left
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, Alpha-0.3);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX1*TexW, TexY2*TexH);
- glVertex3f(x, y+h*scaleH+ Spacing, z);
- //Bottom Left
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX1*TexW, TexY1+TexH*0.5);
- glVertex3f(x, y+h*scaleH + h*scaleH/2 + Spacing, z);
- //Bottom Right
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX2*TexW, TexY1+TexH*0.5);
- glVertex3f(x+w*scaleW, y+h*scaleH + h*scaleH/2 + Spacing, z);
- //Top Right
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, Alpha-0.3);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX2*TexW, TexY2*TexH);
- glVertex3f(x+w*scaleW, y+h*scaleH + Spacing, z);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- end;
- end;
- for T := 0 to High(Text) do begin
- Text[T].Draw;
- end;
- end;
-// ***** ****** //
-destructor TButton.Destroy;
- inherited;
-constructor TButton.Create(Textura: TTexture);
- Create();
- Texture := Textura;
- DeselectTexture:=Textura;
- Texture.ColR := 0;
- Texture.ColG := 0.5;
- Texture.ColB := 0;
- Texture.Int := 1;
- Colorized:=False;
-constructor TButton.Create(Textura, DSTexture: TTexture);
- Create();
- Texture := Textura;
- DeselectTexture := DSTexture;
- Texture.ColR := 1;
- Texture.ColG := 1;
- Texture.ColB := 1;
- Texture.Int := 1;
- Colorized:=True;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuButtonCollection.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuButtonCollection.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 981452b1..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuButtonCollection.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-unit UMenuButtonCollection;
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses UMenuButton;
- //----------------
- //TButtonCollection
- //No Extra Attributes or Functions ATM
- //----------------
- AButton = Array of TButton;
- PAButton = ^AButton;
- TButtonCollection = class(TButton)
- //num of the First Button, that can be Selected
- FirstChild: Byte;
- CountChilds: Byte;
- ScreenButton: PAButton;
- procedure SetSelect(Value : Boolean); override;
- procedure Draw; override;
- end;
-procedure TButtonCollection.SetSelect(Value : Boolean);
-var I: Integer;
- inherited;
- //Set Visible for Every Button that is a Child of this ButtonCollection
- if (Not Fade) then
- For I := 0 to High(ScreenButton^) do
- if (ScreenButton^[I].Parent = Parent) then
- ScreenButton^[I].Visible := Value;
-procedure TButtonCollection.Draw;
-var I, J: Integer;
- inherited;
- //If fading is activated, Fade Child Buttons
- if (Fade) then
- begin
- For I := 0 to High(ScreenButton^) do
- if (ScreenButton^[I].Parent = Parent) then
- begin
- if (FadeProgress < 0.5) then
- begin
- ScreenButton^[I].Visible := SelectBool;
- For J := 0 to High(ScreenButton^[I].Text) do
- ScreenButton^[I].Text[J].Visible := SelectBool;
- end
- else
- begin
- ScreenButton^[I].Texture.Alpha := (FadeProgress-0.666)*3;
- For J := 0 to High(ScreenButton^[I].Text) do
- ScreenButton^[I].Text[J].Alpha := (FadeProgress-0.666)*3;
- end;
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuInteract.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuInteract.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 78f9bd89..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuInteract.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-unit UMenuInteract;
-{$I switches.inc}
- TInteract = record // for moving thru menu
- Typ: integer; // 0 - button, 1 - select, 2 - Text, 3 - Select SLide, 5 - ButtonCollection Child
- Num: integer; // number of this item in proper list like buttons, selects
- end;
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuSelect.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuSelect.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b0ee2b78..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuSelect.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-unit UMenuSelect;
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses TextGL, UTexture, OpenGL12, UMenuText;
- PSelect = ^TSelect;
- TSelect = class
- private
- SelectBool: boolean;
- public
- // objects
- Text: TText; // Main Text
- TextOpt: array of TText; // Options Text
- Texture: TTexture; // Select Texture
- TextureSBG: TTexture; // Background Selections Texture
- TextureS: array of TTexture; // Selections Texture
- SelectOptInt: integer;
- PData: ^integer;
- // for selection and deselection
- // main static
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- Int: real;
- DColR: real;
- DColG: real;
- DColB: real;
- DInt: real;
- // main text
- TColR: real;
- TColG: real;
- TColB: real;
- TInt: real;
- TDColR: real;
- TDColG: real;
- TDColB: real;
- TDInt: real;
- // selection background static
- SBGColR: real;
- SBGColG: real;
- SBGColB: real;
- SBGInt: real;
- SBGDColR: real;
- SBGDColG: real;
- SBGDColB: real;
- SBGDInt: real;
- // selection statics
- SColR: real;
- SColG: real;
- SColB: real;
- SInt: real;
- SDColR: real;
- SDColG: real;
- SDColB: real;
- SDInt: real;
- // selection text
- STColR: real;
- STColG: real;
- STColB: real;
- STInt: real;
- STDColR: real;
- STDColG: real;
- STDColB: real;
- STDInt: real;
- // position and size
- property X: real read Texture.x write Texture.x;
- property Y: real read Texture.y write Texture.y;
- property W: real read Texture.w write Texture.w;
- property H: real read Texture.h write Texture.h;
-// property X2: real read Texture2.x write Texture2.x;
-// property Y2: real read Texture2.y write Texture2.y;
-// property W2: real read Texture2.w write Texture2.w;
-// property H2: real read Texture2.h write Texture2.h;
- // procedures
- procedure SetSelect(Value: boolean);
- property Selected: Boolean read SelectBool write SetSelect;
- procedure SetSelectOpt(Value: integer);
- property SelectedOption: integer read SelectOptInt write SetSelectOpt;
- procedure Draw(ButtonAlpha: real);
- constructor Create;
- end;
-uses UDrawTexture;
-// ------------ Select
-constructor TSelect.Create;
- inherited Create;
- Text := TText.Create;
-procedure TSelect.SetSelect(Value: boolean);
- SO: integer;}
-begin // default 1, 0.4
- SelectBool := Value;
- if Value then begin
- Texture.ColR := ColR;
- Texture.ColG := ColG;
- Texture.ColB := ColB;
- Texture.Int := Int;
- Text.ColR := TColR;
- Text.ColG := TColG;
- Text.ColB := TColB;
- Text.Int := TInt;
- TextureSBG.ColR := SBGColR;
- TextureSBG.ColG := SBGColG;
- TextureSBG.ColB := SBGColB;
- TextureSBG.Int := SBGInt;
-{ for SO := 0 to High(TextOpt) do begin
- if SelectOptInt = SO then begin
- TextOpt[SO].ColR := STColR;
- TextOpt[SO].ColG := STColG;
- TextOpt[SO].ColB := STColB;
- TextOpt[SO].Int := STInt;
- end else begin
- TextOpt[SO].ColR := STDColR;
- TextOpt[SO].ColG := STDColG;
- TextOpt[SO].ColB := STDColB;
- TextOpt[SO].Int := STDInt;
- end;
- end;}
- end else begin
- Texture.ColR := DColR;
- Texture.ColG := DColG;
- Texture.ColB := DColB;
- Texture.Int := DInt;
- Text.ColR := TDColR;
- Text.ColG := TDColG;
- Text.ColB := TDColB;
- Text.Int := TDInt;
- TextureSBG.ColR := SBGDColR;
- TextureSBG.ColG := SBGDColG;
- TextureSBG.ColB := SBGDColB;
- TextureSBG.Int := SBGDInt;
-{ for SO := 0 to High(TextOpt) do begin
- TextOpt[SO].ColR := STDColR;
- TextOpt[SO].ColG := STDColG;
- TextOpt[SO].ColB := STDColB;
- TextOpt[SO].Int := STDInt;
- end;}
- end;
-procedure TSelect.SetSelectOpt(Value: integer);
- SO: integer;
- SelectOptInt := Value;
- PData^ := Value;
-// SetSelect(true); // reset all colors
- for SO := 0 to High(TextOpt) do begin
- if SelectOptInt = SO then begin
- TextOpt[SO].ColR := STColR;
- TextOpt[SO].ColG := STColG;
- TextOpt[SO].ColB := STColB;
- TextOpt[SO].Int := STInt;
- end else begin
- TextOpt[SO].ColR := STDColR;
- TextOpt[SO].ColG := STDColG;
- TextOpt[SO].ColB := STDColB;
- TextOpt[SO].Int := STDInt;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TSelect.Draw(ButtonAlpha: real);
- SO: integer;
- DrawTexture(Texture);
- DrawTexture(TextureSBG);
- Text.Draw;
- for SO := 0 to High(TextOpt) do begin
- TextOpt[SO].Draw;
- end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuSelectSlide.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuSelectSlide.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index d52474e6..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuSelectSlide.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-unit UMenuSelectSlide;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses TextGL,
- UTexture,
- OpenGL12,
- UMenuText;
- PSelectSlide = ^TSelectSlide;
- TSelectSlide = class
- private
- SelectBool: boolean;
- public
- // objects
- Text: TText; // Main text describing option
- TextOpt: array of TText; // 3 texts in the position of possible options
- TextOptT: array of string; // array of names for possible options
- Texture: TTexture; // Select Texture
- TextureSBG: TTexture; // Background Selections Texture
-// TextureS: array of TTexture; // Selections Texture (not used)
-// TextureArrowL: TTexture; // Texture for left arrow (not used yet)
-// TextureArrowR: TTexture; // Texture for right arrow (not used yet)
- SelectOptInt: integer;
- PData: ^integer;
- //For automatically Setting LineCount
- Lines: Byte;
- //Visibility
- Visible: Boolean;
- // for selection and deselection
- // main static
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- Int: real;
- DColR: real;
- DColG: real;
- DColB: real;
- DInt: real;
- // main text
- TColR: real;
- TColG: real;
- TColB: real;
- TInt: real;
- TDColR: real;
- TDColG: real;
- TDColB: real;
- TDInt: real;
- // selection background static
- SBGColR: real;
- SBGColG: real;
- SBGColB: real;
- SBGInt: real;
- SBGDColR: real;
- SBGDColG: real;
- SBGDColB: real;
- SBGDInt: real;
- // selection text
- STColR: real;
- STColG: real;
- STColB: real;
- STInt: real;
- STDColR: real;
- STDColG: real;
- STDColB: real;
- STDInt: real;
- // position and size
- property X: real read Texture.x write Texture.x;
- property Y: real read Texture.y write Texture.y;
- property W: real read Texture.w write Texture.w;
- property H: real read Texture.h write Texture.h;
-// property X2: real read Texture2.x write Texture2.x;
-// property Y2: real read Texture2.y write Texture2.y;
-// property W2: real read Texture2.w write Texture2.w;
-// property H2: real read Texture2.h write Texture2.h;
- property SBGW: real read TextureSBG.w write TextureSBG.w;
- // procedures
- procedure SetSelect(Value: boolean);
- property Selected: Boolean read SelectBool write SetSelect;
- procedure SetSelectOpt(Value: integer);
- property SelectedOption: integer read SelectOptInt write SetSelectOpt;
- procedure Draw;
- constructor Create;
- //Automatically Generate Lines (Texts)
- procedure genLines;
- end;
-uses UDrawTexture, math, ULog, SysUtils;
-// ------------ Select
-constructor TSelectSlide.Create;
- inherited Create;
- Text := TText.Create;
- SetLength(TextOpt, 1);
- TextOpt[0] := TText.Create;
- //Set Standard Width for Selections Background
- SBGW := 450;
- Visible := True;
- {SetLength(TextOpt, 3);
- TextOpt[0] := TText.Create;
- TextOpt[1] := TText.Create;
- TextOpt[2] := TText.Create;}
-procedure TSelectSlide.SetSelect(Value: boolean);
- SO: integer;
- I: integer;}
- SelectBool := Value;
- if Value then begin
- Texture.ColR := ColR;
- Texture.ColG := ColG;
- Texture.ColB := ColB;
- Texture.Int := Int;
- Text.ColR := TColR;
- Text.ColG := TColG;
- Text.ColB := TColB;
- Text.Int := TInt;
- TextureSBG.ColR := SBGColR;
- TextureSBG.ColG := SBGColG;
- TextureSBG.ColB := SBGColB;
- TextureSBG.Int := SBGInt;
-{ for I := 0 to High(TextOpt) do begin
- TextOpt[I].ColR := STColR;
- TextOpt[I].ColG := STColG;
- TextOpt[I].ColB := STColB;
- TextOpt[I].Int := STInt;
- end;}
- end else begin
- Texture.ColR := DColR;
- Texture.ColG := DColG;
- Texture.ColB := DColB;
- Texture.Int := DInt;
- Text.ColR := TDColR;
- Text.ColG := TDColG;
- Text.ColB := TDColB;
- Text.Int := TDInt;
- TextureSBG.ColR := SBGDColR;
- TextureSBG.ColG := SBGDColG;
- TextureSBG.ColB := SBGDColB;
- TextureSBG.Int := SBGDInt;
-{ for I := 0 to High(TextOpt) do begin
- TextOpt[I].ColR := STDColR;
- TextOpt[I].ColG := STDColG;
- TextOpt[I].ColB := STDColB;
- TextOpt[I].Int := STDInt;
- end;}
- end;
-procedure TSelectSlide.SetSelectOpt(Value: integer);
- SO: integer;
- Sel: integer;
- HalfL: integer;
- HalfR: integer;
-procedure DoSelection(Sel: Cardinal);
- var I: Integer;
- begin
- for I := low(TextOpt) to high(TextOpt) do
- begin
- TextOpt[I].ColR := STDColR;
- TextOpt[I].ColG := STDColG;
- TextOpt[I].ColB := STDColB;
- TextOpt[I].Int := STDInt;
- end;
- if (integer(Sel) <= high(TextOpt)) then
- begin
- TextOpt[Sel].ColR := STColR;
- TextOpt[Sel].ColG := STColG;
- TextOpt[Sel].ColB := STColB;
- TextOpt[Sel].Int := STInt;
- end;
- end;
- SelectOptInt := Value;
- PData^ := Value;
-// SetSelect(true); // reset all colors
- if (Length(TextOpt)>0) AND (Length(TextOptT)>0) then
- begin
- if (Value <= 0) then
- begin //First Option Selected
- Value := 0;
- for SO := low (TextOpt) to high(TextOpt) do
- begin
- TextOpt[SO].Text := TextOptT[SO];
- end;
- DoSelection(0);
- end
- else if (Value >= high(TextOptT)) then
- begin //Last Option Selected
- Value := high(TextOptT);
- for SO := high(TextOpt) downto low (TextOpt) do
- begin
- TextOpt[SO].Text := TextOptT[high(TextOptT)-(Lines-SO-1)];
- end;
- DoSelection(Lines-1);
- end
- else
- begin
- HalfL := Ceil((Lines-1)/2);
- HalfR := Lines-1-HalfL;
- if (Value <= HalfL) then
- begin //Selected Option is near to the left side
- {HalfL := Value;
- HalfR := Lines-1-HalfL;}
- //Change Texts
- for SO := low (TextOpt) to high(TextOpt) do
- begin
- TextOpt[SO].Text := TextOptT[SO];
- end;
- DoSelection(Value);
- end
- else if (Value > High(TextOptT)-HalfR) then
- begin //Selected is too near to the right border
- HalfR := high(TextOptT) - Value;
- HalfL := Lines-1-HalfR;
- //Change Texts
- for SO := high(TextOpt) downto low (TextOpt) do
- begin
- TextOpt[SO].Text := TextOptT[high(TextOptT)-(Lines-SO-1)];
- end;
- DoSelection (HalfL);
- end
- else
- begin
- //Change Texts
- for SO := low (TextOpt) to high(TextOpt) do
- begin
- TextOpt[SO].Text := TextOptT[Value - HalfL + SO];
- end;
- DoSelection(HalfL);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TSelectSlide.Draw;
- SO: integer;
- if Visible then
- begin
- DrawTexture(Texture);
- DrawTexture(TextureSBG);
- Text.Draw;
- for SO := low(TextOpt) to high(TextOpt) do
- TextOpt[SO].Draw;
- end;
-procedure TSelectSlide.GenLines;
-maxlength: Real;
-I: Integer;
- SetFontStyle(0{Text.Style});
- SetFontSize(Text.Size);
- maxlength := 0;
- for I := low(TextOptT) to high (TextOptT) do
- begin
- if (glTextWidth(PChar(TextOptT[I])) > maxlength) then
- maxlength := glTextWidth(PChar(TextOptT[I]));
- end;
- Lines := floor((TextureSBG.W-40) / (maxlength+7));
- if (Lines > Length(TextOptT)) then
- Lines := Length(TextOptT);
- if (Lines <= 0) then
- Lines := 1;
- //Free old Space used by Texts
- For I := low(TextOpt) to high(TextOpt) do
- TextOpt[I].Free;
- setLength (TextOpt, Lines);
- for I := low(TextOpt) to high(TextOpt) do
- begin
- TextOpt[I] := TText.Create;
- TextOpt[I].Size := Text.Size;
- //TextOpt[I].Align := 1;
- TextOpt[I].Align := 0;
- TextOpt[I].Visible := True;
- TextOpt[I].ColR := STDColR;
- TextOpt[I].ColG := STDColG;
- TextOpt[I].ColB := STDColB;
- TextOpt[I].Int := STDInt;
- //Generate Positions
- //TextOpt[I].X := TextureSBG.X + 20 + (TextureSBG.W / Lines) * (I + 0.5);
- if (I <> High(TextOpt)) OR (High(TextOpt) = 0) OR (Length(TextOptT) = Lines) then
- TextOpt[I].X := TextureSBG.X + 20 + (TextureSBG.W / Lines) * I
- else
- TextOpt[I].X := TextureSBG.X + TextureSBG.W - maxlength;
- TextOpt[I].Y := TextureSBG.Y + (TextureSBG.H / 2) - 1.5 * Text.Size{20};
- //Better Look with 2 Options
- if (Lines=2) AND (Length(TextOptT)= 2) then
- TextOpt[I].X := TextureSBG.X + 20 + (TextureSBG.W -40 - glTextWidth(PChar(TextOptT[1]))) * I;
- end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuStatic.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuStatic.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c709ad..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuStatic.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-unit UMenuStatic;
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses UTexture, OpenGL12;
- TStatic = class
- public
- Texture: TTexture; // Button Screen position and size
- Visible: boolean;
- //Reflection Mod
- Reflection: boolean;
- Reflectionspacing: Real;
- procedure Draw;
- constructor Create(Textura: TTexture); overload;
- end;
-uses UDrawTexture;
-procedure TStatic.Draw;
- if Visible then
- begin
- DrawTexture(Texture);
- //Reflection Mod
- if (Reflection) then // Draw Reflections
- begin
- with Texture do
- begin
- //Bind Tex and GL Attributes
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glDepthRange(0, 10);
- glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
- //Draw
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);//Top Left
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, Alpha-0.3);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX1*TexW, TexY2*TexH);
- glVertex3f(x, y+h*scaleH+ Reflectionspacing, z);
- //Bottom Left
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX1*TexW, 0.5*TexH+TexY1);
- glVertex3f(x, y+h*scaleH + h*scaleH/2 + Reflectionspacing, z);
- //Bottom Right
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX2*TexW, 0.5*TexH+TexY1);
- glVertex3f(x+w*scaleW, y+h*scaleH + h*scaleH/2 + Reflectionspacing, z);
- //Top Right
- glColor4f(ColR * Int, ColG * Int, ColB * Int, Alpha-0.3);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX2*TexW, TexY2*TexH);
- glVertex3f(x+w*scaleW, y+h*scaleH + Reflectionspacing, z);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-constructor TStatic.Create(Textura: TTexture);
- inherited Create;
- Texture := Textura;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuText.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuText.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index f180a41b..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenuText.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-unit UMenuText;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses TextGL,
- UTexture,
- OpenGL12,
- SysUtils;
- TText = class
- private
- SelectBool: boolean;
- TextString: String;
- TextTiles: Array of String;
- STicks: Cardinal;
- SelectBlink: Boolean;
- public
- X: real;
- Y: real;
- MoveX: real; //Some Modifier for X - Position that don't Affect the Real Y
- MoveY: real; //Some Modifier for Y - Position that don't Affect the Real Y
- W: real; // if text is wider than W then it is breaked
-// H: real;
- Size: real;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- Alpha: real;
- Int: real;
- Style: integer;
- Visible: boolean;
- Align: integer; // 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right
- procedure SetSelect(Value: Boolean);
- property Selected: Boolean read SelectBool write SetSelect;
- procedure SetText(Value: String);
- property Text: String read TextString write SetText;
- procedure DeleteLastL; //Procedure to Delete Last Letter
- procedure Draw;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(X, Y: real; Tekst: string); overload;
- constructor Create(ParX, ParY, ParW: real; ParStyle: integer; ParSize, ParColR, ParColG, ParColB: real; ParAlign: integer; ParTekst: string); overload;
- end;
-uses UGraphic,
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ELSE}
- lclintf,
- {$ENDIF}
- StrUtils;
-function PosEx(const SubStr, S: string; Offset: Cardinal = 1): Integer;
- I,X: Integer;
- Len, LenSubStr: Integer;
- if Offset = 1 then
- Result := Pos(SubStr, S)
- else
- begin
- I := Offset;
- LenSubStr := Length(SubStr);
- Len := Length(S) - LenSubStr + 1;
- while I <= Len do
- begin
- if S[I] = SubStr[1] then
- begin
- X := 1;
- while (X < LenSubStr) and (S[I + X] = SubStr[X + 1]) do
- Inc(X);
- if (X = LenSubStr) then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(I);
- end;
- Result := 0;
- end;
-procedure TText.SetSelect(Value: Boolean);
- SelectBool := Value;
- //Set Cursor Visible
- SelectBlink := True;
- STicks := GettickCount div 550;
-procedure TText.SetText(Value: String);
- NextPos: Cardinal; //NextPos of a Space etc.
- LastPos: Cardinal; //LastPos "
- LastBreak: Cardinal; //Last Break
- isBreak: Boolean; //True if the Break is not Caused because the Text is out of the area
- FirstWord: Word; //Is First Word after Break?
- Len: Word; //Length of the Tiles Array
- Function Smallest(const A, B: Cardinal):Cardinal;
- begin
- if (A < B) then
- Result := A
- else
- Result := B;
- end;
- Function GetNextPos: Boolean;
- var
- T1, T2, T3: Cardinal;
- begin
- LastPos := NextPos;
- //Next Space (If Width is given)
- if (W > 0) then
- T1 := PosEx(' ', Value, LastPos + 1)
- else T1 := Length(Value);
- {//Next -
- T2 := PosEx('-', Value, LastPos + 1);}
- //Next Break
- T3 := PosEx('\n', Value, LastPos + 1);
- if T1 = 0 then
- T1 := Length(Value);
- {if T2 = 0 then
- T2 := Length(Value); }
- if T3 = 0 then
- T3 := Length(Value);
- //Get Nearest Pos
- NextPos := Smallest(T1, T3{Smallest(T2, T3)});
- if (LastPos = Length(Value)) then
- NextPos := 0;
- isBreak := (NextPos = T3) AND (NextPos <> Length(Value));
- Result := (NextPos <> 0);
- end;
- procedure AddBreak(const From, bTo: Cardinal);
- begin
- if (isBreak) OR (bTo - From >= 1) then
- begin
- Inc(Len);
- SetLength (TextTiles, Len);
- TextTiles[Len-1] := Trim(Copy(Value, From, bTo - From));
- if isBreak then
- LastBreak := bTo + 2
- else
- LastBreak := bTo + 1;
- FirstWord := 0;
- end;
- end;
- //Set TExtstring
- TextString := Value;
- //Set Cursor Visible
- SelectBlink := True;
- STicks := GettickCount div 550;
- //Exit if there is no Need to Create Tiles
- If (W <= 0) and (Pos('\n', Value) = 0) then
- begin
- SetLength (TextTiles, 1);
- TextTiles[0] := Value;
- Exit;
- end;
- //Create Tiles
- //Reset Text Array
- SetLength (TextTiles, 0);
- Len := 0;
- //Reset Counter Vars
- LastPos := 1;
- NextPos := 1;
- LastBreak := 1;
- FirstWord := 1;
- if (W > 0) then
- begin
- //Set Font Propertys
- SetFontStyle(Style);
- SetFontSize(Size);
- end;
- //go Through Text
- While (GetNextPos) do
- begin
- //Break in Text
- if isBreak then
- begin
- //Look for Break before the Break
- if (glTextWidth(PChar(Copy(Value, LastBreak, NextPos - LastBreak + 1))) > W) AND (NextPos-LastPos > 1) then
- begin
- isBreak := False;
- //Not the First word after Break, so we don't have to break within a word
- if (FirstWord > 1) then
- begin
- //Add Break before actual Position, because there the Text fits the Area
- AddBreak(LastBreak, LastPos);
- end
- else //First Word after Break Break within the Word
- begin
- //ToDo
- //AddBreak(LastBreak, LastBreak + 155);
- end;
- end;
- isBreak := True;
- //Add Break from Text
- AddBreak(LastBreak, NextPos);
- end
- //Text comes out of the Text Area -> CreateBreak
- else if (glTextWidth(PChar(Copy(Value, LastBreak, NextPos - LastBreak + 1))) > W) then
- begin
- //Not the First word after Break, so we don't have to break within a word
- if (FirstWord > 1) then
- begin
- //Add Break before actual Position, because there the Text fits the Area
- AddBreak(LastBreak, LastPos);
- end
- else //First Word after Break -> Break within the Word
- begin
- //ToDo
- //AddBreak(LastBreak, LastBreak + 155);
- end;
- end;
- //end;
- Inc(FirstWord)
- end;
- //Add Ending
- AddBreak(LastBreak, Length(Value)+1);
-Procedure TText.DeleteLastL;
- S: String;
- L: Integer;
- S := TextString;
- L := Length(S);
- if (L > 0) then
- SetLength(S, L-1);
- SetText(S);
-procedure TText.Draw;
- X2, Y2: real;
- Text2: string;
- I: Integer;
- if Visible then
- begin
- SetFontStyle(Style);
- SetFontSize(Size);
- SetFontItalic(False);
- glColor4f(ColR*Int, ColG*Int, ColB*Int, Alpha);
- //If Selected Set Blink...
- if SelectBool then
- begin
- I := Gettickcount div 550;
- if I <> STicks then
- begin //Change Visability
- STicks := I;
- SelectBlink := Not SelectBlink;
- end;
- end;
- {if (False) then //No Width set Draw as one Long String
- begin
- if not (SelectBool AND SelectBlink) then
- Text2 := Text
- else
- Text2 := Text + '|';
- case Align of
- 0: X2 := X;
- 1: X2 := X - glTextWidth(pchar(Text2))/2;
- 2: X2 := X - glTextWidth(pchar(Text2));
- end;
- SetFontPos(X2, Y);
- glPrint(PChar(Text2));
- SetFontStyle(0); // reset to default
- end
- else
- begin}
- //Now Use allways:
- //Draw Text as Many Strings
- Y2 := Y + MoveY;
- for I := 0 to high(TextTiles) do
- begin
- if (not (SelectBool AND SelectBlink)) OR (I <> high(TextTiles)) then
- Text2 := TextTiles[I]
- else
- Text2 := TextTiles[I] + '|';
- case Align of
- 0: X2 := X + MoveX;
- 1: X2 := X + MoveX - glTextWidth(pchar(Text2))/2;
- 2: X2 := X + MoveX - glTextWidth(pchar(Text2));
- end;
- SetFontPos(X2, Y2);
- glPrint(PChar(Text2));
- {if Size >= 10 then
- Y2 := Y2 + Size * 2.8
- else}
- if (Style = 1) then
- Y2 := Y2 + Size * 2.8
- else
- Y2 := Y2 + Size * 2.15;
- end;
- SetFontStyle(0); // reset to default
- //end;
- end;
-constructor TText.Create;
- Create(0, 0, '');
-constructor TText.Create(X, Y: real; Tekst: string);
- Create(X, Y, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, Tekst);
-constructor TText.Create(ParX, ParY, ParW: real; ParStyle: integer; ParSize, ParColR, ParColG, ParColB: real; ParAlign: integer; ParTekst: string);
- inherited Create;
- Alpha := 1;
- X := ParX;
- Y := ParY;
- W := ParW;
- Style := ParStyle;
- Size := ParSize;
- Text := ParTekst;
- ColR := ParColR;
- ColG := ParColG;
- ColB := ParColB;
- Int := 1;
- Align := ParAlign;
- SelectBool := false;
- Visible := true;