path: root/Game/Code/lib/DSPack/DirectX9/dxerr8.pas
diff options
authorbrunzelchen <brunzelchen@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-10-05 18:28:42 +0000
committerbrunzelchen <brunzelchen@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-10-05 18:28:42 +0000
commit65ddad359ed3b9b739215ec89a7645455ae10dce (patch)
tree7fdc703f290b37e68ce0e6a2c56d5bdd2f7ee07b /Game/Code/lib/DSPack/DirectX9/dxerr8.pas
parentdbe444f87b85da27a37f38e80bfd540178b8dde0 (diff)
- added webcam support
- faster program start - faster sorting (mergesort) - sync lyrics to music - some new backgrounds and credits graphics (thx to MezzoX) - own thread for video decoding - finished 6-Player-on-one-screen-mode - changqed player-colors - fixed some bugs... git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.0.1 Challenge MOD@2637 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/lib/DSPack/DirectX9/dxerr8.pas')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/lib/DSPack/DirectX9/dxerr8.pas b/Game/Code/lib/DSPack/DirectX9/dxerr8.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a8c399f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/lib/DSPack/DirectX9/dxerr8.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+{* *}
+{* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. *}
+{* *}
+{* File: dxerr8.h *}
+{* *}
+{* Content: DirectX Error Library Include File *}
+{* *}
+{* DirectX 8.x Delphi adaptation by Alexey Barkovoy *}
+{* E-Mail: clootie@reactor.ru *}
+{* *}
+{* Modified: 26-Jan-2003 *}
+{* *}
+{* Latest version can be downloaded from: *}
+{* http://clootie.narod.ru/delphi *}
+{* *}
+{ }
+{ Obtained through: Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators (Project JEDI) }
+{ }
+{ The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla }
+{ Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except }
+{ in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at }
+{ http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html }
+{ }
+{ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, }
+{ WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for }
+{ the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. }
+{ }
+{ Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the }
+{ GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the }
+{ provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. }
+{ If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms }
+{ of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file }
+{ under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and }
+{ replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL }
+{ License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use }
+{ your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License. }
+{ }
+{ For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html }
+{ }
+unit DXErr8;
+{$HPPEMIT '#include "dxerr8.h"'}
+ Windows;
+ *
+ *
+ * File: dxerr8.h
+ * Content: DirectX Error Library Include File
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************)
+// DXGetErrorString8
+// Desc: Converts an DirectX HRESULT to a string
+// Args: HRESULT hr Can be any error code from
+// Return: Converted string
+ //////////// DLL export definitions ///////////////////////////////////////
+ dxerr8dll = 'dxerr81ab.dll';
+ {$EXTERNALSYM dxerr8dll}
+function DXGetErrorString8A(hr: HRESULT): PAnsiChar; stdcall; external dxerr8dll;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DXGetErrorString8A}
+function DXGetErrorString8W(hr: HRESULT): PWideChar; stdcall; external dxerr8dll;
+{$EXTERNALSYM DXGetErrorString8W}
+function DXGetErrorString8(hr: HRESULT): PChar; stdcall; external dxerr8dll
+ name {$IFDEF UNICODE}'DXGetErrorString8W'{$ELSE}'DXGetErrorString8A'{$ENDIF};
+{$EXTERNALSYM DXGetErrorString8}
+// DXTrace
+// Desc: Outputs a formatted error message to the debug stream
+// Args: CHAR* strFile The current file, typically passed in using the
+// __FILE__ macro.
+// DWORD dwLine The current line number, typically passed in using the
+// __LINE__ macro.
+// HRESULT hr An HRESULT that will be traced to the debug stream.
+// CHAR* strMsg A string that will be traced to the debug stream (may be NULL)
+// BOOL bPopMsgBox If TRUE, then a message box will popup also containing the passed info.
+// Return: The hr that was passed in.
+function DXTraceA(strFile: PAnsiChar; dwLine: DWORD; hr: HRESULT; strMsg: PAnsiChar; bPopMsgBox: BOOL = FALSE): HRESULT; stdcall; external dxerr8dll;
+function DXTraceW(strFile: PWideChar; dwLine: DWORD; hr: HRESULT; strMsg: PWideChar; bPopMsgBox: BOOL = FALSE): HRESULT; stdcall; external dxerr8dll;
+function DXTrace(strFile: PChar; dwLine: DWORD; hr: HRESULT; strMsg: PChar; bPopMsgBox: BOOL = FALSE): HRESULT; stdcall; external dxerr8dll
+ name {$IFDEF UNICODE}'DXTraceW'{$ELSE}'DXTraceA'{$ENDIF};
+// Helper macros
+#if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG)
+ #define DXTRACE_MSG(str) DXTrace( __FILE__, (DWORD)__LINE__, 0, str, FALSE )
+ #define DXTRACE_ERR(str,hr) DXTrace( __FILE__, (DWORD)__LINE__, hr, str, TRUE )
+ #define DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX(str,hr) DXTrace( __FILE__, (DWORD)__LINE__, hr, str, FALSE )
+ #define DXTRACE_MSG(str) (0L)
+ #define DXTRACE_ERR(str,hr) (hr)
+ #define DXTRACE_ERR_NOMSGBOX(str,hr) (hr)