diff options
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-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[party]roundBG3.jpgbin0 -> 1251 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[party]roundBG4.jpgbin0 -> 1229 bytes
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-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[party]winTeamButton2.jpgbin0 -> 1783 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[party]winTeamButton3.jpgbin0 -> 1458 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[score]Line.jpgbin0 -> 559 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[score]box.jpgbin0 -> 690 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[score]endcap.jpgbin0 -> 984 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[score]level.jpgbin0 -> 1264 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[score]levelRound.jpgbin0 -> 614 bytes
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-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpgbin0 -> 2356 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmpbin0 -> 3128 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmpbin0 -> 1590 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgMid.bmpbin0 -> 1590 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgRight.bmpbin0 -> 1590 bytes
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-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesMid.bmpbin0 -> 3128 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesRight.bmpbin0 -> 824 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]p.jpgbin0 -> 2630 bytes
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-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarBar.jpgbin0 -> 371 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarFront.jpgbin0 -> 549 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]textBar.jpgbin0 -> 18326 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBar.jpgbin0 -> 10716 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBar1.jpgbin0 -> 483 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBarBG.jpgbin0 -> 13122 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[stat]detailBG1.jpgbin0 -> 653 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG1.jpgbin0 -> 652 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG2.jpgbin0 -> 2942 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG3.jpgbin0 -> 596 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/bg-lite.jpgbin0 -> 374718 bytes
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-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/bg-main.jpgbin0 -> 341234 bytes
-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/bg-score.jpgbin0 -> 85402 bytes
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-rw-r--r--Skins/Vistar/main-buttons.jpgbin0 -> 21723 bytes
-rw-r--r--Themes/Streetlight lite.ini8009
308 files changed, 34896 insertions, 604 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.pas
index 8b883e3a..35d7840f 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.pas
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ begin
Result := false;
// Music.PlayBack;
// FadeTo(@MainScreen);
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.pas
index 15d037ca..a91f0b8a 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.pas
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ begin
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.pas
index cd97bd37..cb1393c8 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.pas
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ begin
//Empty Filename and go to last Screen
FileName := '';
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongJumpto.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongJumpto.pas
index f26b5367..48d23468 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongJumpto.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongJumpto.pas
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ begin
Visible := False;
diff --git a/Installer/UltraStar Deluxe.nsi b/Installer/UltraStar Deluxe.nsi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35e0433c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/UltraStar Deluxe.nsi
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+; --------------------------------------------------------------
+; UltraStar Deluxe - Installation Wizard with NSIS (USDXIWWNSIS)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------
+!include "MUI.nsh" ; Include the macros for the Modern User Interface
+!include "LogicLib.nsh"
+!include ".\settings\GameExplorer.nsh"
+!include ".\settings\functions.nsh"
+!include "WinVer.nsh"
+!define icon_inst ".\icons\ustar.ico" ; Icon for Installation
+!define icon_uninst ".\icons\uninstall.ico" ; Icon for Uninstallation
+SetCompress Auto
+SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
+SetCompressorDictSize 32
+SetDatablockOptimize On
+; XPStyle on
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; Declaration of Variables (See .\settings\variables.nsh)
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+!include ".\settings\variables.nsh"
+!addPluginDir ".\plugins\"
+; -------------------------------
+; Strings for Installation Wizard
+; -------------------------------
+!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE "$(wp_title)"
+!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "$(wp_text)"
+;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT "$(fp_showreadme)"
+!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK "$(fp_link)"
+!define MUI_UNCONFIRMPAGE_TEXT_TOP "UltraStar Deluxe - $(sm_uninstall)"
+!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\${exe}.exe"
+!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK_LOCATION "${homepage}"
+!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TEXT "$(fp_text)"
+; The other (multi) language Strings are at the bottom of this file
+; --------------------------------------------------
+; Begin of the installation wizard
+; --------------------------------------------------
+Name "${p_name} V.${version}"
+Brandingtext "${p_name} Installation"
+OutFile "Install ${p_name} V.${version}.exe"
+InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\${p_name}"
+ShowInstDetails show
+ShowUnInstDetails show
+!define PRODUCT_NAME "${p_name}"
+!define PRODUCT_VERSION "${version}"
+!define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "${publisher}"
+!define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE "${homepage}"
+!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
+; Modern User Interface (MUI) Stuff
+!define MUI_ICON "${icon_inst}" ; Icon for Installation
+!define MUI_UNICON "${icon_uninst}" ; Icon for Uninstallation
+!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "${bmp_header}" ; Header Bitmap of the installation (Size: 150x57 px)
+!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_UNBITMAP "${bmp_header}" ; Header Bitmap of the uninstallation (Size: 150x57 px)
+!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${bmp_side}" ; Left Side Bitmap of Welcome & Finish Page while Installation (Size: 164x314 px)
+!define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${bmp_side}" ; Left Side Bitmap of Welcome & Finish Page while Uninstallation (Size: 164x314 px)
+!define MUI_BGCOLOR "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background color (for header, welcome & finish page)
+!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_INI "${mui_ini}" ; Installation Options for Welcome & Finish Page (Installation)
+!define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_INI "${mui_ini}" ; Installation Options for Welcome & Finish Page (Uninstallation)
+!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_BGCOLOR "${license_bgcolor}" ; Background Color of Licence agreement
+!define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_CHECKBITMAP "${bmp_check}" ; Bitmap of Checks at Components Selection Page
+!define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_BGCOLOR "${directory_bgcolor}" ; RGB Background Color for Directory textbox
+!define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_BGCOLOR "${smp_bgcolor}" ; RGB Background of Startmenu List and Textbox
+;!define MUI_INSTFILESPAGE_COLORS "${dets_bgcolor}" ; Background Color of Details Screen while files are being extracted
+!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE ; Allows user to check the log file of installation (Comment out if unwanted)
+!define MUI_UNFINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE ; Allows user to check the log file of uninstallation (Comment out if unwanted)
+!define MUI_ABORTWARNING_TEXT $(str_abort) ; Abort Warning message
+!define MUI_ABORTWARNING_CANCEL_DEFAULT ; Default: Cancel abort (Comment out if unwanted)
+;Language Dialog Box Settings
+;!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
+; --------------------------------------------------
+; Begin of the installation routine
+; --------------------------------------------------
+; Pages for MUI Installation
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${file_license}"
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
+; Start menu page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU Application $ICONS_GROUP
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
+Page custom Settings
+; USDX Settings Page
+Function Settings
+!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "$(Settings_TITLE)" "$(Settings_SUBTITLE)"
+; Get all the variables:
+var /GLOBAL fullscreen
+var /GLOBAL language2
+var /GLOBAL resolution
+var /GLOBAL tabs
+var /GLOBAL animations
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $fullscreen "Settings-$LANGUAGE" "Field 6" "State"
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $language2 "Settings-$LANGUAGE" "Field 7" "State"
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $resolution "Settings-$LANGUAGE" "Field 8" "State"
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $tabs "Settings-$LANGUAGE" "Field 9" "State"
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $animations "Settings-$LANGUAGE" "Field 10" "State"
+; Write all variables to config.ini
+FileOpen $0 '$INSTDIR\config.ini' w
+FileWrite $0 '[Game]$\r$\n'
+FileClose $0
+${If} $language2 != ""
+${WriteToConfig} "Language=$language2$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\config.ini"
+${If} $tabs != ""
+${WriteToConfig} "Tabs=$tabs$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\config.ini"
+${WriteToConfig} "[Graphics]$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\config.ini"
+${If} $fullscreen != ""
+${WriteToConfig} "FullScreen=$fullscreen$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\config.ini"
+${If} $resolution != ""
+${WriteToConfig} "Resolution=$resolution$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\config.ini"
+${WriteToConfig} "[Advanced]$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\config.ini"
+; Animations On / Off Tasks
+${If} $animations == "Off"
+${WriteToConfig} "LoadAnimation=Off$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\config.ini"
+${WriteToConfig} "EffectSing=Off$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\config.ini"
+${WriteToConfig} "ScreenFade=Off$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\config.ini"
+FunctionEnd ;Custom page end
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
+; Pages for MUI Uninstallation
+!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME
+!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
+; Language files
+!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
+!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"
+; Finish Page
+!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+; Section1: Main components of UltraStar Deluxe
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+LangString DESC_Section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec1_desc}" ; Adds the description to section1
+LangString DESC_Section1 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec1_desc}"
+LangString sec1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec1}" ; Name of section1
+LangString sec1 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec1}"
+Section $(sec1) Section1
+ SectionIn RO ; readonly
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+ SetOverwrite try
+!include ".\settings\files_in.nsh"
+; Create shortcuts
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\
+ !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application
+ SetShellVarContext all
+ CreateDirectory "${p_name}"
+ CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\$(sm_website).lnk" "http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org/"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\$(sm_uninstall).lnk" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\$(sm_shortcut).lnk" "$INSTDIR\${exe}.exe"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\$(sm_readme).lnk" "$INSTDIR\ReadMe.txt"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\$(sm_license).lnk" "$INSTDIR\License.txt"
+${If} ${AtLeastWinVista}
+Pop $0
+${GameExplorer_AddGame} all "${gdf_path}" $WINDIR $INSTDIR\${exe}.exe $0
+CreateDirectory $APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$0\PlayTasks\1
+CreateShortcut "$APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$0\PlayTasks\1\Benchmark.lnk" \
+ "$INSTDIR\${exe}.exe" "-Benchmark"
+CreateDirectory $APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$0\PlayTasks\2
+CreateShortcut "$APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$0\PlayTasks\2\Joypad.lnk" \
+ "$INSTDIR\${exe}.exe" "-Joypad"
+CreateDirectory $APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$0\PlayTasks\3
+CreateShortcut "$APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$0\PlayTasks\3\Fullscreen.lnk" \
+ "$INSTDIR\${exe}.exe" "-FullScreen"
+CreateDirectory $APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$0\PlayTasks\3
+CreateShortcut "$APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$0\PlayTasks\3\Dual Screen.lnk" \
+ "$INSTDIR\${exe}.exe" "-Screen 2"
+CreateDirectory $APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$0\SupportTasks\0
+CreateShortcut "$APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$0\SupportTasks\0\Support Forum.lnk" \
+ "http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org"
+; Create Uninstaller:
+ WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
+ WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "${p_name}"
+ WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+; Section2: Example Song "Dead Smiling Pirates"
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+LangString DESC_g2Section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_g2Section1_desc}"
+LangString DESC_g2Section1 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_g2Section1_desc}"
+LangString DESC_g2Section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_g2Section2_desc}"
+LangString DESC_g2Section2 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_g2Section2_desc}"
+LangString sec2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec2}"
+LangString sec2 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec2}"
+SectionGroup $(sec2) Section2
+Section /o "Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18" g2Section1
+ AddSize 2816
+ SetOverwrite try
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\"
+; Download song:
+NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=30000 ${demosong} $TEMP\song.zip
+Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
+ StrCmp $R0 "success" dlok
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Download Error, click OK to Continue" /SD IDOK
+nsisunz::Unzip "$TEMP\song.zip" "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\"
+Delete "$TEMP\song.zip"
+Section /o "Steven Dunston - Northern Star" g2Section2
+ AddSize 3769
+ SetOverwrite try
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Songs\Steven Dunston - Northern Star [DEMO]"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Songs\Steven Dunston - Northern Star [DEMO]\"
+; Download song:
+NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=30000 ${demosong2} $TEMP\song.zip
+Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
+ StrCmp $R0 "success" dlok
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Download Error, click OK to Continue" /SD IDOK
+nsisunz::Unzip "$TEMP\song.zip" "$INSTDIR\Songs\Steven Dunston - Northern Star [DEMO]\"
+Delete "$TEMP\song.zip"
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+; Section3: Optional Themes
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+LangString DESC_Section3 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec3_desc}"
+LangString DESC_Section3 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec3_desc}"
+LangString DESC_g1Sec1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_g1Sec1_desc}"
+LangString DESC_g1Sec1 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_g1Sec1_desc}"
+LangString DESC_g1Sec2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_g1Sec2_desc}"
+LangString DESC_g1Sec2 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_g1Sec2_desc}"
+LangString DESC_g1Sec3 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_g1Sec3_desc}"
+LangString DESC_g1Sec3 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_g1Sec3_desc}"
+LangString sec_group ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec3}"
+LangString sec_group ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec3}"
+SectionGroup $(sec_group) Section3
+ Section /o "Orange" g1Sec1
+ !include ".\settings\optional\in_orange.nsh"
+ Section /o "Streetlight" g1Sec2
+ !include ".\settings\optional\in_streetlight.nsh"
+ Section /o "Vistar" g1Sec3
+ !include ".\settings\optional\in_vistar.nsh"
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+; Section4: Uninstallation Wizard
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+Section Uninstall
+ !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER "Application" $ICONS_GROUP
+ !include ".\settings\optional\opt_uninstall.nsh"
+ !include ".\settings\files_un.nsh"
+; Unregister from Windows Vista Game Explorer
+${If} ${AtLeastWinVista}
+${GameExplorer_RemoveGame} $0
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section1} $(DESC_Section1)
+; !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section2} $(DESC_Section2)
+; !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section3} $(DESC_Section3)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${g1Sec1} $(DESC_g1Sec1)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${g1Sec2} $(DESC_g1Sec2)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${g1Sec3} $(DESC_g1Sec3)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${g2Section1} $(DESC_g2Section1)
+ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${g2Section2} $(DESC_g2Section2)
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Language Strings for Installation / Uninstallation Wizard
+; can be found at .\settings\langstrings.nsh
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+!include .\settings\langstrings.nsh
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Functions for the beginning of the installation and uninstallation
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Function for Installation
+Function .onInit
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT_AS ".\settings\settings-1031.ini" "Settings-1031"
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT_AS ".\settings\settings-1033.ini" "Settings-1033"
+; Function for Uninstallation
+Function un.onInit
+ loop:
+ ${nsProcess::FindProcess} "USdx.exe" $R0
+ StrCmp $R0 0 0 +2
+ MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION 'UltraStar Deluxe cannot be uninstalled while its running!' IDOK loop IDCANCEL end
+ end:
+ ${nsProcess::Unload}
+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
+FunctionEnd \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/UltraStarDeluxe.nsi b/Installer/UltraStarDeluxe.nsi
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a64f888..00000000
--- a/Installer/UltraStarDeluxe.nsi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
-; --------------------------------------------------------------
-; UltraStar Deluxe - Installation Wizard with NSIS (USDXIWWNSIS)
-; --------------------------------------------------------------
-!include "MUI.nsh" ; Include the macros for the Modern User Interface
-SetCompressor bzip2
-; XPStyle on
-; ------------------------------------------------------
-; Declaration of Variables (Change to whatever you want)
-; ------------------------------------------------------
-!define version "1.01" ; Current version of UltraStar Deluxe
-!define p_name "UltraStar Deluxe" ; Just the name of the program
-!define publisher "USDX Team" ; Publisher
-!define homepage "http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org/" ; Project Homepage
-!define icon_inst ".\ustar.ico" ; Icon for Installation
-!define icon_uninst ".\ustar.ico" ; Icon for Uninstallation
-!define bmp_header ".\header.bmp" ; Bitmap of the Installation Header (Size: 150x57 px)
-!define bmp_side ".\left-164x314.bmp" ; Bitmap on the left side of Welcome & Finish Page (Size: 164x314 px)
-!define mui_ini ".\ioSpecial.ini" ; Installation Options for Welcome & Finish Page
-!define license_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background Color for Licence agreement
-!define bmp_check ".\modern.bmp" ; Bitmap of Checks at Components Selection Page
-!define directory_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background Color for Directory textbox
-!define smp_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background of Startmenu List and Textbox
-;!define dets_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; Background Color of Details Screen while files are being extracted
-!define file_license ".\License.txt" ; Choose the file with the license agreement
-!define eng_sec1_desc "These are the basic files needed by UltraStar Deluxe" ; English Description of Base components
-!define ger_sec1_desc "Dies sind die von UltraStar Deluxe ben�tigten Grunddateien" ; German Description of Base components
-!define eng_sec2_desc "This will add the example song Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 from the CreativeCommons database" ; English Description of the Example Song
-!define ger_sec2_desc "Dies f�gt den Beispielsong Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 aus der CreativeCommons Datenbank hinzu" ; German Description of the Example Song
-!define eng_sec1 "Base components" ; English Name of the component section1
-!define ger_sec1 "Basiskomponenten" ; German Name of the component section1
-!define eng_sec2 "Example Song" ; English Name of the component section2
-!define ger_sec2 "Beispielsong" ; German Name of the component section2
-; -------------------------------
-; Strings for Installation Wizard
-; -------------------------------
-!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE "$(wp_title)"
-!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "$(wp_text)"
-;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT "$(fp_showreadme)"
-!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK "$(fp_link)"
-!define MUI_UNCONFIRMPAGE_TEXT_TOP "UltraStar Deluxe - $(sm_uninstall)"
-;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN .\Ultrastar.exe ; Do not work as i expected :(
-;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME .\documentation.pdf ;
-!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK_LOCATION http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org
-!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TEXT "$(fp_text)"
-; The other (multi) language Strings are at the bottom of this file
-; --------------------------------------------------
-; Do not change anything from here on ...
-; ... expect you are mog and know what you are doing
-; --------------------------------------------------
-Name "${p_name} V.${version}"
-Brandingtext "${p_name} Installation"
-OutFile "Install ${p_name} V.${version}.exe"
-InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\${p_name}"
-ShowInstDetails show
-ShowUnInstDetails show
-!define PRODUCT_NAME "${p_name}"
-!define PRODUCT_VERSION "${version}"
-!define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "${publisher}"
-!define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE "${homepage}"
-!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
-; Modern User Interface (MUI) Stuff
-!define MUI_ICON "${icon_inst}" ; Icon for Installation
-!define MUI_UNICON "${icon_uninst}" ; Icon for Uninstallation
-!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "${bmp_header}" ; Header Bitmap of the installation (Size: 150x57 px)
-!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_UNBITMAP "${bmp_header}" ; Header Bitmap of the uninstallation (Size: 150x57 px)
-!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${bmp_side}" ; Left Side Bitmap of Welcome & Finish Page while Installation (Size: 164x314 px)
-!define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${bmp_side}" ; Left Side Bitmap of Welcome & Finish Page while Uninstallation (Size: 164x314 px)
-!define MUI_BGCOLOR "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background color (for header, welcome & finish page)
-!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_INI "${mui_ini}" ; Installation Options for Welcome & Finish Page (Installation)
-!define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_INI "${mui_ini}" ; Installation Options for Welcome & Finish Page (Uninstallation)
-!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_BGCOLOR "${license_bgcolor}" ; Background Color of Licence agreement
-!define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_CHECKBITMAP "${bmp_check}" ; Bitmap of Checks at Components Selection Page
-!define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_BGCOLOR "${directory_bgcolor}" ; RGB Background Color for Directory textbox
-!define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_BGCOLOR "${smp_bgcolor}" ; RGB Background of Startmenu List and Textbox
-;!define MUI_INSTFILESPAGE_COLORS "${dets_bgcolor}" ; Background Color of Details Screen while files are being extracted
-!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE ; Allows user to check the log file of installation (Comment out if unwanted)
-!define MUI_UNFINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE ; Allows user to check the log file of uninstallation (Comment out if unwanted)
-!define MUI_ABORTWARNING_TEXT $(str_abort) ; Abort Warning message
-!define MUI_ABORTWARNING_CANCEL_DEFAULT ; Default: Cancel abort (Comment out if unwanted)
-;Language Dialog Box Settings
-;!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
-; --------------------------------------------------
-; Begin of the installation routine
-; --------------------------------------------------
-; Pages for MUI Installation
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${file_license}"
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
-; Start menu page
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU Application $ICONS_GROUP
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
-; Pages for MUI Uninstallation
-!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME
-!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
-!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
-; Language files
-!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
-!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-; Section1: Main components of UltraStar Deluxe
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-LangString DESC_Section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec1_desc}" ; Adds the description to section1
-LangString DESC_Section1 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec1_desc}"
-LangString sec1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec1}" ; Name of section1
-LangString sec1 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec1}"
-Section $(sec1) Section1
- SectionIn RO ; readonly
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- SetOverwrite try
-; Create required directories:
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Covers"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Languages"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Plugins"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Songs"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Sounds"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Themes"
-; Extract files to the directories:
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\bass.dll"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\Changelog.german.txt"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\Changelog.txt"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\documentation.pdf"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\License.txt"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\ReadMe.txt"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\SDL.dll"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\smpeg.dll"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\sqlite3.dll"
- File "..\ScoreConverter.exe"
- File "..\Ultrastar.exe"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Covers\"
- File "..\Covers\Covers.ini"
- File "..\Covers\NoCover.jpg"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Languages\"
- File "..\Languages\Dutch.ini"
- File "..\Languages\English.ini"
- File "..\Languages\French.ini"
- File "..\Languages\German.ini"
- File "..\Languages\readme.txt"
- File "..\Languages\Swedish.ini"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins\"
- File "..\Plugins\Blind.dll"
- File "..\Plugins\Duell.dll"
- File "..\Plugins\Hold_The_Line.dll"
- File "..\Plugins\Until5000.dll"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\Star.ini"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]13.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]alt.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]az.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]e.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]enter.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]esc.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]j.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]m.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]navi.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]p.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]error.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]question.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]Star.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]stats.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]video.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Exit.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Multi.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Options.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Solo.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Stats.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Bar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Bar1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Button.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Button2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Button3.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]ButtonEditor.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Logo.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]songCover.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]square.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuBorder.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuButtonBG.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuSelectBG.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]Joker.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]playerButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]pointer.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winDecoration.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]box.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]level.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]levelround.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]line.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]p.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]textBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[song]BGFade.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[song]EqualizerBG.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[song]selection.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Blue.ini"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Fall.ini"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Summer.ini"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Winter.ini"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]blue.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]fall.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]summer.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]winter.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]blue.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]fall.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]summer.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]winter.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]13.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]alt.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]az.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]enter.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]esc.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]j.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]m.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]navi.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]p.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[helper]buttonFade.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]cd.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]error.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]main.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]options.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]party.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]question.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]score.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]search.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]songmenu.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]stats.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]video.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]button.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]buttonf.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]mainBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]playerNumberBox.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]selectbg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songCover.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songSelection1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songSelection2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]Joker.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]playerButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]pointer.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winDecoration1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]box.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]endcap.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]level.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]levelRound.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]Line.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]p.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]textBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBar1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBarBG.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[special]bar1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[special]bar2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Sounds\"
- File "..\Sounds\Common back.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\Common start.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\credits-outro-tune.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\dismissed.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\menu swoosh.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\option change col.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\rimshot022b.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\select music change music 50.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\select music change music.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\wome-credits-tune.mp3"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Themes\"
- File "..\Themes\Classic.ini"
- File "..\Themes\Deluxe.ini"
-; Create shortcuts
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\
- !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application
- CreateDirectory "${p_name}"
-; CreateShortCut "$STARTMENU.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Ultrastar.exe"
-; CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Ultrastar.exe"
-; CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Ultrastar.exe"
-; WriteIniStr "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}"
- CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP"
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Website.lnk" "http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org/"
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\$(sm_uninstall).lnk" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\$(sm_shortcut).lnk" "$INSTDIR\Ultrastar.exe"
-; Create Uninstaller:
- WriteUninstaller $INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe
- WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "${p_name}"
- WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-; Section2: Example Song "Dead Smiling Pirates"
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-LangString DESC_Section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec2_desc}"
-LangString DESC_Section2 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec2_desc}"
-LangString sec2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec2}"
-LangString sec2 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec2}"
-Section /o $(sec2) Section2
- SetOverwrite try
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]"
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\"
-; CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Songs\"
-; SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Songs\"
-; InetLoad::load "" "$INSTDIR\Songs\demosong.zip"
-; Pop $0
-; StrCmp $0 "OK" dlok
-; MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Download Error, click OK to Continue" /SD IDOK
-; dlok:
-; ZipDLL::extractall "$INSTDIR\Songs\demosong.zip" "$INSTDIR\Songs"
- File "..\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [BG].jpg"
- File "..\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [CO].jpg"
- File "..\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18.ogg"
- File "..\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18.txt"
- File "..\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\License.txt"
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-; Section3: Uninstallation Wizard
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-Section Uninstall
- !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER "Application" $ICONS_GROUP
-; Delete "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Uninstall.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Deinstallieren.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Website.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\UltraStar Deluxe spielen.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Play UltraStar Deluxe.lnk"
-; Delete "$SMPROGRAMS.lnk"
-; Delete "$DESKTOP.lnk"
-; Delete "$STARTMENU.lnk"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Covers"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Languages"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Plugins"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Skins"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Songs"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Sounds"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Themes"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Screenshots"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Playlists"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section1} $(DESC_Section1)
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section2} $(DESC_Section2)
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Language Strings for Installation / Uninstallation Wizard
-; These Strings can be edited, like the variables at the top
-; BUG: Some of the LangStrings do not work - do not know why :(
-; I commented them out of the whole source. Maybe someone else can fix it
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-LangString str_continue ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dies wird UltraStar Deluxe installieren. Fortsetzen?"
-LangString str_continue ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install UltraStar Deluxe. Continue?"
-LangString str_abort ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Are you sure to abort Installation?"
-LangString str_abort ${LANG_GERMAN} "Wollen Sie die Installation wirklich abbrechen?"
-LangString uninst_begin ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will uninstall UltraStar Deluxe completely (with Songs!). Continue ?"
-LangString uninst_begin ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dies wird UltraStar Deluxe vollst�ndig deinstallieren (inkl. Songs!). Fortfahren?"
-LangString uninst_success ${LANG_ENGLISH} "We are sad because the uninstallation finished successfully! Hope you enjoyed UltraStar Deluxe."
-LangString uninst_success ${LANG_GERMAN} "Wir sind traurig, da die Deinstallation erfolgreich verlief. Wir hoffen du hast UltraStar Deluxe genossen."
-LangString str_header ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Custom options for Installation"
-LangString str_header ${LANG_GERMAN} "Eigene Optionen zur Installation"
-LangString str_header_subtitle ${LANG_ENGLISH} ""
-LangString str_header_subtitle ${LANG_GERMAN} ""
-LangString sm_shortcut ${LANG_GERMAN} "UltraStar Deluxe spielen" ; Name for start Icon in startmenu
-LangString sm_shortcut ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Play UltraStar Deluxe"
-LangString sm_uninstall ${LANG_GERMAN} "Deinstallieren" ; Name for uninstall icon in startmenu
-LangString sm_uninstall ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Uninstall"
-LangString wp_title ${LANG_GERMAN} "Willkommen zur Installationsroutine von UltraStar Deluxe" ; Title String in Welcome Page
-LangString wp_title ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Welcome to the UltraStar Deluxe Setup Wizard"
-LangString wp_text ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch die Installation von UltraStar Deluxe begleiten. UltraStar Deluxe ist ein kostenloses quelloffenes Karaokespiel, welches Singstar �hnelt. Diese Installationsroutine enth�lt den Bonus Song 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18' aus der CreativeCommons Datenbank, der optional installiert werden kann.\n\r\n\rDas UltraStar Deluxe Team w�nscht viel Spa�\n\rProjekthomepage: http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org\n\rProject Forum: http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org"
-LangString wp_text ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This wizard will guide you through the Installation of UltraStar Deluxe. UltraStar Deluxe is a free open source Karaoke game, which can be compared with Singstar. These Installation Wizard includes the bonus track 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18' from the CreativeCommons database and which can be installed seperatly.\n\r\n\rThe UltraStar Deluxe Team wishes you fun\n\rProject website: http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org\n\rProject Forum: http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org"
-LangString fp_showreadme ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dokumentation ansehen (PDF)" ; "Show Readme" String in Finish Page
-LangString fp_showreadme ${LANG_ENGLISH} "See documentation (PDF)"
-LangString fp_text ${LANG_GERMAN} "UltraStar wurde erfolgreich auf Ihrem System installiert.\n\rBesuchen Sie unsere Projektwebseite um die neusten Updates und News zu erhalten."
-LangString fp_text ${LANG_ENGLISH} "UltraStar was installed successfully on you system.\n\rVisit out project website to get latest news and updates."
-LangString fp_link ${LANG_GERMAN} "Projektwebseite" ; Link to developers website - String in Finish Page
-LangString fp_link ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Project website"
-LangString uncp_text ${LANG_GERMAN} "Willkommen beim Deinstallations-Assistent f�r UltraStar Deluxe"
-LangString uncp_text ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Welcome to the UltraStar Deluxe Uninstall Wizard"
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Functions for the beginning of the installation and uninstallation
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Function for Installation
-Function .onInit
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
- ; MessageBox MB_YESNO $(str_continue) IDYES continue
- ; Abort ; Do not work as I expected :(
- ; continue:
-; Function for Uninstallation
-Function un.onInit
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
- ; MessageBox MB_YESNO "$(uninst_begin)" IDYES continue
- ; Abort ; causes uninstaller to quit.
- ; continue:
-FunctionEnd \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/clanguage/English.nsh b/Installer/clanguage/English.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..795abfde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/clanguage/English.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+;NSIS Modern User Interface - Language File
+;Compatible with Modern UI 1.68
+;Language: English (1033)
+;By Joost Verburg
+!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGEFILE_BEGIN "English"
+ !define MUI_LANGNAME "English" ;Use only ASCII characters (if this is not possible, use the English name)
+ !define MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE "Welcome to the $(^NameDA) Setup Wizard"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT "This wizard will guide you through the installation of $(^NameDA).\r\n\r\nIt is recommended that you close all other applications before starting Setup. This will make it possible to update relevant system files without having to reboot your computer.\r\n\r\n$_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_LICENSE_TITLE "License Agreement"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_LICENSE_SUBTITLE "Please review the license terms before installing $(^NameDA)."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_TOP "Press Page Down to see the rest of the agreement."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM "If you accept the terms of the agreement, click I Agree to continue. You must accept the agreement to install $(^NameDA)."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM_CHECKBOX "If you accept the terms of the agreement, click the check box below. You must accept the agreement to install $(^NameDA). $_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM_RADIOBUTTONS "If you accept the terms of the agreement, select the first option below. You must accept the agreement to install $(^NameDA). $_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_COMPONENTS_TITLE "Choose Components"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_COMPONENTS_SUBTITLE "Choose which features of $(^NameDA) you want to install."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_DESCRIPTION_INFO "Position your mouse over a component to see its description."
+ !else
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_DESCRIPTION_INFO "Select a component to see its description."
+ !endif
+ !define MUI_TEXT_DIRECTORY_TITLE "Choose Install Location"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_DIRECTORY_SUBTITLE "Choose the folder in which to install $(^NameDA)."
+ !define MUI_TEXT_INSTALLING_TITLE "Installing"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_INSTALLING_SUBTITLE "Please wait while $(^NameDA) is being installed."
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_TITLE "Installation Complete"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_SUBTITLE "Setup was completed successfully."
+ !define MUI_TEXT_ABORT_TITLE "Installation Aborted"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_ABORT_SUBTITLE "Setup was not completed successfully."
+ !define MUI_BUTTONTEXT_FINISH "&Finish"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE "Completing the $(^NameDA) Setup Wizard"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT "$(^NameDA) has been installed on your computer.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_REBOOT "Your computer must be restarted in order to complete the installation of $(^NameDA). Do you want to reboot now?"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_REBOOTNOW "Reboot now"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_REBOOTLATER "I want to manually reboot later"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_RUN "&Run $(^NameDA)"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_SHOWREADME "&Show Readme"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_STARTMENU_TITLE "Choose Start Menu Folder"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_STARTMENU_SUBTITLE "Choose a Start Menu folder for the $(^NameDA) shortcuts."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_STARTMENU_TOP "Select the Start Menu folder in which you would like to create the program's shortcuts. You can also enter a name to create a new folder."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_STARTMENU_CHECKBOX "Do not create shortcuts"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_ABORTWARNING "Are you sure you want to quit $(^Name) Setup?"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE "Welcome to the $(^NameDA) Uninstall Wizard"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT "This wizard will guide you through the uninstallation of $(^NameDA).\r\n\r\nBefore starting the uninstallation, make sure $(^NameDA) is not running.\r\n\r\n$_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_CONFIRM_TITLE "Uninstall $(^NameDA)"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_CONFIRM_SUBTITLE "Remove $(^NameDA) from your computer."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_LICENSE_TITLE "License Agreement"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_LICENSE_SUBTITLE "Please review the license terms before uninstalling $(^NameDA)."
+ !define MUI_UNINNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM "If you accept the terms of the agreement, click I Agree to continue. You must accept the agreement to uninstall $(^NameDA)."
+ !define MUI_UNINNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM_CHECKBOX "If you accept the terms of the agreement, click the check box below. You must accept the agreement to uninstall $(^NameDA). $_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_UNINNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM_RADIOBUTTONS "If you accept the terms of the agreement, select the first option below. You must accept the agreement to uninstall $(^NameDA). $_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_COMPONENTS_TITLE "Choose Components"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_COMPONENTS_SUBTITLE "Choose which features of $(^NameDA) you want to uninstall."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_DIRECTORY_TITLE "Choose Uninstall Location"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_DIRECTORY_SUBTITLE "Choose the folder from which to uninstall $(^NameDA)."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_UNINSTALLING_TITLE "Uninstalling"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_UNINSTALLING_SUBTITLE "Please wait while $(^NameDA) is being uninstalled."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_TITLE "Uninstallation Complete"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_SUBTITLE "Uninstall was completed successfully."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_ABORT_TITLE "Uninstallation Aborted"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_ABORT_SUBTITLE "Uninstall was not completed successfully."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE "Completing the $(^NameDA) Uninstall Wizard"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT "$(^NameDA) has been uninstalled from your computer.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_REBOOT "Your computer must be restarted in order to complete the uninstallation of $(^NameDA). Do you want to reboot now?"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_ABORTWARNING "Are you sure you want to quit $(^Name) Uninstall?"
+!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGEFILE_END \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/clanguage/German.nsh b/Installer/clanguage/German.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54c271b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/clanguage/German.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+;NSIS Modern User Interface - Language File
+;Compatible with Modern UI 1.68
+;Language: German (1031)
+;By L.King, changes by K. Windszus & R. Bisswanger & M. Simmack & D. Wei�
+!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGEFILE_BEGIN "German"
+ !define MUI_LANGNAME "Deutsch" ;Use only ASCII characters (if this is not possible, use the English name)
+ !define MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE "Willkommen beim Installations-\r\nAssistenten f�r $(^NameDA)"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT "Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch die Installation von $(^NameDA) begleiten.\r\n\r\nEs wird empfohlen, vor der Installation alle anderen Programme zu schlie�en, damit bestimmte Systemdateien ohne Neustart ersetzt werden k�nnen.\r\n\r\n$_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_LICENSE_TITLE "Lizenzabkommen"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_LICENSE_SUBTITLE "Bitte lesen Sie die Lizenzbedingungen durch, bevor Sie mit der Installation fortfahren."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_TOP "Dr�cken Sie die Bild-nach-unten Taste, um den Rest des Abkommens zu sehen."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM "Falls Sie alle Bedingungen des Abkommens akzeptieren, klicken Sie auf Annehmen. Sie m�ssen die Lizenzvereinbarungen anerkennen, um $(^NameDA) installieren zu k�nnen."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM_CHECKBOX "Falls Sie alle Bedingungen des Abkommens akzeptieren, aktivieren Sie das K�stchen. Sie m�ssen die Lizenzvereinbarungen anerkennen, um $(^NameDA) installieren zu k�nnen. $_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM_RADIOBUTTONS "Falls Sie alle Bedingungen des Abkommens akzeptieren, w�hlen Sie unten die entsprechende Option. Sie m�ssen die Lizenzvereinbarungen anerkennen, um $(^NameDA) installieren zu k�nnen. $_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_COMPONENTS_TITLE "Komponenten ausw�hlen"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_COMPONENTS_SUBTITLE "W�hlen Sie die Komponenten aus, die Sie installieren m�chten."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_DESCRIPTION_INFO "Bewegen Sie den Mauszeiger �ber eine Komponente, um ihre Beschreibung zu sehen."
+ !else
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_DESCRIPTION_INFO "Selektieren Sie eine Komponente, um ihre Beschreibung zu sehen."
+ !endif
+ !define MUI_TEXT_DIRECTORY_TITLE "Zielverzeichnis ausw�hlen"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_DIRECTORY_SUBTITLE "W�hlen Sie das Verzeichnis aus, in das $(^NameDA) installiert werden soll."
+ !define MUI_TEXT_INSTALLING_TITLE "Installiere..."
+ !define MUI_TEXT_INSTALLING_SUBTITLE "Bitte warten Sie, w�hrend $(^NameDA) installiert wird."
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_TITLE "Die Installation ist vollst�ndig"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_SUBTITLE "Die Installation wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen."
+ !define MUI_TEXT_ABORT_TITLE "Abbruch der Installation"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_ABORT_SUBTITLE "Die Installation wurde nicht vollst�ndig abgeschlossen."
+ !define MUI_BUTTONTEXT_FINISH "&Fertig stellen"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE "Die Installation von $(^NameDA) wird abgeschlossen"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT "$(^NameDA) wurde auf Ihrem Computer installiert.\r\n\r\nKlicken Sie auf Fertig stellen, um den Installations-Assistenten zu schlie�en."
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_REBOOT "Windows muss neu gestartet werden, um die Installation von $(^NameDA) zu vervollst�ndigen. M�chten Sie Windows jetzt neu starten?"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_REBOOTNOW "Jetzt neu starten"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_REBOOTLATER "Windows sp�ter selbst neu starten"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_RUN "$(^NameDA) ausf�hren"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_SHOWREADME "Liesmich anzeigen"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_STARTMENU_TITLE "Startmen�-Ordner bestimmen"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_STARTMENU_SUBTITLE "Bestimmen Sie einen Startmen�-Ordner f�r die Programmverkn�pfungen."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_STARTMENU_TOP "W�hlen Sie den Startmen�-Ordner f�r die Programmverkn�pfungen aus. Falls Sie einen neuen Ordner erstellen m�chten, geben Sie dessen Namen ein."
+ !define MUI_INNERTEXT_STARTMENU_CHECKBOX "Keine Verkn�pfungen erstellen"
+ !define MUI_TEXT_ABORTWARNING "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Installation von $(^Name) abbrechen wollen?"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE "Deinstallations-Assistent von $(^NameDA)"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT "Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch die Deinstallation von $(^NameDA) begleiten.\r\n\r\nBitte beenden Sie $(^NameDA), bevor Sie mit der Deinstallation fortfahren.\r\n\r\n$_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_CONFIRM_TITLE "Deinstallation von $(^NameDA)"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_CONFIRM_SUBTITLE "$(^NameDA) wird von Ihrem Computer entfernt."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_LICENSE_TITLE "Lizenzabkommen"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_LICENSE_SUBTITLE "Bitte lesen Sie die Lizenzbedingungen durch, bevor Sie mit der Deinstallation von $(^NameDA) fortfahren."
+ !define MUI_UNINNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM "Falls Sie alle Bedingungen des Abkommens akzeptieren, klicken Sie auf Annehmen. Sie m�ssen die Lizenzvereinbarungen anerkennen, um $(^NameDA) deinstallieren zu k�nnen."
+ !define MUI_UNINNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM_CHECKBOX "Falls Sie alle Bedingungen des Abkommens akzeptieren, aktivieren Sie das K�stchen. Sie m�ssen die Lizenzvereinbarungen anerkennen, um $(^NameDA) deinstallieren zu k�nnen. $_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_UNINNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM_RADIOBUTTONS "Falls Sie alle Bedingungen des Abkommens akzeptieren, w�hlen Sie unten die entsprechende Option. Sie m�ssen die Lizenzvereinbarungen anerkennen, um $(^NameDA) deinstallieren zu k�nnen. $_CLICK"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_COMPONENTS_TITLE "Komponenten ausw�hlen"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_COMPONENTS_SUBTITLE "W�hlen Sie die Komponenten aus, die Sie entfernen m�chten."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_DIRECTORY_TITLE "Verzeichnis f�r Deinstallation ausw�hlen"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_DIRECTORY_SUBTITLE "W�hlen Sie das Verzeichnis aus, aus dem $(^NameDA) entfernt werden soll."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_UNINSTALLING_TITLE "Deinstalliere..."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_UNINSTALLING_SUBTITLE "Bitte warten Sie, w�hrend $(^NameDA) entfernt wird."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_TITLE "Die Deinstallation ist vollst�ndig"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_SUBTITLE "Die Deinstallation wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_ABORT_TITLE "Abbruch der Deinstallation"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_ABORT_SUBTITLE "Die Deinstallation wurde nicht vollst�ndig abgeschlossen."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE "Die Deinstallation von $(^NameDA) wird abgeschlossen"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT "$(^NameDA) ist von ihrem Computer entfernt worden.\r\n\r\nKlicken Sie auf Fertig stellen, um den Assistenten zu schlie�en."
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_REBOOT "Windows muss neu gestartet werden, um die Deinstallation von $(^NameDA) zu vervollst�ndigen. M�chten Sie Windows jetzt neu starten?"
+ !define MUI_UNTEXT_ABORTWARNING "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Deinstallation von $(^Name) abbrechen m�chten?"
+!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGEFILE_END \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/icons/uninstall.ico b/Installer/icons/uninstall.ico
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c72432a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/icons/uninstall.ico
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/icons/ustar.ico b/Installer/icons/ustar.ico
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3214d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/icons/ustar.ico
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/images/Thumbs.db b/Installer/images/Thumbs.db
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ac63d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/images/Thumbs.db
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/images/header.bmp b/Installer/images/header.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d1ecc72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/images/header.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/images/left.bmp b/Installer/images/left.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68370f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/images/left.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/images/mce.png b/Installer/images/mce.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2759936d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/images/mce.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/images/modern.bmp b/Installer/images/modern.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62468ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/images/modern.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/plugins/Games.dll b/Installer/plugins/Games.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bdb27ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/plugins/Games.dll
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/plugins/NSISdl.dll b/Installer/plugins/NSISdl.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3675054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/plugins/NSISdl.dll
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/plugins/gdf.dll b/Installer/plugins/gdf.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa887cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/plugins/gdf.dll
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/plugins/nsProcess.dll b/Installer/plugins/nsProcess.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..064097a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/plugins/nsProcess.dll
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/plugins/nsisunz.dll b/Installer/plugins/nsisunz.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5466f156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/plugins/nsisunz.dll
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Installer/settings/GameExplorer.nsh b/Installer/settings/GameExplorer.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5056661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/GameExplorer.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# user interface
+!define GameExplorer_GenerateGUID '!insertmacro GameExplorer_GenerateGUID'
+!define GameExplorer_AddGame '!insertmacro GameExplorer_AddGame'
+!define GameExplorer_UpdateGame '!insertmacro GameExplorer_UpdateGame'
+!define GameExplorer_RemoveGame '!insertmacro GameExplorer_RemoveGame'
+# internal stuff
+!define IID_IGameExplorer {E7B2FB72-D728-49B3-A5F2-18EBF5F1349E}
+!define CLSID_GameExplorer {9A5EA990-3034-4D6F-9128-01F3C61022BC}
+!define GIS_ALL_USERS 3
+!define IGameExplorer_QueryInterface 0
+!define IGameExplorer_AddRef 1
+!define IGameExplorer_Release 2
+!define IGameExplorer_AddGame 3
+!define IGameExplorer_RemoveGame 4
+!define IGameExplorer_UpdateGame 5
+!define IGameExplorer_VerifyAccess 6
+# includes
+!include LogicLib.nsh
+# the actual code
+!macro GameExplorer_GenerateGUID
+ System::Call 'ole32::CoCreateGuid(g .s)'
+!macro GameExplorer_AddGame CONTEXT GDF INSTDIR EXE GUID
+ !define __GAME_EXPLORER_UNIQUE "${__LINE__}${__FILE__}"
+ Push $0
+ Push $1
+ Push $R0
+ Push $R1
+ Push $R2
+ Push $R3
+ Push "${EXE}"
+ Push "${GUID}"
+ Push "${INSTDIR}"
+ Push "${GDF}"
+ Pop $R0 # == ${GDF}
+ Pop $R1 # == ${INSTDIR}
+ Pop $R2 # == ${GUID}
+ Pop $R3 # == ${EXE}
+ ClearErrors
+ System::Call "ole32::CoCreateInstance( \
+ g '${CLSID_GameExplorer}', i 0, \
+ g '${IID_IGameExplorer}', *i .r1) i .r0"
+ ${If} $0 != 0 # S_OK
+ SetErrors
+ Goto "done_${__GAME_EXPLORER_UNIQUE}"
+ ${EndIf}
+ !if ${CONTEXT} == all
+ System::Call "$1->${IGameExplorer_AddGame}(w R0, w R1, i ${GIS_ALL_USERS}, g R2) i .r0"
+ !else if ${CONTEXT} == user
+ System::Call "$1->${IGameExplorer_AddGame}(w R1, w R0, i ${GIS_CURRENT_USER}, g R2) i .r0"
+ !else
+ !error "Invalid CONTEXT passed to GameExplorer_AddGame! Must be `user` or `all`."
+ !endif
+ ${If} $0 != 0 # S_OK
+ SetErrors
+ ${Else}
+ # Create play task
+ !if ${CONTEXT} == all
+ SetShellVarContext all
+ !else if if ${CONTEXT} == user
+ SetShellVarContext user
+ !endif
+ CreateDirectory $APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$R2\PlayTasks\0
+ CreateShortcut $APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\GameExplorer\$R2\PlayTasks\0\Play.lnk $R3
+ ${EndIf}
+ System::Call "$1->${IGameExplorer_Release}()"
+ Pop $R3
+ Pop $R2
+ Pop $R1
+ Pop $R0
+ Pop $1
+ Pop $0
+!macro _GameExplorer_GUID_Function Function GUID
+ !define __GAME_EXPLORER_UNIQUE "${__LINE__}${__FILE__}"
+ Push $0
+ Push $1
+ Push $2
+ Push $3
+ Push $4
+ Push $5
+ Push $R0
+ Push "${GUID}"
+ Pop $R0 # == ${GUID}
+ System::Alloc 16
+ Exch $R0
+ System::Call "ole32::CLSIDFromString(w s, i R0)"
+ System::Call "*$R0(i .r2, i .r3, i .r4, i .r5)"
+ System::Free $R0
+ ClearErrors
+ System::Call "ole32::CoCreateInstance( \
+ g '${CLSID_GameExplorer}', i 0, \
+ g '${IID_IGameExplorer}', *i .r1) i .r0"
+ ${If} $0 != 0 # S_OK
+ SetErrors
+ Goto "done_${__GAME_EXPLORER_UNIQUE}"
+ ${EndIf}
+ System::Call "$1->${Function}(i r2, i r3, i r4, i r5) i .r0"
+ ${If} $0 != 0 # S_OK
+ SetErrors
+ ${EndIf}
+ System::Call "$1->${IGameExplorer_Release}()"
+ Pop $R0
+ Pop $5
+ Pop $4
+ Pop $3
+ Pop $2
+ Pop $1
+ Pop $0
+!macro GameExplorer_UpdateGame GUID
+ !insertmacro _GameExplorer_GUID_Function ${IGameExplorer_UpdateGame} "${GUID}"
+!macro GameExplorer_RemoveGame GUID
+ !insertmacro _GameExplorer_GUID_Function ${IGameExplorer_RemoveGame} "${GUID}"
+!macroend \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/settings/files_in.nsh b/Installer/settings/files_in.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e8dab91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/files_in.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+; This list contains the files that will be installed
+; Create required directories:
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Covers"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Languages"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Plugins"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Songs"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Sounds"
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Themes"
+; Extract files to the directories:
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
+ File "..\bass.dll"
+ File "..\Changelog.german.txt"
+ File "..\Changelog.txt"
+ File "..\documentation.pdf"
+ File "..\License.txt"
+ File "..\ReadMe.txt"
+ File "..\ScoreConverter.exe"
+ File "..\SDL.dll"
+ File "..\smpeg.dll"
+ File "..\sqlite3.dll"
+ File "..\${exe}.exe"
+${If} ${AtLeastWinVista}
+ SetOutPath "$WINDIR"
+ File ".\plugins\gdf.dll"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Covers\"
+ File "..\Covers\Covers.ini"
+ File "..\Covers\NoCover.jpg"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Languages\"
+ File "..\Languages\Catalan.ini"
+ File "..\Languages\Dutch.ini"
+ File "..\Languages\English.ini"
+ File "..\Languages\French.ini"
+ File "..\Languages\German.ini"
+ File "..\Languages\Italian.ini"
+ File "..\Languages\Norwegian.ini"
+ File "..\Languages\readme.txt"
+ File "..\Languages\Serbian.ini"
+ File "..\Languages\Spanish.ini"
+ File "..\Languages\Swedish.ini"
+ File "..\Languages\Portuguese.ini"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Plugins\"
+ File "..\Plugins\Blind.dll"
+ File "..\Plugins\Duell.dll"
+ File "..\Plugins\Hold_The_Line.dll"
+ File "..\Plugins\Until5000.dll"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]13.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]alt.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]az.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]e.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]enter.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]esc.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]j.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]m.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]navi.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]p.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]error.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]question.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]Star.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]stats.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]video.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Bar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Bar1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Button.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Button2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Button3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]ButtonEditor.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Logo.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]songCover.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]square.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Exit.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Multi.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Options.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Solo.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Stats.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuBorder.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuButtonBG.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuSelectBG.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]Joker.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]playerButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]pointer.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winDecoration.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]box.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]level.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]levelround.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]line.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]p.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]textBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[song]BGFade.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[song]EqualizerBG.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[song]selection.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Classic\Star.ini"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]blue.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]fall.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]summer.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]winter.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]blue.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]fall.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]summer.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]winter.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]13.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]alt.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]az.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]enter.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]esc.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]j.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]m.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]navi.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]p.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[helper]buttonFade.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]cd.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]error.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]main.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]options.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]party.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]question.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]score.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]search.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]songmenu.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]stats.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]video.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]button.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]buttonf.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]mainBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]playerNumberBox.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]selectbg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songCover.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songSelection1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songSelection2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]Joker.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]playerButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]pointer.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winDecoration1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]box.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]endcap.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]level.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]levelRound.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]Line.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]p.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]textBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBar1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBarBG.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[special]bar1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[special]bar2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Blue.ini"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Fall.ini"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Summer.ini"
+ File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Winter.ini"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Sounds\"
+ File "..\Sounds\Common back.mp3"
+ File "..\Sounds\Common start.mp3"
+ File "..\Sounds\credits-outro-tune.mp3"
+ File "..\Sounds\dismissed.mp3"
+ File "..\Sounds\menu swoosh.mp3"
+ File "..\Sounds\option change col.mp3"
+ File "..\Sounds\rimshot022b.mp3"
+ File "..\Sounds\select music change music 50.mp3"
+ File "..\Sounds\select music change music.mp3"
+ File "..\Sounds\wome-credits-tune.mp3"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Themes\"
+ File "..\Themes\Classic.ini"
+ File "..\Themes\Deluxe.ini"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/settings/files_un.nsh b/Installer/settings/files_un.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef1d6627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/files_un.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+; This list contains the files that will be uninstalled
+; Delete provided Game Exe and provided Tools
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\ScoreConverter.exe"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\${exe}.exe"
+; Delete other provided/created stuff
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\bass.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Changelog.german.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Changelog.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\documentation.pdf"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\License.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\ReadMe.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\SDL.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\smpeg.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\sqlite3.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\config.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Error.log"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\covers.cache"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
+${If} ${AtLeastWinVista}
+; Delete gdf.dll
+ Delete "$WINDIR\gdf.dll"
+; Delete provided Covers
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Covers\Covers.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Covers\NoCover.jpg"
+; Delete provided languages
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\Catalan.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\Dutch.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\English.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\French.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\German.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\Italian.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\Norwegian.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\readme.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\Serbian.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\Spanish.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\Swedish.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Languages\Portuguese.ini"
+; Delete provided plugins
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Plugins\Blind.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Plugins\Duell.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Plugins\Hold_The_Line.dll"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Plugins\Until5000.dll"
+; Delete provided Classic Skin
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\Star.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[button]13.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[button]alt.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[button]az.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[button]e.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[button]enter.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[button]esc.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[button]j.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[button]m.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[button]navi.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[button]p.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[icon]error.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[icon]question.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[icon]Star.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[icon]stats.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[icon]video.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Exit.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Multi.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Options.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Solo.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Stats.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[main]Bar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[main]Bar1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[main]Button.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[main]Button2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[main]Button3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[main]ButtonEditor.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[main]Logo.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[main]songCover.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[main]square.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuBorder.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuButtonBG.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuSelectBG.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]Joker.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]playerButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]pointer.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]winDecoration.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[score]box.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[score]level.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[score]levelround.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[score]line.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]p.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[sing]textBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[song]BGFade.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[song]EqualizerBG.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[song]selection.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
+; Delete provided Deluxe Skin
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\Blue.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\Fall.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\Summer.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\Winter.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]blue.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]fall.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]summer.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]winter.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]blue.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]fall.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]summer.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]winter.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[button]13.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[button]alt.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[button]az.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[button]enter.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[button]esc.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[button]j.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[button]m.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[button]navi.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[button]p.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[helper]buttonFade.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]cd.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]error.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]main.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]options.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]party.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]question.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]score.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]search.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]songmenu.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]stats.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]video.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[main]button.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[main]buttonf.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[main]mainBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[main]playerNumberBox.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[main]selectbg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songCover.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songSelection1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songSelection2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]Joker.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]playerButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]pointer.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winDecoration1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[score]box.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[score]endcap.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[score]level.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[score]levelRound.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[score]Line.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]p.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]textBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBar1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBarBG.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[special]bar1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[special]bar2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
+; Delete provided sounds
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Sounds\Common back.mp3"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Sounds\Common start.mp3"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Sounds\credits-outro-tune.mp3"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Sounds\dismissed.mp3"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Sounds\menu swoosh.mp3"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Sounds\option change col.mp3"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Sounds\rimshot022b.mp3"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Sounds\select music change music 50.mp3"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Sounds\select music change music.mp3"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Sounds\wome-credits-tune.mp3"
+; Delete provided Themes
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Themes\Classic.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Themes\Deluxe.ini"
+; Delete provided Song
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [BG].jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [CO].jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18.ogg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18.txt"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\License.txt"
+; Delete only empty directories:
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Covers"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Languages"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Plugins"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Skins"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Songs"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Sounds"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Themes"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Screenshots"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Playlists"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+; Delete created Icons in startmenu
+ SetShellVarContext all
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Uninstall.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Deinstallieren.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Website.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Internetseite.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\UltraStar Deluxe spielen.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Play UltraStar Deluxe.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Readme.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Lies mich.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Lizenz.lnk"
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\License.lnk"
+; Delete created Icon on Desktop
+Delete "$Desktop\Play UltraStar Deluxe.lnk"
+Delete "$Desktop\UltraStar Deluxe spielen.lnk"
+Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
diff --git a/Installer/settings/functions.nsh b/Installer/settings/functions.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03dcf7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/functions.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+!define exe2 "USdx" ; Current name of start exe
+; Creates Desktop Shortcut(s) if
+; checked on Finish Page
+Function CreateDesktopShortCuts
+CreateShortcut "$Desktop\$(sm_shortcut).lnk" "$INSTDIR\${exe2}.exe"
+; Deletes only empty dirs which are
+; at the top of the stack.
+Function un.DeleteIfEmpty
+ FindFirst $R0 $R1 "$0\*.*"
+ strcmp $R1 "." 0 NoDelete
+ FindNext $R0 $R1
+ strcmp $R1 ".." 0 NoDelete
+ ClearErrors
+ FindNext $R0 $R1
+ IfErrors 0 NoDelete
+ FindClose $R0
+ Sleep 1000
+ RMDir "$0"
+ NoDelete:
+ FindClose $R0
+; This is used to write a
+; string to config.ini
+Function WriteToConfig
+ Exch $0
+ Exch
+ Exch $1
+ FileOpen $0 $0 a
+ FileSeek $0 0 END
+ FileWrite $0 $1
+ FileClose $0
+ Pop $1
+ Pop $0
+!macro WriteToConfig String File
+ Push "${String}"
+ Push "${File}"
+ Call WriteToConfig
+!define WriteToConfig "!insertmacro WriteToConfig"
+; Finds and kills UltraStar Deluxe process
+!define nsProcess::FindProcess `!insertmacro nsProcess::FindProcess`
+!macro nsProcess::FindProcess _FILE _ERR
+ nsProcess::_FindProcess /NOUNLOAD `${_FILE}`
+ Pop ${_ERR}
+!define nsProcess::KillProcess `!insertmacro nsProcess::KillProcess`
+!macro nsProcess::KillProcess _FILE _ERR
+ nsProcess::_KillProcess /NOUNLOAD `${_FILE}`
+ Pop ${_ERR}
+!define nsProcess::Unload `!insertmacro nsProcess::Unload`
+!macro nsProcess::Unload
+ nsProcess::_Unload
+!macroend \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/settings/io.ini b/Installer/settings/io.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55dc5a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/io.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+[Field 1]
+[Field 2]
+[Field 3]
+Right=315 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/settings/langstrings.nsh b/Installer/settings/langstrings.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b44ee7c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/langstrings.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+; Language Strings which are used in the main program
+LangString str_continue ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dies wird UltraStar Deluxe installieren. Fortsetzen?"
+LangString str_continue ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install UltraStar Deluxe. Continue?"
+LangString str_abort ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Are you sure to abort Installation?"
+LangString str_abort ${LANG_GERMAN} "Wollen Sie die Installation wirklich abbrechen?"
+LangString uninst_begin ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will uninstall UltraStar Deluxe completely (with Songs!). Continue ?"
+LangString uninst_begin ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dies wird UltraStar Deluxe vollst�ndig deinstallieren (inkl. Songs!). Fortfahren?"
+LangString MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT ${LANG_ENGLISH} "We hope you enjoyed UltraStar Deluxe. Please leave us a comment why you uninstalled UltraStar Deluxe in our forum:\n\n${forum}\n\nWe would also be pleased to recieve your feedback on UltraStar Deluxe there."
+LangString MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT ${LANG_GERMAN} "Wir hoffen du hast UltraStar Deluxe genossen. Bitte hinterlasse uns einen Kommentar im Forum, warum du UltraStar Deluxe deinstalliert hast:\n\n${forum}\n\nWir w�rden uns dort ebenso �ber eine R�ckmeldung f�r UltraStar Deluxe freuen."
+LangString MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE ${LANG_ENGLISH} "The uninstallation finished successfully!"
+LangString MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE ${LANG_GERMAN} "Die Deinstallation wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen."
+LangString MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_REBOOT ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Not supported for good reason."
+LangString MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_REBOOT ${LANG_GERMAN} "Aus gutem Grund nicht unterst�zt."
+LangString str_header ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Custom options for Installation"
+LangString str_header ${LANG_GERMAN} "Eigene Optionen zur Installation"
+LangString str_header_subtitle ${LANG_ENGLISH} ""
+LangString str_header_subtitle ${LANG_GERMAN} ""
+LangString sm_shortcut ${LANG_GERMAN} "UltraStar Deluxe spielen" ; Name for start Icon in startmenu
+LangString sm_shortcut ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Play UltraStar Deluxe"
+LangString sc_desktop ${LANG_GERMAN} "Verkn�pfung auf dem Desktop erstellen?" ; Finish Page: Readme = Create Desktop Shortcut
+LangString sc_desktop ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Create Desktop Shortcut?"
+LangString sc_play ${LANG_GERMAN} "Spielen" ; Shortcut name play or spielen (used for MCE)
+LangString sc_play ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Play"
+LangString sm_uninstall ${LANG_GERMAN} "Deinstallieren" ; Name for uninstall icon in startmenu
+LangString sm_uninstall ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Uninstall"
+LangString sm_website ${LANG_GERMAN} "Internetseite" ; Name for website icon in startmenu
+LangString sm_website ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Website"
+LangString sm_license ${LANG_GERMAN} "Lizenz" ; Name for license.txt icon in startmenu
+LangString sm_license ${LANG_ENGLISH} "License"
+LangString sm_readme ${LANG_GERMAN} "Lies mich" ; Name for readme.txt icon in startmenu
+LangString sm_readme ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Readme"
+LangString Settings_TITLE ${LANG_ENGLISH} " "
+LangString Settings_TITLE ${LANG_GERMAN} " "
+LangString Settings_SUBTITLE ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Specify your favorite settings for UltraStar Deluxe"
+LangString Settings_SUBTITLE ${LANG_GERMAN} "Lege deine favorisierten Einstellungen f�r UltraStar Deluxe fest."
+LangString wp_title ${LANG_GERMAN} "Willkommen zur Installationsroutine von UltraStar Deluxe" ; Title String in Welcome Page
+LangString wp_title ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Welcome to the UltraStar Deluxe Setup Wizard"
+LangString wp_text ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch die Installation von UltraStar Deluxe begleiten. UltraStar Deluxe ist ein kostenloses quelloffenes Karaokespiel, welches Singstar �hnelt. Diese Installationsroutine enth�lt den Bonus Song 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18' aus der CreativeCommons Datenbank, der optional heruntergeladen werden kann (ben�tigt aktive Internetverbindung).\n\r\n\rDas UltraStar Deluxe Team w�nscht viel Spa�.\n\rProjekthomepage: http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org\n\rSupport Forum: http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org"
+LangString wp_text ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This wizard will guide you through the Installation of UltraStar Deluxe. UltraStar Deluxe is a free open source Karaoke game, which can be compared with Singstar. These Installation Wizard includes the bonus track 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18' from the CreativeCommons database and which can be downloaded seperatly (requires active internet connection).\n\r\n\rThe UltraStar Deluxe Team wishes you fun.\n\rProject website: http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org\n\rSupport Forum: http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org"
+LangString fp_showreadme ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dokumentation ansehen (PDF)" ; "Show Readme" String in Finish Page
+LangString fp_showreadme ${LANG_ENGLISH} "See documentation (PDF)"
+LangString fp_text ${LANG_GERMAN} "UltraStar wurde erfolgreich auf Ihrem System installiert.\n\rBesuchen Sie unsere Projektwebseite um die neusten Updates und News zu erhalten."
+LangString fp_text ${LANG_ENGLISH} "UltraStar was installed successfully on you system.\n\rVisit out project website to get latest news and updates."
+LangString fp_link ${LANG_GERMAN} "Projektwebseite" ; Link to developers website - String in Finish Page
+LangString fp_link ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Project website"
+LangString uncp_text ${LANG_GERMAN} "Willkommen beim Deinstallations-Assistent f�r UltraStar Deluxe"
+LangString uncp_text ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Welcome to the UltraStar Deluxe Uninstall Wizard" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/settings/optional/in_orange.nsh b/Installer/settings/optional/in_orange.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53eb09a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/optional/in_orange.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[bg-load].jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[button]13.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[button]alt.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[button]az.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[button]enter.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[button]esc.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[button]j.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[button]m.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[button]navi.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[button]p.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[helper]buttonFade.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]cd.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]error.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]main.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]options.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]party.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]question.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]score.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]search.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]songmenu.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]stats.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[icon]video.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]button.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]button2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]button3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]buttonf.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]button-m-1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]button-m-2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]button-m-3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]button-m-4.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]mainBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]playerNumberBox.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]selectbg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]songCover.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]songSelection1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[main]songSelection2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]Joker.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]playerButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]pointer.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]winDecoration1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[score]box.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[score]endcap.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[score]level.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[score]levelRound.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[score]Line.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]p.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]textBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]timeBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[sing]timeBarBG.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[special]bar1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[special]bar2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\bg-main.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\bg-song.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Orange\Orange.ini"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Themes"
+ File "..\Themes\Orange.ini"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
diff --git a/Installer/settings/optional/in_streetlight.nsh b/Installer/settings/optional/in_streetlight.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d8d147f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/optional/in_streetlight.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[bg-load].jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[button]13.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[button]alt.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[button]az.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[button]enter.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[button]esc.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[button]j.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[button]m.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[button]navi.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[button]p.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[helper]buttonFade.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]cd.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]error.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]main.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]options.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]party.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]question.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]score.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]search.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]songmenu.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]stats.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]video.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[main]button.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[main]button2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[main]buttonf.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[main]mainBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[main]playerNumberBox.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[main]selectbg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[main]songCover.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[main]songSelection1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[main]songSelection2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]Joker.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]playerButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]pointer.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]winDecoration1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[score]box.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[score]endcap.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[score]level.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[score]levelRound.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[score]Line.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]p.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]textBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]timeBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]timeBarBG.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[special]bar1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[special]bar2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\bg-main.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\bg-song.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\Streetlight lite.ini"
+ File "..\Skins\Streetlight\Streetlight.ini"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Themes"
+ File "..\Themes\Streetlight lite.ini"
+ File "..\Themes\Streetlight.ini"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/settings/optional/in_vistar.nsh b/Installer/settings/optional/in_vistar.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47f9f371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/optional/in_vistar.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[button]13.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[button]alt.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[button]az.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[button]enter.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[button]esc.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[button]j.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[button]m.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[button]navi.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[button]p.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]cd.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]error.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]main.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]options.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]party.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]question.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]score.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]search.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]songmenu.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]stats.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[icon]video.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[main]button.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[main]buttonf.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[main]mainBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[main]playerNumberBox.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[main]selectbg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[main]songCover.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[main]songSelection2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[mainbutton]Exit.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[mainbutton]Multi.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[mainbutton]Options.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[mainbutton]Solo.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[mainbutton]Stats.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]Joker.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]playerButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]pointer.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]winDecoration1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[score]box.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[score]endcap.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[score]level.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[score]levelRound.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[score]Line.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]p.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]textBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]timeBar.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]timeBar1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[sing]timeBarBG.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\bg-lite.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\bg-load.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\bg-main.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\bg-score.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\bg-song.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\main-buttons.jpg"
+ File "..\Skins\Vistar\Vistar.ini"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Themes"
+ File "..\Themes\Vistar.ini"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/settings/optional/opt_uninstall.nsh b/Installer/settings/optional/opt_uninstall.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb0de81b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/optional/opt_uninstall.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+; Uninstall all optional Themes
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[bg-load].jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[button]13.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[button]alt.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[button]az.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[button]enter.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[button]esc.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[button]j.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[button]m.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[button]navi.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[button]p.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[helper]buttonFade.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]cd.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]error.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]main.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]options.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]party.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]question.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]score.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]search.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]songmenu.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]stats.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[icon]video.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]button.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]button2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]button3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]buttonf.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]button-m-1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]button-m-2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]button-m-3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]button-m-4.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]mainBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]playerNumberBox.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]selectbg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]songCover.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]songSelection1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[main]songSelection2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]Joker.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]playerButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]pointer.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]winDecoration1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[score]box.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[score]endcap.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[score]level.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[score]levelRound.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[score]Line.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]p.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]textBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]timeBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[sing]timeBarBG.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[special]bar1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[special]bar2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\bg-main.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\bg-song.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange\Orange.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Themes\Orange.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[bg-load].jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[button]13.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[button]alt.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[button]az.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[button]enter.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[button]esc.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[button]j.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[button]m.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[button]navi.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[button]p.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[helper]buttonFade.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]cd.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]error.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]main.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]options.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]party.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]question.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]score.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]search.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]songmenu.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]stats.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[icon]video.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[main]button.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[main]button2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[main]buttonf.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[main]mainBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[main]playerNumberBox.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[main]selectbg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[main]songCover.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[main]songSelection1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[main]songSelection2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]Joker.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]playerButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]pointer.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]winDecoration1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[score]box.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[score]endcap.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[score]level.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[score]levelRound.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[score]Line.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]p.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]textBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]timeBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[sing]timeBarBG.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[special]bar1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[special]bar2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\bg-main.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\bg-song.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\Streetlight lite.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight\Streetlight.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Themes\Streetlight lite.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Themes\Streetlight.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[button]13.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[button]alt.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[button]az.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[button]enter.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[button]esc.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[button]j.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[button]m.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[button]navi.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[button]p.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]cd.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]error.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]main.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]options.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]party.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]question.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]score.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]search.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]songmenu.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]stats.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[icon]video.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[main]button.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[main]buttonf.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[main]mainBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[main]playerNumberBox.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[main]selectbg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[main]songCover.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[main]songSelection2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[mainbutton]Exit.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[mainbutton]Multi.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[mainbutton]Options.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[mainbutton]Solo.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[mainbutton]Stats.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]Joker.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]playerButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]pointer.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]winDecoration1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[score]box.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[score]endcap.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[score]level.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[score]levelRound.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[score]Line.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]p.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]textBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]timeBar.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]timeBar1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[sing]timeBarBG.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\bg-lite.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\bg-load.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\bg-main.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\bg-score.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\bg-song.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\main-buttons.jpg"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar\Vistar.ini"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\Themes\Vistar.ini"
+ StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Skins\Orange"
+ Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+ StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Skins\Streetlight"
+ Call un.DeleteIfEmpty
+ StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\Skins\Vistar"
+ Call un.DeleteIfEmpty \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Installer/settings/settings-1031.ini b/Installer/settings/settings-1031.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..369e9a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/settings-1031.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+[Field 1]
+Text="Vollbild Modus:"
+[Field 2]
+[Field 3]
+[Field 4]
+[Field 5]
+[Field 6]
+[Field 7]
+[Field 8]
+[Field 9]
+[Field 10]
+[Field 11]
+Text="W�hle aus, ob das Spiel im Fenster oder \r\nals Vollbild gestartet werden soll."
+[Field 12]
+Text="Hier k�nnen einige Einstellungen f�r UltraStar Deluxe vorgenommen werden.\r\nAlle Einstellungen k�nnen sp�ter im Spielmen� ge�ndert werden."
+[Field 13]
+Text="W�hle deine favorisierte Sprache, in der UltraStar Deluxe angezeigt werden soll."
+[Field 14]
+Text="W�hle deine, dem Monitor angepasste, bevorzugte Aufl�sung."
+[Field 15]
+Text="W�hle aus, ob UltraStar Deluxe eine Ordnerstruktur zum Anzeigen der Lieder verwenden soll."
+[Field 16]
+Text="W�hle, ob Spezialeffekte und \r\nAnimationen benutzt werden sollen."
diff --git a/Installer/settings/settings-1033.ini b/Installer/settings/settings-1033.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afb8e435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/settings-1033.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+[Field 1]
+Text="Fullscreen Mode:"
+[Field 2]
+[Field 3]
+[Field 4]
+[Field 5]
+[Field 6]
+[Field 7]
+[Field 8]
+[Field 9]
+[Field 10]
+[Field 11]
+Text="Choose if you want to run UltraStar Deluxe in a window or fullscreen."
+[Field 12]
+Text="Choose your favorite language, in that UltraStar Deluxe should be displayed."
+[Field 13]
+Text="Choose your favorite screen resolution for UltraStar Deluxe adjusted to your display device."
+[Field 14]
+Text="Choose whether you would like to view folders in UltraStar Deluxe or not."
+[Field 15]
+Text="Here you can define some settings for UltraStar Deluxe. The settings can\r\nalso be changed in the GUI later."
+[Field 16]
+Text="Choose if special effects or animations should be used by UltraStar Deluxe. Recommended: On"
diff --git a/Installer/settings/variables.nsh b/Installer/settings/variables.nsh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd5a5aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Installer/settings/variables.nsh
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+; These are the common used variables
+; for the USdx Installation Wizard
+!define version "1.01" ; Current version of UltraStar Deluxe
+!define p_name "UltraStar Deluxe" ; Just the name of the program
+!define publisher "USDX Team" ; Publisher
+!define homepage "http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org/" ; Project Homepage
+!define forum "http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org/" ; Forum Homepage
+!define exe "USdx" ; Current name of start exe (must also be defined in functions.nsh)
+!define demosong "http://ultrastardeluxe.xtremeweb-hosting.net/installer/song.zip" ; URL from where the demo song "I18" will be downloaded
+!define demosong2 "http://ultrastardeluxe.xtremeweb-hosting.net/installer/song2.zip" ; URL from where the demo song "Northern Star" will be downloaded
+; Other Language Strings (except Section Language Strings)
+; can be found at .\langstrings.nsh
+!define eng_sec1_desc "These are the basic files needed by UltraStar Deluxe" ; English Description of Base components
+!define ger_sec1_desc "Dies sind die von UltraStar Deluxe ben�tigten Grunddateien" ; German Description of Base components
+!define eng_sec3_desc "You can choose which optional themes should also be installed." ; English Description of "Optional Themes"-Section
+!define ger_sec3_desc "Hier k�nnen optionale Motive zum Installieren gew�hlt werden." ; German Description of "Optional Themes"-Section
+!define eng_g2Section1_desc "Downloads the demo song 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18'. Requires: Active Internet connection!" ; English Description of the Example Song "I 18"
+!define ger_g2Section1_desc "L�dt das freie Beispiellied 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18' herunter. Ben�tigt: Aktive Internetverbindung!" ; German Description of the Example Song "I 18"
+!define eng_g2Section2_desc "Downloads the demo song 'Steven Dunston - Northern Star'. Requires: Active Internet connection!" ; English Description of the Example Song "Northern Star"
+!define ger_g2Section2_desc "L�dt das freie Beispiellied 'Steven Dunston - Northern Star' herunter. Ben�tigt: Aktive Internetverbindung!" ; German Description of the Example Song "Northern Star"
+!define eng_sec1 "Base components" ; English Name of the component section1
+!define ger_sec1 "Basiskomponenten" ; German Name of the component section1
+!define eng_sec2 "Demo Songs" ; English Name of the component section2
+!define ger_sec2 "Beispiellieder" ; German Name of the component section2
+!define eng_sec3 "Optional Themes" ; English Name of the component section group1
+!define ger_sec3 "Optionale Motive" ; German Name of the component section group1
+; Group Section Descriptions:
+!define eng_g1Sec1_desc "This will install the optional theme 'Orange' by Skar."
+!define ger_g1Sec1_desc "Dies f�gt das optionale Motiv 'Orange' von Skar hinzu."
+!define eng_g1Sec2_desc "This will install the optional theme 'Streetlight' by Skar."
+!define ger_g1Sec2_desc "Dies f�gt das optionale Motiv 'Streetlight' von Skar hinzu."
+!define eng_g1Sec3_desc "This will install the optional theme 'Vistar' by Skar."
+!define ger_g1Sec3_desc "Dies f�gt das optionale Motiv 'Vistar' von Skar hinzu."
+; Skin:
+!define gdf_path "$WINDIR\gdf.dll" ; Path to gdf.dll for Vista Game Explorer
+!define bmp_header ".\images\header.bmp" ; Bitmap of the Installation Header (Size: 150x57 px)
+!define bmp_side ".\images\left.bmp" ; Bitmap on the left side of Welcome & Finish Page (Size: 164x314 px)
+!define mui_ini ".\settings\io.ini" ; Installation Options for Welcome & Finish Page
+!define license_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background Color for Licence agreement
+!define bmp_check ".\images\modern.bmp" ; Bitmap of Checks at Components Selection Page
+!define directory_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background Color for Directory textbox
+!define smp_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background of Startmenu List and Textbox
+;!define dets_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; Background Color of Details Screen while files are being extracted
+!define file_license "..\License.txt" ; Choose the file with the license agreement
+!define gameicon ".\images\mce.png" ; Name of the png file which will be displayed in MCE (Size: 170x170) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/Orange.ini b/Skins/Orange/Orange.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c18b843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/Orange.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+;experimental version
+;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
+;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
+# # # M A I N # # #
+Button = [main]button.jpg
+ButtonMirror = [main]button2.jpg
+ButtonCollection = [main]button3.jpg
+ButtonF = [main]buttonf.jpg
+MainBar = [main]mainBar.jpg
+SelectBG = [main]selectbg.jpg
+Button-m-1 = [main]button-m-1.jpg
+Button-m-2 = [main]button-m-2.jpg
+Button-m-3 = [main]button-m-3.jpg
+Button-m-4 = [main]button-m-4.jpg
+LoadingBG = [bg-load].jpg
+MainBG = bg-main.jpg
+SongBG = bg-song.jpg
+ScoreScreenBG = bg-song.jpg
+Top5BG = bg-song.jpg
+OptionsBG = bg-song.jpg
+PartyBG = bg-song.jpg
+#Icons on screen
+SongCD = [icon]cd.jpg
+MainIcon = [icon]main.jpg
+MainSearch = [icon]search.jpg
+IconOption = [icon]options.jpg
+IconSongMenu = [icon]songmenu.jpg
+ScoreIcon = [icon]score.jpg
+PartyIcon = [icon]party.jpg
+StatIcon = [icon]stats.jpg
+VideoIcon = [icon]video.jpg
+IconError = [icon]error.jpg
+IconQuestion = [icon]question.jpg
+# # # S O N G S E L E C E T # # #
+SongSelection1 = [main]songSelection1.jpg
+SongSelection2 = [main]songSelection2.jpg
+SongCover = [main]songCover.jpg
+# # # S I N G # # #
+#the bar where the lyrics reside
+LyricBar = [sing]textBar.jpg
+#this one slides in, to tell you that singing starts immediately
+LyricHelpBar = [sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
+#the time progress bar
+TimeBar1 = [sing]timeBarBG.jpg
+#the bar behind the timestuff
+TimeBar2 = [sing]timeBar.jpg
+#linebonus, the thing that pop ups at the score
+LineBonusBack = [sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
+#Singbar (the thing beneath the scores)
+SingBarBack = [sing]singBarBack.jpg
+SingBarBar = [sing]singBarBar.jpg
+SingBarFront = [sing]singBarFront.jpg
+#Background for scores
+ScoreBG = [sing]scoreBg.jpg
+#Background for the P1, P2 and so on
+P = [sing]p.jpg
+#Pointer for lyrics
+Ball = [sing]LyricsBall.bmp
+# # # S C O R E / T O P 5 # # #
+ScoreBox = [score]box.jpg
+ScoreLevel = [score]level.jpg
+ScoreLevelRound = [score]levelRound.jpg
+ScoreEndCap = [score]endcap.jpg
+ScoreLine = [score]line.jpg
+PlayerNumberBox = [main]playerNumberBox.jpg
+# # # P A R T Y # # #
+Joker =[party]Joker.jpg
+PartyPlayerButton =[party]playerButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton1 =[party]roundTeamButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton2 =[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton3 =[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
+PartyTeamButton4 =[party]winTeamButton2.jpg
+PartyTeamButton5 =[party]winTeamButton3.jpg
+PartyRoundBG1 =[party]roundBG1.jpg
+PartyRoundBG2 =[party]roundBG2.jpg
+PartyRoundBG3 =[party]roundBG3.jpg
+PartyRoundBG4 =[party]roundBG4.jpg
+HDL_Pointer =[party]pointer.bmp
+PartyTeamPoints =[party]teamPoints.jpg
+PartyScoreDeco =[party]scoreDecoration.jpg
+PartyScoreBG1 =[party]scoreBG1.jpg
+PartyScoreBG2 =[party]scoreBG2.jpg
+PartyWinDeco1 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+PartyWinDeco2 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+PartyWinDeco3 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+# # # S T A T S # # #
+StatMainBG1 = [stat]mainBG1.jpg
+StatMainBG2 = [stat]mainBG2.jpg
+StatMainBG3 = [stat]mainBG3.jpg
+StatDetailBG1 = [stat]detailBG1.jpg
+# # # N A V I # # #
+ButtonP = [button]p.jpg
+ButtonM = [button]m.jpg
+ButtonJ = [button]j.jpg
+ButtonAlt = [button]alt.jpg
+ButtonAZ = [button]az.jpg
+ButtonEnter = [button]enter.jpg
+ButtonNavi = [button]navi.jpg
+ButtonEsc = [button]esc.jpg
+Button13 = [button]13.jpg
+Leiste1 = [special]bar1.jpg
+Leiste2 = [special]bar2.jpg
+JumpToBG = [menu]jumpToBg.jpg
+SongMenuBG = [menu]songMenuBg.jpg
+SongMenuSelectBG = [menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
+PopUpBG = [menu]popUpBG.jpg
+PopUpFG = [menu]popUpFG.jpg
+# # # N O T E S # # #
+GrayLeft = [sing]notesLeft.bmp
+GrayMid = [sing]notesMid.bmp
+GrayRight = [sing]notesRight.bmp
+NoteBGLeft = [sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
+NoteBGMid = [sing]notesBgMid.bmp
+NoteBGRight = [sing]notesBgRight.bmp
+# # # E F F E C T S # # #
+NoteStar = [effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
+NotePerfectStar = [effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
+# # # dirty helpers # # #
+Rectangle = [helper]rectangle.jpg
+ButtonFade = [helper]buttonFade.jpg \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[bg-load].jpg b/Skins/Orange/[bg-load].jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c58dea03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[bg-load].jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[button]13.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[button]13.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd3453b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[button]13.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[button]alt.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[button]alt.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb94afa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[button]alt.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[button]az.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[button]az.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34e02271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[button]az.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[button]enter.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[button]enter.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70ded774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[button]enter.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[button]esc.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[button]esc.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42665788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[button]esc.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[button]j.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[button]j.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c85dcc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[button]j.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[button]m.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[button]m.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d55e476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[button]m.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[button]navi.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[button]navi.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..387635ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[button]navi.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[button]p.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[button]p.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6b4d0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[button]p.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b31d267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..189a22a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[helper]buttonFade.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[helper]buttonFade.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6de293f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[helper]buttonFade.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[helper]rectangle.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[helper]rectangle.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e03f98fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[helper]rectangle.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]cd.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]cd.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d48dc4ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]cd.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]error.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]error.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5140f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]error.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]main.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]main.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5941256a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]main.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]options.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]options.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..278f0adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]options.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]party.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]party.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bccd403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]party.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]question.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]question.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..029172de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]question.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]score.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]score.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6402fa9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]score.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]search.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]search.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5870592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]search.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]songmenu.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]songmenu.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35f4b440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]songmenu.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]stats.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]stats.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..505a6709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]stats.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[icon]video.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[icon]video.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12d71add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[icon]video.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-1.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90c0da80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-2.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78200047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-3.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48d182e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-3.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-4.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-4.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eae0d41e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]button-m-4.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]button.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]button.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15a34c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]button.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]button2.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]button2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..384b92fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]button2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]button3.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]button3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd6f9f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]button3.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]buttonf.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]buttonf.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d844add5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]buttonf.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]mainBar.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]mainBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77c84430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]mainBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]playerNumberBox.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]playerNumberBox.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53e7964c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]playerNumberBox.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]selectbg.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]selectbg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fef45648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]selectbg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]songCover.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]songCover.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..426bf22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]songCover.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]songSelection1.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]songSelection1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..348737ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]songSelection1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[main]songSelection2.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[main]songSelection2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb3a3396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[main]songSelection2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG b/Skins/Orange/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..141d740a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG b/Skins/Orange/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e9c6dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8b93e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef530ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79966f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]Joker.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]Joker.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2a18684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]Joker.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]playerButton.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]playerButton.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15a34c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]playerButton.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2faf9c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]pointer.bmp b/Skins/Orange/[party]pointer.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88bbcc3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]pointer.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG1.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..464aabea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG2.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3413958f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG3.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6b53caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG3.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG4.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG4.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e4da0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]roundBG4.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]roundTeamButton.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]roundTeamButton.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..692db1bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]roundTeamButton.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]scoreBG1.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]scoreBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f558425d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]scoreBG1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]scoreBG2.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]scoreBG2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47239d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]scoreBG2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]scoreDecoration.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]scoreDecoration.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49204e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]scoreDecoration.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]teamPoints.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]teamPoints.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96855bc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]teamPoints.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]winDecoration1.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]winDecoration1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0277f529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]winDecoration1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10c8d80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]winTeamButton2.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]winTeamButton2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbd85056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]winTeamButton2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[party]winTeamButton3.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[party]winTeamButton3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8dd9566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[party]winTeamButton3.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[score]Line.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[score]Line.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61cf33f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[score]Line.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[score]box.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[score]box.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b37f7e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[score]box.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[score]endcap.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[score]endcap.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cad98a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[score]endcap.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[score]level.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[score]level.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e9c4086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[score]level.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[score]levelRound.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[score]levelRound.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38cfddea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[score]levelRound.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp b/Skins/Orange/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b7d7943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58d93130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp b/Skins/Orange/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..836d3537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..776e567c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..759ac8a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b1ffc18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesLeft.bmp b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesLeft.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d22e5fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesLeft.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesMid.bmp b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesMid.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2daa66b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesMid.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesRight.bmp b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesRight.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd936129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]notesRight.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]p.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[sing]p.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e490fbf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]p.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]scoreBg.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[sing]scoreBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bcbedaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]scoreBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]singBarBack.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[sing]singBarBack.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7dcd791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]singBarBack.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]singBarBar.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[sing]singBarBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fd9bde9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]singBarBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]singBarFront.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[sing]singBarFront.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eec27b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]singBarFront.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]textBar.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[sing]textBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..596a668a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]textBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]timeBar.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[sing]timeBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e1e42dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]timeBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[sing]timeBarBG.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[sing]timeBarBG.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5298a0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[sing]timeBarBG.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[special]bar1.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[special]bar1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f8d2e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[special]bar1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[special]bar2.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[special]bar2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e634515b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[special]bar2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[stat]detailBG1.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[stat]detailBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..120dc483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[stat]detailBG1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[stat]mainBG1.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[stat]mainBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a937b24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[stat]mainBG1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[stat]mainBG2.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[stat]mainBG2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..201d49b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[stat]mainBG2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/[stat]mainBG3.jpg b/Skins/Orange/[stat]mainBG3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fb6bc06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/[stat]mainBG3.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/bg-main.jpg b/Skins/Orange/bg-main.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a70150bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/bg-main.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Orange/bg-song.jpg b/Skins/Orange/bg-song.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d07db7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Orange/bg-song.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/Streetlight lite.ini b/Skins/Streetlight/Streetlight lite.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ffdfe07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/Streetlight lite.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+;experimental version
+;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
+;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
+Theme=Streetlight lite
+Name=Streetlight lite
+# # # M A I N # # #
+Button = [main]button.jpg
+Button2 = [main]button2.jpg
+ButtonF = [main]buttonf.jpg
+MainBar = [main]mainBar.jpg
+SelectBG = [main]selectbg.jpg
+LoadingBG = [bg-load].jpg
+MainBG = bg-main.jpg
+SongBG = bg-song.jpg
+ScoreScreenBG = bg-song.jpg
+Top5BG = bg-song.jpg
+OptionsBG = bg-song.jpg
+PartyBG = bg-song.jpg
+#Icons on screen
+SongCD = [icon]cd.jpg
+MainIcon = [icon]main.jpg
+MainSearch = [icon]search.jpg
+IconOption = [icon]options.jpg
+IconSongMenu = [icon]songmenu.jpg
+ScoreIcon = [icon]score.jpg
+PartyIcon = [icon]party.jpg
+StatIcon = [icon]stats.jpg
+VideoIcon = [icon]video.jpg
+IconError = [icon]error.jpg
+IconQuestion = [icon]question.jpg
+# # # S O N G S E L E C E T # # #
+SongSelection1 = [main]songSelection1.jpg
+SongSelection2 = [main]songSelection2.jpg
+SongCover = [main]songCover.jpg
+# # # S I N G # # #
+#the bar where the lyrics reside
+LyricBar = [sing]textBar.jpg
+#this one slides in, to tell you that singing starts immediately
+LyricHelpBar = [sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
+#the time progress bar
+TimeBar1 = [sing]timeBarBG.jpg
+#the bar behind the timestuff
+TimeBar2 = [sing]timeBar.jpg
+#linebonus, the thing that pop ups at the score
+LineBonusBack = [sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
+#Singbar (the thing beneath the scores)
+SingBarBack = [sing]singBarBack.jpg
+SingBarBar = [sing]singBarBar.jpg
+SingBarFront = [sing]singBarFront.jpg
+#Background for scores
+ScoreBG = [sing]scoreBg.jpg
+#Background for the P1, P2 and so on
+P = [sing]p.jpg
+#Pointer for lyrics
+Ball = [sing]LyricsBall.bmp
+# # # S C O R E / T O P 5 # # #
+ScoreBox = [score]box.jpg
+ScoreLevel = [score]level.jpg
+ScoreLevelRound = [score]levelRound.jpg
+ScoreEndCap = [score]endcap.jpg
+ScoreLine = [score]line.jpg
+PlayerNumberBox = [main]playerNumberBox.jpg
+# # # P A R T Y # # #
+Joker =[party]Joker.jpg
+PartyPlayerButton =[party]playerButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton1 =[party]roundTeamButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton2 =[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton3 =[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
+PartyTeamButton4 =[party]winTeamButton2.jpg
+PartyTeamButton5 =[party]winTeamButton3.jpg
+PartyRoundBG1 =[party]roundBG1.jpg
+PartyRoundBG2 =[party]roundBG2.jpg
+PartyRoundBG3 =[party]roundBG3.jpg
+PartyRoundBG4 =[party]roundBG4.jpg
+HDL_Pointer =[party]pointer.bmp
+PartyTeamPoints =[party]teamPoints.jpg
+PartyScoreDeco =[party]scoreDecoration.jpg
+PartyScoreBG1 =[party]scoreBG1.jpg
+PartyScoreBG2 =[party]scoreBG2.jpg
+PartyWinDeco1 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+PartyWinDeco2 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+PartyWinDeco3 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+# # # S T A T S # # #
+StatMainBG1 = [stat]mainBG1.jpg
+StatMainBG2 = [stat]mainBG2.jpg
+StatMainBG3 = [stat]mainBG3.jpg
+StatDetailBG1 = [stat]detailBG1.jpg
+# # # N A V I # # #
+ButtonP = [button]p.jpg
+ButtonM = [button]m.jpg
+ButtonJ = [button]j.jpg
+ButtonAlt = [button]alt.jpg
+ButtonAZ = [button]az.jpg
+ButtonEnter = [button]enter.jpg
+ButtonNavi = [button]navi.jpg
+ButtonEsc = [button]esc.jpg
+Button13 = [button]13.jpg
+Leiste1 = [special]bar1.jpg
+Leiste2 = [special]bar2.jpg
+JumpToBG = [menu]jumpToBg.jpg
+SongMenuBG = [menu]songMenuBg.jpg
+SongMenuSelectBG = [menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
+PopUpBG = [menu]popUpBG.jpg
+PopUpFG = [menu]popUpFG.jpg
+# # # N O T E S # # #
+GrayLeft = [sing]notesLeft.bmp
+GrayMid = [sing]notesMid.bmp
+GrayRight = [sing]notesRight.bmp
+NoteBGLeft = [sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
+NoteBGMid = [sing]notesBgMid.bmp
+NoteBGRight = [sing]notesBgRight.bmp
+# # # E F F E C T S # # #
+NoteStar = [effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
+NotePerfectStar = [effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
+# # # dirty helpers # # #
+Rectangle = [helper]rectangle.jpg
+ButtonFade = [helper]buttonFade.jpg \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/Streetlight.ini b/Skins/Streetlight/Streetlight.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..deb200ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/Streetlight.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+;experimental version
+;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
+;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
+# # # M A I N # # #
+Button = [main]button.jpg
+Button2 = [main]button2.jpg
+ButtonF = [main]buttonf.jpg
+MainBar = [main]mainBar.jpg
+SelectBG = [main]selectbg.jpg
+LoadingBG = [bg-load].jpg
+MainBG = bg-main.jpg
+SongBG = bg-song.jpg
+ScoreScreenBG = bg-song.jpg
+Top5BG = bg-song.jpg
+OptionsBG = bg-song.jpg
+PartyBG = bg-song.jpg
+#Icons on screen
+SongCD = [icon]cd.jpg
+MainIcon = [icon]main.jpg
+MainSearch = [icon]search.jpg
+IconOption = [icon]options.jpg
+IconSongMenu = [icon]songmenu.jpg
+ScoreIcon = [icon]score.jpg
+PartyIcon = [icon]party.jpg
+StatIcon = [icon]stats.jpg
+VideoIcon = [icon]video.jpg
+IconError = [icon]error.jpg
+IconQuestion = [icon]question.jpg
+# # # S O N G S E L E C E T # # #
+SongSelection1 = [main]songSelection1.jpg
+SongSelection2 = [main]songSelection2.jpg
+SongCover = [main]songCover.jpg
+# # # S I N G # # #
+#the bar where the lyrics reside
+LyricBar = [sing]textBar.jpg
+#this one slides in, to tell you that singing starts immediately
+LyricHelpBar = [sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
+#the time progress bar
+TimeBar1 = [sing]timeBarBG.jpg
+#the bar behind the timestuff
+TimeBar2 = [sing]timeBar.jpg
+#linebonus, the thing that pop ups at the score
+LineBonusBack = [sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
+#Singbar (the thing beneath the scores)
+SingBarBack = [sing]singBarBack.jpg
+SingBarBar = [sing]singBarBar.jpg
+SingBarFront = [sing]singBarFront.jpg
+#Background for scores
+ScoreBG = [sing]scoreBg.jpg
+#Background for the P1, P2 and so on
+P = [sing]p.jpg
+#Pointer for lyrics
+Ball = [sing]LyricsBall.bmp
+# # # S C O R E / T O P 5 # # #
+ScoreBox = [score]box.jpg
+ScoreLevel = [score]level.jpg
+ScoreLevelRound = [score]levelRound.jpg
+ScoreEndCap = [score]endcap.jpg
+ScoreLine = [score]line.jpg
+PlayerNumberBox = [main]playerNumberBox.jpg
+# # # P A R T Y # # #
+Joker =[party]Joker.jpg
+PartyPlayerButton =[party]playerButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton1 =[party]roundTeamButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton2 =[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton3 =[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
+PartyTeamButton4 =[party]winTeamButton2.jpg
+PartyTeamButton5 =[party]winTeamButton3.jpg
+PartyRoundBG1 =[party]roundBG1.jpg
+PartyRoundBG2 =[party]roundBG2.jpg
+PartyRoundBG3 =[party]roundBG3.jpg
+PartyRoundBG4 =[party]roundBG4.jpg
+HDL_Pointer =[party]pointer.bmp
+PartyTeamPoints =[party]teamPoints.jpg
+PartyScoreDeco =[party]scoreDecoration.jpg
+PartyScoreBG1 =[party]scoreBG1.jpg
+PartyScoreBG2 =[party]scoreBG2.jpg
+PartyWinDeco1 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+PartyWinDeco2 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+PartyWinDeco3 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+# # # S T A T S # # #
+StatMainBG1 = [stat]mainBG1.jpg
+StatMainBG2 = [stat]mainBG2.jpg
+StatMainBG3 = [stat]mainBG3.jpg
+StatDetailBG1 = [stat]detailBG1.jpg
+# # # N A V I # # #
+ButtonP = [button]p.jpg
+ButtonM = [button]m.jpg
+ButtonJ = [button]j.jpg
+ButtonAlt = [button]alt.jpg
+ButtonAZ = [button]az.jpg
+ButtonEnter = [button]enter.jpg
+ButtonNavi = [button]navi.jpg
+ButtonEsc = [button]esc.jpg
+Button13 = [button]13.jpg
+Leiste1 = [special]bar1.jpg
+Leiste2 = [special]bar2.jpg
+JumpToBG = [menu]jumpToBg.jpg
+SongMenuBG = [menu]songMenuBg.jpg
+SongMenuSelectBG = [menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
+PopUpBG = [menu]popUpBG.jpg
+PopUpFG = [menu]popUpFG.jpg
+# # # N O T E S # # #
+GrayLeft = [sing]notesLeft.bmp
+GrayMid = [sing]notesMid.bmp
+GrayRight = [sing]notesRight.bmp
+NoteBGLeft = [sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
+NoteBGMid = [sing]notesBgMid.bmp
+NoteBGRight = [sing]notesBgRight.bmp
+# # # E F F E C T S # # #
+NoteStar = [effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
+NotePerfectStar = [effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
+# # # dirty helpers # # #
+Rectangle = [helper]rectangle.jpg
+ButtonFade = [helper]buttonFade.jpg \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[bg-load].jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[bg-load].jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b316fb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[bg-load].jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[button]13.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]13.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd3453b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]13.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[button]alt.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]alt.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb94afa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]alt.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[button]az.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]az.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34e02271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]az.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[button]enter.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]enter.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70ded774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]enter.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[button]esc.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]esc.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42665788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]esc.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[button]j.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]j.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c85dcc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]j.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[button]m.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]m.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d55e476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]m.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[button]navi.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]navi.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..387635ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]navi.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[button]p.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]p.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6b4d0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[button]p.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b31d267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..189a22a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[helper]buttonFade.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[helper]buttonFade.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6de293f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[helper]buttonFade.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[helper]rectangle.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[helper]rectangle.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e03f98fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[helper]rectangle.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]cd.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]cd.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d48dc4ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]cd.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]error.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]error.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5140f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]error.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]main.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]main.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5941256a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]main.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]options.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]options.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..278f0adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]options.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]party.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]party.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bccd403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]party.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]question.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]question.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..029172de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]question.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]score.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]score.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6402fa9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]score.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]search.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]search.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5870592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]search.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]songmenu.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]songmenu.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35f4b440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]songmenu.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]stats.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]stats.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..505a6709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]stats.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]video.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]video.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12d71add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[icon]video.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[main]button.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]button.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15a34c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]button.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[main]button2.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]button2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de66ec1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]button2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[main]buttonf.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]buttonf.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d844add5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]buttonf.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[main]mainBar.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]mainBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77c84430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]mainBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[main]playerNumberBox.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]playerNumberBox.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53e7964c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]playerNumberBox.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[main]selectbg.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]selectbg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fef45648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]selectbg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[main]songCover.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]songCover.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..426bf22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]songCover.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[main]songSelection1.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]songSelection1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..348737ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]songSelection1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[main]songSelection2.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]songSelection2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffd3a6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[main]songSelection2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG b/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..141d740a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG b/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e9c6dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8b93e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef530ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79966f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]Joker.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]Joker.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2a18684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]Joker.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]playerButton.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]playerButton.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15a34c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]playerButton.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2faf9c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]pointer.bmp b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]pointer.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88bbcc3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]pointer.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG1.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..464aabea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG2.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3413958f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG3.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6b53caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG3.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG4.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG4.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e4da0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundBG4.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundTeamButton.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundTeamButton.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..692db1bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]roundTeamButton.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]scoreBG1.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]scoreBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f558425d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]scoreBG1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]scoreBG2.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]scoreBG2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47239d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]scoreBG2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]scoreDecoration.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]scoreDecoration.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49204e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]scoreDecoration.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]teamPoints.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]teamPoints.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96855bc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]teamPoints.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winDecoration1.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winDecoration1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0277f529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winDecoration1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10c8d80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winTeamButton2.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winTeamButton2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbd85056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winTeamButton2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winTeamButton3.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winTeamButton3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8dd9566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[party]winTeamButton3.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[score]Line.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[score]Line.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61cf33f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[score]Line.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[score]box.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[score]box.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b37f7e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[score]box.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[score]endcap.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[score]endcap.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cad98a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[score]endcap.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[score]level.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[score]level.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e9c4086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[score]level.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[score]levelRound.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[score]levelRound.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38cfddea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[score]levelRound.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b7d7943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58d93130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..836d3537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..776e567c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..759ac8a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b1ffc18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesLeft.bmp b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesLeft.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d22e5fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesLeft.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesMid.bmp b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesMid.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2daa66b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesMid.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesRight.bmp b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesRight.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd936129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]notesRight.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]p.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]p.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e490fbf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]p.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]scoreBg.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]scoreBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bcbedaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]scoreBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]singBarBack.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]singBarBack.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7dcd791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]singBarBack.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]singBarBar.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]singBarBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fd9bde9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]singBarBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]singBarFront.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]singBarFront.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eec27b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]singBarFront.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]textBar.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]textBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..596a668a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]textBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]timeBar.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]timeBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e1e42dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]timeBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]timeBarBG.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]timeBarBG.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5298a0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[sing]timeBarBG.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[special]bar1.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[special]bar1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..487d12eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[special]bar1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[special]bar2.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[special]bar2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1985fb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[special]bar2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]detailBG1.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]detailBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..120dc483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]detailBG1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]mainBG1.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]mainBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a937b24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]mainBG1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]mainBG2.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]mainBG2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..201d49b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]mainBG2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]mainBG3.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]mainBG3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fb6bc06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/[stat]mainBG3.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/bg-main.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/bg-main.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46bf3a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/bg-main.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Streetlight/bg-song.jpg b/Skins/Streetlight/bg-song.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdbace75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Streetlight/bg-song.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/Vistar.ini b/Skins/Vistar/Vistar.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5c5bd38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/Vistar.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+Button = [main]button.jpg
+ButtonF = [main]buttonf.jpg
+MainBar = [main]mainBar.jpg
+SelectBG = [main]selectbg.jpg
+ButtonSolo = [mainbutton]Solo.jpg
+ButtonMulti = [mainbutton]Multi.jpg
+ButtonStats = [mainbutton]Stats.jpg
+ButtonOptions = [mainbutton]Options.jpg
+ButtonExit = [mainbutton]Exit.jpg
+MainButtons = main-buttons.jpg
+LoadingBG = bg-load.jpg
+MainBG = bg-main.jpg
+SongBG = bg-song.jpg
+ScoreScreenBG = bg-score.jpg
+Top5BG = bg-score.jpg
+OptionsBG = bg-main.jpg
+PartyBG = bg-lite.jpg
+Options2BG = bg-lite.jpg
+#Icons on screen
+SongCD = [icon]cd.jpg
+MainIcon = [icon]main.jpg
+MainSearch = [icon]search.jpg
+IconOption = [icon]options.jpg
+IconSongMenu = [icon]songmenu.jpg
+ScoreIcon = [icon]score.jpg
+PartyIcon = [icon]party.jpg
+StatIcon = [icon]stats.jpg
+VideoIcon = [icon]video.jpg
+IconError = [icon]error.jpg
+IconQuestion = [icon]question.jpg
+# # # S O N G S E L E C E T # # #
+SongSelection1 = [main]songSelection1.jpg
+SongSelection2 = [main]songSelection2.jpg
+SongCover = [main]songCover.jpg
+# # # S I N G # # #
+#the bar where the lyrics reside
+LyricBar = [sing]textBar.jpg
+#this one slides in, to tell you that singing starts immediately
+LyricHelpBar = [sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
+#the time progress bar
+TimeBar1 = [sing]timeBarBG.jpg
+#the bar behind the timestuff
+TimeBar2 = [sing]timeBar.jpg
+#linebonus, the thing that pop ups at the score
+LineBonusBack = [sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
+#Singbar (the thing beneath the scores)
+SingBarBack = [sing]singBarBack.jpg
+SingBarBar = [sing]singBarBar.jpg
+SingBarFront = [sing]singBarFront.jpg
+#Background for scores
+ScoreBG = [sing]scoreBg.jpg
+#Background for the P1, P2 and so on
+P = [sing]p.jpg
+#Pointer for lyrics
+Ball = [sing]LyricsBall.bmp
+# # # S C O R E / T O P 5 # # #
+ScoreBox = [score]box.jpg
+ScoreLevel = [score]level.jpg
+ScoreLevelRound = [score]levelRound.jpg
+ScoreEndCap = [score]endcap.jpg
+ScoreLine = [score]line.jpg
+PlayerNumberBox = [main]playerNumberBox.jpg
+# # # P A R T Y # # #
+Joker =[party]Joker.jpg
+PartyPlayerButton =[party]playerButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton1 =[party]roundTeamButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton2 =[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
+PartyTeamButton3 =[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
+PartyTeamButton4 =[party]winTeamButton2.jpg
+PartyTeamButton5 =[party]winTeamButton3.jpg
+PartyRoundBG1 =[party]roundBG1.jpg
+PartyRoundBG2 =[party]roundBG2.jpg
+PartyRoundBG3 =[party]roundBG3.jpg
+PartyRoundBG4 =[party]roundBG4.jpg
+HDL_Pointer =[party]pointer.bmp
+PartyTeamPoints =[party]teamPoints.jpg
+PartyScoreDeco =[party]scoreDecoration.jpg
+PartyScoreBG1 =[party]scoreBG1.jpg
+PartyScoreBG2 =[party]scoreBG2.jpg
+PartyWinDeco1 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+PartyWinDeco2 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+PartyWinDeco3 =[party]winDecoration1.jpg
+# # # S T A T S # # #
+StatMainBG1 = [stat]mainBG1.jpg
+StatMainBG2 = [stat]mainBG2.jpg
+StatMainBG3 = [stat]mainBG3.jpg
+StatDetailBG1 = [stat]detailBG1.jpg
+# # # N A V I # # #
+ButtonP = [button]p.jpg
+ButtonM = [button]m.jpg
+ButtonJ = [button]j.jpg
+ButtonAlt = [button]alt.jpg
+ButtonAZ = [button]az.jpg
+ButtonEnter = [button]enter.jpg
+ButtonNavi = [button]navi.jpg
+ButtonEsc = [button]esc.jpg
+Button13 = [button]13.jpg
+JumpToBG = [menu]jumpToBg.jpg
+SongMenuBG = [menu]songMenuBg.jpg
+SongMenuSelectBG = [menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
+PopUpBG = [menu]popUpBG.jpg
+PopUpFG = [menu]popUpFG.jpg
+# # # N O T E S # # #
+GrayLeft = [sing]notesLeft.bmp
+GrayMid = [sing]notesMid.bmp
+GrayRight = [sing]notesRight.bmp
+NoteBGLeft = [sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
+NoteBGMid = [sing]notesBgMid.bmp
+NoteBGRight = [sing]notesBgRight.bmp
+# # # E F F E C T S # # #
+NoteStar = [effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
+NotePerfectStar = [effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
+# # # dirty helpers # # #
+Rectangle = [helper]rectangle.jpg \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[button]13.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[button]13.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd3453b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[button]13.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[button]alt.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[button]alt.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb94afa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[button]alt.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[button]az.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[button]az.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34e02271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[button]az.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[button]enter.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[button]enter.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70ded774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[button]enter.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[button]esc.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[button]esc.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42665788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[button]esc.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[button]j.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[button]j.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c85dcc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[button]j.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[button]m.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[button]m.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d55e476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[button]m.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[button]navi.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[button]navi.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..387635ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[button]navi.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[button]p.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[button]p.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6b4d0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[button]p.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b31d267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..189a22a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[helper]rectangle.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[helper]rectangle.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e03f98fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[helper]rectangle.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]cd.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]cd.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d48dc4ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]cd.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]error.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]error.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5140f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]error.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]main.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]main.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5941256a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]main.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]options.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]options.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..278f0adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]options.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]party.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]party.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bccd403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]party.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]question.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]question.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..029172de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]question.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]score.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]score.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6402fa9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]score.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]search.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]search.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5870592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]search.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]songmenu.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]songmenu.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35f4b440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]songmenu.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]stats.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]stats.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..505a6709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]stats.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[icon]video.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]video.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12d71add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[icon]video.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[main]button.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[main]button.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a810d63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[main]button.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[main]buttonf.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[main]buttonf.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d844add5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[main]buttonf.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[main]mainBar.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[main]mainBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad25c801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[main]mainBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[main]playerNumberBox.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[main]playerNumberBox.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53e7964c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[main]playerNumberBox.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[main]selectbg.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[main]selectbg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b42bf1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[main]selectbg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[main]songCover.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[main]songCover.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..426bf22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[main]songCover.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[main]songSelection2.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[main]songSelection2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb3a3396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[main]songSelection2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Exit.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Exit.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55494e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Exit.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Multi.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Multi.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad5980d7
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Options.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Options.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e1bff71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Options.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Solo.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Solo.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7e3d82a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Solo.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Stats.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Stats.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71cc13ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[mainbutton]Stats.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG b/Skins/Vistar/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..141d740a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG b/Skins/Vistar/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8b93e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef530ef5
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79966f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]Joker.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]Joker.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2a18684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[party]Joker.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]playerButton.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]playerButton.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15a34c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[party]playerButton.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2faf9c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]pointer.bmp b/Skins/Vistar/[party]pointer.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88bbcc3d
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]roundBG1.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]roundBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..464aabea
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]roundBG2.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]roundBG2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3413958f
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]roundBG3.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]roundBG3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6b53caf
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]roundBG4.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]roundBG4.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e4da0ac
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]roundTeamButton.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]roundTeamButton.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..692db1bd
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]scoreBG1.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]scoreBG1.jpg
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index 00000000..f558425d
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]scoreBG2.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]scoreBG2.jpg
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index 00000000..47239d85
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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index 00000000..49204e19
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]teamPoints.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]teamPoints.jpg
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index 00000000..96855bc9
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]winDecoration1.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]winDecoration1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0277f529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[party]winDecoration1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10c8d80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
Binary files differ
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index 00000000..fbd85056
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[score]Line.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[score]box.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[score]box.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b37f7e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[score]box.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[score]endcap.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[score]endcap.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cad98a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[score]endcap.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[score]level.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[score]level.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e9c4086
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[score]levelRound.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[score]levelRound.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38cfddea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[score]levelRound.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b7d7943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58d93130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..836d3537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..776e567c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..759ac8a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b1ffc18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesLeft.bmp b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesLeft.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d22e5fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesLeft.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesMid.bmp b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesMid.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2daa66b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesMid.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesRight.bmp b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesRight.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd936129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]notesRight.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]p.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]p.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e490fbf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]p.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]scoreBg.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]scoreBg.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bcbedaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]scoreBg.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarBack.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarBack.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7dcd791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarBack.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarBar.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fd9bde9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarFront.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarFront.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eec27b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]singBarFront.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]textBar.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]textBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..596a668a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]textBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBar.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBar.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e1e42dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBar.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBar1.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBar1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..924a2e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBar1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBarBG.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBarBG.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5298a0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[sing]timeBarBG.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[stat]detailBG1.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[stat]detailBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..120dc483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[stat]detailBG1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG1.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a937b24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG1.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG2.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..201d49b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG2.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG3.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fb6bc06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/[stat]mainBG3.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/bg-lite.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/bg-lite.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0369a3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/bg-lite.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/bg-load.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/bg-load.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9d60182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/bg-load.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/bg-main.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/bg-main.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb1d41f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/bg-main.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/bg-score.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/bg-score.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..754d818f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/bg-score.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/bg-song.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/bg-song.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..facd3a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/bg-song.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Skins/Vistar/main-buttons.jpg b/Skins/Vistar/main-buttons.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d96bb4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Skins/Vistar/main-buttons.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Themes/Orange.ini b/Themes/Orange.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..838b3cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Themes/Orange.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,8088 @@
+;0.5.1 Mod
+;experimental version
+;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
+;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
+White = 255 255 255
+LightBlue = 119 187 210
+DarkBlue = 28 126 171
+LightRed = 170 146 146
+DarkRed = 155 113 113
+LightGreen = 136 168 136
+DarkGreen = 106 152 104
+LightPurple = 155 136 168
+DarkPurple = 145 104 152
+LightOrange = 168 155 136
+DarkOrange = 151 131 76
+LightYellow = 168 168 136
+DarkYellow = 150 151 76
+Turkis = 13 186 167
+GrayLightest = 223 223 223
+GrayLight = 191 191 191
+Gray = 127 127 127
+GrayDark = 63 63 63
+Black = 0 0 0
+GrayPopup = 51 51 51
+Gold = 255 223 31
+Silver = 223 223 223
+Bronze = 205 127 50
+LightOrange = 254 181 69
+DarkOrange = 254 154 69
+Fade = 1
+Texts =2
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =546
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =295
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =0
+Y =80
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = Button-m-1
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X = 0
+Y = 110
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = Button-m-2
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X = 0
+Y = 140
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = Button-m-3
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =150
+Y =140
+W =120
+H =22
+Tex =ButtonCollection
+Color = LightOrange
+DColor = DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =150
+Y =162
+W =120
+H =22
+Tex =ButtonCollection
+Color = LightOrange
+DColor = DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =150
+Y =184
+W =120
+H =22
+Tex =ButtonCollection
+Color = LightOrange
+DColor = DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =0
+Y =170
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = Button-m-4
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+Texts =4
+X =299
+Y =487
+W =32
+H =32
+Tex =VideoIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =250
+Y =120
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.5
+Color =LightOrange
+Tex =SongSelection1
+Type=Font Black
+X =298
+Y =320
+W =200
+H =200
+Color =LightOrange
+Tex =SongSelection2
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =400
+Y =320
+W = 190
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Align =1
+X =400
+Y =380
+W = 190
+Font =0
+Size =9
+Align =1
+X =490
+Y =495
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Align =2
+#Variable statics and texts for song-screen in sing- and partymode
+# There can be an unlimited Number of Statics and Texts, As long
+# as the numbers are in order.
+# Statics that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
+# SongStaticParty[No]
+# Texts that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
+# SongTextParty[No]
+# Statics that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
+# SongStaticNonParty[No]
+# Texts that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
+# SongTextNonParty[No]
+#Here are the ones for singmode
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =SongCD
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =300
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =425
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =515
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =679
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+#Texts Non Party
+X =83
+Y =450
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =288
+Y =8
+Font =1
+Size =5
+X =330
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =450
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =540
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =705
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =83
+Y =478
+Font =0
+Size =20
+#and theese are the ones for partymode
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =400
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =540
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+#Texts for Party Mode
+X =83
+Y =446
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =GrayLight
+X =83
+Y =478
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =GrayLight
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =288
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =426
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =570
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#variable statics end
+# Jokers, 5 for each team, only shown in party Mode
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+##################### Sing Screen ###################
+Texts =1
+X =21
+Y =574
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =LyricBar
+X =10
+Y =490
+W =780
+H =85
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =TimeBar1
+X =10
+Y =575
+W =780
+H =16
+Color =Black
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =580
+W =652
+H =7
+;the thing behind the time progress
+Tex =TimeBar2
+X =70
+Y =580
+W =652
+H =7
+Type=Font Black
+X =754
+Y =574
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+# O N E P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =297
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P2
+X =26
+Y =302
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =282
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =284
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =680
+Y =316
+W =100
+H =8
+# T W O P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+#Player One
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =117
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P1
+X =26
+Y =122
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =102
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =104
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =680
+Y =136
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Two
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =297
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =P2
+X =26
+Y =302
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =282
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =284
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =680
+Y =316
+W =100
+H =8
+# T H R E E P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+#Player One
+Tex =P
+X =16
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P1
+X =27
+Y =66
+Font =1
+Size =8
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =75
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =85
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =75
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Two
+Tex =P
+X =311
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =P2
+X =321
+Y =66
+Font =1
+Size =8
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =370
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =00000
+X =380
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =370
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Three
+Tex =P
+X =611
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P3Dark
+Text =P3
+X =621
+Y =66
+Font =1
+Size =8
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =670
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P3Dark
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =670
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+############### Score #####################
+Texts =1
+X =68
+Y =30
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =70
+Y =77
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =32
+Y =46
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =290
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#end of main stuff
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # One Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
+X =175
+Y =260
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Text =P1
+Color =Black
+X =175
+Y =430
+Color =Black
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Text =Tone Deaf
+X =175
+Y =340
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =465
+Y =340
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0
+X =175
+Y =370
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =465
+Y =370
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0
+X =175
+Y =400
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =465
+Y =400
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0
+X =205
+Y =460
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =465
+Y =460
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =0
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =338
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =368
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =398
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
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+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Two Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
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+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Three Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
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+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex =MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex =MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 5
+X =40
+Y =22
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =IconOption
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =6
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex = MainBar
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 5
+X =40
+Y =22
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =IconOption
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =6
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#########unused at the moment#########
+#Tex =MainBar
+#TexSBG =SelectBG
+#X = 40
+#Y = 85
+#W = 230
+#H = 70
+#SkipX = 50
+#Color = ColorDark
+#DColor = Gray
+#TColor = White
+#TDColor = White
+#SBGTex =MainBar
+#SBGColor = ColorDark
+#SBGDColor = Gray
+#STColor = White
+#STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex =MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex =MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex =MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex =MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex =MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 360
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex =MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X = 40
+Y = 415
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+Type = Font Black
+##################### Top 5 ########################
+X =85
+Y =452
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =87
+Y =499
+Color =Gray
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =artist - title
+X =87
+Y =520
+Font =0
+Size =10
+X =1200
+Y =520
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =easy
+X =49
+Y =468
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =290
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =150
+Y =190
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =1. Player1
+X =150
+Y =240
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =2. Player2
+X =150
+Y =290
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =3. Player3
+X =150
+Y =340
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =4. Player4
+X =150
+Y =390
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =5. Player5
+X =680
+Y =190
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =240
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =290
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =340
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =390
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+X =120
+Y =193
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Align =1
+Text =1
+X =120
+Y =243
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Align =1
+Text =2
+X =120
+Y =293
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Align =1
+Text =3
+X =120
+Y =343
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Align =1
+Text =4
+X =120
+Y =393
+Color =GrayDark
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Align =1
+Text =5
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+###################### Schwierigkeitsgrad ####################
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =83
+Y =450
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =GrayLight
+X =85
+Y =497
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =0
+Y =80
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = ButtonMirror
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =0
+Y =110
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = ButtonMirror
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =0
+Y =140
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = ButtonMirror
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+########################## Name Screen ###############
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =83
+Y =450
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =GrayLight
+X =85
+Y =497
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =556
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =586
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =0
+Y =80
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = ButtonMirror
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =0
+Y =110
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = ButtonMirror
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =0
+Y =140
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = ButtonMirror
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =0
+Y =170
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = ButtonMirror
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =0
+Y =200
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = ButtonMirror
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+X =0
+Y =230
+W = -150
+H = 30
+Tex = ButtonMirror
+Type = Plain
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 500
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 1
+X =60
+Y =-1
+###################### Party Modus ####################
+Texts =7
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =27
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =GrayLight
+X =70
+Y =72
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =290
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =460
+Y =100
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+X =600
+Y =100
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+X =448
+Y =350
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =18
+X =30
+Y =137
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
+X =30
+Y =218
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
+X =30
+Y =299
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
+Tex =PartyRoundBG1
+X =450
+Y =103
+W = 330
+H = 24
+Color =DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG3
+X =250
+Y =350
+W = 300
+H = 50
+Color =DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG4
+X =50
+Y =495
+W = 700
+H = 30
+Color =LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyTeamButton1
+X =20
+Y =110
+W =400
+H =50
+Color =P1Dark
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyTeamButton1
+X =20
+Y =191
+W =400
+H =50
+Color =P2Dark
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyTeamButton1
+X =20
+Y =272
+W =400
+H =50
+Color =P3Dark
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Light
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Light
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Light
+X =460
+Y =133
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 1
+X =460
+Y =162
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 2
+X =460
+Y =191
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 3
+X =460
+Y =220
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 4
+X =460
+Y =249
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 5
+X =460
+Y =278
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 6
+X =460
+Y =307
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 7
+X =600
+Y =133
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 1
+X =600
+Y =162
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 2
+X =600
+Y =191
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 3
+X =600
+Y =220
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 4
+X =600
+Y =249
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 5
+X =600
+Y =278
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 6
+X =600
+Y =307
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 7
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =135
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color =LightOrange
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =164
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color =LightOrange
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =193
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color =LightOrange
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =222
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color =LightOrange
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =251
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color =LightOrange
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =280
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color =LightOrange
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =309
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color =LightOrange
+Type =Font Black
+X =400
+Y =495
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Text =Next Round
+X =457
+Y =350
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =18
+Text =99
+X =390
+Y =110
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =17
+Text =3000
+X =390
+Y =191
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =17
+Text =2000
+X =390
+Y =272
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =17
+Text =1000
+X =30
+Y =108
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 1
+X =30
+Y =189
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 2
+X =30
+Y =270
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 3
+X =230
+Y =425
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Text =Player 1
+X =400
+Y =425
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Text =Player 2
+X =570
+Y =425
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Text =Player 3
+ChangeTextures =1
+FirstTexture =PartyScoreDeco
+FirstTyp =Font Black
+FirstColor =Gold
+SecondTexture =PartyScoreDeco
+SecondTyp =Font Black
+SecondColor =Silver
+ThirdTexture =PartyScoreDeco
+ThirdTyp =Font Black
+ThirdColor =Bronze
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =27
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =GrayLight
+X =72
+Y =72
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =290
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Tex =PartyScoreBG1
+X =50
+Y =100
+W = 700
+H = 80
+Color =DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyScoreBG2
+X =50
+Y =495
+W = 700
+H = 20
+Color =LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =400
+Y =136
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =15
+X =400
+Y =98
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =18
+Text =The Winner is...
+X =568
+Y =198
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =3000
+X =568
+Y =298
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =2000
+X =568
+Y =398
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =1000
+X =188
+Y =198
+Text=Team 1
+X =188
+Y =298
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 2
+X =188
+Y =398
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 3
+X =188
+Y =230
+W =380
+H =16
+Z =1
+Color =P1Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+Tex =PartyScoreDeco
+X = 563
+Y = 191
+W = 64
+H = 64
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Gold
+X =188
+Y =330
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P2Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+Tex =PartyScoreDeco
+X = 563
+Y = 291
+W = 64
+H = 64
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Gold
+X =188
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+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P3Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Dark
+Tex =PartyScoreDeco
+X = 563
+Y = 391
+W = 64
+H = 64
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Gold
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
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+H =28
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+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
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+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
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+X =290
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#X =150
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+#Color =White
+#Font =1
+#Size =14
+#Text =The Winner is...
+X =699
+Y =183
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =19
+Text =3000
+X =669
+Y =298
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =2000
+X =649
+Y =398
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+Font =0
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+X =169
+Y =183
+Text=Team 1
+X =289
+Y =298
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 2
+X =369
+Y =398
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =9
+Text =Team 3
+X =169
+Y =230
+W =530
+H =16
+Z =1
+Color =TeamColor
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =TeamColor
+X =169
+Y =230
+W =530
+H =16
+Z =1
+Color =P1Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =289
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+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P1Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =369
+Y =420
+W =280
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P1Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+Tex =PartyWinDeco1
+X = 91
+Y = 176
+W = 79
+H = 79
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Gold
+X =289
+Y =330
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =TeamColor
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =TeamColor
+X =169
+Y =230
+W =530
+H =16
+Z =1
+Color =P2Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+X =289
+Y =330
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P2Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+X =369
+Y =420
+W =280
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =TeamColor
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =TeamColor
+Tex =PartyWinDeco2
+X = 226
+Y = 291
+W = 64
+H = 64
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Silver
+X =369
+Y =420
+W =280
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =TeamColor
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =TeamColor
+X =169
+Y =230
+W =530
+H =16
+Z =1
+Color =P3Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Dark
+X =289
+Y =330
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P3Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Dark
+X =369
+Y =420
+W =280
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P3Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Dark
+Tex =PartyWinDeco3
+X = 316
+Y = 391
+W = 54
+H = 54
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Bronze
+Texts = 5
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =27
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =GrayLight
+X =72
+Y =72
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 360
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 415
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 470
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = ColorDark
+DColor = Gray
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = ColorDark
+SBGDColor = Gray
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =556
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =27
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =GrayLight
+X =72
+Y =72
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =586
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Dark
+X =155
+Y =8
+Text=Team 1
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 1
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 2
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 3
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 4
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Dark
+X =155
+Y =8
+Text=Team 2
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 5
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 6
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 7
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 8
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Dark
+X =155
+Y =8
+Text=Team 3
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 9
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 10
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 11
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 12
+#################### Song Menu ######################
+X = 510
+Y = 165
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color =LightOrange
+DColor = DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 510
+Y = 195
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color =LightOrange
+DColor = DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 510
+Y = 225
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color =LightOrange
+DColor = DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 510
+Y = 255
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex = Rectangle
+Color =LightOrange
+DColor = DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Tex = Rectangle
+TexSBG = SongMenuSelectBG
+Text =
+X = 510
+Y = 225
+W = 0
+H = 25
+Z = 0.98
+SkipX = 0
+Color = LightOrange
+DColor = DarkOrange
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = LightOrange
+SBGDColor = DarkOrange
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X =539
+Y =125
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =513
+Y =135
+W =21
+H =21
+Color =White
+Tex =IconSongMenu
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =SongMenuBG
+X =498
+Y =120
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.94
+Color =DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =JumpToBG
+X =221
+Y =175
+W =355
+H =175
+Z =0.98
+Color =DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =234
+Y =185
+W =21
+H =21
+Color =White
+Tex =MainSearch
+Type=Font Black
+X =310
+Y =175
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Tex = button
+TexSBG = mainicon
+X = 242
+Y = 205
+Z = 0.99
+W = 0
+H = 30
+SkipX = 4
+SBGW= 300
+DColor = LightOrange
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = button
+SBGDColor = LightOrange
+STColor = White
+STDColor = LightOrange
+X = 250
+Y = 215
+Z = 0.99
+W = 160
+H = 50
+X =234
+Y =295
+Font =0
+Size =8
+######################## Main Statistik ##############
+X =589
+Y =100
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =DarkOrange
+DColor = LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =160
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =DarkOrange
+DColor = LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =220
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =DarkOrange
+DColor = LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =13
+X =589
+Y =280
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =DarkOrange
+DColor = LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =13
+X =589
+Y =340
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =DarkOrange
+DColor = LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =45
+Y =125
+W =510
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Tex =StatIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =100
+W =520
+H =20
+Color =ColorLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =120
+W =520
+H =300
+Color =ColorDark
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =420
+W =520
+H =20
+Color =ColorLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =83
+Y =450
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =85
+Y =497
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =170
+Y =502
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#######################Detail Statistiken##############
+X =589
+Y =100
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =DarkOrange
+DColor = LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =160
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =DarkOrange
+DColor = LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =220
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =DarkOrange
+DColor = LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =280
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =DarkOrange
+DColor = LightOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =70
+Y =70
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X = 546
+Y = 98
+Color= Black
+Font = 0
+Size = 5
+X = 45
+Y = 122
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 160
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 198
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 236
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 274
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 312
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 350
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 388
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 426
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 464
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
+Tex =StatIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =100
+W =520
+H =24
+Color =ColorLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =124
+W =520
+H =376
+Color =ColorDark
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =500
+W =520
+H =20
+Color =ColorLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =30
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X = 285
+Y = 310
+W = 100
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color = Gray
+DColor = GrayPopup
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 1
+X =50
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 415
+Y = 310
+W = 100
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color = Gray
+DColor = GrayPopup
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 1
+X =50
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X =400
+Y =180
+W =280
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text=error text
+X =282
+Y =147
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Tex =PopUpBG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.98
+Color =GrayPopup
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PopUpFG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =IconQuestion
+X =255
+Y =151
+W =23
+H =23
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X = 350
+Y = 310
+W = 100
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color = Gray
+DColor = GrayPopup
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 1
+X =50
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X =400
+Y =180
+W =280
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text=error text
+X =282
+Y =148
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Tex =PopUpBG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.98
+Color =GrayPopup
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PopUpFG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =IconError
+X =255
+Y =151
+W =23
+H =23
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Themes/Streetlight lite.ini b/Themes/Streetlight lite.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9221ccdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Themes/Streetlight lite.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,8009 @@
+;0.5.1 Mod
+;experimental version
+;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
+;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
+Name=Streetlight lite
+White = 255 255 255
+LightBlue = 119 187 210
+DarkBlue = 28 126 171
+LightRed = 170 146 146
+DarkRed = 155 113 113
+LightGreen = 136 168 136
+DarkGreen = 106 152 104
+LightPurple = 155 136 168
+DarkPurple = 145 104 152
+LightOrange = 168 155 136
+DarkOrange = 151 131 76
+LightYellow = 168 168 136
+DarkYellow = 150 151 76
+Turkis = 13 186 167
+GrayLightest = 235 235 235
+GrayLight = 191 191 191
+Gray = 127 127 127
+GrayDark = 63 63 63
+Black = 0 0 0
+GrayPopup = 51 51 51
+Gold = 255 223 31
+Silver = 223 223 223
+Bronze = 205 127 50
+Fade = 1
+Texts =8
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =546
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =295
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =54
+Y =28
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =100
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =58
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =100
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =88
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 3
+X =100
+Y =-1
+X = 254
+Y = 88
+W = 125
+H = 20
+Tex = Button2
+Color = GrayDark
+DColor = Black
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Parent = 1
+X = 10
+Y = -3
+Font = 0
+Size = 8
+Align = 0
+Color = White
+X =254
+Y =108
+W =125
+H =20
+Tex =Button2
+Color = GrayDark
+DColor = Black
+Type=Font Black
+X =10
+Y =-3
+X =254
+Y =128
+W =125
+H =20
+Tex =Button2
+Color = GrayDark
+DColor = Black
+Type=Font Black
+X =10
+Y =-3
+X =54
+Y =118
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =100
+Y =-1
+########################## Name Screen ###############
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =83
+Y =450
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =85
+Y =497
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =556
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =586
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =54
+Y =28
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =58
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =88
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =118
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =148
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =178
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+###################### Schwierigkeitsgrad ####################
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =83
+Y =450
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =85
+Y =497
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =54
+Y =28
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =54
+Y =58
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =54
+Y =88
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =184
+Y =-1
+Texts =4
+X =299
+Y =487
+W =32
+H =32
+Tex =VideoIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =250
+Y =120
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.5
+Color =GrayDark
+Tex =SongSelection1
+Type=Font Black
+X =298
+Y =320
+W =200
+H =200
+Color =Black
+Tex =SongSelection2
+Type=Font Black
+X =85
+Y =550
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =400
+Y =330
+W = 190
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Align =1
+X =400
+Y =390
+W = 190
+Font =0
+Size =9
+Align =1
+X =490
+Y =495
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Align =2
+#Variable statics and texts for song-screen in sing- and partymode
+# There can be an unlimited Number of Statics and Texts, As long
+# as the numbers are in order.
+# Statics that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
+# SongStaticParty[No]
+# Texts that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
+# SongTextParty[No]
+# Statics that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
+# SongStaticNonParty[No]
+# Texts that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
+# SongTextNonParty[No]
+#Here are the ones for singmode
+X =47
+Y =500
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =SongCD
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =300
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =425
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =515
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =679
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+#Texts Non Party
+X =83
+Y =482
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =288
+Y =8
+Font =1
+Size =5
+X =330
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =450
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =540
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =705
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =83
+Y =510
+Font =0
+Size =20
+#and theese are the ones for partymode
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =400
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =540
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+#Texts for Party Mode
+X =83
+Y =446
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =83
+Y =478
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =288
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =426
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =570
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#variable statics end
+# Jokers, 5 for each team, only shown in party Mode
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+##################### Sing Screen ###################
+Texts =1
+X =21
+Y =574
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =LyricBar
+X =10
+Y =490
+W =780
+H =85
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =TimeBar1
+X =10
+Y =575
+W =780
+H =16
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =580
+W =652
+H =7
+;the thing behind the time progress
+Tex =TimeBar2
+X =70
+Y =580
+W =652
+H =7
+Type=Font Black
+X =754
+Y =574
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+# O N E P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =297
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P2
+X =26
+Y =302
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =282
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =284
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =680
+Y =316
+W =100
+H =8
+# T W O P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+#Player One
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =117
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P1
+X =26
+Y =122
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =102
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =104
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =680
+Y =136
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Two
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =297
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =P2
+X =26
+Y =302
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =282
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =284
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =680
+Y =316
+W =100
+H =8
+# T H R E E P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+#Player One
+Tex =P
+X =16
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P1
+X =27
+Y =66
+Font =1
+Size =8
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =75
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =85
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =75
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Two
+Tex =P
+X =311
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =P2
+X =321
+Y =66
+Font =1
+Size =8
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =370
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =00000
+X =380
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =370
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Three
+Tex =P
+X =611
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P3Dark
+Text =P3
+X =621
+Y =66
+Font =1
+Size =8
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =670
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P3Dark
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =670
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+############### Score #####################
+Texts =1
+X =68
+Y =30
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =70
+Y =77
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =32
+Y =46
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =290
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#end of main stuff
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # One Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
+X =175
+Y =260
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Text =P1
+X =175
+Y =430
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Text =Tone Deaf
+X =175
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =465
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0
+X =175
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =465
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0
+X =175
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =465
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0
+X =205
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =465
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =0
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =338
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =368
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =398
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =428
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =458
+W =295
+H =4
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =175
+Y =467
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =179
+Y =472
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =475
+Y =160
+W =150
+H =300
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =475
+Y =130
+W =150
+H =30
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =475
+Y =410
+W =150
+H =30
+Color =P1Light
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =475
+Y =380
+W =150
+H =30
+Color =P1Light
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreEndCap
+X =494
+Y =460
+W =112
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =493
+Y =460
+W =114
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Two Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# P L A Y E R O N E
+X =20
+Y =260
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Text =P1
+X =20
+Y =430
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Text =Tone Deaf
+X =20
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =300
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0000
+X =20
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =300
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0000
+X =20
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =300
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0000
+X =50
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =300
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+# Lines
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =338
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =368
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =398
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =428
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =458
+W =280
+H =4
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =20
+Y =467
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =24
+Y =472
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =293
+Y =160
+W =120
+H =300
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =293
+Y =130
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =293
+Y =410
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =293
+Y =380
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreEndCap
+X =308
+Y =460
+W =90
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =307
+Y =460
+W =92
+H =2
+Color =WhiteLight
+Type =Font Black
+# P L A Y E R T W O
+X =780
+Y =260
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Text =P2
+X =780
+Y =430
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Text =Tone Deaf
+X =780
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =500
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =0000
+X =780
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =500
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =0000
+X =780
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =500
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =0000
+X =750
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =500
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =00000
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =338
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =368
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =398
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =428
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =458
+W =280
+H =4
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =755
+Y =467
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+X =759
+Y =472
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =387
+Y =160
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+TDColor = Black
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+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+X = 40
+Y = 415
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type = Font Black
+##################### Top 5 ########################
+X =85
+Y =452
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =87
+Y =499
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+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =artist - title
+X =87
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+Font =0
+Size =10
+X =1200
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+Font =0
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+Text =easy
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+Tex =ScoreIcon
+Type=Font Black
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+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
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+Color =White
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+Y =3
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+Size =7
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+Y =5
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+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
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+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =150
+Y =190
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =1. Player1
+X =150
+Y =240
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =2. Player2
+X =150
+Y =290
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =3. Player3
+X =150
+Y =340
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =4. Player4
+X =150
+Y =390
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =5. Player5
+X =680
+Y =190
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =240
+Color =White
+Font =0
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+Font =1
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+Align =1
+Text =5
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+###################### Party Modus ####################
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+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
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+Size =7
+X =290
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
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+Y =100
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+Font =0
+Size =10
+X =600
+Y =100
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+Font =0
+Size =10
+X =448
+Y =350
+Color =Black
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+Font =0
+Size =7
+Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
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+Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
+X =30
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+Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
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+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
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+H =22
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+Y =350
+W = 300
+H = 50
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG4
+X =50
+Y =495
+W = 700
+H = 30
+Color = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
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+X =20
+Y =110
+W =400
+H =50
+Color =P1Dark
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyTeamButton1
+X =20
+Y =191
+W =400
+H =50
+Color =P2Dark
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyTeamButton1
+X =20
+Y =272
+W =400
+H =50
+Color =P3Dark
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Light
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Light
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Light
+X =460
+Y =133
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
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+X =460
+Y =162
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 2
+X =460
+Y =191
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 3
+X =460
+Y =220
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 4
+X =460
+Y =249
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 5
+X =460
+Y =278
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 6
+X =460
+Y =307
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 7
+X =600
+Y =133
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
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+Y =162
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+Font =0
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+X =600
+Y =191
+Color =Black
+Font =0
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+Y =220
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 4
+X =600
+Y =249
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
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+X =600
+Y =278
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 6
+X =600
+Y =307
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 7
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =135
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =164
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =193
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
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+Y =222
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
+Type =Font Black
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+Y =251
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
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+Y =280
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
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+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
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+Size =18
+Text =99
+X =390
+Y =110
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+Font =0
+Size =17
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+Font =0
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+Y =272
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =17
+Text =1000
+X =30
+Y =108
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+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 1
+X =30
+Y =189
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 2
+X =30
+Y =270
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
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+X =230
+Y =425
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
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+Y =425
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
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+X =570
+Y =425
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Text =Player 3
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+X =400
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+Font =0
+Size =18
+Text =The Winner is...
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+Font =0
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+X =188
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+H =16
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+Int = 1
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+Type=Font Black
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+Tex =PartyScoreDeco
+X = 563
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+H = 64
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Gold
+X =188
+Y =330
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+Int = 1
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+Type=Font Black
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+Font =0
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+Int = 1
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+Type=Font Black
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+Type=Font Black
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+Int = 1
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+Type=Font Black
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+H = 79
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Gold
+X =289
+Y =330
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
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+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =TeamColor
+X =169
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+H =16
+Z =1
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+Int = 1
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+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+X =289
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+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P2Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
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+Y =420
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+H =15
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+Color =TeamColor
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =TeamColor
+Tex =PartyWinDeco2
+X = 226
+Y = 291
+W = 64
+H = 64
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Silver
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+W =280
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =TeamColor
+Int = 1
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+Type=Font Black
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+Type=Font Black
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+Type=Font Black
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+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P3Dark
+Int = 1
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+Type=Font Black
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
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+SBGDColor = GrayLight
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+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
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+SBGDColor = GrayLight
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+STDColor = Black
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
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+STDColor = Black
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+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+H = 70
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
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+Text=Team 1
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+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 1
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 2
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 3
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 4
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Dark
+X =155
+Y =8
+Text=Team 2
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 5
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 6
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 7
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 8
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Dark
+X =155
+Y =8
+Text=Team 3
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 9
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 10
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 11
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 12
+#################### Song Menu ######################
+X = 510
+Y = 165
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 510
+Y = 195
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 510
+Y = 225
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 510
+Y = 255
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex = Rectangle
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Tex = Rectangle
+TexSBG = SongMenuSelectBG
+Text =
+X = 510
+Y = 225
+W = 0
+H = 25
+Z = 0.98
+SkipX = 0
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = Black
+STDColor = White
+X =539
+Y =125
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =513
+Y =135
+W =21
+H =21
+Color =White
+Tex =IconSongMenu
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =SongMenuBG
+X =498
+Y =120
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.94
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =JumpToBG
+X =221
+Y =175
+W =355
+H =175
+Z =0.98
+Color =DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =234
+Y =185
+W =21
+H =21
+Color =White
+Tex =MainSearch
+Type=Font Black
+X =310
+Y =175
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Tex = button
+TexSBG = mainicon
+X = 242
+Y = 205
+Z = 0.99
+W = 0
+H = 30
+SkipX = 4
+SBGW= 300
+DColor = LightOrange
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = button
+SBGDColor = LightOrange
+STColor = White
+STDColor = LightOrange
+X = 250
+Y = 215
+Z = 0.99
+W = 160
+H = 50
+X =234
+Y =295
+Font =0
+Size =8
+######################## Main Statistik ##############
+X =589
+Y =100
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =160
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =220
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =13
+X =589
+Y =280
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =13
+X =589
+Y =340
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =45
+Y =125
+W =510
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Tex =StatIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =100
+W =520
+H =20
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =120
+W =520
+H =300
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =420
+W =520
+H =20
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =83
+Y =452
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =5
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =180
+Y =490
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#######################Detail Statistiken##############
+X =589
+Y =100
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =160
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =220
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =280
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =70
+Y =70
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X = 546
+Y = 98
+Color= White
+Font = 0
+Size = 5
+X = 45
+Y = 122
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 160
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 198
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 236
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 274
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 312
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 350
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 388
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 426
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 464
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
+Tex =StatIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =100
+W =520
+H =24
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =124
+W =520
+H =376
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =500
+W =520
+H =20
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =29
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X = 285
+Y = 310
+W = 100
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color = White
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 1
+X =50
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 415
+Y = 310
+W = 100
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color = White
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 1
+X =50
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X =400
+Y =180
+W =280
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text=error text
+X =282
+Y =147
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Tex =PopUpBG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.98
+Color =WhitePopup
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PopUpFG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =IconQuestion
+X =255
+Y =151
+W =23
+H =23
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X = 350
+Y = 310
+W = 100
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color = White
+DColor = WhitePopup
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 1
+X =50
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X =400
+Y =180
+W =280
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text=error text
+X =282
+Y =148
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Tex =PopUpBG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.98
+Color =WhitePopup
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PopUpFG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =IconError
+X =255
+Y =151
+W =23
+H =23
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Themes/Streetlight.ini b/Themes/Streetlight.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1172623b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Themes/Streetlight.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,8009 @@
+;0.5.1 Mod
+;experimental version
+;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
+;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
+White = 255 255 255
+LightBlue = 119 187 210
+DarkBlue = 28 126 171
+LightRed = 170 146 146
+DarkRed = 155 113 113
+LightGreen = 136 168 136
+DarkGreen = 106 152 104
+LightPurple = 155 136 168
+DarkPurple = 145 104 152
+LightOrange = 168 155 136
+DarkOrange = 151 131 76
+LightYellow = 168 168 136
+DarkYellow = 150 151 76
+Turkis = 13 186 167
+GrayLightest = 235 235 235
+GrayLight = 191 191 191
+Gray = 127 127 127
+GrayDark = 63 63 63
+Black = 0 0 0
+GrayPopup = 51 51 51
+Gold = 255 223 31
+Silver = 223 223 223
+Bronze = 205 127 50
+Fade = 1
+Texts =8
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =546
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =295
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =54
+Y =28
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =100
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =58
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =100
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =88
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+Fade = 1
+FadeText = 0
+SelectW = 0
+FadeTex = HelperButton
+FadeTexPos = 3
+X =100
+Y =-1
+X = 254
+Y = 88
+W = 125
+H = 20
+Tex = Button2
+Color = GrayDark
+DColor = Black
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Parent = 1
+X = 10
+Y = -3
+Font = 0
+Size = 8
+Align = 0
+Color = White
+X =254
+Y =108
+W =125
+H =20
+Tex =Button2
+Color = GrayDark
+DColor = Black
+Type=Font Black
+X =10
+Y =-3
+X =254
+Y =128
+W =125
+H =20
+Tex =Button2
+Color = GrayDark
+DColor = Black
+Type=Font Black
+X =10
+Y =-3
+X =54
+Y =118
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =100
+Y =-1
+########################## Name Screen ###############
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =83
+Y =450
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =85
+Y =497
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =556
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =586
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =54
+Y =28
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =58
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =88
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =118
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =148
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =54
+Y =178
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+###################### Schwierigkeitsgrad ####################
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =83
+Y =450
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =85
+Y =497
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =54
+Y =28
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =54
+Y =58
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =54
+Y =88
+W = 200
+H = 30
+Tex = Button2
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
+Reflection = 1
+ReflectionSpacing = 1
+DeSelectReflectionSpacing = 600
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =184
+Y =-1
+X =184
+Y =-1
+Texts =4
+X =299
+Y =487
+W =32
+H =32
+Tex =VideoIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =250
+Y =120
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.5
+Color =GrayDark
+Tex =SongSelection1
+Type=Font Black
+X =298
+Y =320
+W =200
+H =200
+Color =Black
+Tex =SongSelection2
+Type=Font Black
+X =85
+Y =520
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =400
+Y =330
+W = 190
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Align =1
+X =400
+Y =390
+W = 190
+Font =0
+Size =9
+Align =1
+X =490
+Y =495
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Align =2
+#Variable statics and texts for song-screen in sing- and partymode
+# There can be an unlimited Number of Statics and Texts, As long
+# as the numbers are in order.
+# Statics that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
+# SongStaticParty[No]
+# Texts that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
+# SongTextParty[No]
+# Statics that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
+# SongStaticNonParty[No]
+# Texts that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
+# SongTextNonParty[No]
+#Here are the ones for singmode
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =SongCD
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =300
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =425
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =515
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =679
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+#Texts Non Party
+X =83
+Y =450
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =288
+Y =8
+Font =1
+Size =5
+X =330
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =450
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =540
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =705
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =83
+Y =478
+Font =0
+Size =20
+#and theese are the ones for partymode
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =400
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =540
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+#Texts for Party Mode
+X =83
+Y =446
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =83
+Y =478
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =288
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =426
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =570
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#variable statics end
+# Jokers, 5 for each team, only shown in party Mode
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+##################### Sing Screen ###################
+Texts =1
+X =21
+Y =574
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =LyricBar
+X =10
+Y =490
+W =780
+H =85
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =TimeBar1
+X =10
+Y =575
+W =780
+H =16
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =580
+W =652
+H =7
+;the thing behind the time progress
+Tex =TimeBar2
+X =70
+Y =580
+W =652
+H =7
+Type=Font Black
+X =754
+Y =574
+Font =1
+Size =6
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+# O N E P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =297
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P2
+X =26
+Y =302
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+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =282
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =284
+Font =0
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+X =680
+Y =316
+W =100
+H =8
+# T W O P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+#Player One
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =117
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P1
+X =26
+Y =122
+Font =1
+Size =6
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+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =102
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =104
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =680
+Y =136
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Two
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =297
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =P2
+X =26
+Y =302
+Font =1
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+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =282
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =284
+Font =0
+Size =10
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+X =680
+Y =316
+W =100
+H =8
+# T H R E E P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+#Player One
+Tex =P
+X =16
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P1
+X =27
+Y =66
+Font =1
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+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =75
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =85
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =75
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Two
+Tex =P
+X =311
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =P2
+X =321
+Y =66
+Font =1
+Size =8
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =370
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =00000
+X =380
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =370
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Three
+Tex =P
+X =611
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P3Dark
+Text =P3
+X =621
+Y =66
+Font =1
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+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =670
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+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P3Dark
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
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+X =670
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+############### Score #####################
+Texts =1
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+Y =30
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =70
+Y =77
+Font =0
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+Y =46
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =290
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#end of main stuff
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # One Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
+X =175
+Y =260
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Text =P1
+X =175
+Y =430
+Font =1
+Size =9
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+Text =0
+X =175
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+Font =0
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+Text =0
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+Y =400
+Font =0
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+Y =400
+Font =0
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+X =205
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =465
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =0
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+X =173
+Y =338
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+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =368
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =398
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =428
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =458
+W =295
+H =4
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =175
+Y =467
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =179
+Y =472
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =475
+Y =160
+W =150
+H =300
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =475
+Y =130
+W =150
+H =30
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =475
+Y =410
+W =150
+H =30
+Color =P1Light
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =475
+Y =380
+W =150
+H =30
+Color =P1Light
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreEndCap
+X =494
+Y =460
+W =112
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =493
+Y =460
+W =114
+H =2
+Color =GrayLight
+Type =Font Black
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Two Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# P L A Y E R O N E
+X =20
+Y =260
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Text =P1
+X =20
+Y =430
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Text =Tone Deaf
+X =20
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =300
+Y =340
+Font =0
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+Align =2
+Text =0000
+X =20
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+Font =0
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+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =300
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
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+Text =00000
+# Lines
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
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+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =368
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =398
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =428
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =458
+W =280
+H =4
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =20
+Y =467
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =24
+Y =472
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =293
+Y =160
+W =120
+H =300
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =293
+Y =130
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =293
+Y =410
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =293
+Y =380
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreEndCap
+X =308
+Y =460
+W =90
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =307
+Y =460
+W =92
+H =2
+Color =WhiteLight
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+# P L A Y E R T W O
+X =780
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+X =780
+Y =430
+Font =1
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+Font =0
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+Y =340
+Font =0
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+Align =0
+Text =0000
+X =780
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+Font =0
+Size =9
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+Y =370
+Font =0
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+Text =0000
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+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =500
+Y =400
+Font =0
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+X =750
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =500
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =00000
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =338
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =368
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =398
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =428
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =458
+W =280
+H =4
+Type =Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =755
+Y =467
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+X =759
+Y =472
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =387
+Y =160
+W =120
+H =300
+Color =P2Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =387
+Y =130
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P2Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =387
+Y =410
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P2Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =387
+Y =380
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P2Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreEndCap
+X =402
+Y =460
+W =90
+H =30
+Color =P2Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =401
+Y =460
+W =92
+H =2
+Color =WhiteLight
+Type =Font Black
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Three Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# P L A Y E R O N E
+Text=Tone Deaf
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =20
+Y =370
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =24
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+W =30
+H =30
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+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+# P L A Y E R T W O
+Text=Tone Deaf
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =280
+Y =370
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+X =284
+Y =376
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
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+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+# P L A Y E R T H R E E
+Text=Tone Deaf
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =540
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+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P3Dark
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+Y =376
+W =30
+H =30
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+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Color =GrayLight
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+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
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+DColor = GrayLight
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+DColor = GrayLight
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+X =100
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+Tex =IconOption
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+Color =White
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
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+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
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+Font =0
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+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =70
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+X =418
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+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+H = 70
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
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+SBGDColor = GrayLight
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+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
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+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
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+SBGColor = GrayLightest
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+X = 40
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+TDColor = Black
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+H = 70
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+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
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+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
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+Y =70
+Font =0
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+Size =7
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+TexSBG =SelectBG
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+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+H = 70
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
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+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
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+STDColor = Black
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+X = 40
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+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
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+DColor = GrayLight
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+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+H = 70
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+DColor = GrayLight
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+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
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+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
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+Size =7
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+SBGDColor = GrayLight
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+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+H = 70
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+SBGDColor = GrayLight
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
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+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
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+STDColor = Black
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+X = 40
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+Y =3
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+H =22
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+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
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+STDColor = Black
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+X = 40
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+H = 70
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+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
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+STDColor = Black
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+X = 40
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+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
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+Y =3
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+H =22
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+Font =0
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+Y =3
+Font =0
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+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+H = 70
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+H = 70
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
+Color = GrayLightest
+DColor = Light
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+Tex =IconOption
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+X =254
+Y =0
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+Color =White
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
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+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =70
+Y =70
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
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+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
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+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+W = 230
+H = 70
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex = MainBar
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 5
+X =40
+Y =45
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+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =IconOption
+Type=Font Black
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+Y =0
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+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
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+H =22
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+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
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+Font =0
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+Y =3
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+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
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+Size =7
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+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+H = 70
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+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 360
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+X = 40
+Y = 415
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type = Font Black
+##################### Top 5 ########################
+X =85
+Y =452
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =87
+Y =499
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =artist - title
+X =87
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+Font =0
+Size =10
+X =1200
+Y =520
+Color =White
+Font =0
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+Align =0
+Text =easy
+X =49
+Y =468
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
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+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =290
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =150
+Y =190
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =1. Player1
+X =150
+Y =240
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =2. Player2
+X =150
+Y =290
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =3. Player3
+X =150
+Y =340
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =4. Player4
+X =150
+Y =390
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =5. Player5
+X =680
+Y =190
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =240
+Color =White
+Font =0
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+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =290
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =340
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =390
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
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+Text =00000
+X =120
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+Font =1
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+Font =1
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+Text =2
+X =120
+Y =293
+Color =White
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+Text =3
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+Color =White
+Font =1
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+X =120
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+Color =White
+Font =1
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+Align =1
+Text =5
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+###################### Party Modus ####################
+Texts =7
+X =0
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+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
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+X =40
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+Tex =PartyIcon
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+X =70
+Y =72
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =290
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =460
+Y =100
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =10
+X =600
+Y =100
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =10
+X =448
+Y =350
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =18
+X =30
+Y =137
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
+X =30
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+Font =0
+Size =7
+Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
+X =30
+Y =299
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
+Tex =PartyRoundBG1
+X =450
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+H = 24
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+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
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+X =250
+Y =350
+W = 300
+H = 50
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG4
+X =50
+Y =495
+W = 700
+H = 30
+Color = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyTeamButton1
+X =20
+Y =110
+W =400
+H =50
+Color =P1Dark
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyTeamButton1
+X =20
+Y =191
+W =400
+H =50
+Color =P2Dark
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PartyTeamButton1
+X =20
+Y =272
+W =400
+H =50
+Color =P3Dark
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Light
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Light
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Light
+X =460
+Y =133
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
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+X =460
+Y =162
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 2
+X =460
+Y =191
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 3
+X =460
+Y =220
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 4
+X =460
+Y =249
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 5
+X =460
+Y =278
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 6
+X =460
+Y =307
+Color = GrayDark
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Round 7
+X =600
+Y =133
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 1
+X =600
+Y =162
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 2
+X =600
+Y =191
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 3
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+Y =220
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 4
+X =600
+Y =249
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 5
+X =600
+Y =278
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 6
+X =600
+Y =307
+Color =Black
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Text =Winner 7
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =135
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =164
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =193
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =222
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =251
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
+X =450
+Y =280
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =PartyRoundBG2
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+Y =309
+W = 330
+H = 20
+Color = GrayLightest
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+X =400
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+Font =0
+Size =10
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+Font =0
+Size =18
+Text =99
+X =390
+Y =110
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =17
+Text =3000
+X =390
+Y =191
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+Font =0
+Size =17
+Text =2000
+X =390
+Y =272
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =17
+Text =1000
+X =30
+Y =108
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 1
+X =30
+Y =189
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+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 2
+X =30
+Y =270
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 3
+X =230
+Y =425
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
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+X =400
+Y =425
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Text =Player 2
+X =570
+Y =425
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Text =Player 3
+ChangeTextures =1
+FirstTexture =PartyScoreDeco
+FirstTyp =Font Black
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+Font =0
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+X =400
+Y =98
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+Font =0
+Size =18
+Text =The Winner is...
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+Text =3000
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+Color =White
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+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
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+W =380
+H =16
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+Int = 1
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+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+Tex =PartyScoreDeco
+X = 563
+Y = 191
+W = 64
+H = 64
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Gold
+X =188
+Y =330
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P2Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+Tex =PartyScoreDeco
+X = 563
+Y = 291
+W = 64
+H = 64
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Gold
+X =188
+Y =430
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P3Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Dark
+Tex =PartyScoreDeco
+X = 563
+Y = 391
+W = 64
+H = 64
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Gold
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
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+H =28
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+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
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+Font = 0
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+Y =72
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+Font =0
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+Font =0
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+Text =3000
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+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =2000
+X =649
+Y =398
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =9
+Text =1000
+X =169
+Y =183
+Text=Team 1
+X =289
+Y =298
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text =Team 2
+X =369
+Y =398
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =9
+Text =Team 3
+X =169
+Y =230
+W =530
+H =16
+Z =1
+Color =TeamColor
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =TeamColor
+X =169
+Y =230
+W =530
+H =16
+Z =1
+Color =P1Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =289
+Y =330
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P1Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =369
+Y =420
+W =280
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P1Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+Tex =PartyWinDeco1
+X = 91
+Y = 176
+W = 79
+H = 79
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Gold
+X =289
+Y =330
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =TeamColor
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =TeamColor
+X =169
+Y =230
+W =530
+H =16
+Z =1
+Color =P2Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+X =289
+Y =330
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P2Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+X =369
+Y =420
+W =280
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =TeamColor
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =TeamColor
+Tex =PartyWinDeco2
+X = 226
+Y = 291
+W = 64
+H = 64
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Silver
+X =369
+Y =420
+W =280
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =TeamColor
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =TeamColor
+X =169
+Y =230
+W =530
+H =16
+Z =1
+Color =P3Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Dark
+X =289
+Y =330
+W =380
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P3Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Dark
+X =369
+Y =420
+W =280
+H =15
+Z =1
+Color =P3Dark
+Int = 1
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Dark
+Tex =PartyWinDeco3
+X = 316
+Y = 391
+W = 54
+H = 54
+Type =Font Black
+Color =Bronze
+Texts = 5
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =29
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =72
+Y =72
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 360
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 415
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 470
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = Black
+TDColor = Black
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = White
+STDColor = Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =WhiteLight
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =556
+Y =5
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =27
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =72
+Y =72
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =586
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Dark
+X =155
+Y =8
+Text=Team 1
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 1
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 2
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 3
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 4
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Dark
+X =155
+Y =8
+Text=Team 2
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 5
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 6
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 7
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 8
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Dark
+X =155
+Y =8
+Text=Team 3
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 9
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 10
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 11
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 12
+#################### Song Menu ######################
+X = 510
+Y = 165
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 510
+Y = 195
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 510
+Y = 225
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 510
+Y = 255
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex = Rectangle
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Tex = Rectangle
+TexSBG = SongMenuSelectBG
+Text =
+X = 510
+Y = 225
+W = 0
+H = 25
+Z = 0.98
+SkipX = 0
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = GrayLightest
+SBGDColor = GrayLight
+STColor = Black
+STDColor = White
+X =539
+Y =125
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =513
+Y =135
+W =21
+H =21
+Color =White
+Tex =IconSongMenu
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =SongMenuBG
+X =498
+Y =120
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.94
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =JumpToBG
+X =221
+Y =175
+W =355
+H =175
+Z =0.98
+Color =DarkOrange
+Type=Font Black
+X =234
+Y =185
+W =21
+H =21
+Color =White
+Tex =MainSearch
+Type=Font Black
+X =310
+Y =175
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Tex = button
+TexSBG = mainicon
+X = 242
+Y = 205
+Z = 0.99
+W = 0
+H = 30
+SkipX = 4
+SBGW= 300
+DColor = LightOrange
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = button
+SBGDColor = LightOrange
+STColor = White
+STDColor = LightOrange
+X = 250
+Y = 215
+Z = 0.99
+W = 160
+H = 50
+X =234
+Y =295
+Font =0
+Size =8
+######################## Main Statistik ##############
+X =589
+Y =100
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =160
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =220
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =13
+X =589
+Y =280
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =13
+X =589
+Y =340
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =45
+Y =125
+W =510
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =47
+Y =466
+W =27
+H =27
+Tex =StatIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =100
+W =520
+H =20
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =120
+W =520
+H =300
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =420
+W =520
+H =20
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =83
+Y =452
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =5
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =180
+Y =490
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#######################Detail Statistiken##############
+X =589
+Y =100
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =160
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =220
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =589
+Y =280
+W =190
+H =50
+Tex =Button
+Color =GrayLightest
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =95
+Y =10
+X =70
+Y =70
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X = 546
+Y = 98
+Color= White
+Font = 0
+Size = 5
+X = 45
+Y = 122
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 160
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 198
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 236
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 274
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 312
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 350
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 388
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 426
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 464
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X =40
+Y =45
+W =27
+H =27
+Tex =StatIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =0
+W =254
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =254
+Y =0
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+X =260
+Y =3
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =5
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =100
+W =520
+H =24
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =124
+W =520
+H =376
+Color =GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+X =40
+Y =500
+W =520
+H =20
+Color =Gray
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =29
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =294
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =3
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X = 285
+Y = 310
+W = 100
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color = White
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 1
+X =50
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X = 415
+Y = 310
+W = 100
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color = White
+DColor = GrayLight
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 1
+X =50
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X =400
+Y =180
+W =280
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text=error text
+X =282
+Y =147
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Tex =PopUpBG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.98
+Color =WhitePopup
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PopUpFG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =IconQuestion
+X =255
+Y =151
+W =23
+H =23
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X = 350
+Y = 310
+W = 100
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color = White
+DColor = WhitePopup
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 1
+X =50
+Y =0
+Font =0
+Size =8
+X =400
+Y =180
+W =280
+Font =0
+Size =12
+Text=error text
+X =282
+Y =148
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Tex =PopUpBG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.98
+Color =WhitePopup
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =PopUpFG
+X =250
+Y =150
+W =300
+H =200
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =IconError
+X =255
+Y =151
+W =23
+H =23
+Z =0.99
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Themes/Vistar.ini b/Themes/Vistar.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..202c89d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Themes/Vistar.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,7634 @@
+;0.5.1 Mod
+;experimental version
+;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
+;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
+White = 255 255 255
+LightBlue = 130 200 250
+DarkBlue = 20 130 230
+LightRed = 170 146 146
+DarkRed = 155 113 113
+LightGreen = 136 168 136
+DarkGreen = 106 152 104
+LightPurple = 155 136 168
+DarkPurple = 145 104 152
+LightOrange = 168 155 136
+DarkOrange = 151 131 76
+LightYellow = 168 168 136
+DarkYellow = 150 151 76
+Turkis = 13 186 167
+GrayLightest = 223 223 223
+GrayLight = 191 191 191
+Gray = 127 127 127
+GrayDark = 63 63 63
+Black = 0 0 0
+GrayPopup = 51 51 51
+Gold = 255 223 31
+Silver = 223 223 223
+Bronze = 205 127 50
+Blue = 0 174 255
+Texts =2
+Fade = 1
+X =30
+Y =550
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Align =0
+Size =10
+X =790
+Y =556
+Font =0
+Size =6
+X =12
+Y =282
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =45
+Y =287
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X = 214
+Y = 302
+W = 100
+Font =0
+Size =6
+X =10
+Y =552
+Font =0
+Size =6
+X =7
+Y =320
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =7
+Y =350
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =7
+Y =380
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =7
+Y =410
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =7
+Y =440
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =12
+Y =324
+W =22
+H =150
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =MainButtons
+Type=Font Black
+################### Name Screen ##############
+X =40
+Y =22
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =12
+Y =282
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =6
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =45
+Y =287
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =7
+Y =320
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =7
+Y =350
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =7
+Y =380
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =7
+Y =410
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =7
+Y =440
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =7
+Y =470
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =12
+Y =324
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ButtonMulti
+Type=Font Black
+X =12
+Y =354
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ButtonMulti
+Type=Font Black
+X =12
+Y =384
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ButtonMulti
+Type=Font Black
+X =12
+Y =414
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ButtonMulti
+Type=Font Black
+X =12
+Y =444
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ButtonMulti
+Type=Font Black
+X =12
+Y =474
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ButtonMulti
+Type=Font Black
+##################### Level #######################
+X =40
+Y =22
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =12
+Y =282
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =MainIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =6
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =45
+Y =287
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =7
+Y =320
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =7
+Y =350
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =7
+Y =380
+W =193
+H =30
+Tex =Button
+Color =Blue
+DColor = White
+Type=Font Black
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =30
+Y =5
+X =12
+Y =324
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ButtonMulti
+Type=Font Black
+X =12
+Y =354
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ButtonMulti
+Type=Font Black
+X =12
+Y =384
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =GrayLight
+Tex =ButtonMulti
+Type=Font Black
+################### Song Selection ##############
+Texts =3
+X =299
+Y =487
+W =32
+H =32
+Tex =VideoIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =400
+Y =330
+W = 190
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Align =1
+X =400
+Y =400
+W = 190
+Font =0
+Size =9
+Align =1
+X =490
+Y =495
+Font =0
+Size =8
+Align =2
+#Variable statics and texts for song-screen in sing- and partymode
+# There can be an unlimited Number of Statics and Texts, As long
+# as the numbers are in order.
+# Statics that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
+# SongStaticParty[No]
+# Texts that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
+# SongTextParty[No]
+# Statics that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
+# SongStaticNonParty[No]
+# Texts that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
+# SongTextNonParty[No]
+#Here are the ones for singmode
+X =40
+Y =22
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =SongCD
+Type=Font Black
+X =160
+Y =580
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =200
+Y =580
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =325
+Y =580
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =415
+Y =580
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =579
+Y =580
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+#Texts Non Party
+X =70
+Y =6
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =298
+Y =102
+Font =0
+Size =6
+X =188
+Y =583
+Font =1
+Size =5
+X =230
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =350
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =440
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =605
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#and theese are the ones for partymode
+X =40
+Y =22
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =PartyIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =160
+Y =580
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =300
+Y =580
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =440
+Y =580
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+#Texts for Party Mode
+X =70
+Y =6
+ColR = 0.7
+ColG = 0.7
+ColB = 0.7
+Font = 0
+Size = 20
+Color =White
+X =188
+Y =580
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =326
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =470
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#variable statics end
+# Jokers, 5 for each team, only shown in party Mode
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =400
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =450
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =530
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =580
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =630
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =680
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =Joker
+X =730
+Y =500
+W =40
+H =40
+Z =0.98
+Type=Font Black
+##################### Sing ####################
+X =21
+Y =574
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =LyricBar
+X =10
+Y =490
+W =780
+H =85
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+Tex =TimeBar1
+X =10
+Y =575
+W =780
+H =16
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =580
+W =652
+H =7
+;the thing behind the time progress
+Tex =TimeBar2
+X =70
+Y =580
+W =652
+H =7
+Type=Font Black
+X =754
+Y =574
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+# O N E P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =297
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P2
+X =26
+Y =302
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =282
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =284
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =680
+Y =316
+W =100
+H =8
+# T W O P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+#Player One
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =117
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P1
+X =26
+Y =122
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =102
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =104
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =680
+Y =136
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Two
+Tex =P
+X =20
+Y =297
+W =33
+H =38
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =P2
+X =26
+Y =302
+Font =1
+Size =6
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =680
+Y =282
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =00000
+X =690
+Y =284
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =680
+Y =316
+W =100
+H =8
+# T H R E E P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+#Player One
+Tex =P
+X =16
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =P1
+X =27
+Y =66
+Font =1
+Size =8
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =75
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P1Dark
+Text =00000
+X =85
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =75
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Two
+Tex =P
+X =311
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =P2
+X =321
+Y =66
+Font =1
+Size =8
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =370
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P2Dark
+Text =00000
+X =380
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =370
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+#Player Three
+Tex =P
+X =611
+Y =59
+W =50
+H =54
+Color =P3Dark
+Text =P3
+X =621
+Y =66
+Font =1
+Size =8
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreBG
+X =670
+Y =61
+W =100
+H =34
+Color =P3Dark
+Text =00000
+X =680
+Y =63
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Color =White
+X =670
+Y =95
+W =100
+H =8
+################## Score ####################
+Texts =1
+X =70
+Y =6
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =40
+Y =22
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreIcon
+Type=Font Black
+X =238
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =260
+Y =580
+W =26
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =290
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#end of main stuff
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # One Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
+X =175
+Y =260
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Text =P1
+Color =White
+X =175
+Y =430
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Text =Tone Deaf
+X =175
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =465
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0
+X =175
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =465
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0
+X =175
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =465
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0
+X =205
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =465
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =0
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =338
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =White
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =368
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =White
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =398
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =White
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =428
+W =295
+H =2
+Color =White
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =173
+Y =458
+W =295
+H =4
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =175
+Y =467
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =179
+Y =472
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =475
+Y =160
+W =150
+H =300
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =475
+Y =130
+W =150
+H =30
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =475
+Y =410
+W =150
+H =30
+Color =P1Light
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =475
+Y =380
+W =150
+H =30
+Color =P1Light
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreEndCap
+X =494
+Y =460
+W =112
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =493
+Y =460
+W =114
+H =2
+Color =White
+Type =Font Black
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Two Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# P L A Y E R O N E
+X =20
+Y =260
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Text =P1
+Color =White
+X =20
+Y =430
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Text =Tone Deaf
+X =20
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =300
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0000
+X =20
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =300
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0000
+X =20
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =300
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =2
+Text =0000
+X =50
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =300
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =2
+Text =00000
+# Lines
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =338
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =368
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =398
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =428
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =20
+Y =458
+W =280
+H =4
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =20
+Y =467
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =24
+Y =472
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =293
+Y =160
+W =120
+H =300
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =293
+Y =130
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P1Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =293
+Y =410
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =293
+Y =380
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreEndCap
+X =308
+Y =460
+W =90
+H =30
+Color =P1Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =307
+Y =460
+W =92
+H =2
+Color =White
+Type =Font Black
+# P L A Y E R T W O
+X =780
+Y =260
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Text =P2
+Color =White
+X =780
+Y =430
+Font =1
+Size =9
+Text =Tone Deaf
+X =780
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =500
+Y =340
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =0000
+X =780
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =500
+Y =370
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =0000
+X =780
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =9
+X =500
+Y =400
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =0000
+X =750
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+X =500
+Y =460
+Font =0
+Size =14
+Align =0
+Text =00000
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =338
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =368
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =398
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =428
+W =280
+H =2
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =500
+Y =458
+W =280
+H =4
+Type =Font Black
+Color =White
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =755
+Y =467
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+X =759
+Y =472
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =387
+Y =160
+W =120
+H =300
+Color =P2Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =387
+Y =130
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P2Lightest
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevel
+X =387
+Y =410
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P2Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLevelRound
+X =387
+Y =380
+W =120
+H =30
+Color =P2Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreEndCap
+X =402
+Y =460
+W =90
+H =30
+Color =P2Dark
+Type =Font Black
+Tex =ScoreLine
+X =401
+Y =460
+W =92
+H =2
+Color =White
+Type =Font Black
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Three Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# P L A Y E R O N E
+Text=Tone Deaf
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =20
+Y =370
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P1Dark
+X =24
+Y =376
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+# P L A Y E R T W O
+Text=Tone Deaf
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =280
+Y =370
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
+Color =P2Dark
+X =284
+Y =376
+W =30
+H =30
+Font =1
+Size =5
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+# P L A Y E R T H R E E
+Text=Tone Deaf
+Tex =PlayerNumberBox
+X =540
+Y =370
+W =25
+H =25
+Type =Font Black
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+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
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+X =7
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+X =7
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+DColor = White
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+X =7
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+DColor = White
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+X =7
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+Tex =IconOption
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+H =22
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+Font =0
+Size =7
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+Font =0
+Size =7
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+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
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+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
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+W = 230
+H = 70
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+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 360
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X = 40
+Y = 415
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
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+X =0
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+H =28
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+Y =580
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =White
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+W =22
+H =22
+Color =White
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+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =70
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+Size =7
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+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
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+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X = 40
+Y = 360
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+Type = Font Black
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+Tex =IconOption
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
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+H =28
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+H =28
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =580
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =580
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
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+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
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+X =294
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 360
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X = 40
+Y = 415
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 1
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+Y =22
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =IconOption
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
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+W =252
+H =28
+Color =White
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+H =28
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =580
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =580
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =6
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
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+X =294
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 5
+X =40
+Y =22
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+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =IconOption
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
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+W =252
+H =28
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
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+Y =549
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =580
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =580
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =6
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
+Size =10
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+X =294
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 5
+X =40
+Y =22
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =IconOption
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =549
+W =252
+H =28
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =254
+Y =549
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =580
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =580
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =6
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =294
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex = MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex = MainBar
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+Type = Font Black
+Texts = 5
+X =40
+Y =22
+W =27
+H =27
+Color =White
+Tex =IconOption
+Type=Font Black
+X =0
+Y =549
+W =252
+H =28
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =254
+Y =549
+W =548
+H =28
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =260
+Y =580
+W =30
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =388
+Y =580
+W =22
+H =22
+Color =White
+Type=Font Black
+X =70
+Y =6
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =238
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =70
+Y =53
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+X =294
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =579
+Font =0
+Size =7
+#########unused at the moment#########
+#Tex =MainBar
+#TexSBG =SelectBG
+#X = 40
+#Y = 85
+#W = 230
+#H = 70
+#SkipX = 50
+#Color = ColorDark
+#DColor = Gray
+#TColor = White
+#TDColor = White
+#SBGTex =MainBar
+#SBGColor = ColorDark
+#SBGDColor = Gray
+#STColor = White
+#STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 85
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 140
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 195
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 250
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 305
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+Tex =MainBar
+TexSBG =SelectBG
+X = 40
+Y = 360
+W = 230
+H = 70
+SkipX = 50
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+TColor = White
+TDColor = White
+SBGTex = MainBar
+SBGColor = DarkBlue
+SBGDColor = LightBlue
+STColor = White
+STDColor = GrayDark
+X = 40
+Y = 415
+W = 230
+H = 70
+Tex =MainBar
+Color = DarkBlue
+DColor = LightBlue
+Type = Font Black
+############## Top 5 ####################
+X =70
+Y =6
+Font =0
+Size =20
+X =70
+Y =53
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =10
+Align =0
+Text =artist - title
+X =70
+Y =73
+Font =0
+Size =10
+X =270
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+Font =0
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+Text =1. Player1
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+Y =240
+Color =White
+Font =0
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+Align =0
+Text =2. Player2
+X =150
+Y =290
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
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+Text =3. Player3
+X =150
+Y =340
+Color =White
+Font =0
+Size =14
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+Text =4. Player4
+X =150
+Y =390
+Color =White
+Font =0
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+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+Type=Font Black
+################## Party ################
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+Type=Font Black
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+Type=Font Black
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+Size =12
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+Size =12
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+Int = 1
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+Type=Font Black
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+Type=Font Black
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+W =280
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+Z =1
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+Type=Font Black
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+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 3
+W =150
+H =50
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+Color =P1Lightest
+DColor =P1Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 4
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Dark
+X =155
+Y =8
+Text=Team 2
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 5
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+H =50
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+X =75
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+Text=Player 6
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+X =75
+Y =10
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+H =50
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+Color =P2Lightest
+DColor =P2Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 8
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+DColor =P3Dark
+X =155
+Y =8
+Text=Team 3
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 9
+W =150
+H =50
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+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 10
+W =150
+H =50
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+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 11
+W =150
+H =50
+Type=Font Black
+Color =P3Lightest
+DColor =P3Light
+X =75
+Y =10
+Text=Player 12
+X = 510
+Y = 165
+W = 270
+H = 25
+Tex =Rectangle
+Color =LightBlue
+DColor = DarkBlue
+Type=Font Black
+Z = 0.98
+X =30
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+Text =
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+################ Statistiken ######################
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+DColor = LightBlue
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+Size =7
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+DColor = LightBlue
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+X =589
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+DColor = LightBlue
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+X =589
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+DColor = LightBlue
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+X =589
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+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 160
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 198
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 236
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 274
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 312
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 350
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 388
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 426
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
+X = 45
+Y = 464
+Font = 0
+Size = 7
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+Type=Font Black
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+W =22
+H =22
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+H =24
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+H =376
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+Size =7
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+Font =0
+Size =7
+X =418
+Y =579
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+H =200
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+Type=Font Black \ No newline at end of file