diff options
-rw-r--r--src/lib/freetype/demo/Kopie von UFreeType.pas326
-rw-r--r--src/lib/freetype/demo/Kopie von lesson43.dpr289
7 files changed, 6572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/freetype/demo/Kopie von UFreeType.pas b/src/lib/freetype/demo/Kopie von UFreeType.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1243aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/freetype/demo/Kopie von UFreeType.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+unit UFreeType;
+ {$mode delphi}{$H+}
+ FreeType,
+ gl,
+ glu,
+ classes,
+ sysutils;
+ // This holds all of the information related to any
+ // freetype font that we want to create.
+ TFontData = class
+ h: single; ///< Holds the height of the font.
+ textures: array of GLuint; ///< Holds the texture id's
+ list_base: GLuint; ///< Holds the first display list id
+ // The init function will create a font of
+ // of the height h from the file fname.
+ constructor Create(const fname: string; h: cardinal);
+ // Free all the resources assosiated with the font.
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ end;
+ TFreeType = class
+ public
+ // The flagship function of the library - this thing will print
+ // out text at window coordinates x,y, using the font ft_font.
+ // The current modelview matrix will also be applied to the text.
+ class procedure print(ft_font: TFontData; x, y: single; const str: string);
+ end;
+// This function gets the first power of 2 >= the
+// int that we pass it.
+function next_p2 ( a: integer ): integer; inline;
+ Result := 1;
+ while (Result < a) do
+ Result := Result shl 1;
+ PAGLuint = ^AGLuint;
+ AGLuint = array[0..High(Word)] of GLuint;
+// Create a display list coresponding to the given character.
+procedure make_dlist ( face: FT_Face; ch: byte; list_base: GLuint; tex_base: PAGLuint );
+ i, j: integer;
+ width, height: integer;
+ glyph: FT_Glyph;
+ bitmap_glyph: FT_BitmapGlyph;
+ bitmap: PFT_Bitmap;
+ expanded_data: array of GLubyte;
+ x, y: single;
+ // The first thing we do is get FreeType to render our character
+ // into a bitmap. This actually requires a couple of FreeType commands:
+ // Load the Glyph for our character.
+ if (FT_Load_Glyph( face, FT_Get_Char_Index( face, ch ), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT ) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.create('FT_Load_Glyph failed');
+ // Move the face's glyph into a Glyph object.
+ if (FT_Get_Glyph( face^.glyph, glyph ) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.create('FT_Get_Glyph failed');
+ // Convert the glyph to a bitmap.
+ FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( glyph, ft_render_mode_normal, nil, 1 );
+ bitmap_glyph := FT_BitmapGlyph(glyph);
+ // This reference will make accessing the bitmap easier
+ bitmap := @bitmap_glyph^.bitmap;
+ // Use our helper function to get the widths of
+ // the bitmap data that we will need in order to create
+ // our texture.
+ width := next_p2( bitmap.width );
+ height := next_p2( bitmap.rows );
+ // Allocate memory for the texture data.
+ SetLength(expanded_data, 2 * width * height);
+ // Here we fill in the data for the expanded bitmap.
+ // Notice that we are using two channel bitmap (one for
+ // luminocity and one for alpha), but we assign
+ // both luminocity and alpha to the value that we
+ // find in the FreeType bitmap.
+ // We use the ?: operator so that value which we use
+ // will be 0 if we are in the padding zone, and whatever
+ // is the the Freetype bitmap otherwise.
+ for j := 0 to height-1 do
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to width-1 do
+ begin
+ if ((i >= bitmap.width) or (j >= bitmap.rows)) then
+ expanded_data[2*(i+j*width)] := 0
+ else
+ expanded_data[2*(i+j*width)] := byte(bitmap.buffer[i + bitmap.width*j]);
+ expanded_data[2*(i+j*width)+1] := expanded_data[2*(i+j*width)];
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Now we just setup some texture paramaters.
+ glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_base[integer(ch)]);
+ // Here we actually create the texture itself, notice
+ // that we are using GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA to indicate that
+ // we are using 2 channel data.
+ glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height,
+ 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @expanded_data[0] );
+ //With the texture created, we don't need to expanded data anymore
+ SetLength(expanded_data, 0);
+ //So now we can create the display list
+ glNewList(list_base+ch, GL_COMPILE);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_base[ch]);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ //first we need to move over a little so that
+ //the character has the right amount of space
+ //between it and the one before it.
+ glTranslatef(bitmap_glyph^.left, 0, 0);
+ //Now we move down a little in the case that the
+ //bitmap extends past the bottom of the line
+ //(this is only true for characters like 'g' or 'y'.
+ glTranslatef(0, bitmap_glyph^.top - bitmap.rows, 0);
+ //Now we need to account for the fact that many of
+ //our textures are filled with empty padding space.
+ //We figure what portion of the texture is used by
+ //the actual character and store that information in
+ //the x and y variables, then when we draw the
+ //quad, we will only reference the parts of the texture
+ //that we contain the character itself.
+ x := bitmap.width / width;
+ y := bitmap.rows / height;
+ //Here we draw the texturemaped quads.
+ //The bitmap that we got from FreeType was not
+ //oriented quite like we would like it to be,
+ //so we need to link the texture to the quad
+ //so that the result will be properly aligned.
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2d(0, 0); glVertex2f(0, bitmap.rows);
+ glTexCoord2d(0, y); glVertex2f(0, 0);
+ glTexCoord2d(x, y); glVertex2f(bitmap.width, 0);
+ glTexCoord2d(x, 0); glVertex2f(bitmap.width, bitmap.rows);
+ glEnd();
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glTranslatef(face^.glyph^.advance.x shr 6, 0, 0);
+ //increment the raster position as if we were a bitmap font.
+ //(only needed if you want to calculate text length)
+ //glBitmap(0,0,0,0,face->glyph->advance.x >> 6,0,NULL);
+ //Finnish the display list
+ glEndList();
+constructor TFontData.Create(const fname: string; h: cardinal);
+ library_: FT_Library;
+ //The object in which Freetype holds information on a given
+ //font is called a "face".
+ face: FT_Face;
+ i: byte;
+ //Allocate some memory to store the texture ids.
+ SetLength(textures, 128);
+ Self.h := h;
+ //Create and initilize a freetype font library.
+ if (FT_Init_FreeType( library_ ) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.create('FT_Init_FreeType failed');
+ //This is where we load in the font information from the file.
+ //Of all the places where the code might die, this is the most likely,
+ //as FT_New_Face will die if the font file does not exist or is somehow broken.
+ if (FT_New_Face( library_, PChar(fname), 0, face ) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.create('FT_New_Face failed (there is probably a problem with your font file)');
+ //For some twisted reason, Freetype measures font size
+ //in terms of 1/64ths of pixels. Thus, to make a font
+ //h pixels high, we need to request a size of h*64.
+ //(h shl 6 is just a prettier way of writting h*64)
+ FT_Set_Char_Size( face, h shl 6, h shl 6, 96, 96);
+ //Here we ask opengl to allocate resources for
+ //all the textures and displays lists which we
+ //are about to create.
+ list_base := glGenLists(128);
+ glGenTextures( 128, @textures[0] );
+ //This is where we actually create each of the fonts display lists.
+ for i := 0 to 127 do
+ make_dlist(face, i, list_base, @textures[0]);
+ //We don't need the face information now that the display
+ //lists have been created, so we free the assosiated resources.
+ FT_Done_Face(face);
+ //Ditto for the library.
+ FT_Done_FreeType(library_);
+destructor TFontData.Destroy();
+ glDeleteLists(list_base, 128);
+ glDeleteTextures(128, @textures[0]);
+ SetLength(textures, 0);
+/// A fairly straight forward function that pushes
+/// a projection matrix that will make object world
+/// coordinates identical to window coordinates.
+procedure pushScreenCoordinateMatrix(); inline;
+ viewport: array [0..3] of GLint;
+ glPushAttrib(GL_TRANSFORM_BIT);
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @viewport);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ gluOrtho2D(viewport[0], viewport[2], viewport[1], viewport[3]);
+ glPopAttrib();
+/// Pops the projection matrix without changing the current
+/// MatrixMode.
+procedure pop_projection_matrix(); inline;
+ glPushAttrib(GL_TRANSFORM_BIT);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glPopAttrib();
+///Much like Nehe's glPrint function, but modified to work
+///with freetype fonts.
+class procedure TFreeType.print(ft_font: TFontData; x, y: single; const str: string);
+ font: GLuint;
+ h: single;
+ i: cardinal;
+ lines: TStringList;
+ modelview_matrix: array[0..15] of single;
+ // We want a coordinate system where things coresponding to window pixels.
+ pushScreenCoordinateMatrix();
+ font := ft_font.list_base;
+ h := ft_font.h / 0.63; //We make the height about 1.5* that of
+ lines := TStringList.Create();
+ ExtractStrings([#13], [], PChar(str), lines);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glListBase(font);
+ glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, @modelview_matrix);
+ //This is where the text display actually happens.
+ //For each line of text we reset the modelview matrix
+ //so that the line's text will start in the correct position.
+ //Notice that we need to reset the matrix, rather than just translating
+ //down by h. This is because when each character is
+ //draw it modifies the current matrix so that the next character
+ //will be drawn immediatly after it.
+ for i := 0 to lines.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glTranslatef(x, y - h*i, 0);
+ glMultMatrixf(@modelview_matrix);
+ // The commented out raster position stuff can be useful if you need to
+ // know the length of the text that you are creating.
+ // If you decide to use it make sure to also uncomment the glBitmap command
+ // in make_dlist().
+ //glRasterPos2f(0,0);
+ glCallLists(Length(lines[i]), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, PChar(lines[i]));
+ //float rpos[4];
+ //glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION ,rpos);
+ //float len=x-rpos[0];
+ glPopMatrix();
+ end;
+ glPopAttrib();
+ pop_projection_matrix();
+ lines.Free();
diff --git a/src/lib/freetype/demo/Kopie von lesson43.dpr b/src/lib/freetype/demo/Kopie von lesson43.dpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b49423fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/freetype/demo/Kopie von lesson43.dpr
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+program lesson43;
+ * This code was created by Jeff Molofee '99
+ * (ported to Linux/SDL by Ti Leggett '01)
+ *
+ * If you've found this code useful, please let me know.
+ *
+ * Visit Jeff at http://nehe.gamedev.net/
+ *
+ * or for port-specific comments, questions, bugreports etc.
+ * email to leggett@eecs.tulane.edu
+ *)
+ {$mode delphi}{$H+}
+{$APPTYPE Console}
+ moduleloader in '../../JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/moduleloader.pas',
+ SDL in '../../JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/sdl.pas',
+ gl in '../../JEDI-SDL/OpenGL/Pas/gl.pas',
+ glu in '../../JEDI-SDL/OpenGL/Pas/glu.pas',
+ ctypes in '../../ctypes/ctypes.pas',
+ FreeType in '../freetype.pas',
+ UFreeType in 'UFreeType.pas',
+ math,
+ sysutils;
+ // screen width, height, and bit depth
+ SCREEN_BPP = 16;
+ our_font: TFontData;
+ // This is our SDL surface
+ surface: PSDL_Surface;
+ cnt1, cnt2: GLfloat;
+(* function to release/destroy our resources and restoring the old desktop *)
+procedure Quit(returnCode: integer);
+ // clean up the window
+ SDL_Quit( );
+ // and exit appropriately
+ Halt( returnCode );
+(* function to reset our viewport after a window resize *)
+function resizeWindow(width: integer; height: integer): boolean;
+ // Height / width ration
+ ratio: GLfloat;
+ // Protect against a divide by zero
+ if ( height = 0 ) then
+ height := 1;
+ ratio := width / height;
+ // Setup our viewport.
+ glViewport( 0, 0, GLsizei(width), GLsizei(height) );
+ // change to the projection matrix and set our viewing volume.
+ glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
+ glLoadIdentity( );
+ // Set our perspective
+ gluPerspective( 45.0, ratio, 0.1, 100.0 );
+ // Make sure we're chaning the model view and not the projection
+ glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
+ // Reset The View
+ glLoadIdentity( );
+ Result := true;
+(* function to handle key press events *)
+procedure handleKeyPress(keysym: PSDL_keysym);
+ case ( keysym^.sym ) of
+ begin
+ // ESC key was pressed
+ Quit( 0 );
+ end;
+ SDLK_F1:
+ begin
+ // F1 key was pressed
+ // this toggles fullscreen mode
+ SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen( surface );
+ end;
+ end;
+(* general OpenGL initialization function *)
+function initGL(): boolean;
+ // Enable smooth shading
+ glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
+ // Set the background black
+ glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+ // Depth buffer setup
+ glClearDepth( 1.0 );
+ // Enables Depth Testing
+ glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
+ // The Type Of Depth Test To Do
+ glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
+ // Really Nice Perspective Calculations
+ our_font := TFontData.Create('Test.ttf', 16);
+ Result := true;
+(* Here goes our drawing code *)
+function drawGLScene(): boolean;
+ glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
+ glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Current Modelview Matrix
+ glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); // Move One Unit Into The Screen
+ // Blue Text
+ glColor3ub(0, 0, $ff);
+ // Position The WGL Text On The Screen
+ glRasterPos2f(-0.40, 0.35);
+ // Here We Print Some Text Using Our FreeType Font
+ // The only really important command is the actual print() call,
+ // but for the sake of making the results a bit more interesting
+ // I have put in some code to rotate and scale the text.
+ // Red text
+ glColor3ub($ff, 0, 0);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glRotatef(cnt1, 0, 0,1);
+ glScalef(1, 0.8 + 0.3*cos(cnt1/5) ,1);
+ glTranslatef(-180, 0, 0);
+ TFreeType.print(our_font, 320, 240, 'Active FreeType Text - ' + FloatToStr(cnt1));
+ glPopMatrix();
+ //Uncomment this to test out print's ability to handle newlines.
+ //TFreeType.print(our_font, 320, 200, 'Here'#13'there'#13'be'#13#13'newlines'#13'.');
+ cnt1 := cnt1 + 0.051; // Increase The First Counter
+ cnt2 := cnt2 + 0.005; // Increase The First Counter
+ SDL_GL_SwapBuffers( );
+ Result := true;
+ // Flags to pass to SDL_SetVideoMode
+ videoFlags: integer;
+ // main loop variable
+ done: boolean = false;
+ // used to collect events
+ event: TSDL_Event;
+ // this holds some info about our display
+ videoInfo: PSDL_VideoInfo;
+ // whether or not the window is active
+ isActive: boolean = true;
+ // initialize SDL
+ if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO ) < 0 ) then
+ begin
+ writeln( ErrOutput, 'Video initialization failed: ' + SDL_GetError() );
+ Quit( 1 );
+ end;
+ // Fetch the video info
+ videoInfo := SDL_GetVideoInfo( );
+ if ( videoInfo = nil ) then
+ begin
+ writeln( ErrOutput, 'Video query failed: ' + SDL_GetError() );
+ Quit( 1 );
+ end;
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 ); // Enable double buffering
+ // the flags to pass to SDL_SetVideoMode
+ videoFlags := SDL_OPENGL; // Enable OpenGL in SDL
+ videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_HWPALETTE; // Store the palette in hardware
+ videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_RESIZABLE; // Enable window resizing
+ // This checks to see if surfaces can be stored in memory
+ if ( videoInfo^.hw_available <> 0 ) then
+ videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_HWSURFACE
+ else
+ videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_SWSURFACE;
+ // This checks if hardware blits can be done
+ if ( videoInfo^.blit_hw <> 0 ) then
+ videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_HWACCEL;
+ // Sets up OpenGL double buffering
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 );
+ // get a SDL surface
+ videoFlags );
+ // Verify there is a surface
+ if ( surface = nil ) then
+ begin
+ writeln( ErrOutput, 'Video mode set failed: ' + SDL_GetError() );
+ Quit( 1 );
+ end;
+ // initialize OpenGL
+ initGL();
+ // resize the initial window
+ // wait for events
+ while ( not done ) do
+ begin
+ { handle the events in the queue }
+ while ( SDL_PollEvent( @event ) <> 0 ) do
+ begin
+ case( event.type_ ) of
+ begin
+ // Something's happend with our focus
+ // If we are iconified, we shouldn't draw the screen
+ if ( (event.active.state and SDL_APPACTIVE) <> 0 ) then
+ begin
+ if ( event.active.gain = 0 ) then
+ isActive := false
+ else
+ isActive := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // handle resize event
+ surface := SDL_SetVideoMode( event.resize.w,
+ event.resize.h,
+ 16, videoFlags );
+ if ( surface = nil ) then
+ begin
+ writeln( ErrOutput, 'Could not get a surface after resize: ' + SDL_GetError( ) );
+ Quit( 1 );
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ resizeWindow( event.resize.w, event.resize.h );
+ end;
+ begin
+ // handle key presses
+ handleKeyPress( @event.key.keysym );
+ end;
+ begin
+ // handle quit requests
+ done := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // draw the scene
+ if ( isActive ) then
+ drawGLScene( );
+ end;
+ // clean ourselves up and exit
+ Quit( 0 );
diff --git a/src/lib/freetype/demo/UFont.pas b/src/lib/freetype/demo/UFont.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c15ff4ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/freetype/demo/UFont.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2641 @@
+unit UFont;
+ {$mode delphi}{$H+}
+{$DEFINE HasInline}
+// Flip direction of y-axis.
+// Default is a cartesian coordinate system with y-axis in upper direction
+// but with USDX the y-axis is in lower direction.
+ FreeType,
+ gl,
+ glext,
+ glu,
+ sdl,
+ UTexture,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Math,
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils;
+ PGLubyteArray = ^TGLubyteArray;
+ TGLubyteArray = array[0 .. (MaxInt div SizeOf(GLubyte))-1] of GLubyte;
+ TGLubyteDynArray = array of GLubyte;
+ TWideStringArray = array of WideString;
+ TGLColor = packed record
+ case byte of
+ 0: ( vals: array[0..3] of GLfloat; );
+ 1: ( r, g, b, a: GLfloat; );
+ end;
+ TBoundsDbl = record
+ Left, Right: double;
+ Bottom, Top: double;
+ end;
+ TPositionDbl = record
+ X, Y: double;
+ end;
+ TTextureSize = record
+ Width, Height: integer;
+ end;
+ TBitmapCoords = record
+ Left, Top: double;
+ Width, Height: integer;
+ end;
+ {**
+ * Abstract base class representing a glyph.
+ *}
+ TGlyph = class
+ protected
+ function GetAdvance(): TPositionDbl; virtual; abstract;
+ function GetBounds(): TBoundsDbl; virtual; abstract;
+ public
+ procedure Render(UseDisplayLists: boolean); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure RenderReflection(); virtual; abstract;
+ {** Distance to next glyph (in pixels) *}
+ property Advance: TPositionDbl read GetAdvance;
+ {** Glyph bounding box (in pixels) *}
+ property Bounds: TBoundsDbl read GetBounds;
+ end;
+ {**
+ * Font styles used by TFont.Style
+ *}
+ TFontStyle = set of (Italic, Underline, Reflect);
+ {**
+ * Base font class.
+ *}
+ TFont = class
+ private
+ {** Non-virtual reset-method used in Create() and Reset() *}
+ procedure ResetIntern();
+ protected
+ fStyle: TFontStyle;
+ fUseKerning: boolean;
+ fLineSpacing: single; // must be inited by subclass
+ fReflectionSpacing: single; // must be inited by subclass to -2*Descender
+ fGlyphSpacing: single;
+ fReflectionPass: boolean;
+ {**
+ * Splits lines in Text seperated by newline (char-code #13).
+ * @param Text: UTF-8 encoded string
+ * @param Lines: splitted WideString lines
+ *}
+ procedure SplitLines(const Text: UTF8String; var Lines: TWideStringArray);
+ {**
+ * Print an array of WideStrings. Each array-item is a line of text.
+ * Lines of text are seperated by the line-spacing.
+ * This is the base function for all text drawing.
+ *}
+ procedure Print(const Text: TWideStringArray); overload; virtual;
+ {**
+ * Draws an underline.
+ *}
+ procedure DrawUnderline(const Text: WideString); virtual;
+ {**
+ * Renders (one) line of text.
+ *}
+ procedure Render(const Text: WideString); virtual; abstract;
+ {**
+ * Returns the bounds of text-lines contained in Text.
+ * @param Advance: if true the right bound is set to the advance instead
+ * of the minimal right bound.
+ *}
+ function BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; overload; virtual; abstract;
+ {**
+ * Resets all user settings to default values.
+ * Override methods should always call the inherited version.
+ *}
+ procedure Reset(); virtual;
+ function GetHeight(): single; virtual; abstract;
+ function GetAscender(): single; virtual; abstract;
+ function GetDescender(): single; virtual; abstract;
+ procedure SetLineSpacing(Spacing: single); virtual;
+ function GetLineSpacing(): single; virtual;
+ procedure SetGlyphSpacing(Spacing: single); virtual;
+ function GetGlyphSpacing(): single; virtual;
+ procedure SetReflectionSpacing(Spacing: single); virtual;
+ function GetReflectionSpacing(): single; virtual;
+ procedure SetStyle(Style: TFontStyle); virtual;
+ function GetStyle(): TFontStyle; virtual;
+ function GetUnderlinePosition(): single; virtual; abstract;
+ function GetUnderlineThickness(): single; virtual; abstract;
+ procedure SetUseKerning(Enable: boolean); virtual;
+ function GetUseKerning(): boolean; virtual;
+ procedure SetReflectionPass(Enable: boolean); virtual;
+ {** Returns true if the current render-pass is used to draw the reflection *}
+ property ReflectionPass: boolean read fReflectionPass write SetReflectionPass;
+ public
+ constructor Create();
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ {**
+ * Prints a text.
+ *}
+ procedure Print(const Text: WideString); overload;
+ {** UTF-8 version of @link Print(const Text: WideString) *}
+ procedure Print(const Text: string); overload;
+ {**
+ * Calculates the bounding box (width and height) around Text.
+ * Works with Italic and Underline styles but reflections created
+ * with the Reflect style are not considered.
+ * Note that the width might differ due to kerning with appended text,
+ * e.g. Width('VA') <= Width('V') + Width('A').
+ * @param Advance: if set to true, Result.Right is set to the advance of
+ * the given text rather than the min. right border. The advance width is
+ * bigger than the text's width as it additionally contains the advance
+ * and glyph-spacing of the last character.
+ *}
+ function BBox(const Text: WideString; Advance: boolean = false): TBoundsDbl; overload;
+ {** UTF-8 version of @link BBox(const Text: WideString) *}
+ function BBox(const Text: UTF8String; Advance: boolean = false): TBoundsDbl; overload;
+ {** Font height *}
+ property Height: single read GetHeight;
+ {** Vertical distance from baseline to top of glyph *}
+ property Ascender: single read GetAscender;
+ {** Vertical distance from baseline to bottom of glyph *}
+ property Descender: single read GetDescender;
+ {** Vertical distance between two baselines *}
+ property LineSpacing: single read GetLineSpacing write SetLineSpacing;
+ {** Space between end and start of next glyph added to the advance width *}
+ property GlyphSpacing: single read GetGlyphSpacing write SetGlyphSpacing;
+ {** Distance between normal baseline and baseline of the reflection *}
+ property ReflectionSpacing: single read GetReflectionSpacing write SetReflectionSpacing;
+ {** Font style (italic/underline/...) *}
+ property Style: TFontStyle read GetStyle write SetStyle;
+ {** If set to true (default) kerning will be used if available *}
+ property UseKerning: boolean read GetUseKerning write SetUseKerning;
+ end;
+ // max. number of mipmap levels that a TScalableFont can contain
+ cMaxMipmapLevel = 5;
+ {**
+ * Wrapper around TFont to allow font size changes.
+ * The font is scaled to the requested size by a modelview matrix
+ * transformation (glScale) and not by rescaling the internal bitmap
+ * representation. This way changing the size is really fast but the result
+ * may lack quality on large or small scale factors.
+ *}
+ TScalableFont = class(TFont)
+ private
+ procedure ResetIntern();
+ protected
+ fScale: single; ///< current height to base-font height ratio
+ fAspect: single; ///< width to height aspect
+ fBaseFont: TFont; ///< shortcut for fMipmapFonts[0]
+ fUseMipmaps: boolean; ///< true if mipmap fonts are generated
+ /// Mipmap fonts (size[level+1] = size[level]/2)
+ fMipmapFonts: array[0..cMaxMipmapLevel] of TFont;
+ procedure Render(const Text: WideString); override;
+ procedure Print(const Text: TWideStringArray); override;
+ function BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
+ {**
+ * Callback called for creation of each mipmap font.
+ * Must be defined by the subclass.
+ * Mipmaps created by this method are managed and freed by TScalableFont.
+ *}
+ function CreateMipmap(Level: integer; Scale: single): TFont; virtual; abstract;
+ {**
+ * Returns the mipmap level considering the current scale and projection
+ * matrix.
+ *}
+ function GetMipmapLevel(): integer;
+ {**
+ * Returns the scale applied to the given mipmap font.
+ * fScale * fBaseFont.Height / fMipmapFont[Level].Height
+ *}
+ function GetMipmapScale(Level: integer): single;
+ {**
+ * Chooses the mipmap that looks nicest with current scale and projection
+ * matrix.
+ *}
+ function ChooseMipmapFont(): TFont;
+ procedure SetHeight(Height: single); virtual;
+ function GetHeight(): single; override;
+ procedure SetAspect(Aspect: single); virtual;
+ function GetAspect(): single; virtual;
+ function GetAscender(): single; override;
+ function GetDescender(): single; override;
+ procedure SetLineSpacing(Spacing: single); override;
+ function GetLineSpacing(): single; override;
+ procedure SetGlyphSpacing(Spacing: single); override;
+ function GetGlyphSpacing(): single; override;
+ procedure SetReflectionSpacing(Spacing: single); override;
+ function GetReflectionSpacing(): single; override;
+ procedure SetStyle(Style: TFontStyle); override;
+ function GetStyle(): TFontStyle; override;
+ function GetUnderlinePosition(): single; override;
+ function GetUnderlineThickness(): single; override;
+ procedure SetUseKerning(Enable: boolean); override;
+ public
+ {**
+ * Creates a wrapper to make the base-font Font scalable.
+ * If UseMipmaps is set to true smaller fonts are created so that a
+ * resized (Height property changed) font looks nicer.
+ * The font passed is managed and freed by TScalableFont.
+ *}
+ constructor Create(Font: TFont; UseMipmaps: boolean); overload;
+ {**
+ * Frees memory. The fonts passed on Create() and mipmap creation
+ * are freed too.
+ *}
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ {** @see TFont.Reset *}
+ procedure Reset(); override;
+ {** Font height *}
+ property Height: single read GetHeight write SetHeight;
+ {** Factor for font stretching (NewWidth = Width*Aspect), 1.0 by default *}
+ property Aspect: single read GetAspect write SetAspect;
+ end;
+ {**
+ * Table for storage of max. 256 glyphs.
+ * Used for the second cache level. Indexed by the LSB of the WideChar
+ * char-code.
+ *}
+ PGlyphTable = ^TGlyphTable;
+ TGlyphTable = array[0..255] of TGlyph;
+ {**
+ * Cache for glyphs of a single font.
+ * The cached glyphs are stored inside a hash-list.
+ * Hashing is performed in two steps:
+ * 1. the least significant byte (LSB) of the WideChar character code
+ * is removed (shr 8) and the result (we call it BaseCode here) looked up in
+ * the hash-list.
+ * 2. Each entry of the hash-list contains a table with max. 256 entries.
+ * The LSB of the char-code of a glyph is the table-offset of that glyph.
+ *}
+ TGlyphCache = class
+ private
+ fHash: TList;
+ {**
+ * Finds a glyph-table storing cached glyphs with base-code BaseCode
+ * (= upper char-code bytes) in the hash-list and returns the table and
+ * its index.
+ * @param InsertPos: the position of the tyble in the list if it was found,
+ * otherwise the position the table should be inserted
+ *}
+ function FindGlyphTable(BaseCode: cardinal; out InsertPos: integer): PGlyphTable;
+ public
+ constructor Create();
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ {**
+ * Add glyph Glyph with char-code ch to the cache.
+ * @returns @true on success, @false otherwise
+ *}
+ function AddGlyph(ch: WideChar; const Glyph: TGlyph): boolean;
+ {**
+ * Removes the glyph with char-code ch from the cache.
+ *}
+ procedure DeleteGlyph(ch: WideChar);
+ {**
+ * Removes the glyph with char-code ch from the cache.
+ *}
+ function GetGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph;
+ {**
+ * Checks if a glyph with char-code ch is cached.
+ *}
+ function HasGlyph(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ {**
+ * Remove and free all cached glyphs. If KeepBaseSet is set to
+ * true, cached characters in the range 0..255 will not be flushed.
+ *}
+ procedure FlushCache(KeepBaseSet: boolean);
+ end;
+ {**
+ * Entry of a glyph-cache's (TGlyphCache) hash.
+ * Stores a BaseCode (upper-bytes of a glyph's char-code) and a table
+ * with all glyphs cached at the moment with that BaseCode.
+ *}
+ TGlyphCacheHashEntry = class
+ private
+ fBaseCode: cardinal;
+ public
+ GlyphTable: TGlyphTable;
+ constructor Create(BaseCode: cardinal);
+ {** Base-code (upper-bytes) of the glyphs stored in this entry's table *}
+ property BaseCode: cardinal read fBaseCode;
+ end;
+ TCachedFont = class(TFont)
+ protected
+ fCache: TGlyphCache;
+ {**
+ * Retrieves a cached glyph with char-code ch from cache.
+ * If the glyph is not already cached, it is loaded with LoadGlyph().
+ *}
+ function GetGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph;
+ {**
+ * Callback to create (load) a glyph with char-code ch.
+ * Implemented by subclasses.
+ *}
+ function LoadGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph; virtual; abstract;
+ public
+ constructor Create();
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ {**
+ * Remove and free all cached glyphs. If KeepBaseSet is set to
+ * true, the base glyphs are not be flushed.
+ * @see TGlyphCache.FlushCache
+ *}
+ procedure FlushCache(KeepBaseSet: boolean);
+ end;
+ TFTFont = class;
+ {**
+ * Freetype glyph.
+ * Each glyph stores a texture with the glyph's image.
+ *}
+ TFTGlyph = class(TGlyph)
+ private
+ fCharIndex: FT_UInt; ///< Freetype specific char-index (<> char-code)
+ fDisplayList: GLuint; ///< Display-list ID
+ fTexture: GLuint; ///< Texture ID
+ fBitmapCoords: TBitmapCoords; ///< Left/Top offset and Width/Height of the bitmap (in pixels)
+ fTexOffset: TPositionDbl; ///< Right and bottom texture offset for removal of power-of-2 padding
+ fTexSize: TTextureSize; ///< Texture size in pixels
+ fFont: TFTFont; ///< Font associated with this glyph
+ fAdvance: TPositionDbl; ///< Advance width of this glyph
+ fBounds: TBoundsDbl; ///< Glyph bounds
+ fOutset: single; ///< Extrusion outset
+ {**
+ * Extrudes the outline of a glyph's bitmap stored in TexBuffer with size
+ * fTexSize by Outset pixels.
+ * This is useful to create bold or outlined fonts.
+ * TexBuffer must be 2*Ceil(Outset) pixels higher and wider than the
+ * original glyph bitmap, otherwise the glyph borders cannot be extruded
+ * correctly.
+ * The bitmap must be 2* pixels wider and higher than the
+ * original glyph's bitmap with the latter centered in it.
+ *}
+ procedure Extrude(var TexBuffer: TGLubyteDynArray; Outset: single);
+ {**
+ * Creates an OpenGL texture (and display list) for the glyph.
+ * The glyph's and bitmap's metrics are set correspondingly.
+ * @param LoadFlags: flags passed to FT_Load_Glyph()
+ * @raises Exception if the glyph could not be initialized
+ *}
+ procedure CreateTexture(LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
+ protected
+ function GetAdvance(): TPositionDbl; override;
+ function GetBounds(): TBoundsDbl; override;
+ public
+ {**
+ * Creates a glyph with char-code ch from font Font.
+ * @param LoadFlags: flags passed to FT_Load_Glyph()
+ *}
+ constructor Create(Font: TFTFont; ch: WideChar; Outset: single;
+ LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ {** Renders the glyph (normal render pass) *}
+ procedure Render(UseDisplayLists: boolean); override;
+ {** Renders the glyph's reflection *}
+ procedure RenderReflection(); override;
+ {** Freetype specific char-index (<> char-code) *}
+ property CharIndex: FT_UInt read fCharIndex;
+ end;
+ {**
+ * Freetype font class.
+ *}
+ TFTFont = class(TCachedFont)
+ private
+ procedure ResetIntern();
+ protected
+ fFilename: string; ///< filename of the font-file
+ fSize: integer; ///< Font base size (in pixels)
+ fOutset: single; ///< size of outset extrusion (in pixels)
+ fFace: FT_Face; ///< Holds the height of the font
+ fLoadFlags: FT_Int32; ///< FT glpyh load-flags
+ fFontUnitScale: TPositionDbl; ///< FT font-units to pixel ratio
+ fUseDisplayLists: boolean; ///< true: use display-lists, false: direct drawing
+ {** @see TCachedFont.LoadGlyph *}
+ function LoadGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph; override;
+ procedure Render(const Text: WideString); override;
+ function BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
+ function GetHeight(): single; override;
+ function GetAscender(): single; override;
+ function GetDescender(): single; override;
+ function GetUnderlinePosition(): single; override;
+ function GetUnderlineThickness(): single; override;
+ property Face: FT_Face read fFace;
+ public
+ {**
+ * Creates a font of size Size (in pixels) from the file Filename.
+ * If Outset (in pixels) is set to a value > 0 the glyphs will be extruded
+ * at their borders. Use it for e.g. a bold effect.
+ * @param LoadFlags: flags passed to FT_Load_Glyph()
+ * @raises Exception if the font-file could not be loaded
+ *}
+ constructor Create(const Filename: string;
+ Size: integer; Outset: single = 0.0;
+ LoadFlags: FT_Int32 = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
+ {**
+ * Frees all resources associated with the font.
+ *}
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ {** @see TFont.Reset *}
+ procedure Reset(); override;
+ {** Size of the base font *}
+ property Size: integer read fSize;
+ {** Outset size *}
+ property Outset: single read fOutset;
+ end;
+ TFTScalableFont = class(TScalableFont)
+ protected
+ function GetOutset(): single; virtual;
+ function CreateMipmap(Level: integer; Scale: single): TFont; override;
+ public
+ {**
+ * Creates a scalable font of size Size (in pixels) from the file Filename.
+ * OutsetAmount is the ratio of the glyph extrusion.
+ * The extrusion in pixels is Size*OutsetAmount
+ * (0.0 -> no extrusion, 0.1 -> 10%).
+ *}
+ constructor Create(const Filename: string;
+ Size: integer; OutsetAmount: single = 0.0;
+ UseMipmaps: boolean = true);
+ {** @see TGlyphCache.FlushCache *}
+ procedure FlushCache(KeepBaseSet: boolean);
+ {** Outset size (in pixels) of the scaled font *}
+ property Outset: single read GetOutset;
+ end;
+ {**
+ * Represents a freetype font with an additional outline around its glyphs.
+ * The outline size is passed on creation and cannot be changed later.
+ *}
+ TFTOutlineFont = class(TFont)
+ private
+ fFilename: string;
+ fSize: integer;
+ fOutset: single;
+ fInnerFont, fOutlineFont: TFTFont;
+ fOutlineColor: TGLColor;
+ procedure ResetIntern();
+ protected
+ procedure DrawUnderline(const Text: WideString); override;
+ procedure Render(const Text: WideString); override;
+ function BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
+ function GetHeight(): single; override;
+ function GetAscender(): single; override;
+ function GetDescender(): single; override;
+ procedure SetLineSpacing(Spacing: single); override;
+ procedure SetGlyphSpacing(Spacing: single); override;
+ procedure SetReflectionSpacing(Spacing: single); override;
+ procedure SetStyle(Style: TFontStyle); override;
+ function GetStyle(): TFontStyle; override;
+ function GetUnderlinePosition(): single; override;
+ function GetUnderlineThickness(): single; override;
+ procedure SetUseKerning(Enable: boolean); override;
+ procedure SetReflectionPass(Enable: boolean); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const Filename: string;
+ Size: integer; Outset: single;
+ LoadFlags: FT_Int32 = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ {** Sets the color of the outline *}
+ procedure SetOutlineColor(r, g, b: GLfloat; a: GLfloat = 1.0);
+ {** @see TGlyphCache.FlushCache *}
+ procedure FlushCache(KeepBaseSet: boolean);
+ {** @see TFont.Reset *}
+ procedure Reset(); override;
+ {** Size of the base font *}
+ property Size: integer read fSize;
+ {** Outset size *}
+ property Outset: single read fOutset;
+ end;
+ {**
+ * Wrapper around TOutlineFont to allow font resizing.
+ * @see TScalableFont
+ *}
+ TFTScalableOutlineFont = class(TScalableFont)
+ protected
+ function GetOutset(): single; virtual;
+ function CreateMipmap(Level: integer; Scale: single): TFont; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const Filename: string;
+ Size: integer; OutsetAmount: single;
+ UseMipmaps: boolean = true);
+ {** Sets the color of the outline *}
+ procedure SetOutlineColor(r, g, b: GLfloat; a: GLfloat = 1.0);
+ {** @see TGlyphCache.FlushCache *}
+ procedure FlushCache(KeepBaseSet: boolean);
+ {** Outset size *}
+ property Outset: single read GetOutset;
+ end;
+ {**
+ * A bitmapped font loads it's glyphs from a bitmap and stores them in a
+ * texture. Unicode characters are not supported (but could be by supporting
+ * multiple textures each storing a subset of unicode glyphs).
+ * For backward compatibility only.
+ *}
+ TBitmapFont = class(TFont)
+ private
+ fTex: TTexture;
+ fTexSize: integer;
+ fBaseline: integer;
+ fAscender: integer;
+ fDescender: integer;
+ fWidths: array[0..255] of byte; // half widths
+ fOutline: integer;
+ fTempColor: TGLColor; ///< colours for the reflection
+ procedure ResetIntern();
+ procedure RenderChar(ch: WideChar; var AdvanceX: real);
+ {**
+ * Load font widths from an info file.
+ * @param InfoFile: the name of the info (.dat) file
+ * @raises Exception if the file is corrupted
+ *}
+ procedure LoadFontInfo(const InfoFile: string);
+ protected
+ procedure Render(const Text: WideString); override;
+ function BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
+ function GetHeight(): single; override;
+ function GetAscender(): single; override;
+ function GetDescender(): single; override;
+ function GetUnderlinePosition(): single; override;
+ function GetUnderlineThickness(): single; override;
+ public
+ {**
+ * Creates a bitmapped font from image Filename and font width info
+ * loaded from the corresponding file with ending .dat.
+ * @param Baseline: y-coord of the baseline given in cartesian coords
+ * (y-axis up) and from the lower edge of the glyphs bounding box
+ * @param Ascender: pixels from baseline to top of highest glyph
+ *}
+ constructor Create(const Filename: string; Outline: integer;
+ Baseline, Ascender, Descender: integer);
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ {**
+ * Corrects font widths provided by the info file.
+ * NewWidth := Width * WidthMult + WidthAdd
+ *}
+ procedure CorrectWidths(WidthMult: real; WidthAdd: integer);
+ {** @see TFont.Reset *}
+ procedure Reset(); override;
+ end;
+ TFreeType = class
+ public
+ {**
+ * Returns a pointer to the freetype library singleton.
+ * If non exists, freetype will be initialized.
+ * @raises Exception if initialization failed
+ *}
+ class function GetLibrary(): FT_Library;
+ class procedure FreeLibrary();
+ end;
+uses Types;
+ // shear factor used for the italic effect (bigger value -> more bending)
+ cShearFactor = 0.25;
+ cShearMatrix: array[0..15] of GLfloat = (
+ 1, 0, 0, 0,
+ cShearFactor, 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1
+ );
+ cShearMatrixInv: array[0..15] of GLfloat = (
+ 1, 0, 0, 0,
+ -cShearFactor, 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1
+ );
+ LibraryInst: FT_Library;
+function NewGLColor(r, g, b, a: GLfloat): TGLColor;
+ Result.r := r;
+ Result.g := g;
+ Result.b := b;
+ Result.a := a;
+ * Returns the first power of 2 >= Value.
+ *}
+function NextPowerOf2(Value: integer): integer; {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ Result := 1;
+ while (Result < Value) do
+ Result := Result shl 1;
+ * TFont
+ *}
+constructor TFont.Create();
+ inherited;
+ ResetIntern();
+destructor TFont.Destroy();
+ inherited;
+procedure TFont.ResetIntern();
+ fStyle := [];
+ fUseKerning := true;
+ fGlyphSpacing := 0.0;
+ fReflectionPass := false;
+ // must be set by subclasses
+ fLineSpacing := 0.0;
+ fReflectionSpacing := 0.0;
+procedure TFont.Reset();
+ ResetIntern();
+procedure TFont.SplitLines(const Text: UTF8String; var Lines: TWideStringArray);
+ LineList: TStringList;
+ LineIndex: integer;
+ // split lines on newline (there is no WideString version of ExtractStrings)
+ LineList := TStringList.Create();
+ ExtractStrings([#13], [], PChar(Text), LineList);
+ // create an array of WideStrins from the UTF-8 string-list
+ SetLength(Lines, LineList.Count);
+ for LineIndex := 0 to LineList.Count-1 do
+ Lines[LineIndex] := UTF8Decode(LineList[LineIndex]);
+ LineList.Free();
+function TFont.BBox(const Text: UTF8String; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+ LineArray: TWideStringArray;
+ SplitLines(Text, LineArray);
+ Result := BBox(LineArray, Advance);
+ SetLength(LineArray, 0);
+function TFont.BBox(const Text: WideString; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+ Result := BBox(UTF8Encode(Text), Advance);
+procedure TFont.Print(const Text: TWideStringArray);
+ LineIndex: integer;
+ // recursively call this function to draw reflected text
+ if ((Reflect in Style) and not ReflectionPass) then
+ begin
+ ReflectionPass := true;
+ Print(Text);
+ ReflectionPass := false;
+ end;
+ // store current color, enable-flags, matrix-mode
+ // set OpenGL state
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ {
+ // TODO: just draw texels with alpha > 0 to avoid setting z-buffer for them?
+ glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0);
+ glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ //TODO: Do we need depth-testing?
+ if (ReflectionPass) then
+ begin
+ glDepthMask(0);
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ end;
+ }
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glScalef(1, -1, 1);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // display text
+ for LineIndex := 0 to High(Text) do
+ begin
+ glPushMatrix();
+ // move to baseline
+ glTranslatef(0, -LineSpacing*LineIndex, 0);
+ if ((Underline in Style) and not ReflectionPass) then
+ begin
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ DrawUnderline(Text[LineIndex]);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end;
+ // draw reflection
+ if (ReflectionPass) then
+ begin
+ // set reflection spacing
+ glTranslatef(0, -ReflectionSpacing, 0);
+ // flip y-axis
+ glScalef(1, -1, 1);
+ end;
+ // shear for italic effect
+ if (Italic in Style) then
+ glMultMatrixf(@cShearMatrix);
+ // render text line
+ Render(Text[LineIndex]);
+ glPopMatrix();
+ end;
+ // restore settings
+ glPopMatrix();
+ {$ENDIF}
+ glPopAttrib();
+procedure TFont.Print(const Text: string);
+ LineArray: TWideStringArray;
+ SplitLines(Text, LineArray);
+ Print(LineArray);
+ SetLength(LineArray, 0);
+procedure TFont.Print(const Text: WideString);
+ Print(UTF8Encode(Text));
+procedure TFont.DrawUnderline(const Text: WideString);
+ UnderlineY1, UnderlineY2: single;
+ Bounds: TBoundsDbl;
+ UnderlineY1 := GetUnderlinePosition();
+ UnderlineY2 := UnderlineY1 + GetUnderlineThickness();
+ Bounds := BBox(Text);
+ glRectf(Bounds.Left, UnderlineY1, Bounds.Right, UnderlineY2);
+procedure TFont.SetStyle(Style: TFontStyle);
+ fStyle := Style;
+function TFont.GetStyle(): TFontStyle;
+ Result := fStyle;
+procedure TFont.SetLineSpacing(Spacing: single);
+ fLineSpacing := Spacing;
+function TFont.GetLineSpacing(): single;
+ Result := fLineSpacing;
+procedure TFont.SetGlyphSpacing(Spacing: single);
+ fGlyphSpacing := Spacing;
+function TFont.GetGlyphSpacing(): single;
+ Result := fGlyphSpacing;
+procedure TFont.SetReflectionSpacing(Spacing: single);
+ fReflectionSpacing := Spacing;
+function TFont.GetReflectionSpacing(): single;
+ Result := fReflectionSpacing;
+procedure TFont.SetUseKerning(Enable: boolean);
+ fUseKerning := Enable;
+function TFont.GetUseKerning(): boolean;
+ Result := fUseKerning;
+procedure TFont.SetReflectionPass(Enable: boolean);
+ fReflectionPass := Enable;
+ * TScalableFont
+ *}
+constructor TScalableFont.Create(Font: TFont; UseMipmaps: boolean);
+ MipmapLevel: integer;
+ inherited Create();
+ fBaseFont := Font;
+ fMipmapFonts[0] := Font;
+ fUseMipmaps := UseMipmaps;
+ ResetIntern();
+ // create mipmap fonts if requested
+ if (UseMipmaps) then
+ begin
+ for MipmapLevel := 1 to cMaxMipmapLevel do
+ begin
+ fMipmapFonts[MipmapLevel] := CreateMipmap(MipmapLevel, 1/(1 shl MipmapLevel));
+ // stop if no smaller mipmap font is returned
+ if (fMipmapFonts[MipmapLevel] = nil) then
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+destructor TScalableFont.Destroy();
+ Level: integer;
+ for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
+ fMipmapFonts[Level].Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TScalableFont.ResetIntern();
+ fScale := 1.0;
+ fAspect := 1.0;
+procedure TScalableFont.Reset();
+ Level: integer;
+ inherited;
+ ResetIntern();
+ for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ fMipmapFonts[Level].Reset();
+ * Returns the mipmap level to use with regard to the current projection
+ * and modelview matrix, font scale and aspect.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * - for Freetype fonts, hinting and grid-fitting must be disabled, otherwise
+ * the glyph widths/heights ratios and advance widths of the mipmap fonts
+ * do not match as they are adjusted sligthly (e.g. an 'a' at size 12px has
+ * width 12px, but at size 6px width 8px).
+ * - returned mipmap-level is used for all glyphs of the current text to print.
+ * This is faster, much easier to handle, since we just need to create
+ * multiple sized fonts and select the one we need for the mipmap-level and
+ * it avoids that neighbored glyphs use different mipmap-level which might
+ * look odd because one glyph might look blurry and the other sharp.
+ *
+ * Motivation:
+ * We do not use OpenGL for mipmapping as the results are very bad. At least
+ * with automatic mipmap generation (gluBuildMipmaps) the fonts look rather
+ * blurry.
+ * Defining our own mipmaps by creating multiple textures with
+ * for different mimap levels is a pain, as the font size passed to freetype
+ * is not the size of the bitmaps created and it does not guarantee that a
+ * glyph bitmap of a font with font-size s/2 is half the size of the font with
+ * font-size s. If the bitmap size is just a single pixel bigger than the half
+ * we might need a texture of the next power-of-2 and the texture would not be
+ * half of the size of the next bigger mipmap. In addition we use a fixed one
+ * pixel sized border to smooth the texture (see cTexSmoothBorder) and maybe
+ * an outset that is added to the font, so creating a glyph mipmap that is
+ * exactly half the size of the next bigger one is a very difficult task.
+ *
+ * Solution:
+ * Use mipmap textures that are not exactly half the size of the next mipmap
+ * level. OpenGL does not support this (at least not without extensions).
+ * The trickiest task is to determine the mipmap to use by calculating the
+ * amount of minification that is performed in this function.
+ *}
+function TScalableFont.GetMipmapLevel(): integer;
+ ModelMatrix, ProjMatrix: T16dArray;
+ WinCoords: array[0..2, 0..2] of GLdouble;
+ ViewPortArray: TViewPortArray;
+ Dist, Dist2: double;
+ WidthScale, HeightScale: double;
+ // width/height of square used for determining the scale
+ cTestSize = 10.0;
+ // an offset to the mipmap-level to adjust the change-over of two consecutive
+ // mipmap levels. If for example the bias is 0.1 and unbiased level is 1.9
+ // the result level will be 2. A bias of 0.5 is equal to rounding.
+ // With bias=0.1 we prefer larger mipmaps over smaller ones.
+ cBias = 0.2;
+ // 1. retrieve current transformation matrices for gluProject
+ glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, @ModelMatrix);
+ glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, @ProjMatrix);
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @ViewPortArray);
+ // 2. project three of the corner points of a square with size cTestSize
+ // to window coordinates (the square is just a dummy for a glyph)
+ // project point (x1, y1) to window corrdinates
+ gluProject(0, 0, 0,
+ ModelMatrix, ProjMatrix, ViewPortArray,
+ @WinCoords[0][0], @WinCoords[0][1], @WinCoords[0][2]);
+ // project point (x2, y1) to window corrdinates
+ gluProject(cTestSize, 0, 0,
+ ModelMatrix, ProjMatrix, ViewPortArray,
+ @WinCoords[1][0], @WinCoords[1][1], @WinCoords[1][2]);
+ // project point (x1, y2) to window corrdinates
+ gluProject(0, cTestSize, 0,
+ ModelMatrix, ProjMatrix, ViewPortArray,
+ @WinCoords[2][0], @WinCoords[2][1], @WinCoords[2][2]);
+ // 3. Lets see how much the width and height of the square changed.
+ // Calculate the width and height as displayed on the screen in window
+ // coordinates and calculate the ratio to the original coordinates in
+ // modelview space so the ratio gives us the scale (minification here).
+ // projected width ||(x1, y1) - (x2, y1)||
+ Dist := (WinCoords[0][0] - WinCoords[1][0]);
+ Dist2 := (WinCoords[0][1] - WinCoords[1][1]);
+ WidthScale := cTestSize / Sqrt(Dist*Dist + Dist2*Dist2);
+ // projected height ||(x1, y1) - (x1, y2)||
+ Dist := (WinCoords[0][0] - WinCoords[2][0]);
+ Dist2 := (WinCoords[0][1] - WinCoords[2][1]);
+ HeightScale := cTestSize / Sqrt(Dist*Dist + Dist2*Dist2);
+ //writeln(Format('Scale %f, %f', [WidthScale, HeightScale]));
+ // 4. Now that we have got the scale, take the bigger minification scale
+ // and get it to a logarithmic scale as each mipmap is 1/2 the size of its
+ // predecessor (Mipmap_size[i] = Mipmap_size[i-1]/2).
+ // The result is our mipmap-level = the index of the mipmap to use.
+ // Level > 0: Minification; < 0: Magnification
+ Result := Trunc(Log2(Max(WidthScale, HeightScale)) + cBias);
+ // clamp to valid range
+ if (Result < 0) then
+ Result := 0;
+ if (Result > High(fMipmapFonts)) then
+ Result := High(fMipmapFonts);
+function TScalableFont.GetMipmapScale(Level: integer): single;
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] = nil) then
+ begin
+ Result := -1;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Result := fScale * fMipmapFonts[0].Height / fMipmapFonts[Level].Height;
+ * Returns the correct mipmap font for the current scale and projection
+ * matrix. The modelview scale is adjusted to the mipmap level, so
+ * Result.Print() will display the font in the correct size.
+ *}
+function TScalableFont.ChooseMipmapFont(): TFont;
+ DesiredLevel: integer;
+ Level: integer;
+ MipmapScale: single;
+ Result := nil;
+ DesiredLevel := GetMipmapLevel();
+ // get the smallest mipmap available for the desired level
+ // as not all levels must be assigned to a font.
+ for Level := DesiredLevel downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ begin
+ Result := fMipmapFonts[Level];
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // since the mipmap font (if level > 0) is smaller than the base-font
+ // we have to scale to get its size right.
+ MipmapScale := fMipmapFonts[0].Height/Result.Height;
+ glScalef(MipmapScale, MipmapScale, 0);
+procedure TScalableFont.Print(const Text: TWideStringArray);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glScalef(fScale * fAspect, fScale, 0);
+ if (fUseMipmaps) then
+ ChooseMipmapFont().Print(Text)
+ else
+ fBaseFont.Print(Text);
+ glPopMatrix();
+procedure TScalableFont.Render(const Text: WideString);
+ Assert(false, 'Unused TScalableFont.Render() was called');
+function TScalableFont.BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+ Result := fBaseFont.BBox(Text, Advance);
+ Result.Left := Result.Left * fScale;
+ Result.Right := Result.Right * fScale;
+ Result.Top := Result.Top * fScale;
+ Result.Bottom := Result.Bottom * fScale;
+procedure TScalableFont.SetHeight(Height: single);
+ fScale := Height / fBaseFont.GetHeight();
+function TScalableFont.GetHeight(): single;
+ Result := fBaseFont.GetHeight() * fScale;
+procedure TScalableFont.SetAspect(Aspect: single);
+ fAspect := Aspect;
+function TScalableFont.GetAspect(): single;
+ Result := fAspect;
+function TScalableFont.GetAscender(): single;
+ Result := fBaseFont.GetAscender() * fScale;
+function TScalableFont.GetDescender(): single;
+ Result := fBaseFont.GetDescender() * fScale;
+procedure TScalableFont.SetLineSpacing(Spacing: single);
+ Level: integer;
+ for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ fMipmapFonts[Level].SetLineSpacing(Spacing / GetMipmapScale(Level));
+function TScalableFont.GetLineSpacing(): single;
+ Result := fBaseFont.GetLineSpacing() * fScale;
+procedure TScalableFont.SetGlyphSpacing(Spacing: single);
+ Level: integer;
+ for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ fMipmapFonts[Level].SetGlyphSpacing(Spacing / GetMipmapScale(Level));
+function TScalableFont.GetGlyphSpacing(): single;
+ Result := fBaseFont.GetGlyphSpacing() * fScale;
+procedure TScalableFont.SetReflectionSpacing(Spacing: single);
+ Level: integer;
+ for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ fMipmapFonts[Level].SetReflectionSpacing(Spacing / GetMipmapScale(Level));
+function TScalableFont.GetReflectionSpacing(): single;
+ Result := fBaseFont.GetLineSpacing() * fScale;
+procedure TScalableFont.SetStyle(Style: TFontStyle);
+ Level: integer;
+ for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ fMipmapFonts[Level].SetStyle(Style);
+function TScalableFont.GetStyle(): TFontStyle;
+ Result := fBaseFont.GetStyle();
+function TScalableFont.GetUnderlinePosition(): single;
+ Result := fBaseFont.GetUnderlinePosition();
+function TScalableFont.GetUnderlineThickness(): single;
+ Result := fBaseFont.GetUnderlinePosition();
+procedure TScalableFont.SetUseKerning(Enable: boolean);
+ Level: integer;
+ for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ fMipmapFonts[Level].SetUseKerning(Enable);
+ * TCachedFont
+ *}
+constructor TCachedFont.Create();
+ inherited;
+ fCache := TGlyphCache.Create();
+destructor TCachedFont.Destroy();
+ fCache.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TCachedFont.GetGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph;
+ Result := fCache.GetGlyph(ch);
+ if (Result = nil) then
+ begin
+ Result := LoadGlyph(ch);
+ if (not fCache.AddGlyph(ch, Result)) then
+ Result.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TCachedFont.FlushCache(KeepBaseSet: boolean);
+ fCache.FlushCache(KeepBaseSet);
+ * TFTFont
+ *}
+constructor TFTFont.Create(
+ const Filename: string;
+ Size: integer; Outset: single;
+ LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
+ i: WideChar;
+ inherited Create();
+ fFilename := Filename;
+ fSize := Size;
+ fOutset := Outset;
+ fLoadFlags := LoadFlags;
+ fUseDisplayLists := true;
+ // load font information
+ if (FT_New_Face(TFreeType.GetLibrary(), PChar(Filename), 0, fFace) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_New_Face: Could not load font ''' + Filename + '''');
+ // support scalable fonts only
+ if (not FT_IS_SCALABLE(fFace)) then
+ raise Exception.Create('Font is not scalable');
+ if (FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(fFace, 0, Size) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes failes');
+ // get scale factor for font-unit to pixel-size transformation
+ fFontUnitScale.X := fFace.size.metrics.x_ppem / fFace.units_per_EM;
+ fFontUnitScale.Y := fFace.size.metrics.y_ppem / fFace.units_per_EM;
+ ResetIntern();
+ // pre-cache some commonly used glyphs (' ' - '~')
+ for i := #32 to #126 do
+ fCache.AddGlyph(i, TFTGlyph.Create(Self, i, Outset, LoadFlags));
+destructor TFTFont.Destroy();
+ // free face
+ FT_Done_Face(fFace);
+ inherited;
+procedure TFTFont.ResetIntern();
+ // Note: outset and non outset fonts use same spacing
+ fLineSpacing := fFace.height * fFontUnitScale.Y;
+ fReflectionSpacing := -2*fFace.descender * fFontUnitScale.Y;
+procedure TFTFont.Reset();
+ inherited;
+ ResetIntern();
+function TFTFont.LoadGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph;
+ Result := TFTGlyph.Create(Self, ch, Outset, fLoadFlags);
+function TFTFont.BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+ Glyph, PrevGlyph: TFTGlyph;
+ TextLine: WideString;
+ LineYOffset: single;
+ LineIndex, CharIndex: integer;
+ LineBounds: TBoundsDbl;
+ KernDelta: FT_Vector;
+ UnderlinePos: double;
+ // Reset global bounds
+ Result.Left := Infinity;
+ Result.Right := 0;
+ Result.Bottom := Infinity;
+ Result.Top := 0;
+ // reset last glyph
+ PrevGlyph := nil;
+ // display text
+ for LineIndex := 0 to High(Text) do
+ begin
+ // get next text line
+ TextLine := Text[LineIndex];
+ LineYOffset := -LineSpacing * LineIndex;
+ // reset line bounds
+ LineBounds.Left := Infinity;
+ LineBounds.Right := 0;
+ LineBounds.Bottom := Infinity;
+ LineBounds.Top := 0;
+ // for each glyph image, compute its bounding box
+ for CharIndex := 1 to Length(TextLine) do
+ begin
+ Glyph := TFTGlyph(GetGlyph(TextLine[CharIndex]));
+ if (Glyph <> nil) then
+ begin
+ // get kerning
+ if (fUseKerning and FT_HAS_KERNING(fFace) and (PrevGlyph <> nil)) then
+ begin
+ FT_Get_Kerning(fFace, PrevGlyph.CharIndex, Glyph.CharIndex,
+ LineBounds.Right := LineBounds.Right + KernDelta.x * fFontUnitScale.X;
+ end;
+ // update left bound (must be done before right bound is updated)
+ if (LineBounds.Right + Glyph.Bounds.Left < LineBounds.Left) then
+ LineBounds.Left := LineBounds.Right + Glyph.Bounds.Left;
+ // update right bound
+ if (CharIndex < Length(TextLine)) or // not the last character
+ (TextLine[CharIndex] = ' ') or // on space char (Bounds.Right = 0)
+ Advance then // or in advance mode
+ begin
+ // add advance and glyph spacing
+ LineBounds.Right := LineBounds.Right + Glyph.Advance.x + GlyphSpacing
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // add glyph's right bound
+ LineBounds.Right := LineBounds.Right + Glyph.Bounds.Right;
+ end;
+ // update bottom and top bounds
+ if (Glyph.Bounds.Bottom < LineBounds.Bottom) then
+ LineBounds.Bottom := Glyph.Bounds.Bottom;
+ if (Glyph.Bounds.Top > LineBounds.Top) then
+ LineBounds.Top := Glyph.Bounds.Top;
+ end;
+ PrevGlyph := Glyph;
+ end;
+ // handle italic font style
+ if (Italic in Style) then
+ begin
+ LineBounds.Left := LineBounds.Left + LineBounds.Bottom * cShearFactor;
+ LineBounds.Right := LineBounds.Right + LineBounds.Top * cShearFactor;
+ end;
+ // handle underlined font style
+ if (Underline in Style) then
+ begin
+ UnderlinePos := GetUnderlinePosition();
+ if (UnderlinePos < LineBounds.Bottom) then
+ LineBounds.Bottom := UnderlinePos;
+ end;
+ // add line offset
+ LineBounds.Bottom := LineBounds.Bottom + LineYOffset;
+ LineBounds.Top := LineBounds.Top + LineYOffset;
+ // adjust global bounds
+ if (Result.Left > LineBounds.Left) then
+ Result.Left := LineBounds.Left;
+ if (Result.Right < LineBounds.Right) then
+ Result.Right := LineBounds.Right;
+ if (Result.Bottom > LineBounds.Bottom) then
+ Result.Bottom := LineBounds.Bottom;
+ if (Result.Top < LineBounds.Top) then
+ Result.Top := LineBounds.Top;
+ end;
+ // if left or bottom bound was not set, set them to 0
+ if (Result.Left = Infinity) then
+ Result.Left := 0.0;
+ if (Result.Bottom = Infinity) then
+ Result.Bottom := 0.0;
+procedure TFTFont.Render(const Text: WideString);
+ CharIndex: integer;
+ Glyph, PrevGlyph: TFTGlyph;
+ KernDelta: FT_Vector;
+ // reset last glyph
+ PrevGlyph := nil;
+ // draw current line
+ for CharIndex := 1 to Length(Text) do
+ begin
+ Glyph := TFTGlyph(GetGlyph(Text[CharIndex]));
+ if (Assigned(Glyph)) then
+ begin
+ // get kerning
+ if (fUseKerning and FT_HAS_KERNING(fFace) and (PrevGlyph <> nil)) then
+ begin
+ FT_Get_Kerning(fFace, PrevGlyph.CharIndex, Glyph.CharIndex,
+ glTranslatef(KernDelta.x * fFontUnitScale.X, 0, 0);
+ end;
+ if (ReflectionPass) then
+ Glyph.RenderReflection()
+ else
+ Glyph.Render(fUseDisplayLists);
+ glTranslatef(Glyph.Advance.x + fGlyphSpacing, 0, 0);
+ end;
+ PrevGlyph := Glyph;
+ end;
+function TFTFont.GetHeight(): single;
+ Result := Ascender - Descender;
+function TFTFont.GetAscender(): single;
+ Result := fFace.ascender * fFontUnitScale.Y + Outset*2;
+function TFTFont.GetDescender(): single;
+ // Note: outset is not part of the descender as the baseline is lifted
+ Result := fFace.descender * fFontUnitScale.Y;
+function TFTFont.GetUnderlinePosition(): single;
+ Result := fFace.underline_position * fFontUnitScale.Y - Outset;
+function TFTFont.GetUnderlineThickness(): single;
+ Result := fFace.underline_thickness * fFontUnitScale.Y + Outset*2;
+ * TFTScalableFont
+ *}
+constructor TFTScalableFont.Create(const Filename: string;
+ Size: integer; OutsetAmount: single;
+ UseMipmaps: boolean);
+ LoadFlags: FT_Int32;
+ LoadFlags := FT_LOAD_DEFAULT;
+ // Disable hinting and grid-fitting to preserve font outlines at each font
+ // size, otherwise the font widths/heights do not match resulting in ugly
+ // text size changes during zooming.
+ // A drawback is a reduced quality with smaller font sizes but it is not that
+ // bad with gray-scaled rendering (at least it looks better than OpenGL's
+ // linear downscaling on minification).
+ if (UseMipmaps) then
+ LoadFlags := LoadFlags or FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING;
+ inherited Create(
+ TFTFont.Create(Filename, Size, Size * OutsetAmount, LoadFlags),
+ UseMipmaps);
+function TFTScalableFont.CreateMipmap(Level: integer; Scale: single): TFont;
+ ScaledSize: integer;
+ BaseFont: TFTFont;
+ Result := nil;
+ BaseFont := TFTFont(fBaseFont);
+ ScaledSize := Round(BaseFont.Size * Scale);
+ // do not create mipmap fonts < 8 pixels
+ if (ScaledSize < 8) then
+ Exit;
+ Result := TFTFont.Create(BaseFont.fFilename,
+ ScaledSize, BaseFont.fOutset * Scale,
+function TFTScalableFont.GetOutset(): single;
+ Result := TFTFont(fBaseFont).Outset * fScale;
+procedure TFTScalableFont.FlushCache(KeepBaseSet: boolean);
+ Level: integer;
+ for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ TFTFont(fMipmapFonts[Level]).FlushCache(KeepBaseSet);
+ * TOutlineFont
+ *}
+constructor TFTOutlineFont.Create(
+ const Filename: string;
+ Size: integer; Outset: single;
+ LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
+ inherited Create();
+ fFilename := Filename;
+ fSize := Size;
+ fOutset := Outset;
+ fInnerFont := TFTFont.Create(Filename, Size, 0.0, LoadFlags);
+ fOutlineFont := TFTFont.Create(Filename, Size, Outset, LoadFlags);
+ ResetIntern();
+destructor TFTOutlineFont.Destroy;
+ fOutlineFont.Free;
+ fInnerFont.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.ResetIntern();
+ // TODO: maybe swap fInnerFont/fOutlineFont.GlyphSpacing to use the spacing
+ // of the outline font?
+ //fInnerFont.GlyphSpacing := fOutset*2;
+ fOutlineFont.GlyphSpacing := -fOutset*2;
+ fLineSpacing := fOutlineFont.LineSpacing;
+ fReflectionSpacing := fOutlineFont.ReflectionSpacing;
+ fOutlineColor := NewGLColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.Reset();
+ inherited;
+ fInnerFont.Reset();
+ fOutlineFont.Reset();
+ ResetIntern();
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.DrawUnderline(const Text: WideString);
+ glPushAttrib(GL_CURRENT_BIT);
+ glColor4fv(@fOutlineColor.vals);
+ fOutlineFont.DrawUnderline(Text);
+ glPopAttrib();
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glTranslatef(fOutset, 0, 0);
+ fInnerFont.DrawUnderline(Text);
+ glPopMatrix();
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.Render(const Text: WideString);
+ { setup and render outline font }
+ // save old color
+ glPushAttrib(GL_CURRENT_BIT);
+ glColor4fv(@fOutlineColor.vals);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ fOutlineFont.Render(Text);
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glPopAttrib();
+ { setup and render inner font }
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glTranslatef(fOutset, fOutset, 0);
+ fInnerFont.Render(Text);
+ glPopMatrix();
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.SetOutlineColor(r, g, b: GLfloat; a: GLfloat);
+ fOutlineColor := NewGLColor(r, g, b, a);
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.FlushCache(KeepBaseSet: boolean);
+ fOutlineFont.FlushCache(KeepBaseSet);
+ fInnerFont.FlushCache(KeepBaseSet);
+function TFTOutlineFont.BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+ Result := fOutlineFont.BBox(Text, Advance);
+function TFTOutlineFont.GetHeight(): single;
+ Result := fOutlineFont.Height;
+function TFTOutlineFont.GetAscender(): single;
+ Result := fOutlineFont.Ascender;
+function TFTOutlineFont.GetDescender(): single;
+ Result := fOutlineFont.Descender;
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.SetLineSpacing(Spacing: single);
+ inherited SetLineSpacing(Spacing);
+ fInnerFont.LineSpacing := Spacing;
+ fOutlineFont.LineSpacing := Spacing;
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.SetGlyphSpacing(Spacing: single);
+ inherited SetGlyphSpacing(Spacing);
+ fInnerFont.GlyphSpacing := Spacing;
+ fOutlineFont.GlyphSpacing := Spacing - Outset*2;
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.SetReflectionSpacing(Spacing: single);
+ inherited SetReflectionSpacing(Spacing);
+ fInnerFont.ReflectionSpacing := Spacing;
+ fOutlineFont.ReflectionSpacing := Spacing;
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.SetStyle(Style: TFontStyle);
+ inherited SetStyle(Style);
+ fInnerFont.Style := Style;
+ fOutlineFont.Style := Style;
+function TFTOutlineFont.GetStyle(): TFontStyle;
+ Result := inherited GetStyle();
+function TFTOutlineFont.GetUnderlinePosition(): single;
+ Result := fOutlineFont.GetUnderlinePosition();
+function TFTOutlineFont.GetUnderlineThickness(): single;
+ Result := fOutlineFont.GetUnderlinePosition();
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.SetUseKerning(Enable: boolean);
+ inherited SetUseKerning(Enable);
+ fInnerFont.fUseKerning := Enable;
+ fOutlineFont.fUseKerning := Enable;
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.SetReflectionPass(Enable: boolean);
+ inherited SetReflectionPass(Enable);
+ fInnerFont.fReflectionPass := Enable;
+ fOutlineFont.fReflectionPass := Enable;
+ * TScalableOutlineFont
+ *}
+constructor TFTScalableOutlineFont.Create(
+ const Filename: string;
+ Size: integer; OutsetAmount: single;
+ UseMipmaps: boolean);
+ LoadFlags: FT_Int32;
+ LoadFlags := FT_LOAD_DEFAULT;
+ // Disable hinting and grid-fitting (see TFTScalableFont.Create)
+ if (UseMipmaps) then
+ LoadFlags := LoadFlags or FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING;
+ inherited Create(
+ TFTOutlineFont.Create(Filename, Size, Size*OutsetAmount, LoadFlags),
+ UseMipmaps);
+function TFTScalableOutlineFont.CreateMipmap(Level: integer; Scale: single): TFont;
+ ScaledSize: integer;
+ BaseFont: TFTOutlineFont;
+ Result := nil;
+ BaseFont := TFTOutlineFont(fBaseFont);
+ ScaledSize := Round(BaseFont.Size*Scale);
+ // do not create mipmap fonts < 8 pixels
+ if (ScaledSize < 8) then
+ Exit;
+ Result := TFTOutlineFont.Create(BaseFont.fFilename,
+ ScaledSize, BaseFont.fOutset*Scale,
+function TFTScalableOutlineFont.GetOutset(): single;
+ Result := TFTOutlineFont(fBaseFont).Outset * fScale;
+procedure TFTScalableOutlineFont.SetOutlineColor(r, g, b: GLfloat; a: GLfloat);
+ Level: integer;
+ for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ TFTOutlineFont(fMipmapFonts[Level]).SetOutlineColor(r, g, b, a);
+procedure TFTScalableOutlineFont.FlushCache(KeepBaseSet: boolean);
+ Level: integer;
+ for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
+ if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ TFTOutlineFont(fMipmapFonts[Level]).FlushCache(KeepBaseSet);
+ * TFTGlyph
+ *}
+ {**
+ * Size of the transparent border surrounding the glyph image in the texture.
+ * The border is necessary because OpenGL does not smooth texels at the
+ * border of a texture with the GL_CLAMP or GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE styles.
+ * Without the border, magnified glyph textures look very ugly at their edges.
+ * It looks edgy, as if some pixels are missing especially on the left edge
+ * (just set cTexSmoothBorder to 0 to see what is meant by this).
+ * With the border even the glyphs edges are blended to the border (transparent)
+ * color and everything looks nice.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * OpenGL already supports texture border by setting the border parameter
+ * of glTexImage*D() to 1 and using a texture size of 2^m+2b and setting the
+ * border pixels to the border color. In some forums it is discouraged to use
+ * the border parameter as only a few of the more modern graphics cards support
+ * this feature. On an ATI Radeon 9700 card, the slowed down to 0.5 fps and
+ * the glyph's background got black. So instead of using this feature we
+ * handle it on our own. The only drawback is that textures might get bigger
+ * because the border might require a higher power of 2 size instead of just
+ * two additional pixels.
+ *}
+ cTexSmoothBorder = 1;
+procedure TFTGlyph.Extrude(var TexBuffer: TGLubyteDynArray; Outset: single);
+ procedure SetToMax(var Val1: GLubyte; Val2: GLubyte); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ if (Val1 < Val2) then
+ Val1 := Val2;
+ end;
+ I, X, Y: integer;
+ SrcBuffer,TmpBuffer: TGLubyteDynArray;
+ TexLine, TexLinePrev, TexLineNext: PGLubyteArray;
+ SrcLine: PGLubyteArray;
+ AlphaScale: single;
+ Value, ValueNeigh, ValueDiag: GLubyte;
+ // square-root of 2 used for diagonal neighbor pixels
+ cSqrt2 = 1.4142;
+ // number of ignored pixels on each edge of the bitmap. Consists of:
+ // - border used for font smoothing and
+ // - outer (extruded) bitmap pixel (because it is just written but never read)
+ cBorder = cTexSmoothBorder + 1;
+ // allocate memory for temporary buffer
+ SetLength(SrcBuffer, Length(TexBuffer));
+ FillChar(SrcBuffer[0], Length(TexBuffer), 0);
+ // extrude pixel by pixel
+ for I := 1 to Ceil(Outset) do
+ begin
+ // swap arrays
+ TmpBuffer := TexBuffer;
+ TexBuffer := SrcBuffer;
+ SrcBuffer := TmpBuffer;
+ // as long as we add an entire pixel of outset, use a solid color.
+ // If the fractional part is reached blend, e.g. outline=3.2 -> 3 solid
+ // pixels and one blended with alpha=0.2.
+ // For the fractional part I = Ceil(Outset) is always true.
+ if (I <= Outset) then
+ AlphaScale := 1
+ else
+ AlphaScale := Outset - Trunc(Outset);
+ // copy data to the expanded bitmap.
+ for Y := cBorder to fTexSize.Height - 2*cBorder do
+ begin
+ TexLine := @TexBuffer[Y*fTexSize.Width];
+ TexLinePrev := @TexBuffer[(Y-1)*fTexSize.Width];
+ TexLineNext := @TexBuffer[(Y+1)*fTexSize.Width];
+ SrcLine := @SrcBuffer[Y*fTexSize.Width];
+ // expand current line's pixels
+ for X := cBorder to fTexSize.Width - 2*cBorder do
+ begin
+ Value := SrcLine[X];
+ ValueNeigh := Round(Value * AlphaScale);
+ ValueDiag := Round(ValueNeigh / cSqrt2);
+ SetToMax(TexLine[X], Value);
+ SetToMax(TexLine[X-1], ValueNeigh);
+ SetToMax(TexLine[X+1], ValueNeigh);
+ SetToMax(TexLinePrev[X], ValueNeigh);
+ SetToMax(TexLinePrev[X-1], ValueDiag);
+ SetToMax(TexLinePrev[X+1], ValueDiag);
+ SetToMax(TexLineNext[X], ValueNeigh);
+ SetToMax(TexLineNext[X-1], ValueDiag);
+ SetToMax(TexLineNext[X+1], ValueDiag);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ TmpBuffer := nil;
+ SetLength(SrcBuffer, 0);
+procedure TFTGlyph.CreateTexture(LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
+ X, Y: integer;
+ Glyph: FT_Glyph;
+ BitmapGlyph: FT_BitmapGlyph;
+ Bitmap: PFT_Bitmap;
+ BitmapLine: PChar;
+ BitmapBuffer: PChar;
+ TexBuffer: TGLubyteDynArray;
+ TexLine: PGLubyteArray;
+ CBox: FT_BBox;
+ // load the Glyph for our character
+ if (FT_Load_Glyph(fFont.Face, fCharIndex, LoadFlags) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_Load_Glyph failed');
+ // move the face's glyph into a Glyph object
+ if (FT_Get_Glyph(fFont.Face^.glyph, Glyph) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_Get_Glyph failed');
+ // store scaled advance width/height in glyph-object
+ fAdvance.X := fFont.Face^.glyph^.advance.x / 64 + fOutset*2;
+ fAdvance.Y := fFont.Face^.glyph^.advance.y / 64 + fOutset*2;
+ // get the contour's bounding box (in 1/64th pixels, not font-units)
+ FT_Glyph_Get_CBox(Glyph, FT_GLYPH_BBOX_UNSCALED, CBox);
+ // convert 1/64th values to double values
+ fBounds.Left := CBox.xMin / 64;
+ fBounds.Right := CBox.xMax / 64 + fOutset*2;
+ fBounds.Bottom := CBox.yMin / 64;
+ fBounds.Top := CBox.yMax / 64 + fOutset*2;
+ // convert the glyph to a bitmap (and destroy original glyph image)
+ FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(Glyph, ft_render_mode_normal, nil, 1);
+ BitmapGlyph := FT_BitmapGlyph(Glyph);
+ // get bitmap offsets
+ fBitmapCoords.Left := BitmapGlyph^.left - cTexSmoothBorder;
+ // Note: add 1*fOutset for lifting the baseline so outset fonts to not intersect
+ // with the baseline; Ceil(fOutset) for the outset pixels added to the bitmap.
+ fBitmapCoords.Top := BitmapGlyph^.top + fOutset+Ceil(fOutset) + cTexSmoothBorder;
+ // make accessing the bitmap easier
+ Bitmap := @BitmapGlyph^.bitmap;
+ // get bitmap dimensions
+ fBitmapCoords.Width := Bitmap.width + (Ceil(fOutset) + cTexSmoothBorder)*2;
+ fBitmapCoords.Height := Bitmap.rows + (Ceil(fOutset) + cTexSmoothBorder)*2;
+ // get power-of-2 bitmap widths
+ fTexSize.Width :=
+ NextPowerOf2(Bitmap.width + (Ceil(fOutset) + cTexSmoothBorder)*2);
+ fTexSize.Height :=
+ NextPowerOf2(Bitmap.rows + (Ceil(fOutset) + cTexSmoothBorder)*2);
+ // texture-widths ignoring empty (power-of-2) padding space
+ fTexOffset.X := fBitmapCoords.Width / fTexSize.Width;
+ fTexOffset.Y := fBitmapCoords.Height / fTexSize.Height;
+ // allocate memory for texture data
+ SetLength(TexBuffer, fTexSize.Width * fTexSize.Height);
+ FillChar(TexBuffer[0], Length(TexBuffer), 0);
+ // Freetype stores the bitmap with either upper (pitch is > 0) or lower
+ // (pitch < 0) glyphs line first. Set the buffer to the upper line.
+ // See http://freetype.sourceforge.net/freetype2/docs/glyphs/glyphs-7.html
+ if (Bitmap.pitch > 0) then
+ BitmapBuffer := @Bitmap.buffer[0]
+ else
+ BitmapBuffer := @Bitmap.buffer[(Bitmap.rows-1) * Abs(Bitmap.pitch)];
+ // copy data to texture bitmap (upper line first).
+ for Y := 0 to Bitmap.rows-1 do
+ begin
+ // set pointer to first pixel in line that holds bitmap data.
+ // Each line starts with a cTexSmoothBorder pixel and multiple outset pixels
+ // that are added by Extrude() later.
+ TexLine := @TexBuffer[(Y + cTexSmoothBorder + Ceil(fOutset)) * fTexSize.Width +
+ cTexSmoothBorder + Ceil(fOutset)];
+ // get next lower line offset, use pitch instead of width as it tells
+ // us the storage direction of the lines. In addition a line might be padded.
+ BitmapLine := @BitmapBuffer[Y * Bitmap.pitch];
+ for X := 0 to Bitmap.width-1 do
+ TexLine[X] := GLubyte(BitmapLine[X]);
+ end;
+ if (fOutset > 0) then
+ Extrude(TexBuffer, fOutset);
+ // allocate resources for textures and display lists
+ glGenTextures(1, @fTexture);
+ // setup texture paramaters
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fTexture);
+ glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+ // create alpha-map (GL_ALPHA component only).
+ // TexCoord (0,0) corresponds to the top left pixel of the glyph,
+ // (1,1) to the bottom right pixel. So the glyph is flipped as OpenGL uses
+ // a cartesian (y-axis up) coordinate system for textures.
+ // See the cTexSmoothBorder comment for info on texture borders.
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_ALPHA, fTexSize.Width, fTexSize.Height,
+ 0, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TexBuffer[0]);
+ // free expanded data
+ SetLength(TexBuffer, 0);
+ // create the display list
+ fDisplayList := glGenLists(1);
+ // render to display-list
+ glNewList(fDisplayList, GL_COMPILE);
+ Render(false);
+ glEndList();
+ // free glyph data (bitmap, etc.)
+ FT_Done_Glyph(Glyph);
+constructor TFTGlyph.Create(Font: TFTFont; ch: WideChar; Outset: single;
+ LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
+ inherited Create();
+ fFont := Font;
+ fOutset := Outset;
+ // get the Freetype char-index (use default UNICODE charmap)
+ fCharIndex := FT_Get_Char_Index(Font.fFace, FT_ULONG(ch));
+ CreateTexture(LoadFlags);
+destructor TFTGlyph.Destroy;
+ if (fDisplayList <> 0) then
+ glDeleteLists(fDisplayList, 1);
+ if (fTexture <> 0) then
+ glDeleteTextures(1, @fTexture);
+ inherited;
+procedure TFTGlyph.Render(UseDisplayLists: boolean);
+ // use display-lists if enabled and exit
+ if (UseDisplayLists) then
+ begin
+ glCallList(fDisplayList);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fTexture);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ // move to top left glyph position
+ glTranslatef(fBitmapCoords.Left, fBitmapCoords.Top, 0);
+ // draw glyph texture
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ // top right
+ glTexCoord2f(fTexOffset.X, 0);
+ glVertex2f(fBitmapCoords.Width, 0);
+ // top left
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
+ glVertex2f(0, 0);
+ // bottom left
+ glTexCoord2f(0, fTexOffset.Y);
+ glVertex2f(0, -fBitmapCoords.Height);
+ // bottom right
+ glTexCoord2f(fTexOffset.X, fTexOffset.Y);
+ glVertex2f(fBitmapCoords.Width, -fBitmapCoords.Height);
+ glEnd();
+ glPopMatrix();
+procedure TFTGlyph.RenderReflection();
+ Color: TGLColor;
+ TexUpperPos: single;
+ TexLowerPos: single;
+ UpperPos: single;
+ CutOff = 0.6;
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fTexture);
+ glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, @Color.vals);
+ // add extra space to the left of the glyph
+ glTranslatef(fBitmapCoords.Left, 0, 0);
+ // The upper position of the glyph, if CutOff is 1.0, it is fFont.Ascender.
+ // If CutOff is set to 0.5 only half of the glyph height is displayed.
+ UpperPos := fFont.Descender + fFont.Height * CutOff;
+ // the glyph texture's height is just the height of the glyph but not the font
+ // height. Setting a color for the upper and lower bounds of the glyph results
+ // in different color gradients. So we have to set the color values for the
+ // descender and ascender (as we have a cutoff, for the upper-pos here) as
+ // these positions are font but not glyph specific.
+ // To get the texture positions we have to enhance the texture at the top and
+ // bottom by the amount from the top to ascender (rather upper-pos here) and
+ // from the bottom (Height-Top) to descender. Then we have to convert those
+ // heights to texture coordinates by dividing by the bitmap Height and
+ // removing the power-of-2 padding space by multiplying with fTexOffset.Y
+ // (as fBitmapCoords.Height corresponds to fTexOffset.Y and not 1.0).
+ TexUpperPos := -(UpperPos - fBitmapCoords.Top) / fBitmapCoords.Height * fTexOffset.Y;
+ TexLowerPos := (-(fFont.Descender + fBitmapCoords.Height - fBitmapCoords.Top) /
+ fBitmapCoords.Height + 1) * fTexOffset.Y;
+ // draw glyph texture
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ // top right
+ glColor4f(Color.r, Color.g, Color.b, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(fTexOffset.X, TexUpperPos);
+ glVertex2f(fBitmapCoords.Width, UpperPos);
+ // top left
+ glTexCoord2f(0, TexUpperPos);
+ glVertex2f(0, UpperPos);
+ // bottom left
+ glColor4f(Color.r, Color.g, Color.b, Color.a-0.3);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, TexLowerPos);
+ glVertex2f(0, fFont.Descender);
+ // bottom right
+ glTexCoord2f(fTexOffset.X, TexLowerPos);
+ glVertex2f(fBitmapCoords.Width, fFont.Descender);
+ glEnd();
+ glPopMatrix();
+ // restore old color
+ // Note: glPopAttrib(GL_CURRENT_BIT)/glPopAttrib() is much slower then
+ // glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, ...)/glColor4fv(...)
+ glColor4fv(@Color.vals);
+function TFTGlyph.GetAdvance(): TPositionDbl;
+ Result := fAdvance;
+function TFTGlyph.GetBounds(): TBoundsDbl;
+ Result := fBounds;
+ * TGlyphCache
+ *}
+constructor TGlyphCache.Create();
+ inherited;
+ fHash := TList.Create();
+destructor TGlyphCache.Destroy();
+ // free cached glyphs
+ FlushCache(false);
+ // destroy TList
+ fHash.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TGlyphCache.FindGlyphTable(BaseCode: cardinal; out InsertPos: integer): PGlyphTable;
+ I: integer;
+ Entry: TGlyphCacheHashEntry;
+ Result := nil;
+ for I := 0 to fHash.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ Entry := TGlyphCacheHashEntry(fHash[I]);
+ if (Entry.BaseCode > BaseCode) then
+ begin
+ InsertPos := I;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (Entry.BaseCode = BaseCode) then
+ begin
+ InsertPos := I;
+ Result := @Entry.GlyphTable;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ InsertPos := fHash.Count;
+function TGlyphCache.AddGlyph(ch: WideChar; const Glyph: TGlyph): boolean;
+ BaseCode: cardinal;
+ GlyphCode: integer;
+ InsertPos: integer;
+ GlyphTable: PGlyphTable;
+ Entry: TGlyphCacheHashEntry;
+ Result := false;
+ BaseCode := cardinal(ch) shr 8;
+ GlyphTable := FindGlyphTable(BaseCode, InsertPos);
+ if (GlyphTable = nil) then
+ begin
+ Entry := TGlyphCacheHashEntry.Create(BaseCode);
+ GlyphTable := @Entry.GlyphTable;
+ fHash.Insert(InsertPos, Entry);
+ end;
+ // get glyph table offset
+ GlyphCode := cardinal(ch) and $FF;
+ // insert glyph into table if not present
+ if (GlyphTable[GlyphCode] = nil) then
+ begin
+ GlyphTable[GlyphCode] := Glyph;
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+procedure TGlyphCache.DeleteGlyph(ch: WideChar);
+ Table: PGlyphTable;
+ TableIndex, GlyphIndex: integer;
+ TableEmpty: boolean;
+ // find table
+ Table := FindGlyphTable(cardinal(ch) shr 8, TableIndex);
+ if (Table = nil) then
+ Exit;
+ // find glyph
+ GlyphIndex := cardinal(ch) and $FF;
+ if (Table[GlyphIndex] <> nil) then
+ begin
+ // destroy glyph
+ FreeAndNil(Table[GlyphIndex]);
+ // check if table is empty
+ TableEmpty := true;
+ for GlyphIndex := 0 to High(Table^) do
+ begin
+ if (Table[GlyphIndex] <> nil) then
+ begin
+ TableEmpty := false;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // free empty table
+ if (TableEmpty) then
+ begin
+ fHash.Delete(TableIndex);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TGlyphCache.GetGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph;
+ InsertPos: integer;
+ Table: PGlyphTable;
+ Table := FindGlyphTable(cardinal(ch) shr 8, InsertPos);
+ if (Table = nil) then
+ Result := nil
+ else
+ Result := Table[cardinal(ch) and $FF];
+function TGlyphCache.HasGlyph(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ Result := (GetGlyph(ch) <> nil);
+procedure TGlyphCache.FlushCache(KeepBaseSet: boolean);
+ EntryIndex, TableIndex: integer;
+ Entry: TGlyphCacheHashEntry;
+ // destroy cached glyphs
+ for EntryIndex := 0 to fHash.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ Entry := TGlyphCacheHashEntry(fHash[EntryIndex]);
+ // the base set (0-255) has BaseCode 0 as the upper bytes are 0.
+ if KeepBaseSet and (Entry.fBaseCode = 0) then
+ Continue;
+ for TableIndex := 0 to High(Entry.GlyphTable) do
+ begin
+ if (Entry.GlyphTable[TableIndex] <> nil) then
+ FreeAndNil(Entry.GlyphTable[TableIndex]);
+ end;
+ FreeAndNil(Entry);
+ end;
+ * TGlyphCacheEntry
+ *}
+constructor TGlyphCacheHashEntry.Create(BaseCode: cardinal);
+ inherited Create();
+ fBaseCode := BaseCode;
+ * TFreeType
+ *}
+class function TFreeType.GetLibrary(): FT_Library;
+ if (LibraryInst = nil) then
+ begin
+ // initialize freetype
+ if (FT_Init_FreeType(LibraryInst) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_Init_FreeType failed');
+ end;
+ Result := LibraryInst;
+class procedure TFreeType.FreeLibrary();
+ if (LibraryInst <> nil) then
+ FT_Done_FreeType(LibraryInst);
+ LibraryInst := nil;
+ * TBitmapFont
+ *}
+constructor TBitmapFont.Create(const Filename: string; Outline: integer;
+ Baseline, Ascender, Descender: integer);
+ inherited Create();
+ fTex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, Filename, TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ fTexSize := 1024;
+ fOutline := Outline;
+ fBaseline := Baseline;
+ fAscender := Ascender;
+ fDescender := Descender;
+ LoadFontInfo(ChangeFileExt(Filename, '.dat'));
+ ResetIntern();
+destructor TBitmapFont.Destroy();
+ glDeleteTextures(1, @fTex.TexNum);
+ inherited;
+procedure TBitmapFont.ResetIntern();
+ fLineSpacing := Height;
+procedure TBitmapFont.Reset();
+ inherited;
+ ResetIntern();
+procedure TBitmapFont.CorrectWidths(WidthMult: real; WidthAdd: integer);
+ Count: integer;
+ for Count := 0 to 255 do
+ fWidths[Count] := Round(fWidths[Count] * WidthMult) + WidthAdd;
+procedure TBitmapFont.LoadFontInfo(const InfoFile: string);
+ Stream: TFileStream;
+ FillChar(fWidths[0], Length(fWidths), 0);
+ Stream := nil;
+ try
+ Stream := TFileStream.Create(InfoFile, fmOpenRead);
+ Stream.Read(fWidths, 256);
+ except
+ raise Exception.Create('Could not read font info file ''' + InfoFile + '''');
+ end;
+ Stream.Free;
+function TBitmapFont.BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+ LineIndex, CharIndex: integer;
+ CharCode: cardinal;
+ Line: WideString;
+ LineWidth: double;
+ Result.Left := 0;
+ Result.Right := 0;
+ Result.Top := Height;
+ Result.Bottom := 0;
+ for LineIndex := 0 to High(Text) do
+ begin
+ Line := Text[LineIndex];
+ LineWidth := 0;
+ for CharIndex := 1 to Length(Line) do
+ begin
+ CharCode := Ord(Line[CharIndex]);
+ if (CharCode < Length(fWidths)) then
+ LineWidth := LineWidth + fWidths[CharCode];
+ end;
+ if (LineWidth > Result.Right) then
+ Result.Right := LineWidth;
+ end;
+procedure TBitmapFont.RenderChar(ch: WideChar; var AdvanceX: real);
+ TexX, TexY: real;
+ TexR, TexB: real;
+ GlyphWidth: real;
+ PL, PT: real;
+ PR, PB: real;
+ CharCode: cardinal;
+ CharCode := Ord(ch);
+ if (CharCode > High(fWidths)) then
+ CharCode := 0;
+ GlyphWidth := fWidths[CharCode];
+ // set texture positions
+ TexX := (CharCode mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - (GlyphWidth/2 - fOutline)/fTexSize;
+ TexY := (CharCode div 16) * 1/16 + {2 texels} 2/fTexSize;
+ TexR := (CharCode mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + (GlyphWidth/2 + fOutline)/fTexSize;
+ TexB := (1 + CharCode div 16) * 1/16 - {2 texels} 2/fTexSize;
+ // set vector positions
+ PL := AdvanceX - fOutline;
+ PR := PL + GlyphWidth + fOutline*2;
+ PB := -fBaseline;
+ PT := PB + fTexSize div 16;
+ (*
+ if (Font.Blend) then
+ begin
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ end;
+ *)
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fTex.TexNum);
+ if (not ReflectionPass) then
+ begin
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL, PT);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR, PT);
+ glEnd;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ glDepthRange(0, 10);
+ glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL, PT);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR, PT);
+ glEnd;
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL, PT);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR, PT);
+ glColor4f(fTempColor.r, fTempColor.g, fTempColor.b, 0.7);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex3f(PL, PB, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex3f(PR, PB, 0);
+ glColor4f(fTempColor.r, fTempColor.g, fTempColor.b, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, (TexY + TexB)/2); glVertex3f(PR, (PT + PB)/2, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, (TexY + TexB)/2); glVertex3f(PL, (PT + PB)/2, 0);
+ glEnd;
+ //write the colour back
+ glColor4fv(@fTempColor);
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ end; // reflection
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ (*
+ if (Font.Blend) then
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ *)
+ AdvanceX := AdvanceX + GlyphWidth;
+procedure TBitmapFont.Render(const Text: WideString);
+ CharIndex: integer;
+ AdvanceX: real;
+ // if there is no text do nothing
+ if (Text = '') then
+ Exit;
+ //Save the current color and alpha (for reflection)
+ glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, @fTempColor);
+ AdvanceX := 0;
+ for CharIndex := 1 to Length(Text) do
+ begin
+ RenderChar(Text[CharIndex], AdvanceX);
+ end;
+function TBitmapFont.GetHeight(): single;
+ Result := fAscender - fDescender;
+function TBitmapFont.GetAscender(): single;
+ Result := fAscender;
+function TBitmapFont.GetDescender(): single;
+ Result := fDescender;
+function TBitmapFont.GetUnderlinePosition(): single;
+ Result := -2.0;
+function TBitmapFont.GetUnderlineThickness(): single;
+ Result := 1.0;
+ TFreeType.FreeLibrary();
diff --git a/src/lib/freetype/demo/lesson43.bdsproj b/src/lib/freetype/demo/lesson43.bdsproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30f88ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/freetype/demo/lesson43.bdsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <PersonalityInfo>
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+ <Option Name="Personality">Delphi.Personality</Option>
+ <Option Name="ProjectType">VCLApplication</Option>
+ <Option Name="Version">1.0</Option>
+ <Option Name="GUID">{41656F26-D552-4948-B9DB-E184B77C3993}</Option>
+ </Option>
+ </PersonalityInfo>
+ <Delphi.Personality>
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+ <Source Name="MainSource">lesson43.dpr</Source>
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+ <Directories Name="PackageDCPOutputDir"></Directories>
+ <Directories Name="SearchPath">..\..\JEDI-SDL\SDL\Pas</Directories>
+ <Directories Name="Packages">vclx;vcl;rtl;vclactnband</Directories>
+ <Directories Name="Conditionals"></Directories>
+ <Directories Name="DebugSourceDirs"></Directories>
+ <Directories Name="UsePackages">False</Directories>
+ </Directories>
+ <Parameters>
+ <Parameters Name="RunParams"></Parameters>
+ <Parameters Name="HostApplication"></Parameters>
+ <Parameters Name="Launcher"></Parameters>
+ <Parameters Name="UseLauncher">False</Parameters>
+ <Parameters Name="DebugCWD"></Parameters>
+ <Parameters Name="Debug Symbols Search Path"></Parameters>
+ <Parameters Name="LoadAllSymbols">True</Parameters>
+ <Parameters Name="LoadUnspecifiedSymbols">False</Parameters>
+ </Parameters>
+ <Language>
+ <Language Name="ActiveLang"></Language>
+ <Language Name="ProjectLang">$00000000</Language>
+ <Language Name="RootDir"></Language>
+ </Language>
+ <VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="IncludeVerInfo">False</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="AutoIncBuild">False</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="MajorVer">1</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="MinorVer">0</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="Release">0</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="Build">0</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="Debug">False</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="PreRelease">False</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="Special">False</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="Private">False</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="DLL">False</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="Locale">1031</VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfo Name="CodePage">1252</VersionInfo>
+ </VersionInfo>
+ <VersionInfoKeys>
+ <VersionInfoKeys Name="CompanyName"></VersionInfoKeys>
+ <VersionInfoKeys Name="FileDescription"></VersionInfoKeys>
+ <VersionInfoKeys Name="FileVersion"></VersionInfoKeys>
+ <VersionInfoKeys Name="InternalName"></VersionInfoKeys>
+ <VersionInfoKeys Name="LegalCopyright"></VersionInfoKeys>
+ <VersionInfoKeys Name="LegalTrademarks"></VersionInfoKeys>
+ <VersionInfoKeys Name="OriginalFilename"></VersionInfoKeys>
+ <VersionInfoKeys Name="ProductName"></VersionInfoKeys>
+ <VersionInfoKeys Name="ProductVersion"></VersionInfoKeys>
+ <VersionInfoKeys Name="Comments"></VersionInfoKeys>
+ </VersionInfoKeys>
+ </Delphi.Personality>
diff --git a/src/lib/freetype/demo/lesson43.dpr b/src/lib/freetype/demo/lesson43.dpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a470a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/freetype/demo/lesson43.dpr
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+program lesson43;
+ * This code was created by Jeff Molofee '99
+ * (ported to Linux/SDL by Ti Leggett '01)
+ *
+ * If you've found this code useful, please let me know.
+ *
+ * Visit Jeff at http://nehe.gamedev.net/
+ *
+ * or for port-specific comments, questions, bugreports etc.
+ * email to leggett@eecs.tulane.edu
+ *)
+ {$mode delphi}{$H+}
+{$APPTYPE Console}
+ moduleloader in '../../JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/moduleloader.pas',
+ SDL in '../../JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/sdl.pas',
+ gl in '../../JEDI-SDL/OpenGL/Pas/gl.pas',
+ glext in '../../JEDI-SDL/OpenGL/Pas/glext.pas',
+ glu in '../../JEDI-SDL/OpenGL/Pas/glu.pas',
+ ctypes in '../../ctypes/ctypes.pas',
+ FreeType in '../freetype.pas',
+ UFont in 'UFont.pas',
+ {$ELSE}
+ UFont2 in 'UFont2.pas',
+ {$ENDIF}
+ math,
+ sysutils;
+ // screen width, height, and bit depth
+ SCREEN_BPP = 16;
+ //FONT_FILE = 'Test.ttf';
+ //FONT_FILE = 'C:/Windows/Fonts/Arial.ttf';
+ //FONT_FILE = 'C:/Windows/Fonts/SimSun.ttf';
+ //FONT_FILE = 'C:/Windows/Fonts/SimSun.ttf';
+ FONT_FILE = 'eurostarregularextended.ttf';
+ OurFont: TScalableFont;
+ // This is our SDL surface
+ surface: PSDL_Surface;
+ cnt1, cnt2: GLfloat;
+(* function to release/destroy our resources and restoring the old desktop *)
+procedure Quit(returnCode: integer);
+ OurFont.Free;
+ // clean up the window
+ SDL_Quit( );
+ // and exit appropriately
+ Halt( returnCode );
+(* function to reset our viewport after a window resize *)
+function resizeWindow(width: integer; height: integer): boolean;
+ // Protect against a divide by zero
+ if ( height = 0 ) then
+ height := 1;
+ // Setup our viewport.
+ glViewport( 0, 0, GLsizei(width), GLsizei(height) );
+ // change to the projection matrix and set our viewing volume.
+ glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
+ glLoadIdentity( );
+ // Set our perspective
+ //gluOrtho2D(0, width, 0, height);
+ gluOrtho2D(0, 800, 0, 600);
+ // Make sure we're chaning the model view and not the projection
+ glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
+ // Reset The View
+ glLoadIdentity( );
+ Result := true;
+(* function to handle key press events *)
+procedure handleKeyPress(keysym: PSDL_keysym);
+ case ( keysym^.sym ) of
+ begin
+ // ESC key was pressed
+ Quit( 0 );
+ end;
+ SDLK_F1:
+ begin
+ // F1 key was pressed
+ // this toggles fullscreen mode
+ SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen( surface );
+ end;
+ end;
+(* general OpenGL initialization function *)
+function initGL(): boolean;
+ // Enable smooth shading
+ glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
+ // Set the background black
+ //glClearColor( 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0 );
+ //glClearColor( 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0 );
+ glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ // Depth buffer setup
+ glClearDepth( 1.0 );
+ // Enables Depth Testing
+ glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
+ // The Type Of Depth Test To Do
+ glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
+ // Really Nice Perspective Calculations
+ //OurFont := TFTScalableFont.Create(FONT_FILE, 64);
+ //OurFont := TFTFont.Create(FONT_FILE, 128);
+ OurFont := TFTScalableOutlineFont.Create(FONT_FILE, 64, 0.05);
+ //OurFont.UseKerning := false;
+ TFTScalableOutlineFont(OurFont).SetOutlineColor(1, 0, 0);
+ //OurFont := TOutlineFont.Create(FONT_FILE, 32, 2);
+ //OurFont.LineSpacing := OurFont.LineSpacing * 0.5;
+ Result := true;
+ NextTime: cardinal;
+ Counter: integer;
+ TVector4d = array[0..3] of GLdouble;
+function NewVector4d(a, b, c, d: GLdouble): TVector4d;
+ Result[0] := a;
+ Result[1] := b;
+ Result[2] := c;
+ Result[3] := d;
+(* Here goes our drawing code *)
+function drawGLScene(): boolean;
+ msg: WideString;
+ bounds: TBoundsDbl;
+ ClipPlaneEq: TVector4d;
+ glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
+ //msg := 'Here'#13'there'#13'be'#13#13'newlines'#13'.';
+ //msg := 'Here'#13'newlines';
+ msg := 'Hallo Du';//Active FreeType Text - ' + FloatToStr(cnt1);
+ //msg := 'Hören'#13'其自诞生至今'#13'спецификация';
+ // Red text
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glTranslatef(cnt2, 240, 0);
+ if (cnt2 > 800) then
+ cnt2 := 0;
+ glTranslatef(30, 40, 0);
+ //glTranslatef(320, 240, 0);
+ //glRotatef(cnt1, 0, 0, 1);
+ //glScalef(1, 0.8 + 0.3*cos(cnt1/5), 1);
+ OurFont.Style := [Italic, Underline, Reflect];
+ //OurFont.GlyphSpacing := 10;
+ //OurFont.SetOutlineColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
+ //OurFont.ReflectionSpacing := -4;
+ //OurFont.UseKerning := false;
+ OurFont.Height := 32;//cnt2;
+ //OurFont.Reset;
+ //OurFont.Aspect := 2;
+ {
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 0);
+ bounds := OurFont.BBox(msg);
+ glRectf(bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom);
+ }
+ {
+ glEnable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0);
+ ClipPlaneEq := NewVector4d(-1, 0, 0, bounds.Right/5);
+ glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE0, @ClipPlaneEq);
+ }
+ //glColor3f(1, 0, 0);
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ //OurFont.ReflectionSpacing := 0;
+ OurFont.Print(msg);
+ glTranslatef(0, 50, 0);
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 0);
+ bounds := OurFont.BBox('Hallo ');
+ glRectf(bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom);
+ OurFont.Print('Hallo ');
+ {
+ ClipPlaneEq := NewVector4d(1, 0, 0, -bounds.Right/5);
+ glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE0, @ClipPlaneEq);
+ glColor3f(0, 0, 1);
+ OurFont.Print(msg);
+ glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0);
+ //glColor3f(0, 1, 0);
+ //OurFont.Style := OurFont.Style - [Italic];
+ //OurFont.Print(msg);
+ }
+ cnt1 := cnt1 + 0.051; // Increase The First Counter
+ cnt2 := cnt2 + 0.005; // Increase The First Counter
+ SDL_GL_SwapBuffers( );
+ Inc(Counter);
+ if (NextTime < SDL_GetTicks()) then
+ begin
+ NextTime := SDL_GetTicks() + 2000;
+ writeln('FPS: ' + floattostr(Counter / 2.0));
+ Counter := 0;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+ // Flags to pass to SDL_SetVideoMode
+ videoFlags: integer;
+ // main loop variable
+ done: boolean = false;
+ // used to collect events
+ event: TSDL_Event;
+ // this holds some info about our display
+ videoInfo: PSDL_VideoInfo;
+ // whether or not the window is active
+ isActive: boolean = true;
+ // initialize SDL
+ if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO or SDL_INIT_TIMER ) < 0 ) then
+ begin
+ writeln( ErrOutput, 'Video initialization failed: ' + SDL_GetError() );
+ Quit( 1 );
+ end;
+ // Fetch the video info
+ videoInfo := SDL_GetVideoInfo( );
+ if ( videoInfo = nil ) then
+ begin
+ writeln( ErrOutput, 'Video query failed: ' + SDL_GetError() );
+ Quit( 1 );
+ end;
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 ); // Enable double buffering
+ // the flags to pass to SDL_SetVideoMode
+ videoFlags := SDL_OPENGL; // Enable OpenGL in SDL
+ videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_HWPALETTE; // Store the palette in hardware
+ videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_RESIZABLE; // Enable window resizing
+ // This checks to see if surfaces can be stored in memory
+ if ( videoInfo^.hw_available <> 0 ) then
+ videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_HWSURFACE
+ else
+ videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_SWSURFACE;
+ // This checks if hardware blits can be done
+ if ( videoInfo^.blit_hw <> 0 ) then
+ videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_HWACCEL;
+ // Sets up OpenGL double buffering
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 );
+ // get a SDL surface
+ videoFlags );
+ // Verify there is a surface
+ if ( surface = nil ) then
+ begin
+ writeln( ErrOutput, 'Video mode set failed: ' + SDL_GetError() );
+ Quit( 1 );
+ end;
+ // initialize OpenGL
+ initGL();
+ // resize the initial window
+ // wait for events
+ while ( not done ) do
+ begin
+ { handle the events in the queue }
+ while ( SDL_PollEvent( @event ) <> 0 ) do
+ begin
+ case( event.type_ ) of
+ begin
+ // Something's happend with our focus
+ // If we are iconified, we shouldn't draw the screen
+ if ( (event.active.state and SDL_APPACTIVE) <> 0 ) then
+ begin
+ if ( event.active.gain = 0 ) then
+ isActive := false
+ else
+ isActive := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // handle resize event
+ surface := SDL_SetVideoMode( event.resize.w,
+ event.resize.h,
+ 16, videoFlags );
+ if ( surface = nil ) then
+ begin
+ writeln( ErrOutput, 'Could not get a surface after resize: ' + SDL_GetError( ) );
+ Quit( 1 );
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ resizeWindow( event.resize.w, event.resize.h );
+ end;
+ begin
+ // handle key presses
+ handleKeyPress( @event.key.keysym );
+ end;
+ begin
+ // handle quit requests
+ done := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // draw the scene
+ if ( isActive ) then
+ drawGLScene( );
+ end;
+ // clean ourselves up and exit
+ Quit( 0 );
diff --git a/src/lib/freetype/demo/lesson43.lpi b/src/lib/freetype/demo/lesson43.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6791f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/freetype/demo/lesson43.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
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diff --git a/src/lib/freetype/freetype.pas b/src/lib/freetype/freetype.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65cce749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/freetype/freetype.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2503 @@
+// FreeType2 pascal header
+// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4 (Public License)
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com)
+// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4 Release Milano 3 (AggPas 2.4 RM3)
+// Pascal Port By: Milan Marusinec alias Milano
+// milan@marusinec.sk
+// http://www.aggpas.org
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2007
+// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
+// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
+// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+// Adapted by the UltraStar Deluxe Team
+unit freetype;
+ {$PACKENUM 4} (* use 4-byte enums *)
+ {$PACKRECORDS C} (* C/C++-compatible record packing *)
+ {$MINENUMSIZE 4} (* use 4-byte enums *)
+ ctypes;
+{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
+ ft_lib = 'libfreetype-6.dll';
+{$ELSEIF Defined(DARWIN)}
+ ft_lib = 'libfreetype.dylib';
+ {$LINKLIB libftgl}
+{$ELSEIF Defined(UNIX)}
+ ft_lib = 'freetype.so';
+ FT_Byte = cuchar;
+ FT_Short = csshort;
+ FT_UShort = cushort;
+ FT_Int = csint;
+ FT_UInt = cuint;
+ FT_Int16 = cint16;
+ FT_UInt16 = cuint16;
+ FT_Int32 = cint32;
+ FT_UInt32 = cuint32;
+ FT_Long = cslong;
+ FT_ULong = culong;
+ FT_Fixed = cslong;
+ FT_Pos = cslong;
+ FT_Error = cint;
+ FT_F26Dot6 = cslong;
+ FT_String = cchar;
+ FT_Bool = cuchar;
+ PFT_Byte = ^FT_Byte;
+ PFT_Short = ^FT_Short;
+ PFT_String = ^FT_String;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Enum> *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A list of bit flags used in the `face_flags' field of the *)
+ (* @FT_FaceRec structure. They inform client applications of *)
+ (* properties of the corresponding face. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Values> *)
+ (* Indicates that the face provides vectorial outlines. This *)
+ (* doesn't prevent embedded bitmaps, i.e., a face can have both *)
+ (* this bit and @FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_SIZES set. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Indicates that the face contains `fixed sizes', i.e., bitmap *)
+ (* strikes for some given pixel sizes. See the `num_fixed_sizes' *)
+ (* and `available_sizes' fields of @FT_FaceRec. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Indicates that the face contains fixed-width characters (like *)
+ (* Courier, Lucido, MonoType, etc.). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT :: *)
+ (* Indicates that the face uses the `sfnt' storage scheme. For *)
+ (* now, this means TrueType and OpenType. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Indicates that the face contains horizontal glyph metrics. This *)
+ (* should be set for all common formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Indicates that the face contains vertical glyph metrics. This *)
+ (* is only available in some formats, not all of them. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Indicates that the face contains kerning information. If set, *)
+ (* the kerning distance can be retrieved through the function *)
+ (* @FT_Get_Kerning. Note that if unset, this function will always *)
+ (* return the vector (0,0). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Indicates that the font contains multiple masters and is capable *)
+ (* of interpolating between them. See the multiple-masters *)
+ (* specific API for details. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Indicates that the font contains glyph names that can be *)
+ (* retrieved through @FT_Get_Glyph_Name. Note that some TrueType *)
+ (* fonts contain broken glyph name tables. Use the function *)
+ (* @FT_Has_PS_Glyph_Names when needed. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Used internally by FreeType to indicate that a face's stream was *)
+ (* provided by the client application and should not be destroyed *)
+ (* when @FT_Done_Face is called. Don't read or test this flag. *)
+ (* *)
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Enum> *)
+ (* FT_Encoding *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* An enumeration used to specify encodings supported by charmaps. *)
+ (* Used in the @FT_Select_Charmap API function. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* Because of 32-bit charcodes defined in Unicode (i.e., surrogates), *)
+ (* all character codes must be expressed as FT_Longs. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The values of this type correspond to specific character *)
+ (* repertories (i.e. charsets), and not to text encoding methods *)
+ (* (like UTF-8, UTF-16, GB2312_EUC, etc.). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Other encodings might be defined in the future. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Values> *)
+ (* The encoding value 0 is reserved. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Corresponds to the Unicode character set. This value covers *)
+ (* all versions of the Unicode repertoire, including ASCII and *)
+ (* Latin-1. Most fonts include a Unicode charmap, but not all *)
+ (* of them. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Corresponds to the Microsoft Symbol encoding, used to encode *)
+ (* mathematical symbols in the 32..255 character code range. For *)
+ (* more information, see `http://www.ceviz.net/symbol.htm'. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Corresponds to Japanese SJIS encoding. More info at *)
+ (* at `http://langsupport.japanreference.com/encoding.shtml'. *)
+ (* See note on multi-byte encodings below. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* FT_ENCODING_GB2312 :: *)
+ (* Corresponds to an encoding system for Simplified Chinese as used *)
+ (* used in mainland China. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* FT_ENCODING_BIG5 :: *)
+ (* Corresponds to an encoding system for Traditional Chinese as used *)
+ (* in Taiwan and Hong Kong. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Corresponds to the Korean encoding system known as Wansung. *)
+ (* For more information see *)
+ (* `http://www.microsoft.com/typography/unicode/949.txt'. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The Korean standard character set (KS C-5601-1992), which *)
+ (* corresponds to MS Windows code page 1361. This character set *)
+ (* includes all possible Hangeul character combinations. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Corresponds to a Latin-1 encoding as defined in a Type 1 *)
+ (* Postscript font. It is limited to 256 character codes. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Corresponds to the Adobe Standard encoding, as found in Type 1, *)
+ (* CFF, and OpenType/CFF fonts. It is limited to 256 character *)
+ (* codes. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Corresponds to the Adobe Expert encoding, as found in Type 1, *)
+ (* CFF, and OpenType/CFF fonts. It is limited to 256 character *)
+ (* codes. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Corresponds to a custom encoding, as found in Type 1, CFF, and *)
+ (* OpenType/CFF fonts. It is limited to 256 character codes. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Corresponds to the 8-bit Apple roman encoding. Many TrueType and *)
+ (* OpenType fonts contain a charmap for this encoding, since older *)
+ (* versions of Mac OS are able to use it. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This value is deprecated and was never used nor reported by *)
+ (* FreeType. Don't use or test for it. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Same as FT_ENCODING_SJIS. Deprecated. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* FT_ENCODING_MS_GB2312 :: *)
+ (* Same as FT_ENCODING_GB2312. Deprecated. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* FT_ENCODING_MS_BIG5 :: *)
+ (* Same as FT_ENCODING_BIG5. Deprecated. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Same as FT_ENCODING_WANSUNG. Deprecated. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Same as FT_ENCODING_JOHAB. Deprecated. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* By default, FreeType automatically synthetizes a Unicode charmap *)
+ (* for Postscript fonts, using their glyph names dictionaries. *)
+ (* However, it will also report the encodings defined explicitly in *)
+ (* the font file, for the cases when they are needed, with the Adobe *)
+ (* values as well. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* FT_ENCODING_NONE is set by the BDF and PCF drivers if the charmap *)
+ (* is neither Unicode nor ISO-8859-1 (otherwise it is set to *)
+ (* FT_ENCODING_UNICODE). Use `FT_Get_BDF_Charset_ID' to find out *)
+ (* which encoding is really present. If, for example, the *)
+ (* `cs_registry' field is `KOI8' and the `cs_encoding' field is `R', *)
+ (* the font is encoded in KOI8-R. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* FT_ENCODING_NONE is always set (with a single exception) by the *)
+ (* winfonts driver. Use `FT_Get_WinFNT_Header' and examine the *)
+ (* `charset' field of the `FT_WinFNT_HeaderRec' structure to find out *)
+ (* which encoding is really present. For example, FT_WinFNT_ID_CP1251 *)
+ (* (204) means Windows code page 1251 (for Russian). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* FT_ENCODING_NONE is set if `platform_id' is `TT_PLATFORM_MACINTOSH' *)
+ (* and `encoding_id' is not `TT_MAC_ID_ROMAN' (otherwise it is set to *)
+ (* *)
+ (* If `platform_id' is `TT_PLATFORM_MACINTOSH', use the function *)
+ (* `FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID' to query the Mac language ID which may be *)
+ (* needed to be able to distinguish Apple encoding variants. See *)
+ (* *)
+ (* http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/APPLE/README.TXT *)
+ (* *)
+ (* to get an idea how to do that. Basically, if the language ID is 0, *)
+ (* dont use it, otherwise subtract 1 from the language ID. Then *)
+ (* examine `encoding_id'. If, for example, `encoding_id' is *)
+ (* `TT_MAC_ID_ROMAN' and the language ID (minus 1) is *)
+ (* `TT_MAC_LANGID_GREEK', it is the Greek encoding, not Roman. *)
+ (* `TT_MAC_ID_ARABIC' with `TT_MAC_LANGID_FARSI' means the Farsi *)
+ (* variant the Arabic encoding. *)
+ (* *)
+ PFT_Encoding = ^FT_Encoding;
+ FT_Encoding = array[0..3] of char;
+ FT_ENCODING_NONE: FT_Encoding = (#0 ,#0 ,#0 ,#0 );
+ FT_ENCODING_MS_SYMBOL: FT_Encoding = ('s', 'y', 'm', 'b' );
+ FT_ENCODING_UNICODE: FT_Encoding = ('u', 'n', 'i', 'c' );
+ FT_ENCODING_SJIS: FT_Encoding = ('s', 'j', 'i', 's');
+ FT_ENCODING_GB2312: FT_Encoding = ('g', 'b', ' ', ' ');
+ FT_ENCODING_BIG5: FT_Encoding = ('b', 'i', 'g', '5');
+ FT_ENCODING_WANSUNG: FT_Encoding = ('w', 'a', 'n', 's');
+ FT_ENCODING_JOHAB: FT_Encoding = ('j', 'o', 'h', 'a');
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Enum> *)
+ (* FT_Glyph_Format *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* An enumeration type used to describe the format of a given glyph *)
+ (* image. Note that this version of FreeType only supports two image *)
+ (* formats, even though future font drivers will be able to register *)
+ (* their own format. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Values> *)
+ (* The value 0 is reserved and does describe a glyph format. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The glyph image is a composite of several other images. This *)
+ (* format is _only_ used with @FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE, and is used to *)
+ (* report compound glyphs (like accented characters). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The glyph image is a bitmap, and can be described as an *)
+ (* @FT_Bitmap. You generally need to access the `bitmap' field of *)
+ (* the @FT_GlyphSlotRec structure to read it. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The glyph image is a vertorial outline made of line segments *)
+ (* and Bezier arcs; it can be described as an @FT_Outline; you *)
+ (* generally want to access the `outline' field of the *)
+ (* @FT_GlyphSlotRec structure to read it. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The glyph image is a vectorial path with no inside/outside *)
+ (* contours. Some Type 1 fonts, like those in the Hershey family, *)
+ (* contain glyphs in this format. These are described as *)
+ (* @FT_Outline, but FreeType isn't currently capable of rendering *)
+ (* them correctly. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Glyph_Format = array[0..3] of char;
+ FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_NONE: FT_Glyph_Format = (#0, #0, #0, #0 );
+ FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_COMPOSITE: FT_Glyph_Format = ('c', 'o', 'm', 'p' );
+ FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP: FT_Glyph_Format = ('b', 'i', 't', 's' );
+ FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE: FT_Glyph_Format = ('o', 'u', 't', 'l' );
+ FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_PLOTTER: FT_Glyph_Format = ('p', 'l', 'o', 't' );
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Constant> *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A list of bit-flags used to indicate the style of a given face. *)
+ (* These are used in the `style_flags' field of @FT_FaceRec. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Values> *)
+ (* Indicates that a given face is italicized. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Indicates that a given face is bold. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD = 1 shl 1;
+ (***************************************************************************
+ *
+ * @enum:
+ *
+ * @description:
+ * A list of bit-field constants, used with @FT_Load_Glyph to indicate
+ * what kind of operations to perform during glyph loading.
+ *
+ * @values:
+ * Corresponding to 0, this value is used a default glyph load. In this
+ * case, the following will happen:
+ *
+ * 1. FreeType looks for a bitmap for the glyph corresponding to the
+ * face's current size. If one is found, the function returns. The
+ * bitmap data can be accessed from the glyph slot (see note below).
+ *
+ * 2. If no embedded bitmap is searched or found, FreeType looks for a
+ * scalable outline. If one is found, it is loaded from the font
+ * file, scaled to device pixels, then "hinted" to the pixel grid in
+ * order to optimize it. The outline data can be accessed from the
+ * glyph slot (see note below).
+ *
+ * Note that by default, the glyph loader doesn't render outlines into
+ * bitmaps. The following flags are used to modify this default
+ * behaviour to more specific and useful cases.
+ *
+ * Don't scale the vector outline being loaded to 26.6 fractional
+ * pixels, but kept in font units. Note that this also disables
+ * hinting and the loading of embedded bitmaps. You should only use it
+ * when you want to retrieve the original glyph outlines in font units.
+ *
+ * Don't hint glyph outlines after their scaling to device pixels.
+ * This generally generates "blurrier" glyphs in anti-aliased modes.
+ *
+ * This flag is ignored if @FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE is set.
+ *
+ * Render the glyph outline immediately into a bitmap before the glyph
+ * loader returns. By default, the glyph is rendered for the
+ * @FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL mode, which corresponds to 8-bit anti-aliased
+ * bitmaps using 256 opacity levels. You can use either
+ * monochrome bitmaps.
+ *
+ * This flag is ignored if @FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE is set.
+ *
+ * Don't look for bitmaps when loading the glyph. Only scalable
+ * outlines will be loaded when available, and scaled, hinted, or
+ * rendered depending on other bit flags.
+ *
+ * This does not prevent you from rendering outlines to bitmaps
+ * with @FT_LOAD_RENDER, however.
+ *
+ * Prepare the glyph image for vertical text layout. This basically
+ * means that `face.glyph.advance' will correspond to the vertical
+ * advance height (instead of the default horizontal advance width),
+ * and that the glyph image will be translated to match the vertical
+ * bearings positions.
+ *
+ * Force the use of the FreeType auto-hinter when a glyph outline is
+ * loaded. You shouldn't need this in a typical application, since it
+ * is mostly used to experiment with its algorithm.
+ *
+ * Indicates that the glyph loader should try to crop the bitmap (i.e.,
+ * remove all space around its black bits) when loading it. This is
+ * only useful when loading embedded bitmaps in certain fonts, since
+ * bitmaps rendered with @FT_LOAD_RENDER are always cropped by default.
+ *
+ * Indicates that the glyph loader should perform pedantic
+ * verifications during glyph loading, rejecting invalid fonts. This
+ * is mostly used to detect broken glyphs in fonts. By default,
+ * FreeType tries to handle broken fonts also.
+ *
+ * Indicates that the glyph loader should ignore the global advance
+ * width defined in the font. As far as we know, this is only used by
+ * the X-TrueType font server, in order to deal correctly with the
+ * incorrect metrics contained in DynaLab's TrueType CJK fonts.
+ *
+ * This flag is only used internally. It merely indicates that the
+ * glyph loader should not load composite glyphs recursively. Instead,
+ * it should set the `num_subglyph' and `subglyphs' values of the glyph
+ * slot accordingly, and set "glyph->format" to
+ *
+ * The description of sub-glyphs is not available to client
+ * applications for now.
+ *
+ * Indicates that the glyph loader should not try to transform the
+ * loaded glyph image. This doesn't prevent scaling, hinting, or
+ * rendering.
+ *
+ * This flag is used with @FT_LOAD_RENDER to indicate that you want
+ * to render a 1-bit monochrome glyph bitmap from a vectorial outline.
+ *
+ * Note that this has no effect on the hinting algorithm used by the
+ * glyph loader. You should better use @FT_LOAD_TARGET_MONO if you
+ * want to render monochrome-optimized glyph images instead.
+ *
+ * Return the linearly scaled metrics expressed in original font units
+ * instead of the default 16.16 pixel values.
+ *
+ * Indicates that the auto-hinter should never be used to hint glyph
+ * outlines. This doesn't prevent native format-specific hinters from
+ * being used. This can be important for certain fonts where unhinted
+ * output is better than auto-hinted one.
+ *
+ * Use hinting for @FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL.
+ *
+ * Use hinting for @FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT.
+ *
+ * Use hinting for @FT_RENDER_MODE_MONO.
+ *
+ * Use hinting for @FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD.
+ *
+ * Use hinting for @FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V.
+ *)
+ FT_LOAD_DEFAULT = $0000;
+ FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE = $0001;
+ FT_LOAD_RENDER = $0004;
+ FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP = $0008;
+ (* temporary hack! *)
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Enum> *)
+ (* FT_Render_Mode *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* An enumeration type that lists the render modes supported by *)
+ (* FreeType 2. Each mode corresponds to a specific type of scanline *)
+ (* conversion performed on the outline, as well as specific *)
+ (* hinting optimizations. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* For bitmap fonts the `bitmap->pixel_mode' field in the *)
+ (* @FT_GlyphSlotRec structure gives the format of the returned *)
+ (* bitmap. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Values> *)
+ (* This is the default render mode; it corresponds to 8-bit *)
+ (* anti-aliased bitmaps, using 256 levels of opacity. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This is similar to @FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL -- you have to use *)
+ (* @FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT in calls to @FT_Load_Glyph to get any *)
+ (* effect since the rendering process no longer influences the *)
+ (* positioning of glyph outlines. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The resulting glyph shapes are more similar to the original, *)
+ (* while being a bit more fuzzy (`better shapes' instead of `better *)
+ (* contrast', so to say. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This mode corresponds to 1-bit bitmaps. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This mode corresponds to horizontal RGB/BGR sub-pixel displays, *)
+ (* like LCD-screens. It produces 8-bit bitmaps that are 3 times *)
+ (* the width of the original glyph outline in pixels, and which use *)
+ (* the @FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD mode. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This mode corresponds to vertical RGB/BGR sub-pixel displays *)
+ (* (like PDA screens, rotated LCD displays, etc.). It produces *)
+ (* 8-bit bitmaps that are 3 times the height of the original *)
+ (* glyph outline in pixels and use the @FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD_V mode. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* The LCD-optimized glyph bitmaps produced by FT_Render_Glyph are *)
+ (* _not filtered_ to reduce color-fringes. It is up to the caller to *)
+ (* perform this pass. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Render_Mode = FT_Int;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_Glyph_Metrics *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A structure used to model the metrics of a single glyph. The *)
+ (* values are expressed in 26.6 fractional pixel format; if the flag *)
+ (* FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE is used, values are returned in font units *)
+ (* instead. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* width :: *)
+ (* The glyph's width. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* height :: *)
+ (* The glyph's height. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* horiBearingX :: *)
+ (* Left side bearing for horizontal layout. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* horiBearingY :: *)
+ (* Top side bearing for horizontal layout. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* horiAdvance :: *)
+ (* Advance width for horizontal layout. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* vertBearingX :: *)
+ (* Left side bearing for vertical layout. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* vertBearingY :: *)
+ (* Top side bearing for vertical layout. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* vertAdvance :: *)
+ (* Advance height for vertical layout. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Glyph_Metrics = record
+ width ,
+ height : FT_Pos;
+ horiBearingX ,
+ horiBearingY ,
+ horiAdvance : FT_Pos;
+ vertBearingX ,
+ vertBearingY ,
+ vertAdvance : FT_Pos;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_Bitmap_Size *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* This structure models the size of a bitmap strike (i.e., a bitmap *)
+ (* instance of the font for a given resolution) in a fixed-size font *)
+ (* face. It is used for the `available_sizes' field of the *)
+ (* @FT_FaceRec structure. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* height :: The (vertical) baseline-to-baseline distance in pixels. *)
+ (* It makes most sense to define the height of a bitmap *)
+ (* font in this way. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* width :: The average width of the font (in pixels). Since the *)
+ (* algorithms to compute this value are different for the *)
+ (* various bitmap formats, it can only give an additional *)
+ (* hint if the `height' value isn't sufficient to select *)
+ (* the proper font. For monospaced fonts the average width *)
+ (* is the same as the maximum width. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* size :: The point size in 26.6 fractional format this font shall *)
+ (* represent (for a given vertical resolution). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* x_ppem :: The horizontal ppem value (in 26.6 fractional format). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* y_ppem :: The vertical ppem value (in 26.6 fractional format). *)
+ (* Usually, this is the `nominal' pixel height of the font. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* The values in this structure are taken from the bitmap font. If *)
+ (* the font doesn't provide a parameter it is set to zero to indicate *)
+ (* that the information is not available. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The following formula converts from dpi to ppem: *)
+ (* *)
+ (* ppem = size * dpi / 72 *)
+ (* *)
+ (* where `size' is in points. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Windows FNT: *)
+ (* The `size' parameter is not reliable: There exist fonts (e.g., *)
+ (* app850.fon) which have a wrong size for some subfonts; x_ppem *)
+ (* and y_ppem are thus set equal to pixel width and height given in *)
+ (* in the Windows FNT header. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* TrueType embedded bitmaps: *)
+ (* `size', `width', and `height' values are not contained in the *)
+ (* bitmap strike itself. They are computed from the global font *)
+ (* parameters. *)
+ (* *)
+ PFT_Bitmap_Size = ^FT_Bitmap_Size;
+ FT_Bitmap_Size = record
+ height,
+ width : FT_Short;
+ size: FT_Pos;
+ x_ppem: FT_Pos;
+ y_ppem: FT_Pos;
+ end;
+ PAFT_Bitmap_Size = ^AFT_Bitmap_Size;
+ AFT_Bitmap_Size = array[0..High(Word)] of FT_Bitmap_Size;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_Vector *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A simple structure used to store a 2D vector; coordinates are of *)
+ (* the FT_Pos type. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* x :: The horizontal coordinate. *)
+ (* y :: The vertical coordinate. *)
+ (* *)
+ PFT_Vector = ^FT_Vector;
+ FT_Vector = record
+ x ,
+ y : FT_Pos;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_Outline *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* This structure is used to describe an outline to the scan-line *)
+ (* converter. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* n_contours :: The number of contours in the outline. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* n_points :: The number of points in the outline. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* points :: A pointer to an array of `n_points' FT_Vector *)
+ (* elements, giving the outline's point coordinates. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* tags :: A pointer to an array of `n_points' chars, giving *)
+ (* each outline point's type. If bit 0 is unset, the *)
+ (* point is `off' the curve, i.e. a Bezier control *)
+ (* point, while it is `on' when set. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Bit 1 is meaningful for `off' points only. If set, *)
+ (* it indicates a third-order Bezier arc control point; *)
+ (* and a second-order control point if unset. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* contours :: An array of `n_contours' shorts, giving the end *)
+ (* point of each contour within the outline. For *)
+ (* example, the first contour is defined by the points *)
+ (* `0' to `contours[0]', the second one is defined by *)
+ (* the points `contours[0]+1' to `contours[1]', etc. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* flags :: A set of bit flags used to characterize the outline *)
+ (* and give hints to the scan-converter and hinter on *)
+ (* how to convert/grid-fit it. See FT_Outline_Flags. *)
+ (* *)
+ PFT_Outline = ^FT_Outline;
+ FT_Outline = record
+ n_contours : FT_Short;
+ n_points : FT_Short;
+ points : PFT_Vector;
+ tags : PChar;
+ contours : PFT_Short;
+ flags : FT_Int;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_Bitmap *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A structure used to describe a bitmap or pixmap to the raster. *)
+ (* Note that we now manage pixmaps of various depths through the *)
+ (* `pixel_mode' field. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* rows :: The number of bitmap rows. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* width :: The number of pixels in bitmap row. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* pitch :: The pitch's absolute value is the number of bytes *)
+ (* taken by one bitmap row, including padding. *)
+ (* However, the pitch is positive when the bitmap has *)
+ (* a `down' flow, and negative when it has an `up' *)
+ (* flow. In all cases, the pitch is an offset to add *)
+ (* to a bitmap pointer in order to go down one row. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* buffer :: A typeless pointer to the bitmap buffer. This *)
+ (* value should be aligned on 32-bit boundaries in *)
+ (* most cases. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* num_grays :: This field is only used with *)
+ (* `FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY'; it gives the number of gray *)
+ (* levels used in the bitmap. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* pixel_mode :: The pixel mode, i.e., how pixel bits are stored. *)
+ (* See @FT_Pixel_Mode for possible values. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* palette_mode :: This field is only used with paletted pixel modes; *)
+ (* it indicates how the palette is stored. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* palette :: A typeless pointer to the bitmap palette; only *)
+ (* used for paletted pixel modes. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* For now, the only pixel mode supported by FreeType are mono and *)
+ (* grays. However, drivers might be added in the future to support *)
+ (* more `colorful' options. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* When using pixel modes pal2, pal4 and pal8 with a void `palette' *)
+ (* field, a gray pixmap with respectively 4, 16, and 256 levels of *)
+ (* gray is assumed. This, in order to be compatible with some *)
+ (* embedded bitmap formats defined in the TrueType specification. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Note that no font was found presenting such embedded bitmaps, so *)
+ (* this is currently completely unhandled by the library. *)
+ (* *)
+ PFT_Bitmap = ^FT_Bitmap;
+ FT_Bitmap = record
+ rows ,
+ width : FT_Int;
+ pitch : FT_Int;
+ buffer : PChar;
+ num_grays : FT_Short;
+ pixel_mode ,
+ palette_mode : char;
+ palette : pointer;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Type> *)
+ (* FT_Face *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A handle to a given typographic face object. A face object models *)
+ (* a given typeface, in a given style. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* Each face object also owns a single @FT_GlyphSlot object, as well *)
+ (* as one or more @FT_Size objects. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Use @FT_New_Face or @FT_Open_Face to create a new face object from *)
+ (* a given filepathname or a custom input stream. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Use @FT_Done_Face to destroy it (along with its slot and sizes). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Also> *)
+ (* The @FT_FaceRec details the publicly accessible fields of a given *)
+ (* face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Face = ^FT_FaceRec;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Type> *)
+ (* FT_CharMap *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A handle to a given character map. A charmap is used to translate *)
+ (* character codes in a given encoding into glyph indexes for its *)
+ (* parent's face. Some font formats may provide several charmaps per *)
+ (* font. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Each face object owns zero or more charmaps, but only one of them *)
+ (* can be "active" and used by @FT_Get_Char_Index or @FT_Load_Char. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The list of available charmaps in a face is available through the *)
+ (* "face->num_charmaps" and "face->charmaps" fields of @FT_FaceRec. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The currently active charmap is available as "face->charmap". *)
+ (* You should call @FT_Set_Charmap to change it. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* When a new face is created (either through @FT_New_Face or *)
+ (* @FT_Open_Face), the library looks for a Unicode charmap within *)
+ (* the list and automatically activates it. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Also> *)
+ (* The @FT_CharMapRec details the publicly accessible fields of a *)
+ (* given character map. *)
+ (* *)
+ PFT_CharMap = ^FT_CharMap;
+ FT_CharMap = ^FT_CharMapRec;
+ PAFT_CharMap = ^FT_CharMap;
+ AFT_CharMap = array[0..High(Word)] of FT_CharMap;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Type> *)
+ (* FT_Library *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A handle to a FreeType library instance. Each `library' is *)
+ (* completely independent from the others; it is the `root' of a set *)
+ (* of objects like fonts, faces, sizes, etc. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* It also embeds a memory manager (see @FT_Memory), as well as a *)
+ (* scan-line converter object (see @FT_Raster). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* Library objects are normally created by @FT_Init_FreeType, and *)
+ (* destroyed with @FT_Done_FreeType. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Library = ^FT_LibraryRec;
+ FT_LibraryRec = record // internal
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Section> *)
+ (* glyph_management *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Title> *)
+ (* Glyph Management *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Abstract> *)
+ (* Generic interface to manage individual glyph data. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* This section contains definitions used to manage glyph data *)
+ (* through generic FT_Glyph objects. Each of them can contain a *)
+ (* bitmap, a vector outline, or even images in other formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* forward declaration to a private type *)
+ PFT_Glyph_Class = ^FT_Glyph_Class;
+ FT_Glyph_Class = record // internal
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Type> *)
+ (* FT_Glyph *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Handle to an object used to model generic glyph images. It is a *)
+ (* pointer to the @FT_GlyphRec structure and can contain a glyph *)
+ (* bitmap or pointer. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* Glyph objects are not owned by the library. You must thus release *)
+ (* them manually (through @FT_Done_Glyph) _before_ calling *)
+ (* @FT_Done_FreeType. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Glyph = ^FT_GlyphRec;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_GlyphRec *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* The root glyph structure contains a given glyph image plus its *)
+ (* advance width in 16.16 fixed float format. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* library :: A handle to the FreeType library object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* clazz :: A pointer to the glyph's class. Private. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* format :: The format of the glyph's image. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* advance :: A 16.16 vector that gives the glyph's advance width. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_GlyphRec = record
+ library_: FT_Library;
+ clazz: PFT_Glyph_Class;
+ format: FT_Glyph_Format;
+ advance: FT_Vector;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Type> *)
+ (* FT_BitmapGlyph *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A handle to an object used to model a bitmap glyph image. This is *)
+ (* a sub-class of @FT_Glyph, and a pointer to @FT_BitmapGlyphRec. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_BitmapGlyph = ^FT_BitmapGlyphRec;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_BitmapGlyphRec *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A structure used for bitmap glyph images. This really is a *)
+ (* `sub-class' of `FT_GlyphRec'. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* root :: The root FT_Glyph fields. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* left :: The left-side bearing, i.e., the horizontal distance *)
+ (* from the current pen position to the left border of the *)
+ (* glyph bitmap. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* top :: The top-side bearing, i.e., the vertical distance from *)
+ (* the current pen position to the top border of the glyph *)
+ (* bitmap. This distance is positive for upwards-y! *)
+ (* *)
+ (* bitmap :: A descriptor for the bitmap. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* You can typecast FT_Glyph to FT_BitmapGlyph if you have *)
+ (* glyph->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP. This lets you access *)
+ (* the bitmap's contents easily. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The corresponding pixel buffer is always owned by the BitmapGlyph *)
+ (* and is thus created and destroyed with it. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_BitmapGlyphRec = record
+ root: FT_GlyphRec;
+ left: FT_Int;
+ top: FT_Int;
+ bitmap: FT_Bitmap;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Type> *)
+ (* FT_OutlineGlyph *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A handle to an object used to model an outline glyph image. This *)
+ (* is a sub-class of @FT_Glyph, and a pointer to @FT_OutlineGlyphRec. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_OutlineGlyph = ^FT_OutlineGlyphRec;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_OutlineGlyphRec *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A structure used for outline (vectorial) glyph images. This *)
+ (* really is a `sub-class' of `FT_GlyphRec'. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* root :: The root FT_Glyph fields. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* outline :: A descriptor for the outline. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* You can typecast FT_Glyph to FT_OutlineGlyph if you have *)
+ (* glyph->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE. This lets you access *)
+ (* the outline's content easily. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* As the outline is extracted from a glyph slot, its coordinates are *)
+ (* expressed normally in 26.6 pixels, unless the flag *)
+ (* FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE was used in FT_Load_Glyph() or FT_Load_Char(). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The outline's tables are always owned by the object and are *)
+ (* destroyed with it. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_OutlineGlyphRec = record
+ root: FT_GlyphRec;
+ outline: FT_Outline;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_SubGlyph *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* The subglyph structure is an internal object used to describe *)
+ (* subglyphs (for example, in the case of composites). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* The subglyph implementation is not part of the high-level API, *)
+ (* hence the forward structure declaration. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_SubGlyph = ^FT_SubGlyphRec;
+ FT_SubGlyphRec = record // internal
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <FuncType> *)
+ (* FT_Generic_Finalizer *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Describes a function used to destroy the `client' data of any *)
+ (* FreeType object. See the description of the FT_Generic type for *)
+ (* details of usage. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* The address of the FreeType object which is under finalization. *)
+ (* Its client data is accessed through its `generic' field. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Generic_Finalizer = procedure(AnObject : pointer ); cdecl;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_Generic *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Client applications often need to associate their own data to a *)
+ (* variety of FreeType core objects. For example, a text layout API *)
+ (* might want to associate a glyph cache to a given size object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Most FreeType object contains a `generic' field, of type *)
+ (* FT_Generic, which usage is left to client applications and font *)
+ (* servers. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* It can be used to store a pointer to client-specific data, as well *)
+ (* as the address of a `finalizer' function, which will be called by *)
+ (* FreeType when the object is destroyed (for example, the previous *)
+ (* client example would put the address of the glyph cache destructor *)
+ (* in the `finalizer' field). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* data :: A typeless pointer to any client-specified data. This *)
+ (* field is completely ignored by the FreeType library. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* finalizer :: A pointer to a `generic finalizer' function, which *)
+ (* will be called when the object is destroyed. If this *)
+ (* field is set to NULL, no code will be called. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Generic = record
+ data : pointer;
+ finalizer : FT_Generic_Finalizer;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_BBox *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A structure used to hold an outline's bounding box, i.e., the *)
+ (* coordinates of its extrema in the horizontal and vertical *)
+ (* directions. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* xMin :: The horizontal minimum (left-most). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* yMin :: The vertical minimum (bottom-most). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* xMax :: The horizontal maximum (right-most). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* yMax :: The vertical maximum (top-most). *)
+ (* *)
+ PFT_BBox = ^FT_BBox;
+ FT_BBox = record
+ xMin, yMin : FT_Pos;
+ xMax, yMax : FT_Pos;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Type> *)
+ (* FT_GlyphSlot *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A handle to a given `glyph slot'. A slot is a container where it *)
+ (* is possible to load any one of the glyphs contained in its parent *)
+ (* face. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* In other words, each time you call @FT_Load_Glyph or *)
+ (* @FT_Load_Char, the slot's content is erased by the new glyph data, *)
+ (* i.e. the glyph's metrics, its image (bitmap or outline), and *)
+ (* other control information. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Also> *)
+ (* @FT_GlyphSlotRec details the publicly accessible glyph fields. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_GlyphSlot = ^FT_GlyphSlotRec;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_GlyphSlotRec *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* FreeType root glyph slot class structure. A glyph slot is a *)
+ (* container where individual glyphs can be loaded, be they *)
+ (* vectorial or bitmap/graymaps. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* library :: A handle to the FreeType library instance *)
+ (* this slot belongs to. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* face :: A handle to the parent face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* next :: In some cases (like some font tools), several *)
+ (* glyph slots per face object can be a good *)
+ (* thing. As this is rare, the glyph slots are *)
+ (* listed through a direct, single-linked list *)
+ (* using its `next' field. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* generic :: A typeless pointer which is unused by the *)
+ (* FreeType library or any of its drivers. It *)
+ (* can be used by client applications to link *)
+ (* their own data to each glyph slot object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* metrics :: The metrics of the last loaded glyph in the *)
+ (* slot. The returned values depend on the last *)
+ (* load flags (see the @FT_Load_Glyph API *)
+ (* function) and can be expressed either in 26.6 *)
+ (* fractional pixels or font units. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Note that even when the glyph image is *)
+ (* transformed, the metrics are not. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* linearHoriAdvance :: For scalable formats only, this field holds *)
+ (* the linearly scaled horizontal advance width *)
+ (* for the glyph (i.e. the scaled and unhinted *)
+ (* value of the hori advance). This can be *)
+ (* important to perform correct WYSIWYG layout. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Note that this value is expressed by default *)
+ (* in 16.16 pixels. However, when the glyph is *)
+ (* loaded with the FT_LOAD_LINEAR_DESIGN flag, *)
+ (* this field contains simply the value of the *)
+ (* advance in original font units. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* linearVertAdvance :: For scalable formats only, this field holds *)
+ (* the linearly scaled vertical advance height *)
+ (* for the glyph. See linearHoriAdvance for *)
+ (* comments. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* advance :: This is the transformed advance width for the *)
+ (* glyph. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* format :: This field indicates the format of the image *)
+ (* contained in the glyph slot. Typically *)
+ (* FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_COMPOSITE, but others are *)
+ (* possible. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* bitmap :: This field is used as a bitmap descriptor *)
+ (* when the slot format is *)
+ (* FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP. Note that the *)
+ (* address and content of the bitmap buffer can *)
+ (* change between calls of @FT_Load_Glyph and a *)
+ (* few other functions. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* bitmap_left :: This is the bitmap's left bearing expressed *)
+ (* in integer pixels. Of course, this is only *)
+ (* valid if the format is *)
+ (* *)
+ (* bitmap_top :: This is the bitmap's top bearing expressed in *)
+ (* integer pixels. Remember that this is the *)
+ (* distance from the baseline to the top-most *)
+ (* glyph scanline, upwards y-coordinates being *)
+ (* *positive*. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* outline :: The outline descriptor for the current glyph *)
+ (* image if its format is *)
+ (* *)
+ (* num_subglyphs :: The number of subglyphs in a composite glyph. *)
+ (* This field is only valid for the composite *)
+ (* glyph format that should normally only be *)
+ (* loaded with the @FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE flag. *)
+ (* For now this is internal to FreeType. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* subglyphs :: An array of subglyph descriptors for *)
+ (* composite glyphs. There are `num_subglyphs' *)
+ (* elements in there. Currently internal to *)
+ (* FreeType. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* control_data :: Certain font drivers can also return the *)
+ (* control data for a given glyph image (e.g. *)
+ (* TrueType bytecode, Type 1 charstrings, etc.). *)
+ (* This field is a pointer to such data. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* control_len :: This is the length in bytes of the control *)
+ (* data. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* other :: Really wicked formats can use this pointer to *)
+ (* present their own glyph image to client apps. *)
+ (* Note that the app will need to know about the *)
+ (* image format. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* lsb_delta :: The difference between hinted and unhinted *)
+ (* left side bearing while autohinting is *)
+ (* active. Zero otherwise. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* rsb_delta :: The difference between hinted and unhinted *)
+ (* right side bearing while autohinting is *)
+ (* active. Zero otherwise. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* If @FT_Load_Glyph is called with default flags (see *)
+ (* @FT_LOAD_DEFAULT) the glyph image is loaded in the glyph slot in *)
+ (* its native format (e.g. a vectorial outline for TrueType and *)
+ (* Type 1 formats). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This image can later be converted into a bitmap by calling *)
+ (* @FT_Render_Glyph. This function finds the current renderer for *)
+ (* the native image's format then invokes it. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The renderer is in charge of transforming the native image through *)
+ (* the slot's face transformation fields, then convert it into a *)
+ (* bitmap that is returned in `slot->bitmap'. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Note that `slot->bitmap_left' and `slot->bitmap_top' are also used *)
+ (* to specify the position of the bitmap relative to the current pen *)
+ (* position (e.g. coordinates [0,0] on the baseline). Of course, *)
+ (* `slot->format' is also changed to `FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP' . *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* Here a small pseudo code fragment which shows how to use *)
+ (* `lsb_delta' and `rsb_delta': *)
+ (* *)
+ (* { *)
+ (* FT_Pos origin_x = 0; *)
+ (* FT_Pos prev_rsb_delta = 0; *)
+ (* *)
+ (* *)
+ (* for all glyphs do *)
+ (* <compute kern between current and previous glyph and add it to *)
+ (* `origin_x'> *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <load glyph with `FT_Load_Glyph'> *)
+ (* *)
+ (* if ( prev_rsb_delta - face->glyph->lsb_delta >= 32 ) *)
+ (* origin_x -= 64; *)
+ (* else if ( prev_rsb_delta - face->glyph->lsb_delta < -32 ) *)
+ (* origin_x += 64; *)
+ (* *)
+ (* prev_rsb_delta = face->glyph->rsb_delta; *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <save glyph image, or render glyph, or ...> *)
+ (* *)
+ (* origin_x += face->glyph->advance.x; *)
+ (* endfor *)
+ (* } *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_GlyphSlotRec = record
+ alibrary : FT_Library;
+ face : FT_Face;
+ next : FT_GlyphSlot;
+ flags : FT_UInt;
+ generic : FT_Generic;
+ metrics : FT_Glyph_Metrics;
+ linearHoriAdvance ,
+ linearVertAdvance : FT_Fixed;
+ advance : FT_Vector;
+ format : FT_Glyph_Format;
+ bitmap : FT_Bitmap;
+ bitmap_left ,
+ bitmap_top : FT_Int;
+ outline : FT_Outline;
+ num_subglyphs : FT_UInt;
+ subglyphs : FT_SubGlyph;
+ control_data : pointer;
+ control_len : longint;
+ lsb_delta: FT_Pos;
+ rsb_delta: FT_Pos;
+ other : pointer;
+ //internal: FT_Slot_Internal;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_Size_Metrics *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* The size metrics structure returned scaled important distances for *)
+ (* a given size object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* x_ppem :: The character width, expressed in integer pixels. *)
+ (* This is the width of the EM square expressed in *)
+ (* pixels, hence the term `ppem' (pixels per EM). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* y_ppem :: The character height, expressed in integer pixels. *)
+ (* This is the height of the EM square expressed in *)
+ (* pixels, hence the term `ppem' (pixels per EM). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* x_scale :: A simple 16.16 fixed point format coefficient used *)
+ (* to scale horizontal distances expressed in font *)
+ (* units to fractional (26.6) pixel coordinates. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* y_scale :: A simple 16.16 fixed point format coefficient used *)
+ (* to scale vertical distances expressed in font *)
+ (* units to fractional (26.6) pixel coordinates. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* ascender :: The ascender, expressed in 26.6 fixed point *)
+ (* pixels. Positive for ascenders above the *)
+ (* baseline. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* descender :: The descender, expressed in 26.6 fixed point *)
+ (* pixels. Negative for descenders below the *)
+ (* baseline. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* height :: The text height, expressed in 26.6 fixed point *)
+ (* pixels. Always positive. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* max_advance :: Maximum horizontal advance, expressed in 26.6 *)
+ (* fixed point pixels. Always positive. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* For scalable fonts, the values of `ascender', `descender', and *)
+ (* `height' are scaled versions of `face->ascender', *)
+ (* `face->descender', and `face->height', respectively. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Unfortunately, due to glyph hinting, these values might not be *)
+ (* exact for certain fonts. They thus must be treated as unreliable *)
+ (* with an error margin of at least one pixel! *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Indeed, the only way to get the exact pixel ascender and descender *)
+ (* is to render _all_ glyphs. As this would be a definite *)
+ (* performance hit, it is up to client applications to perform such *)
+ (* computations. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Size_Metrics = record
+ x_ppem ,
+ y_ppem : FT_UShort;
+ x_scale ,
+ y_scale : FT_Fixed;
+ ascender ,
+ descender : FT_Pos;
+ height : FT_Pos;
+ max_advance : FT_Pos;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Type> *)
+ (* FT_Size *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A handle to a given size object. Such an object models the data *)
+ (* that depends on the current _resolution_ and _character size_ in a *)
+ (* given @FT_Face. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* Each face object owns one or more sizes. There is however a *)
+ (* single _active_ size for the face at any time that will be used by *)
+ (* functions like @FT_Load_Glyph, @FT_Get_Kerning, etc. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* You can use the @FT_Activate_Size API to change the current *)
+ (* active size of any given face. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Also> *)
+ (* The @FT_SizeRec structure details the publicly accessible fields *)
+ (* of a given face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Size = ^FT_SizeRec;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_SizeRec *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* FreeType root size class structure. A size object models the *)
+ (* resolution and pointsize dependent data of a given face. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* face :: Handle to the parent face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* generic :: A typeless pointer, which is unused by the FreeType *)
+ (* library or any of its drivers. It can be used by *)
+ (* client applications to link their own data to each size *)
+ (* object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* metrics :: Metrics for this size object. This field is read-only. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_SizeRec = record
+ face : FT_Face;
+ generic : FT_Generic;
+ metrics : FT_Size_Metrics;
+ //internal : FT_Size_Internal;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_FaceRec *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* FreeType root face class structure. A face object models the *)
+ (* resolution and point-size independent data found in a font file. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* num_faces :: In the case where the face is located in a *)
+ (* collection (i.e., a file which embeds *)
+ (* several faces), this is the total number of *)
+ (* faces found in the resource. 1 by default. *)
+ (* Accessing non-existent face indices causes *)
+ (* an error. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* face_index :: The index of the face in its font file. *)
+ (* Usually, this is 0 for all normal font *)
+ (* formats. It can be > 0 in the case of *)
+ (* collections (which embed several fonts in a *)
+ (* single resource/file). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* face_flags :: A set of bit flags that give important *)
+ (* information about the face; see the *)
+ (* @FT_FACE_FLAG_XXX constants for details. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* style_flags :: A set of bit flags indicating the style of *)
+ (* the face (i.e., italic, bold, underline, *)
+ (* etc). See the @FT_STYLE_FLAG_XXX *)
+ (* constants. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* num_glyphs :: The total number of glyphs in the face. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* family_name :: The face's family name. This is an ASCII *)
+ (* string, usually in English, which describes *)
+ (* the typeface's family (like `Times New *)
+ (* Roman', `Bodoni', `Garamond', etc). This *)
+ (* is a least common denominator used to list *)
+ (* fonts. Some formats (TrueType & OpenType) *)
+ (* provide localized and Unicode versions of *)
+ (* this string. Applications should use the *)
+ (* format specific interface to access them. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* style_name :: The face's style name. This is an ASCII *)
+ (* string, usually in English, which describes *)
+ (* the typeface's style (like `Italic', *)
+ (* `Bold', `Condensed', etc). Not all font *)
+ (* formats provide a style name, so this field *)
+ (* is optional, and can be set to NULL. As *)
+ (* for `family_name', some formats provide *)
+ (* localized/Unicode versions of this string. *)
+ (* Applications should use the format specific *)
+ (* interface to access them. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* num_fixed_sizes :: The number of fixed sizes available in this *)
+ (* face. This should be set to 0 for scalable *)
+ (* fonts, unless its face includes a set of *)
+ (* glyphs (called a `strike') for the *)
+ (* specified sizes. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* available_sizes :: An array of sizes specifying the available *)
+ (* bitmap/graymap sizes that are contained in *)
+ (* in the font face. Should be set to NULL if *)
+ (* the field `num_fixed_sizes' is set to 0. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* num_charmaps :: The total number of character maps in the *)
+ (* face. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* charmaps :: A table of pointers to the face's charmaps. *)
+ (* Used to scan the list of available charmaps *)
+ (* -- this table might change after a call to *)
+ (* @FT_Attach_File or @FT_Attach_Stream (e.g. *)
+ (* if used to hook an additional encoding or *)
+ (* CMap to the face object). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* generic :: A field reserved for client uses. See the *)
+ (* @FT_Generic type description. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* bbox :: The font bounding box. Coordinates are *)
+ (* expressed in font units (see units_per_EM). *)
+ (* The box is large enough to contain any *)
+ (* glyph from the font. Thus, bbox.yMax can *)
+ (* be seen as the `maximal ascender', *)
+ (* bbox.yMin as the `minimal descender', and *)
+ (* the maximal glyph width is given by *)
+ (* `bbox.xMax-bbox.xMin' (not to be confused *)
+ (* with the maximal _advance_width_). Only *)
+ (* relevant for scalable formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* units_per_EM :: The number of font units per EM square for *)
+ (* this face. This is typically 2048 for *)
+ (* TrueType fonts, 1000 for Type1 fonts, and *)
+ (* should be set to the (unrealistic) value 1 *)
+ (* for fixed-sizes fonts. Only relevant for *)
+ (* scalable formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* ascender :: The face's ascender is the vertical *)
+ (* distance from the baseline to the topmost *)
+ (* point of any glyph in the face. This *)
+ (* field's value is positive, expressed in *)
+ (* font units. Some font designs use a value *)
+ (* different from `bbox.yMax'. Only relevant *)
+ (* for scalable formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* descender :: The face's descender is the vertical *)
+ (* distance from the baseline to the *)
+ (* bottommost point of any glyph in the face. *)
+ (* This field's value is *negative* for values *)
+ (* below the baseline. It is expressed in *)
+ (* font units. Some font designs use a value *)
+ (* different from `bbox.yMin'. Only relevant *)
+ (* for scalable formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* height :: The face's height is the vertical distance *)
+ (* from one baseline to the next when writing *)
+ (* several lines of text. Its value is always *)
+ (* positive, expressed in font units. The *)
+ (* value can be computed as *)
+ (* `ascender+descender+line_gap' where the *)
+ (* value of `line_gap' is also called *)
+ (* `external leading'. Only relevant for *)
+ (* scalable formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* max_advance_width :: The maximal advance width, in font units, *)
+ (* for all glyphs in this face. This can be *)
+ (* used to make word wrapping computations *)
+ (* faster. Only relevant for scalable *)
+ (* formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* max_advance_height :: The maximal advance height, in font units, *)
+ (* for all glyphs in this face. This is only *)
+ (* relevant for vertical layouts, and should *)
+ (* be set to the `height' for fonts that do *)
+ (* not provide vertical metrics. Only *)
+ (* relevant for scalable formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* underline_position :: The position, in font units, of the *)
+ (* underline line for this face. It's the *)
+ (* center of the underlining stem. Only *)
+ (* relevant for scalable formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* underline_thickness :: The thickness, in font units, of the *)
+ (* underline for this face. Only relevant for *)
+ (* scalable formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* glyph :: The face's associated glyph slot(s). This *)
+ (* object is created automatically with a new *)
+ (* face object. However, certain kinds of *)
+ (* applications (mainly tools like converters) *)
+ (* can need more than one slot to ease their *)
+ (* task. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* size :: The current active size for this face. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* charmap :: The current active charmap for this face. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_FaceRec = record
+ num_faces : FT_Long;
+ face_index : FT_Long;
+ face_flags : FT_Long;
+ style_flags : FT_Long;
+ num_glyphs : FT_Long;
+ family_name : PFT_String;
+ style_name : PFT_String;
+ num_fixed_sizes : FT_Int;
+ available_sizes : PAFT_Bitmap_Size; // is array
+ num_charmaps : FT_Int;
+ charmaps : PAFT_CharMap; // is array
+ generic : FT_Generic;
+ (*# the following are only relevant to scalable outlines *)
+ bbox : FT_BBox;
+ units_per_EM : FT_UShort;
+ ascender : FT_Short;
+ descender : FT_Short;
+ height : FT_Short;
+ max_advance_width : FT_Short;
+ max_advance_height : FT_Short;
+ underline_position : FT_Short;
+ underline_thickness : FT_Short;
+ glyph : FT_GlyphSlot;
+ size : FT_Size;
+ charmap : FT_CharMap;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Struct> *)
+ (* FT_CharMapRec *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* The base charmap structure. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Fields> *)
+ (* face :: A handle to the parent face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* encoding :: An @FT_Encoding tag identifying the charmap. Use *)
+ (* this with @FT_Select_Charmap. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* platform_id :: An ID number describing the platform for the *)
+ (* following encoding ID. This comes directly from *)
+ (* the TrueType specification and should be emulated *)
+ (* for other formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* encoding_id :: A platform specific encoding number. This also *)
+ (* comes from the TrueType specification and should be *)
+ (* emulated similarly. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_CharMapRec = record
+ face : FT_Face;
+ encoding : FT_Encoding;
+ platform_id : FT_UShort;
+ encoding_id : FT_UShort;
+ end;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* @macro: *)
+ (* FT_CURVE_TAG ( flag ) *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_CURVE_TAG (flag : char ) : char;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* @macro: *)
+ (* FT_IS_SCALABLE( face ) *)
+ (* *)
+ (* @description: *)
+ (* A macro that returns true whenever a face object contains a *)
+ (* scalable font face (true for TrueType, Type 1, CID, and *)
+ (* OpenType/CFF font formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_IS_SCALABLE(face : FT_Face ) : cbool;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* @macro: *)
+ (* FT_HAS_KERNING( face ) *)
+ (* *)
+ (* @description: *)
+ (* A macro that returns true whenever a face object contains kerning *)
+ (* data that can be accessed with @FT_Get_Kerning. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_HAS_KERNING(face : FT_Face ) : cbool;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Init_FreeType *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Initializes a new FreeType library object. The set of modules *)
+ (* that are registered by this function is determined at build time. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Output> *)
+ (* alibrary :: A handle to a new library object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Init_FreeType(out alibrary : FT_Library ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Init_FreeType';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Done_FreeType *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Destroys a given FreeType library object and all of its childs, *)
+ (* including resources, drivers, faces, sizes, etc. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* library :: A handle to the target library object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Done_FreeType(alibrary : FT_Library ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Done_FreeType';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Attach_File *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* `Attaches' a given font file to an existing face. This is usually *)
+ (* to read additional information for a single face object. For *)
+ (* example, it is used to read the AFM files that come with Type 1 *)
+ (* fonts in order to add kerning data and other metrics. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <InOut> *)
+ (* face :: The target face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* filepathname :: An 8-bit pathname naming the `metrics' file. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* If your font file is in memory, or if you want to provide your *)
+ (* own input stream object, use @FT_Attach_Stream. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The meaning of the `attach' action (i.e., what really happens when *)
+ (* the new file is read) is not fixed by FreeType itself. It really *)
+ (* depends on the font format (and thus the font driver). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Client applications are expected to know what they are doing *)
+ (* when invoking this function. Most drivers simply do not implement *)
+ (* file attachments. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Attach_File(face : FT_Face; filepathname : PChar ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Attach_File';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_New_Memory_Face *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Creates a new face object from a given resource and typeface index *)
+ (* using a font file already loaded into memory. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <InOut> *)
+ (* library :: A handle to the library resource. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* file_base :: A pointer to the beginning of the font data. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* file_size :: The size of the memory chunk used by the font data. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* face_index :: The index of the face within the resource. The *)
+ (* first face has index 0. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Output> *)
+ (* aface :: A handle to a new face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* The font data bytes are used _directly_ by the @FT_Face object. *)
+ (* This means that they are not copied, and that the client is *)
+ (* responsible for releasing/destroying them _after_ the *)
+ (* corresponding call to @FT_Done_Face . *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Unlike FreeType 1.x, this function automatically creates a glyph *)
+ (* slot for the face object which can be accessed directly through *)
+ (* `face->glyph'. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* @FT_New_Memory_Face can be used to determine and/or check the font *)
+ (* format of a given font resource. If the `face_index' field is *)
+ (* negative, the function will _not_ return any face handle in *)
+ (* `aface'; the return value is 0 if the font format is recognized, *)
+ (* or non-zero otherwise. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_New_Memory_Face(
+ library_ : FT_Library;
+ file_base : PFT_Byte;
+ file_size ,
+ face_index : FT_Long;
+ out aface : FT_Face ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_New_Memory_Face';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_New_Face *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Creates a new face object from a given resource and typeface index *)
+ (* using a pathname to the font file. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <InOut> *)
+ (* library :: A handle to the library resource. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* pathname :: A path to the font file. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* face_index :: The index of the face within the resource. The *)
+ (* first face has index 0. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Output> *)
+ (* aface :: A handle to a new face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* Unlike FreeType 1.x, this function automatically creates a glyph *)
+ (* slot for the face object which can be accessed directly through *)
+ (* `face->glyph'. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* @FT_New_Face can be used to determine and/or check the font format *)
+ (* of a given font resource. If the `face_index' field is negative, *)
+ (* the function will _not_ return any face handle in `aface'; the *)
+ (* return value is 0 if the font format is recognized, or non-zero *)
+ (* otherwise. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Each new face object created with this function also owns a *)
+ (* default @FT_Size object, accessible as `face->size'. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_New_Face(
+ library_ : FT_Library;
+ filepathname : PChar;
+ face_index : FT_Long;
+ out aface : FT_Face ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_New_Face';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Done_Face *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Discards a given face object, as well as all of its child slots *)
+ (* and sizes. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* face :: A handle to a target face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Done_Face(face : FT_Face ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Done_Face';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Select_Charmap *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Selects a given charmap by its encoding tag (as listed in *)
+ (* `freetype.h'). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <InOut> *)
+ (* face :: A handle to the source face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* encoding :: A handle to the selected charmap. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* This function will return an error if no charmap in the face *)
+ (* corresponds to the encoding queried here. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Select_Charmap(face : FT_Face; encoding : FT_Encoding ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Select_Charmap';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Get_Char_Index *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Returns the glyph index of a given character code. This function *)
+ (* uses a charmap object to do the translation. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* face :: A handle to the source face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* charcode :: The character code. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* The glyph index. 0 means `undefined character code'. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* FreeType computes its own glyph indices which are not necessarily *)
+ (* the same as used in the font in case the font is based on glyph *)
+ (* indices. Reason for this behaviour is to assure that index 0 is *)
+ (* never used, representing the missing glyph. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Get_Char_Index(face : FT_Face; charcode : FT_ULong ) : FT_UInt;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Get_Char_Index';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Load_Glyph *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A function used to load a single glyph within a given glyph slot, *)
+ (* for a given size. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <InOut> *)
+ (* face :: A handle to the target face object where the glyph *)
+ (* will be loaded. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* glyph_index :: The index of the glyph in the font file. For *)
+ (* CID-keyed fonts (either in PS or in CFF format) *)
+ (* this argument specifies the CID value. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* load_flags :: A flag indicating what to load for this glyph. The *)
+ (* @FT_LOAD_XXX constants can be used to control the *)
+ (* glyph loading process (e.g., whether the outline *)
+ (* should be scaled, whether to load bitmaps or not, *)
+ (* whether to hint the outline, etc). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* If the glyph image is not a bitmap, and if the bit flag *)
+ (* FT_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM is unset, the glyph image will be *)
+ (* transformed with the information passed to a previous call to *)
+ (* @FT_Set_Transform. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Note that this also transforms the `face.glyph.advance' field, but *)
+ (* *not* the values in `face.glyph.metrics'. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Load_Glyph(
+ face : FT_Face;
+ glyph_index : FT_UInt ;
+ load_flags : FT_Int32 ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Load_Glyph';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Enum> *)
+ (* FT_Render_Mode *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* An enumeration type that lists the render modes supported by *)
+ (* FreeType 2. Each mode corresponds to a specific type of scanline *)
+ (* conversion performed on the outline, as well as specific *)
+ (* hinting optimizations. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* For bitmap fonts the `bitmap->pixel_mode' field in the *)
+ (* @FT_GlyphSlotRec structure gives the format of the returned *)
+ (* bitmap. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Values> *)
+ (* This is the default render mode; it corresponds to 8-bit *)
+ (* anti-aliased bitmaps, using 256 levels of opacity. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This is similar to @FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL -- you have to use *)
+ (* @FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT in calls to @FT_Load_Glyph to get any *)
+ (* effect since the rendering process no longer influences the *)
+ (* positioning of glyph outlines. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The resulting glyph shapes are more similar to the original, *)
+ (* while being a bit more fuzzy (`better shapes' instead of `better *)
+ (* contrast', so to say. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This mode corresponds to 1-bit bitmaps. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This mode corresponds to horizontal RGB/BGR sub-pixel displays, *)
+ (* like LCD-screens. It produces 8-bit bitmaps that are 3 times *)
+ (* the width of the original glyph outline in pixels, and which use *)
+ (* the @FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD mode. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This mode corresponds to vertical RGB/BGR sub-pixel displays *)
+ (* (like PDA screens, rotated LCD displays, etc.). It produces *)
+ (* 8-bit bitmaps that are 3 times the height of the original *)
+ (* glyph outline in pixels and use the @FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD_V mode. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* The LCD-optimized glyph bitmaps produced by FT_Render_Glyph are *)
+ (* _not filtered_ to reduce color-fringes. It is up to the caller to *)
+ (* perform this pass. *)
+ (* *)
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Render_Glyph *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Converts a given glyph image to a bitmap. It does so by *)
+ (* inspecting the glyph image format, find the relevant renderer, and *)
+ (* invoke it. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <InOut> *)
+ (* slot :: A handle to the glyph slot containing the image to *)
+ (* convert. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* render_mode :: This is the render mode used to render the glyph *)
+ (* image into a bitmap. See FT_Render_Mode for a list *)
+ (* of possible values. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Render_Glyph(slot : FT_GlyphSlot; render_mode : FT_Render_Mode ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Render_Glyph';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Enum> *)
+ (* FT_Kerning_Mode *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* An enumeration used to specify which kerning values to return in *)
+ (* @FT_Get_Kerning. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Values> *)
+ (* FT_KERNING_DEFAULT :: Return scaled and grid-fitted kerning *)
+ (* distances (value is 0). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* FT_KERNING_UNFITTED :: Return scaled but un-grid-fitted kerning *)
+ (* distances. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* FT_KERNING_UNSCALED :: Return the kerning vector in original font *)
+ (* units. *)
+ (* *)
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Get_Kerning *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Returns the kerning vector between two glyphs of a same face. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* face :: A handle to a source face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* left_glyph :: The index of the left glyph in the kern pair. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* right_glyph :: The index of the right glyph in the kern pair. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* kern_mode :: See @FT_Kerning_Mode for more information. *)
+ (* Determines the scale/dimension of the returned *)
+ (* kerning vector. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Output> *)
+ (* akerning :: The kerning vector. This is in font units for *)
+ (* scalable formats, and in pixels for fixed-sizes *)
+ (* formats. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* Only horizontal layouts (left-to-right & right-to-left) are *)
+ (* supported by this method. Other layouts, or more sophisticated *)
+ (* kernings, are out of the scope of this API function -- they can be *)
+ (* implemented through format-specific interfaces. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Get_Kerning(
+ face : FT_Face;
+ left_glyph ,
+ right_glyph ,
+ kern_mode : FT_UInt;
+ out akerning : FT_Vector ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Get_Kerning';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Set_Char_Size *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Sets the character dimensions of a given face object. The *)
+ (* `char_width' and `char_height' values are used for the width and *)
+ (* height, respectively, expressed in 26.6 fractional points. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* If the horizontal or vertical resolution values are zero, a *)
+ (* default value of 72dpi is used. Similarly, if one of the *)
+ (* character dimensions is zero, its value is set equal to the other. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <InOut> *)
+ (* face :: A handle to a target face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* char_width :: The character width, in 26.6 fractional points. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* char_height :: The character height, in 26.6 fractional *)
+ (* points. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* horz_resolution :: The horizontal resolution. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* vert_resolution :: The vertical resolution. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* When dealing with fixed-size faces (i.e., non-scalable formats), *)
+ (* @FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes provides a more convenient interface. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Set_Char_Size(
+ face : FT_Face;
+ char_width ,
+ char_height : FT_F26dot6;
+ horz_res ,
+ vert_res : FT_UInt) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Set_Char_Size';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Sets the character dimensions of a given face object. The width *)
+ (* and height are expressed in integer pixels. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* If one of the character dimensions is zero, its value is set equal *)
+ (* to the other. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <InOut> *)
+ (* face :: A handle to the target face object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* pixel_width :: The character width, in integer pixels. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* pixel_height :: The character height, in integer pixels. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* The values of `pixel_width' and `pixel_height' correspond to the *)
+ (* pixel values of the _typographic_ character size, which are NOT *)
+ (* necessarily the same as the dimensions of the glyph `bitmap *)
+ (* cells'. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The `character size' is really the size of an abstract square *)
+ (* called the `EM', used to design the font. However, depending *)
+ (* on the font design, glyphs will be smaller or greater than the *)
+ (* EM. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This means that setting the pixel size to, say, 8x8 doesn't *)
+ (* guarantee in any way that you will get glyph bitmaps that all fit *)
+ (* within an 8x8 cell (sometimes even far from it). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* For bitmap fonts, `pixel_height' usually is a reliable value for *)
+ (* the height of the bitmap cell. Drivers for bitmap font formats *)
+ (* which contain a single bitmap strike only (BDF, PCF, FNT) ignore *)
+ (* `pixel_width'. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(
+ face : FT_Face;
+ pixel_width ,
+ pixel_height : FT_UInt ) : FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Get_Glyph *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* A function used to extract a glyph image from a slot. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* slot :: A handle to the source glyph slot. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Output> *)
+ (* aglyph :: A handle to the glyph object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Get_Glyph(
+ slot: FT_GlyphSlot;
+ out aglyph: FT_Glyph ): FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Get_Glyph';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Enum> *)
+ (* FT_Glyph_BBox_Mode *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* The mode how the values of @FT_Glyph_Get_CBox are returned. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Values> *)
+ (* Return unscaled font units. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Return unfitted 26.6 coordinates. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Return grid-fitted 26.6 coordinates. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Return coordinates in integer pixels. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Return grid-fitted pixel coordinates. *)
+ (* *)
+ FT_Glyph_BBox_Mode = FT_UInt;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Glyph_Get_CBox *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Return a glyph's `control box'. The control box encloses all the *)
+ (* outline's points, including B�zier control points. Though it *)
+ (* coincides with the exact bounding box for most glyphs, it can be *)
+ (* slightly larger in some situations (like when rotating an outline *)
+ (* which contains B�zier outside arcs). *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Computing the control box is very fast, while getting the bounding *)
+ (* box can take much more time as it needs to walk over all segments *)
+ (* and arcs in the outline. To get the latter, you can use the *)
+ (* `ftbbox' component which is dedicated to this single task. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* glyph :: A handle to the source glyph object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* mode :: The mode which indicates how to interpret the returned *)
+ (* bounding box values. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Output> *)
+ (* acbox :: The glyph coordinate bounding box. Coordinates are *)
+ (* expressed in 1/64th of pixels if it is grid-fitted. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* Coordinates are relative to the glyph origin, using the Y-upwards *)
+ (* convention. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* If the glyph has been loaded with @FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE, `bbox_mode' *)
+ (* must be set to @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_UNSCALED to get unscaled font *)
+ (* units in 26.6 pixel format. The value @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_SUBPIXELS *)
+ (* is another name for this constant. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Note that the maximum coordinates are exclusive, which means that *)
+ (* one can compute the width and height of the glyph image (be it in *)
+ (* integer or 26.6 pixels) as: *)
+ (* *)
+ (* { *)
+ (* width = bbox.xMax - bbox.xMin; *)
+ (* height = bbox.yMax - bbox.yMin; *)
+ (* } *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Note also that for 26.6 coordinates, if `bbox_mode' is set to *)
+ (* @FT_GLYPH_BBOX_GRIDFIT, the coordinates will also be grid-fitted, *)
+ (* which corresponds to: *)
+ (* *)
+ (* { *)
+ (* bbox.xMin = FLOOR(bbox.xMin); *)
+ (* bbox.yMin = FLOOR(bbox.yMin); *)
+ (* bbox.xMax = CEILING(bbox.xMax); *)
+ (* bbox.yMax = CEILING(bbox.yMax); *)
+ (* } *)
+ (* *)
+ (* To get the bbox in pixel coordinates, set `bbox_mode' to *)
+ (* *)
+ (* To get the bbox in grid-fitted pixel coordinates, set `bbox_mode' *)
+ (* *)
+ procedure FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( glyph: FT_Glyph;
+ bbox_mode: FT_UInt;
+ out acbox: FT_BBox );
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Glyph_Get_CBox';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Converts a given glyph object to a bitmap glyph object. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <InOut> *)
+ (* the_glyph :: A pointer to a handle to the target glyph. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* render_mode :: An enumeration that describe how the data is *)
+ (* rendered. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* origin :: A pointer to a vector used to translate the glyph *)
+ (* image before rendering. Can be 0 (if no *)
+ (* translation). The origin is expressed in *)
+ (* 26.6 pixels. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* destroy :: A boolean that indicates that the original glyph *)
+ (* image should be destroyed by this function. It is *)
+ (* never destroyed in case of error. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Return> *)
+ (* FreeType error code. 0 means success. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Note> *)
+ (* The glyph image is translated with the `origin' vector before *)
+ (* rendering. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The first parameter is a pointer to a FT_Glyph handle, that will *)
+ (* be replaced by this function. Typically, you would use (omitting *)
+ (* error handling): *)
+ (* *)
+ (* *)
+ (* { *)
+ (* FT_Glyph glyph; *)
+ (* FT_BitmapGlyph glyph_bitmap; *)
+ (* *)
+ (* *)
+ (* // load glyph *)
+ (* error = FT_Load_Char( face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAUT ); *)
+ (* *)
+ (* // extract glyph image *)
+ (* error = FT_Get_Glyph( face->glyph, &glyph ); *)
+ (* *)
+ (* // convert to a bitmap (default render mode + destroy old) *)
+ (* if ( glyph->format != FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP ) *)
+ (* { *)
+ (* error = FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_DEFAULT, *)
+ (* 0, 1 ); *)
+ (* if ( error ) // glyph unchanged *)
+ (* ... *)
+ (* } *)
+ (* *)
+ (* // access bitmap content by typecasting *)
+ (* glyph_bitmap = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph; *)
+ (* *)
+ (* // do funny stuff with it, like blitting/drawing *)
+ (* ... *)
+ (* *)
+ (* // discard glyph image (bitmap or not) *)
+ (* FT_Done_Glyph( glyph ); *)
+ (* } *)
+ (* *)
+ (* *)
+ (* This function does nothing if the glyph format isn't scalable. *)
+ (* *)
+ function FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(var the_glyph: FT_Glyph;
+ render_mode: FT_Render_Mode;
+ origin: PFT_Vector;
+ destroy: FT_Bool ): FT_Error;
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap';
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Function> *)
+ (* FT_Done_Glyph *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Description> *)
+ (* Destroys a given glyph. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* <Input> *)
+ (* glyph :: A handle to the target glyph object. *)
+ (* *)
+ procedure FT_Done_Glyph( glyph: FT_Glyph );
+ cdecl; external ft_lib name 'FT_Done_Glyph';
+function FT_CURVE_TAG(flag : char ) : char;
+ result := char(byte(flag) and 3);
+function FT_IS_SCALABLE(face : FT_Face ) : cbool;
+ result := cbool(face.face_flags and FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE );
+function FT_HAS_KERNING(face : FT_Face ) : cbool;
+ result := cbool(face.face_flags and FT_FACE_FLAG_KERNING );