path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformMacOSX.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformMacOSX.pas')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformMacOSX.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformMacOSX.pas
index b6ced926..223908d4 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformMacOSX.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformMacOSX.pas
@@ -44,30 +44,110 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
-uses Classes, UPlatform;
+ Classes,
+ UPlatform;
- TPlatformMacOSX = class(TInterfacedObject, IPlatform)
- public
- function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter : WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs : boolean) : TDirectoryEntryArray;
- function TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle : string) : boolean;
- procedure Halt();
- function GetLogPath : WideString;
- function GetGameSharedPath : WideString;
- function GetGameUserPath : WideString;
- function FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: WideString): WideString;
+ TPlatformMacOSX = class(TPlatform)
+ private
+ function GetBundlePath: WideString;
+ function GetApplicationSupportPath: WideString;
+ procedure CreateUserFolders();
+ public
+ procedure Init; override;
+ function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray; override;
+ function GetLogPath : WideString; override;
+ function GetGameSharedPath : WideString; override;
+ function GetGameUserPath : WideString; override;
-uses SysUtils, baseunix;
+ SysUtils,
+ baseunix;
+procedure TPlatformMacOSX.Init;
+ CreateUserFolders();
+procedure TPlatformMacOSX.CreateUserFolders();
+ RelativePath, BaseDir, OldBaseDir: string;
+ SearchInfo: TSearchRec;
+ DirectoryList, FileList: TStringList;
+ DirectoryIsFinished: longint;
+ counter: longint;
+ UserPathName: string;
+ SourceFile, TargetFile: TFileStream;
+ FileCopyBuffer: array [1..4096] of byte;
+ NumberOfBytes: integer;
+ PathName: string = '/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources';
+ getdir (0, OldBaseDir);
+ BaseDir := OldBaseDir + '/UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents/Resources';
+ chdir (BaseDir);
+ UserPathName := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME') + PathName;
+ DirectoryIsFinished := 0;
+ DirectoryList := TStringList.Create();
+ FileList := TStringList.Create();
+ DirectoryList.Add('.');
+ repeat
+ RelativePath := DirectoryList[DirectoryIsFinished];
+ chdir (BaseDir + '/' + RelativePath);
+ if (FindFirst('*', faAnyFile, SearchInfo) = 0) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ if DirectoryExists(SearchInfo.Name) then
+ begin
+ if (SearchInfo.Name <> '.') and (SearchInfo.Name <> '..') then
+ DirectoryList.Add(RelativePath + '/' + SearchInfo.Name);
+ end
+ else
+ Filelist.Add(RelativePath + '/' + SearchInfo.Name);
+ until (FindNext(SearchInfo) <> 0);
+ end;
+ FindClose(SearchInfo);
+ DirectoryIsFinished := succ(DirectoryIsFinished);
+ until (DirectoryIsFinished = DirectoryList.Count);
+ if not DirectoryExists(UserPathName) then
+ mkdir (UserPathName);
+ for counter := 0 to DirectoryList.Count-1 do
+ if not DirectoryExists(UserPathName + '/' + DirectoryList[counter]) then
+ mkdir (UserPathName + '/' + DirectoryList[counter]);
+ DirectoryList.Free();
+ for counter := 0 to Filelist.Count-1 do
+ if not FileExists(UserPathName + '/' + Filelist[counter]) then
+ begin
+ SourceFile := TFileStream.Create(BaseDir + '/' + Filelist[counter], fmOpenRead);
+ TargetFile := TFileStream.Create(UserPathName + '/' + Filelist[counter], fmCreate);
+ repeat
+ NumberOfBytes := SourceFile.Read(FileCopyBuffer, SizeOf(FileCopyBuffer));
+ TargetFile.Write(FileCopyBuffer, NumberOfBytes);
+ until (NumberOfBytes < SizeOf(FileCopyBuffer));
+ SourceFile.Free;
+ TargetFile.Free;
+ end;
+ FileList.Free();
+ chdir (OldBaseDir);
// Mac applications are packaged in directories.
// We have to cut the last two directories
// to get the application directory.
-function GetBundlePath : WideString;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetBundlePath: WideString;
i, pos : integer;
@@ -82,37 +162,37 @@ begin
-function GetApplicationSupportPath : WideString;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetApplicationSupportPath: WideString;
PathName : string = '/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources';
Result := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME') + PathName + '/';
-function TPlatformMacOSX.GetLogPath : WideString;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetLogPath: WideString;
// eddie: Please read the note at the top of this file, why we use the application directory and not the user directory.
Result := GetApplicationSupportPath + 'Logs';
-function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameSharedPath : WideString;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameSharedPath: WideString;
// eddie: Please read the note at the top of this file, why we use the application directory and not the user directory.
Result := GetApplicationSupportPath;
-function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameUserPath : WideString;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameUserPath: WideString;
// eddie: Please read the note at the top of this file, why we use the application directory and not the user directory.
Result := GetApplicationSupportPath;
-function TPlatformMacOSX.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter : WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs : boolean) : TDirectoryEntryArray;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray;
i : integer;
TheDir : pdir;
ADirent : pDirent;
- lAttrib : integer;
+ lAttrib : integer;
i := 0;
Filter := LowerCase(Filter);
@@ -124,50 +204,27 @@ begin
if Assigned(ADirent) and (ADirent^.d_name <> '.') and (ADirent^.d_name <> '..') then
- lAttrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + ADirent^.d_name);
- if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((lAttrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then
- begin
- SetLength(Result, i + 1);
- Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name;
- Result[i].IsDirectory := true;
- Result[i].IsFile := false;
- i := i + 1;
- end
- else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(ADirent^.d_name)) > 0) then
- begin
- SetLength(Result, i + 1);
- Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name;
- Result[i].IsDirectory := false;
- Result[i].IsFile := true;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
+ lAttrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + ADirent^.d_name);
+ if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((lAttrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Result, i + 1);
+ Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name;
+ Result[i].IsDirectory := true;
+ Result[i].IsFile := false;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end
+ else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(ADirent^.d_name)) > 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Result, i + 1);
+ Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name;
+ Result[i].IsDirectory := false;
+ Result[i].IsFile := true;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end;
until ADirent = nil;
-function TPlatformMacOSX.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle : string) : boolean;
- result := false;
-procedure TPlatformMacOSX.Halt;
- System.Halt;
-function TPlatformMacOSX.FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: WideString): WideString;
- SR : TSearchRec; // for parsing song directory
- Result := '';
- // faDirectory = $00000010; Attribute of a �le, meaning the �le is a directory.
- if SysUtils.FindFirst(Dir + Mask, faDirectory, SR) = 0 then
- begin
- Result := SR.Name;
- end; // if
- SysUtils.FindClose(SR);