path: root/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRoundM2.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRoundM2.pas')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRoundM2.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRoundM2.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f25b928f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRoundM2.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+unit UScreenPartyNewRoundM2;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyNewRoundM2 = class(TMenu)
+ const
+ ID='ID_019'; //for help system
+ public
+ //Texts:
+ TextRound: array [1..9] of cardinal;
+ TextWinner: array [1..9] of cardinal;
+ TextNextRound: cardinal;
+ TextNextPlayer1: cardinal;
+ TextNextPlayer2: cardinal;
+ TextHandicap: cardinal;
+ //Statics
+ StaticRound: array [1..9] of cardinal;
+ StaticTable: array [1..9] of cardinal;
+ StaticNextPlayer1: cardinal;
+ StaticNextPlayer2: cardinal;
+ StaticHandicap: cardinal;
+ TextTableName: array[1..9,1..7] of cardinal;
+ ScreenRound: Integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function FillNulls(number: integer): String;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ procedure Update;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, UPartyM2, UDLLManager, ULanguage, ULog, UHelp;
+function TScreenPartyNewRoundM2.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ ScreenPopupHelp.ShowPopup();
+ end;
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ CheckFadeTo(@ScreenMain,'MSG_END_PARTY');
+ end;
+ begin
+ if(PartySessionM2.CurRound<Length(PartySessionM2.Rounds)) then
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ //Select PartyMode M2 ScreenSong
+ //Select PartyMode ScreenSong
+ ScreenSong.Mode := smChallenge;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ CheckFadeTo(@ScreenMain,'MSG_END_PARTY');
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if ScreenRound<=(Length(PartySessionM2.Rounds)-9) then
+ inc(ScreenRound);
+ Update;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if ScreenRound>=1 then
+ dec(ScreenRound);
+ Update;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if ScreenRound<=(Length(PartySessionM2.Rounds)-9) then
+ inc(ScreenRound);
+ Update;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if ScreenRound>=1 then
+ dec(ScreenRound);
+ Update;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyNewRoundM2.Create;
+ I, J: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.PartyNewRoundM2);
+ for I := 1 to 9 do
+ begin
+ TextRound[I] := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.TextRound[I]);
+ TextWinner[I] := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.TextWinner[I]);
+ StaticRound[I] := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.StaticRound[I]);
+ StaticTable[I] := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.StaticTable[I]);
+ end;
+ TextNextRound := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.TextNextRound);
+ TextNextPlayer1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.TextNextPlayer1);
+ TextNextPlayer2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.TextNextPlayer2);
+ TextHandicap := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.TextHandicap);
+ StaticNextPlayer1 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.StaticNextPlayer1);
+ StaticNextPlayer2 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.StaticNextPlayer2);
+ StaticHandicap := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.StaticHandicap);
+ //Table
+ for I := 1 to 9 do
+ begin
+ for J := 1 to 7 do
+ begin
+ TextTableName[I,J] := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRoundM2.TextTableName[I,J]);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenPartyNewRoundM2.onShow;
+ x,y: Integer;
+ inherited;
+ if not Help.SetHelpID(ID) then
+ Log.LogError('No Entry for Help-ID ' + ID + ' (ScreenPartyNewRoundM2)');
+ PartySessionM2.StartRound;
+ ScreenRound:=PartySessionM2.CurRound-2;
+ if ScreenRound<0 then
+ begin
+ ScreenRound:=PartySessionM2.CurRound-1;
+ if ScreenRound<0 then
+ ScreenRound:=0;
+ end;
+ Update;
+ //Display Scores
+ for x := 1 to 9 do
+ begin
+ if x<=PartySessionM2.Players.NumPlayer then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTable[x]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextTableName[x,1]].Text := IntToStr(x);
+ Text[TextTableName[x,2]].Text := PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Order[x-1]].Name;
+ Text[TextTableName[x,3]].Text := IntToStr(PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Order[x-1]].Wins);
+ Text[TextTableName[x,4]].Text := IntToStr(PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Order[x-1]].Draws);
+ Text[TextTableName[x,5]].Text := IntToStr(PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Order[x-1]].Defeats);
+ Text[TextTableName[x,6]].Text := IntToStr(PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Order[x-1]].ScoreP -
+ PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Order[x-1]].ScoreN);
+ Text[TextTableName[x,7]].Text := IntToStr(PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Order[x-1]].Points);
+ end else
+ begin
+ for y := 1 to 7 do
+ begin
+ Text[TextTableName[x,y]].Text := '';
+ Static[StaticTable[x]].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //nextRound Texts
+ if PartySessionM2.CurRound<Length(PartySessionM2.Rounds) then
+ begin
+ if PartySessionM2.Option_Plugins then
+ begin
+ Text[TextNextRound].Text := Language.Translate('PARTY_ROUND') + ' ' + IntToStr(PartySessionM2.CurRound + 1) +
+ ': ' + PartySessionM2.Plugins[PartySessionM2.Rounds[PartySessionM2.CurRound].PluginNr].Name;
+ end else
+ Text[TextNextRound].Text := Language.Translate('PARTY_ROUND') + ' ' + IntToStr(PartySessionM2.CurRound + 1);
+ Text[TextNextPlayer1].Text := PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Rounds[PartySessionM2.CurRound].Player1].Name;
+ Text[TextNextPlayer1].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextNextPlayer2].Text := PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Rounds[PartySessionM2.CurRound].Player2].Name;
+ Text[TextNextPlayer2].Visible := true;
+ Static[StaticNextPlayer1].Visible := true;
+ Static[StaticNextPlayer2].Visible := true;
+ //Handicap-mode
+ if PartySessionM2.HandicapMode then
+ begin
+ Text[TextHandicap].Text := '[' + FormatFloat('#0.00', PartySessionM2.Handicap.P1m) +
+ ' : ' + FormatFloat('#0.00', PartySessionM2.Handicap.P2m) + ']';
+ Text[TextHandicap].visible := true;
+ Static[StaticHandicap].visible := true;
+ end else
+ begin
+ Text[TextHandicap].visible := false;
+ Static[StaticHandicap].visible := false;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ Text[TextNextRound].Text := Language.Translate('PARTY_ROUNDM2_END');
+ Text[TextNextPlayer1].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextNextPlayer2].Visible := false;
+ Static[StaticNextPlayer1].Visible := false;
+ Static[StaticNextPlayer2].Visible := false;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenPartyNewRoundM2.Update;
+ N, R: Integer;
+ T: Integer;
+ NumRounds: Integer;
+ N:=0;
+ //current round-number
+ R:=PartySessionM2.CurRound;
+ //Set Visibility of Round Infos
+ NumRounds := Length(PartySessionM2.Rounds);
+ N:=ScreenRound;
+ if ((NumRounds-9)<N) then
+ begin
+ N:=NumRounds-9;
+ ScreenRound:=N;
+ end;
+ if (N<0) then
+ begin
+ N:=0;
+ ScreenRound:=0;
+ end;
+ for T := 1 to 9 do
+ begin
+ if (NumRounds >= T) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound[T]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextRound[T]].Visible := true;
+ if (N+T-1<R) then
+ Text[TextWinner[T]].Visible := true
+ else
+ Text[TextWinner[T]].Visible := false;
+ //Texts:
+ if (N+T-1<R) then
+ Text[TextRound[T]].Text := IntToStr(N+T)+ ') ' + PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Rounds[N+T-1].Player1].Name +
+ ' - ' + PartySessionM2.Players.Playerinfo[PartySessionM2.Rounds[N+T-1].Player2].Name
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextRound[T]].Text := IntToStr(N+T)+ ') ';
+ Text[TextRound[T]].Text := Text[TextRound[T]].Text +
+ PartySessionM2.Plugins[PartySessionM2.Rounds[N+T-1].PluginNr].Name
+ end;
+ Text[TextWinner[T]].Text :=FillNulls(PartySessionM2.Rounds[N+T-1].ScoreP) +
+ ':' + FillNulls(PartySessionM2.Rounds[N+T-1].ScoreN);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound[T]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextRound[T]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextWinner[T]].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TScreenPartyNewRoundM2.FillNulls(number: integer): String;
+ if number<10 then
+ Result := '000' + IntToStr(number)
+ else if number<100 then
+ Result := '00' + IntToStr(number)
+ else if number <1000 then
+ Result := '0' + IntToStr(number)
+ else
+ Result := IntToStr(number);
+procedure TScreenPartyNewRoundM2.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ {Button[0].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress; }