From 92336ab5d99d185d9316330d39a3bb8f881eb9f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: b_krueger <b_krueger@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 10:52:29 +0000
Subject: - Commented delay of error.log in mainloop (error-log is no longer
 generated without any error) - If an old 1.01 Ultrastar.db exists, it will no
 longer deleted on startup, it will be converted into the new 1.1 schema  -->
 added new column in us_songs: rating. This will allow to rate songs in
 upcoming versions

git-svn-id: svn:// b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
 src/base/UDataBase.pas | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 src/base/UMain.pas     |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

(limited to 'src/base')

diff --git a/src/base/UDataBase.pas b/src/base/UDataBase.pas
index 0f9d88a7..6691e475 100644
--- a/src/base/UDataBase.pas
+++ b/src/base/UDataBase.pas
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ const
 procedure TDataBaseSystem.Init(const Filename: string);
   Version: integer;
+  finalizeConvertion : boolean;
   if Assigned(ScoreDB) then
@@ -143,24 +144,30 @@ begin
     ScoreDB   := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename);
     fFilename := Filename;
-    // Close and delete outdated file
     Version := GetVersion();
-    if ((Version <> 0) and (Version <> cDBVersion)) then
+    if not ScoreDB.TableExists(cUS_Statistics_Info) then
-      Log.LogInfo('Outdated cover-database file found', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init');
-      // Close and delete outdated file
-      ScoreDB.Free;
-      if (not DeleteFile(Filename)) then
-        raise Exception.Create('Could not delete ' + Filename);
-      // Reopen
-      ScoreDB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename);
+      Log.LogInfo('Outdated song-database file found', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init');
       Version := 0;
-    end;
+      //following just works with convertion of usdx1.01 to usdx1.1!
+      //Rename old Tables - to be able to insert new table-structures
+      ScoreDB.ExecSQL('ALTER TABLE US_Scores RENAME TO us_scores_101;');
+      ScoreDB.ExecSQL('ALTER TABLE US_Songs RENAME TO us_songs_101;');
+      ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ['+cUS_Statistics_Info+'] (' +
+                        '[ResetTime] INTEGER' +
+                      ');');
+      // insert creation timestamp
+      ScoreDB.ExecSQL(Format('INSERT INTO ['+cUS_Statistics_Info+'] ' +
+                            '([ResetTime]) VALUES(%d);',
+                            [DateTimeToUnix(Now())]));
+      finalizeConvertion := true; //means: convertion has to be done!
+    end else finalizeConvertion := false;
     // Set version number after creation
     if (Version = 0) then
     // SQLite does not handle VARCHAR(n) or INT(n) as expected.
     // Texts do not have a restricted length, no matter which type is used,
@@ -181,20 +188,21 @@ begin
                       '[ID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' +
                       '[Artist] TEXT NOT NULL, ' +
                       '[Title] TEXT NOT NULL, ' +
-                      '[TimesPlayed] INTEGER NOT NULL' +
+                      '[TimesPlayed] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' +
+                      '[Rating] INTEGER NULL' + 
-    if not ScoreDB.TableExists(cUS_Statistics_Info) then
+    if finalizeConvertion then
-      ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ['+cUS_Statistics_Info+'] (' +
-                        '[ResetTime] INTEGER' +
-                      ');');
-      // insert creation timestamp
-      ScoreDB.ExecSQL(Format('INSERT INTO ['+cUS_Statistics_Info+'] ' +
-                            '([ResetTime]) VALUES(%d);',
-                            [DateTimeToUnix(Now())]));
+      //insert old values in new db-schemes (/tables)
+      ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO '+cUS_Scores+' SELECT  SongID, Difficulty, Player, Score FROM us_scores_101;');
+      ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO '+cUS_Songs+' SELECT  ID, Artist, Title, TimesPlayed, ''NULL'' FROM us_songs_101;');
+      //now drop old tables
+      ScoreDB.ExecSQL('DROP TABLE us_scores_101;');
+      ScoreDB.ExecSQL('DROP TABLE us_songs_101;');
     on E: Exception do
diff --git a/src/base/UMain.pas b/src/base/UMain.pas
index 275510fc..187318a6 100644
--- a/src/base/UMain.pas
+++ b/src/base/UMain.pas
@@ -359,11 +359,11 @@ begin
     Delay := Floor(1000 / MAX_FPS - 1000 * TimeMid);
-    Log.LogError ('MainLoop', 'Delay: ' + intToStr(Delay));
+    //Log.LogError ('MainLoop', 'Delay: ' + intToStr(Delay));
     if Delay >= 1 then
       SDL_Delay(Delay); // dynamic, maximum is 100 fps
-    Log.LogError ('MainLoop', 'Delay: ok ' + intToStr(Delay));
+    //Log.LogError ('MainLoop', 'Delay: ok ' + intToStr(Delay));
cgit v1.2.3