From 9aa21eaa8464317985c1d5ee1b8fa577cc2d2473 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Sulfrian <>
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 15:33:52 +0100
Subject: removed deprecated stuff

 src/lib/SQLite/example/Sunset.jpg      | Bin 71189 -> 0 bytes
 src/lib/SQLite/example/TestSqlite.dpr  |  15 -----
 src/lib/SQLite/example/TestSqlite.res  | Bin 876 -> 0 bytes
 src/lib/SQLite/example/uTestSqlite.dfm | 110 ---------------------------------
 src/lib/SQLite/readme.txt              |  93 ----------------------------
 5 files changed, 218 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/SQLite/example/Sunset.jpg
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/SQLite/example/TestSqlite.dpr
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/SQLite/example/TestSqlite.res
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/SQLite/example/uTestSqlite.dfm
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/SQLite/readme.txt

(limited to 'src/lib/SQLite')

diff --git a/src/lib/SQLite/example/Sunset.jpg b/src/lib/SQLite/example/Sunset.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 860f6eec..00000000
Binary files a/src/lib/SQLite/example/Sunset.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/lib/SQLite/example/TestSqlite.dpr b/src/lib/SQLite/example/TestSqlite.dpr
deleted file mode 100644
index 596a3a04..00000000
--- a/src/lib/SQLite/example/TestSqlite.dpr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-program TestSqlite;
-  Forms,
-  uTestSqlite in 'uTestSqlite.pas' {Form1},
-  SQLiteTable3 in 'SQLiteTable3.pas',
-  SQLite3 in 'SQLite3.pas';
-{$R *.res}
-  Application.Initialize;
-  Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
-  Application.Run;
diff --git a/src/lib/SQLite/example/TestSqlite.res b/src/lib/SQLite/example/TestSqlite.res
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bdd5e2e..00000000
Binary files a/src/lib/SQLite/example/TestSqlite.res and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/lib/SQLite/example/uTestSqlite.dfm b/src/lib/SQLite/example/uTestSqlite.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4a2aaf..00000000
--- a/src/lib/SQLite/example/uTestSqlite.dfm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-object Form1: TForm1
-  Left = 199
-  Top = 280
-  Width = 541
-  Height = 308
-  Caption = 'Test SQLite 3'
-  Color = clBtnFace
-  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
-  Font.Color = clWindowText
-  Font.Height = -11
-  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
-  Font.Style = []
-  OldCreateOrder = False
-  PixelsPerInch = 96
-  TextHeight = 13
-  object Label1: TLabel
-    Left = 24
-    Top = 104
-    Width = 28
-    Height = 13
-    Caption = 'Notes'
-  end
-  object Label2: TLabel
-    Left = 24
-    Top = 44
-    Width = 28
-    Height = 13
-    Caption = 'Name'
-  end
-  object Label3: TLabel
-    Left = 24
-    Top = 72
-    Width = 40
-    Height = 13
-    Caption = 'Number:'
-  end
-  object Label4: TLabel
-    Left = 24
-    Top = 12
-    Width = 11
-    Height = 13
-    Caption = 'ID'
-  end
-  object Image1: TImage
-    Left = 272
-    Top = 12
-    Width = 241
-    Height = 165
-    Proportional = True
-    Stretch = True
-  end
-  object btnTest: TButton
-    Left = 24
-    Top = 224
-    Width = 161
-    Height = 37
-    Caption = 'Test SQLite 3'
-    TabOrder = 0
-    OnClick = btnTestClick
-  end
-  object memNotes: TMemo
-    Left = 24
-    Top = 124
-    Width = 185
-    Height = 89
-    Lines.Strings = (
-      '')
-    ScrollBars = ssVertical
-    TabOrder = 1
-  end
-  object ebName: TEdit
-    Left = 72
-    Top = 40
-    Width = 173
-    Height = 21
-    TabOrder = 2
-  end
-  object ebNumber: TEdit
-    Left = 72
-    Top = 68
-    Width = 173
-    Height = 21
-    TabOrder = 3
-  end
-  object ebID: TEdit
-    Left = 72
-    Top = 12
-    Width = 173
-    Height = 21
-    TabOrder = 4
-  end
-  object btnLoadImage: TButton
-    Left = 192
-    Top = 224
-    Width = 157
-    Height = 37
-    Caption = 'Load image'
-    TabOrder = 5
-    OnClick = btnLoadImageClick
-  end
-  object btnDisplayImage: TButton
-    Left = 360
-    Top = 224
-    Width = 157
-    Height = 37
-    Caption = 'Display image'
-    TabOrder = 6
-    OnClick = btnDisplayImageClick
-  end
diff --git a/src/lib/SQLite/readme.txt b/src/lib/SQLite/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7998d17f..00000000
--- a/src/lib/SQLite/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-5 June 2008
-Updated DLL to version 3.5.9 (built with MSVC 6.0)
-Added code from Andrew Retmanski to support prepared queries (see comments in SQLIteTable3.pas
-Lukas added support for named parameters - see comments in code
-User nebula enhanced error message; also modified code to call sqlite3_reset before checking error message
-27 Aug 2007
-Amended TSQLiteDatabase constructor to convert filename to UTF8,for compatibility with latest SQLite3 DLL.
-Updated DLL to version 3.4.2 (built with MSVC 6.0).
-14 Aug 2005
-The following changes were made by Lukas Gebauer ( In addition, some changes from a previous D5-compatible version were merged, and the supplied sqlite3.dll is updated to version 3.2.2
-Notes from Lukas:
-- added support for delphi 4+
-- datatype constants matches SQlite datatypes contants. (otherwise in some situations you got bad column datatype!)
-- removed dependency on strutils
-- code is reformatted to better look (official borland formatting rules)
-- added some pragma's after database is open (temp is in memory)
-- TSQLiteDatabase.GetTableValue(const SQL: string): int64 for easy call of SQL commands what returning one number only. (like select
-- TSQLiteDatabase.GetTableString(const SQL: string): String for easy call of SQL commands what returning one string only. (like PRAGMA
-- TSQLiteDatabase.SetTimeout(Value: integer); you can set timeout for accessing to some table. Good for database sharing!
-- TSQLiteDatabase.version: string; returns SQLITE version string
-- removed bool fieldtype (it is not natural SQLite3 type)
-- fild type detection by Sqite3_columnType knows REAL too.
-- integer filedtype is based on Int64
-- GetFields can get data from any supported fieldtype
-- changed some integers to cardinal for avoid signed and unsigned mismatch
-- TSqliteTable.FieldAsInteger(I: cardinal): int64; returns int64
-3 May 2005 Fixed bug where strupper called on column type before checking for nil
-2 May 2005 Add extra check for nil in TSqliteTable.Destroy, thanks to Tim Maddrell
-22 Apr 2005 Revise TSqliteTable.Destroy to fix memory leak with dtStr type (thanks to
-Jose Brito)
-21 Apr 2005 Quick revision to fix case sensitivity in detecting column type,
-and remove PRAGMA full_column_names = 1 which is deprecated. Warning: may break code. Fix your SQL code so that all column names in a result set are unique.
-21 Feb 2005 Sqlite DLL now 3.1.3 
-19 Feb 2005 Revised for Sqlite 3.1.2 
-21 Dec 2004 First public release 
-The following notice appears in the Sqlite source code:
-** 2001 September 15
-** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
-** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
- May you do good and not evil.
-** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
-** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-For more information about SQLite, see
-For more information about this simple wrapper, see
cgit v1.2.3