unit UScreenSing; interface uses UMenu, UMusic, SDL, SysUtils, UFiles, UTime, USongs, UIni, ULog, UTexture, ULyrics, TextGL, gl, BASS, UThemes, ULCD, UGraphicClasses, UVideo; type THandler = record changed: boolean; change_time: real; end; TScreenSing = class(TMenu) const ID='ID_023'; //for help system protected paused: boolean; //Pause Mod PauseTime: Real; NumEmptySentences: integer; public //TextTime: integer; MP3Volume: integer; MP3VolumeHandler: THandler; //TimeBar mod StaticTimeProgress: integer; TextTimeText: integer; //eoa TimeBar mod StaticP1: integer; StaticP1ScoreBG: integer; TextP1: integer; TextP1Score: integer; //moveable singbar mod StaticP1SingBar: integer; StaticP1ThreePSingBar: integer; StaticP1TwoPSingBar: integer; StaticP2RSingBar: integer; StaticP2MSingBar: integer; StaticP3SingBar: integer; //eoa moveable singbar //Added for ps3 skin //shown when game is in 2/4 player modus StaticP1TwoP: integer; StaticP1TwoPScoreBG: integer; TextP1TwoP: integer; TextP1TwoPScore: integer; //shown when game is in 3/6 player modus StaticP1ThreeP: integer; StaticP1ThreePScoreBG: integer; TextP1ThreeP: integer; TextP1ThreePScore: integer; //eoa StaticP2R: integer; StaticP2RScoreBG: integer; TextP2R: integer; TextP2RScore: integer; StaticP2M: integer; StaticP2MScoreBG: integer; TextP2M: integer; TextP2MScore: integer; StaticP3R: integer; StaticP3RScoreBG: integer; TextP3R: integer; TextP3RScore: integer; Tex_Background: TTexture; FadeOut: boolean; LyricMain: TLyric; LyricSub: TLyric; //VideoAspect VideoAspectText: integer; VideoAspectStatic: integer; AspectHandler: THandler; //for Medley SongNameStatic: integer; SongNameText: integer; MedleyHandler: THandler; CountDownText: string; MedleyStart, MedleyEnd: real; StartNote, EndNote: TPos; constructor Create; override; procedure onShow; override; procedure onShowFinish; override; function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override; function Draw: boolean; override; procedure Finish; virtual; procedure UpdateLCD; procedure Pause; //Pause Mod(Toggles Pause) //OnSentenceEnd for LineBonus + Singbar procedure onSentenceEnd(S: Cardinal); //OnSentenceChange (for Golden Notes) procedure onSentenceChange(S: Cardinal); procedure SongError(); procedure LoadNextSong; procedure UpdateMedleyStats(medley_end: boolean); procedure DrawMedleyCountdown(); end; implementation uses UGraphic, UDataBase, UDraw, UMain, Classes, URecord, ULanguage, UHelp, math, UPartyM2, UParty; // Method for input parsing. If False is returned, GetNextWindow // should be checked to know the next window to load; function TScreenSing.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := true; If (PressedDown) Then begin // Key Down case PressedKey of //MP3-Volume Up SDLK_PAGEUP: begin if (MP3Volume<100) then begin MP3Volume := MP3Volume+5; Music.SetMusicVolume(MP3Volume); end; MP3VolumeHandler.changed := true; MP3VolumeHandler.change_time := 0; end; //MP3-Volume Down SDLK_PAGEDOWN: begin if (MP3Volume>0) then begin MP3Volume := MP3Volume-5; Music.SetMusicVolume(MP3Volume); end; MP3VolumeHandler.changed := true; MP3VolumeHandler.change_time := 0; end; SDLK_K: begin if Music.VocalRemoverActivated() then Music.DisableVocalRemover else Music.EnableVocalRemover; end; SDLK_TAB: begin if not paused then Pause; ScreenPopupHelp.ShowPopup(); end; SDLK_A: begin ToggleAspectCorrection; AspectHandler.changed := true; AspectHandler.change_time := Czas.Teraz; Static[VideoAspectStatic].Visible := true; case UVideo.fAspectCorrection of acoStretch: Text[VideoAspectText].Text := Language.Translate('VIDEO_ASPECT_STRETCH'); acoCrop: Text[VideoAspectText].Text := Language.Translate('VIDEO_ASPECT_CROP'); acoLetterBox: Text[VideoAspectText].Text := Language.Translate('VIDEO_ASPECT_LETTER_BOX'); end; DataBase.SetAspect(AktSong.Artist, AktSong.Title, integer(UVideo.fAspectCorrection)); Text[VideoAspectText].Visible := true; end; SDLK_Q: begin //When not ask before Exit then Finish now if (Ini.AskbeforeDel <> 1) then Finish //else just Pause and let the Popup make the Work else if not paused then Pause; Result := false; end; SDLK_ESCAPE, SDLK_BACKSPACE : begin //Record Sound Hack: //Sound[0].BufferLong if (ScreenSong.Mode=smMedley) or ScreenSong.PartyMedley then PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong:=PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs+1; Finish; FadeOut := true; Music.PlayBack; if ScreenSong.Mode<>smParty then FadeTo(@ScreenScore); end; SDLK_P://Pause Mod begin Pause; end; SDLK_RETURN: begin end; // Up and Down could be done at the same time, // but I don't want to declare variables inside // functions like this one, called so many times SDLK_DOWN : begin end; SDLK_UP : begin end; end; end; end; //Pause Mod procedure TScreenSing.Pause; begin if not paused then //Pause einschalten begin PauseTime := Czas.Teraz; Paused := true; //stop Music Music.Pause; if (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then //Video acTogglePause; //Video end else //Pause ausschalten begin Czas.Teraz := PauseTime; //Position of Notes Music.MoveTo (PauseTime);//Position of Music Music.Play; //Play Music if (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then //Video acTogglePause; Paused := false; end; end; //Pause Mod End constructor TScreenSing.Create; var I: integer; P: integer; begin inherited Create; LoadFromTheme(Theme.Sing); // time //TextTime := AddText(75, 14, 1, 8, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, '00:00'); //TimeBar mod StaticTimeProgress := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress); TextTimeText := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextTimeText); //eoa TimeBar mod StaticP1 := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1); StaticP1ScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG); TextP1 := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1); TextP1Score := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1Score); //moveable singbar mod StaticP1SingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1SingBar); StaticP1ThreePSingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar); StaticP1TwoPSingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2RSingBar); StaticP2RSingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2RSingBar); StaticP2MSingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2MSingBar); StaticP3SingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP3SingBar); //eoa moveable singbar //Added for ps3 skin //This one is shown in 2/4P mode StaticP1TwoP := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoP); StaticP1TwoPScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG); TextP1TwoP := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoP); TextP1TwoPScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore); //This one is shown in 3/6P mode StaticP1ThreeP := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreeP); StaticP1ThreePScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG); TextP1ThreeP := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreeP); TextP1ThreePScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore); //eoa StaticP2R := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2R); StaticP2RScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG); TextP2R := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2R); TextP2RScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore); StaticP2M := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2M); StaticP2MScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG); TextP2M := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2M); TextP2MScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore); StaticP3R := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP3R); StaticP3RScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG); TextP3R := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP3R); TextP3RScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore); SongNameStatic := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticSongName); SongNameText := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextSongName); VideoAspectStatic:= AddStatic(Theme.Sing.VideoAspectStatic); VideoAspectText:= AddText(Theme.Sing.VideoAspectText); LyricMain := TLyric.Create; LyricSub := TLyric.Create; UVideo.Init; MP3Volume := 100; end; procedure TScreenSing.onShow; var P: integer; V1: boolean; V1TwoP: boolean; //added for ps3 skin V1ThreeP: boolean; //added for ps3 skin V2R: boolean; V2M: boolean; V3R: boolean; NR: TRecR; //Line Bonus Mod begin Log.LogStatus('Begin', 'onShow'); if not Help.SetHelpID(ID) then Log.LogError('No Entry for Help-ID ' + ID + ' (ScreenSing)'); if Music.VocalRemoverActivated() then Music.DisableVocalRemover; FadeOut := false; // 0.5.0: early 0.5.0 problems were by this line commented AspectHandler.changed := false; Text[VideoAspectText].Visible := false; Static[VideoAspectStatic].Visible := false; MP3VolumeHandler.changed := false; //Reset Player Medley stats if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) or ScreenSong.PartyMedley then begin PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong:=1; //max_song_score_medley := round(MAX_SONG_SCORE / NumMedleySongs); //max_song_line_bonus_medley := round(MAX_SONG_LINE_BONUS / NumMedleySongs); PlaylistMedley.NumPlayer := PlayersPlay; SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Stats, 0); //max_song_score_medley := round(MAX_SONG_SCORE / PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs); //max_song_line_bonus_medley := round(MAX_SONG_LINE_BONUS / PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs); end; // prepare players SetLength(Player, PlayersPlay); // Player[0].ScoreTotalI := 0; case PlayersPlay of 1: begin V1 := true; V1TwoP := false; //added for ps3 skin V1ThreeP := false; //added for ps3 skin V2R := false; V2M := false; V3R := false; end; 2: begin V1 := false; V1TwoP := true; //added for ps3 skin V1ThreeP := false; //added for ps3 skin V2R := true; V2M := false; V3R := false; end; 3: begin V1 := false; V1TwoP := false; //added for ps3 skin V1ThreeP := true; //added for ps3 skin V2R := false; V2M := true; V3R := true; end; 4: begin // double screen V1 := false; V1TwoP := true; //added for ps3 skin V1ThreeP := false; //added for ps3 skin V2R := true; V2M := false; V3R := false; end; 6: begin // double screen V1 := false; V1TwoP := false; //added for ps3 skin V1ThreeP := true; //added for ps3 skin V2R := false; V2M := true; V3R := true; end; end; //Added for ps3 skin //This one is shown in 1P mode Static[StaticP1].Visible := V1; Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Visible := V1; Text[TextP1].Visible := V1; Text[TextP1Score].Visible := V1; //This one is shown in 2/4P mode Static[StaticP1TwoP].Visible := V1TwoP; Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Visible := V1TwoP; Text[TextP1TwoP].Visible := V1TwoP; Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Visible := V1TwoP; //This one is shown in 3/6P mode Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Visible := V1ThreeP; Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Visible := V1ThreeP; Text[TextP1ThreeP].Visible := V1ThreeP; Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Visible := V1ThreeP; //eoa Static[StaticP2R].Visible := V2R; Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := V2R; Text[TextP2R].Visible := V2R; Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := V2R; Static[StaticP2M].Visible := V2M; Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := V2M; Text[TextP2M].Visible := V2M; Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := V2M; Static[StaticP3R].Visible := V3R; Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := V3R; Text[TextP3R].Visible := V3R; Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := V3R; //Set Position of Line Bonus - PhrasenBonus if (Ini.LineBonus = 1) then //Show Line Bonus at Scores begin Case PlayersPlay of 1: begin Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x; Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y; Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x; Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65; end; 2: begin //P1 Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.x; Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y; Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.X; Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y + 65; //P2 Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.X; Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y; Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.X; Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65; end; 3: begin //P1 Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x; Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y; Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x; Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y + 65; //P2 Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x; Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y; Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x; Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65; //P3 Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x; Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y; Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x; Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65; end; 4: begin //P1 Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.x; Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y; Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.x; Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y + 65; //P2 Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x; Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y; Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x; Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65; //P3 Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.x; Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y; Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.x; Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y + 65; //P4 Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x; Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y; Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x; Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65; end; 6: begin //P1 Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x; Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y; Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x; Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y + 65; //P2 Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x; Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y; Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x; Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65; //P3 Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x; Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y; Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x; Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65; //P4 Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x; Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y; Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x; Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y + 65; //P5 Player[4].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x; Player[4].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y; Player[4].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x; Player[4].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65; //P6 Player[5].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x; Player[5].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y; Player[5].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x; Player[5].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65; end; end; end else if (Ini.LineBonus = 2) then //Show Line Bonus at Notes begin //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12); //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12); //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12); // positions if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin NR.Left := 120; end else begin NR.Left := 20; end; NR.Right := 780; NR.Width := NR.Right - NR.Left; NR.WMid := NR.Width / 2; NR.Mid := NR.Left + NR.WMid; Case PlayersPlay of 1: begin Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65; Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105; end; 2: begin //P1 Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28; Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28; //P2 Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28; Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28; end; 3: begin //P1 Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28; Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28; //P2 Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28; Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28; //P3 Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28; Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28; end; 4: begin //P1 Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28; Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28; //P2 Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28; Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28; //P3 Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28; Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28; //P4 Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28; Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28; end; 6: begin //P1 Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28; Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28; //P2 Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28; Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28; //P3 Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28; Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28; //P4 Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28; Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28; //P5 Player[4].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[4].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28; Player[4].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[4].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28; //P6 Player[5].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[5].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28; Player[5].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100); Player[5].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28; end; end; end; //Set Position of Line Bonus - PhrasenBonus End // main text LyricMain.Clear; LyricMain.X := 400; LyricMain.Y := Skin_LyricsT; LyricMain.Scale := 1.4; //1.4 LyricMain.Align := 1; // sub text LyricSub.Clear; LyricSub.X := 400; LyricSub.Y := Skin_LyricsT + 35; //42 //40 LyricSub.Align := 1; // set custom options case Ini.LyricsFont of 0: begin LyricMain.FontStyle := 0; LyricSub.FontStyle := 0; LyricMain.Size := 14; // 13 LyricSub.Size := 14; // 13 LyricMain.ColR := Skin_FontR; LyricMain.ColG := Skin_FontG; LyricMain.ColB := Skin_FontB; //Change f�r Crazy Joker {LyricMain.ColSR := Skin_FontHighlightR; LyricMain.ColSG := Skin_FontHighlightG; LyricMain.ColSB := Skin_FontHighlightB;1aa5dc} LyricMain.ColSR := 5/255; //26 LyricMain.ColSG := 163/255; //165 LyricMain.ColSB := 210/255; //220 LyricSub.ColR := 0.4; //0.6 LyricSub.ColG := 0.4; //0.6 LyricSub.ColB := 0.4; //0.6 end; 1: begin LyricMain.FontStyle := 2; LyricSub.FontStyle := 2; LyricMain.Size := 14; LyricSub.Size := 14; LyricMain.ColR := 0.75; LyricMain.ColG := 0.75; LyricMain.ColB := 1; LyricMain.ColSR := 0.5; LyricMain.ColSG := 0.5; LyricMain.ColSB := 1; LyricSub.ColR := 0.8; LyricSub.ColG := 0.8; LyricSub.ColB := 0.8; end; 2: begin LyricMain.FontStyle := 3; LyricSub.FontStyle := 3; LyricMain.Size := 12; LyricSub.Size := 12; LyricMain.ColR := 0.75; LyricMain.ColG := 0.75; LyricMain.ColB := 1; LyricMain.ColSR := 0.5; LyricMain.ColSG := 0.5; LyricMain.ColSB := 1; LyricSub.ColR := 0.8; LyricSub.ColG := 0.8; LyricSub.ColB := 0.8; end; end; // case case Ini.LyricsEffect of 0: LyricMain.Style := 1; // 0 - one selected, 1 - selected all to the current 1: LyricMain.Style := 2; 2: LyricMain.Style := 3; 3: LyricMain.Style := 4; end; // case LoadNextSong; Log.LogStatus('End', 'onShow'); end; procedure TScreenSing.SongError; var I, K, len: integer; begin if (not ScreenSong.PartyMedley) and (ScreenSong.Mode <> smMedley) then begin //Error Loading Song -> Go back to Song Screen and Show some Error Message FadeTo(@ScreenSong); ScreenSong.SongIndex := -1; ScreenSong.onShow; if (ScreenSong.Mode = smParty) then ScreenSong.SelectRandomSong; ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup (Language.Translate('ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG')); Exit; end else if (ScreenSong.PartyMedley or (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley)) then begin if (PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong<PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs) then begin //Error Loading Song in Medley Mode -> skip actual Medley Song an go on if possible len := Length(PlaylistMedley.Song); for I := PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong-1 to len - 1 do PlaylistMedley.Song[I] := PlaylistMedley.Song[I+1]; SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Song, Len-1); Dec(PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs); LoadNextSong; Exit; end else begin if (PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs=1) then begin //Error Loading Song in Medley Mode -> Go back to Song Screen and Show some Error Message FadeTo(@ScreenSong); ScreenSong.SongIndex := -1; ScreenSong.onShow; ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup (Language.Translate('ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG')); Exit; end else begin //Error Loading Song in Medley Mode -> Finish actual round len := Length(PlaylistMedley.Song); SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Song, len-1); Dec(PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs); Finish; Exit; end; end; end; end; procedure TScreenSing.LoadNextSong; var P: integer; numNotes: integer; begin // load notes ResetSingTemp; PlaylistMedley.ApplausePlayed := false; if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) or ScreenSong.PartyMedley then begin CatSongs.Selected := PlaylistMedley.Song[PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong-1]; Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path + CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Mp3); end; AktSong := CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected]; try if not LoadSong(CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path + CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].FileName, SONG_LOAD_COMPLETE) then begin SongError; Exit; end; except SongError; Exit; end; AktSong.Path := CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path; // AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP + 40 {4096 = 100ms for buffer} + 20 {microphone} + 60000 / AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 2; // temporary until UMain will be fixed if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) or ScreenSong.PartyMedley then begin SetMedleyMode; Text[SongNameText].Text := IntToStr(PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong) + '/' + IntToStr(PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs) + ': ' + AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title; //medley start and end timestamps StartNote := FindNote(AktSong.Medley.StartBeat - round(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM*AktSong.Medley.FadeIn_time/60)); MedleyStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[StartNote.line].Nuta[0].Start); //check Medley-Start if (MedleyStart+AktSong.Medley.FadeIn_time*0.5>GetTimeFromBeat(AktSong.Medley.StartBeat)) then MedleyStart := GetTimeFromBeat(AktSong.Medley.StartBeat) - AktSong.Medley.FadeIn_time; if MedleyStart<0 then MedleyStart := 0; //that one is better: MedleyEnd := GetTimeFromBeat(AktSong.Medley.EndBeat) + AktSong.Medley.FadeOut_time; end; // set movie if (Ini.MovieSize<2) and (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then begin acOpenFile(PAnsiChar(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video)); if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) or ScreenSong.PartyMedley then acSkip(AktSong.VideoGAP, MedleyStart) else acSkip(AktSong.VideoGAP, AktSong.Start); if (UVideo.VideoOpened) then AktSong.VideoLoaded := true; UVideo.SetAspectCorrection(TAspectCorrection( DataBase.GetAspect(AktSong.Artist, AktSong.Title, Ini.AspectCorrect))); end; // set background if (AktSong.Background <> '') and (AktSong.VideoLoaded = false) then try Tex_Background := Texture.LoadTexture(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Background); except log.LogError('Background could not be loaded: ' + AktSong.Path + AktSong.Background); Tex_Background.TexNum := -1; end else Tex_Background.TexNum := -1; // play music+timer (I) Music.CaptureStart; if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) or ScreenSong.PartyMedley then begin Music.MoveTo(MedleyStart); Czas.Teraz := MedleyStart; Czas.Razem := MedleyEnd; end else begin Music.MoveTo(AktSong.Start); Czas.Teraz := AktSong.Start; Czas.Razem := Music.Length; if (AktSong.Finish > 0) then Czas.Razem := AktSong.Finish / 1000; end; Czas.OldBeat := -1; for P := 0 to High(Player) do ClearScores(P); // fill texts LyricMain.AddCzesc(0); LyricMain.Selected := -1; LyricSub.AddCzesc(1); LyricSub.Selected := -1; UpdateLCD; //Deactivate Pause Paused := False; //Kill all Stars not Killed yet //GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod GoldenRec.SentenceChange; //GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod End //Set Num of Empty Sentences for Phrasen Bonus NumEmptySentences := 0; for P := low(Czesci[0].Czesc) to high(Czesci[0].Czesc) do if Czesci[0].Czesc[P].TotalNotes = 0 then Inc(NumEmptySentences); if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) or ScreenSong.PartyMedley then begin MedleyHandler.changed := true; MedleyHandler.change_time := Czas.Teraz; Static[SongNameStatic].Visible := true; Text[SongNameText].Visible := true; end else begin Static[SongNameStatic].Visible := false; Text[SongNameText].Visible := false; end; if ((ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) or ScreenSong.PartyMedley) and (PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong>1) then onShowFinish; end; procedure TScreenSing.onShowFinish; begin // play movie (II) if AktSong.VideoLoaded then begin try acGetFrame(Czas.Teraz); except //If an Error occurs Reading Video: prevent Video from being Drawn again and Close Video AktSong.VideoLoaded := False; Log.LogError('Error drawing Video, Video has been disabled for this Song/Session.'); Log.LogError('Corrupted File: ' + AktSong.Video); try acClose; except end; end; end; // play music (II) if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) or ScreenSong.PartyMedley then Music.Fade(10, MP3Volume, AktSong.Medley.FadeIn_time) else Music.SetMusicVolume(MP3Volume); Music.Play; // prepare timer (II) CountSkipTimeSet; end; function TScreenSing.Draw: boolean; var Min: integer; Sec: integer; Tekst: string; Flash: real; S: integer; T: integer; lastLine, LastWord: integer; medley_end: boolean; medley_start_applause: boolean; CurTime: real; begin //ScoreBG Mod // set player colors if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin if ScreenAct = 1 then begin LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark'); end; if ScreenAct = 2 then begin LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark'); end; end; if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin if ScreenAct = 1 then begin LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark'); end; if ScreenAct = 2 then begin LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark'); LoadColor(Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColG, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark'); end; end; // set player names (for 2 screens and only Singstar skin) if ScreenAct = 1 then begin Text[TextP1].Text := 'P1'; Text[TextP1TwoP].Text := 'P1'; //added for ps3 skin Text[TextP1ThreeP].Text := 'P1'; //added for ps3 skin Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P2'; Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P2'; Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P3'; end; if ScreenAct = 2 then begin case PlayersPlay of { 1: begin Text[TextP1].Text := 'P2'; end; 2: begin Text[TextP1].Text := 'P3'; Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P4'; end; 3: begin Text[TextP1].Text := 'P4'; Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P5'; Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P6'; end;} 4: begin Text[TextP1TwoP].Text := 'P3'; Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P4'; end; 6: begin Text[TextP1ThreeP].Text := 'P4'; Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P5'; Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P6'; end; end; // case end; // if // stereo // weird stuff, maybe this is for "dual screen?", but where is player three then? Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX; Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX; Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X + 10*ScreenX; Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X + 10*ScreenX; Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX; Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX; Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X + 10*ScreenX; Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X + 10*ScreenX; // end of weird stuff for S := 1 to 1 do Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX; for T := 0 to 1 do Text[T].X := Text[T].X + 10*ScreenX; // update static menu with time ... if ScreenSong.Mode <> smMedley then CurTime := Czas.Razem - Czas.Teraz else CurTime := MedleyEnd - Czas.Teraz; Min := Round(CurTime) div 60; Sec := Round(CurTime) mod 60; Text[TextTimeText].Text := ''; if Min < 10 then Text[TextTimeText].Text := '0'; Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + IntToStr(Min) + ':'; if Sec < 10 then Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + '0'; Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + IntToStr(Sec); lastLine := Length(Czesci[0].Czesc)-1; lastWord := Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[lastLine].Nuta)-1; if (Czas.AktBeat>(Czesci[0].Czesc[lastLine].Nuta[lastWord].Start+ Czesci[0].Czesc[lastLine].Nuta[lastWord].Dlugosc)) then ScreenSong.SungToEnd := true; // for medley-mode: CurTime := Czas.Teraz; if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) and (CurTime > MedleyEnd) then medley_end := true else medley_end := false; if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) and (CurTime > GetTimeFromBeat(AktSong.Medley.EndBeat)) then medley_start_applause := true else medley_start_applause := false; // .. and scores if PlayersPlay = 1 then begin Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst; end; if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Text := Tekst; Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst; end; if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Text := Tekst; Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst; Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst; end; if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin if ScreenAct = 1 then begin Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Text := Tekst; Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst; end; if ScreenAct = 2 then begin Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Text := Tekst; Tekst := IntToStr(Player[3].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst; end; end; if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin if ScreenAct = 1 then begin Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Text := Tekst; Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst; Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst; end; if ScreenAct = 2 then begin Tekst := IntToStr(Player[3].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Text := Tekst; Tekst := IntToStr(Player[4].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst; Tekst := IntToStr(Player[5].ScoreTotalI); while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst; Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst; end; end; // beat flash { Flash := 1 - (Czas.MidBeat - Czas.AktBeat); if (Czas.AktBeat + AktSong.NotesGAP) mod AktSong.Resolution = 0 then Flash := 1 else Flash := 0; if Czas.AktBeat < 0 then Flash := 0; glClearColor(Flash, Flash, Flash, 1);} // beat sound // if (Ini.BeatClick = 1) and (Flash = 1) and (Czas.AktBeat <> Czas.OldBeat) then Music.PlayClick; // draw static menu (BG) DrawBG; //Draw Background SingDrawBackground; // update and draw movie if ShowFinish and AktSong.VideoLoaded then begin try acGetFrame(Czas.Teraz); acDrawGL(ScreenAct); // this only draws except //If an Error occurs drawing: prevent Video from being Drawn again and Close Video AktSong.VideoLoaded := False; log.LogError('Error drawing Video, Video has been disabled for this Song/Session.'); Log.LogError('Corrupted File: ' + AktSong.Video); try acClose; except end; end; end; // draw static menu (FG) DrawFG; //Medley Countdown if ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley then DrawMedleyCountdown; // check for music finish // Log.LogError('Check for music finish: ' + BoolToStr(Music.Finished) + ' ' + FloatToStr(Czas.Teraz*1000) + ' ' + IntToStr(AktSong.Finish)); if ShowFinish then begin if (not Music.Finished) and (not medley_end or (ScreenSong.Mode <> smMedley)) and ((AktSong.Finish = 0) or (CurTime*1000 <= AktSong.Finish)) then begin //Pause Mod: if not Paused then begin Sing(Self); // analyze song //Update Medley Stats if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) and not FadeOut then UpdateMedleyStats(medley_start_applause); end; end else begin if not FadeOut then begin Finish; if ScreenSong.Mode = smNormal then begin FadeOut := true; FadeTo(@ScreenScore); end; end; end; end; // draw custom items SingDraw; // always draw //GoldenNoteStarsTwinkle Mod GoldenRec.SpawnRec; //GoldenNoteStarsTwinkle Mod // back stereo // weird stuff, maybe this is for "dual screen?", but where is player three then? Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX; Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX; Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X - 10*ScreenX; Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X - 10*ScreenX; Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX; Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX; Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X - 10*ScreenX; Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X - 10*ScreenX; //weird end for S := 1 to 1 do Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX; for T := 0 to 1 do Text[T].X := Text[T].X - 10*ScreenX; //Aspect if AspectHandler.changed and (Czas.Teraz>AspectHandler.change_time + 3) then begin AspectHandler.changed:=false; Text[VideoAspectText].Visible := false; Static[VideoAspectStatic].Visible := false; end; //Medley if MedleyHandler.changed and (Czas.Teraz>MedleyHandler.change_time + AktSong.Medley.FadeIn_time) then begin MedleyHandler.changed:=false; Static[SongNameStatic].Visible := false; Text[SongNameText].Visible := false; end; if MP3VolumeHandler.changed and (MP3VolumeHandler.change_time+TimeSkip<3) then begin MP3VolumeHandler.change_time := MP3VolumeHandler.change_time + TimeSkip; DrawVolumeBar(10, 475, 782, 12, MP3Volume); end else MP3VolumeHandler.changed := false; end; procedure TScreenSing.UpdateMedleyStats(medley_end: boolean); var len, num, I : integer; lastline: boolean; vol: real; begin len := Length(PlaylistMedley.Stats); num := PlaylistMedley.NumPlayer; if (PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong>len) and (PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong<=PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs) then begin inc(len); SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Stats, len); SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Stats[len-1].Player, num); PlaylistMedley.Stats[len-1].SongArtist := AktSong.Artist; PlaylistMedley.Stats[len-1].SongTitle := AktSong.Title; end; if (PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong<=PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs) then for I := 0 to num - 1 do PlaylistMedley.Stats[len-1].Player[I] := Player[I]; if medley_end and not PlaylistMedley.ApplausePlayed and (PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong<=PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs) then begin PlaylistMedley.ApplausePlayed:=true; Music.PlayApplause; Music.Fade(100, 10, AktSong.Medley.FadeOut_time); end; end; procedure TScreenSing.Finish; var I, J: integer; len, num: integer; points: string; begin Music.CaptureStop; Music.Stop; if Ini.SavePlayback = 1 then begin Log.BenchmarkStart(0); for I := 0 to PlayersPlay - 1 do begin points := IntToStr(Player[I].ScoreTotalI); while Length(points) < 5 do points := '0'+points; Log.LogVoice(I, Ini.Name[I], AktSong.Artist, AktSong.Title, points); end; Log.BenchmarkEnd(0); Log.LogBenchmark('Creating files', 0); end; if AktSong.VideoLoaded then begin acClose; AktSong.VideoLoaded := false; // to prevent drawing closed video end; SetFontItalic (False); if (ScreenSong.Mode = smMedley) or ScreenSong.PartyMedley then begin if not FadeOut then begin inc(PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong); if PlaylistMedley.CurrentMedleySong<=PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs then begin //AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Applause); LoadNextSong; end else begin //build sums len := Length(PlaylistMedley.Stats); num := PlaylistMedley.NumPlayer; SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Stats, len+1); SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player, num); for J := 0 to len - 1 do begin for I := 0 to num - 1 do begin PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].Score := PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].Score + PlaylistMedley.Stats[J].Player[I].Score; PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreLine := PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreLine + PlaylistMedley.Stats[J].Player[I].ScoreLine; PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreGolden := PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreGolden + PlaylistMedley.Stats[J].Player[I].ScoreGolden; PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreI := PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreI + PlaylistMedley.Stats[J].Player[I].ScoreI; PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreLineI := PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreLineI + PlaylistMedley.Stats[J].Player[I].ScoreLineI; PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreGoldenI := PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreGoldenI + PlaylistMedley.Stats[J].Player[I].ScoreGoldenI; PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreTotalI := PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreTotalI + PlaylistMedley.Stats[J].Player[I].ScoreTotalI; end; //of for I end; //of for J //build mean on sum for I := 0 to num - 1 do begin PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].Score := round( PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].Score / len); PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreLine := round( PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreLine / len); PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreGolden := round( PlaylistMedley.Stats[J].Player[I].ScoreGolden / len); PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreI := round( PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreI / len); PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreLineI := round( PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreLineI / len); PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreGoldenI := round( PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreGoldenI / len); PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreTotalI := round( PlaylistMedley.Stats[len].Player[I].ScoreTotalI / len); end; FadeOut:=true; if ScreenSong.PartyMedley then begin for I := 0 to PlayersPlay-1 do begin Player[I].ScoreTotalI := PlaylistMedley.Stats[Length(PlaylistMedley.Stats)-1].Player[I].ScoreTotalI; if(ScreenSong.Mode=smChallenge) then ScreenSingModi.TeamInfo.TeamInfo[I].Score:=Player[I].ScoreTotalI; end; if ScreenSong.Mode=smChallenge then begin PartySessionM2.Teams:=ScreenSingModi.TeamInfo; PartySessionM2.EndRound; end;{ else if ScreenSong.Mode = smParty then begin PartySession.Teams := ScreenSingModi.TeamInfo; PartySession.EndRound; end; } end; if (ScreenSong.Mode=smMedley) or (ScreenSong.Mode=smChallenge) then FadeTo(@ScreenScore) else FadeTo(@ScreenPartyScore); end; end; end else begin SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Stats, 1); SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Stats[0].Player, PlayersPlay); for I := 0 to PlayersPlay - 1 do PlaylistMedley.Stats[0].Player[I] := Player[I]; PlaylistMedley.Stats[0].SongArtist := AktSong.Artist; PlaylistMedley.Stats[0].SongTitle := AktSong.Title; end; end; procedure TScreenSing.UpdateLCD; var T: string; begin LCD.HideCursor; LCD.Clear; T := LyricMain.Text; if Copy(T, Length(T), 1) <> ' ' then T := T + ' '; LCD.AddTextBR(T); T := LyricSub.Text; if Copy(T, Length(T), 1) <> ' ' then T := T + ' '; LCD.AddTextBR(T); end; procedure TScreenSing.onSentenceEnd(S: Cardinal); var I: Integer; A: Real; B: integer; //Max Points for Notes begin //Check for Empty Sentence if (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes<=0) then exit; //Set Max Note Points if (Ini.LineBonus > 0) then B := 9000 else B := 10000; for I := 0 to High(Player) do begin A := Player[I].Score + Player[I].ScoreGolden - Player[I].ScoreLast + 2; //SingBar Mod If ({(Ini.Oscilloscope = 2) and }(Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes>0)) then begin Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := Player[I].ScorePercentTarget + floor(A / (B * Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes / Czesci[0].Wartosc) * 40 - 26); if Player[I].ScorePercentTarget < 0 then Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := 0; if Player[I].ScorePercentTarget > 99 then Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := 99; //end Singbar Mod end; //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod //Generate Steps 0 to 8 A := Floor(A / (B * Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes / Czesci[0].Wartosc) * 8); If (Ini.LineBonus > 0) then begin //Generate Text if A >= 8 then Player[I].LineBonus_Text := Theme.Sing.LineBonusText[8] else Player[I].LineBonus_Text := Theme.Sing.LineBonusText[Floor(A)]; //PhrasenBonus give Points Player[I].ScoreLine := Player[I].ScoreLine + (1000 / (Length(Czesci[0].Czesc) - NumEmptySentences) * A / 8); Player[I].ScoreLineI := Round(Player[I].ScoreLine / 10) * 10; //Update Total Score Player[I].ScoreTotalI := Player[I].ScoreI + Player[I].ScoreGoldenI + Player[I].ScoreLineI; //Color Case Floor(A) of 0: begin Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := 1; Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := 0; Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0; end; 1..3: begin Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := 1; Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := (A * 0.25); Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0; end; 4: begin Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := 1; Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := 1; Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0; end; 5..7: begin Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := 1-((a-4)*0.25); Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := 1; Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0; end; 8: begin Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := 0; Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := 1; Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0; end; End; //Case //Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0; //Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := (8-A)/8; //Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := A/10; Player[I].LineBonus_PosX := Player[I].LineBonus_StartX; Player[I].LineBonus_PosY := Player[I].LineBonus_StartY; Player[I].LineBonus_Alpha := 0.92; Player[I].LineBonus_Visible := True; Player[I].LineBonus_Age := 1; end; //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod End// } //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod (effect) Pt.1 If (Ini.EffectSing=1) then begin if A >= 8 then Player[I].LastSentencePerfect := True else Player[I].LastSentencePerfect := False; end; //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod end //Refresh LastScore Player[I].ScoreLast := Player[I].Score + Player[I].ScoreGolden; end; //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod (effect) Pt.2 if Ini.EffectSing=1 then GoldenRec.SpawnPerfectLineTwinkle; //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod end end; //Called on Sentence Change S= New Current Sentence procedure TScreenSing.onSentenceChange(S: Cardinal); begin //GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod GoldenRec.SentenceChange; //GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod End end; procedure TScreenSing.DrawMedleyCountdown(); var txt: PChar; w, h: real; timeDiff: real; t: real; begin if (Czas.Teraz < GetTimeFromBeat(AktSong.Medley.StartBeat)) then begin timeDiff := GetTimeFromBeat(AktSong.Medley.StartBeat)-Czas.Teraz+1; t := frac(timeDiff); CountDownText := IntToStr(round(timeDiff-t)); glColor4f(0.15, 0.30, 0.6, t); h := 130*t*ScreenH/RenderH; SetFontStyle(1); SetFontItalic(false); SetFontSize(h); w := glTextWidth(PChar(CountDownText)); SetFontPos (RenderW/2-w/2, RenderH/2-h/2*3); txt := Addr(CountDownText[1]); glPrint(txt); end; end; end.