unit UScreenSong; interface uses UMenu, TextGL, SDL, UMusic, UDraw, UFiles, UTime, UDisplay, USongs, SysUtils, ULog, UThemes, UTexture, ULanguage, ULCD, ULight, UIni, UVideo; type TVisArr = array of integer; TVidVis = (none, windowed, full); THandler = record changed: boolean; change_time: real; lastIndex: integer; lastCat: integer; active: boolean; end; TScreenSong = class(TMenu) private SkippedSongs: array of integer; ChooseableSongs: integer; public MP3Volume: integer; MP3VolumeHandler: THandler; TextArtist: integer; TextTitle: integer; TextNumber: integer; TextPlugin: integer; TextP1: integer; //for M2-MOD: show actual player-name p1 TextP2: integer; //for M2-MOD: show actual player-name p2 TextMedley: array[1..4] of integer; TextTop: array[0..2] of integer; StaticTop: integer; FoundCAT: boolean; //for M2-MOD: a cat is chosen, see whats next... SongIndex: integer; //Index of Song that is playing since UScreenScore... //Video Icon Mod VideoIcon: Cardinal; VidVis: TVidVis; //video visiability StartTry: boolean; MinSource: TMedleySource; MakeMedley: boolean; //VideoAspect AspectHandler: THandler; //Wait timer WaitHandler: THandler; //Medley Icons MedleyIcon: cardinal; CalcMedleyIcon: cardinal; TextCat: integer; StaticCat: integer; SongCurrent: real; SongTarget: real; HighSpeed: boolean; CoverFull: boolean; CoverTime: real; CoverX: integer; CoverY: integer; CoverW: integer; is_jump: boolean; // Jump to Song Mod is_jump_title:boolean; //Jump to SOng MOd-YTrue if search for Title EqualizerBands: array of Byte; EqualizerTime: Cardinal; EqualizerTime2: Byte; ID: string; //for help-system //Party Mod Mode: TSongMode; //0 = Standard, 1= Go to PartyMode after Selection + Change to Random Song at Show //2 = M2-Mode, 3=Medley-Mode PartyMedley: boolean; PartyPlayed: array of integer; //played in Party Classic MedleyPlayed: array of integer; //played in Challenge or Classic Medley-mode SungToEnd: boolean; //Song was sung to the end? //party Statics (Joker) StaticTeam1Joker1: Cardinal; StaticTeam1Joker2: Cardinal; StaticTeam1Joker3: Cardinal; StaticTeam1Joker4: Cardinal; StaticTeam1Joker5: Cardinal; StaticTeam2Joker1: Cardinal; StaticTeam2Joker2: Cardinal; StaticTeam2Joker3: Cardinal; StaticTeam2Joker4: Cardinal; StaticTeam2Joker5: Cardinal; StaticTeam3Joker1: Cardinal; StaticTeam3Joker2: Cardinal; StaticTeam3Joker3: Cardinal; StaticTeam3Joker4: Cardinal; StaticTeam3Joker5: Cardinal; TextNumJokerTeam1: Cardinal; TextNumJokerTeam2: Cardinal; TextNumJokerTeam3: Cardinal; StaticParty: Array of Cardinal; TextParty: Array of Cardinal; StaticNonParty: Array of Cardinal; TextNonParty: Array of Cardinal; StaticM2Party: Array of Cardinal; TextM2Party: Array of Cardinal; constructor Create; override; procedure SetScroll; procedure SetScroll1; procedure SetScroll2; procedure SetScroll3; procedure SetScroll4; procedure SetScroll5; function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override; function Draw: boolean; override; procedure onShow; override; procedure onHide; override; procedure SelectNext; procedure SelectPrev; procedure UpdateLCD; procedure SkipTo(Target: Cardinal); procedure RandomSongChallenge(); procedure SkipTo2(Target: Cardinal); //skipt exactly to the target song nr. procedure FixSelected; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix procedure FixSelected2; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix procedure ShowCatTL(Cat: Integer);// Show Cat in Top left procedure ShowCatTLCustom(Caption: String);// Show Custom Text in Top left procedure HideCatTL;// Show Cat in Tob left procedure Refresh; //Refresh Song Sorting procedure DrawEqualizer; procedure ChangeMusic; procedure LoadTop; procedure StartVideoPreview; //Party Mode procedure SelectRandomSong; procedure SetJoker; procedure SetStatics; //procedures for Menu procedure StartSong; procedure OpenEditor; procedure DoJoker(Team: Byte; SDL_ModState: Word); procedure SelectPlayers; procedure UnLoadDetailedCover; //Extensions procedure DrawExtensions; //for M2-MOD: function SongSkipped(SongNr: integer): boolean; function GetSongsSkipped(): Integer; procedure DoJokerM2; function getVisibleMedleyArr(MinS: TMedleySource): TVisArr; procedure StartMedley(num: integer; MinS: TMedleySource); procedure DrawAspect; function PartyPlayedSong(SongNr: integer): boolean; function PartyPlayedMedley(SongNr: integer): boolean; end; implementation uses UGraphic, UMain, UCovers, math, gl, Windows, USkins, UHelp, UDLLManager, UDataBase, UParty, UPartyM2, UPlaylist, UScreenSongMenu; // ***** Public methods ****** // function TScreenSong.SongSkipped(SongNr: integer): boolean; var i: integer; skipped :boolean; begin skipped := false; for i := 0 to Length(SkippedSongs) - 1 do begin if (SongNr=SkippedSongs[i]) then begin skipped:=true; break; end; end; Result:=skipped; end; function TScreenSong.GetSongsSkipped(): Integer; begin Result := Length(SkippedSongs); end; function TScreenSong.PartyPlayedSong(SongNr: integer): boolean; var i: integer; played :boolean; begin played := false; for i := 0 to Length(PartyPlayed) - 1 do begin if (SongNr=PartyPlayed[i]) then begin played:=true; break; end; end; Result:=played; end; function TScreenSong.PartyPlayedMedley(SongNr: integer): boolean; var i: integer; played :boolean; begin played := false; for i := 0 to Length(MedleyPlayed) - 1 do begin if (SongNr=MedleyPlayed[i]) then begin played:=true; break; end; end; Result:=played; end; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix procedure TScreenSong.FixSelected; var I, I2: Integer; begin if CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0 then begin I2:= 0; for I := low(CatSongs.Song) to High(Catsongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible then inc(I2); if I = Interaction - 1 then break; end; SongCurrent := I2; SongTarget := I2; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.FixSelected2; var I, I2: Integer; begin if CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0 then begin I2:= 0; for I := low(CatSongs.Song) to High(Catsongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible then inc(I2); if I = Interaction - 1 then break; end; SongTarget := I2; end; end; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix End procedure TScreenSong.ShowCatTLCustom(Caption: String);// Show Custom Text in Top left begin Text[TextCat].Text := Caption; Text[TextCat].Visible := true; Static[StaticCat].Visible := False; end; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod procedure TScreenSong.ShowCatTL(Cat: Integer); begin //Change Text[TextCat].Text := CatSongs.Song[Cat].Artist; //showmessage(CatSongs.Song[Cat].Path + CatSongs.Song[Cat].Cover); //Static[StaticCat].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Cat].Texture.Name, 'Plain', true); Static[StaticCat].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Cat].Texture.Name, 'Plain', true); //Texture.GetTexture(Button[Cat].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false); //Button[Cat]. //Cover //Show Text[TextCat].Visible := true; Static[StaticCat].Visible := True; end; procedure TScreenSong.HideCatTL; begin //Hide //Text[TextCat].Visible := false; Static[StaticCat].Visible := false; //New -> Show Text specified in Theme Text[TextCat].Visible := True; Text[TextCat].Text := Theme.Song.TextCat.Text; end; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod End // Method for input parsing. If False is returned, GetNextWindow // should be checked to know the next window to load; function TScreenSong.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; var I: integer; I2: integer; HS: integer; SDL_ModState: Word; Letter: Char; VisArr: array of integer; begin Result := true; //Song Screen Extensions (Jumpto + Menu) if (ScreenSongMenu.Visible) then begin Result := ScreenSongMenu.ParseInput(PressedKey, ScanCode, PressedDown); Exit; end else if (ScreenSongJumpto.Visible) then begin Result := ScreenSongJumpto.ParseInput(PressedKey, ScanCode, PressedDown); Exit; end; If (PressedDown) Then begin // Key Down if (WaitHandler.active) and not (PressedKey = SDLK_RETURN) then begin if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup=1) then begin //Search Cat for I := WaitHandler.lastIndex downto low(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then break; end; //Choose Cat CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; ShowCatTL (I); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I); end; //Choose Song SkipTo2(WaitHandler.lastIndex); ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; end; if (Mode = smNormal) and not MakeMedley and (Ini.ShuffleTime>0) then begin WaitHandler.changed := true; WaitHandler.change_time := 0; if (WaitHandler.active) then begin WaitHandler.active := false; if (PressedKey<>SDLK_RETURN) then Exit; end; end; SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT + KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_RCTRL + KMOD_LALT + KMOD_RALT); //Jump to Artist/Titel (not in party-mode) if (SDL_ModState and KMOD_LALT <> 0) AND (Mode = smNormal) AND (PressedKey >= SDLK_A) AND (PressedKey <= SDLK_Z) then begin Letter := UpCase(Chr(ScanCode)); I2 := Length(CatSongs.Song); //Jump To Titel if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT or KMOD_LSHIFT) then begin For I := 1 to high(CatSongs.Song) do begin if (CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Visible) AND (Length(CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Title)>0) AND (UpCase(CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Title[1]) = Letter) then begin SkipTo(CatSongs.VisibleIndex((I + Interaction) mod I2)); Music.PlayChange; ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; UpdateLCD; //Break and Exit Exit; end; end; end //Jump to Artist else if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then begin For I := 1 to high(CatSongs.Song) do begin if (CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Visible) AND (Length(CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Artist)>0) AND (UpCase(CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Artist[1]) = Letter) then begin SkipTo(CatSongs.VisibleIndex((I + Interaction) mod I2)); Music.PlayChange; ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; UpdateLCD; //Break and Exit Exit; end; end; end; Exit; end; case PressedKey of //MP3-Volume Up SDLK_PAGEUP: begin if (MP3Volume<100) then begin MP3Volume := MP3Volume+5; Music.SetMusicVolume(MP3Volume); end; MP3VolumeHandler.changed := true; MP3VolumeHandler.change_time := 0; end; //MP3-Volume Down SDLK_PAGEDOWN: begin if (MP3Volume>0) then begin MP3Volume := MP3Volume-5; Music.SetMusicVolume(MP3Volume); end; MP3VolumeHandler.changed := true; MP3VolumeHandler.change_time := 0; end; SDLK_K: begin if Music.VocalRemoverActivated() then Music.DisableVocalRemover else Music.EnableVocalRemover; end; SDLK_A: begin if VidVis = full then ToggleAspectCorrection; DataBase.SetAspect(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Artist, CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Title, integer(UVideo.fAspectCorrection)); AspectHandler.changed := true; AspectHandler.change_time := Czas.Teraz; end; SDLK_V: begin if UVideo.VideoOpened then begin if VidVis=full then VidVis:=windowed else begin VidVis:=full; UVideo.SetAspectCorrection(TAspectCorrection( DataBase.GetAspect(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Artist, CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Title, Ini.AspectCorrect))); AspectHandler.changed := true; AspectHandler.change_time := Czas.Teraz; end; end; end; SDLK_TAB: begin Help.SetHelpID(ID); ScreenPopupHelp.ShowPopup(); end; SDLK_Q: begin Result := false; end; SDLK_S: begin if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT) and not MakeMedley and (CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Medley.Source>=msCalculated) and (Mode = smNormal)then StartMedley(0, msCalculated) else if (CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Medley.Source>=msTag) and not MakeMedley and (Mode = smNormal) then StartMedley(0, msTag); end; SDLK_D: begin if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(5, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(5, msTag); end; SDLK_F: begin if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT) and MakeMedley then begin if Length(PlaylistMedley.Song)>0 then begin SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Song, Length(PlaylistMedley.Song)-1); PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs := Length(PlaylistMedley.Song); end; if Length(PlaylistMedley.Song)=0 then MakeMedley := false; end else if (Mode = smNormal) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated)) > 0) then begin MakeMedley := true; StartMedley(99, msCalculated); end; end; SDLK_ESCAPE, SDLK_BACKSPACE : begin if (Mode = smNormal) or ((Mode = smChallenge) and not PartyMedley and not FoundCAT) then begin //On Escape goto Cat-List Hack if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) AND (CatSongs.CatNumShow <> -1) then begin //Find Category I := Interaction; while not catsongs.Song[I].Main do begin Dec (I); if (I < low(catsongs.Song)) then break; end; if (I<= 1) then Interaction := high(catsongs.Song) else Interaction := I - 1; //Stop Music Music.Stop; //Stop Video acClose; VidVis := none; CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod HideCatTL; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix SelectNext; FixSelected; //SelectPrev; //CatSongs.Song[0].Visible := False; end else begin //On Escape goto Cat-List Hack End //Tabs off and in Search or Playlist -> Go back to Song view if (CatSongs.CatNumShow < -1) then begin //Atm: Set Empty Filter CatSongs.SetFilter('', 0); //Show Cat in Top Left Mod HideCatTL; Interaction := 0; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix SelectNext; FixSelected; ChangeMusic; end else if (Mode = smNormal) then begin Music.Stop; Music.PlayBack; acClose; VidVis := none; FadeTo(@ScreenMain); end; end; end //When in party Mode then Ask before Close else if (Mode = smParty) then begin Music.PlayBack; CheckFadeTo(@ScreenMain,'MSG_END_PARTY'); end; end; SDLK_RETURN: begin if Length(Songs.Song) > 0 then begin // PortWriteB($378, 0); if CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main then begin // clicked on Category Button //Show Cat in Top Left Mod ShowCatTL (Interaction); //I := CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(Interaction); {I2 := CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction); SongCurrent := SongCurrent - I + I2; SongTarget := SongTarget - I + I2; } // if I<>I2 then beep; // SetScroll4; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix SelectNext; FixSelected; //Play Music: ChangeMusic; end else begin // clicked on song if (Mode = smNormal) then //Normal Mode -> Start Song begin if MakeMedley then begin Mode := smMedley; Music.Stop; //Do the Action that is specified in Ini case Ini.OnSongClick of 0: FadeTo(@ScreenSing); 1: SelectPlayers; 2: FadeTo(@ScreenSing); end; end else begin //Do the Action that is specified in Ini case Ini.OnSongClick of 0: StartSong; 1: SelectPlayers; 2:begin VidVis := windowed; If (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist) else ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Main); end; end; end; end else if (Mode = smParty) and not PartyMedley then //PartyMode classic -> Show Menu begin VidVis := windowed; if (Ini.PartyPopup = 1) then ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Party_Main) else begin SetLength(PartyPlayed, Length(PartyPlayed)+1); PartyPlayed[Length(PartyPlayed)-1] := Interaction; ScreenSong.StartSong; end; end else if (Mode = smChallenge) and not PartyMedley then begin PartySessionM2.AddSongPlayed(CatSongs.CatNumShow, Interaction); ScreenSong.StartSong; end else if PartyMedley then begin StartMedley(5, MinSource); end; end; end; end; SDLK_M: //Show SongMenu begin if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) and (Mode <> smChallenge) then begin //not in M2-Mode if (Mode = smNormal) then begin if not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main then begin // clicked on Song if CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3 then ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist) else ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Main); end else begin ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist_Load); end; end //Party Mode -> Show Party Menu else ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Party_Main); end; end; SDLK_P: //Show Playlist Menu begin if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) AND (Mode = smNormal) then begin //not in party-modes ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist_Load); end; end; SDLK_J: //Show Jumpto Menu / Joker begin if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) AND (Mode = smNormal) then //not in party-modes begin VidVis := windowed; ScreenSongJumpto.Visible := True; end else if (Mode=smChallenge) and not PartyMedley then //M2-MOD-mode DoJokerM2 else if PartyMedley and (Mode=smChallenge) then begin DoJoker(0, SDL_ModState) end; end; SDLK_DOWN: begin if (Mode = smNormal) or ((Mode = smChallenge) and not FoundCAT) then begin //Only Change Cat when not in Playlist or Search Mode if (CatSongs.CatNumShow > -2) then begin //Cat Change Hack if Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1 then begin I := Interaction; if I <= 0 then I := 1; while not catsongs.Song[I].Main do begin Inc (I); if (I > high(catsongs.Song)) then I := low(catsongs.Song); end; Interaction := I; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod ShowCatTL (Interaction); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(Interaction); SelectNext; FixSelected; //Play Music: Music.PlayChange; ChangeMusic; end; // //Cat Change Hack End} end; end; end; SDLK_UP: begin if (Mode = smNormal) or ((Mode = smChallenge) and not FoundCAT) then begin //Only Change Cat when not in Playlist or Search Mode if (CatSongs.CatNumShow > -2) then begin //Cat Change Hack if Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1 then begin I := Interaction; I2 := 0; if I <= 0 then I := 1; while not catsongs.Song[I].Main or (I2 = 0) do begin if catsongs.Song[I].Main then Inc(I2); Dec (I); if (I < low(catsongs.Song)) then I := high(catsongs.Song); end; Interaction := I; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod ShowCatTL (I); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I); SelectNext; FixSelected; //Play Music: Music.PlayChange; ChangeMusic; end; end; //Cat Change Hack End} end; end; SDLK_RIGHT: begin if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) AND ((Mode = smNormal) or ((Mode = smChallenge) and CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main)) then begin Music.PlayChange; SelectNext; ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; UpdateLCD; Light.LightOne(1, 200); end; end; SDLK_LEFT: begin if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) AND ((Mode = smNormal) or ((Mode = smChallenge) and CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main)) then begin Music.PlayChange; SelectPrev; ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; UpdateLCD; Light.LightOne(0, 200); end; end; SDLK_E: begin if (Mode = smNormal) then OpenEditor; end; SDLK_R: begin if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) and (Mode = smNormal) then begin if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT) AND (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then //Random Category begin SetLength(VisArr, 0); //Search Cat for I2 := Interaction downto low(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I2].Main then break; end; for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main and not (I=I2) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; if (Length(VisArr)>0) then begin I2 := Random(Length(VisArr)); I2 := VisArr[I2]; //Search Cat for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then break; end; //In I ist jetzt die Kategorie in I2 der Song //I is the CatNum, I2 is the No of the Song within this Cat //Choose Cat CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod ShowCatTL (I); //CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I); //SelectNext; //Choose Song SkipTo2(I); end; end else if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) AND (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then //random in All Categorys begin SetLength(VisArr, 0); for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if not CatSongs.Song[I].Main and (I<>Interaction)then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; if (Length(VisArr)>0) then begin I2 := Random(Length(VisArr)); I2 := VisArr[I2]; //Search Cat for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then break; end; //Choose Cat CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod ShowCatTL (I); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I); //SelectNext; //Choose Song SkipTo2(I2); end; end else //Random in one Category begin SetLength(VisArr, 0); for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not (I=Interaction)then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; if (Length(VisArr)>0) then begin I := Random(Length(VisArr)); I := VisArr[I]; //Choose Song SkipTo2(I); end; //old: SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs)); end; Music.PlayChange; ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; end else if (Mode = smChallenge) and not PartyMedley then //M2-MOD-mode DoJokerM2 else if (Mode = smChallenge) and PartyMedley then DoJoker(0, SDL_ModState); end; SDLK_1: begin //Joker Team 1 if (Mode = smParty) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker > 0) then begin //Joker spielen DoJoker(0, SDL_ModState); end else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(10, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(10, msTag); end; SDLK_2: begin //Joker Team 2 if (Mode = smParty) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker > 0) then begin //Joker spielen DoJoker(1, SDL_ModState); end else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(20, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(20, msTag); end; SDLK_3: begin //Joker Team 3 if (Mode = smParty) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker > 0) then begin //Joker spielen DoJoker(2, SDL_ModState); end else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(30, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(30, msTag); end; SDLK_4: begin if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(40, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(40, msTag); end; SDLK_5: begin if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(50, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(50, msTag); end; SDLK_6: begin if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(60, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(60, msTag); end; SDLK_7: begin if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(70, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(70, msTag); end; SDLK_8: begin if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(80, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(80, msTag); end; SDLK_9: begin if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(90, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(90, msTag); end; //stress test :> SDLK_0: begin if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL) and not MakeMedley and (length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msCalculated))>0) then StartMedley(10000, msCalculated) else if (Mode = smNormal) and (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(msTag)) > 0) and not MakeMedley then StartMedley(10000, msTag); end; end; end; end; constructor TScreenSong.Create; var Pet: integer; I: integer; Label CreateSongButtons; begin inherited Create; LoadFromTheme(Theme.Song); TextArtist := AddText(Theme.Song.TextArtist); TextTitle := AddText(Theme.Song.TextTitle); TextNumber := AddText(Theme.Song.TextNumber); TextPlugin := AddText(Theme.Song.TextPlugin); for I := 1 to 4 do TextMedley[I] := AddText(Theme.Song.TextMedley[I]); for I := 0 to 2 do TextTop[I] := AddText(Theme.Song.TextTop[I]); StaticTop := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTop); Static[StaticTop].Texture.Alpha := 0.4; //for M2-MOD-mode: TextP1 := AddText(Theme.Song.TextP1); TextP2 := AddText(Theme.Song.TextP2); //Show Cat in Top Left mod TextCat := AddText(Theme.Song.TextCat); StaticCat := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticCat); //Show Video Icon Mod VideoIcon := AddStatic(Theme.Song.VideoIcon); //Meldey Icons MedleyIcon := AddStatic(Theme.Song.MedleyIcon); CalcMedleyIcon := AddStatic(Theme.Song.CalculatedMedleyIcon); //Party Mode StaticTeam1Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker1); StaticTeam1Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker2); StaticTeam1Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker3); StaticTeam1Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker4); StaticTeam1Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker5); StaticTeam2Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker1); StaticTeam2Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker2); StaticTeam2Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker3); StaticTeam2Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker4); StaticTeam2Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker5); StaticTeam3Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker1); StaticTeam3Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker2); StaticTeam3Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker3); StaticTeam3Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker4); StaticTeam3Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker5); TextNumJokerTeam1 := AddText(Theme.Song.SongTextPartyTeam1NumJoker); TextNumJokerTeam2 := AddText(Theme.Song.SongTextPartyTeam2NumJoker); TextNumJokerTeam3 := AddText(Theme.Song.SongTextPartyTeam3NumJoker); //Load Party and NonParty specific Statics and Texts SetLength(StaticParty, Length(Theme.Song.StaticParty)); for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.StaticParty) do StaticParty[I] := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticParty[I]); SetLength(TextParty, Length(Theme.Song.TextParty)); for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.TextParty) do TextParty[I] := AddText(Theme.Song.TextParty[I]); SetLength(StaticNonParty, Length(Theme.Song.StaticNonParty)); for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.StaticNonParty) do StaticNonParty[I] := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticNonParty[I]); SetLength(TextNonParty, Length(Theme.Song.TextNonParty)); for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.TextNonParty) do TextNonParty[I] := AddText(Theme.Song.TextNonParty[I]); SetLength(StaticM2Party, Length(Theme.Song.StaticM2Party)); for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.StaticM2Party) do StaticM2Party[I] := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticM2Party[I]); SetLength(TextM2Party, Length(Theme.Song.TextM2Party)); for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.TextM2Party) do TextM2Party[I] := AddText(Theme.Song.TextM2Party[I]); // Song List // Songs.LoadSongList; // moved to the UltraStar unit CatSongs.Refresh; if (length(CatSongs.Song) > 0) then begin //Set Length of Button Array one Time Instead of one time for every Song SetButtonLength(Length(CatSongs.Song)); I := 0; CreateSongButtons: try for Pet := I to High(CatSongs.Song) do begin // creating all buttons // new Texture.Limit := 512;// 256 0.4.2 value, 512 in 0.5.0 if not FileExists(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover) then CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover := ''; // 0.5.0: if cover not found then show 'no cover' if CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover = '' then AddButton(300 + Pet*250, 140, 200, 200, Skin.GetTextureFileName('SongCover'), 'JPG', 'Plain', Theme.Song.Cover.Reflections) else begin // cache texture if there is a need to this if not Covers.CoverExists(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover) then begin Texture.CreateCacheMipmap := true; Texture.GetTexture(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover, 'Plain', true); // preloads textures and creates cache mipmap Texture.CreateCacheMipmap := false; // puts this texture to the cache file Covers.AddCover(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover); // unload full size texture Texture.UnloadTexture(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover, false); // we should also add mipmap texture by calling createtexture and use mipmap cache as data source end; // and now load it from cache file (small place for the optimization by eliminating reading it from file, but not here) AddButton(300 + Pet*250, 140, 200, 200, CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover, 'JPG', 'Plain', Theme.Song.Cover.Reflections); end; Texture.Limit := 1024*1024; I := -1; end; except //When Error is reported the First time for this Song if (I <> Pet) then begin //Some Error reporting: Log.LogError('Could not load Cover: ' + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover); //Change Cover to NoCover and Continue Loading CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover := ''; I := Pet; end else //when Error occurs Multiple Times(NoSong Cover is damaged), then start loading next Song begin Log.LogError('NoCover Cover is damaged!'); try AddButton(300 + Pet*250, 140, 200, 200, '', 'JPG', 'Plain', Theme.Song.Cover.Reflections); except Messagebox(0, PChar('No Cover Image is damage. Could not Workaround Song Loading, Ultrastar will exit now.'), PChar(Language.Translate('US_VERSION')), MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK); Halt; end; I := Pet + 1; end; end; if (I <> -1) then GoTo CreateSongButtons; end; // Randomize Patch Randomize; //Equalizer SetLength(EqualizerBands, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands); //ClearArray For I := low(EqualizerBands) to high(EqualizerBands) do EqualizerBands[I] := 3; if (Length(CatSongs.Song) > 0) then Interaction := 0; MP3Volume := Ini.PreviewVolume * 10; end; procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll; var VS, B, I: Integer; VisArr: array of Integer; begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; if VS > 0 then begin //Set Positions Case Theme.Song.Cover.Style of 3: SetScroll3; 5:begin if VS > 5 then SetScroll5 else SetScroll4; end; else SetScroll4; end; //Set Visibility of Video Icon Static[VideoIcon].Visible := (CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Video <> ''); // Set visibility of medley icons if Mode=smNormal then begin Static[MedleyIcon].Visible := (CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Medley.Source = msTag); Static[CalcMedleyIcon].Visible := (CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Medley.Source = msCalculated); end else begin Static[MedleyIcon].Visible := false; Static[CalcMedleyIcon].Visible := false; end; //Set Texts: Text[TextArtist].Text := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Artist; Text[TextTitle].Text := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Title; if (Mode=smNormal) then begin if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) And (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -1) then begin Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].OrderNum) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.CatCount); Text[TextTitle].Text := '(' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + ' ' + Language.Translate('SING_SONGS_IN_CAT') + ')'; end else if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -2) then Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS) else if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS) else if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction - CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber].CatNumber) else Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(Interaction+1) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(CatSongs.Song)); end else if (Mode=smChallenge) and not PartyMedley then begin if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) and (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -1) then begin Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].OrderNum) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.CatCount); Text[TextTitle].Text := '(' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber - PartySessionM2.GetSongsPlayed(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].OrderNum)) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + ' ' + Language.Translate('SING_SONGS_IN_CAT') + ')'; //AND HERE! end else if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -2) then Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS) else if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then begin ChooseableSongs := VS - PartySessionM2.GetSongsPlayed(CatSongs.CatNumShow) - GetSongsSkipped(); Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS) + ' (' + IntToStr(ChooseableSongs) + ')'; end else if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then begin ChooseableSongs:=CatSongs.Song[Interaction - CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber].CatNumber - PartySessionM2.GetSongsPlayed(CatSongs.CatNumShow) - GetSongsSkipped(); Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction - CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber].CatNumber) + ' (' + IntToStr(ChooseableSongs) + ')'; //HERE! end else begin ChooseableSongs:=Length(CatSongs.Song)-PartySessionM2.GetSongsPlayed(CatSongs.CatNumShow)-GetSongsSkipped(); Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(Interaction+1) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(CatSongs.Song)) + ' (' + IntToStr(ChooseableSongs) + ')'; //HERE! end end else if PartyMedley then//PartyMedley begin SetLength(VisArr, 0); if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -2) then begin Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS); end else if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then //Playlist! begin for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not PartyPlayedMedley(I) and not SongSkipped(I) and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source>=MinSource) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; ChooseableSongs := Length(VisArr); Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS) + ' (' + IntToStr(ChooseableSongs) + ')'; //HERE! end else if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then begin for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if not CatSongs.Song[I].Main and not PartyPlayedMedley(I) and not SongSkipped(I) and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source>=MinSource) then begin if (PlaylistMan.Mode=0) or ((PlaylistMan.Mode<>0) and CatSongs.Song[I].Visible) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; end; ChooseableSongs := Length(VisArr); Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction - CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber].CatNumber) + ' (' + IntToStr(ChooseableSongs) + ')'; //HERE! end else begin for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not PartyPlayedMedley(I) and not SongSkipped(I) and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source>=MinSource) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; ChooseableSongs := Length(VisArr); Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(Interaction+1) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(CatSongs.Song)) + ' (' + IntToStr(ChooseableSongs) + ')'; //HERE! end; end else if (Mode=smParty) then//Party begin SetLength(VisArr, 0); if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -2) then begin Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS); end else if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then //Playlist! begin for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not PartyPlayedSong(I) and not SongSkipped(I) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; ChooseableSongs := Length(VisArr); Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS) + ' (' + IntToStr(ChooseableSongs) + ')'; //HERE! end else if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then begin for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if not CatSongs.Song[I].Main and not PartyPlayedSong(I) and not SongSkipped(I) then begin if (PlaylistMan.Mode=0) or ((PlaylistMan.Mode<>0) and CatSongs.Song[I].Visible) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; end; ChooseableSongs := Length(VisArr); Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction - CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber].CatNumber) + ' (' + IntToStr(ChooseableSongs) + ')'; //HERE! end else begin for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not PartyPlayedSong(I) and not SongSkipped(I) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; ChooseableSongs := Length(VisArr); Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(Interaction+1) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(CatSongs.Song)) + ' (' + IntToStr(ChooseableSongs) + ')'; //HERE! end; end; end else begin Text[TextNumber].Text := '0/0'; Text[TextArtist].Text := ''; Text[TextTitle].Text := ''; for B := 0 to High(Button) do Button[B].Visible := False; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll1; var B: integer; // button BMin: integer; // button min BMax: integer; // button max Src: integer; // Dst: integer; Count: integer; // Dst is not used. Count is used. Ready: boolean; VisCount: integer; // count of visible (or selectable) buttons VisInt: integer; // visible position of interacted button Typ: integer; // 0 when all songs fits the screen Placed: integer; // number of placed visible buttons begin // Src := 0; // Dst := -1; Count := 1; Typ := 0; Ready := false; Placed := 0; VisCount := 0; for B := 0 to High(Button) do if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then Inc(VisCount); VisInt := 0; for B := 0 to Interaction-1 do if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then Inc(VisInt); if VisCount <= 6 then begin Typ := 0; end else begin if VisInt <= 3 then begin Typ := 1; Count := 7; Ready := true; end; if (VisCount - VisInt) <= 3 then begin Typ := 2; Count := 7; Ready := true; end; if not Ready then begin Typ := 3; Src := Interaction; end; end; // hide all buttons for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Button[B].Visible := false; Button[B].Selectable := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; end; { for B := Src to Dst do begin // Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; Button[B].Selectable := Button[B].Visible; Button[B].Y := 140 + (B-Src) * 60; end;} if Typ = 0 then begin for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Y := 140 + (Placed) * 60; Inc(Placed); end; end; end; if Typ = 1 then begin B := 0; while (Count > 0) do begin if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Y := 140 + (Placed) * 60; Inc(Placed); Dec(Count); end; Inc(B); end; end; if Typ = 2 then begin B := High(Button); while (Count > 0) do begin if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Y := 140 + (6-Placed) * 60; Inc(Placed); Dec(Count); end; Dec(B); end; end; if Typ = 3 then begin B := Src; Count := 4; while (Count > 0) do begin if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Y := 140 + (3+Placed) * 60; Inc(Placed); Dec(Count); end; Inc(B); end; B := Src-1; Placed := 0; Count := 3; while (Count > 0) do begin if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Y := 140 + (2-Placed) * 60; Inc(Placed); Dec(Count); end; Dec(B); end; end; if Length(Button) > 0 then Static[1].Texture.Y := Button[Interaction].Y - 5; // selection texture end; procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll2; var B: integer; Wsp: integer; // wspolczynnik przesuniecia wzgledem srodka ekranu Wsp2: real; begin // liniowe for B := 0 to High(Button) do Button[B].X := 300 + (B - Interaction) * 260; if Length(Button) >= 3 then begin if Interaction = 0 then Button[High(Button)].X := 300 - 260; if Interaction = High(Button) then Button[0].X := 300 + 260; end; // kolowe { for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Wsp := (B - Interaction); // 0 dla srodka, -1 dla lewego, +1 dla prawego itd. Wsp2 := Wsp / Length(Button); Button[B].X := 300 + 10000 * sin(2*pi*Wsp2); // Button[B].Y := 140 + 50 * ; end;} end; procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll3; // with slide var B: integer; Wsp: integer; // wspolczynnik przesuniecia wzgledem srodka ekranu Wsp2: real; begin SongTarget := Interaction; // liniowe for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Button[B].X := 300 + (B - SongCurrent) * 260; if (Button[B].X < -Button[B].W) OR (Button[B].X > 800) then Button[B].Visible := False else Button[B].Visible := True; end; { if Length(Button) >= 3 then begin if Interaction = 0 then Button[High(Button)].X := 300 - 260; if Interaction = High(Button) then Button[0].X := 300 + 260; end;} // kolowe { for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Wsp := (B - Interaction); // 0 dla srodka, -1 dla lewego, +1 dla prawego itd. Wsp2 := Wsp / Length(Button); Button[B].X := 300 + 10000 * sin(2*pi*Wsp2); // Button[B].Y := 140 + 50 * ; end;} end; procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll4; // rotate var B: integer; Wsp: real; Z, Z2: real; VS: integer; begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; // 0.5.0 (I): cached, very important // kolowe for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; // nowe if Button[B].Visible then begin // 0.5.0 optimization for 1000 songs - updates only visible songs, hiding in tabs becomes useful for maintaing good speed Wsp := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / VS {CatSongs.VisibleSongs};// 0.5.0 (II): takes another 16ms Z := (1 + cos(Wsp)) / 2; Z2 := (1 + 2*Z) / 3; Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + (0.185 * Theme.Song.Cover.H * VS * sin(Wsp)) * Z2 - ((Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2); // 0.5.0 (I): 2 times faster by not calling CatSongs.VisibleSongs Button[B].Z := Z / 2 + 0.3; Button[B].W := Theme.Song.Cover.H * Z2; // Button[B].Y := {50 +} 140 + 50 - 50 * Z2; Button[B].Y := Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Abs(Button[B].H)) * 0.7 ; Button[B].H := Button[B].W; end; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll5; // rotate var B: integer; Angle: real; Pos: Real; VS: integer; diff: real; X: Real; begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; // cache Visible Songs {Vars Theme.Song.CoverW: Radius des Kreises Theme.Song.CoverX: X Pos Linke Kante des gewählten Covers Theme.Song.CoverX: Y Pos Obere Kante des gewählten Covers Theme.Song.CoverH: Höhe der Cover (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)/VS = Abstand zum MIttleren Cover in % } //Change Pos of all Buttons for B := low(Button) to high(Button) do begin Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; //Adjust Visability if Button[B].Visible then //Only Change Pos for Visible Buttons begin Pos := (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent); if (Pos < -VS/2) then Pos := Pos + VS else if (Pos > VS/2) then Pos := Pos - VS; if (Abs(Pos) < 2.5) then {fixed Positions} begin Angle := Pi * (Pos / 5); //Button[B].Visible := False; Button[B].H := Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle*0.8));//Power(Z2, 3); // Button[B].Reflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H; Button[B].DeSelectReflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H; Button[B].Z := 0.95 - Abs(Pos) * 0.01; Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle))) * 0.5); Button[B].W := Button[B].H; Diff := (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2; X := Sin(Angle*1.3)*0.9; Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + Theme.Song.Cover.W * X - Diff; end else begin {Behind the Front Covers} // Button[B].Visible := False; // if VS/2-abs(Pos)>VS*0.4 then Button[B].Visible := False; if Pos < 0 then Pos := (Pos - VS/2) /VS else Pos := (Pos + VS/2) /VS; Angle := pi * Pos*2; Button[B].Z := (0.4 - Abs(Pos/4)) -0.00001; //z < 0.49999 is behind the cover 1 is in front of the covers Button[B].H :=0.6*(Theme.Song.Cover.H-Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle/2)*0.8));//Power(Z2, 3); Button[B].W := Button[B].H; Button[B].Y := Theme.Song.Cover.Y - (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)*0.75; // Button[B].Reflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H; Button[B].DeSelectReflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H; Diff := (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2; Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X+Theme.Song.Cover.H/2-Button[b].H/2 + (Theme.Song.Cover.H)*sin(Angle/2)*1.52; end; //Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Button[B].H)/1.5); //Cover at down border of the change field // Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Button[B].H) * 0.7); end; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.onShow; var I: Integer; begin if Music.VocalRemoverActivated() then Music.DisableVocalRemover; if SongIndex<>Interaction then Music.Stop; PartyMedley := false; SungToEnd := false; if Mode = smMedley then Mode := smNormal; MakeMedley := false; StartTry := false; AspectHandler.changed := false; MP3VolumeHandler.changed := false; SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Song, 0); SetLength(SkippedSongs, 0); if Ini.Players <= 3 then PlayersPlay := Ini.Players + 1; if Ini.Players = 4 then PlayersPlay := 6; for I := 0 to 2 do Text[TextTop[I]].Visible := false; Static[StaticTop].Visible := false; //Cat Mod etc if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) AND (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -1) AND (PlaylistMan.Mode=0) then begin CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; //SelectNext; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod HideCatTL; end else if (PlaylistMan.Mode=0) and (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) AND (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then begin //Find Category I := Interaction; while not catsongs.Song[I].Main do begin Dec (I); if (I < low(catsongs.Song)) then break; end; if (I<= 1) then Interaction := high(catsongs.Song) else Interaction := I - 1; //Stop Music Music.Stop; //Stop Video acClose; VidVis := none; CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod HideCatTL; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix SelectNext; FixSelected; end else if (Mode<>smNormal) and (PlaylistMan.Mode=0) and (CatSongs.CatNumShow < -1) then begin //Atm: Set Empty Filter CatSongs.SetFilter('', 0); //Show Cat in Top Left Mod HideCatTL; Interaction := 0; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix SelectNext; FixSelected; ChangeMusic; end; //Playlist Mode if (Mode = smNormal) then begin ScreenSongMenu.Visible := False; //If Playlist Shown -> Select Next automatically if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then begin SelectNext; end; Text[TextP1].visible := false; Text[TextP2].visible := false; ID := 'ID_024'; if not Help.SetHelpID(ID) then Log.LogError('No Entry for Help-ID ' + ID + ' (ScreenSong, smNormal)'); Text[TextPlugin].Visible := false; end else if (Mode = smParty) then //Party Mode classic begin //TODO: PartyMedley PartyMedley := PartySession.Rounds[PartySession.CurRound].Medley; //Show Menu directly in PartyMode //But only if selected in Options if (Ini.PartyPopup = 1) then begin ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Party_Main); end; Text[TextP1].visible := false; Text[TextP2].visible := false; ID := 'ID_025'; if not Help.SetHelpID(ID) then Log.LogError('No Entry for Help-ID ' + ID + ' (ScreenSong, smParty)'); Text[TextPlugin].Visible := true; if PartyMedley then MinSource := msCalculated; Text[TextPlugin].Text := PartySession.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[PartySession.CurRound].PluginNr].Name; SelectRandomSong; end else if (Mode = smChallenge) then //M2-MOD begin PartyMedley := PartySessionM2.Rounds[PartySessionM2.CurRound].Medley; ID := 'ID_026'; if not Help.SetHelpID(ID) then Log.LogError('No Entry for Help-ID ' + ID + ' (ScreenSong, smChallenge)'); if not PartyMedley then begin if (PlaylistMan.Mode=1) then //One Category Select Category and Select Random Song begin CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList); ShowCatTL(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList); end else if (PlaylistMan.Mode=2) then begin PlaylistMan.SetPlayList(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList); end; RandomSongChallenge; //SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs - PartySessionM2.GetSongsPlayed(CatSongs.CatNumShow))); if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) and (PlaylistMan.Mode <> 2) and (PlaylistMan.Mode <> 1) then FoundCAT:=false else FoundCAT:=true; end else begin MinSource := msCalculated; FoundCAT:=true; SelectRandomSong; end; Text[TextP1].Text := 'P1: ' + PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Playerinfo[0].Name; Text[TextP2].Text := 'P2: ' + PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Playerinfo[0].Name; Text[TextP1].visible := true; Text[TextP2].visible := true; if PartySessionM2.Option_Plugins then begin Text[TextPlugin].Visible := true; Text[TextPlugin].Text := PartySessionM2.Plugins[PartySessionM2.Rounds[PartySessionM2.CurRound].PluginNr].Name; end else Text[TextPlugin].Visible := false; end; if Length(CatSongs.Song) > 0 then begin if SongIndex<>Interaction then begin CoverTime := 0; ChangeMusic; end else begin CoverTime := 0; StartVideoPreview; LoadTop; end; SongIndex := -1; SetScroll; end; SetJoker; SetStatics; if (Mode = smNormal) and (Ini.ShuffleTime>0) then begin WaitHandler.changed := true; WaitHandler.change_time := 0; end; WaitHandler.active := false; end; procedure TScreenSong.RandomSongChallenge(); var VisArr: array of integer; I: integer; begin if (CatSongs.VisibleSongs - PartySessionM2.GetSongsPlayed(CatSongs.CatNumShow))=0 then PartySessionM2.ResetSongsPlayed(CatSongs.CatNumShow); SetLength(VisArr, 0); for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if not PartyMedley then begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not SongSkipped(I) and not PartySessionM2.SongPlayed(CatSongs.CatNumShow, I) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end else begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not SongSkipped(I) and not PartyPlayedMedley(I) and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source >= MinSource) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; end; if (Length(VisArr)>0) then begin I := Random(Length(VisArr)); I := VisArr[I]; //Choose Song SkipTo2(I); end; end; procedure TScreenSong.onHide; begin //When Music Fading is activated, Turn Music to 100 % If (Ini.PreviewVolume <> 100) or (Ini.PreviewFading <> 0) then Music.SetMusicVolume(100); //If Preview is deactivated: Load MUsicfile now If (Ini.PreviewVolume = 0) then Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3); //When hide then Stop Music (For Party Mode Popup on Exit) if (Display.NextScreen <> @ScreenSong) and (Display.NextScreen <> @ScreenSing) and (Display.NextScreen <> @ScreenSingModi) and (Music <> nil) then Music.Stop; end; procedure TScreenSong.DrawExtensions; begin //Draw Song Menu if (ScreenSongMenu.Visible) then begin ScreenSongMenu.Draw; end else if (ScreenSongJumpto.Visible) then begin ScreenSongJumpto.Draw; end end; function TScreenSong.Draw: boolean; var dx: real; dt: real; I, I2, J: Integer; Window: TRectCoords; Blend: real; VisArr: array of integer; begin dx := SongTarget-SongCurrent; dt := TimeSkip*7; if dt > 1 then dt := 1; SongCurrent := SongCurrent + dx*dt; { if SongCurrent > Catsongs.VisibleSongs then begin SongCurrent := SongCurrent - Catsongs.VisibleSongs; SongTarget := SongTarget - Catsongs.VisibleSongs; end;} // Log.BenchmarkStart(5); SetScroll; // Log.BenchmarkEnd(5); // Log.LogBenchmark('SetScroll4', 5); //Fading Functions, Only if Covertime is under 5 Seconds If (CoverTime < 5) then begin // 0.5.0: cover fade if (CoverTime < 1) and (CoverTime + TimeSkip >= 1) then begin // load new texture Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false); Button[Interaction].Texture.Alpha := 1; Button[Interaction].Texture2 := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false); Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 1; end; { //Song Fade if (CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0) AND (Ini.PreviewVolume <> 0) AND (Not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) AND (Ini.PreviewFading <> 0) then begin //Start Song Fade after a little Time, to prevent Song to be Played on Scrolling if (CoverTime < 0.2) and (CoverTime + TimeSkip >= 0.2) then Music.Play; //Update Song Volume if (CoverTime < Ini.PreviewFading) then Music.SetMusicVolume(Round (CoverTime * Ini.PreviewVolume / Ini.PreviewFading * 10)) else Music.SetMusicVolume(Ini.PreviewVolume * 10); end; } //Update Fading Time CoverTime := CoverTime + TimeSkip; //Update Fading Texture Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := (CoverTime - 1) * 1.5; if Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha > 1 then Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 1; end; //inherited Draw; //heres a little Hack, that causes the Statics //are Drawn after the Buttons because of some Blending Problems. //This should cause no Problems because all Buttons on this screen //Has Z Position. //Draw BG DrawBG; //Medley Playlist if Length(PlaylistMedley.Song)>4 then J := Length(PlaylistMedley.Song)-4 else J := 0; for I := 1 to 4 do begin if (Length(PlaylistMedley.Song)>=I+J) and (MakeMedley or ((Mode=smParty) and not PartySession.Rounds[PartySession.CurRound].MedleySurprise) or ((Mode=smChallenge) and not PartySessionM2.Rounds[PartySessionM2.CurRound].MedleySurprise)) then begin Text[TextMedley[I]].Visible := true; Text[TextMedley[I]].Text := IntToStr(I+J)+') ' + CatSongs.Song[PlaylistMedley.Song[I-1+J]].Artist + '\n' + CatSongs.Song[PlaylistMedley.Song[I-1+J]].Title; end else Text[TextMedley[I]].Visible := false; end; //Medley Mode if (Mode=smNormal) then begin if MakeMedley then begin Text[TextPlugin].Text := 'Medley-Mode'; Text[TextPlugin].Visible := true; end else Text[TextPlugin].Visible := false; end; //Instead of Draw FG Procedure: //We draw Buttons for our own for I := 0 to Length(Button) - 1 do Button[I].Draw; // Statics for I := 0 to Length(Static) - 1 do Static[I].Draw; // and texts for I := 0 to Length(Text) - 1 do Text[I].Draw; //Draw Equalizer if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Visible then DrawEqualizer; if (CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) or (CatSongs.VisibleSongs = 0) then begin acClose; VidVis := none; end; if UVideo.VideoOpened then begin Czas.Teraz := Czas.Teraz + TimeSkip; try acGetFrame(Czas.Teraz); if VidVis=windowed then begin Window.Left := Button[Interaction].X; Window.Right := Button[Interaction].X+Button[Interaction].W; Window.Upper := Button[Interaction].Y; Window.Lower := Button[Interaction].Y+Button[Interaction].H; Window.windowed := true; {if CoverTime>=Ini.PreviewFading then begin glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1); glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(Window.Left, Window.Upper); glVertex2f(Window.Left, Window.Lower); glVertex2f(Window.Right, Window.Lower); glVertex2f(Window.Right, Window.Upper); glEnd; end; } SetAspectCorrection(acoCrop); Blend := (CoverTime-1.75)/Ini.PreviewFading; if Blend<0 then Blend := 0 else if Blend>1 then Blend := 1; acDrawGLi(ScreenAct, Window, Blend); end else if VidVis=full then begin acDrawGL(ScreenAct); end; //ResetAspectCorrection; if (Czas.Teraz>=Czas.Razem) then begin acClose; VidVis := none; end; except //If an Error occurs drawing: prevent Video from being Drawn again and Close Video log.LogError('Error drawing Video, Video has been disabled for this Song/Session.'); Log.LogError('Corrupted File: ' + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Video); try acClose; VidVis := none; except end; end; end else StartVideoPreview; if (VidVis = full) and AspectHandler.changed and (AspectHandler.change_time+3>Czas.Teraz) then begin DrawAspect; end else if AspectHandler.changed and (AspectHandler.change_time+3 0) and CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) then begin for I := 0 to 2 do Text[TextTop[I]].Visible := false; Static[StaticTop].Visible := false; end; if (Mode = smNormal) and (Ini.ShuffleTime>0) and not MakeMedley and not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main and (Length(CatSongs.Song)-CatSongs.CatCount>1) then begin if (WaitHandler.changed and (((Ini.ShuffleTime<9) and (WaitHandler.change_time + TimeSkip>Ini.ShuffleTime*15)) or (Music.Finished))) then begin WaitHandler.change_time := 0; if (not WaitHandler.active) then begin WaitHandler.active := true; WaitHandler.lastIndex := Interaction; WaitHandler.lastCat := CatSongs.CatNumShow; end; if(Ini.Tabs_at_startup<>1) then begin //Random in one Category SetLength(VisArr, 0); for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not (I=Interaction)then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; if (Length(VisArr)>0) then begin I := Random(Length(VisArr)); I := VisArr[I]; //Choose Song SkipTo2(I); end; end else begin //random in All Categorys SetLength(VisArr, 0); for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if not CatSongs.Song[I].Main and (I<>Interaction)then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; if (Length(VisArr)>0) then begin I2 := Random(Length(VisArr)); I2 := VisArr[I2]; //Search Cat for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then break; end; //Choose Cat CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; ShowCatTL (I); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I); //Choose Song SkipTo2(I2); end; end; Music.PlayChange; ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; end else WaitHandler.change_time := WaitHandler.change_time + TimeSkip; end; DrawExtensions; end; procedure TScreenSong.DrawAspect(); var txt: PChar; w, h: real; str: string; begin //draw quad glColor4f(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.6); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(270, 20); glVertex2f(270, 60); glVertex2f(530, 60); glVertex2f(530, 20); glEnd; glDisable(GL_BLEND); //print Text case UVideo.fAspectCorrection of acoStretch: str := Language.Translate('VIDEO_ASPECT_STRETCH'); acoCrop: str := Language.Translate('VIDEO_ASPECT_CROP'); acoLetterBox: str := Language.Translate('VIDEO_ASPECT_LETTER_BOX'); else str := 'error'; end; glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); h := 11*ScreenH/RenderH; SetFontStyle(1); SetFontItalic(false); SetFontSize(h); w := glTextWidth(PChar(str)); SetFontPos (RenderW/2-w/2, 20); txt := Addr(str[1]); glPrint(txt); end; procedure TScreenSong.SelectNext; var Skip, Skip2: integer; I: integer; VS: Integer; begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; if VS > 0 then begin UnLoadDetailedCover; Skip := 1; Skip2:= 0; if (Mode=smChallenge) and not PartyMedley then begin while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible or PartySessionM2.SongPlayed(CatSongs.CatNumShow, (Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)) or SongSkipped((Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions))) do begin if not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible then Inc(Skip) else Inc(Skip2); end; end else if PartyMedley then begin while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible or (CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)].Medley.Source < MinSource) or PartyPlayedMedley((Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)) or SongSkipped((Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions))) do begin if not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible then Inc(Skip) else Inc(Skip2); end; end else if (Mode=smParty) then begin while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible or PartyPlayedSong((Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)) or SongSkipped((Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions))) do begin if not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible then Inc(Skip) else Inc(Skip2); end; end else begin while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible or SongSkipped((Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions))) do begin if not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible then Inc(Skip) else Inc(Skip2); end; end; SongTarget := SongTarget + 1 + Skip2;//Skip; Interaction := (Interaction + Skip + Skip2) mod Length(Interactions); // try to keep all at the beginning if SongTarget > VS-1 then begin SongTarget := SongTarget - VS; SongCurrent := SongCurrent - VS; end; end; // Interaction -> Button, ktorego okladke przeczytamy // Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false); // 0.5.0: show uncached texture end; procedure TScreenSong.SelectPrev; var Skip: integer; VS: Integer; begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; if VS > 0 then begin UnLoadDetailedCover; Skip := 1; while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction - Skip + Length(Interactions)) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible) do Inc(Skip); SongTarget := SongTarget - 1;//Skip; Interaction := (Interaction - Skip + Length(Interactions)) mod Length(Interactions); // try to keep all at the beginning if SongTarget < 0 then begin SongTarget := SongTarget + CatSongs.VisibleSongs; SongCurrent := SongCurrent + CatSongs.VisibleSongs; end; // Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false); // 0.5.0: show uncached texture end; end; procedure TScreenSong.UpdateLCD; begin{ LCD.HideCursor; LCD.Clear; LCD.WriteText(1, Text[TextArtist].Text); LCD.WriteText(2, Text[TextTitle].Text); } end; //Procedure Change current played Preview procedure TScreenSong.ChangeMusic; var I: integer; begin //When Music Preview is avtivated -> then Change Music if (Ini.PreviewVolume <> 0) then begin if (NOT CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) AND(CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0) then begin Music.Close; if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then begin if (CatSongs.Song[Interaction].PreviewStart>0) then Music.MoveTo(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].PreviewStart) else Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4); StartVideoPreview; //If Song Fading is activated then don't Play directly, and Set Volume to Null, else Play normal if (Ini.PreviewFading = 0) then begin Music.SetMusicVolume (MP3Volume); Music.Play; end else begin Music.Fade(0, MP3Volume, Ini.PreviewFading); Music.Play; end; end; end else Music.Stop; end; LoadTop; end; procedure TScreenSong.LoadTop; var I: integer; begin //Load Top 3 if (NOT CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) AND (CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0) and not MakeMedley and not PartyMedley then begin AktSong := CatSongs.Song[Interaction]; DataBase.ReadScore(AktSong, 3, {Ini.SumPlayers}0); for I := 0 to 2 do begin Text[TextTop[I]].Text := IntToStr(I+1)+'. '; end; if Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty])>0 then Static[StaticTop].Visible := true else Static[StaticTop].Visible := false; for I := 0 to Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty])-1 do begin Text[TextTop[I]].Visible := true; Text[TextTop[I]].Text := Text[TextTop[I]].Text + AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I].Name + '\n' + AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I].Date + ' (' + IntToStr(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I].Score) + ')'; end; for I := Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty]) to 2 do Text[TextTop[I]].Visible := false; end else begin for I := 0 to 2 do Text[TextTop[I]].Visible := false; Static[StaticTop].Visible := false; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.StartVideoPreview; begin if (Ini.PreviewVolume <> 0) and (Ini.MovieSize < 3) then begin if (NOT CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) AND (CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0) then begin if CoverTime<0.75 then begin acClose; VidVis := none; StartTry := true; AspectHandler.changed := false; end else if (Ini.MoviePreview=1) and StartTry then begin if (CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Video <> '') and FileExists(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Video) then begin acOpenFile(PAnsiChar(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Video)); acSkip2(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].VideoGAP, Music.Position); Czas.Teraz := Music.Position; Czas.Razem := Music.Length; StartTry := false; try acGetFrame(Czas.Teraz); VidVis := windowed; except //If an Error occurs Reading Video: prevent Video from being Drawn again and Close Video Log.LogError('Error drawing Video, Video has been disabled for this Song/Session.'); Log.LogError('Corrupted File: ' + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Video); CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Video := ''; //dirt fix try acClose; VidVis := none; except end; end; end else VidVis := none; end; end; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.SkipTo(Target: Cardinal); // 0.5.0 var I: integer; begin UnLoadDetailedCover; Interaction := High(CatSongs.Song); SongTarget := 0; for I := 1 to Target+1 do SelectNext; FixSelected2; end; procedure TScreenSong.SkipTo2(Target: Cardinal); //new begin UnLoadDetailedCover; Interaction := High(CatSongs.Song); SongTarget := 0; while Interaction<>Target do begin SelectNext; end; FixSelected2; end; procedure TScreenSong.DrawEqualizer; var Data: TFFTData; //Audio Data I, J: Integer; Res: byte; A, B: Integer; PosX, PosY: Integer; Pos: Real; begin if (not Music.Finished) AND (Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length > 0) then begin A := GetTickCount div 44; if (A <> EqualizerTime) then begin EqualizerTime := A; Data := Music.GetFFTData; B:=0; Pos := 0; Res := ceil(92/Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands);//How much channels are used for one Band //Change Lengths for I := 0 to (Res * Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands - 1) do begin A := floor(I/Res); if (A<>B) then //Band changed begin if (Pos <= Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length) then begin if ((Pos < EqualizerBands[B]) AND (EqualizerBands[B]>1)) then EqualizerBands[B] := EqualizerBands[B] - 1 else EqualizerBands[B] := floor(Pos); end else EqualizerBands[B] := 1; B := A; Pos := 0; end; if I > 35 then Data[i] := Data[i] * 8 else if I > 11 then Data[i] := Data[i] * 4.5 else Data[i] := Data[i] * 1.1; if (Data[i] >= 1) then Data[i] := 0.9999999999999; if Data[i]*Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length > Pos then Pos := Data[i]*Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length; end; //Change Last Band if (EqualizerBands[B] <= Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length) then begin if ((Pos < EqualizerBands[B]) AND (EqualizerBands[B]>1)) then EqualizerBands[B] := EqualizerBands[B] - 1 else EqualizerBands[B] := floor(Pos) end else EqualizerBands[B] := 1; end; //Draw every Channel glColor4f(Theme.Song.Equalizer.ColR, Theme.Song.Equalizer.ColG, Theme.Song.Equalizer.ColB, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Alpha); //Set Color glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_BLEND); PosY := Theme.Song.Equalizer.Y; PosX := Theme.Song.Equalizer.X; For I := 0 to Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands-1 do begin if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Direction then PosY := Theme.Song.Equalizer.Y //+ (Theme.Song.Equalizer.H + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space) * Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length else PosX := Theme.Song.Equalizer.X; //Draw for every visible quad for J := 1 to EqualizerBands[I] do begin glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex3f(PosX, PosY, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z); glVertex3f(PosX, PosY+Theme.Song.Equalizer.H, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z); glVertex3f(PosX+Theme.Song.Equalizer.W, PosY+Theme.Song.Equalizer.H, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z); glVertex3f(PosX+Theme.Song.Equalizer.W, PosY, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z); glEnd; if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Direction then //Vertically PosY := PosY - Theme.Song.Equalizer.H - Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space else //Horizontally PosX := PosX + Theme.Song.Equalizer.W + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space; end; if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Direction then //Horizontally PosX := PosX + Theme.Song.Equalizer.W + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space else //Vertically PosY := PosY + Theme.Song.Equalizer.H + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space; end; end; end; Procedure TScreenSong.SelectRandomSong; var I, I2: Integer; VisArr: array of Integer; begin if PartyMedley then begin if (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(MinSource))<=0) then begin if (GetSongsSkipped()>0) then SetLength(SkippedSongs, 0); if (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(MinSource))<=0) then SetLength(MedleyPlayed, 0); end; end else begin if (CatSongs.VisibleSongs-Length(PartyPlayed)<=0) then begin if (GetSongsSkipped()>0) then SetLength(SkippedSongs, 0); if (CatSongs.VisibleSongs-Length(PartyPlayed)<=0) then SetLength(PartyPlayed, 0); end; end; Case PlaylistMan.Mode of 0: //All Songs Just Select Random Song begin //When Tabs are activated then use Tab Method if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then begin SetLength(VisArr, 0); for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if not PartyMedley then begin if not CatSongs.Song[I].Main and not SongSkipped(I) and not PartyPlayedSong(I) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end else begin if not CatSongs.Song[I].Main and not SongSkipped(I) and not PartyPlayedMedley(I) and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source >= MinSource) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; end; if (Length(VisArr)>0) then begin I2 := Random(Length(VisArr)); I2 := VisArr[I2]; //Search Cat for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then break; end; //In I ist jetzt die Kategorie in I2 der Song //I is the CatNum, I2 is the No of the Song within this Cat //Choose Cat CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod ShowCatTL (I); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I); //SelectNext; //Choose Song SkipTo2(I2); end; end //When Tabs are deactivated use easy Method else begin SetLength(VisArr, 0); for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if not PartyMedley then begin if not CatSongs.Song[I].Main and not SongSkipped(I) and not PartyPlayedSong(I) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end else begin if not CatSongs.Song[I].Main and not SongSkipped(I) and not PartyPlayedMedley(I) and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source >= MinSource) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; end; if (Length(VisArr)>0) then begin I2 := Random(Length(VisArr)); I2 := VisArr[I2]; //Search Cat for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then break; end; //Choose Song SkipTo2(I2); end; end; end; 1: //One Category Select Category and Select Random Song begin CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList); ShowCatTL(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList); SetLength(VisArr, 0); for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if not PartyMedley then begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not SongSkipped(I) and not PartyPlayedSong(I) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end else begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not SongSkipped(I) and not PartyPlayedMedley(I) and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source >= MinSource) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; end; if (Length(VisArr)>0) then begin I2 := Random(Length(VisArr)); I2 := VisArr[I2]; //Search Cat for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then break; end; //Choose Song SkipTo2(I2); end; end; 2: //Playlist: Select Playlist and Select Random Song begin PlaylistMan.SetPlayList(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList); SetLength(VisArr, 0); for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if not PartyMedley then begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not SongSkipped(I) and not PartyPlayedSong(I) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end else begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and not SongSkipped(I) and not PartyPlayedMedley(I) and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source >= MinSource) then begin SetLength(VisArr, Length(VisArr)+1); VisArr[Length(VisArr)-1] := I; end; end; end; if (Length(VisArr)>0) then begin I2 := Random(Length(VisArr)); I2 := VisArr[I2]; //Search Cat for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then break; end; //Choose Song SkipTo2(I2); end; FixSelected2; end; end; Music.PlayChange; ChangeMusic; SetScroll; UpdateLCD; end; //do Joker in M2-MOD mode procedure TScreenSong.DoJokerM2; begin if (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker>0) then begin if (((not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) or (Ini.Tabs_at_startup=0)) and (ChooseableSongs>1)) then begin if (FoundCAT) then Dec(PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker); FoundCAT:=true; SetLength(SkippedSongs, Length(SkippedSongs)+1); SkippedSongs[Length(SkippedSongs)-1] := Interaction; end; if (ChooseableSongs > 1) then begin RandomSongChallenge; //SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs - PartySessionM2.GetSongsPlayed(CatSongs.CatNumShow) - GetSongsSkipped())); SetJoker; Music.PlayChange; ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; end; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.SetJoker; var h, x, y: real; ptxt: pchar; begin //If Party Mode if Mode = smParty then //Show Joker that are available begin if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then begin Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 1); if PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker > 5 then begin Text[TextNumJokerTeam1].Text := 'x'+IntToStr(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker); Text[TextNumJokerTeam1].Visible := true; Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := False; end else begin Text[TextNumJokerTeam1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 2); Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 3); Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 4); Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 5); end; end else begin Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := False; Text[TextNumJokerTeam1].Visible := false; end; if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then begin Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 1); if PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker > 5 then begin Text[TextNumJokerTeam2].Text := 'x'+IntToStr(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker); Text[TextNumJokerTeam2].Visible := true; Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := False; end else begin Text[TextNumJokerTeam2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 2); Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 3); Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 4); Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 5); end; end else begin Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := False; Text[TextNumJokerTeam2].Visible := false; end; if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then begin Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 1); if PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker > 5 then begin Text[TextNumJokerTeam3].Text := 'x'+IntToStr(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker); Text[TextNumJokerTeam3].Visible := true; Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := False; end else begin Text[TextNumJokerTeam3].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 2); Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 3); Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 4); Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 5); end; end else begin Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := False; Text[TextNumJokerTeam3].Visible := false; end; end else if (Mode = smChallenge) then //M2-MOD-mode begin if (PartySessionM2.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then begin Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 1); Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 2); Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 3); Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 4); Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 5); Text[TextNumJokerTeam1].Visible := false; end else begin Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := false; Text[TextNumJokerTeam1].Visible := false; end; if (PartySessionM2.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then begin Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 1); Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 2); Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 3); Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 4); Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 5); Text[TextNumJokerTeam2].Visible := false; end else begin Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := false; Text[TextNumJokerTeam2].Visible := false; end; if (PartySessionM2.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then begin Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 1); Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 2); Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 3); Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 4); Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 5); Text[TextNumJokerTeam3].Visible := false; end else begin Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := false; Text[TextNumJokerTeam3].Visible := false; end; end else begin //Hide all Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := False; Text[TextNumJokerTeam1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := False; Text[TextNumJokerTeam2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := False; Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := False; Text[TextNumJokerTeam3].Visible := false; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.SetStatics; var I: Integer; Visible: Boolean; begin //Set Visibility of Party M2 Statics and Text Visible := (Mode = smChallenge); For I := 0 to high(StaticM2Party) do Static[StaticM2Party[I]].Visible := Visible; For I := 0 to high(TextM2Party) do Text[TextM2Party[I]].Visible := Visible; //Set Visibility of Party Statics and Text Visible := (Mode = smParty); For I := 0 to high(StaticParty) do Static[StaticParty[I]].Visible := Visible; For I := 0 to high(TextParty) do Text[TextParty[I]].Visible := Visible; //Set Visibility of Non Party Statics and Text Visible := (Mode = smNormal); For I := 0 to high(StaticNonParty) do Static[StaticNonParty[I]].Visible := Visible; For I := 0 to high(TextNonParty) do Text[TextNonParty[I]].Visible := Visible; end; //Procedures for Menu procedure TScreenSong.StartSong; begin WaitHandler.changed := false; CatSongs.Selected := Interaction; Music.Stop; //Party Mode if (Mode = smParty) or (Mode = smChallenge) then begin FadeTo(@ScreenSingModi); end else begin FadeTo(@ScreenSing); end; end; procedure TScreenSong.SelectPlayers; begin CatSongs.Selected := Interaction; Music.Stop; acClose; VidVis := none; ScreenName.Goto_SingScreen := True; FadeTo(@ScreenName); end; procedure TScreenSong.OpenEditor; begin if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) and (not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) AND (Mode = smNormal) then begin Music.Stop; acClose; VidVis := none; Music.PlayStart; ScreenEditSub.Path := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path; ScreenEditSub.FileName := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].FileName; ScreenEditSub.SongIndex := Interaction; FadeTo(@ScreenEditSub); end; end; //Team No of Team (0-5) procedure TScreenSong.DoJoker (Team: Byte; SDL_ModState: Word); begin if not PartyMedley and (ChooseableSongs>1) and (Mode = smParty) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= Team + 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Joker > 0) then begin //Joker spielen if (SDL_ModState <> KMOD_LALT) then Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Joker); SetLength(SkippedSongs, Length(SkippedSongs)+1); SkippedSongs[Length(SkippedSongs)-1] := Interaction; //SetLength(PartyPlayed, Length(PartyPlayed)+1); //PartyPlayed[Length(PartyPlayed)-1] := Interaction; SelectRandomSong; SetJoker; end; if PartyMedley and (Mode=smChallenge) and (PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker>0) then begin if (ChooseableSongs>1) then begin Dec(PartySessionM2.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker); SetLength(SkippedSongs, Length(SkippedSongs)+1); SkippedSongs[Length(SkippedSongs)-1] := Interaction; //SetLength(MedleyPlayed, Length(MedleyPlayed)+1); //MedleyPlayed[Length(MedleyPlayed)-1] := Interaction; SelectRandomSong; SetJoker; end; end; if PartyMedley and (Mode=smParty) and (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Joker>0) then begin if (ChooseableSongs>1) then begin if (SDL_ModState <> KMOD_LALT) then Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Joker); SetLength(SkippedSongs, Length(SkippedSongs)+1); SkippedSongs[Length(SkippedSongs)-1] := Interaction; //SetLength(MedleyPlayed, Length(MedleyPlayed)+1); //MedleyPlayed[Length(MedleyPlayed)-1] := Interaction; SelectRandomSong; SetJoker; end; end; end; //Detailed Cover Unloading. Unloads the Detailed, uncached Cover of the cur. Song procedure TScreenSong.UnLoadDetailedCover; begin CoverTime := 0; Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', true); // 0.5.0: show cached texture Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 0; if Button[Interaction].Texture.Name <> Skin.GetTextureFileName('SongCover') then Texture.UnloadTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, false); end; procedure TScreenSong.Refresh; begin { CatSongs.Refresh; CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; Interaction := 0; SelectNext; FixSelected; } end; function TScreenSong.getVisibleMedleyArr(MinS: TMedleySource): TVisArr; var I: integer; res: TVisArr; begin SetLength(res, 0); if CatSongs.Song[Interaction].main then begin for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if not CatSongs.Song[I].main and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source >= MinS) then begin SetLength(res, Length(res)+1); res[Length(res)-1] := I; end; end; end else begin if PartyMedley then begin for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source >= MinS) and not PartyPlayedMedley(I) and not SongSkipped(I) then begin if (PlaylistMan.Mode=0) or ((PlaylistMan.Mode<>0) and CatSongs.Song[I].Visible) then begin SetLength(res, Length(res)+1); res[Length(res)-1] := I; end; end; end; end else begin for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source >= MinS) then begin SetLength(res, Length(res)+1); res[Length(res)-1] := I; end; end; end; end; Result := res; end; //start Medley round procedure TScreenSong.StartMedley(num: integer; MinS: TMedleySource); procedure AddSong(SongNr: integer); begin SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Song, Length(PlaylistMedley.Song)+1); PlaylistMedley.Song[Length(PlaylistMedley.Song)-1] := SongNr; end; function SongAdded(SongNr: integer): boolean; var i: integer; skipped :boolean; begin skipped := false; for i := 0 to Length(PlaylistMedley.Song) - 1 do begin if (SongNr=PlaylistMedley.Song[i]) then begin skipped:=true; break; end; end; Result:=skipped; end; function NumSongsAdded(): Integer; begin Result := Length(PlaylistMedley.Song); end; function GetNextSongNr(MinS: TMedleySource): integer; var I, num: integer; unused_arr: array of integer; visible_arr: TVisArr; begin SetLength(unused_arr, 0); visible_arr := getVisibleMedleyArr(MinS); for I := 0 to Length(visible_arr) - 1 do begin if (not SongAdded(visible_arr[I])) then begin SetLength(unused_arr, Length(unused_arr)+1); unused_arr[Length(unused_arr)-1] := visible_arr[I]; end; end; num := random(Length(unused_arr)); Result := unused_arr[num]; end; var I: integer; VS: integer; begin if (num>0) and not PartyMedley and not MakeMedley then begin VS := Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(MinS)); if VS < num then PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs := VS else PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs := num; Randomize; //set up Playlist Medley SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Song, 0); for I := 0 to PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs - 1 do begin AddSong(GetNextSongNr(MinS)); end; end else if not PartyMedley and not MakeMedley then //start this song begin SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Song, 1); PlaylistMedley.Song[0] := Interaction; PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs := 1; end else if PartyMedley then //PartyMedley begin AddSong(Interaction); PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs := Length(PlaylistMedley.Song); //SetLength(SkippedSongs, Length(SkippedSongs)+1); //SkippedSongs[Length(SkippedSongs)-1] := Interaction; SetLength(MedleyPlayed, Length(MedleyPlayed)+1); MedleyPlayed[Length(MedleyPlayed)-1] := Interaction; if ((Mode=smParty) and (PartySession.Rounds[PartySession.CurRound].MedleySurprise)) or ((Mode=smChallenge) and (PartySessionM2.Rounds[PartySessionM2.CurRound].MedleySurprise)) then begin VS := Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(MinS)); if VS < num then begin SetLength(MedleyPlayed, 0); VS := Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(MinS)); if VS=MinS) then begin AddSong(Interaction); PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs := Length(PlaylistMedley.Song); end; end; if (Mode=smNormal) and not MakeMedley then begin Mode := smMedley; Music.Stop; //TODO: how about case 2? menu for medley mode? case Ini.OnSongClick of 0: FadeTo(@ScreenSing); 1: SelectPlayers; 2: FadeTo(@ScreenSing); {2: begin if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist) else ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Main); end;} end; end else if PartyMedley then begin if (PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs = num) then begin Music.Stop; FadeTo(@ScreenSingModi); end else if (ChooseableSongs=1) then begin VS := Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(MinS)); if VS<1 then begin SetLength(MedleyPlayed, 0); VS := Length(getVisibleMedleyArr(MinS)); if VS<1 then begin Music.Stop; FadeTo(@ScreenSingModi); end else SelectRandomSong; end; end else SelectRandomSong; end else if MakeMedley then begin if PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs=num then begin Mode := smMedley; Music.Stop; //TODO: how about case 2? menu for medley mode? case Ini.OnSongClick of 0: FadeTo(@ScreenSing); 1: SelectPlayers; 2: FadeTo(@ScreenSing); {2: begin if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist) else ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Main); end;} end; end; end; end; end.