(* * AVOptions * copyright (c) 2005 Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* This is a part of Pascal porting of ffmpeg. Originally by Victor Zinetz for Delphi and Free Pascal on Windows. For Mac OS X, some modifications were made by The Creative CAT, denoted as CAT in the source codes *) unit opt; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} (* CAT *) {$PACKENUM 4} (* every enum type variables uses 4 bytes, CAT *) {$PACKRECORDS C} (* GCC compatible, Record Packing, CAT *) {$ENDIF} interface uses rational; (* CAT *) {$I version.inc} type TAVOptionType = ( FF_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS, FF_OPT_TYPE_INT, FF_OPT_TYPE_INT64, FF_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE, FF_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, FF_OPT_TYPE_STRING, FF_OPT_TYPE_RATIONAL, FF_OPT_TYPE_CONST = 128 ); const AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM = 1; ///< a generic parameter which can be set by the user for muxing or encoding AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM = 2; ///< a generic parameter which can be set by the user for demuxing or decoding AV_OPT_FLAG_METADATA = 4; ///< some data extracted or inserted into the file like title, comment, ... AV_OPT_FLAG_AUDIO_PARAM = 8; AV_OPT_FLAG_VIDEO_PARAM = 16; AV_OPT_FLAG_SUBTITLE_PARAM = 32; type PAVOption = ^TAVOption; TAVOption = record name: pchar; help: pchar; offset: integer; ///< offset to context structure where the parsed value should be stored _type: TAVOptionType; default_val: double; min: double; max: double; flags: integer; //FIXME think about enc-audio, ... style flags _unit: pchar; end; function av_set_string (obj: pointer; name: pchar; val: pchar): PAVOption; cdecl; external av__codec; function av_set_double (obj: pointer; name: pchar; n: double): PAVOption; cdecl; external av__codec; function av_set_q (obj: pointer; name: pchar; n: TAVRational): PAVOption; cdecl; external av__codec; function av_set_int (obj: pointer; name: pchar; n: int64): PAVOption; cdecl; external av__codec; function av_get_double (obj: pointer; name: pchar; o_out: PPointer): double; cdecl; external av__codec; function av_get_q (obj: pointer; name: pchar; o_out: PPointer): TAVRational; cdecl; external av__codec; function av_get_int (obj: pointer; name: pchar; o_out: PPointer): int64; cdecl; external av__codec; function av_get_string (obj: pointer; name: pchar; o_out: PPOinter; buf: pchar; buf_len: integer): pchar; cdecl; external av__codec; function av_next_option (obj: pointer; last: PAVOption): PAVOption; cdecl; external av__codec; function av_opt_show (obj: pointer; av_log_obj: pointer): integer; cdecl; external av__codec; procedure av_opt_set_defaults (s: pointer); cdecl; external av__codec; implementation end.