path: root/Operations.hs
diff options
authorJason Creighton <jcreigh@gmail.com>2007-05-31 06:47:33 +0200
committerJason Creighton <jcreigh@gmail.com>2007-05-31 06:47:33 +0200
commitb1047e049301158332132e4fde03c3e817770bee (patch)
tree7aed1cb41e749ce10b1da2c4148593d8c320adb4 /Operations.hs
parentad48576b8ae1c2ace415fc9d941424965a3186b0 (diff)
first shot at a floating layer
This is a first attempting at a floating layer: mod-button1: move window mod-button2: swapMaster mod-button3: resize window mod-t: make floating window tiled again Moving or resizing a window automatically makes it floating. Known issues: Hard to manage stacking order. You can promote a window to move it to the top, (which you can do with mod-button2) but it should be easier than that. Moving a window by dragging it to a different Xinerama screen does not move it to that workspace. Code is ugly. darcs-hash:20070531044733-b9aa7-c96d5263e1d3447e91f436920f4d047050ce55d9.gz
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index 2d0eac5..ce6e01f 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ module Operations where
import XMonad
import qualified StackSet as W
-import {-# SOURCE #-} Config (borderWidth)
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Config (borderWidth, modMask)
import Data.Maybe
-import Data.List (genericIndex, intersectBy)
+import Data.List (genericIndex, intersectBy, partition, delete)
import Data.Bits ((.|.))
+import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- import System.Mem (performGC)
@@ -38,17 +39,29 @@ import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
-- Bring it into focus. If the window is already managed, nothing happens.
manage :: Window -> X ()
-manage w = do
- withDisplay $ \d -> io $ do
- selectInput d w $ structureNotifyMask .|. enterWindowMask .|. propertyChangeMask
- mapWindow d w
- setWindowBorderWidth d w borderWidth
- windows $ W.insertUp w
+manage w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
+ io $ selectInput d w $ structureNotifyMask .|. enterWindowMask .|. propertyChangeMask
+ io $ mapWindow d w
+ io $ setWindowBorderWidth d w borderWidth
+ -- FIXME: This is pretty awkward. We can't can't let "refresh" happen
+ -- before the call to makeFloating, because that will resize the window and
+ -- lose the default sizing.
+ isTransient <- isJust `liftM` (io $ getTransientForHint d w)
+ if isTransient
+ then do
+ modify $ \s -> s { windowset = W.insertUp w (windowset s) }
+ makeFloating w
+ else windows $ W.insertUp w
-- | unmanage. A window no longer exists, remove it from the window
-- list, on whatever workspace it is.
+-- FIXME: clearFloating should be taken care of in W.delete, but if we do it
+-- there, floating status is lost when moving windows between workspaces,
+-- because W.shift calls W.delete.
unmanage :: Window -> X ()
-unmanage = windows . W.delete
+unmanage w = windows $ W.clearFloating w . W.delete w
-- | focus. focus window up or down. or swap various windows.
focusUp, focusDown, swapUp, swapDown, swapMaster :: X ()
@@ -141,6 +154,7 @@ refresh = do
let n = W.tag (W.workspace w)
this = W.view n ws
Just l = fmap fst $ M.lookup n fls
+ (float, tiled) = partition (flip M.member (W.floating ws)) (W.index this)
(Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = genericIndex xinesc (W.screen w)
(gt,gb,gl,gr) = genericIndex gaps (W.screen w)
@@ -148,11 +162,19 @@ refresh = do
rs <- doLayout l (Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral gl)
(sy + fromIntegral gt)
(sw - fromIntegral (gl + gr))
- (sh - fromIntegral (gt + gb))) (W.index this)
+ (sh - fromIntegral (gt + gb))) tiled
mapM_ (\(win,rect) -> io (tileWindow d win rect)) rs
- -- and raise the focused window if there is one.
- whenJust (W.peek this) $ io . raiseWindow d
+ -- move/resize the floating windows
+ (`mapM_` float) $ \fw -> whenJust (M.lookup fw (W.floating ws)) $ \(W.RationalRect rx ry rw rh) -> do
+ let Rectangle px py pw ph = genericIndex xinesc (W.screen w)
+ io $ tileWindow d fw (Rectangle (px + floor (toRational pw*rx)) (py + floor (toRational ph*ry)) (floor (toRational pw*rw)) (floor (toRational ph*rh)))
+ -- urgh. This is required because the fullscreen layout assumes that
+ -- the focused window will be raised.
+ let tiled' = maybe tiled (\x -> if x `elem` tiled then x : delete x tiled else tiled) (W.peek this)
+ io $ restackWindows d (float ++ tiled')
@@ -198,15 +220,13 @@ rescreen = do
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-buttonsToGrab :: [Button]
-buttonsToGrab = [button1, button2, button3]
-- | setButtonGrab. Tell whether or not to intercept clicks on a given window
setButtonGrab :: Bool -> Window -> X ()
-setButtonGrab grab w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ (`mapM_` buttonsToGrab) $ \b ->
- if grab then grabButton d b anyModifier w False (buttonPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask)
- grabModeAsync grabModeSync none none
- else ungrabButton d b anyModifier w
+setButtonGrab grab w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ do
+ when (not grab) $ ungrabButton d anyButton anyModifier w
+ grabButton d anyButton mask w False (buttonPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask)
+ grabModeAsync grabModeSync none none
+ where mask = if grab then anyModifier else modMask
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Setting keyboard focus
@@ -239,10 +259,11 @@ setFocusX w = withWorkspace $ \ws -> do
setButtonGrab True otherw
io $ setWindowBorder dpy otherw (color_pixel nbc)
- io $ do setInputFocus dpy w revertToPointerRoot 0
- -- raiseWindow dpy w
- setButtonGrab False w
- io $ setWindowBorder dpy w (color_pixel fbc)
+ whenX (not `liftM` isRoot w) $ do
+ io $ do setInputFocus dpy w revertToPointerRoot 0
+ -- raiseWindow dpy w
+ setButtonGrab False w
+ io $ setWindowBorder dpy w (color_pixel fbc)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Managing layout
@@ -360,3 +381,21 @@ withFocused f = withWorkspace $ \w -> whenJust (W.peek w) f
-- | True if window is under management by us
isClient :: Window -> X Bool
isClient w = withWorkspace $ return . W.member w
+-- | Make a floating window tiled
+clearFloating :: Window -> X ()
+clearFloating = windows . W.clearFloating
+-- | Make a tiled window floating
+makeFloating :: Window -> X ()
+makeFloating w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
+ xinesc <- gets xineScreens
+ sc <- (genericIndex xinesc . W.screen . W.current) `liftM` gets windowset
+ wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
+ let bw = fI . wa_border_width $ wa
+ windows $ W.makeFloating w
+ (W.RationalRect ((fI (wa_x wa) - fI (rect_x sc)) % fI (rect_width sc))
+ ((fI (wa_y wa) - fI (rect_y sc)) % fI (rect_height sc))
+ (fI (wa_width wa + bw*2) % fI (rect_width sc))
+ (fI (wa_height wa + bw*2) % fI (rect_height sc)))
+ where fI x = fromIntegral x