path: root/Operations.hs
diff options
authorDevin Mullins <me@twifkak.com>2007-10-18 04:16:51 +0200
committerDevin Mullins <me@twifkak.com>2007-10-18 04:16:51 +0200
commitde232bec7a62f6547313058962fc2ae93447106c (patch)
tree55372b9330fee790d30d605d54b0b9f8db5bbd44 /Operations.hs
parent36f5400769971e11ed44dfc9aa09599c37f1a666 (diff)
change 0/1/3 to named states, per X11-extras darcs head
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index 9343f06..fa9c5b7 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ manage w = whenX (fmap not $ isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
unmanage :: Window -> X ()
unmanage w = do
windows (W.delete w)
- setWMState w 0 {-withdrawn-}
+ setWMState w withdrawnState
modify (\s -> s {mapped = S.delete w (mapped s), waitingUnmap = M.delete w (waitingUnmap s)})
-- | Modify the size of the status gap at the top of the current screen
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ hide w = whenX (gets (S.member w . mapped)) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ do selectInput d w (clientMask .&. complement structureNotifyMask)
unmapWindow d w
selectInput d w clientMask
- setWMState w 3 --iconic
+ setWMState w iconicState
-- this part is key: we increment the waitingUnmap counter to distinguish
-- between client and xmonad initiated unmaps.
modify (\s -> s { waitingUnmap = M.insertWith (+) w 1 (waitingUnmap s)
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ hide w = whenX (gets (S.member w . mapped)) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
-- this is harmless if the window was already visible
reveal :: Window -> X ()
reveal w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
- setWMState w 1 --normal
+ setWMState w normalState
io $ mapWindow d w
modify (\s -> s { mapped = S.insert w (mapped s) })