path: root/Operations.hs
diff options
authorDon Stewart <dons@cse.unsw.edu.au>2007-05-31 10:53:08 +0200
committerDon Stewart <dons@cse.unsw.edu.au>2007-05-31 10:53:08 +0200
commite2bd155668c681377886ce0b2861ce8036db1d88 (patch)
tree13d75cb23a8fd544bb794c52fcfa6f3a89f121e9 /Operations.hs
parentb1047e049301158332132e4fde03c3e817770bee (diff)
clean up mouse code a bit
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index ce6e01f..9bdd962 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ manage w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ setWindowBorderWidth d w borderWidth
-- FIXME: This is pretty awkward. We can't can't let "refresh" happen
- -- before the call to makeFloating, because that will resize the window and
+ -- before the call to float, because that will resize the window and
-- lose the default sizing.
- isTransient <- isJust `liftM` (io $ getTransientForHint d w)
+ isTransient <- isJust `liftM` io (getTransientForHint d w)
if isTransient
- then do
- modify $ \s -> s { windowset = W.insertUp w (windowset s) }
- makeFloating w
+ then do modify $ \s -> s { windowset = W.insertUp w (windowset s) }
+ float w -- ^^ now go the refresh.
else windows $ W.insertUp w
-- | unmanage. A window no longer exists, remove it from the window
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ manage w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
-- there, floating status is lost when moving windows between workspaces,
-- because W.shift calls W.delete.
unmanage :: Window -> X ()
-unmanage w = windows $ W.clearFloating w . W.delete w
+unmanage w = windows $ W.sink w . W.delete w
-- | focus. focus window up or down. or swap various windows.
focusUp, focusDown, swapUp, swapDown, swapMaster :: X ()
@@ -154,10 +154,11 @@ refresh = do
let n = W.tag (W.workspace w)
this = W.view n ws
Just l = fmap fst $ M.lookup n fls
- (float, tiled) = partition (flip M.member (W.floating ws)) (W.index this)
+ (flt, tiled) = partition (flip M.member (W.floating ws)) (W.index this)
(Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = genericIndex xinesc (W.screen w)
(gt,gb,gl,gr) = genericIndex gaps (W.screen w)
+ -- just the tiled windows:
-- now tile the windows on this workspace, modified by the gap
rs <- doLayout l (Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral gl)
(sy + fromIntegral gt)
@@ -165,16 +166,24 @@ refresh = do
(sh - fromIntegral (gt + gb))) tiled
mapM_ (\(win,rect) -> io (tileWindow d win rect)) rs
- -- move/resize the floating windows
- (`mapM_` float) $ \fw -> whenJust (M.lookup fw (W.floating ws)) $ \(W.RationalRect rx ry rw rh) -> do
+ -- now the floating windows:
+ -- move/resize the floating windows, if there are any
+ (`mapM_` flt) $ \fw -> whenJust (M.lookup fw (W.floating ws)) $
+ \(W.RationalRect rx ry rw rh) -> do
let Rectangle px py pw ph = genericIndex xinesc (W.screen w)
- io $ tileWindow d fw (Rectangle (px + floor (toRational pw*rx)) (py + floor (toRational ph*ry)) (floor (toRational pw*rw)) (floor (toRational ph*rh)))
+ io $ tileWindow d fw (Rectangle (px + floor (toRational pw*rx))
+ (py + floor (toRational ph*ry))
+ (floor (toRational pw*rw))
+ (floor (toRational ph*rh)))
- -- urgh. This is required because the fullscreen layout assumes that
- -- the focused window will be raised.
- let tiled' = maybe tiled (\x -> if x `elem` tiled then x : delete x tiled else tiled) (W.peek this)
+ -- TODO seems fishy?
+ -- Urgh. This is required because the fullscreen layout assumes that
+ -- the focused window will be raised. Hmm. This is a reordering.
+ let tiled' = case W.peek this of
+ Just x | x `elem` tiled -> x : delete x tiled
+ _ -> tiled
- io $ restackWindows d (float ++ tiled')
+ io $ restackWindows d (flt ++ tiled')
@@ -382,20 +391,30 @@ withFocused f = withWorkspace $ \w -> whenJust (W.peek w) f
isClient :: Window -> X Bool
isClient w = withWorkspace $ return . W.member w
+-- | Floating layer support
-- | Make a floating window tiled
-clearFloating :: Window -> X ()
-clearFloating = windows . W.clearFloating
+sink :: Window -> X ()
+sink = windows . W.sink
--- | Make a tiled window floating
-makeFloating :: Window -> X ()
-makeFloating w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
+-- | Make a tiled window floating, using its suggested rectangle
+float :: Window -> X ()
+float w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
xinesc <- gets xineScreens
sc <- (genericIndex xinesc . W.screen . W.current) `liftM` gets windowset
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
- let bw = fI . wa_border_width $ wa
- windows $ W.makeFloating w
- (W.RationalRect ((fI (wa_x wa) - fI (rect_x sc)) % fI (rect_width sc))
- ((fI (wa_y wa) - fI (rect_y sc)) % fI (rect_height sc))
- (fI (wa_width wa + bw*2) % fI (rect_width sc))
- (fI (wa_height wa + bw*2) % fI (rect_height sc)))
- where fI x = fromIntegral x
+ let bw = fi . wa_border_width $ wa
+ windows $ W.float w
+ (W.RationalRect ((fi (wa_x wa) - fi (rect_x sc)) % fi (rect_width sc))
+ ((fi (wa_y wa) - fi (rect_y sc)) % fi (rect_height sc))
+ (fi (wa_width wa + bw*2) % fi (rect_width sc))
+ (fi (wa_height wa + bw*2) % fi (rect_height sc)))
+ where fi x = fromIntegral x
+-- | Toggle floating bit
+-- TODO not useful unless we remember the original size
+-- toggleFloating :: Window -> X ()
+-- toggleFloating w = gets windowset >>= \ws -> if M.member w (W.floating ws) then sink w else float w